The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


DEATH OF CENTENARIAN. Mrs. Cecilia Davidson. FRiMERS RELIEF. 1 Allocation of Grant.

namr, Tuesday. The) OrrvwrnmeDt haa deide4 to Bask aa iterbm raayraeol of I an aere from tha CRICKET. Country Players. MATCH WITH COLTS The aasaaests at the Hew Santa Welee Calls tmm la vial! Brisseae will re tarn to Sryaaey ha Usee te a. avauable fee the saaleh mwnn a Oetta elevaa aad the eaaaa wlaala the leal at the aoaa try CYCUNG.

OPEN CARNIVAL COMBINED CLUBS. The eesakme BarleM. Berweea. aa AahBjl4 amaunr dubs reeelaa a total of JJS ntrlea lor open earolval at Praltea Park. Aahneld.

to. althL Ueel el tb. leeSint amateur aenlor aa juater rtdare have aeaalD.tea. hoes who will eoauat the one mil. tree Prlae acratcb raee ar.

D. Oray, J. O. Buckley. A.

D. aattariete. ft Burnett. C. A.

Orlbble. O. Peeoey. BO. S.

OTMan.ll. R. Porter. D. O.

Black-maa, W. BrlevaM. R. A. Dunbl.r.

Prank Andrews, a BmeU. R. alareaitb. O. OUmj.

V. w. 0Brl.D, Pre AneTewa 0. Aadrewa. J.

Ooaliy. B. O. Beaver, W. A.

Hot men, O. A. Blsmlra. a. Harrtniton.

P. Brala. W. B. Sherman, A.

Bcutu, D. McR.t. R. J. Weetoo, J.

WsrthMieton. D. A. Bllaa. O.

Bcott, B. WUklasoa. A. Mewtea, aa a H. Vludn.

TO-morrrs OABirtVAU Ttie Meant open carnival al Pratten Part. Aah-tWeVwIll be amla ty the eomolnM BnSsie-Burwoo and Aahneld amateur eluba tonlht. A aenlor threaeuartw mil. open handicap, and on. mile Oran Prlae eeratch raee.

and Junior open nall- i SEWERAGE WORKS. Inquiry Concluded. PEPORT AT WEEK-END. ORAJTOlf, Toeeday. tht dtputmmui tnouiry Into alles-iwL alnt tht nlner (Blair) udU Mnr (UcOHd) wtrdiinHffMot ana SrevUuoris of labour oa Oraftoa sewers eootlnued UwUy.

McDeed a3-SSd harlr said to th mm that tbsy had SSthe BKmu Government tn power and Jmuldiufler In their oondiOona. Ba ornUd Srti Sm man would hav wet ahlru, or that SS Easiest way to it rid of raturnad aoldlcr call thara up. Ha did not know 1Z, mh ntumad man. Ha admitted nates IT itniuan to tha man, but not to par-5Sai rweyT Ha danled boeUllty to raturnad "SSwd lo denied eaytnf that ba would mT march In tha Armlstle Day procession. that tha only proeaailon ha would march ta would ba one headed by Jack Lang.

Blair denied all tha allefaUona, and aald he did not know who ware returned man on the lob He atrontly denied tha augfaatlon of mitmstlc hoatlltty towarda raturnad sol-Sen, and denied any peraonai Intention In lsnguase uaed on tha Job. gmest Palmer. Percy Freeman, Oharlea Hackett, Mark Bowlea, S. Wlcka, Oeorte Thomas Lockhart, O. B.

Pratt, and invert Thlstlethwalt and Oreen tan rrt-Soce on behalf of Blair and McDeed, deny-Z, the uee of peraonally a'niaa laniuaaa to jjj men. Aceordlni to vrldenoa. Pratt waa thi only returned aoldler amonf them. An official Uit which waa produced ahowad Hut of 41 men who bad been dlamtned because they were unsuitable or for other raa-un. or had left of their own accord.

bad refuted raUona tha polio. Uz Handley, who la conducting tha that tha men who were dismissed because they were not eultable would get rtttona, but the men who had bean dlamlaaed for loafing would not. Palmer, Freeman. Hackett, Wlcka, Wor-nald Lockhart, and Pratt admitted having haen'kept on the Job from four to seven weeks nnectlvely, while all tha otbara had to take two weekj about. urnuren.

acting aa anokeaman for the antai, ate. Vfl laaehras. leu fat LA. JLLAWAIUU KVOAWAjT. If.

Tlea.tke, Blaae. IS; V. TV swaths. 4 A. Freaertak.

laeOonn.D, to: A. Jipata. raa eait, B. Jwpaea. M.

ifonatnaa. S. atcDonaafl. IT; Welaaell. a A.

Fraaarteka. McDonaaU. 0: P. Oaele. a Hiejelue a S.

AfaDMinell. 0: P. Haylor. a A. Kyall, M.

Lauaoot. P. Pruer, ea. MBOOa, 11 Lamont, I. Total.

101. Oaely. Sj. Uooaehaa, Men, not eat, suaory. 1.

u. ttssoat, three for S. Maneaaan. ve fee IT. Btiisnd faahiaa T.

Tl.eeake. M. Lamont, SJ II. Tieweete. a Bfaoeonoll.

A. jenaon. a MeDeaall. 0:. a Jepeon.

S. McDonnell. O. Welaa.ll. J.

XeltWy. Lajnant, O. w.laaal, a J. Kelhl.y, Eajnont. tl A.

Bra hart, not out. 11: P. Baylor Tamonl, F. Praser. a Lament.

D. OMTy. a g. UcDonnall. B.

Lalshton, not out. sundries, Mine wleketo for 39. Bowline: a ssaoaaa.lL fear for IS; U. Lassaat, Ave tar IS. a Woaethaa.

a (ram, T. Titaaete. Bendyka, T. SL Bunt, M.

1: 0 A. Japaoa, V., 0j S7 UeDonnrll. TrWeeat.

30: J. aunpaon, a u. weiaaaii, B. baigntoo, sa; a. nyaii, P.

Coaly, V. Treweakt, 0: IL B. J.paon, 1: J. Kslshly. hit aa wktet.

P. Fraa.r. u. Lamont. not out, A.

Frsrkks. V. Trewceas. raiwrwa. a.

lovei. na. rwllne: v. Trawaeka. aavea far a LaUhten.

fewlS: P. rrun en. TmW a tL Jmoob. coo far U. Delaeataa troaa th ooantrv laaawlatleaa were vroloomoS at the monthly meetlni ef the W.

Women Crick. ura aaaochitlon last nltht. Altar, warda, vlaltlnt memoare were entertained el a farewell dinner at the Duntowan Cafe, aferttn. o. Later uie eounrry let mi esia eat anau reaurn their various dlatrleu.

SWIMMING. NKW OFFICIALS, a ntniin of the Now Boots. Waloj simatevr Swimming slsooclatloa haa Mr. B. McDonald a diving dgo tn plao of Dr.

P. Lion, who found ho was unabl to svoeop th position, Mra. O. OBrten and W. Parrler aa referee, and Dr.

K- Klrkland and Mr. W. Porrter a he SYDNEY LEAOI715 CLUB. Tb Sydney Lgu Olsb will hold Its annual Christmas race this week. Tht nnlng It will do a proerrammo of women' oront at th Domain baths, and oa Saturday the men's cUon will bo catered for.

DTVTJffO CHAMPIONSHIP. Tb New South Wala Amateur Swimming Associa tion ha adopted th following progranun of dive to oonsUtuto th contact for the hlghboard diving championship of New South Walea at tb first of th aerie of State championship carnival next Pour compulsory dive from th second platform; plain hdr; backward spring and forward somersault; annstand; backward fall dlv; teandor'a diva, reverse head div. Ther will also do four voluntary dtvos from Ither th thro to flvo metre, flvo to sight matrca. or eight to 12 metre platform, each eheeen from a dlflerent group. A dlv executed, either running or standing, shall eount aa th sam dlv.

Competitors must notify th registrar, Mr. H. San dell, of the dives chosen before December 30. There wui do ooiy one nugnt ror the prina'noard. about Let leeiw CARNIVALS 8ANCTIONXD.

Th New South Wala Amateur flwlmmfne Absba Lawson, MHUgong, and Oatley Clubs. January 2. vibuuii nil asuiciiiuiisKi L.nm laiiowiriw carniwau's and 14, 1833: women's A.8.A. champlonshlpa, January IB; Abbotsford Club, North Sylney Club. January 21; Sans Boucl Club.

January 28: Ramsgat Club. January 28; Tramway Club, January 30: Balmaln Club. February 23; Parramatta Club. March a. Entries for all events at th A.8.A.

State championship earn si elos with Mr. B. H. Band ell. hon.

registrar at th Sport Club, on Friday, December 23. In trie for th Oatley Club carnival waver new wiui m-I. oatuuejll, D.tU.1 oay. BRONTB 8PLASHRRH. Bronte MntaahaM slnK Hetaa ak.

ear jw.i. JfoPfy Handicap at Bond Bath. Bronta. with Heat winners. A.

Nix. B. Kelso. BI. Perriwm.

O. Syl. R. RUey. Jeck Kerr, A.

KUy, Sep Summrgrno, Davenport, R. Marks, and Jim Seml-flnal. First heat. A. Nik.

1: H. p*rnson o. Sayl 3. Second heat: R. Marks, Jim Kerr J.

isvenporx, 3, in nnai wui do uociom nan wwK-no. CTjOVKLLT WARATAH womxn-s CLUB. Results of races held at Cooge Aquarium: 23 vards "weenies" handlean: M. Kemn St Seddon 2, J. Heath 3.

Time, 24s. 33 yarns "Mlkkelson" handicap (Junior) B. Qulnsev 1, nawiuu vuuiu 4. iimv, atoa. rxj rare I.

Barnard 3. Tim, 5s. B. Briscoe 1. Dundas 2.

H. Crocker 3 Tim. 49. C- u. Rimini 1.

R. Blanton 2, O. Rooo 3. Tim. 46.

25 yards bresstttrok J. Heath 1, D. Rawson N. Beddon. 3.

Time. 30a. Rne-iio' Hr1a' an varrla- r. onuani kj. nurxan WUiDKT Time, OO.

ovniur. Mgura B. BriSCOO aa. ej. UUnOa Time.

Im. Th club win go into boUday rooosa. rasumlng se-wea avmuaassi SB. ST. JOSEPH'S.

Tbe rtse HM st aa. ill. ru aa louews: hamk mm tn h. muSmI. tall rnderlak narrr aienrt.

Maoarthy arise for fcroid BUlootr OollM. gold saeaal fee good eon duct: Alfred Ooeeer. Meeals far md eea-Jueti ThlrJ aiTtsUa. Oeecrrey Outlet feertb stiaa, Mloaael MaUwern. nratker Bawta aMsaeraU prise lot ereterv: WUllaai Oraalar aa Mia aunt.

via MeUaaea gel sseeal far wrttlag: Aubrey Crawler. Sue ansae (aa erejef ef Berrlll vtag CerUfleate (Tear eaTgU! Baaur, I. reaarlek, 3. OarroO. at.

Allsopp. lUilgfoa; II. 1. steodariak. i.

OarroU, AT Omw. K. Haaur. MedwD histery: H. aikepajw.

Oraaley. i. rjutie. R. H.

on way. Physics: Wallaes. J. Brodertek. 4.

par roll J. alma. Oheaalstrr: B. allaspa, K. Haaitr, b.

nwa Trier. aBonoaiies: OimnJay. J. Rlnlna. O.

PranUo. Aii: J. Hifgtau. Ar-rtU: Utood. J.

Km. Blloi. K. OO- Ml. OIL mora.

Rtllflon: M. Hoeaa. a. Baker, 1. tun.

K. OUmor KiglUh: M. Hocan, K. Ollniort. f.

1t- Uh: M. Ho rtvtfy. Prtnt A. eUUU. bftn.

J. MtrtcK. am. -niioy. rrvaea: uumar.

ftwiuna, a. eUtui. Lttn: k. oil lnunw CSuUlvan. Mathematics'.

Lhood. J. Eliot A. UcDon.ld. K.

Oampbtll. Uftri.n, hlH. A tt ,1.1 Bore. J. Labood.

rhnloa: O. Bias, SL ouMxU. aammaj. e. Kraa.

oneiiuKry: J. sauot. a. auau. J.

C. Miiik A. BhMdy. Art: r. tvmi lwici, Mtuiany, ri.

Baaar. Fourth t. naso. aparia. jtaiigioa: p.

airnn, a. Crawley, 1. Bparke. saigUab: P. Aadaraoa, KTBrrne aa Harlra (aee.l.

Latin: B. Blmrt. 1 Bparke. P. Smltb.

Preoeh! B. Slavart t. Sperke, KavanaA. n. otaT.n.

u. aavanaan. w. snarae. Blavart, Kavanaa O.

Ooady. atatbe-B. Slmrt and B. Hafuussr (ae.l, B. Mr, TT Kl.war,

rl N.WtOn. EEMomlM- U.H.n rl MaU.hMi Olyna. History: R. AbdulUh. w.

Marlea. 1. Botaa. Art: B. Carbarn and 1.

Hsruay A. Filth. Ancient history: O. Meafahon. Marba.

Inurmedlate Prelaaalonal. arsrnaea: w. O'arady. D. Sharldaa, P.

BroderlcE. J. Oman. Rellfioa: W. CrOradi.

Or man. T. CyOotuell. J. I.

WhitlaiiLatla: W. COrady. J. Oman. T.

COoa-nn. 4. Adaum. French: J. Ormao.

w70Orsdy. Adnum. K. Hyde. ItatbamaUcs W.

OOrady. O. 8.rldn. J. Whltlna.

p. Brodsrlck. Hatrieaiatlea W. O'Orady. PV Braderlck.

O. Sheridan, O. Prantlee. P. Brodtrlekl Parties: Vf.

oarady. D. Shtrldan. P. Brod-rtek.

W. Prantlee. ini.nneaiato commtrcial Rallalon: W. Dwyer. V.

Bhtehaa. BoUaad. J. alurray. auregata: J.

Hurray A. Rock. T. Camay, V. HollarX tnsluh: K.

McKeasar. V. aheahan. W. Dmyn and 9.

Carroll H. Ranaley. Uatbamatlce 1: O. Benshaw, H. Bummtrfltld, J.

Murray, V. Holland, Metho-matica 1. Murray. H. Bummer fltld.

A. Rock. K. WcKaaaar. Hlatory: J.

Murray. RVBanalay, V. Bhaehan. O. Ren thaw.

Economic: T. Camay, Holland. H. Maraden. M.

Bhaahan aad A. Vraw (aeq.i. Bualnaea nrlnclplea: H. Henalay. OarroU, J.

Murray, A. Rock. French: J. Murray, A. Naul and H.

Suramtrfltlrj A. Rook tmd W. Dwy-r H1ltfllUrt: V. ShMbftD. BMona rtar (A)-Affrtff(t: D.

oooad. j. Onn, Hlool and A. nunntnv iua l. Iivinn- Oooud, R.

Howard, J. Ortcn. J. Kleol. Kngiuh: J.

Own. D. Opoud, A. Ounaloff J. Barratt.

Prrvch: D. Oooud, el. Own, J. Nlcof. A.

Dunnlkj (acq. Latin: D. Oooud. J. MlcoL DanntnL Orac Uathematlca D.

Oooud, K. DiUoo, Oracn. Howard. Uathemattea D. Oooud.

J. Oraan, A. Mulhaarn, J. Nicol, J. Baxratt phytica: J.

nninr. Albert Duke. Milton Frith. iPred Paul AHthmtttr Aior jca, nun. uavu, MUten mm.

Aiiebrm: Albtrt Duke. Alan Maddan, Prad PauL Oaomatrr: Pred Paul, Albert Duke, John Maudaon. Builneai prlnclplei: John Uaudaon, Milton Prlth. Albert DUkl. afaTt! MUtfkB Prith rnt aTtvltna Alhawr Pint Tear (A).

Religion: L. Connors. Atmtal L. Conn or a. Q.

PaaOald. K. KaUhar. Knllh: Lowry, T. LavU (aeqj, L.

Oonnora. Latin: L. Con-noriL O. Paafleld, O. Brown.

Preoeh: I. Connors. O. Paifleld, O. Rowe, O.

Brown Arithmetic: O. Paefteld. L. Connor K. Kelaher.

AI- sv. ouiejKvuu, j. iviwi uo vrown laaq.r. Oeometry: Oonnora. L.

Murray. R. Bmeaton. K. 1 1 unvinistrr; v.

Hanoouo, k. uaroerry, L. Oonnora. D. Lowry Atgreeate: L.

Chan, J. Maroney, B. Cawley. GhrUtlan doctrine: B. Cawley.

Oban. O. Cook. Kn tilth: J. Maroney, J.

Nelaon, 3. Challen. French: L. Chan. J.

Martv J. Chautn. Oeofraphy: W. Rynea. a Cook.

skrem Bynes. Arithmetic: L. Chan. B. Oawlay, J.

Maroney Altabra: J. Joe. B. Cawley. L.

Chan. Oeo- J. Maroney, a Cook. W. mcvtj.

viiMira, ef. ie. ef. neieon. Buiinaaa prin-clplei: J.

Maroney. B. Cawley, L. Chas, Art: W. Hynu.

J. Chaltan. L. Chan. ST.

JOHN'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL. DARLINGHURST. Tb annual ipeeeb day and dtstribntlon of prim at St. John 'a Orammar Achool. Darllnahurat.

waa neia in tne school Hall. Rev. O. A. Lucas, chairman ol the school committee, presided.

Pollowlni a-vstss uu ug SNIIIWI, elaiust gvlVCnifJ. rVTUt 9. General proficiency and English, Joan Miller. Class 7: Dux of class. Ray Melrose; next to dux, Gloria Werner; general progress.

Clan MacLennan: general proficiency. Owen Baxter: good conduct and elocution, vaiena Mortimer: Divinity, Ray Melrose; general progress, Madge Marshall; sewing, Olorla werner. uieu twx or class, Joan Krahe: good conduct. Marls Harlow; general proficiency, Robert rviicjtuja; notru unprorement. uwen Tnomaon: nistorr and math nnniu e.rfaw t-Mwini.

Marls Marlow; closest application to study during Tear. Joan KraheV nrurwau am4 a1s.H WlUIara Walsh-general progress, Shirley Allen. Class 6: Divinity. Norman Fairfax: dux of class. David Perry; next to dux, Berlins Andrsesen-mathematlce, Berlins Andresasn; Bncllsh.

Oladva Z1 mstorr and geography. Alan Hislop: marked improvement. Vena Johnson; marked Unproremcnt. Doreen Oowdroy. Class 4A: Divinity.

Len Bashes; dux of class. Ruby P7: tha. ana Relish. Ruby MwmTi natbr Ln puinM; marked Improvement, pndnet. Mona Baxter; marked -fV, hTlli Johnson.

Class 4B: Divinity an.Bnfllts Ken Keers; dux of class. Ken Keen: c-ct MC rearce; marked hnprovemccL Schwmrtitnarked Improrcmeot. Tom WblO arlthmetlfl OwMirn Jimaa- unu. iuscomrs; marked Improvement, Oeorge Jamu; Improvement, John Ploughman: Improvement. Cl? rtptur, Ray OOa rrvwr4it 1 ilr Baal.

w. arithmtue. Paulina UnrDelJ; reaainf. Jack ttell: a.naral proeTMa. Tvoane UcrU: btatorv.

R.v Kri. Bryan Xellaway: muM Improve viw Lnnamu: raadlni. Tom oonnelly; POatrv. Dorothy Dawnna. arlthml.

bi.1. wrltlnr. Betty Ifalaon: readies. Xora 'Burstas- en ral prorraas, Lean. Johnaon.

Claaa OppS ftrtt Readme, Joy Onniby; arlthmttlo, Joy Orrkay: loo BROCKSLEY COLLEGE. Mrffiowa5! Wf. "ortherl, risllali: Bonnie UcOm-Si' 1 seofraphy. Vtllaa; B.tty ni- Baaal Vlnore. rifth Claaa Kriitlth.

apallha. mapptn: MeU Davla. Artthaiatle. awlSna. raadlns.

Doaale liin- rjaainf: Borne Wood Tables, wntloiT K.tta Ooi Bnillah. arlthaeUe: Cenale Alehard Joertli ud apallina: mirlnS; sf.ll In. iwadlnrLasbla rjebaon. Readlne and lansral Improvement' Km. ArlChintle tabtee.

n(llsh: Jean MaleobaT Third wr wmiama. p.llln. Knallan: Cdn. Tjt.tnn nini Juan oex. BpaUlni.

tables: Mareia Ooarner. Ira-provnnent, aiaopln: Bulla Bardln Oenaral hn-provemant: Fat Stcond Crata. RMdtn. aniaainie, Joy Turner. Readlne, erlthmatw: Molra Symonda.

Anthmetle. enaraT Inrinmnnu- Bonnie Mnnro. Oanaral Improvement: Done Prtt-eard. Raadur, anthmatlo: Battv Oob. ArlUi-matle, central Improvement: Joy Rudeon.

Ooed conduct, arithmetic: Bull Van Dyk. Pint Claaa Improvement. Petty LutUn. Wrltlnr: Norma Mv on-. Central Improvement: Jot Burr.

Jmprevo-m "1: John Oola, WrtUnr Joy Trait Oood w. H.riran. uwrannon. OMeral Imprwvnnent: Jean Darlinvtaii ualMn Pltanatrlek. ArlthmatJe: Ronnie Turner.

Oood eenduot: H. Wacbera, tmprovaaaeat: Maaaette SiMclal FrtaM Ttnw Xetular ettendaace: BaaaTafuBra, Jean alaleeba. Ada Wathorn. llusla: Planelorte end theory. Roma Wood.

Oeanle Prttehard, Raaat Munre. Ble-cutloa (honour flarala Ooarner, Joy Rsdaoa Roma Wood aa. Waehora. Joy TreatC Haaal Hears. Dancrot: BaaaArood rhoosur Wathera (honew eertlrleate), Joy Treata, Pal Moffat, cvninle Prttehard (honour ear' raTNW DU.Hii.: mi Btn mm: we.

eaiia (maeaii. wood, Ada Wae-hom. Boholarahlp for Blghaet aaaaer ef aeris W1LLIAM-ST. HIGH SCHOOL Th flttli annual day tB street Olrls Junior Hlth School was beM In the yuiiawi rtui iuiu WJ ibiujiic. rriMi WSTS ailXnDUtM by rs.

Cramp, wife of Mr. R. Cramp, secondary school Inipeetor. and addrsesss wars iellversd fey Mr. D.

Clyns. M.LJL, and Mr. B. Oslling. The prise list was as fonowa: nni iliecuen, B.

First year: Dux. A. wlney: rectal proflelentiy i.MUler. BeVlpure: ThlrJ ar, M. Badhaau Bits: secosMyear.

f. Casap-ill; Brst year. Edith Ttotrtb. CfendtV bwiJrT Can: iwimmlni. M.

Hals. mmvWfnellara laT fimrllai lalai-ai TOifO Latin, U. Lundle; French. Lundte: nathsma SB. MUMIS! tics.

D. Collum: botany. B. Bills: geography, b. Bi ant; art, Blent; needlework.

mmZ. rlnston. CcrtlAcatea: Plrat raar Briiilrll, a. awlnn; A. Iwlnar: Utta.

4. Wllaori! Praneh, N. Woedhouee: mathamatloa B. Rayaa; matbvmaUrs IL, S. Jaflkatti taeeraphy, H.

Jansea: art, N. Jeaaea; aeedlework, Draper; busm. o. MANLY PRESBYTERIAN CRAMMAR SCHOOL Ths second annuel rlas gli-lnf and iimrt wf the Men lr Fresbytsrlan Ore Tim a fchssjl was Mid In ths Manty Frattsrlan Chureil UMT DtTb. Anderson, prtnclpal of Si Andrew's Collage, prs Med.

Tht prises van distributed fey Mrs. Ant son. Msa ntt: imx oc school! mT useaiMa, Forsa trtaee: Dosglas OiUinf, Le Keith Btevereea. Our Wnttr. Vrtan Touwb.

John Tempts, Ronald Palsier. Malosla Maatonnon, Ross Johnalon, Ronald leiabtBmll LsKwUeS. Moel Ooudie. wilhem Twigden Luis paaisi ssfeaol prise wwiii DYING TRIBES. VrUUArra, Tueerlay.

BtowTf, but torery, th Battv tribe ejt Queens Land ar dylna out. At th end of Jon. wt wwaew, atloa eaf the ruil-Moooaa Dea-inl pnaulai Quetmalaad waa estimated at ltlM, a i erf SB am tha arwvklua vwae and mi aal an Wflie: htstorv. B. Wllea: Uia.

ef saarPiae. Q. Smith: mathtmaUca SknlUlikotaay. B. WUaa: eMeraahv.

BucknMl: art. mmA a flmlth: IMMlleWerk. R. BurkllMl: a Mra fleefHa twwteam aMnth at rwJkloiui tattoo, Clifton, Darting Downs. She had attained the great ag oflOO years In May Vast.

Born In Liverpool, England, ah waa the second daughter of Mr. William Hart Oadan, who waa the first Consul for Belgium appointed to New South Wales, ud who came to Sydney when hi daughter was 1 yaara of age. Maai Oadan, waa later trail known the literary world of Brdney. and contributed many aruciea a "Brdney Morning Herald." Many paean war also published. In 1M0, ah want to Wueenaland.

ana. in ibb. enarneei bit. Adam Davldeoo, at Bosrnsmpton, Bha accompanied her husband whan ha waa aeot by Vteeere. Boots and Dalryraple to eatabttsh a DOW station on the Barbart Klwar.

Thara aha had many thrilling experiences. At that una, aire, uavuaon waa coaaiaerea to nava ventured farther north than any other whit woman. eha had many adventure with aborigine, which naoeaaltated her carrying loaded revolver for mora than three rears. On one occasion, aha waa left for two night and a day In charge of a wounded shepherd, who had II spear wounds In has body, while her husband and the station hands ehaeed a tribe of black who had waylaid bulloek waggon wnicn was Bringing greaur-neeaea provision to the station. Mrs.

Davidson waa the last surviving member of her father's family, her youngest sister. Lady Dlbbe, having died a few year ago. There la a large family of grandchildren, and eTeat-eTandchu- dren. Mrs. Davidson 'a paternal grandmother lived 101 year.

APOLLO CLUB. Last Concert of Season. The final concert of the Royal Sydney Apollo Club' 61st season was given at the Conurvatorlum Hall last night. A number of items appropriate to Chrlatma were Included In tha programme. Mr.

Arnold Mote conducted the club through several dellgrAfully-aung composition. The assisting artists were Mr. Brycc Carter ('cellist), Mr. Wilson Ewart (huso), and Mis Alio Prows (contralto). Mr, Vern Barnett played the accompaniment.

The programme opened with Lloyd's rollicking sea song, "A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea." It waa given In true nautical style. In marked contrast, was Dudley Buck's "In Absence," a pretty number sung with restraint. Then there was that old favourite. The Comrades' Bone of Hope" (Adam), a number that open softly to swell into mar tial awing. xne isaccnanauan unorus ana "Quibble' Cocoa" war other offerings.

Be side the, Bcmtbert' "The Night Is Cloud less and serene," a ennsunaa carol to an arrangement by A. Delany; "Arrival of tha Conspirators," and the sacred song, "Nazareth" (Oounod-Vogrlch) were successfully Interpreted. Mr. Bryo Carter, who played with skill and arUstlo sense, waa heard In several cello numbers. These Included "Chant du Menestral" (Blaaounow), "Menuet" (Peach), a pretty, airy Romance by Saint Baens, and "Arlegrim" (Topper).

He waa twice recalled. Mr. Wilson Ewart's resonant baas voice was heard to the beet advantage in "Eri Tu" Ballo In by Verdi; "Edonard" ILoewei, ana "Young uir-tncn (riencneu. Mlsa Alice Prowse (contralto), with Mr. Bryce Carter playing tire obligate to each.

sang with sympathy and expression "Agnus oei" (Bizet) ana Men From the Fields" (Brash). Mis Prowse'a fine voice and admir able range allowed her to do full justice to both Dumber. QUEENSLAND. New Industrial Court. BRIBBANX, Tuesday.

The new Industrial Court will comprise Mr. Justice Webb. Mr. T. A.

Perry, and Mr. W. J. Riordan. The choice of Mr.

Rlordan, who la state secretary or uie A.w.u was mace by the Cabinet to-day. Mr. Justice Webb and Mr. Ferry will continue to act until the Court is proclaimed. The appointment of Messrs.

Ferry and Rlordan will be for seven years at 2000 yearly, and Mr. Justice Webb will be president for a period to be fixed by the Qovernor-ln-CounclL CITY REFUSE. Contract for Incinerator to Stand The Cltv Council, at a special meeting ye- terday, by 10 votea to declined to rescind a previous resolution giving a contract for the erection of an Incinerator plant and building, at a cost of to tha Iteverberatory and Engineering Company, Limited. Alderman Jackson (Minister for Local Government), who moved for the rescission of the resolution, said he merely wanted the matter referred back to tha work committee for further consideration. He contended treat the contract had been passed with undue haste.

He claimed that the report of the City Engineer favoured another tender more than the accepted one, but that the engineer had left it to the aldermen to decide between the two contractor. Then were weaknesses In the specifications of tha accepted tender which It wa proposed to get over by special zuaranteea. That waa a matter which should not be hurriedly accepted by the aldermen. The Lord Mayor (Alderman Walder), who seconded the rescission motion, said there waa a durerenc of 3ooo in favour of a rejected tender, compared with that accepted. He admitted that the building to be erected by the accepted contractor waa a better one than that of the rejected one, but the City Council should think of the utility of the plant rather than the appearance of the building.

Alderman Garden aald that the accepted tender wa not the lowest submitted by the successful firm. They had another tender aa low aa a. isso, nut tne committee or experts, aa wen a the City kmglneer. recommended the higher tender as being the moat efficient to meet tn special nrniirement of in city Council and the cuts of garbage that It would have to deal with. Those who voted tn favour of reactndlng the motion wer: in Lord Mayor ana Aider' men Hagon, Mark, Parker, and Jackson.

BLED TO DEATH. Following Teeth Extractions. Thome Valentine. 50. of tha Hotel Hurst- yllle, died tn the Bt.

Oeorge Hospital on Monday night from severe haemorrhage. He bad had several teeth extracted during the day, and the bleeding could not be stopped. He wa taken to tot noepitai, pus cues atuaruj altar admission. CRASH INTO WINDOW. Lorry' Swerve Across Road.

Tne snircrng en aoaa va iw ranised Iron caused a motor lorry to ewerv ecroae rtrr.mtwiu.ii, v.iw-", terday aftarnoon, and crash Into a window of omitn ana vraaaueivimw Jams Warwick, 47, of TnfaJnMtreet Annanaaia, waa Himuig any when tha aluftlng load mad him fmn hla oal ioaw DDnbrat. Vi and (uffered fractures of the rib and probably UlalrtUU injUrLCs, new tAveu-aveiswe a AmbuUne look lUm to tb Royal Prinot OBITUARY. MR. H. RBRADDON.

Tn death occurred at KUlara last amine; of Mr. H. Braddon, eldest eon of Blr Henry and Lady Braddon. Mr. Braddon waa aoucaaeu at iw Church of England Orammar School, and subMwnUy at the Bydney University, grwdu-aUM to M.

Hi enlutt tarnedlauly after Sr.dmi?th.iB to and AJLF After damoblllatUon he was admitted to tlat BngUati Bar, and on his return to Sydney rfcommerwet, nreotiee He speedily aoqulretf reputation aa a sound advocate, and was looked upon aa one of the leader of the Junior Bar. He waa engaged tamani Important cases, and held areulner from aarewraT tnanranc aompanlea, for whose wor. CTUrey th krMg. of motors KMS awaau 6thoih a "fftarr" and at the Unrvwalty. Mr.

Braddon took a prorrdnent part to all branchaa of sport, representing bki Mhool in wlmmmfl. orieawa, aav twwmi. 0oonftar him titura from aettv miim, dauftitv ProCtwor F. MMdlnc Ttm era two ohlldroa. MAR1ST BROTHERS' COLLEGE.

RANDWICK. AManaaa Ma.irtar. KJA. rateyer ml suaawkeM aanalwlea. Mae laati Baaalal aileaa.

-Teu Bsv. Pathwr Binlia. ana lee ChrMlaa aaiaailliai O. Jaeksoat TtirtilB nkilirahla, ease aaas la laavtag eeruaaaie: SL MM. fllta year isiiagala.

1. sV Derle: m. OooSoa: J. M. Baitiaa.

a. ovm l. oaearatt; S. i. nun aa D.

iaaa.i. latiaa: a. as. puaieeau a. a.

rjevie: it FfeaeJl: B. Davis; o. MeOaaa: SXm: Beblnssft. Third ffUrwnra. svTsgnom; r.

Unas; jl a iyia. renispsjss. ivyie, s. rwov T. FlAot: Htiriur m.

reel I. ft, FsTrlfnea; x. I. Bhsthy Frsneh: 1. B.

Perrlgnos; nneenr; Parinaon- Mcaiahon: 1. PTtmas. caiemlalry: w. I 4. rwot; Uartla! artia; J.

Staa- Makoirt. Chmtatry: 1. J. Ualoaf: 1 Uartla. Phralea: J. L. a Chamtatrr: 1. Ualoaf P. Doraa.

J. Qulna, Plrat Tear A. Aaaraeela: 1. J. raw.

aauoui, Morrn; a. ratata: Balil. 'ant; I. J. Britten: J.

P. Ttaaas. Bellilea; 1. su sums: 3. J.

Banivast. Kn-Mki 1, Brttton and J. Hulllvant; X. O. Bdwarda.

f' nd JC- Burnall. Latin: 1, i. Bulllvant: X. ftrlltoo; w. Ouslsy.

Praaeh: 1, 9. Bulll-yant; p. kcUahon; 3. R. Uorrls.

Arlthmatle: P. Usan: I. Britten: 3. P. Bradley.

Al(etra: J. BufllTaat: i. J. Brltton: 3, Qeo-matry: 1. J.

BnUlvaat: a. J. Brltton; p. Uaea. w-huw.

r. n. utrtiar; aa. aaorria. Hl.Wry: Til UorHs: 3.

A. J. BulU- rar BAetrerate: 1. K. COoaacU; i.

9. O' Balltlca: 1. K. J.

Btekas: 3. A. Oorry sad H. 'Ooanall: CTKaeffa (aeq. I.

aillah anaiian: i. a J. Btokas: a. juma mau b. aanntea a L.

Banaaaay (aae.l. Uyara: 3. J. Ooltrn. J.

O'SfMrrat 1 I KI suiott; a. u. K. O-Oonnall; Praneh: lUotl Artth- matie: K. Alartra: 1.

acotiana. I. Sukea. Otoattrr: 1 9. Btokae: 3, R.

HoltTl. it Rlstorv: 1. K. O'Oonnta' end J. ryKaeffe (aeq.j 3, H.

O-Raurka Reiuno; 3, B. Rrrnan; 3. K. Oaarv. Rellaion: 1, J.

Woodbrldie; J. Wootton; 1. J. atennere! Bitllsb: 1. J.

Rettano; 1, L. Pltatarald; 3. K. 4. wooaDnaia ana Chapman (aae.l; 3, K.

Ovary; 3, B. Orean and Plttearald Ua Dictation: 1. J. 9 niaaarald; Gibbon. Hlatory and taosraphy: m.

pivwnj J. neywaro ana A. A.ii.m tMq.i. niut uiaaa. Attraeate: 1 m.

Manoney; 3, A. UalouR R. RaarUch. Ral If. Ion: 1, R- Walker and T.

Waiulre laea.l: 3. a. Condon, P. Joyce. J.

Walker laeg.l. bfllah: 1, J. Treaaor: 3, R. Uabonev; 3, p. Hunan.

Arithmetic: 1. ft. Haartach and K. Burke (aaq.l; 2, N. Poet and W.

Nawmaa (aae.l. DleUtlon: 1. O. Conlon: 3, 8. Burrowa: 3, p.

Runan: A. Ohrlatla: 3. J. HUtory: 1. P.

Hunan: W. 3, R. Uahoney. Oeoeraphy: Knmartln: 3, JL Uahoney and 9. Treanor; 3.

T. Joyce, M. Peat, and P. Roabreok (aael. Fourth Claaa noaa: r.

uicaay; 3. A. Kau Relltloa: 1. P. Carrlsan: 3, T.

Cottetlo: 3. I Hlckey. btllsh: 1. J. RoB: 3.

J. Roae: 3. J. Bark Arlthmatle: I. P.

Ratcllffa: 3. J. Roae: 3, J. uvManuv. niawry: J.

Kaiianer; a. sanneay: 3. J. Campbell Oeofraphy: 1. J.

UcOormack: 1. J. prim tht; 3. T. Roblnaon.

Dictation: 1. H. Pell: BL Bardy; 3, H. Bell. Third Claaa Arrrtitll: 1, p.

Ryan: 1. B. OraBtar: 3, N. Rallrlon: D. Ryan; 3.

P. Mewmaa; 3, L. Owen. Bnillah: 1, P. Newman' 3.

J. WUllamt; 3. D. Ryan. Arllhmatle: 1.

P. Smith and 4. Baaaett (aae.l; 3, D- PUoj. History: R. Smith; 3, RlltAT' 1 Infth' W.

Uaber. Oeography: 1. R. Smith: 3 D. Ryan: 3, P.

Nawmaa. Dictation: 1. 8 Hennettj: D. Ryan; 3. p.

Newman and B. Smltb ASHF1ELD GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Ths Premier (Mr. Bterens) prsssnts ths prlsss at ths Spsoeh Wifht of ths JUhneld Orammar School, In ths presence of a lares ssssmblais in ths Masonic Tsmpls. Bummer B11L Ths ohalrman of ths school's advlaory board (Mr.

O. B. AQoock) presided. A mans other members of ths board present w-ts Mr. sfarvla, M.L.JL, who prsssntsd ths sports trophies.

ne remier seta mat mo rset tast tne senooi was old reminded him that their obMcatlon to- rfai sHttwarnfi varaw tn t-ai tat eomnjonlty. to rsflmsnt sll those Influences that ua iiooa uie sesrcninf (ees 01 lime. The headmaster lir. O. H.

Vsushsn), In bis report, auted that ths enrolment snowed an advance of 31 par cent, on that at tha snd of ths previous year, and that next year gars pro- uiisjtj oi sb sjvui sua Mi vs atoTBiiosj, Prise List. lorm prises Form IV. A 1: O. Pldcoek. 1: A.

Coota. X. Form 1Y.B.: eoek (l.L 1: Anderson. 9. Hlnxman, Form inn.

arwiMn, u. ssstttscsb, at, am, awircv, Form m.B.: B. Alleock 1: R. Obrrg. Kniiht, Form n.A.: J.

Mcleod, Dent. O. vi iker rvi aa AA.A7. aviAHru'-eaiuiui. A aea.

eesaiueata. en. isb. d. vi ua Ja.

ar. jnii mnmt- A a eat. Klncabtiry. D. Clark, J.

Form I U. Murray and J. B. Watson (tisdt, D. Brlerley.

JvfnU; K. FlUjerald. l- D. Anderson, O. Feakss.

3. Juvenile, O. Border n. J. McOord, W.

ChannelL 3. Form a thematlea. A. OtMrw A HoartT J. Knivht Dank H.

Jamae. Bpedsl Prises. -Dux medal: A. Oberf. Fldeock scholarship: Brian Alleock.

Cltlsenshlp: O. Fldeock. Hlatory special prus: Clark. Froflclency Boarders' eonduot prtas: Ok Holmes. SPRINGWOOD LADIES' COLLEGE A procTamms of Brasses! and elocutionary Items, also a Mimical culture dlsnlar.

Dcscedsd ths distil- button of prlsss at which aCrs. J. Jaeksom, wife of ths MInlater for Local Oovernment. offldaied. Ths prise list waa as followa: Intermediate A.

Dux of school, Frsnsh. Kntllah, and science: Roma Mclfab. Cltlsenshlp, feocrapby. history: F. Fsstu.

Mathematics, deportment: S. Harmon. Cltlsenshlp. science: M. Andaraoo.

Theory of music: J. Macieod. Xntsrsasdlato B. Dux: O. Hoffslsky.

Mathematics snd science: O. Rogalsky. Oeofraphy, Kngllsh. history, lancnafes, theory of mualc: at. Beutler.

History: Fish. Seiipturs. Bnflish, theory of music: Salman. MoslcaJ appreciation: J. Metan.

First par. Dux, scripture, hUtorv. eeotTephy. Kntllsh. French, theory of musle: RogaUky.

Bctsnes. mathematics, teocraphy. history. French: F. Dumar-saq.

Rnsllsb: D. Brooks, Theory of music: O. Blsckler. Lnpravsmsnt: R. stslman.

French: L. McDonald. Form LA. Dux: D. Beer.

Anthmetle and tables: D. Boer. Bncllsh: B. Sheaves. I B.

Dux: M. Maephsrson. IX Dux: J. Ison. Bnflish: B.

Hufhes. Arlthmatle and tables: B. Taubman. m. Dux: H.

ell man. Raadtag: M. Barry. WrlUns: F. Oorry.

Impiovemant: M. Cntansry. OeneraL Musle exajrirnatlon: M. MaeMrstyS. Musle memory work: M.

Maepbersoo. KlocuUon: J. Maelaod. BloeaUoa. oonslstect work; B.

Royalsky. Sewing: Senior, O. KoRaisay; junior, ueoonaio. ureesmaxinf Preston. Spociml towlAf prise: H.

Kslmaa. S. Haxmoo. COOGEE BOYS' PREPARATORY. Lady -Horsy prsssntsd ths prises at ths Ooofwe Boys' Preparatory School.

Randwlek. Frlse Ust: Dux of the sebool: Flddlnfton. OsjnpbsU Pratt memorlel sebolsrship: Byrne, Cohen. Solomon Firkins trophy rbsst all-round boy IB.i: Fituardinse. Dr.

Booth exam in a on as xreaats: III.C. Flddlnfton n.A., Byrne; (I.B.. Austin: Budfsn; I-B Barbour rsmbrs, Mellek. Oesanla eaaut Mtwtiul aaMM- TTW rS laTwtal. TT A Vita.

BB Austin, Xjl. Wlnkworth: Austin, U. Annus! erlatnal story: n.C. Whyte: I1.A-. Beara and Class; McKatuse, A.

burner prlea lansuarea mo. Booey; OJL. Byrne; II eT Aoatrn. l7l.A.. Budsen; Barbour; raneva.

Onrlatla. Deolaon nrla. Imatheai.tleel m.o Mtfflln.lMif na Byrne; n.B.. Maekaasle; I.A., Budten; Bar-bourj remove, Hetek. Bnillah tubjecu: HI.O., Ptddlnston; JUL.

Byrne; uV; Auatln. Wlnkworth: I.B.. Austin: raeaove. Znalls. matorv Brla.

Bnsllsh and (Australian IIKO, Whyte; n.A.. rrne; n.B., Attstln; Donevaa: I.B.. Auttla: rainove, eerier, aeosraphy prise: Bobav: nAByrne; BJ. Aaatla, 1: l.a Bmalpage; J. ui.w.

wajia; U.A. Kolow; n.s, Auati, Dleutlen and enelllns ni.a. Whyte; n.AOehen. n.B, Meekenela LA, Oedlray; T.B Buthae; remove. Hentenore.

Wrftln aoa leaeralaeatneaal ma. Praaw. n.A.. Taylor. Fraan.

tA greenwood: reraeve. Barley, aalenee prlae: XTl G-SSjJej. Raawve aesratatee: tn miove, lai Jonea. I raaaeva. Ua, sjralth, ft ni.pi.

Oulaen. Biakaa. ITB yitahardlnre Lllt eanalvatesad Donovan; LB, Wntaveawrlt Jn.a. flrltlna; AAOalaon: Booth. PoWre: H.B..

rim. "uu; BRAEMAR COLLEGE. weia sreeenled mf the Bev 9. Paralne as Duief the aahool: Joan luotltae. Fern hen own: an FradarlrXltoaalla Paa.

Form: Flerenea Brln- ID- BV.M Klllv Wan ui. Wrftlne. Jove. Tvtwr Jna aenw. hrfidi.

Jean Farm.r. 'Batty Farmer Diction Jean Fynor. otntral ImprtrTt- eient: Joyea Tyrer, Lola Cob June Brown. Mane Tyaoe, JM Joan h.mbJim. mant: joyea Tyrer.

Lole, Enla Coleman. an Bamphreya Mater, Jean Frederic. waedlework: Florence Brlaaoa, Joan aterUwn. Phy. Ileal saltan: Jean rvedarleta, Joyee Tyrer.

Jedlth llSt: fh "ireera Oadaan. Daaelai' mn Fre-JarteAS. AlUndarws: Joaa ReekUaa. Bitty Fanner. OondurR Barbara Trlit.

Winifred Doraa, Jean wiawn ttenta, i taaii wens, LEURA CRAMMAR SCHOOL. ryaat: botany. M. La noa and a. awls.

Ttia Alatrlbiitum of nrtua Otm t. achool was mad. laat waA aa foltewa: Dux el eahawl: Alaava 1, Haaas dtver 1. Brt Danki i Boon Allerten I. Division 1: JaaesJ, WoedrtB Witts J.

Dtvl. slon FerrUsnd Raletrom 17 Abrama S. Kavae Fret too. Warner physical culture: O'Brien. WILLESDEN, KILLARA.

-rns miiaa el winaaetu. arniarm. were wi teamed el the eaheel by the reelee ml KUlara ea baaambar lollewa: Swna eHaee. tsaatidary: Olive Carrier, Joaa Brenaaa. June aauat.

Prlmam Mar. Meatl. Jeha Oewlaihaw. Joellh Bolkeaaana. Blehard tame, John aawm.

KlrieMraartea: M.r-tarat Oraham. Wlnaom. aaand. Ann. Kllpp.1.

Judith Fewreyn. aaeelal Prlaei: ekrrhrtare: rjerls Clark. Joan Brennan. Marlerla MoOlC John Oowllahaw Phvawel eultere: olive Carrier. Art: Ollva oamer and Braee Reed.

Bawlnet Mare. ral Blaeit, beneaai: wwe eaeita Bolkamana. "TJe Fremier ntt evwnsi has seeeelai a eest ya the eeunell ef laewintton Oollaee. Btanmore. to IjoWf' wuM Seath el Mr.

FIRE AT BROOKVALE. AwaattsMemPw same aeevotad by Mar. day wrarnrrav. Fire brkjadea from Drewhy and lUrberd saved th adjoining bulldlnajs. hMTH? hUght and Melria 1, J.

Whltemaa. Otwmletry: 1, R. Davis and L. Plnaeaa: 1, 1. aokum.

Paraue: I. a. Bnemn: a. A. BlaaMrea rieot; K.

afaMahoa; 3, J. jeoaad Tear AnraemU: 1. afaloai; 1. B. Qulaa: h.

Morrutujon: I. PlaweraTw. PVrrla-non: a Pernsoa. B. Qutna, T.

acoily. BniluE: Altahra: T. CjZurU: Cf." Joawtrv: J. fTuorrU: a ton. 1 f.

l.l. A Peoeral grant to feraeee in lmraadlat need of monay, and til ramainatr will paid when ttw total acreage ha been datermlned. DtatribuUoa will be on the area cropped with wheat for train for tha eujrrnt seaa-n. Tb Orensrton wealth Oovernment aareed, after preliminary objection, to tola method of distil- otrucat of Ukt (ran 01 stw. ADSLaUOK.

Tueaday. Bo that assistance map be flven to farmer a early as peaslbl from the Pwderai (rant of It wa screed to-day at a eonlar- tn fremier isar, nun ana wbeatarrowera' reprseentstlvw that a prallmln XL pajinssit of i an i acre of to area sown oa all approved appuca- and that tha total amotrnt par acre to be paid be delermlned by tb Stat Bank, when the total acreage revealed bp the application la known. a wa also agreed was a eum not eznaeaing JO .000 ba set aside to assist farmer whose 133-33 crone returned leaa than three bushel. par acre, and also those whoa crops, although ezoea of three bushel, an not of marketable quality. Thi agreement will rued to be confirmed by Cabinet to-morrow.

CHRISTMAS CHEER. AT VICTORIA BARRACKS. Abont M0 poarifster, ehlldren of the military and civilian taO at Victoria Barracks, war entertained at a Chrlatma tree dlstrlbu-tlori at Vletarla Barrack naterdav. There wer several hundred adult present. About ui pjn.

an Aero oiud -plana aroppea "Father Chrlatmaa" an the parade) around. Mon of the children actually saw tha landlnc they never see Father Christmas coma down the chimney but a minute or two later Father Ohrlatmaa, who certainly did not look aa tf he had been had commenced to distribute the toy. The youngsters wer delighted and, after all, that wa th aim of the organiser. The RAJL Band Bland Items, and the ar' ran gem en te wer supervised by Mr, J. S.

Barayman, or. tn emuan nan. HEATHER FROM SCOTLAND. At th annual Christmas reunion of th Snd Battalion. A I F.

Association, at which Ueut'Colonel X. Herrod presided, a distribution waa made of heather from Scotland. Tha heather waa aent by Mr. 3. ktecdougall.

who served with the A TF. abroad, and la now living in scouana. CHILDREN OF UNEMPLOYED. WORK OF YOUNG CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION. "Garn, there's men Inside It." TT em all mm.

IN. 1 W. a This exchange of remarks wa typical of the attitude or most 01 tne cnuaren lowara ears. Murohv's "cow and Mr. Flanagan's "donkey" at the Christmas party In Trumper Park yesterday, arranged by the Faddlngton Young Citizens' Association.

Tha "cow" and the "donkey" were the work of men from the Fire Brigade headquarter who wer assisting In entertaining the 1500 children of unemployed men in uie aistncx. When th "donkey" and the "cow" engaged In what wa described a "the greatest race of the year," the shrieks of laughter from the children echoed throughout the ground, while parents and other onlookers Joined with them In their laughter at tb clowning antic of the strange beeets. Tb children enjoyed all the fun of the fair; there waa a ventriloquist, with his doll, a rollicking red-faced sailor. Father Christmas, to whom the children gave the credit for the abundance of toys; there wa ginger beer and ice cream; In fact, everything to make their young heart hippy. On all aides war face wreathed In smiles, except her and then a tiny tot weeping silently for the parent It had lost In tha crowd.

And these tears were rubbed away when Father Christmas began the glorious task of giving out th books and th broom, the cots and dolls, tea-sets and tablee, wheel-barrows snd elephants, tennis racquets and giraffes, trains and kltea, chairs and easels, and every ather conceivable toy. The Young Clttsens' Association was originally sponsored by th Rotary Club, and 1 an organisation of unemployed young men and woman. During the last few months they have made more than 600 toys, which with 1100 toys given by tha emokrveea of B. T. Leigh and Company, wer distributed among ui luczy cnuaren present yeareroay.

ALSATIAN PARADE. Tym hMttmn RheTihrTi Tie Tnlnfwisi AsuavdsitfAti of Mw 8ouUi Wiki held an leKrtrlc tight trophj nd fuhptvradi (K.A. ruletr Bberfalift froundi, Lichhrdt. laat night. Mr.

A. R. Bevao waa tht Judca. Tn cup for dog with bwt nit went to Mr. O.

P. Beh'a Caeaar of Norwood. Ottaor flrat gnat and tut) or trophy winner Dog: B. Acooia'i omrada. Mr.

and Mrs. Clark' Saawon of Bstraaford. 9. Huntingdon' Prlncsi Buck a Mitf. field' RanH of Baldon.

J. RalUy's Gap tain of Braa-mar, O. Clawi WoUaoa, Mra. W. Thompaon a Cladiua ef Bcrttford.

Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Henry Olnnea Oold of Acathet.

Bitch: A. Shtffleld's Kata of Norwood. O. Pnater't Prtnceaa Alia, O. L.

BannetVa Quean of the Forest, R. Blakev'a Mali of Pwlleot, Mrs. W. o. BannuUr1 CUla of Berea-ford, J.

AUanah. Other exhibitors receiving prises: O. Oonynham. Watson. Miss M.

Rose. H. Murray, T. Armstrong. Sampson.

M. O'Connor, Mrs. J. Iener, O. HunUngdon.

R. B. Knight. O. Poster.

Mrs. A. in too. o. Blrmlntham, J.

Watson, Davidson. O. Clew. 8. Blakey.

MAYORAL ELECTIONS. HAT Aldarman John Hrunrmi rrwsaMtawrli rlammt aildennan K. W. Wilkinson. MORPETH: Dr.

Keith KlatB. NORTH BIUNBf Aldannan R. f. FTadtrBvan' stas. posy-majror, Aldarman a.

9. R. Hardy. RANDWICK: Alderman 8. O.

Palrta. TKMORaTu Aldermaa W. OalUghan. ORAItLAi Alderman Alfred Cameron. SHIRE PRESIDENTS.

RLACKTOW N-Ooriivclllor afohn O. Pac (r elected). OOSTWTCtt John Bhasahan (third oo esasive year). o. Whit (third year); deputy.

Councillor M. Park (re-elected ORARA. Cr. W. el.

Benson. TZNTSRPTJELD: OrancUlor W. K. Smith (reelected, fourth uceeutv term). TARRO OoanclUor T.

McCarthy. WAKOOU-OouaeUloT H. P. Creswlek; deputy. Councillor Oarbyshire (roelected).

SAILING. VABCLOBB BBOATTA. Tne eleelnt dau for the 13ft aallraf events el vauoiua. Mfwa naa oei poatponao amu aMlxuv. dav.

to allow tha vtaltlne otMcnaland laft boau. which arrive yesterday xer the atete ehamploa. hum, a. mnimt. BOXING.

KV.NS OtJTPOINTS OXUX. Tha Plltolno Touna Olldo. who haa bi tn Australia for nearly three years, durinjr which ha haa had AA ftonteata at LalahhardaV Stadhim. made til Anal appearanc at that arena last nltht. Im VVB vaipointea oy iuiHinviiDi mumm' Baeh man wetshed at tlb.

Ofldo scored with right Jolts and blocked Brans' leads In the Initial round. For a Urn th deliveries of both mm wer ngnt. boa wnuit eaen in turn asnmea in eaensiv. there vera manv osrlods of dull exehanaa. vans' left wer conspicuous as they tapped Olldo in th Moond term, then th latter attacked with rigour.

Thy livened a th eonteet proceeded, end thr was considerable to to to work, ah man con centra tins upon bead punch. Th venth wa an exciting ion. Kvans unttaadjlng Olldo arty with riante to th Ja, but before) th round terminated Olldo baa placed a number of similar deliveries. Olldo waa forceful la the MtMtudiag that th Plllnlno had not asuaild th oolnta amaaseo aj avans wyariivr. Lou Anderson (-) outpointed Os.

Booth IKt) JaekM Plaids. I.BI haat Prank BtiakBall fA-tli tm Dink Curtia (ii-ei noutfl out rreo iraar ill-2t in th third term, and Bob Rivera (- outpoint, jaci Km -i in sour rounds match. Jak Baker l7-le)t beat Preddte Burns (7-1 1 on point siter a pjenuMiy onMua rounds contest. Ths Phillips Stitert and th Ply Log Wodrs contributed vudTlli lteaa. ttONBS-BURKB MATOfl OPP.

Tht ermteet between lohnny Bark and Bluey Wjnet ranged for Monday tint ha been abandoned) owing ta Bark having to separated upon ev appeaaioiua, PARRAMATTA etfADTUM. Tovng Odd and Jaekl McDonsId wtn supply th main contest at tn rarramatta vtaaium on Saturday night. Th piviatsdnartes piieo mj Totnar sarait ani id Norman. Blkl. sis id Prd four Jaok four rounos; ngr saoait Xullen rounds: and BlUy Star and louna.

CRAIO AND OAMKRON. Pat Craig and Kid Cameron ar rimtehad for tn principal tiracui aa wt ura mt BORWOOO STADIUM. Sli-rtrandJ aonteate at Bunrood Stedtwtn last night resulted Ooort Prlngl. f-g. Phil Sullivan, S-t: Bobby silken.

S-J. outpointed outpointed BiUy M)ulMan. t-4. BURNULBL MATS WAX. LrsMTM-tl rtvaai OA At th SUdtwm.

Owt Loo Was retired with a damared i ar. no found ftsaiul Albert. rfl oocfi bbats mvoonmuiK' LONDON. Dm ta -I Veea Avtm-ValH jei naii Mnwo wsMsTm The arhami le a aatartare fresa Wales Orttkot AaaoelaUoa'e euatomery "Oountry la aeeatla that the tease wkaalnf the anal an set a eearklaae euaauy aide ehevM have the rkrhl la avpser at the Sydney Ortokat round. oountry eemsalttee at the Mew Seulh Walea Orleket Aeaoelatkm wee, aa aouM.

fcflasnasd ay the teat thai the least win have areata a eertala smieal ef valuable' leeas were, while the arlss at slake will teereaae the eeeapeutlve lalereet la the saatehea tetaa esseed la the eoaalry. The twehmlaarr maHhee era ta he tOeye eetweea Cbrtstmae sad the Mew Tesr. Mvenaa win eaeel aoathera Duarlets at Ooulkera, aa Weal will auel Far West at Balharat. Oa neeamkae JO an Wait aad Far Went win combine to play Soot aad tUvertaa Betharat, Lower Morth Ooeet. Far Morth Coast, Hun la VeUey.

and Mawoastl. win eata sa a series atatehae at Meweaslle. el the end ef whleh a eeeauaed aerthna team wul he ebeeaa to play eeeaMae west and south at Bathuret ea January an The winners of that anal aaateh are saeet the Mew aoath Wales Oolu at Bydney ea January and a. The recent mateb at Warn eetweea the IntUah-aaea and the eouthara dlatrleu eerved te empbaslsi that there le sneh pro relet ne talent la the eeun-try. a.

aadlelr tWattal. trflllaat wicket-keeper: as. Kumble lOreafeUI. leftaadad howler; and Bennett (June.) aad B. Sly (Watral.

batataea. are playara who atlsht make rood with eiperlenor In city eoaapaay. Bennett, eound and atUaoUv. batarnan. le only 10 yaara eld.

and hot 33. aa baa I piaywre ana aauy win. mm hulualaa aaarast the Oolta team, ea a am step toward, wlnnlhs a piece tn tome state eleven. CRICKET UNION, roltowinf are the New South Walea Junior Crtektt DnlonVarturea for December ud 37. all mate commencing at 10.30 a.mj Drnnbir 26v "DaUy Telegraph Shield: Owttt-bury WeaUrn Suburb Churches, at Jfruh-.

umplresLM. Plrnn. J. s. Parkinaon; Oawrtniry Park vfeastArn Buburb.

Centennial No. lW. Bingham. O. Uoughtoo; Moor Park SoMth Sydney.

Kenslntton, J. King, C. Lenory: Balmaln. by; IwCrHlbertUaa, Rusheutier Say. B.

Cop. Sutherland WooUahra, HantTlll. W. Norman, P. Orant: Auburn City Housae, Concord OvaL M.

Meade. J. Madden: Nepean Parramatta, School. A. Jonas, J.

H. Brown; Southern DMtrlet Western Suburb. Pratt en Part W. Jacobs, a. Lohmann; OladearUl Hornsby, Ryd.

Oouldlng. L. Brlot; Manly Northern Dtatrlct. Mosman. P.

AlUop. O. Dufgan; Northern Suburb WUlouhby-Kurlng-gal, North Sydney No. W-Mason, In. Smedler.

-Martin" Shield: City House South Bydney. Mascot Park No. 1. Ore, J. Wheatley: BasUrn Suburb Oentannlal Park.

Osntennlaf Park, 2. P. Oabb, W. Shut tltworth- Moor Park Canterbury. Bankjtown Oral.

W. Jon, 1. Valentin; Hornsby WUlougbby-Kurlng-gat, RosTlU-Park. R. o.

Menaer. R. Hay; Manly. Taye; Northern DU-trlct Northern Suburb. Primrose Park (Neutral Bay), R.

Veltch. P. J. Cunnlncham; Auburn A.O.P.. No.

4. Tempo Reserve. A. Phelps. Wheeler; Western Suburbs, bye; Nepean Parramatta.

Parra-matta Park Helson. R. Clarke-Bruce: WooUahra Oladesrllle, Holy Cross Collet. J- Kerrigan. P.

Park, A. Allan, W. Purely: C.Y.M Butherland. no. la, Moore rare.

a. nMj. r. Miuer. rwetrnhMr 97 "DtiilT Tsleeranh" Shelld.

terbury Suburbs. Rushcutter Bay, A. Henderson. O. IV Johnson: Western Suburb Churches South Sydney, Concord Oval.

C. Matthews. Debnam: Centennial Park Moor Park, Kensington, w. ofii, k. wiuiams; niDcxniaj, ore, BklmftiB WooUahra.

Woollahra OvaL O. Parsons, W. Clout; C.T.M. Sutherland, Bexley Oval. O.

Hopwood. J. Antolne: Auburn Parramatta, Clntra Oval. W. J.

Hall. J. Oraham: City Houses western OUOUrosj, nniiwvivn rtaitt, m. sjaaa a uiui w. W.

Dowers: Nepean Southern District, Cumberland Oval. J. Marsden. R. John; Oladesvltle Northern District.

Ryd. J. Letter. K. Rowe; Hornsby wmoufrliDy-Kurina-gai.

unauwooa r-vnen, u. lit an am; ataour nuriotrn duduiw, nwui oj u- ran i. m. iTJwnsann. aj.

n. oruwu. 'iistrtln' fthield.Otv Houaea Centennial Park No. 1, Rushcutter Bay, R. Praser, B.

Butcher; South Sydney Canterbury, Mascot Park No. 1, W. Shen field, A. Sttnson: Eastern Suburb Moor Park, No. 2, Queen's Park, O.

Tates, H. Blackwood; Hornsby, by; WlUoughby-Kurlng-gat Northern Suburb. Prtmroee Park, J. Tclland. J.

Harun; Maniy nortnarn Dirict, B.eiri vara, Manly, J. Bennett, P. Delts; Auburn, bye; Parramatta Parramatt Park H- Roa. J. A.

Veron: Western Suburb Nepean, Henley Park, Enfield, J. Hunter, A. Johnson: Woollahra Hibernians. Double Bay Park, J. Denehey, H.

SUplesfoiadcsvlU Sutherland. Loltu Park. Sutherland, J. Rio. J.

R. Moss: Balmaln O.TJ., pireoock oral, h. j. oouor, w. uar.

TEAMS SBItBOTBD. Tha xViTlrttaTtrie have baen aalected to nnreaent the New South Wale Junior Orleket Union In the Poiaerin-oray snieio eompeuuon: Williams (Canterbury), O. Barnwell. R. Casey (Centennial Park).

U. Cross. W. Reynallt Hornsby), TL Bromhead (Northern Suburbs). R.

Anderson, W. King (South Sydney), J. Jurdl B. Newlvn (ButharUnd). and A.

Croke (Western Suburbs 1. December 27, Western Suburb, at Prttten Park Oval: O. Williams (Canterbury). O. Barnwell, R.

Casey (Oentannlal Park). H. Morrison. N. McLeod (Ryd), R.

Anderson, W. King (South Sydney). J. Jurd, Hewlyn (Sutherland). R.

Bare and A. uroae (western budutdsi. HTBKRMIAN ASSOCIATION TRAMS. Tha followtnaT taam win nnnimt tha New South Walea Hibernian Association in th Martin Shield woouanra a jarjie oaj on tjwcwmimw rata C.T.M at Moor Park on January 1: A. Smrtha.

capt J. Mead. vlo-capt J. Torrtnu, J. laynch, Moonay, A.

Ryan. A. Parker. T. OrantTM.

Onltaffbarj p. Belt, w. Wilson. J. Nolan 12th.

Kearney 13th, Plaherty 14th. Th "Daily Telegraph" Shield tm to meet C.T.M. on Dwflmber 20 at Rusheunr Bay aad suineriana at Hurscviu on January i. im: A. Riley, J.

Plinn, rice-csptw. A. Boyd. a), weaver ml luuiviwr, n. aasirun, mi irmgna, t.

Honnor, T. Kcnan. J. Keith, w. Brownlow, P.

Homer 12th, P. lUnsan 13th. WAVKRLaWT TRAMS. Tha followrfrif tjriu MOMunt Waver lev tn the Poldevln-Oray Shield competition agalnat Manly a. ainiy wai on DecemDer so ana uoraon at Waverley Oval on December tl, at 10 a.m.: O.

Quest (canUln). D. BelL p. Blerachank. D.

Loftua. O. Spring. R. Dawklns.

O. Kvans. P. Mclatod. V.

Jackson, Ouest. J. Byrnes. Waverley Park Juniors Wavetiey Dlitrtct, at Waverley Oval on December 20, at 10.30 a.m.: aa. wiaywon iwav.

ioit), captain, uavenaisn (Scouts). RoMcDowll (Zonsi, Jennings. Cum- son (sonui vxjiui, uiueapie, i ran an wav. coiUI, Ung (Zona), 12th, Daley (Wav. Coital, 13th.

WIsSTBRlt SUBURBS CHURCH K8 UNION. Was tern Suburb Ohurehaa Orleket 1Tnawt m)m. tor hav chosen th following players for representative match during th holidays at Petersham Oval, afalnst South Sydney AssocW tlon. on December at Concord Oval, against vniieiiiusi rail fUtWi UUH, UU wlBIlUkry a Htp rtckvlll OvalwR. Ball (eantelnl.

A. Chamber lain. O. Kelr. B.

Dickenson. A. McCallum, a. Brown. B.

Panman. N. Patman, K. Barr, A. Hall, f.

Dnca, s. Bennett win. on January S. Bennett replaces n. nau, wno unavauabl.

Anlntt Petersham District Cricket Cluh. Dec ember 27, at Pstersham Oval. 8. Atkln (cap- wLu-T" 9 WU. a mtJS, u.

at Kins, rwmi, a. imm jajUH fllUlCT. B. NODtTi A. oamsron.


Wlnnmt each match to whleh they have nerttel- Dated durtns tb. Country Weak c.rnlval arranged fay th New South Wala Women Cricketers' Asso- a cnel HO viatiua, uie newcaswe pris oountry premiership for th iris bev carried OS he aaaaon 1932-33. th The carnival. which opened irtanstil etn Vartnaailaw aad last weak, concluded yeeterday. th point scored ew Ufl a luia aVBWCBIIW, all LWIllli; UI- warra, 11; Central South Coast, 13; OoulbunL 12; Pueawon.

11. Nweatl and Ula warra taam were leading with 15 points each when the last day play Wan. Clawarra, however, lost the match with Pueawon, while Newcastle boat Ooulbura, winning by 71 th first The performano of th Neweastl taam through-cot th carnival revealed eon atrona nlawsM-a Oracl Marks, who hit thre consacutiv four white wavwuar ti mjauavj wvf no. i tam ma ton on Saturday, ud in th tamo mateb took three wicket for 98. la a member of the team.

H. Oodb, th excellent wtcktkpr who held that poaition in tn same contest, is anouier member. So la little Flortie tochlin. who acorod B4 runs in their first Innings an tb opening day, and yeeterday made against Ooufburn. Her per-formaac te oven finer when It 1 realised that this rouse air" wa troubled not onlv bv a bandaari! foot, out by a paam of tooth aah lasting through- Th other member of ttto sraoeeaeful team comprise Orosaley, M.

Maoon. N. Olbba. M. Oolgan, r-.

TV aTBirssjiprn, Btvma. ta, rmi attwrn. nanneu. n. asaitn, ano neau.

Mis Btyn. th manageros of tho Newcastle warn, wa una Die to see tnem carry an tho honour yesterday. Hit by a ball on Monday, she waa still under observation mtordaP at St. Vincent's Hom- frttal Bar condition, howevwi. waa rsportad as satisfactory.

Mrs. Hunt, th oapUM ef Itlawarra, had one of hr flngr badly hurt tn th last hour play. Sh waa treated at Prince Alfred Hospital. Several fin player baid those already mentioned were dloovrd during th weak play, and it I poMibls that, ta addition to fostering tb twam pint in country centres, and doing mueh to b-oowvago tatetwat ta gtrh' crtcM. the prwiMershlp match a will be rsponsiblo for rprntauan of th country tn th interstate team, for which nomination for leetiOn do on January IT.

Soon ta ywsterday saatohw wr: ircwoASTti ooutABtnuf. Nwesti Pi rat Inning. B. protaley hit wlckt. Murphy.

51: It Muoa. 14: P. Loshrin. v. iwisM-tw, Mwpnv.

efonnson rttmm, 6g; H. Orodbo. Shaw I. CrodW. Shaw.

N. Oibua, Mi urnhw rVilAvov. awe Walsh, not out, undi-i. 11. Six wku tr ny.

n. oolgan, not out, IS: 184 (declared I Bowling: jgarahy. two for 90 urn. on for 14: 39; Shaw. mcrson, on ZOr 141 OB IaV 2 Joboon, on for Ooutburn.

Pi ret fnBtngg. enaw, a. Mark. Loehrln. 16: P.

Jocaaon. a Oroi MIIU. 6 QodbM, Qroseley. 0 4 Marks. I.

PahWkah. p. Uria PalrMg'h. 82; i nwrwu, sj Mar as, laocnrin, o. Murphy, a Loehrln, lg; B.

Saneom, Maaon, UtArta. W. Pearea. Mark. l6; TresSow BONDI SURF: CARNIVAL- wf the Wavertey eeeewa.

Benl Burl aub w.s irante DarwtraaMa to kaM as eimjal sort earn leal ea February it. rh. ejeawiU ta aiowwl (tart ISaalMlaa lets tt Iks woBTw. Bomt ratra xwe ivevn awndi mrrr crrr. tt eeearoetiaai event, alsht tarni seers seaapatittaa eeefeMewar laat aiitite remits were: "jrefriea teaaa relay: Vaarsea an d.

An erase aa a Baa, a OaralBSt aa pta(BllIJ Ma'DoI Australia's Great All-Illustrated Weekly ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY miia ana mil. nanaic.p. win oe u.v uru, -tlon mtmoera' evanta (or each of the promoting el uee. The Bret race elarta at albu BArncsTowif track. mm Hill mm em Thuredev albt Instead of te-nltbl, owlnl to tha datura at PratUn Park to-nllhTT wher.

a number of the Baasatewa aad Lakamba rldara wlU be competing. WATEPOLO. Noumean Team Invited. Aft aha aaunell maetlnv of th New South Waif Amateur Water Polo Association, held at the Rugby Union's room. It was decided to Invite th Noumetm water polo team to visit Sydney, probably in March.

Tb matter ha been referred to the Amateur Swimming Association, which will forward It on to the Australian Swimming Union. with th VMSoriana oar eariy in saarcn. in waw ruti Association will hav a busj time. Th Slat selectors. Messrs.

N. Burton, H. Orose, and M. Campbell, hav selected the following teams to play at Lavton on Monday, January 2: New South Wales: Ooal. D.

Lloyd iRoa Bayi; backs, A. Cotter iBalmalni. J. O'Connor captain), and R. Boyd iBalmalni; forwards.

V. Besomo (Bondll. J. King (Pyrmont). T.

King Pyr maul i t.wmn-rmm, J. sibu ir ji uiuui tuu Docrnor (Bondli. Tha etatat! rWaal W. Bdwarda (Th Snltl! backs. T.

WsUlnaon. Junior J. Black i IT mon a. capiaini s. uray i ADDo-xiora ir wards, H.

Doernsr (Bondl), 1. Wyatt (East Sydney), and J. Tumbull (Bondl l. Reierves, E. Johnston (Bslmalni.

M. Miller (BasUI. r. Pyrk (Pyrmonti, A. Rannlx (Bondl).

Mr. J. Conlon is managM. and Mr. J.

Watklnson referee for th match. All players ar expected to enter th 65yd handicap at Lawson. and entries doe with th hon. registrar. A on January SCHOOL SPORT.

CRICKET PREMIERSHIPS. A ratio rd wma established In the commercial and Junior technical schools competitions by P. Jones, of Bankstown. who. in th final of th second grade, against Olebe.

scored 122 not out and 124 retired, besides taking leven wicket for 97. High school premiership results: Ptrst grade. North Sydney; second grade. Parramatta: third grade, Canterbury; fourth grade, Sydney. Intermediate High and central schools conducted their grade competitions on the "champion schonl" principle, and th pennant has Been won ny Randwlek.

Marrlckvlll and Bankstown ar first and second grad premiers, respectively. In the commercial and Junior technical schools division; and in the primary schools, first-grade honours were acquired by Concord, and those for second grado by Drummovne. VVBTUliS HI Wlm UI1I1I wtjrej. rVtmmsrrlsl anrl Junior Technics) Rfhooll FlflTl Kade: MarrlckTlll. 386 (Buck man 100.

Donovan 80. ivies 47. Cap well 41. Kell 22 end 6-29). Oardlnrs-road.

181 (Campbell 60) and 125 iBundy 43 1 Second grade Bankstown, 268 and 303 (Jones 122 and 124. Brown 54 snd 9-99, Olebe, 331 (Borwica 44 ana o-loci ana iuj turisco as, Whit 31). Primary Schools. First grade: Concord. 243 (Oray 98.

Keen 381, Gordon, 85 and 78. Second 5rad: Drummoync, 100 and six for 65 iPukklnger 4), Clovally. 102 and 68 (Little 331. RIFLE SHOOTING. AT CBAT8WOOD RANOE.

Chatawood, club shoot, 20 shots, in two stages, at 600 yards, handicap added: J. K. Hammond 100. H. Berman 98, I.

Hammond 97, W. Harding 96. R. Jenkins 96, O. Sykes 95, H.

Kershaw 91. A. Chlttle 91, H. K. Olllard 91, J.

Morquay 91. L. Wooldrldge 91. J. Cook 91.

H. Lamb 90. O. Walkley 89. B.

Hardy 89, Anderson 89. Z. W. Nardln 89, A. Calne 80, J.

Blumer 72. North Sydney, club shoot, seven shots eech at 500 and 600 yards. C. J. Cork 67, N.

D. King 63, A. P. Maxwell 64. J.

McKenile 64. W. Broomhara 62, P. Hill 62, R. J.

Haron 62. H. Jones 61, W. Bright 60, J. Ryan 60.

R. Hunter 58. A. Beatll 57 P. Cunllff 57.

J. J. Mathleeon 56. R. Eldntis 55, A.

McKlnnon 49. C. Broomham 45. ON ANZAO RANOB. 43 eight shots, two slithters, at 300 yards.

Lieut. O. CartwrlBht. V.C.. 38.

H. Tvdeman 32. O. Martin 32, SgU O'Brien 32. B.

Kent 31, A. HacRar 31. J. Bastham 31. H.

Smith 31. A. Bain 30. P. Bodg 30.

A. BliRh 30. O. A. Hambllng 29.

NAROOMA. Tuesday. Tb quarterly aggregate shoot of the Narooma R10a Club was won by William Lubbock. muinimiinitnuina SIXPENCE The World'g Greatest Cricketer The Best All-Rounder of All Time Dr. Barbour Award the Honours to an Australian The Second Test: Australia' Team mm said that It waa contended that the attitude of the engineer and ganger had made It Impossible for work to be dona efficiently loni aa they remained In control of the arwerage work.

The men seriously and con-rlenUously objected to the language, and Roenlly It waa felt there waa a feeling of Utility, particularly towarda returned eol-Uen. McOuren commented on tha fact that the only witnesses for Blair and McDeed were mm who were not "Diggers" and who were receiving preicrwiwau It Is understood that tha report will be presented to the Minister for Labour (Mr. Cunningham) at the week-end. NURSE'S ERROR Huge Overdose to Patient. PERTH, Tuesday.

Mihniva that Arthur David Lobb. 43. far- tier, of Yarramong. died In tha Northern Hoe- Stsl Irom an overaoee ui poiaua wiiuhhmhcu trror by a nurse, was given at the Inquest. It was stated that before an operation.

Dr. Beunlth prescribed a sedative of six drachma the poison. The drachm sign appeared si a figure three, alnd tha ounce sign waa oroewhat similar, with an extra loop at the top. Just after the operation Nurse Wright told Dr. Beamlth that aha had lust realised tost she had given tha patient six ounces Instead or six araenms, ana uie aocwrs muu lor 11 hours trying to eliminate tha poison, vhlch Is a sleeping draught.

Dr. Thomas aald that a number ox nurses hid been very sick lately from Influent, and toe rest of the nurses had been overworked. Dune Wright had not been well. Toe inquest waa aajoumea. "CHRISTMAS EDITION." An entertainment entitled "Christmas Iditlon" was presented by the Haberfteld district younger set of the Deaf.

Dumb, and Blind Children's Institution at the Savoy Theatre list night. It consisted chiefly of dancing ud comedy numbers, and there was an industrious ballet. One of the most amusing of Ue comic sketches waa one in which two Ihosts. played by Vlnce Water and BUI Tome, eirhsnged reminiscences. Oeorge Poster took the pert of a comic dame with success In other Climbers.

The ballet was at It best in a lurch of the Wooden Soldiers." Several amis were sung by small children, who were irmly applauded. The show waa marred the slowness with which the numbers fol- hved one another. The producer were ba Bigge end Grace Bagte. "A CHRISTMAS CAROL." Ttie moving story of Scrooge's great change st heart was told again Last night, when Mr. Uvrer.ce Campbell recited Dickens' "Christ-au Carol" at the King's Hall.

It might be thought difficult for one man to hold an sudlence'i attention for nearly two and a call hours. In a piece of continuous narration. Yet his hearers followed Mr. Campbell with wer Interest. The many character were veil portrayed, and clearly differentiated by nodulstlons of voice and suitable movement sod gesture.

Mr. Campbell waa particularly effective in fee cheery episode of the Fesxiwlgs' party, ted the merrymaking of Scrooge's nephew. Tht successful rendering of so long a narrative quires a well-trained power of memorising. MISS SYDNEY CROWNED. Hie crowning ceremony of the "Miss Irlney" contest, organised by tha United Chultle Fund to raise money for distribution to the 97 Incorporated non-medical thinues, was performed last night at the Prince Edward Theatre by tha Lady Mayoress wra, waioer).

The ladv Mavoreea introduced the can CO fetes. The girls. Mrs. Walder aald, had nlsed a total sum of 12931171. and Miss hromitta (Mra Gwendoline Granger), by rraraing 147,957 vote, equivalent to a sum tn, became Miss Bydney lor ine year, kin Canterbury (Mis Dole Brooks) was trod, and Mlsa Roaella (Mlsa Beryl Ellis) llrd.

The City honour prut waa won by Via Public Service (Mlsa Josle Hughes), and the suburban honour pria by Mis Bunrood was uti iangfois. FILM SOCIETY. The second annual report of the Pttm Society sn that tha membership ha grown from it the end of 1831 to over 900. The society, boo. secretary point out, ha oom to a Ctlng of the way.

Either It can keep Its btcriptlon at the present low level, and pro-M modestly; or, by raising tha subscription, QU ak tn An mnn Mk finder la second alternative permanent pteuilsta old be leased In the city, and Dim of a type MUxely to be seen In the commercial theatre ua ee brought from abroad, and a small we rented tr wnicn to snow mem. FORMER BANKER'S DEATH. Tmraraavne Tuttaw Bums, of Townsvllle, waa found drowned this morning. He waa lying face downwards In seven Inches of water In his Ui Bums had been In the banking bust- all his life, and after 4J years' service ured early last year. At the last Bute elec-" hs unsuccessfully eon tested the Townsvllle ssainrt in Labour Minister (Mr.

rtynes) uucran or tn yuccnaiand party. CASUALTJES. WORKMAN INJURED. Ronald Flak an wt. HtmtMfe arm Jtrlmialy injured yesterday.

A girder on he was working 10 feet above the Wind gave way. risk and several other men wen enraged renovating the old Australian Bank of wnmtrce building In Church -street. Parra- They were putting a girder weighing "tons into position when tha accident une erra or tn gtraer suddenly 4nd che4 rnran(1' taken to the Parramatt Hospital ambulance. He wa to his skull, wtMUasaon, oi tatamal Injuries. MAN FOUND DEAD.

"wert Brunt, II, of eventh-avenue, iifSS: Joun(l horn yeater-" with hi head in the gaa stove. He had tee dead for some hour. MOTOR CYCLIST KILLED, in- ADsTLArxrc Tueaday. motor lorry at the "wsetloo. of John -street and Oawter-a venue, thi.

momtog, a motor cyclist. Ia AmbroH BallayT, of Atigvwta-atnet. thrown Beneath the whecla of SXindlriehia. hi left lag and hi back, and reoslvad aan SPECIAL CRICKET SUPPLEMENT No. VII: HERBERT SUTCUFFE, England's Opening Rattman THE HUNT IS ON Whaling in Antarctic Water TOPICAL PICTURES Cape to London Aerial Flight the Light of New York Veterans' Dinner in Sydney Christmas Cheer at Rand wick Hospital Sydney Rowing Club Regatta Women's Cricket In Sydney The Surfing Season Dunn, and Angus and Coote Shields Contest Mr.

A. Buchanan's Retirement SYDNEY HARBOUR FROM THE HEIGHTS OF TARONGA A Striking Full-page Picture IN NORTHERN QUEENSLAND A "Swaggie" on the Sunshine Route A TWO-ANDA-QUARTER MILE BRIDGE Great Danish Undertaking TWO COMPUTE STORIES By Alec Beer Hot An Outback Drama By Elizabeth Elliot THE FINANCIAL OUTLOOK Is the Buoyancy of the Stock Market Justified TEACHING CITY BOYS TO BECOME FARMEF.S CARTOON COMMENTS OF THE WEEK. "MIDNIGHT" BY EDYTH BAVIN WOMEN'S WORLD The Summer Mode in Pyjamas A Honey-eater Luncheon Cloth Social Notes and News FOR THE MAN ON THE LAND Tariff and the Woolgrower A Brighter Wool Market The Great Merino Studs Sheep Competitions ANNUALS FOR THE AUTUMN GARDEN In Lighter Vein Outdoor Australia Drama and the active GItartpMt of Country Life Cinderella's Children's Pages Tha IArary Query dub. Etc, Etc PRICE too funoTo wui hvm y-I alUrnooa swaraea. 1 a anmnail a.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.