The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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SERVICE PARADE Saturday Sapt 18 1943 SERVICE PARADE Pag 3 Saturday Sept IS 1943 10 riiOM IIICKIA JIOIJSK TO OIIM'S IAW 7 Is Due At Flamingo and Pine Tree Walt New Film For Army Tarns Ont To Be Picture For (he convenience of all servicemen in the Miami area events in recreation centers all over the metropolitan area are lifted for the coming week Heath activities follow with Miami and Coral Cables schedules included in special column at bottom of pige Prepared by the Public Relations office of the Miami lteaili Training Pase AAFKTTC assisted by the recreation division Dade County Defense council and the Miami Peatli Uetrea-tion Pier Association 1 -lav in Thin-S Ml party night community singin Pier Branch No 7333 COLLINS AVE Mon-las art cla-ise Tuesday dam -ng Wednc-iay talent show Thursday airplane modeling table tennis tourney 830 in Fridav -kit' Saturday dancing: Sundiv House" 1 to 10:30 in BTC-4 Cl ItRENT FOLLOWS VOLT VOLT CLEARS THE PATH they're bell-ringers resistance is overcome Tow Target Operators Spend More Time In Air Than Pilot FOUR HAPPY WACS who had birthdays this week were the first members of the 829th WAC post headquarters company Miami Beach to be given a parly by the squadron Cutting their cake left to right are T-4 Pearl Mazur Pfc Dorothea Bettman Pfc Ruth McCabe and Pfc Martha Smith TYNDALL FIELD Fla Probably every person who Flexible Gunnery school here has piece of cloth trailing behind a VISITING BRAZILIAN AIR CADETS WITNESS A BROADCAST AT BEACH OTHER INTERESTS O-C Magill Former Airport Manager For Pan American Long before the Air Transport Command mushroomed into a Carry for the Army Air Forces 0C Bruce Magill w'as supervising shipments by' plane of livestock tractors truck dynamite and doz-s ens of other items as division traffic Bv GENE HANDS IKEIi Avotalrd Pros KUff Writer HOLLYWOOD Sept Mr Volt is a powerful little guy curiously shaped like an electrical dry (ell Mr Current has vicious lightning-jagged arms and body both ate characters in Wait newest war training film designed to teach the fundamentals of elec-Unity and electronics Now Mr Volt and Mr Current are going to team up to ring a doorbell Mr Current is sleeping lazily- a harmless no-good then Mr Volt comes rushing along the wires He raises his foot and zing! with a crash of sparks he sends indolent Mr Current streaking toward the doorbell But three hulking objects shapeless as laundry bags bloPk path they're the Messrs Resistance like a football game Volt runs interference for Current bow ling over the Messrs Resistance and clearing the way- and Current swings a smashing mallet blow that clangs the doorbell FORMULA IS EXPLAINED But happening to poor Mr Volt? shrinking! He's a midget fading away He's suffering from that electrical ailment And there you have the opening scenes of the film an amusing Mickey Mouse-ish cartoon dramatization in technicolor The rough adventures of Mr Volt and Mr Current illustrate the electrical law formulated more than a century ago by George Ohm: equals voltage divided by The Disney artists have taken a subject that is baffling and dry as dust to most laymen and produced a film often as delightful as Donald Duck as fascinating as Fantasia as beautiful as Bambi You see it at your neighborhood movie house however It's intended for the training of Army ground crews ex-farm boys stoie clerks and others who know no more about electrical mysteries than most of us but must learn to service and repair intricate electrically operated automatic pilots and bomb sights FILM IN TWO PARTS Mr Volt and other electrical figures perform on a black background suggestive of a schoolroom blackboard From the simple doorbell drama the film progresses into more involved phenomena But it remains down-to-earth The film is in two parts Electricity" and Electronics" The latter compares the atom with the solar system likening the nucleus to the sun and the tiny particles traveling about it electrons to planets Watching the picture you help reflecting: Gosh with something like this that confounded complicated chemistry course would have been a cinch! SEKV 'ICEMEN'S PIER Sniidii Sept 19 Open 9 a to 11 (week days 10 a to 11 Satur days 10 a to 12 m) swim niing fulling billiards art classes Including sculpturing chess cards daily table tennis tournament 1:30 fur Americans" radio I checker exhibition tournament 2 recordings 2-4 tap dancing 4 dance classes 4 buffet (free) community singing Spanish cia-s 7 dancing (BTC 4) orchestra 8-11 Monday Sept 2d Art class 7 square dance 8 dance orchestra 8-11 Tuesday Sept 21 Social hall clubroom open to wives community singing and dance class 7 checker exhibition 7:30 dancing with orchestra 8 Wednesday Sept 22 radio program 8:30 (dancing after broadcast): community singing 6:30 handcraft 7 art class 7 dance classes 7 Thursday Sept 23 Dance class 7 sing 7 ni dance (BTC 4) orchestra 8-11 Friday Sept 21 Dancing "Swing (MBTB) orchestra 8-11 Dancing class 7 Saturday Sept 25 Dancing class 7 Community singing 7:30 dance Special Services (BTC 4) orchestra 8-12 Nightly Art classes including sculpturing Pier Branch No I CHARLES HOTEL 1474 COLLINS AVE Sunday community singing 7:30 table tennis tourney 8 Monday and Friday math classes Drake hotel 7 Wednesday dancing 417 TG dance band 8 in Pier Branch No 3 ATLANTIS HOTEL 2653 COLr IINS AVE Wednesday musical program 8 Friday pier dance Dance Band" 8 Saturday movies 8 Pier Branch No 4 WHITMAN HOTEL 3301 COLLINS AVE Sunday patio dance 4-0 Monday community singing 7:30 rn Wednesday bridge 8 in Friday art class 7:30 Pier Brandi No 5 4223 COLLINS AVE Monday Glee Club 7:30 Tuesday Nazi Vessel Gives Soldier A Hot Time A nightmare voyage between New Orleans and Panama on a confiscated German merchant vessel convinced 00 Arthur Nikas of squadron 14 Army Air Forces OCS Miami Beach that Nazi equipment is inferior to American The ship cleared port loaded with men bound south Sxm after she w-as wrell into the Gulf of Mexico the trouble began Refrigerating machinerv went haywire and the air conditioning system-ceased to function In the broiling heat food spoiled rapidly and the rations were cut to one meal a day As all on board sweltered the throb of engines driving the ship through the tropics slowed A breakdown reduced the speed to four knots For 21 days all on board sweated the trip out barely moving under the torrid sun and humid dark of night They reached Panama the point of debarkation And they had to spend extra hours of incarceration aboard the German craft because someone find the combination to shut off what little power the ship still had! Sunday Sept 19 With The untie Flamingo park 7:15 in Parade" Pine Tree hand-dand 7 30 Flamingo park baseball I Guard school vs NCO Polo park baseball 911 vs 913 90s vs 909 10 a 903 vs 91 0 2 111 Monday Sept 29 Off" USO variety show Flamingo park 7:15 rn With The Pine Tree handstand 7:43 in King Cole and Nautilus hospitals movies 7 Gulf Stream variety show 7 art classes Nautilus 2 Flamingo park volley Dali 407 vs 417 408 vs 419 softball 404 vs Headquarters 403 vs Medics Polo park softball 909 vs 911 90S vs 913 volleyball 903 vs 910 Whitman 90G vs 907 Caribbean Tuesday Sept 21 Off" USO show Flamingo park 7:43 movies King Cole 7 and Cadillac 8 variety show- Nautilus and Pancoast at 7 and Tent City 8 art elates Nautilus 2 in Flamingo park volleyball 409 vs 415 403 vs 414 softball 28th Mess vs 413 and handball tourney Pine Tree bandstand preboxing show by NCO school 7:30 boxing at Wednesday Sept 22 Movies Flamingo park 8 Off" USO variety show Pine Tree bandstand 7:43 moie3 at Pancoast 7 and Cadillac 8 in art classes Pancoast 2 Flamingo park volleyball 404 vs 413 416 vs 2Sth Mess softball 417 vs 409 419 vs 411 Handball tourney finals Polo park softball 901 vs 912 911 vs 913 Thursday Sept 2:1 Flamingo park variety show 745 USO variety-show Pine Tree bandstand 7:45 movies at Cadillac 7 ni and Pancoast at variety show Gulf Stream 7:30 an! Nautilus at 7 ait clashes King Cole 2 Flamingo park softball 413 vs 407 414 vs 40S volleyball 909 vs 912 Cadillac 910 vs 911 Whitman 903 vs P'3 Whitman Friday Sept 24 Flamingo park boxing show Pine Tree bandstand variety showq 7:45 Polo park softball 907 vs 911 903 vt 910 ever visited the Army Air Forces seen what looked like a small speeding airplane They probably a lived about it and were merely told it was a Ami most of those people probable never gave a thought as to how that target got where it was and how' it was going to be re-lea cl Tint's the story of the tow target operator a practically unknown young enlisted man who puts in more hours in the air than many pilots Onni OOT CABLE Dow on the flight line at Tyndall field there are 44 of these target operators Every day they take their place in the fear co*ckpit of a training plane especially equipped for target towing After the take-off the target operator releases a 600-foot-long cable which trails behind the plane The target is fastened to the cable by a special device w-hich releases it hen the operator releases a steel ring which trips a trigger Once up the pilot and his target operator head out over the Gulf of Mexico Their plane Is overtaken by other planes and student gunners begin firing thousands of 30 and A0 calibre machine gurf bullets at the target CHECKED FOR HITS The tow operators say they give no thought to the deadly slugs fired at the target kept pretty buy with your targets and you just get around to thinking about the they say After student gunners finish firing at the sleeve the tow plane heads over the field and over a designated area the operator releases the target which then is checked for lilts The bullets fired by gunners are painted different colors and each accuracy can be checked The tosv operators then work out over the Gulf again and the operator presses a lever whieja operates a hydraulic reel which wind in the 600-foot cable hand physics conversational Jap anese and Arabic NCCS Center singing hobby night St club 3737 Meridian ave dance 7:30 (Open daily 830 a to 1030 m) Tuesday Sept 21 Miami Beach High school special services educational classes: pre-flight math conversational German and Spanish public speaking Jewish Community center dancing 8 NCCS Center movies Wednesday Sept 22 Miami Beach High school Special Services educational classes physics conversational Japanese and Italian intermediate French navigation and meteorology Jewish Community center 1413 Euclid ave "At Home" social and musical hour 8 Thursday Sept 23 Miami Beach Community church 1620 Drexel ave symphonic recordings 7:30 (Open evenings 6-11 m) Miami Beach High school gym basketball for wives Miami Beach High school conversational Spanish plane geometry public speaking Methodist Servicemen's center group singing folk games refreshments hostesses NCCS Servicemen's Center rumba instruction Friday Sept 21 NCCS Servicemen's Center quiz program Saturday Sept 25 NCCS Center movie snack bar American Legion pot Alton rd dance orchestra 8 Miami Beach American Legion Post 1S23 Alton rd open daily 10 a to 11 Beth Jacob club 311 Washington ave open nightly except Friday 7-11 Christian Science center 1665 Washington ave open daily 2-9 pm lounge and study rooms Lutheran Service Center 164 Lincoln rd open daily 10 a to 11 reading and writing facilities chapel with Sunday services at 0:30 a and 7:30 Presbyterian Service Center SOI Meridian ave open from 10 a to lip Methodist center 330 Jefferson ave writing and game rooms open daily 10 a to 11 Sunday Sept 19 Presbyterian Service Center services hymns refreshments 7 Collins park 21st st and Collins ave OCS band concert 7:30 Jew ish Community' center 1415 Euclid ave dancing 8 (Open eyery day and evening) Miami Beach public library 21st st and Collins ave recorded classical music presented by Chaplain's office OCS NCCS Center 2 Lincoln rd dance (open daily 10 a ta 11:30 m) Sunday masses at 7 3:30 and 10:13 a week days 6:30 Monday Sept 20 Miami Beach High school 14th st and Drexel ave Special Services educational classes: algebra short Serial Number Tells His History You have to be a mind-reader to determine a soldier's "past" from his serial number If his ASN is 33477937 you know lie's a selectee from the Middle Atlantic region If it is 16588912 he's a volunteer from the Midwest And if it is 24395247 you can bet a former National Guardsman from (he South the key: The first digit tells howr he entered the 1 if he enlisted 2 if he w-as in the National Guard and 3 if he received greetings from the president The second digit i3 the number of the service command in which he was enrolled Officers' numbers are preceded by General John Peroiiing's ASN is 0-1 WAC numbers start with and WAC numbers are preceded by The present ASN system was deviled after an old method failed to aveit mix-ups in the World War Your ASN is yours forever and no one else will ever be assigned it GOTHAM HOTEL manager of the Transposes Aereos Centros Americanos through Central America Training Squadron 21 claims that Magill is one of the nio-t members of the Army Air Forces OCS Miami Beach VISITS PLANTATIONS From 1938 to 1942 when lie returned to the United States to enlist in the Army Magill saw mo-of the Caribbean area from Cuba to Trinidad the north c-oa-t of South America and parts of Central America and Mexico His first days in the tropics were spent on sugar and coffee plantations Commercial a iation was hi3 main interest Iiis first job in this field was with Tran-porles Aereos Centros Americanos Later Magill joined Pan American Airways as an airport manager in the operations department of the western division working witi PAA in Guatemala until his return to the States in October 1942 Prior to his tropical adventures he visited Europe as a delegate representing the United States at the International Boy Scout Jamboree at Birkenhead England in 1929 While on this trip his group visited Belgium Holland Germany Austria Italy Switzerland and France ATTENDED AIRWAYS SCHOOL He has traveled most of the route to be followed by the projec ted Pan American Highway of which tie says: a great part of this route Ls nothing but a cow-path it will in about live years tie a great boon to the small countries of the Magill is a graduate of the New York Military academy He attended Boston university and the Pan American Airways Operations school at Brownsville Tex While with PAA he specialized in airpoit management control towrer operation and meteorology Women Run America Fine Bugs Claims ARTHUR BAER like to elaborate on a little discussion I had a few weeks ago on the Axis propaganda that America is a matriarchy A matriarchy is a country run by the women Well as I said then Europe would be better off today if their women had anymore say than the neck on a two-headed calf Sure women are running America They tell me the statistics show tne gals own most of the real estate all the jewelry spend 90 per cent of the money and are still pouting on rainy afternoons as it should be In favor of the noble American character ho named his yacht Oscar in honor of his wife If mv home is any criterion then I would say the gals are bossing the works I can do anything I like provided I get permission and4 I can go anywhere alone I please provided I enjoy myself As I said before if you think the iimen are running this country five will get you ten And you will not have to paint the (font of your store a bright red I know w'here the Axis got that rumor about the frails running the home factory Can their spies be swiping information out of corner-stones on prominent ou tidings? The constitution says nothing about women until around the amendment But they always managed to get by without by-laws the inlaws that stymie them I w-ant to tell Adolf and Tojo that the ladies are running America and that the definition of matriarchy is a state run by mothers All children belong to the maternal clan which also inherits the land houses and social perogatives the way it was in Europe also the last time I wras over there admit that Adolf has -changed that temporarily but it will swing back again as sure as a monkey on a hanging vine read this article and get the impression I am hen-pecked And juat to keep the records straight I will fold this article up about three paragraphs The wif9 might think this trace of a kick was kicking over the traces Dumbbells Dictate Reports A wire sound recorder which can take 66 minutes of continuous dicta-lion has displaced the traditional pad and pencil used by Air Force scouts on duty over enemy lines They speak their observations into a connected ith the IN THE HEART OF ALL ACTIVITY DOUBLE I KOM SINGLE I KOM S-YDE JWfW Miami and Coral Gables Centers Promise Variety 50 1 I'KR nu 13TH ST and EUCLID AYE Miami Beach Phone 58-2058 ATTENTION 0 MIAMI and Coral Gables centers for servicemen include: Central Baptist church 500 First ave open daily 10 a to 10 Sundays open at 11 a Christian Science center 1777 Biscayne blvd open daily 12 noon to 10 reading conference refreshment reception recreation and game rooms Colored club 641 Second ave open daily 2-10 dancing cards pool writing facilities Latin-American club 419 First ave open daily 6-10 Spanish and Portuguese speaking hostesses Presbyterian Recreation center Flagler st and Third ave lounge rooms kitchen reading and writing facilities girl committees USO center 3405 27th ave open daily 11 to 11 Tuesdays 10 a to 6 dark room facill ties phonograms dances arranged USO club 930 Sec-ond ave open daily 9 a to 10:30 lounge rooms kitchen electric iron and ironing board sewing machine YWCA 103 First ave game room open every evening Coral Galilcs Presbyterian Service Center east of Ponce do I eon blvd at Alhambra circle Tuesday Thursday and Sunday 6:50 to 10 Indoor and outdoor teci'iMtion music talent shows Stindi Sept 19 USO 3405 27th ave 7 Tuesday Sept 21 CAY club First ave and Second st dancing 7th Naval District band (Gesu roof garden) 9 Special daily Mass for servicemen and women 6 Soy bold bldg Navy Wives club surgical dressings 10 a to 4 club dance instruction 8 community singing dancing Coral Gables Presbyterian Service Center indoor and outdoor sports refreshments 6:30 to 10 Wednesday Sept 22 Coral Gables USO club musical program USO 27th ave dance orchestra 8 in club dance instruction 8 dancing to 7th Naval District band finger-painting USO club movies dance orchestra 8 YWCA dance (admission 15 cents) officers invited Gesu roof garden boxing 830 Thursday Sept 23 Coral Gables club Tonce de Loon dance club dance 8 USO club nutrition class for servicewomen wives war workers sponsor-el I Florida Power and Light 2 30 rn Riverside Methodist Service cen ter First st and 10th ave music games refreshments 8-10 Servicemen's club dancing to 7th Naval District band Coral Gables Presbyterian Service center indoor and outdoor sports refreshments 6:30 to 10 CAY club movies 8 Bring friends free Friday Sept 24 Boulevard Christian church 23th st and Biscayne Blvd party night music games 8 (Open daily 10 a to 10 m) Coral Gables USO club movies McAllister post VFW dancing 8 Servicemen's club dancing with swing-time movies USO dancing instruction 8 CAY club pmg pong tournament NCCS hall prize 8 tn Central Baptist church refreshments and entertainment 8 Saturday Sept 25 CAY club dancing 8 7th Naval District band McAllister post VFW dancing 8 club 9 Third ave dance in club dancing 8 South Miami Community house dance YMHA 1567 5th st dancing with orchestra refreshments YWCA dince (admission 13 cents) officers invited a Transport servicemen to any church doughnuts and coffee ail morning 3 classical recordings 8 Travelogue movie McAllister post VFW 2824 16th st open house from 10 a club Bay front park and Fifth st butfet supper 6 talent show 8 ping-pong dancing (Open daily 9 a to 11:30 canteen service' writing facilities shower facilities dancing every evening) Coral Cables USO club 1310 Ponce de Leon blvd coffee and doughnuts 9:30 a ni archery after vespers 4 (Open daily 10 a to 11 ni) Kitchen buffet Christian Endeavor program at Presbyterian Service Center 6:30 tp 10 CAY club NCCS hall nuuicale 8:30 Open daily noon till 11 Monday Sept 2i) Servicemen's club dance Instruction 7 ni ping-pong billiards community singing USO center 27th ave movie 7 Coral Cables USO club sports tournament 8 in long-disiunee calls home for inruns USO club Spuni-di (lass 4:30 movie 8 CAY club Oneii House dull'-music by New Vm Boss oi i in Air corps al 7 ASTP Group Nears Goal Continued expansion of the Army Specialized Training Program is rapidly bringing this branch to the goal of soldiers in training at any one time according to the War department Colleges and universities now 209 In number are giving instruction to more than 100000 men in addition to which there are 16000 soldiers at Specialized Training and Reassignment (STAR) units where final determination Ls made on admission to the program KAMI! SERVICE PERIOD ASTP provides a steady flow of soldiers with specialized training at the college level in fields for which the Army has vital needs and in which the own training facilities are insufficient in extent or character It is emphasized by the War de-paitinent that there a- no obligation for soldiers with ASTP training to serve in the Army longer than the period requii ed of any other soldier Hundreds of men liave gone from Miami Beach installations to STAR units Applications may he made at the Army Specialized Training Pmgrain section at the Modernage building Lincoln and Alton rds major PiP no! TH6 YOU GET THMT FIRST SCAR PuRlMG AN ENGAG6MENJ OF A 7 MHONeMOOti CREDIT EXTENDED T4 ALL DCS MED WE have a complete line of military luggage to suit your individual needs FORTNITERS FLIGHT BAGS ARMY LOCKERS LONDON LUGGAGE 2211 COLLINS AVE MIAMI BEACH PHONE 58-2251 I Also Af 1 1 4 Miami Avenue.

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The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.