Mornings With Maria Bartiromo : FBC : April 23, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. good tuesday morning. thanks for joining us i hope you are having a good tuesday morning. i am maria bartiromo. tize april 23 before 8:00 a.m. on the east coast time for hot topic of the hour groups in denver he slamming s asylum seekers program saying insufficient a slap in the face the program for illegal

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migrants offers six months free housing, food asistance workforce training could take up to 180 days for authorization then work permits mike johnson cutting the emergency budget to make that happen taking 8 million dollars away from denver police department taking money away from police department giving it to illegal migrants reaction. krysia: mitigation aren't happen groups supporting migrants saying this is not enough they need more you think people coming here illegally, and may be seeking asylum would be grateful, and fact we are cutting police funding as a result, that they would be happy with what they are getting but no, they want more this is displacing every day americans but this is exactly what the democrats want another form of election interference importing votes, result, we are seeing chaos at

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our border migrants taking priority, the one thing democrats can successfully say they have achieved is doing whatever they can to remain in power and it has to do with migrants the fact that they are the number one focus here. maria: yeah. you know what? i spoke with texas senator ted cruz sunday, on "sunday morning futures." we are trying to understand, why it is that joe biden allows this wide-open border that democrats could not pushback despite crime drugs et cetera, et cetera, ted cruz believes because they want ant they think they will eventually become voters of the democrat party on sunday. >> well maria there is unifying threat to all of this it is that democrats are willing to abuse power defy the law in order to say in power you are in one concern trumps everything else keeping

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democrats in control we are up to 11 mill illegal immigrants under joe biden worst in history why allow evasion? the answer they view those 11 mill illegal grants as future democrat voters. maria: reaction. mark: not just ted cruz thinks that it is american voters believe that i mentioned the poll a few weeks ago what is very interesting even democrat voters understand what is going on roughly 35% of democrat voters believe the border is open and we are welcoming migrants into this country, so that democrats can create a permanent majority have that advantage, it is -- it is not hid tone american public we can all see it. >> no, it is not the "the wall street journal" is reporting that biden is considering giving legal statutes to immigrant spouses of u.s. citizens they write though announcement of program not imminent officials say white

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house has discussed timing it before election as one-two punch following executive order would likely upset immigration advocates. he promised everyone he was going to forgive student loan debt we saw the lines of people, voting in the 2022 midterms on college campuses seeing lots of other things on college campuses again this is another effort from president biden, to try to buy votes, plain simple. krysia: i complete agree going to create more sham marriages human trafficking sex trafficking across the border to get married to enter our country as in denver not enough they need more democrats doing this alongside trump charges to garner votes that they would otherwise not be getting because of joe biden's failed policies.

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>> yep, all right. . we are watching this play out and we've seen evidence that in fact, the census impacted by new people pleads to you believe eventually those people will become voters the census is counting people not citizens if you have mover people in new york you will get more democrat control seats. could easily get more electoral votes that way the system democrats are playing to krysia oppose point they are doing it well, we don't believe fair we continue believe just they have a plan stick to it as opposed to gop a lot of infighting going on, at least if a democrats stick together, when you look at migrant situation six months free rent in denver, we've talked about this before, this migrant crisis, this is not just about, criminals potentially entering our country or fentanyl entering

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our country, the broader implications of this are going to be we will have a healthcare crisis we will have an economic crisis, in place, if we continue to allow this to happen. i mean look at the hospitals in denver they are already overwhelmed, not only are they overwhelmed, but not going to get reimburse ford services they are providing, because providing services to i will migrants with no health insurance. >> not just denver, houses overwhelmed in new york. >> a without a doubt, social security, medicare the social security trust fund going to be depleted in 10 years if receiving benefits nothing done to change it a 23% pay cut in social security benefits imagine to add 11 million migrants on to that payroll, how much stress would

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be placed on an already very fragile system. >> we are expecting those programs bankrupt in accommodation years. mark: hurting even more, again, it is political suicide, for any politician to take bull by horns try to fix this something has to happen over the course of next few years otherwise, a lot of very, very unhappy 65, 66, 67 plus-year-olds taking a substantial pay cut in retirement. maria: not to mention younger generations stuck with the bill 35 trillion dollars indebted let's not forget those as well, we are just getting started a lot coming up senate takes up house foreign aid bill mike johnson facing some backlash from some for reporting the vote on the floor, brian is here to tell us more don't miss that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.

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just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. maria: welcome back. the senate is expected to pass 95-billion-dollar foreign aid package today it will provide 60 billion dollars for ukraine 26 billion for israel, 8 billion for indo-pacific region officials say once biden signs off on this will take less than a week to deliver weapons to ukrainian yunts, will also look at tiktok crackdown as part of the package social media attacking this accusing house using foreign aid to jam through a bill that would trample free speech rights of

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170 million americans brian matter of member of house foreign affairs transparence infrastructure committee served in you afghanistan with honor thanks very much for being here this morning. >> always good to see you. maria: i want your take on this bill. it passed obviously, you and colleagues now sending it to the senate as expected to pass the senate what is your reaction to it? >> i was not a big supporter for a couple reasons start as banking model sleshl eu looking at america as bank except we are borrowing maybe 3%, we are giving it away not even lending out we are giving it away zero percent we have to pay bill later in the day, probably most upsetting part to most republicans was this, we are being told it is urgent they don't have another week don't have another month we have to get this done immediately if you look what europe is doing commitment has been less we've given 113 billion they have given less than 100 billion just commitments they haven't seen even allocated all that right

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now looking for us to infuse 60 billion from united states of america, immediately, while europe's commitment right now is 50 billion, over the course of the next three years, that doesn't sound urgent, it is in their backyard one of the big things the tiktok portion of it, we're not looking to ban tiktok looking to say listen if you are owned by china company actively trying to engage in espionage against american people we ask you divest from china not going to allow that espionage against american people basic level good governance. maria: how is that not have in there? four bills in the house now it is in one package, that the senate will vote on, no amendments got to go as is. and you know i am wondering about this money that is supposed to go to gaza nine billion dollars he supposed to go to gaza i spoke with two sitting senators already they claim, that the money will not

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go to gaza will not go to humanitarian effort at all in fact going to terrorists hamas, here they are rick scott mike lee the last couple days watch. >> we know if money goes into gaza it is going to hamas. the there is a hold american hostages american bodies hamas is, i am going to look see if we can separate it see if i can get my amendment on the bill. >> under no circ*mstances, could i would i vote for the bill as passed by house of representatives yesterday that is really good deal for ukraine, zelenskyy, a really good deal for hamas, stands to receive up to nine billion dollars. of this 95-billion-dollar aid package. maria: just to be clear i spoke with four scar general general jack keane earlier in the show he laughed said absolutely not money not going to hamas what do you think? >> i disagree with that if you send money through palestinian

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territory through gaza territory, it touches hamas nearly impossible for it to. >> take in slightly different direction problematic i am calling it trojan horse we know the nato others not nato, united nations they don't want israeling to into rafah finish this they want a cease-fire right now if you send in allow biden administration to send in let's say 1,000 aid workers all trucks pallets workers things like that you are literally sending in the human shields, that hamas wants to come in there so ill can't take their military in there finish this job get american horjz walk israel hostages back the trojan others who i see. >> i am glad you raised this critics uncomfortable with the fact biden administration leadership in democrat party have been blasting benjamin netanyahu. and basically, you know,

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gilling them into not going into rafah embarrass him on public stage despite not a peep about release of hostages, israeli prime minister neither thou slamming reports that suggest administration may go one step further cut off aid to israeli defense forces unity, accusations they committed human rights abuses bibi willing to fight sanctions the administration chuck schumer got on the floor said we need new elections bibi netanyahu no longer services people of israel how much did empower protests tacking people pro-palestinian chants how much are they empowered by this rhetoric from this

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administration? >> a entirely powered not a vacuum, chuck schumer comments biden administration nancy pelosi, 40 other democrats on letter saying we need cut off all arms trafrz that includes iron dome knocking hamas rockets out of sky iranian rockets out of the sky doesn't happen in vacuum not saying don't go into rafah we need a second state out of people we immediatelyly have to labor spotty supports of terror they impair radical individuals at columbia university or places to think they have justification for jew hate supported by biden administration. >> of course, they do, this is sick. anti-israel protesters on college campuses look at new york city last night, columbia university stopping one of its professors from entering the campus to lead a pro-israel rally claiming because the school cannot sure his safety

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so we can't have any pro-israel rallies i guess patriots owner robert kraft said he is stopping all donations to his alma mater columbia university. >> we have heard them talk about how a closed campus maybe why you can't have members of the nypd in there others if a closed campus then we can believe that they know every individual whetherto a student or faculty member who they are out there he is poufg jew hate environment where jews can't feel safe for fact they are jewish. i can tell you, they should be able to say you are no longer admitted to the school you are expelled whatever i doubt keeping track though. maria: terrible really terrible we will be watching your work thanks very much for being here sir. >> wish you the best. maria: all right. brian mast joining us major

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week of earnings economic data big tech earnings on tap will be a market mover likely march pce on deck ahead with bob doll with expectations, you are watching "mornings with maria" live stay with us. . ♪ ♪. can we be friends ♪ . .

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maria: welcome back take a look at futures look at stocks higher right now with about an hour to go before opening bell dow industrials up 43 nasdaq up 26 s&p higher by 8 1/4 interest rates staying elevated ahead of first quarter gdp on thursday 10-year right now sits at 4.65% look at this up four basis points inching closer to 4.7% a major move, economists expected growth 2 1/2% on thursday gdp, the fd preferred reading on inflation march pce

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on friday joining me crossmark chief executive officer bob doll how important is data one week before federal reserve next week with conversation about will they or won't they cut interest rates? >> the data is all-important as you know, including corporate earnings i think pce fed favorite measure to be watched after three bad cpi numbers three months are they watching like a hawk observers will be too how far back to push fed cuts will they cut this year that is a big question, for p/e ratios. >> what do you think about earnings how have earnings been so far a critical week going into the big tech numbers as well could set the tone, how would you access earnings so far the first quarter. >> early but earnings quite good, pretty much across the board, my complaint the 2024 and 2025 full year estimates have come down a little bit

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since earnings started coming out, because numbers, plus 11, plus 1% probably not achievable ab sent a boost in economy would not be good for inflation earnings is good far but we will see. maria: jim immigrant was with me a couple months ago in mutually really among the first people out there, so to throw out idea that fed is not going to cut may raise interest rates, here is the founder and editor of grant interest rates object vr with me in march. >> you are not expecting kacut in rates anytime soon. no -- well they say, three-ish is fine. >> 3% inflation. >> is concerned over inflation, and to focus on financial will the stability if they would define it but i think there is also a chance maria this year fd raises if confronted about slaerth rate

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of integration who is to say 2 to 3% couldn't go up 80 dollar oil no longer 70. >> what koufrng bob. >> i remember that well, eyebrows raised going to raise rates as a possibility? more and more people talking that way the more interesting point to me in that interview was 3% inflation, the fed has been 2, 2, 2. maria: right. >> what if they say 3 first of all lose credibility two versus three may not seem big difference if you are investor expecting 2 as p/e ratios above 20 are, you have to say no now going to be three multiples have to come down not good news. maria: every time you hear chairman now, last couple meetings stressing the words overtime. yes inflation will get there overtime. rates will get there overtime. so he is pushing it out you know, ensuring that he is not set on one comment but i

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noticed used overtime a lot maybe we hear that next week . >> i suspect we will voirm can last a long time as you point out. , between rock and hard place trying to buy time i wish would not talk so much too many fe governors talking confusing the situation used to not talk at all. maria: during greenspan era bob i want your take on a call this morning, ubs is lifting chinese stocks to overweight rare upgrade call you don't usually see this, less these days because of increasingly, business is turning away from china. or certainly raising the red flags of national security risks with china i have been railing on fact american investors are funding the expansion of our number one adversary over and over again with chinese stocks all of our indices ubs this morning

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raising recommendation on key chinese stock index to overweight telling people, bullish car msci china index what do you think about this? >> that is gutsy move china has a lot of problems as you know the real estate problem too many00 story buildings with debt nobody living inside them demographic problem trying to get economy going with only mixed success i think china is going to be touch-and-go you are right with competitive nature of china trying to take as many consumption tlardz for their kwun. >> national security threat to buy compensates making missiles, making military obviously, out there gutsy as you said how do you want to allocate these days given all that for macrostory fed earnings right now how do you invest?

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>> from the equities i want earnings predikeability persistence don't xb pc expansion two sectors well year-to-date i think offensive and defensive characteristics make sure you own some in both sectors. >> we will watch that thanks bob great to see you. thank you. >> bob doll joining us as we see markets trading up quick break next says enough is enough, in big apple looks to unseat alexandria ocasio-cortez. >> democrat new york congressional candidate is here to outline his path to victory and take down aoc you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . ♪ . ♪ .

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fact-checking big tech election interference political sensor cpi his platform participates in all three,. >> fentanyl seizures record high in colorado more than 2.6 million finance minister pills seized in fiscal years 2023 cartels spread into new regions in u.s. brings dangerous drugs with them pills cheap highly addictive, officials warning seven out of every 10 illicit pills in colorado now contain a dell dose of fentanyl. >> listen up luxury letdown federal trade commission suing to block marriage of handbag maker tapestry for a questioninging a monopoly if premium bag market claims

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employees, will see wage dreefrs due to comainz workforce more than 334,000 laborers 8.5 billion dollars merge would be coach coors versace kate spade under one roof. new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez defending anti-israel protesters on college campuses yesterday president biden praised her. >> it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country, today of all things, as once again witness the leadership of those peaceful protesters on campus like columbia yale berkeley many others. >> i learned long time ago listening to that lady -- >> joining me right now marty dolan a democrat candidate from new york's 14th

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congressional district primary challenger to unseat aoc marty thanks very much for being here this morning, how is the campaign going. >> great we filed, 7300 signatures with board of elections if you get 20 to 25,000 votes you win primary. so, to my perspective great all news political season, but at the end of the day, new yorkers can decide their fate we can vote in the primary june 25th end this nightmare. >> i i mean marty you are the only challenger who is qualified to run against aoc for congress, tell me how you differ from aoc, and why you believe you are a better leader to represent new york. >> different every possible way, so, you know long career on wall street, i worked through college as bartender started on wall street earning 40 dollars a day, and then worked on some most complex problems in the world.

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we had 34 trillion-dollar deficit new york 14% marginal income tax rate you have, shipped by representatives of the district supposed to be protecting a completely different choice for voters than accustomed to -- >> what in terms of immigration, the migrants overwhelming the system. >> to freeze, game you played freeze making mistakes because of political season one side saying this one i had side saying that we need to stop for a while freeze the situation figuring out right policy the right policy should be that we should have legal immigration my dad immigrant from latin america no problem with that. the way completely chaotic another thing a trail of casualties up from ecuador 500,000 people make it to texas, when you talk about sin

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of casualties, 25 to civilian casualties radicals responsible for. >> you harder president biden say everything aoc said i listened to i learned a long time to listen to her. >> he is running for president he has to listen to her to our voters 7300 signatures from bronx, queens speaking loudly june 25 time to get rolling with dolan, show the world that voters of new york can control their destiny. >> a rollin with dolan. >> let me get your take why you think aoc seems loudest in the room why administration listens to her you got to believe it is her running a big part of agenda with climate change agenda. >> picks ab national up to across the country creates

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influence if it has bad influence on district doesn't matter climate change great examining a local 97 says to have you replace your boiler your co-op building even if a new one in last year dutch make sense she is basically running to promote her interests as amazon decision trying to create a national franchise. maria: we can't go to local cvs drugstore without opening up cases that we could buy toothpaste because of crime what are you doing about crime in new york. >> we are going back to law and order, like the next minute after i am elected you can't have a situation where toothpaste locked up criminals run through you go to the ground send, o you go through bronx, queens people are fed up with crime, and she is

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regularly wrong on everything she says wrong about protests, because there are violent, threatening to the people, you know jewish students, on columbia's campus unsafe environment, so, when you let law and order flip this is what you see. you know. you let it go a little bit the next thing you know you have complete chaos. maria: i -- i mean marty why then is she so successful in terms of jamming through her ideas? if you are in new york you feel it working around looking behind you you are afraid of potential crime, an, of course, all drugs from the wide-open border as well how did she get to influential. >> i think you have a situation where especially the left wing media portrays her a media darling, 10 minutes free time, on the late show i probably shouldn't name on this channel, but we are going to file a complaint with fec

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unfair in election period people don't get into district we're doing to make it simple for people which is, what matters is what voters of the 14th district think so you've got people in queens, people in the bronx, you have to get out and vote you can change this, there is no reason that we have to tolerate what is going on, with aoc. by june 25 should he could be a lame-duck. >> give your agenda what is your most important priorities right now and your agenda for the 14th district. >> most important thing is to establish a network of constituent services, she doesn't have a presence in the bronx unbelievable weak presence in queens first thing stib constituent service in have supermarket owed churches letting people know their congressman there is able to help them, really the second thing to get united states to work together, so our motto as a country for 180 years was of many we are one. instead what you've got the

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right pulling this way left pulling that way, you have, high end people, low-income people we have to work as a country that is my goal to work together, try to make things better immediately for the people of new york. maria: well marty i got to tell you okay congressional representation is important, unification unifying is important but you know what i would like to see which i was in new york how far inflation -- help with inflation help with illegal migrants 10 million people having come in on joe biden's watch priorities i believe people care about your plans. >> first thing a path for lowering the 14% new york city tax rate this is the crucial thing for new york you can't be in a country -- we have new technology call working from home, where you know people can work in south carolina, can work in pennsylvania work wherever they want. new york's 14% tax rate has to

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come down at the same point he have to refund police one hundred percent greet have police budget back where it was instead of being cut to pay for immigrant services. >> what about the d.a.s allowing people to just come in get processed and come back out? you know, commit more crimes we speak with john shell head of nypd patrol, patrol chief said recidivism is biggest issue here can you make a difference there. >> again zero bail reform has been a complete disaster for new york city look at congressional representation of jamaal, aoc look at clones on city council basically, the reason this is happening, so the voters have to take a stand voters have to turn out june 25th, and vote these people out. then representatives can change things. >> marty let me ask you a question protesters that are all over the street they have

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the exact same tent same clothing the same exact signs obviously, somebody is funding these people they have all same stuff professional protesters being funded by someone who is funding them. >> aoc has 6 million dollars from somewhere if you follow her of money look where protesters missouri poern comes from problem common sources, these are not college students protesting not poor palestinian students protesting columbia saw 66,000 dollars a year to attend. you know this is purposeful meant to weaken america ter figurative if you are a jewish student we are in favor of first amendment all in favor of freedom of speech when it crosses into violence hate speech, well, the campuses have to do something about that. maria: are you suggesting that aoc is partly funding this. >> i am not suggesting that, i am saying that there are people on the far-left who

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fund people like aoc fund people like jamaal, and they fund protests. maria: agent like george soros. >> you have to ask him. >> marty dolan joining us to the primary and take down aoc. >> how to retire like a billionaire, we have tips and tricks you are watching "mornings with maria" live fox business. stay with us. . . harlem has everything. but i couldn't find pilates anywhere. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business

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. maria: welcome back, retire like a billionaire survey finding americans believe they need 1.46 million dollars to retire comfortably that is up

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53% from savings target in 2020 joining me ramsy solution financial expert great to see you. thank you so much for being here give your advice for building wealth for retirement how to get there the. gap between broke and billionaire you have hope possible billionaire is a thousand million start with million go from there advice simple if you follow trends you will fall for traps so many distractions out there we found in study so much simpler than we think most build wealthy through 401(k) plan retirement plan through employer, you don't have to over tech time in the market beats timing the market don't try to jump in and out stay the course. maria: exactly what i always tell people the first rule in becoming a millionaire retirement and 401(k) do not leave money on table if you

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work at company willing to match it go to the max don't touch it. >> absolutely, match beats traditional five word strategy if you have a match take advantage of that free money that your employer is giving you then move to roth ats grows tax-free then traditional accounts tax deferred. >> i am leap to say that was my most important path mark tepper jump in, in getting to millionaire statutes it was 401(k) because i started socking money away the day i started working. >> absolutely, if your company is matching take free money when you get it absolutely, tax deferred growth one of the greatest things you can get into other than tax-free growth george i want to ask you a question i had a client ask me yesterday about the old 4% rule right basically says that once you are getting ready to retire you can

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withdraw up to 4% of your portfolio in year one then ratchet higher every year thereafter, based on inflation. what do you make of people who operate off those old rules, versus potentially having someone go through actual customized financial planning process. >> i think a good way to think about it, again everyone's finances are personal depends on your situation, we found is that if you follow ramsey baby steps involve debt free primary mortgage paid off lowers expenses in retirement gives you more options necessaryability as to how much you need to withdraw from accounts that is the important part to think about retirement is not age it is a financial number don't just get to retire because you turned 6 . >> new york federal serve data finds americans facing record debt credit card 1.3 trillion dollars first quarter 2023 up 50 billion from previous

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quarter household debt 17 1/2 trillion dollars george, you say retirees should be consumer debt free in retirement what happens if you have all this debt trying to pay off dent also saving for retirement? >> well, i take calls all the time on the show took one yesterday woman in 50s husband in 60s they haven't seen done a great job retiring saving for retirement because paying off parent plus loans for kids consumer debt i wrote in my book breaking free from broke debt crisis we're in the problem is we've got payments up to eyeballs because we keep trying to prop up a lifestyle unsustainable. >> got to become debt free to invest more than means we match, to 15% or more to retire with dignity. maria: are you saying first thing start paying off the debt. before you actually turn to saving in your 401(k).

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>> that is a controversial step i took a thousand dollar emergency fund in place then you have margins to invest 15%, will become millionaires not by carrying debt. maria: we want to retire as if billionaire thank you for the advice, ramsey solutions we'll be right back you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .

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maria: welcome back. we are about 30 minutes away from the hoping bell, we're at the highs of the morning with the dow industrials up 107 and the nasdaq also higher this morning in the middle of a busy earnings season. mark tepper, final thoughts. >> look, we need a solid earnings season. obviously, this is a very important week, but it's got to be solid to get the market back on track because the market is struggling dealing with higher inflation and the fact that the fed may not cut. maria: it's been a tough second quarter, for sure. thank you so much for being here. pardon her me. -- pardon me. "varney & company" picks it up now. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, maria, and good morning, everybody. peace has not been restore thed to college campuses. the anti-semitic protests are spreading, harvard closes its

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Mornings With Maria Bartiromo : FBC : April 23, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.