The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

IECJI0TCL I.VRAI. NOTIPFfi LEGAL NOTICES AMUsem*nTS tnTAVKANTS t.KAiyimcM la the iHiprrme Oourt of New fltvlfc 22 The Sydney Morning Herald, Jan. 29, 1958 In ths Bupreme Court of New Houlb In the lusWtnte Court offtew South In tha Huprema i Court ol New Sooth Wales, probata Jarltoletsaav waits, rrosaia jurisdiction, i train, rrwira uifMwnt nwwi KUniNO-OAI CHA81 AMUsem*nTS RE Will Of CATHERINE CECELIA, RE Will Of STUART CLAY BUR- KB Will Of RICHARD KELLY late RE Will of OR ACS O'MEARA late of Wyoming, Upper Horton, In the 'Cflhtirahall." Uuoer Horton In Slats nf Near South Wales, widow nell late or waicna in tne eiaie c4 New South Wales, Grasler, deceased, Probate granted by the1 Supreme Court of New South Wales on the 20th December 1057. Pur-auant to ths Wills Probate snd Ad- -Probate granted by supreme Court of New South Wales 1st August, 1087. Pursuant to the Wills Prnhaln attiri Administration Act.

the Stale of New South Wales, retired greater deceased. Probate granted by the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Bth day October, 10A7. Pursuant lo the Wills Probate snd Administration Art. Testator's Family tlalnten-j ance and otiardlannhlp of Infants Art, I01S-19M and Trustee Act KOALA SANCTUARY SEE THE KOALAS, KANGAROOS, WALLABIES WITH THEIR BABIES IN THE POUCH I 180H-10A4. Testator's Family Main-tenanre and Guardianship of infantsl Act, lOlfl-1934 and Trustee Act 1H2S-ID42 Kathleen Mary Kelly the Exrcutrlx of tha Will oi the said ministration Act mua-iuoa; -i water's Family Maintenance and Guar-dlanshln of Infants Act 1916-1054: and Trustee Act 1925-1042: Lynton tlnrnall Marnlrl PmirtllatV BUIL iaie oi tiUHiuiisM.

Blngark In the State ol New south Wales Widow deceased. Probe, to granted by tho Supreme Court of Flew Smith Wales iohjt, 1057. Pursuant to the WHJL fto-bate and Administration Act 1896-1064, Testator's Family Maintenance and Guardianship of InfanU Act 1016-1054 and Trustes Act 1025-1M2 Louis Eileen King and John Bsrry Rysn fits Executors of ths Will o( the llBCstherln Cecelia Bull who died 7th August 1057 hereby give notice that creditors and others having any claim against or to the Estate of the ssld deceased sre required to send par- lhair nlalm tA the BSld BOYD ROBERTE, II PLEASED TO AMNOUNC1 TO OLD FRIENDS TBI OPENING of Sydney', riral Restaurant BISTRO. MARTINIQUE AIR -CONDITIONED. IS SRLLTVUI ROAD BELLEVOI HILL whor*) you can afford to bo adventurous In an atmospharo of tha Caribbaan Music, Dancingi Wina, Food lot tha our mat Opto p.m.

com tat last couple leave EVERY DAY. Olsssls French Colonial Cuisine. Reservations; itis-itM2, Regius ia Keuy ana Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences HARRIS STRKKT. ULTIUO. WHERE YOU MAY: Witness th.

procasslon of ApottlM In thl Btrasburi Clock model Dally it 11 5 a.m., a 53 and 5 5 p.m. 6m yours'lf on Ttleviston Duly at 3.40 p.m. Watch the Stare and Planet In th. Indoor sky; Dally at 8.30 p.m. See the Tranaparent Plaetlo Woman: Pally at 3.4ft p.m.

Hear yourself on Tape Recordtnl. Play a tame (of eklll) with an Elertronlc Brain. Ueten to the Mualcal Baxee of the Enjoy the brautllul objects of Applied Art. OPEN WEEKDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. 10 a m.

-8 p.m. SUNDAYS, 3 p.m.-S p.m. PLANETARIUM: Aduulta. children, d. TRANSPARENT WOMAN: Adulta, 1j children, M.

ADMISSION TO MUSEUM R. MORRISON, Director. Ex-i Grace O'Meara. who died 3Sth April Riirnall a nrl Evfarri Rlrhard Hur-' Robert Joseph Keuy ine nf the will of the 1037 hereby gives notice mat uteai- nell the Executors of the Will of cctitors Alao EMUS. WOMBATS.

anA VAniKnEA Or PABBAKEET6 and tors and others naving ciaim aid Richard Kelly who died Ulnut riAiiva Blltua. the 20th May 19S7 hereby glvel agelnst or to the Estate of the said nniinai thai rraA inn iwi nimtrsLi nn-matmn mrm rrniuirso ui ana u- Refreahmentt available at Kloaa. ACfESR: All Roada lead to Bobbin Head and Koala Sancluari. ADMISSION: AdulU Children under 15, lj under S. FRBI.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Take Ileolrlc Train Is, thtne. bj Bua to Koala Sanctuary. RING iVim FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, havlng any claim against or to tlculars ot their claims to the saldl the Estate of the said deceased are! Executrla care of her Proctors at required to send particulars of their i the undermentioned address, on or claims to the said Executors care before the ftth April, 1958, at the of their proctors at the under- expiration of which time the said mentioned address, on or before the Executrix will distribute the assets Bth April, 10.18. at the expiration! or the said deceased to the persons of which time the said Executors! entitled, having regard only to the the said Stuart Clay Burnell who. died on the 3rd August 1957 here-1 by give notice that creditors and others hsvlng any claim against or, to ths Estats of the said deceased are required to send particulars of their claims to the said Executors at Co.

Messrs Wesver Gentle A Harrl. son. Solicitors, 111 Faulkner Street, Armldale, on or before the 31st day of March 1057 at the expiration ol which time the said Executors will distribute the assets of the said deceased to the persons entitled having regard only to the clalma of which thev then have notice. Dated this ninlma nt vrhloti aha t.haii hafa nfttlcft. Executors care of their Proctors at the undermentioned on or before the 6lh April 1088 at the expiration of which time the aald Executors will dlstrlbu to, the assets of ths said deceased to thp persons entitled, having regsrd only to the alma of which they then have notloo.

Dated this 22nd 10887 tVAN ft RYAN. Proctors for the Executor, Barraba. By their Agents: JONES JONES St JONES, lfla Pitt Street. Sydney, will distribute the assets or tne said dMeaind to the nersons en REX HOTELS POTTS POINT THE CARLTON, CITY BONDI Dated 22nd January, 1958. RYAN Jt RYAN, Proctors (or tht Executrix, Barraba.

By their Agents, JONES JONES JONES, 1B3 Pitt Street, Sydney. IN the Will of IVOR OTTO AP-M- "LAUGHS IN LITERATURE" A program of humorous verse and prose read by Will Pryor. 1 to 3 21st day ot January, 1058. WEAVER GENTLE A HARRISON, Proctors for the Executors. Ill Faulkner p.m., 39th January, at the e.

Snd floor (above Phillip St Theatre). 171 Phillip St. Admission by donation. THE HAPPIEST OUTING ON SUNDAY 8.8. SOUTH STEYNE.

OCEAN CRUISE TO BROKEN BAY Bverybody love the Ocean Cruise, The trip throuih the Heads, the in lies of colourful ocean scenery, the beauty of Broken Bay and the Hawkeabury River make the Ocean Orulse Sydney' outstanding Sunday outing. South Sterne leaves No. 9 Jetty circular Quay tt 1.30 p.m. ana returns to berth about 6.30 p.m. Refreshments end commentary on board, Adultet 176 Children: 5 during echool holidays Pork Jackson Manly B.8.

Co. Ltd. Inquiries BU3221. titled, having regard Only to the claims of which they then have notice. Dated 22nd January, lOftH.

RYAN RYAN, Proctors for the, Executors, Barraba. By Iheti-i Agents, JONES, JONES JONES, Pitt Street. Sydney. IN the Will of THOMAS MAHER late of Radfordslea near Branxton, In the State of New South Retired Dairy farmer deceased. Ap-nitration will be made alter 14 dsyi IN the Will Ot MARTHA CAU- Street.

Armirtsie- BRU8TER late of Llsmore In the State of New South Wales. Pensioner, deceased. Application will be made after 14 days from the fubllratlon hereof that Probate of he last Will and Testament dated. IN the Estate of CHRISTINA MUSICIANS, Dunce Bands. Artists, HOTEL REX (POTTS POINT): The Canberra Lounge Saturday Afternoon Dancing from 3 p.m.

Danes also at night In the Embassy Restaurant, Bondi REX: Catch the Dinner-Dance on your way to the Theatre. It's always bright at the Rex-Bondl. THE CARLTON (CABTLEREAQH STREET) Theatre Dinners from 15- In the lovely Carlton Restaurant. After-Theatre Suppers to 11.45 p.m. In the Carlton Lounge.

RESERVE NOW I REX, POTTS POINT: FL3341. REX. BONDI: PY7247. THE CARLTON: BW6S41. KGGrrE late oi can rrancisco in the State of California.


To be held on Frldsy, April IS, HARKV CONNELLY arr. Bury Lin. Microphone always available. SID ROSS AGENCY. MA6050.

from the publication hereof tint 1MB TMEOHUFHICAL SOCIETY pre the inth June oi ute saia deceased may be granted to Phyllis Irene Armbruster the Executrix named In the said Will, and all notices may be served art the under-. Probate nt tha last Will and Testa now accepting work arranging sent! Alan Bradley in a Public Lec. ment dated 31it June 1937 of the I WKTjL ISie OI vauciujo im an- State of New Smith Walea Married Woman deceased. Application will be made after 14 days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testa, ment dated the 6th day of May 1047 of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to John Esler Oil-well the Executor named In the said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All creditors In the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their clalma to the underaigned.

DUGOAN SB DOYLE, Solicitors, 64 Kins Street. Sydney. no copy inn. icrma moa. inquiries KX-JOflfl, to 7 p.m.

CARNIVAL eauinment. Dodiem ears mre enimra --can Art uive Fuller Lite?" Sunday, 7.15 p.m., Advnr Hall, (under) Bavnv Thttr mentioned address. All Creditors In the Estate of the deceased are aoovenamen aeceasea may oe grained to Elizabeth Rose Bush (In the aid Will rlleri Roa Busht and JENBKN'8 TENNIS COLLEGE, nereuy required io sena in parncu-lan of their claims to the under- King cross, individual and dun John Patrick Bush (In the said Will called John Bush) the Executors named in the said Will and horse-o-plane, aeroplane. Lighting sets, etc. Offers.

14 Hume Highway. Bankstown. HARMONY CLUB BO-BO Dance every Saturday night. Mnccabean Tuition. Weekday, weekend.

Courts plication will be made after 14 days from the publication hereof that Administration of the Estate ot the abovenamed deceased may be granted to Henry Wiltshire Webb, Senior the duly constituted attorney of James Herbert Keeffe the Hitsba nd of the deceased and James Herbert Keeffe Junior Virginia Keeflee Birmingham and Richard Herbert Keeffe the sons and daughter of the abovenamed deceased for the use and benefit of the said James Herbert KeetTe, James Herbert Keeffe Junior, Virginia Keeffe Birmingham and Richard Herbert Keeffe Limited until one of them shall apply for and obtain a grant of Administration and all Nntlrna mav be served ior nire. aay ana nignl, own bore water. FA 1246. signed. I.

O. BONDFIELD RILEY, SollPltors, Llsmore, Sydney Agents: MESRItS CLAYTON UTZ St solicitors, 136 Liverpool Rtreet Svdnev. all notices may servea at tne undermentioned address. All ere- rlftira In th Rttlalft nf the de- nan. uarnna nurst.

xy44uo. MORMAN Musical Society require cnorus Gentlemen and 4 Alto I'HOF. WALLACE, Punch and Judy, Manic. Puutiets. Clowns.


Lovelr TV star. Pick the 8 TOP TUNES and Win the JACKPOT PRIZE. TONIGHT. HARRY SIMM8. Tops in Pons.

Monday. 30th: SPECIAL DANCE NIOHT with Osm.s, Quizzes, VHm, In lha Piin IN the Estate of JOHN ATKINSON ccssed are hereby required to send In narllrulars of their claims to IN the Will of HENRY ir ARCHIE, Musical Clown. Punch and cnorus utaies ior "tjuaxer airi," March 22-20. Apply Moeman Town Hall. Wed.

20th. Jan. 7.30 p.m. late or Kounmeaa in ine otate oi Now Smith Wales Foreman, de the undersigned, W. J.


ALL-STAR VARIETY CONCERTS. 8 p.m. Admission 6. Stars or Stage, Radio and TV aboard the luxurious and comfortable a-decker Showboat Kalang. Special 50-mlle Cruise, Main and Middle Harbour and Parramatta snd Lane Cove Rivers, 10.45 a.m., MONDAY.

SHOWBOAT leave No. 3 Jetty, Circular Quay juay. wbbic, Lyi87Q. Ac SON. Proctora for Applicants, Maitlanr, Ilv their Aetnts: TAY LOR KEARNEY it REED, Hunter ana uimn mrecis.

ovaney. Ot course, Every Nlsht and Sarurday Afternoon JOHNNY OOL- IN tin. Will nf I.1LY MAY HODGBON at the undermentioned address. All, ceased Intestate. Application will be made after 14 days from the publication hereof that administration of the Estate of the above-named deceased may be granted to Nancy Stafford Atkinson the Widow of the said deceased, and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address.

All creditors In the Estate of the said deceased are DKH, OEHUE EHMULL ana HIUM SSIE. Creditors In the Estate ot the deceased are hereby requested to send In tiartlrnlnra nf their el Rim to lormeny oi ueucvue nm oui is of Bowral In the state of New South Wales Widow deceased. Application will be made after 14 days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament rftd 12th lftfia nf tha above. the undersigned. H.

W1LSH1RE WEBB St SON Proctors for the Estate, 4 Castlereagh street, 8yd-nv nereoy requirea to acna in particulars nf their claims to the under IN the Will of GRACE ALICE SMITH named deceased may be granted to signed. R. L. MOTE, Proctor for DINING OUT TONIGHT) THBN GO ANb S.NJOV Ilia KEOAL THREE-COURSE DINNIH-1 PER PERSON AARON'S HYUNtY MUSI POPULAR HOTEL KEH'lAUKAN'l He there to ENJOY the tfULL VVHN1NU CN1 KRTA1NMIN1 Olh NEK with CLASSIC MUSIC. to 9.

DANCINO Until 11 30 O.m REO A OCRMAN lAuitralia's Jerry Lewis), comedian Impressionist nd tin tertalner with LANA UUVAL (Pop Singer) IAN OUNIER at the PIANO, with an ALL-SI AB HAND ir NBTRItMENTALISrS and VOCALISTS COR RESERVATIONS. R1NO B014SI NO PARKING PROBLEMS WHEN YOU D1NF. Al AAHON'H of Windsor In the state oi new Smith Walaa Wlrinw riweBHed. Alt- joan Mary noagiun un uic win called Joan Mary Horan) and O'Neill the Executrix CLASSICAL BALLET IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF TEACHERS OF CECCHETT1 SOCIETY BRANCH The following Teachers Prepare Student for Examination In the above method. Margaret Annan, Auburn.

UA89R8. Ete)la Anderson, City and Suburbs. BW3986, UA4B81, Valda Bates. Klngegrove. LY5402.

Roblna Beard, Klngsgrove. BU3986. Dorothy Bryant, Auburn. Berala. YX0338.

Jocelyn Calnan, Kingsford. FF177S. Dorothy Cowle, Bur wood, Lldcombe. UF223S. Patricia Plzell, Lane Cove.

XL3163. Desmond van Heer, Bondl. FY1314. Daphne MacDonuld, Mascot. Carlngbah.

Jen Metcalfe. Wahroonga and District. JW2687. Joan Osborne, Oladesvllle. WX2774.

Helen de Paul, Marrlckvllla. LM7988. Nalda Redshaw, Pymbte. Lindfleld. JM370B, Hope Ryrie, city.

BW0657. M. O. Slevers, city and suburbs. BWM03.

Vatrene Tweedte, city. BA3942, FM40B3. For Information regarding examinations contact N.S.W. Organiser ESTELLA ANDERSON. plication will be made after 14 days ine Administratrix, auv tnurcn Street, Parramatta.

By his Ageutij Messrs CHURCH GRACE, 133 Pitt Street. Sydney. IN the Will of JOHN DOYLE nro- LUNA PARK: Holiday Festival of Fun CHILDREN'S MATINEE TODAY. BAND PROMENADE CONCERT TOMORROW. Thrill, and Pun lor Everyone.

ADMISSION FREE. For the crazleat, happleat lime of your life come to LUNA PARK. Lots of thrtlltnir new ehowg. nlus all the old irom tne Duplication iicrcui vhqi PrnhaLa nf the last Will and Testa BUUKMAH iaie uuiihcuih iu State of New South Wales, Retired Shire Council Employee, deceased. Application will be made after 14 days trom the publication hereof that Probate of the lsst Will snd Testament dated the 8th of July.

1057 of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to Alfred Vincent Buck man the sole Executor named In the said Will and all notlcea may be served at the undermentioned address. All persons having any claim against the Estate of the aald deceased are required to forward particulars thereof to tha undersigned within the said perlrd. A. 1CETON, Proctor for the Executor, Ounnedah. By his Agents: REMINGTON St 125 York Street.

Sydney. IN the Will of THOMAS DAVID LEWIS -late of Moss Vale In the State of New South Wales Pensioner deceased. Application will be made after 14 days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated 21st June 1055 of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to Maude Elisabeth Lewis the sole Executrix named In the aald Will and all Notices may be aerved st the undermentioned sddress. AH Creditors In the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send In particulars of their claims to the undersigned. B.

HAILLE PAINE Sz SON. Proctors for the Executrix, and Executor named In the said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address, All creditors In the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send uerly known as John Lachlan Doyle ment dated 24th August 1043 of the ahnvannmort iim-nnsed may be a ranted iaie oi iviona vric in uw oibmj Trim or trnln Ia Mllmn'i Onint IT.rH.. Mr. a to Malcolm James Smith the sole oar tlculars of their claims to tne of New South wales, wool Traveller, deceased. Application will hi marie after 14 days Irom the mib- underslifncd.

MURPHY Ac MOLO- WEDDING RECEPTIONS Quay. Fare: Adult, fid. Phono XB1048 for ail Information', JUST ACROSS THE BRIDGE JUST FOR FUN NEY, Proctors, 79 Elizabeth Street, Sydney. Executor and Alice Mary ornun uic sole Executrix named In the said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All creditors In the Estate of the de- rata an ri IF hurfllV TMUlrSd tO SCnd llratlon hereof that Administration with the Will dated 4th January IN the Estate of EDMOND (also ca ilea Eawara) hum a a wftiuyn late of Waterloo In the State ol New south Wales Sorayer deceased AUSTRALIA HOTEL SYDNEY'S LEADING HOTEL la Unsurnassed for Weddlnf Recep 1941 annexed of the Estate of the abovenamed deceased may be ranted to Mildred Catherine Doyle he mother and sole beneflriary named in the said Will the Executor therein Gordon Cox having died In particulars of their claims to the undersigned.

WILLIAM WALKER AND SON, Proctors for the Executor nil Tvavntrlv Wlnrinnr. intestate. Application will be made tlons. whether small. Intimate, family nartles or formal Wedding Break 1958 JACK KEATING Ballroom Studios Over Railway Station.

Newtown. LA3I30 CLASSES. Old Time. 8.15. Modern Ballroom.

IN the Will Of MARY ANN BRIOOS on the 3rd January wvi and all notices mav be served at the under. fasts, cover enarge rrom tat per neaa. inquire bdoui uia FREE BRIDAL SUITE. Ring the STARLIGHT WEDDING ADVISER. B0388.

AUSTRALIA HOTEL, 45 CABTLEREAQH 8TREET, SYDNEY. late oi so Artnur oirect, vllle In the State of New South wirinv rltwiaaiied. Annllca- 8.15; also Bat. 3.30. Bronze Mdal Class Monday, 8 p.m.

to 7 p.m. L.A., Jive, Rumbi, Samba, Monday, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Schoolchildren Classes (over 7 years), Mondays, 3.45 to tlon will be made after 14 days mentioned address. All creditor! In the Estate of the said deceased; are hereby required to send In particulars of their claims to the undersigned.

JOHN D. Solicitor, 393 George Street, Syd- alter ii aays irom vno pudiick-tlon hereof that Administration of the Etat of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to Myrtle Eileen Winifred Challinor the legal personal representative ot Esther Sarah Wl nil red Challinor (faUely called Walton, the mother ol the deceased who died without taking out. representation and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All creditors In the THE McMAHON SCHOOL OF MUSIC RECORDERS SCHOOL FLUTE CONCERT FLUTE CLARINET. Class and Individual Tuition tor Children snd Adults.

SCHOOL OPENS TUESDAY, 28th JANUARY. Enrolments during First Week. Individual Flute Students may enrol st the Stat Conservatorium of Music. Studio: Fourth Floor, Palings Building, Ash St. from the puoncation nereoi mm irnh.tai ih taat will and Testa moss vaie.

a p.m. ucc i juii, eaiuraayB, a.m. io ii a.m. private Le.ons Dally, from 10 a.m. Party Night.

la.U Saturday of each month. Demonstrations. Judging. Lectures. Inquire LA3130.

Write. Call. (Vacancies for amateur or professional staff). Learn Quickly, stylishly. Felows I.8.T.D..


OFFICIAL RESULT OF ment dated the 22nd day of September. 1948 of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to the Perpetual Trustee Company (Limited) the Executor named In the etld Will and all Notlres may be served at the undermentioned address. All Creditors In the Estate fcsiam oi tne saia aeceasea an iicreuv rtoulred to send In uurtlcu- IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. CARL RANDALL DANCING ACADEMY Direction: Carl Randall. Rdmonri finmniOa nnxniwt It lORfl iMiAn lars of their claims to the under Wonderful food, soil llgnts, fabulous views, an atmosphere admired hy eelebilttea from all over the world.

New dlnlne-rrom hours: 6 30- signed. CULJUHUUN JC mriu fiocLors l-2u Fltt titreet. Sydney. Telephones: Eatherlns Baker, Secretary. BL3331.

JJ2659. Principal, Victor McMihon. of the deceafea nre nerruy requested to send In particulars of on January 7, at New Exclusive Studio. IN the Will and Codicil ot flUD- NEW SOUTH WALES STATE LOTTERY No. 401 DRAWN AT Till LOTTERY DEPARTMENT'S AUDITORIUM.





25709. FIFTH PRIZE 200 10.30 p.m. every night, Including Sunday. Reservations essential. GLEN ABCHAM, 39 Sutherland Crescent, Darling Point.

FB2288, FB2297 their Claims to tne unanrsivnra UfiiquTntn WRRTl At SON. EmUK jAiUba Kunt. late oi aihioh-vllle in the State oi New South Wales and formerly of Balllna in th fistiri fette. Retired Farmer de Proctors for Estste. 4 Castlereagh Street.

Sydney. BW9731. 107 DARLING POINT ROAD (Behind Kent House). "Look for the Brass Plate." Ballet. Tap.

Spanish, Modern and Ballroom Dancing tnught under the Personal F.upsr-vlslon of CARL RANDALL. All ages. Children specially catered for. Private or class lesaons. For full particulars write to Head Cfflce.

Suite 12 44 Castlereagh Street, city. Or phone FL1437, FU5318, BW8250. iv ih. uriu nf nnN At hhley ceased. Application will be made nmi)( "ELiLiUW law Ol wuwnw OREEW, 13 TOORMAY BTREKT, PEAKHTOST.

I "D.K.J.r." It. I AO PRIZES 50 FRIZES after 14 days irom the puoncauon hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated the 1st July, 1952 arm the Codicil thereto dated jr. tv rniJa x. ravLsvEa mi rmam The English Theatre School of Acting Patron: DAME SYBIL THORNDIKE Principal: OLIVE WALTER. Famous English Star.

London. Stratford-on-Avon, The Old Vie. recently leading lady, "Sailor Beware," J. C. Williamson's.

The Second Term will commence on Monday, 3rd Februarv 1958. The following; subjects will be taught: VOICE PRODUCTION. MOVEMENT, STAGE MANAGEMENT. ACTING, MAKE-UP. RADIO TECHNIQUE, TV TECHNIQUE.

DIALECTS, FEN CINQ (by arrangement). PRIVATE LESSONS by arrangement. Further details mav be obtained from 3CY37R1. In the State of New South Wales Rallwav Employee deceased testate. Application will be made after 14 inuti tha nnhllrtlnn hereof 1S737 77119 CABARET NIGHT.

FRIDAY. JANUARY 31 AT Sid Howard's Club Glen Ascham Top line floor show, music, dancing. COVER CHAROE 21. 7.30 p.ra. midnight.

Reservation, essential. ltWO 88011 10261 74639 0)834 11353 76340 92A30 40333 80437 9M33 46104 81769 98004 XOO 04 JW BUS 33332 73237 10316 20030 23488 83731 14B28 48340 63284 86382 19036 61676 B3444 SSS22 20331 76720 39204 64727 36163 72470 8948S 76200 the 14th February, 1955. of the abovenamed deceased may be granted' 33030 83085 64444 90163 677ZS 92008 76508 83294 that Probate of the last Will and to Clarence Edward nose ana Jonn Morris Rose the Exeuctors named in tnt maid Will and Codicil and Testament aaiea nu buj. 1057 of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to Dorothy Hilda anj alalia flood fallOW VALRENE TWEEDIE (formerly of Ballet Rune de Mont, carlo). COMPLETE TRAINING IN CLASSICAL BALLET.

MODERN AMERICAN AND SPANISH DANC1NO. SCHOLARSHIPS for 1 year', tralnlnr In SPANISH DANCE will be to Three Boya between the agee of 18 and 32 yeara. Audltlona Jan. 28th 3.30 p.m. CHILDREN'S CLASSES AFTER SCHOOL AND SAT.

MORNING. 8-10 Lt. Regent St, city. BA3P42-rM4083 all notices may be served at the OLEN ASCHAM, the Executors named In the said FB22M, FB2257 38 Sutherland Crescent, Dsrltng Point. All postal communication to David Burney, Flat 5, 88 Mllson Road, Cremorne Point, Sydney.

All Classes will take place the TTVOLI Acrobatic Studios. S22 George Street, Sydney. undermentioned aaaress. aii creditors in the Estate of the deceased will ana an notices in.ou at tha tindormentioned address. are hereby required to send tn par All Creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send In particulars of their ticulars oi ineir claims tne unaer iontvl IAN HARVEY Solicitor.

118a River Street, Balllna. By his claims to the undersigned. ct-iM MAPPHIM.AMY PHIP- DINE AND WINE AT THE HYDE PARK HOTEL Agents. Piaurr truwBON Solicitors. 2b Castlereagh Street, Sydney IN the Will of WILLIAM HENRY PARD, Solicitors.

43 Phillip Lorraine Norton Studio of Ballet CLASSES RESUMING FEBRUARY I Students' Comprehensive pally Course. Examination Classes. Children's Classes. City, Parramatta and Mosman. nqulrles: 5 Hunter Street.

(Railway Entrance). BW879S. W. JOHN EOAN late of Campsle formerly Long famous for the fine quality ot Its food and wines. Enjoy INTERESTED IN ACTING? Old-established Theatre School la now accepting new students for the Beginners' Class.

Evening study In city studios. All age groups. Full fee; 44 per 12 -week term. No extras. Modelling and modern ballet included at no extra cost.

Many stage. TV 'and radio successes during 1037 Including winner of national TV Talent Quest. TV and Nightclub acts devised, coached and auditions arranged. For Interview apply WED. and THURS.

nights at 6 o'clock, at The Radiotorium. Dymock's Block. 424 George Street, near Market Street; or telephone the Director at XY3349. XY3549 THE THEATRE WORKSHOP XY3549 Weekdays. (Established 1937.) Weekends.

OLASSON late of Tarcutta In the Btate ot New South Wales Grazier deceased. Application will be made after 14 days from the date of publication hereof that Probate ot the last will and Tes lumen (dated the of Dubho In the State oi new South Wales Railway employee debased testate. Application will be made after 14 dsys trom the haranl that. Probate Ol the restfulness and scenery of Deautuui Hyde paric. trices are reaa oneble Qrllls from 8, Hoaat Chicken 106.

CNR. BATH UR ST AND ELIZABETH 8T. RESERVATIONS MAS323. 19th day of June 1951) of the; abovenamed deceased may be the last Will and TcsLament dated: 30th January 1953 of the above-1 named deceased may be granted to ESTELLA ANDERSON, L.I.S.T.D. EXAMINER FOR IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF TEACHERS OF DANCING CECCHETTI METHOD.

Classical, Ballet Classea Dally for Students and Professionals. Special Classes for Children. Evening Lesrons for Boys and Business Girls, RECOMMENCING 3rd FEBRUARY. Branch Class Klngsgrove. 35 Rowe Street.

Sydney. BW3986. UA4881. granted to Violet Frances May Olas-son (In the Mid Will called "Violet Frances the sole Exe-riitrltt In tha xftlH Will named. Al Agnes aertruoe wan tne max a-vasMitt-t named In the aald Will L'HERMITAGE RESTAURANT Direction: JEANNE RENAULT.

ON MANLY POOL and all Notices may be served at ine unaerniemiwiicu uuia, i ah. vat at nf the de aaaaawt ir hrshv reouired to send notice may be served at and all persona having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to send particulars thereof to the address of the undersigned proctors within the nerlod of 14 davs afore In particulars of their clflms to LIQUOR LICENCE. Ample Parking. SYDNEY'S FINEST FOOD. First Class Orchestra.

ACTING The RATHBONE ACADEMY of DRAMA offers you thorough Training for STAGE TELEVISION RADIO. Classes or Privets Tuition. Day snd Evening. Inquiries: 33 Paling's Ash St, Sydney. BL3239, FU3337.

ine unnerBiineii. uiuoun Duit.i iuv PHIPPARD. Proc PHYLLIS BATES BALLROOM MA5754 210 PITT STREET BM6395 Private Leasuni. a.m. till 11 p.m.

Ballroom Class. 8.18 to 11.18 B.m.i flatur said. WALSH fe BLAIR, Proctors OPEN TUESDAY TO 8ATURDAY INCLUSIVE. 6 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT.

XD4S01. RESERVATIONS. XU4801. for Executrix, Wagga Wagga. Sydney Agents: McDONELL As MOF-FITT.

Solicitors, tt Wynyard day afternoon. 2.30 to 0.30 p.m. IN the Will nf RALPH HUOO DON- jive, Mooasy, a mi ii p.m.; rriaay, un a p.m Calypso. Thursday, 8 till 8 p.m. Television Stage, Tap and Acrobatlo Private Lessons NJST iaie oi iiavingion in tne maio of New South Wales Farmer nrl Fertf liner Manufacturer.

FULL COURSE IN PUBLIC SPEAKING SCHOOL OF RUSSIAN BALLET tors lor the Executrix, 43 Phillip Tt IRENE UNSLEV1 late of corrlmal in the State of New South Wales Spinster deceased. Application will be made after 14 days from the publication hereof that Probate ot the last Will and Testament dated the 27th November 1957 ol the abovenamed deceased may be granted to Doreen Llnsley the sole Executrix named In the said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All creditors In the Estate of the deceased are -hereby required to send In particulars of WINE AND DINE WITH MUSIC LOUISON'S RESTAURANT 163 CABTLEREAQH STREET, CITY, OPPOSITE MANCHESTER UNITY BUILDING. SELECT MEALS FOR SELECT PEOPLE AT THE RIGHT PRICE. Country and Interstate Visitors especially cateied for.

Open to Sunday, 9.30 a.m. to 8.30 Including all holidays. For Reservations, Phone MA53iB. dweased. Application will be Adult classes.

Men and Olrls: Tues. Thurs. Advanced 8,30 p.m made 14 days from tne pub Be- p.m., iz.jd p.m. cnuaren 4.30 1 p.m. i 9 a.n lication nereoi mat rrowue or the last Will and Testament dated the 24th Autuat.

1051 of tha above- MYRTLE REEVE Cain confidence Learn to speak effectively Thorough practical training by experienced Sneakers and critics. Topics include: Preparing and constructing a sr. ch voice manner argument, logic and power of words Impromptu speaking chairmanship. Course of 10 sessions begins Wednesday. 26th February, Chambai of Commerce.

Sessions each Wednesday (6.30-9 p.m.). Limited vacancies. Apply now to D. M. SCOTT, President.

N.S.W. Debstlng Societies' Union, 301 Eastern Valley Way, Middle Cove. XL3996. named deceased may be granted to it CENTRAL ST. REAR 359 PITT ST.

Tel. XB7305. (Kounetaova Student RIVIERA" RESTAURANT 134 6108 13338 10030 39396 37433 4SB93 51380 3688S SS763 73386 8O04T 90S 13 223 7180 13498 205O1 29384 38424 46094 51313 38916 67723 74009 61318 9422S 4B9 7183 14262 30931 30033 3S337 46697 32034 58933 68961 73117 81396 94711 1077 8788 14307 21324 30339 36633 47162 33661 59026 60219 76632 82126 94760 1099 8964 14321 21802 30560 35700 48103 54136 SD348 69242 76880 82313 94960 1762 0036 14630 23180 30568 39455 48573 64232 61099 60279 76969 82913 9329 1858 9333 14S36 23401 31110 40293 48787 53634 61301 70063 77006 83092 96344 2233 9330 13361 33983 31943 40604 49427 36149 81616 70O8O 77342 83306 97306 2030 9641 16024 24866 31096 40808 49736 37234 62438 71151 77661 86028 97893 3335 9065 16313 23734 32035 40821 49MB 37803 62603 71272 79184 86743 96323 3936 10249 16594 36393 33639 41820 49872 57964 62670 71901 79333 87233 93517 4334 10S59 16623 26509 3SB73 42238 49949 58024 64103 71933 79613 91014 96841 4453 10BD1 16727 27414 33904 43499 30183 68066 64224 72326 80381 92381 99330 4306 11644 17304 27441 36151 44B67 31139 38406 65747 72033 60301 92486 99828 4333 1 1828 18816 28301 36399 43639 S1236 68707 66066 73967 60678 93476 99933 6389 13259 19630 20852 37193 1 .00 PBIZJEB AT 5 188 0330 16147 24966 31377 38513 43811 S5217 63484 71033 78443 85120 93000 307 9399 16133 24636 31520 36516 43 ft 32 33279 63313 71064 78617 6ft 128 92233 709 0518 16493 24770 31033 38633 43013 33314 6.1604 71137 78684 85375 92356 714 0340 16514 24790 31377 38726 46013 33336 03641 71303 76871 63 4 44 92423 740 9346 16623 24606 31394 3B736 46139 33341 63771 71331 79110 80775 92436 846 9369 16038 24809 31638 39219 46283 33730 63033 71375 79187 83639 9S339 900 6598 16660 2484 3 31746 30260 46405 33810 84022 71506 79278 83913 92873 1133 9643 16771 24917 31702 39264 46460 33S96 64063 71540 79317 65937 92937 1138 10089 16833 25027 31794 39306 46R03 36023 64164 71373 79423 86264 93069 1261 1033S 16012 23263 31604 39332 46931 3S316 64630 11598 79426 86312 93193 1293 10483 17016 2S2S9 31964 39391 46869 36403 647C3 71806 79496 86408 93343 1308 10368 17088 25311 31981 36466 4714 9 56439 647BS 71870 79073 86303 93391 1326 10374 17210 23431 32236 30363 47184 36312 66168 71024 79609 86339 93431 1360 10376 17267 23378 32333 30B04 47304 56663 63231 71963 70634 80628 93633 1372 10630 17279 25691 32431 3 "846 47371 56060 63266 7 2069 79667 66B71 93867 1378 10632 17S62 23731 32432 39893 47383 37127 63336 72091 70800 86726 93894 1601 10634 17603 23600 32437 39699 47604 37327 66443 72122 79813 86756 94076 1637 10694 17668 26084 32615 30942 47641 57371 63MS 72174 70887 86764 94089 1766 10769 17689 26101 32763 39987 47695 37603 62360 72269 79912 86924 94160 1778 10770 17763 26213 32637 4G045 47767 57624 65611 72391 80019 86068 94230 1811 10658 17817 26303 32884 40OS6 47763 57737 63704 72423 8O03S 87003 94331 2163 10673 17904 26427 3S692 40137 47793 57845 63760 72491 80080 87013 94777 2173 10993 17008 26526 32B94 40426 47S26 37873 65784 72787 80196 87129 93083 23G3 11003 18106 26336 32964 40093 48266 870O8 SSflfil 72836 60379 67204 95437 2412 11048 16328 26723 33030 40710 48389 57960 66041 73386 60413 8737 9 03339 2719 236 18230 26303 33034 40716 46326 57908 66131 73343 80650 87544 93628 3071 11261 18487 26820 33058 41072 48383 S80B6 66134 73757 B0664 87831 93908 3009 11294 18033 26B69 33178 41229 48380 5B246 66214 73836 80792 87643 9398S 3S67 11329 19342 26076 33238 41239 46420 362U3 66248 73097 80964 87776 96169 3436 11530 19382 27036 33337 41307 48462 38353 66337 74001 B1087 87954 96106 3452 11743 19612 27038 33433 41624 4U350 68681 06332 74003 81111 88064 06213 3314 11762 10617 27113 33483 41711 4830S 5B003 66723 74087 81184 68134 96610 3517 11 837 19663 37168 33367 41753 49126 S8779 06774 74256 81336 08263 96724 3368 11079 10742 27179 33734 42045 49266 38612 66030 74321 81390 88286 96B34 3818 12166 20039 2723 33874 420131 40337 38873 66081 74342 81407 88356 96663 30O3 12221 20400 37402 33916 4229-. 49798 59070 66908 74462 81425 88372 970BI 3930 12243 20409 27422 33999 42350 49813 59107 67177 74535 81464 88430 07064 2212 27623 3IW 42378 501" 9373 t7 74Bio 61494 eac27 9700s 4534 12476 20489 27704 34143 42379 30562 30274 67240 73386 81493 88741 97196 i2S J3248 20697 34374 42383 60386 59340 67730 73387 81667 68760 97200 4777 12781 20768 37727 34380 42463 30661 39661 67839 75420 81906 88786 97318 8010 12880 20806 27939 34433 42487 50669 59808 67936 73626 82017 88661 97367 6127 12886 20616 28026 34696 42490 50723 SORBO 6S341 73763 82060 86896 97434 6213 12949 20841 26049 34783 42322 60821 39693 68336 75923 82259 86960 97431 6238 13005 20878 28098 34831 42357 60633 09958 68397 73631 62376 89013 97456 6287 13229 21291 2B213 33149 42743 50684 30980 68484 75080 8242S 89016 97544 S4B7 13260 21530 26246 35256 42194 51036 60063 68673 76067 82833 89073 B782H 8377 13373 21564 28406 33398 42800 51100 60327 68758 76171 83920 69106 9769S B399 13386 31583 28340 33278 42834 61231 60332 68827 76336 62961 69145 07 BOO 5860 13433 31666 26606 33301 42873 51623 60337 68671 78374 62996 89176 97839 9Sf "522 217.25 J87? 35341 42922 82092 6O633 68978 76301 83006 69240 97063 2Z5 43008 Ifl 093 8w6 70030 83136 ewoo 98029 28749 35733 43022 52576 61096 69034 76733 63211 89302 88114 gag? 28 2J6B6 3S828 33943 43041 53721 61119 89073 76781 83216 89348 68207 2ai7B 36048 43133 3272 61 180 69178 76784 63206 89326 98240 6J24 14110 21970 29020 36302 43196 52820 81278 60304 76B75 83343 89603 9B203 J412? "030 29628 36310 43249 33042 81626 69311 77107 63545 60613 98430 5112 SS840 38350 4348 83258 61691 69617 77303 83038 89703 08463 5222 "196 29704 36448 3878 53270 61871 69653 77436 83632 69721 9B306 222 fAl 222H 2SiI 431,79 S3428 0105)9 "4G8 63763 89763 08664 5259 Ji45J 29D5i 30700 44123 33711 2073 69780 77366 83773 89791 98801 Hi's 30009 36320 44182 83717 62217 69827 77671 B3786 89B69 98843 H2? 30107 30804 44240 83890 60937 77731 83791 89947 98888 UK 22232 37081 35 sssji 02404 70000 77954 8.1321 90122 oeeoi 7637 14712 22825 30468 37331 44330 54000 62487 7O079 77891 63683 90130 96996 22 1 4783 22CB0 3O30B 37377 44368 34143 62.104 70108 77901 83809 90220 99091 7729 14799 23009 30681 37416 44418 34182 02602 70110 77927 84038 00222 99171 HiSl 37478 44428 M1Q M261B 70158 78187 B4169 90234 99193 7759 14823 23286 30729 37323 44483 34328 62700 70240 78366 B4194 90303 9042O 11522 23.330 30738 37098 44R58 84432 62822 70338 78269 84238 90763 99423 25i? 31031 4:1,25 543156300070501 78302 8431391001 99479 W-Vt 43211 34743 83Wi 70372 78344 84336 oimi 9oao5 3B24B 45220 34883 63139 70807 -'72 9i2o omm 2215 23812 31091 38269 43371 34028 B3139 70877 7B377 B4713 91617 99670 2222 23555 21229 38330 45675 83170 70888 78409 s473 17m mm 222 2440.4 31221 3B341 4567B 34809 633,14 70942 78429 a0" 91799 99841 6983 16114 24437 31322 3B406 45747 53119 B3482 71034 78440 84947 91922 Prliei In connection with No. 4017 UtUry IU tw pajablt oa and SftSt Wcdneidiy.

29th Jsnuirr. 1938. LotUry No. 29 Jackpot wilt drawn st tht Lottery Depaxtintnt't Audi 1 "flM" Stmts, Sjtfntj. st 8 43 s.m.

Tucadsr. 38to Jsna- 'Lottery Ho. 4019 will Im drawn si tha Lottery Oepsrtmrot's Auditorium, Bmek snd York Streets, Sydney, st 10.20 a.m. Tuesday. 28th January, 1956! Lottery Np.

4020 will be drawn st tht Lottery Department's Auditorium, Stmts, Sydney, st 8-43 Wednesday, 2Mb nusry, O. T. TALLUNTIRB. DlrteWr. OFFICIAL RESULT OF piracp npte.j trneai maniey aacuonam tne executor named in the said Will And all notices may be served st the undermentioned address.

Al) creditors in the Estate of the deceased sre hereby required to send In particulars 283 Liverpool Road, ASHFIELD. UA6891. Australtsn-Chlneee-Con- tlnental Ctrtslne. WINE and BEER to MIDNIGHT. WE CREATE.

OTHERS COPY. MENU A LA CARTE. Western tnoir ciaims to ino uowiatij nni, RUSSELL. McLELLAND de BROWN, Proctors for the Applicant, wollon-gong, SC. By their Agents: RUSSELL-JONES A LIVINGSTON, 33- Suburbs Leading Restaurant.

Proprietor: CHRIS. ATHAS, oj ineir claims to tne unaoreiBnea, u.vmvn-.ii.uiDn wnu a DANCING: "SURRYVILLE," SUNDAY With BOB GIBSON AND HIS' BAND Sydney's Favourite Banday Ninht Modern Danoa Rendearoua. Conveniently situated at 80 City Road, Sydney, opp. University. All Western Suburbs busea and trams.


PUBLIC SPEAKINO, PERSONAL CONPTOENCE, ANNOUNCER'S COURSE. ( Announcer-studenta Appointed During 1957.) EXPERT INDIVIDUAL TUITION. M.B.: Bpagch Therapy (Stammering, London Clinical STUDIO. 35a PALINQfe.

ASH ST. BL3131. Sollcltors for the Executor. T. and Buildings.

Dean street, Albury, N.S.W. By their Sydney Agents, MURPHY Ac MOLONEY. Solicitors, 70 Elisabeth street. Sydney. N.S.W.

HEALS AT ALL HOURS. Parties and Private Dinners. JJ3jl LEGAL NOTICES srilRNITIIRE REMOVALSTS, IN the Will Of ELIZABETH ANNE MOTOR HIRE AMD TRANSPORT In tne Snpreme Oomrt of New tottth ELitiAM iaie oi nasnoaie near JOAN HALLIDAY SCHOOL OF BALLET DAILY CLASSES FOR STUDENTS. Children', claseea Sat. morning and alter achool.

NIOHT CLABSES FOR BUSINESS QIRLS AND BOYS. 138 LIVERPOOL ST. CNR. COLLEGE ST. FA0703 waies, rrooaio aiurisaiouon, GLOVER lata of Tamworth In the State of New South Wales Freeholder deceased.

Application will be made after 14 days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will dated the 25th. March 1033 of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to Martha Glover and Allan Glover the Executrix and Executor named In the said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All creditors in the Estate of the deceased AluLbOURNE, BKISUANS. urange in me bum oi new oouin Walra Widow deceaaed. Atroll ca NO.

185478. In the Will and CodlcU AUAUnAUD, LOADING WANTED. Trailers leaving dally, Moderate rates COUSINS' Interstate Trans-! nm-r Ptv I l-rt L.I174R L.I347 01 AajfttEU JAMriS slUKUtKn of Wathroonga near Sydney in the The F. M. ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE Is Sclent lflo Way of Attaining RELAXATION and CO-ORDINATION I can accept some new students during February, Alsn Murray (trained bv Alexander to teach his Technique in Australia) Inquiries: 23 Paling's Ash St.

Sydney. BL3239, FU3237. tion will be made alter 14 days from publication hereof that Probate of the last Will And Testament dated 11th December 1952 of the above-named deceased may be granted to Arthur Henry Feltham and Isnbel Dorothy Grabhsm the Executors man. deceased. Notice 1 hereby OWNER-DRIVER, 8cwt Ute.

canopy, given mat tne zom Accounts in tne above Estate have this day been are hereby required to send in par Italian nf their claims to the un seens a.m. nours ngnt O. Kalfas. FL4651. Lie.

8S36GY. BODENWIESER SCHOOL MODERN EXPRESSIVE BALLET Claanea under Personal supervl.lon of Madame Bodenwl.ier. Additional special Classes: Gymnastic, for Women. EMMY TAUSSIG. Classical Ballet.

EVA NADAS. 206.10 IPtl Street, next Lyceum MA9684. named in the sa Will anal designed. PATTERSON At PAT- OWNtR-CRIVER Volkswagen Kumbl TERSON. Procters ior Applicants, Tamworth.

By their Agent: W. D. LAYTCN 133 Pitt Street. Sydney rctiutres ruii-ume worg. a 'a Space Avallfble.

Reply No. 10125. Mrralil King Street. Sydney, by Perpetual Trustee Company (Limited) and John Creagh and all persons having any claim on the said Estate or being otherwise Interested therein. Sre hereby required to come In before me nt mv salt) Office on or IN the Will of 11IOMAS LEO PA NT EC.

for aale. See under OPERATIC BARITONE, MAESTRO VIDO LUPPI TEACHER OP SINGINO. VOICE PRODUCTION, VOICE TESTING. (Coached by famous singer. Baritone, Oranfcrte, of Mileno.

Italy). Interviews: MONDAY to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.: SATURDAY from 9 to 11 a.m. Fourth Floor, Oranvllls Building, 17 Bond Street, Sydney. M.G.

SIEVERS' BALLET SCHOOL persons having any claim against the Estate of the raid deceased ere required to forward particulars: thereof to the undersigned within the ffllrf period and all notices may be served at the firstly undermentioned address. J. B. WILSON, Proctor for Fxecutor. 193 Summer.

Street Orange. Bv hie Agents. i i Trucks. a man eh late or wausend in tne state ot New South Wales Labourer before the 20th February 19R8 at FARRAIarlT TA A. n.

u. inwmno, Removals Storage. YY13412. YL6688 (all V451 nvi nvnr.rirlvsr wants contract will Reopen on Tuesday. 28th Jan.

Children's Classes and after school. Business Olrls' Classes. Also at Turramurra, Castle Hill, Brook vale, Beafortlt, Curl Curl, Colin roy. Collaroy Heights. 25 ROWE STREET, SYDNEY BW5402 ii.

io o-ciocK in tne iorenoon ana Inspect the same and If they shall ALEXANDER HMELNITSKY New 3-ton Inter. UWEaN UN fcO MCHUiUMIOUN 4-10 Martin PI nee Bvdnev. deceased. Applies Hon win be made alter 14 days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated 2nd August. 1047 of the abovenamed deceased mav be granted to David William Manery the Executor named In the aald Will and all notices may be think fit, object thereto: otherwise in the win and codicil of Arthur V2940.

Carson. WW130B. SYDNEY to NEWUAttiUk DI-WMkly service. PETERSHAM TRAN8POK1 LA1842 LAS946. AFY888.

William oroth late oi oienait Caroda In the State of New South NOTED MASTER PIANIST. Diploma of Moscow ConservStortum. Students prepared for all examinations Including those of Europe snd America. Successful pupils snd prizewinners Include Igor Hmelnitekj. Laurence Davis.

Maureen Jones, Robert Kolben, Rachel Vsiler. etc. Classes commence January 37. Studio: Room 67. 3th Floor.

Paling's Ash St. Sydney. BL3938 Wales. Grazier deceased. Anniica- RUTH GALENE Academy of Ballet PRINCIPAL: RUTH GALENE.

formerly MARQUIS DE CUEVA and Ballet de Paris Companies for R.A.D. Classical, mod. character. Enrolment Feb. 1, a.m.

ST. PHILLIPS CHURCH HALL, CLARENCE ST. also KHIara Mem. Hall, Northbrldge Masonic Hall. For inquiries.

BL1678. 8KMI, 30ft, work wanted, local or servea at tne unaermnitionea ava-dress All creditors In the Estate tlon will be made after 14 days from the publication hereof that lilierBtate, a -oiu, WM39Z4. TnRini RPACK of the deceased are hereby required to send In particulars of their claims to the undersigned, REUD rTODBie oi tne tear win ana Testament dated 22nd October 1953 and ii tne said Accounts be not objected the same shall be examined by me and passed according to law. And notice is hereby given that on the allowance of the said Accounts by the court commission will be applied for on behalf of the said William John Creagh. Dated this 23rd day of January, 1953.

K. B. McDONALD L.S., Registrar. Messrs CREAGH As CREAOH, Proc. tors for Perpetual Trustee Company (Limited).

33-30 Hunter Street, Sydney, and WILLIAM JOHN CREAGH, 247 Qeorge Street, Syd- available, North Parramatta. Clean, Codicil thereto dated 17th June it heid. Proctors for tne Executor. Martin's Teach all Popular Ballroom Dances dry, easy access. rt THnMAH.

YL6688. 61 King Street. Newcastle. By i57 respectively of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to Herman Theodore Oroth William Henrv STRICTLY PAUL WILLIAMS (Formerly Vienna). PERFECTION IN SINGING.

Voles Production, General Repertoire, Opera, Uedet, Eisteddfods, Bxanilnatlona prepared. Limited Vacancies: Auditions by Appointment. 8 TUSCULUM BT. POTTS POINT. PL3863.

8AXBVH. REMUVALS undertaken to anywhere. Vans tneir oyancy Agents, v. tuua ARD SYMONDS Sc Solicitors, fl7 nastier en ah Street. Sydney.

Martin. A.I.8.T.D., London, Principal. NEW SOUTH WALES STATE LOTTERY No. Smith and Mary Agnes oroth the' 401 IN the ILitate of ESTHER SARAH sxecutora named in tne saia win BEGINNERS' Old-time, Jazz Class. MODERN Ballroom Classes.

ana uoaicu ana an notices may di served st the undermentioned ad WINIFRED CHALLINOR (falsely called Watson) late of Waterloo In io. oiunui, a iu A.m., riuiiAi, jau CLOSED WITH 100.000 T1CKET8 AT 56 EACH. Dance carnival Tonight, 7.30. 8. MAdA.

Onitvla. HAS nnrmn Rt running regularly Oration-Sydney and return. Full or part loada anu return. Estimates tree. Licence No 245242 A SAXBV 101 QufM gireei.

Oralton Phon 503 TIPPERS for hire, hrly or wkly. Rubbish rcmovcd.J3947. Will of ALLAN FREDERICK Frl. p.m. ucnoois 4 p.m.

Private lessons to suit. XB4418. Orpheum Ballroom, ine aiaie oi new aoutn waies reme dress. All creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby reoulreri FIFTY-50 Tonight. Pnddlngton Town' URQUHART late of Barraba In the sri.

deceased intestate. Appiica cremorne junction State oi New South Waiej. shearing ticn will be made after 14 days from DiiDMiTiiui; PL' RN ITU RE RF.MOVAIJBTS. to aend In particulars of their claims to the undersigned. RYAN Aj RYAN, Barraba 4N.

By their Agents: JONES JONES JONES. MOTOR HIRE NR TRANSPOB1 MOTOR HIRE AND TRANSPORT' buiiuiLiu, auu nuclei uctunacu. tne piiDucaiion nereoi max aamini- Propat granted- by Supreme Court it rat lon of the Estate of the above- of New South Wales on 11th day of named deceased may be granted to October 1957. Pursuant to the nirii nn winifrfri nhninnr BRISBANE Loading Wanted. Five, ihj Btreei, yanry.




4617T, nrra piuzb 200 AND MRS R. B. HOLUUAY, IS BRIDOS STREET, EPPIKO. 100 PRIZES SO PRIZES 40 PR17.LB 30 PRI7.LS 20 P1UZL9 13293 60643 16463 82984 32685 70300 27936 B0003 9034 21917 40300 17197 81281 23162 8-1583 83633 80020 29974 81913 9134 36070 4S157 43381 82548 44715 89007 83029 83690 32791 8794 6 9960 3610? 49971 84476 97762 82115 S9810 66789 92294 44290 89867 13781 38220 54725 83819 S6764 70603 91601 72863 97423 751 19 88073 31320 39369 60620 AT YOUR SERVICE. V2721.

SINGING VOICE PRODUCTION Training In Popular. Musical Comedy, Ballads and Classics! Singing Coaching In presentation for STAGE RADIO TELEVISION HELEN JAMES. F.T.C.L.. 13 Hunter St, Sydney. BL429B.

BW1170. EASTWOOD DISTRICT ORCHESTRA Have resumed rehearsals for I95S Applications for Conductorshlp are Invited (Hon. capacity only). Vacancies exist for good Amateur Players. Inquiries: MRS EDWARDS, WL207P; W.

PINCHAM. WM4433. Probate. And A dm I nUt ration daushter of the sld deceased andilN the Will of CHARLOTTE SARAH irmicrf. iciri weeaiy.

mmer and Son. THINK OF MOVING. '1HINK Of M0NAGHAN3 COUNTRY FURNITURE REMOVALS. Vans leaving Sydney weekly Ior iioMAwf via th OMit and Act 1898-1954 Testator's Fsmlly all notices may be served at. the! CAMPBELL lAte of Dubbo In the WY176I.

BX4521. BX170e, Btir.fch uHlVt TRUCKS State of Hew south Wales Wloon-deceased. Application will be made jn-nivciiButo jgii uuun.inuiip ui undermentioned aaoresa. ah creai-Infsnts Act 1016-1054 and Trustee tors In the Estate of the said de- Act 1A2S-1042 A lira (Thrlatlna hanhv paaniilrad tn unH iNvnnpttK around Australia Tablelands Roads, calling at all the models, internsttonai 170 preferred. Pioneer Ready Mixed Concrete, 414 Prince's H'wsy.

St Peters. Will en. gnge a contractor to haul reedy mixed concrete on or about Febru alter 14 aays irom tne puoncation hereof that Probate of the last rurniuue ncrauvsiB Mm owiau. Drquhart the Executrix of the will, in particulars of their claims to the ZOO rHIZKS AT 10 vi me nam Allan rreaeucK undersigned. UULiUUtlUUn tkinu.

Urquhrt who died on the 11th day Proctors, 129 Pitt Street. Sydney, of July 1957 hereby gives notice im tha wilt nf CATHERINE BRID- Weekly all m.s.w. towns. 50 years' eipcrlence. BARRON MARTIN, Bondl Junction FW194B any hour.

Lie. 473. ary 10. Good earnings permanent that creditors, and others having. GET HORTON late of Yass in the uis nwuiicHaiuiiB in wriuna oy January 31.

105fl. to above address intermediaie towns en rouve. uuu-ing wanted both ways. For safe, Dependable and Speed) Removals. Phone or write for FREE QUOTATIONS.

To MONAGHANS, 250 George Street, WATERLOO. Phone MX3084. mat nf Now flnuth Wales. Widow Experienced or Inexperienced Actors required for Newly Formed DRAMATIC SOCIETY, under the direction of orofesslonal oroducara. IaBBCO (Amal.) Transport Pty.

Ltd deceased. Application will be made CAREFUL FURNITURE REMOVAL any claim against or to the Estate of the said deceased are required to send particulars of their claims to the said Executrix care of her Proctors at the undermentioned address Will and Testament dated 21st April, 1943 of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to Walter! Henry Campbell the Executor named In the fluid Will And all notices may be served at the undermentioned address All creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned, R. H. NELSON KEANE St HEMINGWAY, Proctors for the Executor, 22 Church Street, Dubbo. By their Agent: LIOHTOLLER TALTY Si alter it aaya irom puputumm hereof that Probate of the last Will AHaJ DIUKAUIS OEHVICtS.

Large modern Furniture Pan tech, Inquire the AUSTRALIAN BTAOE AND SOCIETY CLUB, 201a Pitt Clean storage, bh omim. Local, Country, Interstate, Overseas ptreet, ayqney; or wing aiMari, maimm. and Testament dated 4th September ltiM nf the abovenamed deceased. ntcons leave Sydney weekly fori BRISBANE. MELBOURNE, ADE-1 itemovais.

nesuiBr bci th. on or oeiore the 5th April 1958 at the date of expiration of which may be granted to Alma Margaret time the said Executrix will dlstri-l niatchford the sole Executrix named Perth and Cairns. LM1B01, LM7871. 67 Westbourns Street. Petersham.

WORK wanted lor Utility. Owner-Driver. Perm or cas. FW1S65. UOkK wantarl.

LKD A-toll UDDefS bute the assets of the said decearedi jn the said Will and all notices to the persons entitled, having re-; may be served at the undermen-l gard only to the claims of which, tioned address. All creditors in the) VOICE SPEECH CONFIDENCE VOICE AND SPEECH TRAINING FOR ALL PROFESSIONS. Stsgs. Radio, Television, Bar. Pulpit Platform, Publlr Speaking, Social Occasions.

Special course for nervous speakers. DANIEL JAMES. Speech Specialist. Challts House. 10 Martin Place.

Svdney. BL4208 city or country. BCL-813. 18 jjAiuc, rtniH, dkukcn HILL, and all Country Towns. THELEAVEN.


brook b. solicitors. 2D castiereagn ALLSTATRS FREIGHT CO. up men iiw noiice. Estate of the deceased are nereoy HlKon St.

Bankstown. UY13HT. WANTED Loading Perth. Mt. lis.

Alice springs, Exp. owneT-drlver. Da. THrrmnann IIAftMO rantilrawl In tonrl In iMiilpularx of! IN tha Will nf CHRISTINA GORDON 8717 6101 13463 31809 26748 32792 41965 49734 89878 69G59 76486 68123 93368 2834 6364 13522 21556 28759 33827 42782 46931 60804 70187 76674 8S437 94678 2850 6626 13524 21698 20B17 33960 42963 50171 60930 70819 78938 69716 93B25 2864 B014 13719 22111 30O98 35069 43056 81037 61001 708B5 78D42 89855 90409 2Dep B99 14776 35135 30121 363B1 44197 81468 62300 71063 7D228 90463 87410 SOU 9587 15118 25306 30716 36666 44835 81551 C2B76 71471 79416 90754 M090 3266 10280 16871 23441 30796 37245 44929 tilOM 65530 72120 79562 90788 99388 3503 10442 17589 35567 30953 37293 44965 52J33 65806 73416 84248 90802 99530 4020 11180 17723 25693 31516 37603 43019 33194 6(1081 75179 85079 81318 995G9 4054 11220 17788 25763 31636 38985 45276 MM 4 88744 75093 8554 8 91886 99833 4382 11501 16531 26778 32324 40066 46290 85063 66906 76968 66081 92727 99960 4588 11866 19096 27496 3234A 1.000 PRIZES AT 1 17 8919 16049 72601 30482 38345 46191 84889 61044 68969 76667 84963 9241 38 8606 16501 22972 30527 38401 46396 84808 61230 69013 76854 84983 92434 367 8692 16590 23166 30596 38409 46413 34904 61342 69173 77218 83081 92484 -884 6793 16703 23267 30790 38432 46453 54960 61366 69191 77582 B5406 93366 -689 6866 16864 23304 30792 3H5B3 463t4 54970 81S03 69333 77633 65358 92J593 730 8933 16869 23362 30927 38806 46633 65005 61803 69293 77794 65570 93600 777 8940 16878 33374 30946 38830 46673 53364 61905 6D306 78093 85586 92614 80S 8P95 16900 23399 30948 38856 48742 36413 611 79 69347 76118 86624 92743 643 9234 16903 23408 31365 38900 46759 55573 62197 69313 78190 65661 91845 9H2 9332 16969 23431 31464 39056 46943 33376 62340 69378 78265 65667 12693 IOCS 9483 16897 23474 31886 39219 47133 33814 62364 69765 76489 65716 92962 1346 9336 17091 23494 31703 39268 47209 55654 62463 70074 78721 83776 93033 130? 9584 17125 33710 31838 39458 47293 53723 62478 70112 78871 85814 93034 1306 9769 17208 33803 31982 39512 47347 33777 62364 70200 78963 B5B69 03116 tUtiUUsruKU iaie oi narmra mil FURNITURE REMOVALIST8, Dally. Adel.

Wblr Prrth All NEW fltAt of New South Wales Widow PHILLIPS St Proctors for the WANTED perm, local or near country YOUR CHILD A CHAMPION? deceased. Application will be madsi A wwiij, ioo oeciiirix. noorong Mouse, jneenan Bvdney. BTORAQB. STORAGE.

STORAGE, work, two laie moaei uncu, wmj' tng capacity 11 tons each. Owner Arivr FWSflia IN the Will and Codicils of FREDE- IN the" Will of JACK PERRY late of LU453Q. YB2003 (ISDaBZ) COUNTRY REMOVALS. Srfometer Testing of 9 to 13-year-olds. We can discover latent ability.

Advisory snd physical service tor sportsmen. Please ring FORBES CARLiLE. M.Sc. for appointment, WA1388. Professor Cotton Memorial Fitness Laboratory.

LEGAL NOTICES i nio. midljo ana ouna. VANS leaving weeklv for ADELAIDE, Brisbane, MELBOURNE. siter it aays irom ine puoiicauon hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated ths 14th Jsnuary 1930 of the abovenamed deceased may bs granted to John Brtdfeford the Executor named tn the aald Will and all Notices may ha narvad Ml the undermentioned iurv ajAMHB LAMfiuN tat oi DnNingmirst in tne tatate oi new Ash field In the State of New South South Wales Dentist deceased. Wales Retired Wholetale Jeweller) Application will be made after 14 deceased.

Notice Is hereby given days from the publication hereof In the Supreme Ootirt of New South Orimth, Lee ton. Narrandera, Sydney each week for capital cities "ASSIMIL" LANGUAGE RECORDS as alllllBC, IDlini, berrn, Yars. Oouiburn. Moss Vale, that the First Accounts snd plant that Probate of the last Will and nf distribution In tha ahnva Rotat Tula, meant A aim A Rth 107 nf of distribution In the above Estate Testament dated 8th June 19S7 of have this dav been filed in mv th ahnvannmivl deceased mav be Nowra. Macksvllle.

Kempsey. Port IN the Wilt of ANNIE CORTESE late address. All creditors In the Estate i In Frenoh, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. HIRE and SALE, Set Courteous Men, phone or call for Mecauarle. Wlnaham.

Tares. Nun, Office, Supreme Court, King street, granted to Evelyn Bradshaw the 1M3 looIS SSvA MiaS SSSX HftS KiSX KSa 4SK 48iS Xli of Rozelle In the State ot New South Wales Widow deceased. will maila Sfter 14 of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their, claims to the undersigned, ERIC 1928 10024 17343 231)27 32204 39794 47603 5r854 62688 70368 79173 86351 93498 01 8 Hecoros oo. uompiei ei oi necoras hook eii, Wednesday, 7.30, French Songs. Translations, coaching.

Conversation. LINOUACLUB LANGUAGE CENTRE MASflOB. 46 Campbell st( onp. Tlvolt). MAaflQfl.

Ring Tuesday after 10 a.m. 1610 10370 17602 241. ID Atain kfmtX fl ll Hi ln.ift itytru. nttitii a oyaney by tne Executors Charles! sole Executrix named in tne Raid Frederick Lemm and Perpetual will and all notices may be aerved Trustee Company (Limited) and' at the undermentioned address. All all persona having any claim on the creditors In the Estate of the de-said Estate or being otherwise ln-i poshm.

are hereby reaillred to send Free Quotations to BEY NO and BEYNON PTY. 126 Australia Street. NEWTOWN. Licence 460. LA3030.

LA757.irtj LA618B. After hours, LU2407. n. kowijEy, solicitor, nan suim-Insj 3,13 Sydney Hod, Balgowlah 1720 10668 17731 24170 32474 30Q.VZ d7Aflfi ftftufl mirk man? -ronno antni tv.m- castle, Oosford, Arm Id ale, Uralle, Tnm worth, Ounnedah, Qulrlndl, Scone, Muswellbrook, Maltland, Dubbo, Wellington, Orange, Cowra. Bathurst, Kntoomba, etc.


Uc 20H2. FB1311. 1222 i2572 J2231 Hill a2Ma 40mR 4T61M 86237 63O2B 7077I 79329 93676 if 23 J2217 iM2K 4,839 80373 83147 70038 78370 66BM 8443 terested therein sre hereifv required in Mrtieuiars of their claims to the1 ley. Rogers St solicitors. ,0941 17777 24583 32786 4016O 47031 36399 63185 71042 79444 86987 9453 to come In before me at my saldl undersigned.

aiBSON MACPHIL-j James Building, 107 Elizabeth ALBERT SHEFTE COLLEGE OF MUSIC This veil known College Is open day and evening, PIANO TUITION GUITARS PIANO ACCORDION Prlvats Lessons Beginners to Very Adv. Arranging. WnjT BW2143. call or Write Boomerang House. 13B King St.

Sydney. days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated 23rd July 1042 at the abovenamed deceased granted to Veronica Cecilia Eylcs the Executrix named In the ssld Will and ell notices msy be aerved at the undermentioned address. All creditors In the Estate of the de-ceased are -hereby required to send In particulars of their claims to the undersigned. COLLINS ft MULHOL- uwuB on or oeiore ine aist, aay on LAMY oc rHirrniiu. tructors ior atreet, ayaney.

AH8TE ALIA-WIDE REMOVALS February next at 10 o'clock in the 43 Phillip Street. IN the Will of MARION HELEN the Executrix. inUHLLi iaie oi uoraxi in ine Sydney. micnoon ana inspect ins same ana If thev ahull think tit AhlMit fhnrobi- IN the Will Of STELIaA SARAH ANN 355 wo" 6fl'5 331 711I3 sxm 40294 38!" aM" 73m mkio 1.3. 18372 353M 3310.

40444 48103 30770 03030 71330 80140 67405 94831 35! Sil11 MD97 mom 7137S 80133 B740I i IS4? 33334 408O4 48334 3701S S4I48 71369 80334 87383 0403. SK Kifi S313 iM3' 37033 84180 71813 80383 87802 MM? othetwlse if tha said Accounts bci deceased. Application will be made I DltlvrRS: Tarpaulins Repaired. It oi nairis rar in the State of New south Wales, LOTTIE DEARN, Pianiste 2146 3441 2473 2488 2364 2770 2886 3934 3233 3318 3363 3337 3360 3641 not oojeciea to me same win oe exam In by me And passed accord-ins to law And notice la alao hereby rsme-day serv. Tarpaulins For Ssle.

Hire. Rrg. Lewis Hunhes and Vale, 1 Rlcketty St, Meecot. MU20U, LAND, troctors ior ine Applicant, 104 Hunter Street. Sydney.

Widow, deceased. Application will be made after 14 days from the publication hereof that Probate of liven that on the allowance of the! IS031 s'3" 84 ms 738 soaao 07900 23 iRi as3. 1 ja itm am uts ssssi mi LtOCai, tjouniry, iih-jtbibio. OVERSEAS. Road Services.


I.lrne (MS. im lha Will nf JAMFfl OOODMAN a iter it aaya irom me puoiicauon hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament dated 30th September, 104R of the said deceased may be iran ted to Erie Stewart Yabsley, and Keith Edward Yabsley the Executors named in the laid Will and1 all notices may be seryed at the Pupil of Mark Hambourg. London. Lelpslff Conservatorium. Germany.

HAS RESUMED TUITION Interviews, Studio. 47 Paling Buildings. Wednesday, ssld Accounts by the Court. Com- th last Will and Testament tin DRIVE YOURSELF CARS See mission will be applied for on be-' dated but executed on 13th Feb- ciasaincauon "Drive Yourself." JH? 4M4' 77IB 84SIS 72184 81337 Hlsa I818 2S2IS iiU5 4IM14 S7a7i i484i 7ui jioio H27S ruary, 1953 of the sDorenaroed deceased may be srsnted to Linda" BOCKER iste of Ebeneser In the Bute of New South Wales Pensioner deceased. Application will be made sfter 14 days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will 9807 ISXt.

0.18 723Ja B1393 8B319 BS489 DIAMOND 522. perfect undermentioned address. All cre- Matilda Hanco*ck, and ARnes mills, a 5. ,55 ini. lo.r: zsx! 3S7D 303..

9.7.7 .9... tint, XiX Lee the Executrlces named In the, I tors tn the Estate of the deceased S-mju ruowir, luiiy equippva, encap. ee Motor Vehicles Column under, 3i2i 2o3ii iiiu wxt v.t." s'l ald Will and ell notices may be ana itmameni. oixo ww win io7 of the abovenamed de THE LINGUISTS' CLUB CENTRALLY LOCATED SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. Vacancies in French.

Italian Classes. Private Lessons Arranged. Inquiries: 33 Paling's Ash St, Sydney. BL323ft, TO3237. ere hereby required to send in particulars of their clslma to the un.

Brsnches: Brisbane, A I bury, 13781 iiiiT W.V7 2112? 22ii5 nan oi ine saia rreoencRi Dated this 33rd day of I January, IS.18. K. B. McDONALD (L.S.), H--litrar. STEPHEN JAQUE8 STEPHEN, Proctors for the Executors, 6 Pitt Street, Sydney.

AFTER 14 days clear from today application will be made to the Supreme Oourt Brisbane for a Orant erved at the undermentioned ad BTOKAUK offtUtt ID Abb STATES. irucK. Any triEi. Rogers, 47 Redmyrt Road, Strathfletd. UM8670.

derslmed. I. O. BONDFIELD A RILEY. Solicitors, Llsmore.

Sydney dress. All creditors in the sstste of the decessed sre hereby required I to send in particulars of their i IS fa 1 11 S9i SS! 2332 im Sim HH? 27833 35008 4 phone for Inspection and quotation ceased may be granted to Francis John Booker and Margaret Hamilton Campbell Wilson the Executor snd Executrix named In the said Will and alt notices may be served 8063 27874 3509A 4.14M ftrtfliM nniS itiiV i mttJii RilSX claims to the unoersnnea. R. l. urvrt na.fu.tAt.

(nr tha wrvawiiirlnaa 8116 13490 20631 6176 13393 20636 SSSS? IXCELLRN1 7-ton Bedford with witnoui ooiigsiiun. Phone FW11B8. FWUflO. After hours, MU1M3, UL2fift, MINA SHELLEY'S School of the Theatre oi frooaio oi tne loiiowini win, B2068 88373 9760 SBl? 431,18 805 saabo 6aT 73468 liStf ffl mi im tifa fe is2ii Anv narann Intaraatft iihA rfa.iraa 907 rhumb Street. By Sol lei tors, 138 Liverpool Street, Sydney, TARE Notice thsTl EDNA JONE LA8ZLO (formerly Edna June Me.

St tne unaermcnuonea iunrm. ah itradllnra In tht KktJttM nf the de- Sooa permanent Metropolitan nni ob. for ssle. Telephone XB3.1B7 between a and tl or after A on 73S7B 82373 8947B B601S Rial (niVi nAi V.SA '5J QA40 CnilOrVn viuin fvcpuieiv vn uca.) ar iiii, anu rvo, am. SPECIALIST TRAINING for STAGE and TV.

PHONE for Particulars, ceased are hereby required to send In particulars of their claim to the Ree now end for the past two ALL SAT i 8830 1 STATES REMOVALS. COUNTRY. INTERSTATE, nvTrTRAT.An FYSOTOi FA0O77. btuuiu: a raung a suuainga asd Direct, cy. undersigned.

williah walrek 3882 20082 aiSTT 33481 44206 32490 801 23 60S 73846 8295S 89604 3916 21017 28696 33328 44636 32981 M.I6 6638S 740B1 83148 8088B laVfi 4130 31929 26808 33621 44863 82036 6n6 Anml 7., ni nniTi fiXTn? snd SON, proctors ior tne necu-tors. Windsor. PURNITURE Van leaving for Warren 2Ath Ilanrnwa 3rd. others return In urn BE A BEAUTY CULTURIST1 6135 14131 91377 28936 35675 44674 2972 61M36 66044 7.811 nl.ll Ail the Will Of JOHN WILLIAM from Win i ham SOth. Murwillumbah in 14119 21648 29013 35790 44933 5.1016 86328 61330 fini Sli oAli.

abkew late ot Croydon In the to object to the application or to nil Aeents. Messrs CHURCH St be heard upon It may file a Caveat' ORAOE, Solicitors, 133 Pitt Street, in the Retlrtry st any time before! Sydney the relevant Orant Is made. De- IN the Will of MARY ELIZABETH eeated: FLORENCE ANNS PIXLEY- JONES late of Whltebrldse In the formerly of Potts Point Sydney in, State of New South Wales Slnile the State of New South Wales but Woman deceased. Application will late of Rostlsre Convalescent Home' be made aftr 14 days from the. East Brisbane, in the State of! publication hereof that Probate ol, Queensland, Widow defeased.

Ap- the IsM Will and Testament dtted pllcant: MARGARET MARY ELMS- 12th Atiiust 1097 of the abovenamed LIE of 23 Nelson Street, Gordon, deceaied may be ffranted to Rachel In the State of New South Wales, i Olwen Jones and David Edward wife of Alan Trewyn Elms lie, law-1 Jones the Executors named In the ful dauihter of the deceased and said Will and all notices may be year mna upwards miaing bi lua Bridie Street. West Tamworth in the state of New South Wales end hsvinR served as Articled Clerk for the past two years and upwards to John Joseph Lyons member of the firm or J. J. Lvons At Harnett. Solicitors of Tamworth do Intend to make application to be It Is no longer necessary to study overseas to become a beautician fhAa innkin frtt in InttrMt i na- and abaorblnt career the fltit 111 DIMM lauica.

AAntt rri'l OR ACE BROS. PTY. LTD. Twice Weekly to MELBOURNE. BRISBANE, Weekly to ADELAIDE.

Fortnightly to PFRtH. CANBERRA Dally. rvMintrv n.mnva Reril to TRELEAVEN and SONS, OampSlsj UWSfl2I. LIS. 2020.

State of Nsw south Wales Taxi Proprietor, Deceased. Application1 FURNITURE Van returning empty win ue maae aiter i any irom publication h-reof that Probate of the will datrd tha 12th dav o( Sen- a Is Jbb a ssss irom srisnane via cons K-rnpsle. Taree, Newcastle, 30th January, going empty. Uthgow, Bsthurst, Orange, cowra. Orenfell, Professional School In Australia opens shortly (skin care, beauty treat-menu, state snd television make-up.

cosmetic chemistry, Early nrolment Is advisable, as only limited number of students will be accepted. Also special tuition for stage and television make-up Is avail-able. For further information ring BW1310. MADAMS BARBARA ORB. COLLEGE FOR SCIENTIFIC BEAUTY IBS KINO STREET.

SYDNEY. BMi 4073 iai sTi. iosx sks sia: taa susi am na? wa tember. 1BS7, of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to John end Proctor of the Supreme court of New south Wale on the 14th' day of February 1938. I.

37163 48363 83371 60160 67721 76033 83832 SiSli oSoSn wyaiong. orimtn, Hiuston, 3rd William Asxew, junior, ine txecu N.S.W. and QUEENSLAND Towns. STORAGE IN ALT. STATES and CANBERRA.

GRACE 1 Box 42. BROADWAY. BftfHS (30 lines). Ue. 133.

i LA 4 2 04. JA6JW6-4M7. J3737. Camnrdown, Artermon. Canberra February', loading 'wanted.

Mack ay, tor named in the said Will snd all TAaf, rtuiiufc mat 1, JOHN I 2JK liiii J55JS 80433 67882 76193 142, B1B78 09 snd St-ocV, Baimaln. WB1207. aft. the sole Executrix appointed by her; served at tne undermentioned sd- Wlll and Codicils dated the 17th dresa. All creditors In the Estste day of February.

the 36th of the deceased sre hereby required day of May. 1939, the 10th day of, to tend In particulars of their April. 1946. the 21st day of Feb- cJelmj to the undersigned. CHURCH jOLiftrtivi ruwi, oi tw fumsgai notices may be aerved at the undermentioned address.

All creditors In no, ana 7338 13740 22443 30222 37434 43776 33803 60933 66433 76273 84764 02071 MRt 2H5 IKS SMS .323 KSJJ Sow SM.S 76276 "em fiSoo mo. BLOCH'S BALLET CENTRE nvmuc, diiiiui, iiavini servea nri Icles of Clerkship to Unity Patrick MeRse. of 37 Uaeauarle fltrit the Estate of tne aeceasea an hereby required to send in particulars of claims to the under ImM. 9. KINO At BRAD- 124 OXFORD STREET, DARLINCHURST.

FA5452 sssf fw 2-2471 mx 5 sk ssi: i mk fija lis Sii III 5s ssss HH.HOLHNlii iTucks leaving daily. Return loading wanted, AEY8B8, PETERSHAM TRANSPORT PTY. LTD, LA1843, LA6046, ruary ana inn rrocwra ior wwurori, IflAo respectively. Solicitors: Mc- 380-302 Hunter street, Newcastle. OULLOUOH St ROBERTSON, Prim- By their Aienti, ASHER OLD St try Bulldini.

Oreek Street. Brls- JONES, Solicitors, ft Bitrh Street, bane, Sydney. packing. (Tusioms. Agency, ana Bond Store.

ORACH BOMS. Sydney, lolfcltor, Intend to apply to be admitted as 8 Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales1 on 14tH February, 1938. FIELD. Proctors for Exeeutor, 16 For correcilf iltted baUet, ehartot.r,, up and physical twtBrth and MrlM. Barraca eueet, ojopey.

0, TMXHITlRa, DlrtStM,.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.