Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)

mL3E3-DAimE DAILY MOIlSKa, SXm IV), 1894. PERSONAL COMMENT. OUR THANKS Great Remnant Salei .1 liv Broadway During nearly four months of active business, and especially durirm our great sale week, HUNDREDS OF REMNANTS Accumulated in all the different departments, commencing Tuesday,) June 18 and continuing the balance of the week we shall inauguarate a specicl sale of Remnants to close them out regardless of cost, we? shill offer them at prices that will insure their sale. Among them you will find desirable short lengths of from one to nine yards in I Silks, Black and Colored Dress Goods, I White Goods, Linens, Ginghams, Satines, I Prints, Muslins, Wash Goods, Etc) Also desirable goods, slightly soiled, that have been in the windows or 1 used in decorating, all of which will be'closed out regardless of cost. Costs and Notwithstanding that our sales last week were very large, wt have yet a desirable line to select from, especially in the finer ones, anc.

we shall continue the low prices that prevail ed during the sale. I SPECIAL We shall open on Tuesday an entire new line of white goods, plair and dotted swiss, mulls, dimities. India linen, embroideries, embroid. ered flouncings, new laces, Lower Prices Than Ever Before By saving bills, amount t2K. vou or chair.

You receive a rocker with ical chest for amount $50 bills. Standard patterns for July now Goods House, 8 South Main Street Get Wheels in Your Head. On July 2nd. and 3rd. Lantern parade on the evening of July 2nd.

RACES AT WEST SIDE PARK. July 3rd. at 2 o'clock. The flyers will are some of them. be there, here JOHN S.

JOHNSON, Champion of the World, his mile record is 1 minute and 55 seconds, See him on his 15 pound Stearns. CALLAHAN, AND TAYLOR. And there's TAXIS and KENEDY the Sterling team TITUS, WELLS. BRANDT und other flyers. DAN CANARY, Champion Trick Rider of the World will Per-" form on his wheel.

Don't forget the Ministrel Entertainment of the Century Wheelmen of Philadelphia at the Grand in the evening. Davis Cash Grocers. Always buy at our store and save money, 3 lbs. French Prunes 25c. Root Beer, 25 cent Bottles, our price 3 bottles for 25c 6 bars Star Soap 25c.

6 bars Quaker Soap 25c 6 bars Bee Soap 25c. 2 cans Fancy Salmon, Fancy, 2 cans for 25c. 4 cans Brown's Peas 25c. Best 25 cent Tea in the World -AT- Davis Bros. Cash Grocers.

AlWays the Cheapest. Don't waste your money on "fake" sales became a big More advertises them. I have tbe en tire ktock of a well-known boose which had The Finest Millinery Hat Trimmed and untrlmmed that I am positively selling at WHOLESALE PRICES, I want you to see these goods. The prices and styies will determin whether yon want to may or not. You will not be urged.

MRS. C. BUSH 175 Kaat Market WILKES-BARRE, IT WILL OPEN TUESDAYJUNE 1' AND WILL CONTINUE FOR TEN DAYS Our Gigantic OUR thanks are due to the generous public who made our great MIDSEAS0N SALE Sale the success it was. When we announced in our advertisem*nts that we quoted lower prices for first-class seasonable merchandise than was ever offered before. We simply told the truth.

That the people took us at our word was evident from the crowds of delighted purchasers that thronged our store from morning until night. We will only say that the results of the sale are entirely gratifying to us. While the margin of profit to us was very small yet we believe that the great bargains we scattered broadcast will in due season return to us a hundredfold of new customers, which was the first and principle ob ject of the sale. Respectfully, LAZARUS BROTHERS. One-price Dry LEVY BROS cVCs PET! The Carpet season is here.

We are prepared to show you the largest assortment of choice new patterns in Wiltons, Axminsters, Moquettes, Velvets, Lowell, Bige-low, Body Brussels, Tapestries, Agras and extra super Ingrain Carpets at prices guaranteed the lowest. A FEW SPECIALS. Best Brussels from 6oc up. Best Moquettes from 90c up. Best Axminsters from $1 up.

Best Velvet from 75c up. All wool Ingrain from 50c up. Union Ingrain from 30c up. Cotton Ingrain from 22c up. Straw Mattings from 10c up.

Oil Cloth Mattings, from 20c up. Linoleums from 50c up. An Enormous Stock of RUGS, DRAPERIES, at Proportionately Low Prices. 23 SOUTH MAIN STREET VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 136 E.

MARKET STREET. Dr. Harry Walter. Telephone 1712. entrances and exits, and execcu- LAZARUS CAR DEES toiture receive an oak table, music stand i cushion, a hall rack and medj ready, ask for catalogue.

5 FURNITURE STOH BROTHERS! Sulci Will Preyal During This Time Wholesale Prices Among our mammoth stock. Room must be made for fall style pirtino toxa. "Good -bye, sweetheart, bow bird to put I let you go away. To think of you the long night through, And through the tiresome day. Wben we might go wbeiu bluebell blow And pluck ibe scented may-Bow bard to part.

By own sweetheart, How bard to go away I 'What joy to meet, my love, my aweet, Wben 1 come baok Wben loveaad time at last ihall rhyme And slug the dirge of pain. Then hand In band through the quiet land We two will go full fain, And life grow tweet wben we two meet And your true love cornea again." E. Nesbit. It looks as though the candidacy of D. O.

Coughlln for the orphans court was in the interest of Candidate Rhone. Mr. Coughlln ought to bo aware that in no sense Is there any prospect of his carrying off the nomination. He is not a lawyer of such practice as to warrant putting him in a position of such responsibility. For these and sundry reasons we believe his candidacy is an Ill-advised move and wil! only tend to make the contest of Garman more difficult.

Of course it will not prevent Garman'g nomination but it will withdraw some votes from hLm that would otherwise go to his support and accomplish nothing for Mr. Coughlln. If he Is wise and takes the advice of those friendly to him, he will get out of the fight. What rot it Is to allege that it is unbecoming in Professor Shell, of the Pitts-ton public schools, to takq part and give expression of his views on some contemplated public improvements. The criticisms and objections to his cause are puerile and weak.

The fact that Mr. Shiel occupies the position of Superintendent of the schools does not Ear him from having a voice in any matter that Is for the public benefit and interest. The opinion of such men as Mr. Shiel should be sought for and welcomed on all subjects of progression, and no sensible person can see wherein he neglects the duties of his position by taking an active interest in borough matters. On the surface it looks as though the fool killer was sadly needed up in I'ittston.

An impression was conveyed through the testimony of Senator Vest In the Sugar Trust Investigation that Senator Hill was one of the combine of Senators who held the hands of the Senate committee in charge of the tariff bill and secured the fixing of the rate of duty to the enormous benefit of that great corporation, The Senator on Monday took the most careful pains to deny that he was In any manner responsible for the fixing of the duty, and cited that he voted for free sugar as proof that the duty as fixed was not satisfactory to him. One thing Is certain, that Senator Hill's hands are cleau of all responsibility for putting millions of dollars In the pockets of the Sugar Trust. That odium is not his and he was wise in placing himself right before the public. Mrs. John Farrell has written the words and Mr.

John S. Kammerer the music of a pretty ballad with a waltz refrain, called "The Laddies of the Sea." Both music and words are very taking, and we believe it Is destined to become widely known and popular. The New Y6rk Recorder says it Is only fair to the New York police, for the public to reserve their decision In the matter of the investigation now going in "until tho accused shall have had a full and fair hearing. This, of course Is right, but when so many examples arc turning up of their bullying and intimidating witnesses who have been subpoenaed, the public are forced to conclude that their defense Is not going to be of sufficient weight to establish their innocence. Standing out in noon day boldness is the fact that within a few years after securing a captainship in the service, every one of them amass a fortune running up into the hundreds of thousands.

This could not be done on the salary of a captain, hence the only conclusion is, that It is the result of a blackmail and tribute from crime. It has been openly suspected for years, but the Investigation has settled the suspicion into one of positive proof. Judging from the zeal that tho Philadelphia Times defends the course of tha Senate In imposing a duty on sugar, for tho sole benefit of the trust, It Is entitled to the "bun" as the champion "Cuckoo" paper of the country. It can't be possible that this Is the same Times that so lately and loudly proclaimed in favor of tariff We can't credit It, and we are Inclined to the belief that some Mc-Kinlevlte must have obtained ingress to the Times sanctum, and writes defending the trust in the absence of tho tarilf reform editor. We feel like the Times management that thry should be more careful, for the McKlnleyltes are obiqutous and fertile in catering to their interests.

Forty-seven railroad conductors, employed on the Lehigh Valley Buffalo division and who went out on strike, last November, have brought suit to recover a strike allowance, promised' them by Grand Conductor Clark, while they were unemployed. Clark denies that a strike allowance was promised them, and says that the suits will be vigorously contested In tho courts. Both Protestants and Catholics unite In opposition to the publication In the Herald of Zola's but the Herald, with charming frankness, publishes tho attacks on the story and continues to print a fresh Installment of It every Sunday. If the Herald readers dislike the story they have a way of escape by refusing; to buy the paper. No Independent journal will allow itself to be dictated to In the running of the paper by a few dlsgnstod spirits, and they should be sensiblo In recognizing this.

Stop the paper If it Is objectionable Is the course to pursue, Ilarmory seems sadly lacking In the Brotnorhood of Elks. There Is a schism between them that Is more than likely will disrupt the organization In twain or poHsllilv altogether. A meeting of the (J rand Lodge is being held at Jamestown, New York, and several Lodges of New York City have nut themselves on record as disputing their right to transact any business for the organization. It Is tiretty kettle of fish the order Is getting in and what the result will bo Is a matter of conjecturo. Hon.

George Shonk and Postmastet Landmesser are paying a visit to a gold mine In which they luve an Investment in Virginia. Mr. Shonk Is pretty lucky in his Investments, but we think that a little investigation of a member of his force would be more profitable to Postmaster Landmesser than looking after goldmines. Maybe he will do so on his return. All you horsem*n are cordially invited to Lohmann's restaurant, where you will find the best accommodations for getting the finest meals at short notice.

Tha bar is complete in all details. Tho fines'! In this sale reliable furniture will go at at retail, by the singf piece, at same prices as purchased at-wholesale in immense qua tities. It will pay vou to buy for the'future even if not ia nel TO UNO GIRLS altering womanhood ought to have just the special help that Dr. Fierce Favorite lYescrip-tion can give. They need to be started right The Preecription aids and promotes) the proper functions, corrects the aeucate weaKneessi and derangements that might become chronic, establishes regularity and health, lessens pain.

xney wane a nounsnmg, ante strengthening such as an experienced physician has especially prepared for the female system, in tha Pre-scription." In every "female complaint" and weakness, and in all nervous conditions, if itdoesnt benefit cure, the money will be returned. Miss Haooib Jackson, of Barbreek, St Im dry Parini, says I was lying sick for some time with female complaints, and all the medicine my friends (rave me did me no goot. Death was approaching; all my friends baa) firen me up to die. I heard of your wonder ul medicine, and I bought two bottles of It, and before 1 tina taaen tin ie last, I grot entirely well. I am still enjoying good health, and ex- pect to praise your medicine every where I go.

THE AMERICAN UNION IJfe Insurance Company, of Mew York, Ca9h capital $500,000. Correspondence solicited regarding insurance upon the lives of men and women. Address The American Lifb Insurance Co, Room 4, Ilollenback Building, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Doee Iloneaty Fay? We can prove It by the immense sales of musical Instruments and the testimonials are of the highest. Call at 121 South Main street.

We have the Weber, Everett and Stivessant makes of pianos, which are selling cheap for cash or easy terms on credit. Guernsey 121 South Main street. Almost a Fatal Accident. A middle aged man came near ending his useful career on this earth the other evening in a most simplo way. lie came up South Main street in company with a friend, when opposite Matt Stephens' he undertook to cross before an approaching; car to the other side for the purpose of leaving his measure for ono of those elegant summer suits which Mr.

Stephens has the reputation of making, when in the middle of the road his foot slipped firostrating him before the fast approach-ng car, his friend seeing the danger rushed to the rescue and succeeded in pulling him off in the nick of time. Attractive styles, good material, best of workmanship and low prices are the hats and bonnets that are sold at The Bom Ton. Try a meal in the open air under a weet smelling arbor at Bacha-ach's, 27 South Maiu street. TKY LEVISON'S LONDRES. Elegant Summer suits made up for 130.

at Miller's, corner North Main street ana Public Square. The finest summer garden in town at Bacharacu's, 27 South Main street. Are You Going to See the Race? I mean the human race at Glasser's leaving orders for a suit of those beautiful summer suits. TEY LEVISON'S LONDRES. Do Yea Know That for 118 you can procure a nice summer suit made to order and of the best material at Glassers's, 1G2 East Market street.

You will be in the open air away from the glare of the sun and enjoy the sweet scent of the grape arbor at Bacharach's, 27 South Main street. Pocket Time Table. PENNSYLVANIA. Leave Will es-Barre: A.M.-7:25, 10.1S. P.M.-8:12.

S.OO. tuoday, P.M.-4:40. LEHIGH VA uEY. West: 260, 8 80, 7 30, oO, 40, am 1224, 1S5, 230. 840.

,5 5. .30, 9 20, 11 05, p.m. Kant 2(5 3:00. 8 10 .00 105. 115 4 IS, 6 90' nunaay ah, 3 uu, uo sia, 4 is, pm.

New i ork and Phllar elpbla. Sunday West war' 2 12 10, 1 35. 38 1105, p.m. R. Fast 52, am.

1 10 4 05, 5 10 pm. Suo day 2 45 pm. Scrantoa 9 3a, 10 13, 11 03 10 00, 10,24, pm. Sunday 7 50, 10 53. 11 56,5 55, pm.

Nanllcuket 10, 10 01, 8 40 pm. Saturday 11 00 p.m. W- A E. B. R.

Leave Wllkes-Ilarre at '7 05 am. and 6 37 pm, Arriving at New 35 pin. and li 23 am. We have received a magnificent line of Trimmed and Untrmmed Sailors. Of the latest style and design ranging from 15c, up $2.98.

LEGHORN HATS In ladies misses and children. Trimmed ranging from 75c up to $3.98. Untrimmcd from 38c ud to $1.48. On the above goods we have made special prices in order to induce economic buyers. All our imported patterns in Hats and Bonnnets Will be positively sold Below Cost.

Wholesale and Retail. MAURICE HEINZ. NOW IS YOUR TIME! naTlnf bombt VX worth of ahoea at hard Hum prle, we are prupired to tlve you a txtttar iboe for lem money tbari ever before. Fleeae lv na a call. JENKINS 28 S.

Main mm li. sun. THE 00 TO 001 TOii T4 Public Square. Marvellous values throughout our entire establishment C3 Choicest patterns in best quality Japanese silks full 24 and 27 inch wide, exceedingly strong and pliable; the correct summer silk for dresses, waists, wrap' pers etc. usually sold for 75c, $1.00 and $1.69 per yard and good value at that, the price this week will be 39c and 98c FROM THE "RECORD" OF uASI WtUINhbUAY: We would remind the ladies of IVilkes-Barre that the Broadway on Public Square is exhibiting a most beautiful line of imported wash dress goods of every paltern and description.

Do not make your purchase before you have paid the Broadway a visit and acquainted yourself with the low prices now in vogue in that popular store. 74 Public Square. 7 1 5 THIS WEEK ONLY 50c BOYS PANTS FOR ND BOY'S BLUE SAILOR SUITS FOR Simon Long's Sons BIG CLOTHING SALE. tANWUATKS CAIID.S. FOR JUDGE OF THE ORPHANS' COURT.


Pnbjept to thp decision of Ue emocratic County convention. FOR CONGRESS. JOHN LEISENRING, Of Upper Lehigh. Eubjcct to the dtclion of tha Republican couvf-ntion. FOR 1'EOTHOJkOTARy.

N. GAVITT, OF HAZLETON. JKutJwt to Use decision of tba Republican Fa DISTRICT ATTORNEY. ibis f*ck SIks 5QC for some time to come. $5.00 Oak Extension Tables will go at Oak Set Dining Chairs will go at J8.C0.

16.00 Oak Sideboards will go at I 5.00 Oak Office Tilting Chairs will go at J3.C0. 40.00 Oak Bedroom Suits will go at J28.C0. 18.00 Cheval glass will go at 1 1 .00. 20.00 China case will 20 at SI 3.00. No idea of.

the bargains which will be offered can be given in limited space. The price cut will affect the high grade goods propl tionately. -Everything will be included. Parlor and Bedroom Suii -Dining room Furniture, Library Furniture, Couches, Office Desks a -I unairs. iron ana Brass Beds, r-oiaing tseas, wararoDes.

easy naa White and Gold and all gold odd pieces and so on almost without Don't delay but call early' while the selection in best. iirrinnnii'tn Ase ilbiJuluii A Very Large an Choice Line of mAUICAL WOII ooks and OF THE WORK OF A LIFETIME THE ATTAINMENT OF TIRELESS AMBITION THE REWARD OF HONEST MERIT ENTITLED ROYAL THEATRE OF ART Because, its the only exhibition of its kind on earth. Introducing thousands of Mechanical Figures which perform, with costly scener, tationen properties, lights, making their At S. L. BROWN'S, 111 Public Sauare.

LOW PRICES TALK. ting meir various ciever araa exciung scenes sucnas ouiiai vy nigmiu the Alps, River Dee Scene, Storm at Sea, Burning of Ship, Exciting Battle Scene, with a Big Fight on Battle Field, in such a thoroughly human manner as would eause the belief that they are amazing mechanical actors, whose marvelousljy meritorious manoeuvers are the theme and admiration of the entire rworld, never been equalled and is bound to interest and astonish all wfho see it. Most CompIete-'Exhibition of the kind ever projccteJ The home of refined elegance. The above wondetrs wers made by one family in Switzerland, taking the combined familry over six years to accomplish it. It was intended for the World's Fair.

Arriving too late the management will present it to the public for a limited season, Every visitor will be presented with an elegant present Gold and silver groceries etc. Admission, 19 Cents. No 4 Main Street, Wilkes-Barre And we are bound to keep our low me name ui ocnmg and neatest made GL price ball rolling. We already 1 LOWEST PRICES. S6.50.S7.50.

$8. $9.00 and J0 non $9, $10 and $2, should oc $4.50. $5, $5, $6.50, 11 and $3,1 numerous to mention from $1 up IN THE CITY FOR Our Men's Cheviot Suits for Fine Worsted Suits $7.50, 53.50, the attention of all. Our Young Men's Suits for $4, stunners to our coiuijcuiwia. Our Children's Suits are too can't be excelled.

THE t. QUEEN CO. of Philadelphia. IB IK WILKES-BARBE, a PARKERS. JEWELER, Every Friday, 9 a.

m. to 5:30 p. m. Thore la no sfr, surer, or chmiper mothoJ of obtaining proper rulliif for OTrHtralnxl and rlcfwmvs fye-ifht, arnl liquors. Ktegmaier'n celebrated Llubot-m-haner lager, and I'abst Milwaukee Bohemian on draught at Lolimann'a.

Grand rifttte. Tl Prt f'-pit TWte of the li. of v. i pt, I 'i a rwnits frnir to o'ib WOO JT re1ce II ROSEMFELH forth, than to consult taw fel'ICtUAUST. Corr are prcuflll S'l7! fi.tt fMlit to tr.

Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.