America's Newsroom : FOXNEWSW : April 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> clay: when you include men ide identifying as women in women sp sports you excludelegitimate women from competing. you have navaratilova who is against this, she played men and she said it is about it is f fairness issue. head to, check out clay and buck radio show streaming on fox nation. been great working with you, charlie. >> lieswise. >> ainsley: have a wonderful day and see you tomorrow, tromorrow is thursday, bye, everyone. >> dana: we are awaiting reaction from president joe biden after senate passes 95 billion dollar foreign aid bill

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for ukraine, israel and taiwan. deal heading to his desk. majority leader mitch mcconnell joi joins us live next hour. but first -- [chanting] -- >> israel go to hell. it is right to rebel. >> it is right to rebel. >> dana: epicenter of the anti- anti-israel, columbia university extending a deadline to vacate. good morning, i'm dana perino, bill is off today, this is jacqui heinrich. >> jacqui: midnight deadline has come and gone. >> dana: protesters are leaving the encampment. >> jacqui: scenes of police

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becoming too familiar sight movement spread to top universities and top protesters threatening students and faculty. >> dana: hate speech drawing condemnation and house speaker mike johnson will meet at columbia and hold a news conference. >> a professor has been barred from campus, we'll hear from him in moments. first let's go live to columbia. >> small crowd of pro-palestinian demonstrators arrived in support of students who say the university threatened to bring in the national guard to sweep the encampment. the university appears to be backing down and they say negotiations will continue for

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two more days. ariel footage shows many tents remain there and jewish students say the rhetoric is hateful. when we hear slogans, from the river to the sea, palestinian will be free. where does israel fit in there? calling people nazi or saying go back to poland it is genocidal rhetoric. >> many are questioning who is funding this movement spreading, similar tents can be seen across campus and the country. they are igniting confrontation with police. during a protest officers say bottles were thrown from the crowd.

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republicans want student visas revoked from international students participating in the protest. >> any foreign student in the united states today that is advocating destruction of the state of israel, advocating violence against jewish people should be suspended from the school and they ought to be expelled. >> house speaker mike johnson is set to meet with columbia jewish students today. >> thanks so much. >> terrorism is an ideology. when you push that ideology, you become a terrorist and those students by pushing the ideology are becoming terrorists. >> dana: next guest is jewish professor at columbia business school, he has been barred from campus, he joins us now.

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thank you for being here. columbia president said, i want to be clear, we will not tolerate intimidating or discriminatory behavior. those students will be put through disciplinary processes. does she understand gravity of what is happening there? she also said they continue to negotiate with protesters, who is winning this negotiation at this point? >> i tell you who is losing. thank you for bringing me in. only one people losing and it is jewish people, jewish students. i spent last night speaking withun stereos fleeing campus. i've been speaking about this support for six months and the president has not replied and

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trustee have not reached out. rashida tlaib and ilhan omar, this is not about israel, this is about america and the university decided they don't care about jewish safety or jewish students, they are negotiating with suspended organizations that want to bring everything down. i am despondent this morning. >> your badge was should the off, you cannot access the main campus. jewish students have been told they would be safer taking remote classes. is what is playing out echoing nazi germany for you? do you agree with his statement? >> yeah, i have been saying this for six months, it is on social

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media, i have documented hate and every time they call for killing of the jews. when they shout against america and burn down american flags, this is not protest against israel, this is protest against america. this is jihad holding hostages, they are denying their life, liberty and pursuit of ha happiness. students and faculty are cheering on hamas. i've never been on fox news, we don't share a lot of politics, we share one thing, the belief in life, liberty and pursuit of ha happiness. president shirraf does not. the only people not on the

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negotiation table, the jews, she is negotiating with hamas supporters and not even taking a moment of her day to speak with jewish students and their concerns. she never reached out to me. i'm barred from there. i cannot go on campus, they said they cannot guarantee my safety in that encampment. do you think they can now? i don't believe so. >> dana: they are chanting genocide joe has got to go. they are bringing in u.s. politics. on campus when did it take a turn, why are protesters calling for a ceasefire and now telling jews to go back to poland and thr threatening safety and being prohfr hamas?

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w is there a turning point you saw on campus? >> there was no turning point, on october 9, they posted a letter that said the massacre of october 7, from the first moment, before israel started war, they were still fighting terrorists on the ground in israel trying to prevents massacres, students were cheering on hamas saying resistance by any means necessary. october 12th, they called pro-palestinians -- >> dana: sorry to interrupt you, to help us understand, we are paying attention and care about this issue. what is different now from three or four weeks ago, you have a situation where it is like the new occupy wall street on your

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campus? >> no, it is not, this is motivated by hate, it is not occupy wall street, not by ideology. it has been building up, this is how terrorism works. it works on columbia campus same way in kabul and mosul and rafah. you start slow and don't have co consequences and you amp up the heat. this is how terrorism works, it works everywhere around the world by scaring you into doing what they want, calculating demand. they started by supporting hamas, nothing has changed other than the heat. >> dana: okay. >> jacqui: tweet from alexandria ocasio-cortez, she says calling in police enforcement of nonviolent demonstration of students on campus is dangerous

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act and represents failure of leadership that puts people's lives at risk. i condemn it in the strongest possible terms. dealing with this issue has been vexing for democratic lawmakers. are the lines becoming blurred between what is supporting palestinians and what is echoing terrorist rhetoric? how important for democrats to be clear in what they are standing up for? >> this is not about democrats or republicans, this is moderate versus extremes. moderate republicans and moderate democrats understand this is about america. and aoc, she is an agent of chaos and i'm looking forward to my kids and grandkids reading

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about this in history and to see her name there. this is not peaceful protest, she is lying to the people just like rashida tlaib and cynthia nixon and "new york times," lying to the people. look at the videos and the signs, student protesters holding signs meaning hamas military ring, these are your next targets pointing at american jewish students. if you tell me that is peaceful, mayor eric adams know if this was about kkk, targeting a race or sexual orientation or identity, nypd would have found something to do. mayor adams speaks highly and does nothing.

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>> dana: thank you so much, stay in touch, hope you can get back on campus and certainly remain safe. thank you. >> i just care about the jewish students safety. >> dana: so do we, thank you. for second time this term, supreme court taking up another abortion case hearing argument on whether idaho near total abortion ban can apply to women who need emergency medical care. fox news sunday host shannon bream is leave to help us understand this case. hi, shannon. >> shannon: both sides have turned out protesting, there are signs when this issue is before the court. people thought when the roe case was overturned it

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ended this. hospitals that take medicare money will give emergency care to anyone -- it is about making sure people without funds can get care. after the dobbs decision, what happened is biden administration issued regulatory guidance, saying if your hospitals get medicare money and somebody shows up and need to be stabilized through use of abortion, you have to perform abortions. st states fought back, nothing in tz law is about abortion, this is not about that. biden administration is using it to promote that agenda. see what the justices have to say. there are extended time for the

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arguments today. they will tee up this issue and it will be back on the campaign trail. >> dana: shannon, you are going to be busy in june andy woo are going to be seeing a lot of you as supreme court wraps up big decisions. thank you so much. >> shannon: you got it. >> dana: ruling on whether former president donald trump violented a gag order could come at any moment. >> jacqui: republicans have a shot to flip balance of power with a win in pennsylvania. candidate davos mccormack joins us next, excited to talk to him. >> dana: as we wait for president biden to sign the foreign aid bill, first reaction from president zelenskyy, who spoke to fox news in an exclusive interview. >> i want to thank you for such s significant support to president

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>> jacqui: any moment the judge in the manhattan criminal trial will rule on whether trump v violated the gag order, there are 10 possible violations. nate fo foy is live. >> we are working to learn where trump is going, he's waiting on judge meshud merchan.

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former president donald trump said he is responding to attacks from others and sharing articles written by other people. >> i put an article and somebody's name is mentioned deep in the article and it is a gag order. it is a disgrace. >> during yesterday's hearing judge merchan pressed blanch. when he could not, the judge scolded him, saying he is losing credibility with the court. trump is allowed to criticize

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merchan and alvin bragg but not others connected to the case. prosecutors said trump broke the gag order when speaking about his former lawyer conan o'brien michael cohen. trump said we have a rigged judge working for democratic party and refuse to this case. judge merchan should immediately be removed. yesterday in court chris conroy said the d.a. office is not asking for jail time. they did note trump appears to be angling toward that. we'll see what judge merchan de decides. >> jacqui: we'll watch for that decision to come down. >> dana: donald trump and president biden clench ing respective primaries, biden took

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90% in the closed primary. in gop race there were 100,000 voters casts ballots for nikki haley, who suspended her campaign last month. summer lee survived her primary against a centrist challenger. the match up is officially set. republican dave mccormack will face off against incumbent bob casey in case that could determine senate control. joined by dave mccormack and great to have you. put you up on the board, this is emerson college from march. how do you get to the 14% and get them to go to your column? >> well, good morning, dana. i'm excited to officially be nominee for the republican party

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in one of the most important races in the country and depends on what we do here. i'm barnstorming the great co commonwealth going to all 67 counties. i'm running against bob casey who has been in office for 18 years in the senate and been a 98% vote for joe biden. >> dana: show that, there is an ad, i want to show that you put out talking about the 98%, i'll have you explain what you mean. >> 98% of the time. we need somebody truly independent who has character to stand up to his party especially at time of war. >> dana: your point there is? >> the point is that bob casey voted 98% of the time, he's been

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a follower, not a leader. when you look at spiralling inflation and wide open border or the war on oil and gas development in pennsylvania, thank bob casey, he voted every step of the way with joe biden. 80% of pennsylvania think the country is going in the wrong direction. >> dana: chuck schumer is determined to keep you from winning. they will pour a ton of money into this race. the financial situation for families in pennsylvania, i'm sure you hear, only 14% are getting ahead, 41% say holding

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steady and 44% say they are falling behind. what are policies you try to push that could bring prices down and not promising to bring prices down. how could that happen for families if they vote for you? >> as you said, 60% of pennsylvania live paycheck to paycheck. wages and spending. biden spent 6 trillion and casey voted for it. pull back on that spending put forth by president biden. oil and gas exploration has driven up fuel prices and in pennsylvania, we have wonderful, clean, natural gas that is the key to our economy and our future and president biden and bob casey have stood in the way

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with pause on drilling. this is absolutely the worst thing we could do for our security, and our environment. >> dana: dave, can you name one area of spending you recommend cutting? >> i think enormous subsidies in ev's and solar, i'm for all sources of energy but hundreds of billions put into subsidies are distorting our economy and hurting manufacturing jobs, roll back that stuff, that is crazy. and standing in the way of our economic well being in pennsylvania. >> dana: we'll let you get back to the campaign trail. >> dave mccormack >> dana: you got it in there, thank you. >> quite a nightmare, nobody expected this, this is not a

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global pandemic, this is a global conflict and shouldn't be affecting my child or any child's ability to go to class and have a college experience. >> deadline comes and goes and anti-israel protest arers are still camped out. and tiktok on the clock, the ainsley's chinese owners forced to sell the company or face a ban. >> what about family members, classmates, neighbors, who are parti participating and connected to you through those things? maybe they would care about the ability of the chinese government to access all that. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable

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♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. [chanting] >> jacqui: live look at columbia university, the school is

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bushing back the deadline to clear out. the school wants to divest from companies with ties to israel. we have a look at encampment at yale university. police have arrested dozens there, we'll update you throughout the morning. >> dana: fox learning 95 billion foreign aid bill is going to president biden's desk after passed by senate late last night, it would send aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. president zelenskyy, tunited states is beacon for the fowhol world. we got reaction from zelenskyy, greg palkot joins us now.

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>> greg: huge csigh of relief. foreign aid package includes 61 billion for ukraine military. no one more relieved than president zelenskyy who has been waiting for the aid. zelenskyy expressed gratitude and hopes for the weapons. >> thank you for such s significant support. president biden to congress to mike johnson, bipartisan support, maybe the first and thanks to senate for today's decision and i hope that president biden will sign into law which is so important, crucial for our lives and god bless, we will get it as quick as possible. >> is that important that you get the weaponry, the air defense, the long-range missiles as fast as possible?

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>> as fast as possible, otherwise they will push us back. it is true, our people know about it and american have to know about it. >> greg: pentagon says weaponry is in storage in nearby germany. ukraine has been outgunned in recent months and losing key ground. president biden has to sign this to make it official, that is expected shortly, we saw dete determined and emoetional zelenskyy. back to you. >> dana: we'll talk to mitch mcconnell next hour if it is enough aid to get the job done. >> jacqui: a measure would force tiktok to face a ban in the u.s., fox news contributor mike pompeo joins us now.

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thanks for being here. >> great to be with you this morning. >> jacqui: mr. secretary, genius move of mike johnson to slip this in and send as part of the deal to the senate. the bill passed house as stand alone bill was hanging out in limbo, you know this trump administration tried to do this before. there are pitfalls ahead, what do you see happening potentially? >> i'm pleased with progress made, we in the united states have never allowed a foreign adversary to have control inside the united states of america and never let enemies communicate through enterprise. it used to be television networks, we did not let foreign adversaries own those. foreign authorities cannot own

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what propabegan gandize against america. i hope this is not a ban of tiktok, tiktok can continue to exist it cannot be owned by foreign adversary. we will not allow adversaries to communicate directly with our children. >> jacqui: do you think there is a court challenge, there is a clause to extended deadline. what is risk litigation gets in the way? >> i want to get your thoughts

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on a seek issue on anti-israel protest on elite college campuses. you heard from senator tom cotton saying there should be consequences. >> students should have visas revoked and be deported, they have no right to be here spewing this filth. >> jacqui: what is your take on that. >> i think senator cotton has it just about right. >> start, too, by not forgiving their student loan. p

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prevent antisemitism speech. we see it on columbia campus and yale and harvard law school, they had to close harvard yard, that is deeply unamerican. they had to cancel classes because pro-hamas demonstrators are disrupting campus. president biden can fix this and solve this, we know how to stop p protest on campus. people don't feel safe. that is deeply unamerican, dangerous and we have to get after it right now and federal government has a role in it. >> dana: president can speak out against it. we will be watching. former secretary of state mike pompeo, thank you for being here, appreciate it. >> thank you, have a good morning. >> dana reads sports.

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>> dana: nikki e swoops up cait clark in deal worth 28 million. number one pick in wnba signing on for eight years, fans can expect a signature shoe. clark will start for the indiana fever. nike pays top dollars, they signed tiger woods and lebron james, who was paid 87 million and serena williams earned 40 million. money and shoes. >> jacqui: i do like shoes. >> dana: i do, too, i don't think caitlin clark nike will come in size five and a half or there will be 10 of them. >> jacqui: are you listening, nike, you have a chance. live look at supreme court pro- and anti-abortion protest eers d

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campus protest causing headache for president biden campaign, he is losing ground with young voters. >> a real president would say jewish students will be safe ask if universities will not protect them, the federal government will. he will not say that, he is terrified to tick off rad ical left in his own party. on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year.

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>> do you condemn the antisemitism protest on college campuses? >> president biden: i condemn them, i set up a program to do that and i condemn those who don't understand the palestinians. >> should the columbia president resign?

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>> i didn't know that, i will find out more. >> that response drawing attention from the protesters. bring in marc thiessen, speech writer for george w bush. the president has not seized any time on camera to speak out about this. >> marc: compare what he said there to what he said about charlottesville, when he compared to marching in berlin chanting against the jews. now it is both sides here in this protest. the problem is not failure to condemn protests, it is the protests are working and having desired impacts on the ground. byted administration feels pressure and it is pressuring israel to scale back military

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operation. we saw "new york times" report that israel scaled back strike against iran under pressure from the iran administration. they have not launched on rafah because of pressure from the biden administration, there is direct line to the protest at columbia and other places intimidating biden and pushing him to pressure israel not to protect its people. >> dana: biden disapproval rating with union people under 38 is 64%. that is disapproval. there are jung jewish people, too. here is alexandria ocasio-cortez, she calls the protest peaceful. >> remember the power of young people shaping this country today as we witness leadership

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of student-led protest at columbia, yale, berkeley and many others. >> dana: if students are told to leave and only do zoom school for rest of the year because of protesters, is that her definition of peaceful? why did president biden not say, president of columbia, let's get to class and not let this stand. >> marc: 100%. poll recently showed 54% of americans think biden is making decisions based on his political interest and not what is best for policy. why doesn't president biden put his job on the line to do the right thing in israel. as far as alexandria ocasio-cortez saying this is

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peaceful protest, it is not when you are intimidating jewish students and telling them to go back to poland. imagine if white supremacists were telling students to go back to africa. can you imagine if howard university had to announce black students at columbia felt unsafe and needed a safe place to study? why is it okay to do things to jewish students no one would tolerate if it were being done to african american students in this country? >> dana: that's these, thank you for being with us. live look at the supreme court, pro- and anti-abortion prot protesters. and another group was indicted

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for a similar incident, a grand jury overruled a judge who dismissed the charges.

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call 1-800-miracle to schedule a free hearing evaluation and start your risk-free trial at miracle-ear today. >> grand jury deciding the fate to reach the border. live in el paso. >> good morning, jacqui. there is conflict over how migrants should be charged. a local judge dismissed charges and doesn't agree with that warning. called a press conversference

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revealing, grand jury overruled the judge deciding there was enough evidence of a riot. this means migrants are expected to remain in custody until this plays out in a courtroom. >> approach this country in a legal way and go through immigration channels, that is fine, to approach our country to tear down walls, to endanger people's lives, we've got to take a stand. >> hicks mentioned viral i incident. they indicted nine people on felony charges for physically attacking guard. texas dps are reviewing video to identify more people in this

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incident. we did not have violence we are having now. group of 30 migrants arrived this morning waiting to be processed, we've been here and seen hundreds of migrants go through this specific area behind me. we'll keep watching. thank you so much. >> dana: fox news alert columbia caves to anti-israel mob extending deadline to clear campus after ignoring the president's deadline. mike johnson will justice the school today and meet with jewish students at the epicenter of this virus. president biden will be in new york and has no plans to

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