The Observer from London, Greater London, England (2024)

THE OBSERVER; SUNDAY, MARCH 8, ifr96 of tle TPaf. LEADER OF WOMENr iougkton THE OLD SQUIRE. At tennis he beat Barie playing with gloved hand, against jacket and receiving fifteen. He killed 1 100' "pheas Great Holiday Fiction List SEVEN SHILLINGS, 'ANfi SIXPENCE NET EACH ReoollecUd In By, Janet K. Oourtnsy.

(Helnemann. 12s. Sd. net.l In a world of organisation where for Easter reading (76 net each) Squire OsbaidMton His Autobiography." fdlld, with tary, by B. 6.

Ouming, Introdubtion by Sir Theodore Cook, and many illustrations. (Lano. Two. guineas.) (By J. C.

SQUIRE Tliis book is the Tutankhamen's tomb formerly none but men counted, Mrs. Courtney has been a pioneer amongst women. Though the field is now thrown her experience has been of a' THE FINAL COUNT "SAPPER." Author of -Ball-Dog Drarnmond, etc. carries us AmnMexiZy along rom fort page to lost Bufi-Dtig Ziinrjnonel is at Us greatest Daily -Mail. it ants with 10U; snotsT and he put ten shots, with a pistol, into the ace of diamonds at thirty feet.

Though but five feet' sis himself, he boxed the Lifeguardsman, who was six feet, and broke his ribs. He was steeplechase rider; won a wager on a 2(XVmile ride when'he was forty-five and suffering from severe injury; and eight rode' his own'. horse in the March Stakes at Goodwood, and only a neck. He played- billiards for forty hJurs at a Btretch: indeed, it is. difficult mention, any exercise at which not excel, with his amazing combination of natural brilliance and stamina.

variety not easy to emulate in this freer of sporting archaeology. It is nearly time, and her pages are full of characters and encounters described with' verve and zest. The Wordsworthian title sug Pimek sxm vf I- had haly readfa bzen paea before I began to ask myself Zane Grey THE VANISHING INDIAN SPOILT MUSIC gests a spirit of mild repose, but fromi tWhojiis, Kenneth why nave i never beard of him The Raby M. Ayres seventy years since the "most versatile and famous of English sportsmen, prompted by the irresistible request of a dear and faithful wife," sat down, to write, his recollections. It is sixty imnwtM oAM.nn r.

Hnv-hM-nen oonr DS as road mid-jiarrative onwaras Mrs. tounney. finds' herself Carried from novel YELLOW CORN Upton Gray ay il 'fArpttH story. withr vivid iararierUatiori and dramatic narrative which'carries the reader on to the end of the artivitv to'nhotlier. and her stvle eathers TBfi PLUNGE OF THE PADDINGTONS Ewan Agnew admirable vigour.

Between the first and THE PEARL THIEF years since he died, and' there are few men olive who ever saw him. Some, no Berta Ruck me secoau ijmvea oi ie jjouk mere.w strong contrast. Here we must pass by the quiet earlier chapters about life in r.inrrtlriKhirft- its clerics and' its' aoubt, in his last yearB of garrulous domesticity, were aware that the Old Squire had defied the demons of snelltnir i ne ocnQoner vaniorniai By HENRY. BURGESS DRAKE 'Ws His own account of most of his feats will be found here; and a great deal about other-people. Deliberate, vivid writing was not a thing which would enter his mind, but he had a natural iouires.

Then we have Oxford in ine. TH CELESTIAL CITY By BARONESS ORCZY. Author of The Scarlet Pimpernel, etc The uonderful and fascinating romance by Bareness Orcry, author, of The Scarlet Pimpernel. eichlies. when rauier sunereu and produced a substantial manuscript the legend of it has always lingered.

When at. last it came to lieht. amoncr The Daily Chronicle says v'fc full-blopded story of adventure on.sea and laaii written with considerable power and 7 gift for a vivid sketches, other 4. than recognised, hiid to be chaperoned at every turn; subsequent period of lee-, turing and--teaching is summed up in, snmR drastic and' wise comments on 0 papers possessed by his step-grandson, 8 briefly, -and Mr. G.

H. Williamsf of Chippenham, Xe Us, a "faf competently. One of touib-robhera were harrl nt bis best is that which; relates to Goody tomb-robbers were hard at work upon IVliss Anne Tlankertoii SIGNS AND WjONDERS xC-. rc girla' schools in general. Mrs.

however, became -connected with the famous Labour'the early Mi uy aa-ju iiwuiu IF DREAMS COME TRUE Alice Ross Colvex GOLDEN GORSE A. G. Hal5 THE-CALL OF THE PEOPLE Latttence OaSrki Levi's attempt, almost successful, to win the Derby with a four-year-old, substituted, at the last moment: and there are many bright glimpses or the excitements and disturbances of the euuiuuiy jMoiMing, una oegun to destroy the labours of one who had mastered so many nobler and larger beasts. What Mr." Cuiriing now gives us, in so magnificent a form, was snatched and then snent twelve years One of the most delightful books of the Courier. 'A finely conceived work by ah author whose style has won admiration, withsr atmosphere, which can best be described as East Anglian Daily Tinte in the Bank of England as Its first super intendent women.

clerks. Though far Gordon Casserly ironi me jaws oi mice. from dry in the so vma.are tue iiimnHpn nf. work and Dersons. this be; MR.

RAMOSI The book an UnarToM nrl nal There is a. pleasant atmosphere of antiquity over the book. We left the postboy to sleep off potations under the hedge such a. phrase as, that; Dicken- came a no prospect, of advancement -such a man of equal ability, would have enjoyed as a matter of Course. I used to r.wisb o- bomb By TOUVBRKBANE trait of a man of average decency and morality, and almost superhuman physical powers; it is an important addition to sporting history; and it is a museum By VALENTINE WILLIAMS.

Author of The Three of Cluba. eta. "Air. Valentine WiUiams Has surpassed himself in Jus new romance. It is as breathless as ever and full of incident and Daily Mail.

i A nleasme- mediaeval romance of Italian' "little cabbaiea of sian, stamps the age to which -George Osb'aldeston. belonged and which he survived. He "was not a hard drinker; he would explode and wrecKne the only way to get out of it." oi racy Btories. in one regard, especially, it is exceptional and theretom vnlii- had to keep fit to do all he desired to There was a surprising eajtu Hooper and Jackson 'made their re able it is by a type of man that seldom volutionary appearance in Printing-House-square, and Mrs. Courtney bev 6 P161108" Georgian and Regency periods than to autobiography on such a scale.

We n-x. THE GLEAVE MYSTERY Lbuia Tracy JOHN GRESHAM'S GIRL Coitcoiaia Merrel THE CHARMING CITY Ella Rosewarne Stevens came librarian to "The Times," Book, 1 men 1 hJ Trr ZnrtthK tyf." cla8h with Lord George Bentinck, which SSL'S? h8 JES WSSS" '3-. resulted in a rather the con- By NEVUXE. BRANDS Author of etc. Geo.

Goodchild provide us Twith Tthe7r own TnS S0''? WTJ would Osbaldeston, in spite of the "love Club, and was plunged into -we tumult. She makes the raging and amusing, days of the Book War live again. Afterwards she constructed- the vast index to tie la vanth edition of the Encyclopedia bich he said prompted-most his lights) as sufneisnt 'Mr. Neville, Brand's, work, uniformly1 good. He can' tell even sJaga improbable story in sjich a way tliatyoujbeUeve in it and he has' the poirerof; interesting you in every one of His is picniresqaeitttd; hMrnethods Bystander.

'v t'9'-Pntrthegtv novels on your Iistfpr jster-THoUdiijlif SAUNDERS oi nis enercnes. nave Deen an exceniion grounds, had pulled a -horse: and had he not, at the close of his iridescent married Mr. Court Oy EJJijAM. WALdAKsC. Author of Use Three Just Men.

etc The greatest and most popular of all Edgar Wallace's characters. It is impossible not to be thrilled by Edgar Wallace. "A book among a thousand." ney without relinquishing. tier' ownpro-fBRHinrml: life, and was; ultimately swept Bentinck called, him a robber. In a general way, his lapses 'seem to- have been those of his set and the one suspicious passage, bis paying blackmail to a swindler who accused' him' of career, married tne widow Williams.

Mrs. Osbaldeston' was not merely "dear" and "faithful" We! have been said he aged seventy upwards of five years, and a mutual into tlie! Ministry of Munitions. On that prodi gious im provisa Hon whereish was adviser oh staff "she; comment cheating at cards; leaves just sufficient attachment has existed up to the present witri cauBtlc humour. The chanter on room tor us to consider nun rawer a room lor us to consider iiTna- mm? I ji, Married Women's worit is a serious mm. euj uB aqua aamnger jrnce BONANZA William MacLeod Raine CHANNING COMES THROUGH Charles Alden Seltaer MEN MAROONED George Marsh our livBoi 'n hut J.

irorw 1 'ool about money than a- cheat. At contribution to social thought- But the minded. She took hold of him --hi rt. seventy it was afool and his money best things in these, ana stirring v.o w.j itit 1 that tie Quoted. He, was at once a very of Dajres are tnevportraiisi especially ne generous-man and an inveterate sambler B.

M. Bower UtUe Horace Hooper, who, with a smiander'the noor emails atTX' prodigal: the two things (and their more luck might have become owner of WCTION 6d. net The Times." With his startling THE HO USE black eyes like motor; lamps," that ardent American was a. generous ideal tune; she made him buy a small annuity 8 Jfgetner He would with, what he hnd left and transformed iet, and when he was past the habituS of Leicestershire and New- i bMking himself to do anything else, an market into a sober old citizen. JW man sitting on a chair, he was happy Brichton and Maida Vale.

But she had wager -that he would sit.atiil in his Eraefitiiie By AtW V-The This powerful? and noble story completely fulfils Richmal Orompton's- early a' novelist. ist as well as a -daring organiser, ana in Mrs. Courtney's-convincing he stands out as a person we had not also the sense to assist him in running twenty-rour nours and to. win SOFRIA CLEUGH You remembcT Matilda How tonrc. how iew norses uu me ena oi nis rightly known and snau nenceionn remember as he was.

days, the imagination to see that Entdish she was -Her story made the riiniejof.i writing his memoirs would amuse him The book is. produced, Americstas well as lipre. I (though she seems to have token lave taken u. 1 TWBest 36 Novels arc published in Hodder Stougktotfs famous THE HAPPY COOK. SfiteoSS? 'f and VainimlearnedlT publication), and a cheerful tolerance Mr rttmfno-.

iirl fi.irirf nh mi 36 551. Wowfd-hl 10 himself mtrodUctioti SlrwTheodoro Cook. wnn mraanai ireeuora. one oeserves to. hnntF TKSimiii ii net Library Some New Titles the 'n welcome recent addition' tp' the Hlustriousr-flrst of whom, perhaps, we library of sporting reminiscence.

Inter mav reckon Mr. lor -Raarnn. i-J SL ij- TI" Ir. and Sand 1 A Book- of SMnU and Dish." By Dorothy Allhusen. (Witllatrnt and Norgate.

7s. fd net) i BY THE HOtfi if OrWMtf It is unusual to-aen OR a worlds nutrhnem comprehensive' history of the Pftintirigof was" tried. NAOMI JACOB THB BARIi OF HAXSBTJR THE CALL OF THE CANTON Zaa Grey PINK SUGAR O.Doaa1aa KATHLEEN AND I. AND OF COURSE VERONICA KlckaalCramBCan MICHAEL BRAY NELLGWYN THE CHARijSxjKsOH1 THE PONY EXPRESS Hanr JaaaaPaSS THE DEAR PRETENDER AUeeXoaCelnr THE SOUL OP CHINA Lotiiaa Jordan Mils 'THE HOUSE of tSTAMOW A.E.WiMmn -OOT OF THE BLHBl "Sawer" THE aKP MASS mtir" mn DAVTrj OF KINGS E. F.

Season THE DOOa WITH SEVEN LOCKS 1 EdaarWallaca li THE SnMCTK MAN EdaarWallaca 'SxBHAMPSTEAD E- GABMEL'' SAMARA E. Phillips Oppcnfceim THE VISION OF, DCSTJtE Harfant Pedlar siulu lua pAcxa-Eituoiv Ln; ctuueu-uy ail who'eriioytthe illustrations' tb' this book, with itffMkenipFernleya and, abdve all, This taathojrV novtd, -cOb; sdwlh.iiDl Osbaldeston crandson. of for information and to forcet one's Ben iwarsnans. one Wickens, descended in female line, object in the pleaSuire of Ihe fuesijnt Rqck andT ulfilled Essentially dramatiix it is'1 concerneo: that is what" happened, on taking np wno loos the ancient- Yorkshire name on succeeding to the estates was born in 1786. His father died when he was Dorothy Allhusen's.

Bookt of scents THE GOOD SCHOLAR. and It is a most skilfulcol- with livihg add sympathetic The action is dramatic aridrtn(3pHtng-one with which? no one wiU qriaifrel. The Best 2- Novels are published in Hodder Stoughton's famous 2- net Library Some New Titles (2M Authors Dead and Living." By F. Luoaa. (Ohatlo and Wlndus.

7s. 6d.) lection of receipts from other countries nnd'eenturica besides our own, adapted to present conditions of housekeeping. The 'surroundings from which they come are dellghtfully. the fntro: duction ahd the. -illnst rated comments throughout Tlie scents Lucas's 166k of critical essays is The AoDie of the Eve glen we SWOT six; his mother, whom he states for what his evidence in such a matter is worth) to have had a great intellect, gave him an early example of prodigality, amiably regarded his escapades at school.

He was for three years at Eton, where he frequently got, flogged for bad work, also for other transgressions not surprising, since he tells us himself that he used frequently to play truant, going shooting and driving tandems through Windsor Park. When he was. seventeen his mother a very welcome pnenomenon. nere we have a man discussing with fairness is an artuncaily mature wrt fW a first 5 norel It is cosceptionan trjBattnBn an artist to nn-n'rMarntugJBriX enthusiasm and eenujne insitrht the associatea wiiii.a.-Kitciien wuicu ia 1.11c of one "-who 'loves, her art and serves it by delicate rituals', are' un most modem of our poets, and one who is able to relate their work to' the known to most of us. But need tney Six Fsimpii Poets COUISON HERN trreat masters of the past- His' classi be? Ask, the author.

She'strikes to the cal bias incline him to removed him; he could at least, root of our-difnculties this country 'fn! deklinp- wifhf iriPLTNGi RED ASHES Margaret Pedler THE WINDING STAIR WE SHALL SEE Edgar Wattaca THE STRANGE COUNTESS Edaar Wallace DOUBLE DAN Edfar Wallace TAP PAN'S BURRO CHARITY'S CHOSEN Ruby M. Arm THE PAINT HEART Robjr M. Ayr. TW MARRIAGE HANDICAP Ruby M. Ayrr.


MnHord prarrar BiiPJ'im Clareace E. Mnlford LIVD3 DANGEROUSLY E. E. Penny THE MAGNTPICKNT ADVENTURE when she says. the essential differ- ao a uttie less man justice to some modern He does riot seem to THE PAROWAN BONANZA B.

M. Bower THE SECOND BARONET Looia Tracy A PRINCE OF INDIA Lanreoca CUrka TheLADYin the BLUE VEIL Laurence CXexfc IN THE GARDEN OP CHARITY BaatlXia THE MYSTERY OP ANGELINA FROOD Aiueia Frearaan STELLA DALLAS Ollee Hiaaias Pretty LONE BULL'S MISTAKE JaoeaWOlardSckalet WITH JULIET IN ENGLAND Grace THE LONG LONG TRAIL THE SHAMAN Geor OwnIrte THE VALLEY OF VOICES Georla Maratt THE TWISTED FOOT Wmiaxi Pattaraas WUU THE POPPY BOWL AaXkany Carlyle BLACK POWDER DAN A. M. CBiehokn SELWOOD OF SLEEPY CAT THE SKY LINE PtlRMiSS lore, mane tne moaest boast that.he had not been. expelled.

He at once proceeded I 1. 1 i. MJUtCCUCU ence between English and French cooks arrates their Doems coach and dis- ua a. very-rare lauii-in nun so mucn is that an lingtlsh is naturauy economical in. time and MJ.

DL IKUWU, LU li. covered congenial aD antfaalogy. companions who criticise wnai noes as. 10 hunted and sat up all night drinking; the rent of his life was' mainlv snent in "a8 nor couia achieve He underrates the power of similar rnmnanv. Thnra nAvr ma I Bhe did.

Mr. d. H. Lawrence a poetry, ana over Eraerson Hootfe French cook In The English cook is always inclined to, throw aWay odd pieces' of meats -game, or fowl, to pour down the sink the. foundations of excellent soup, and then grumble at the teaspoon rul of cream that makes so much difference to" receipts." The beautv of the book is that there is estimates Flecker' s.

On the whole, Emerson Hoaah more "whole-time" sportsman. -Had he married, when young, the beautiful woman whose jilting of him caused him 'ALO THE WAY, OF THE however, his judgment about poetry is extraordinarily fine. He is susceptible AldenSeltze B. M. Bower' MONEY.

LOVE and KATE Eleanor H. Porter THE CRYSTAL CLAW WUliam LaQoeux LONESOME LAND to the nicest stiades oi leenng in in A ricb and lovely 603 to exciaun, in old age, "None but those who have experienced disappointment in love can know the work' of M. de la Mare, Mr. Wolfe, and hardly a type of -kitchen (barring that of the mere void-filler) whose owner Mr. Gordon Boltomley; and the volume tortures undergone by the sufferer," it is conceivable, though not likely, that he might have been rather less reckless' contains a really noble appreciation of the genius-of Mr.

A. E. Housman, and will not be cheered on the dreary round bv flndine "something new." lliohch in the ecetajrvof her art she do6 a iascinatvng aiscussion oi tne quality Maseneio wonr. "Mr. Lucas's, book-will be chiefly wel sometimes adjure us to" soak a.

pound of dried turtle three water or thereto an dld-'-hen and less entirely given up to Bport. As ft was he had nobodv to check him-but Scott, his faithful and harassed steward. He did. once do training with the Militia; his chief memory of that was that bis oolonel had been ansrrv because. and a small' tm of Bellis creen fat' comed, however, for the sake of its implicit comparisons between the old and the new, and-for the discreet investigation with which it -concludes on between'' drills, he had amused the men (whatever, that may be), it is only-fair that we'flhould be maderto measure our incompetence beside the greatest masternieces.

Those of ua who have Write few copy est HODDER AND STOUGHTOfi'S Liat of 21- net, 26 net and 36 net-titlea. There-are over 700 titles from which to select Hodder Stoughton Warwick London E.CA PUlLlSrlED THIS WEEK, 36 net THE 'NEW BOOK BY STBIVER LODGE rmbst convincing and fascinating of Scientists EitohtMon Creation Alio by Six OH-rer Lodre ETHER AND REALITY di cd. 36 net MAKING OF MAN 9th ed. 316 net Hodder Stoughton The Progress of Poetry." In this essay ne tries to aisciose. tne aimcuines unaer which- the modern.

poet labours. One quotation must -serve: ''Instne icvisws or'eomriniMliify btecaliiiair.s;ofis of the hy mating them "jump in sacks" and so on. He also sat. for five years (he says two, but remembered wrongly) in Parliament; then retiring with all my honours thick upon me." Of that, all he has to say is that it was only in response to my mother's entreaties that 1 It in cot merely that lie reaction against bat already fallen to the level of perpetual 'canary puddin'g'aii't- shepherd's pie or who. have nt, risen to the height of initiating a u'sy." plain cook 'complexities beyond skill, wilt be surprised at the simplicity' of 'some- of the best roceipN quickly -made and trodil lou maces sucn rnoaera nouoa ana Tjoerrv sometimes or that the' re tew uoOas; that can uunonvut I of rt, but I.

it mast be action against reason makes it often reaan ruiJ. it muddle-headed and occasionally bedlamite it Ass more seridus that, helped bv both thet a book that xTbtZtefyGgras. 15BCOND -IMPRESSION '7 fii-'net. inexpensive aisnes. rtscsiaes tnis sne knows that" the healthy man wants tendencies, it seems sa frequently to have lost tbe sense that after all some thinga lo matter than others In human life.

solid' food everyday -'that attended tne House on urg- it occasions," and'that he was once in. the gal-lerywith some friends, when a plodding orator' named Bathurst was speaking so drearily, that one of them leapt up and shouted in. a loud voice: I came here to vote with the Tories, bnt if you don't sit down, I'll be if I don't vote against them." the rest his time some things are nner wan otners ntuuan women far prefer lighter dishes," and that the diet of children must be varied Montague Cheap Em -1 nowadays." i-ibe. provides not onlyfor nature. The essential thrill that comes in coirtxnon from of a honored differing I cannot get from work whioh seems too' indifferent to heredity and' good sense to be good art, too blind to PARTICLBS was entirely, taken up with games and aaajaaaaaiajr aiso ior tne guest.

wno is aim-cult to please or' who is brought in, at short notice. Her Becret3 wrung from such Ivaried- sources as Boodle's numim DiuxuuesB Bijh iatbe I uSinb. oo-l BBltrJ3rr'i c)he Book that has S6t the descendants of Anne Wynne rijat ls well said, and will find an echo in the mind of everyone who reads modern literature with the memory of older, things' in his heart. Mr. (rives nlenty 'of evidence in book of Boderod (1678); exiled Russian and 'frteridlyhonsewrves in re v- "a mote pans sports; ana mere never was such a performer.

vHe was no bragger about-his feats, he sets -them all down with, modest and laconic pride. Nor did he take his occupations. with too: much solemnity. Ha records with much relish Dr. Paley's remark, provoked- by.

over-much bunting conversation at dinner, "Gentlemen I I think yon have talked enoueh that wa head not despair of the future rDoot-canootbe of poetry; aresure he is1 right in his denunciation of a certain "500 Household Hints by 500 Housewives." (Country Life. net) -vA collection of valuable and for the' mulishnesa in much modern work 1-T "1 Jhe mule is, no many ways to CTA MARTIN'S LANE, W.Ca beautiful annual but ne is doomed about hunting now. I'll, tell you what most part original; tips on every detail of domestic management. Readers of Homes anfl flnrdnns will be as triad nunting reauy is a parcel oi men witn vacant minds meet at the'- cover-side. to possess thenvagain in this convenient The dogs smell a stink, they run, and the men crallon after them.

That's iorui, aa wiu nwars wno pront. oy mem for the first time--r" Cookine Without'a hunting." There is never the slightest Cook." (Country Life. 3s. 6d. kRADCLYFFE HALL 1 WHAT THE CRITICS SAYi- sterility.

The, tide of gotten 'Sharps et Amis Francois? by? Doris Qunnell (Librairie. Ancierme -Honorf Champion) la' likely to sug: Best the -onestion': Who oh: earth, was Satton Sharpel Well, be waa.a-nephew. of old Bam Rogers, a s'locessfnl barrister and very keen Radical. But the Important thing in hiia was an-amiability of character which'. 'made' 'hiin dear, and allowed him to be useful to so.maDy men iand women and to all Stendhal, Prosper Menimea, Alfred de yigny.

Moprs trace in mm oi inai contempt ior tne arts, tastes, and pursuits of others Two nun area and. thirty stimulating recio'es--for the household with a-(rood I which is sometimes -manifested by his cook and A little trouble-- kind. He merely knew what his own 'some, but well, thourfit. out and illus trated: -Well-worth; the low' aptitudes andlliking3 were, and followed MA truly fina pieco of eteatifft TVeM. Nothing finer in the 'fiction of ths Tut ducmda'-Sondap Tunes.

BriUiactly Chronicle. "An utaouKing piece of work; we would not hmve mi rd pa ge. Ohacrcr, Food Wisdom!" By D. D. Cottington tnem to tbe utmost oi his bent.

Ten countries, at one time and another, he ana many others oi less nottj wore uin uiuuub, AH.S;t. 7 Assisted ny ii. fPitman. 2s. 6d.

net:) hunted. He was fine oar. He was one He became a sort of liaison officer betwcertl A hurt. A 1 the! liters circles of Paris ana j.rinmphantly accompirtnffd. Ounaoj Herald.

of the greatest cricketers in England AV'usetul giving a- fair statement' Of StheJital' imnortance, of fresh food: iWhether, had not died' before he xould imnMnlfal, rmlitics. wonld" have being a prolific capable of tak tbls.noe mwj "Truth, 'sg'v-. ing on anybody at I iilayed much of' a'paii, in poblio life only lne' Ttro Larr ImiifjiMi.SoM Oat Third Imtrrtsno Nitarly ExhamUtd (3rd rrtoUflslaji together with, riieahs? to solve -instalilng''the'- necessary. Apparatus- in. ordinary fEngiish houses 'Deserves' mb re fatten ion than and-a bowler.

'who was the fastest SmMiiegreta of who had lovedhun.go of his day, and once took Btitth editor, of UiMimitai Fourth Now Printing tlie. lazy-nunaed will grre lj..

The Observer from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.