Y Elden Ring Modding Guide (2024)


This guide will cover the way I have my Elden Ring set up. It will also double as a resource on some modding tools that can hopefully be easy to reference for myself and others.

Tool Requirements
Mod RequirementsEssentials
  • From Stutter Fix Updated
  • Seamless Co-op


  • Posture bar mod
  • Camera Offset
  • Temporal Super Sampling(Optional)
  • Disable Sharpening Filter(Use if using TSS)
  • Neutral Color Grading (Only LUTs)
  • Neutral Color grading for SoTE
  • Darker Nights (SotE DLC)
  • REVENANT ReShade

  • Sekiro Deflection
  • Elden Mode

Starting LineStep 1: Installing Mod EngineMod engine 2 is our mod loader of choice and is really the only tool you need for installing mods. Elden Mod Loader can be used in conjunction, but if you know how to use ME2 (Mod engine 2) you really don't need it.

To start, grab the latest release of ME2 and extract it to wherever you like. For this guide I have it extracted to my desktop. Open the folder so you can see a file named "launchmod_eldenring.bat". Leave that folder open, and we will move on.

Step 2: Installing .DLL files with ME2

While most mods that include a .dll file require Elden Mod loader and describe the installation process using that, you can actually install them all using ME2. To do this we will be editing the "config_eldenring.toml" file in the folder we have open. You can use any txt editor for this, but I would recommend either NotePad++ or VSCode.

First, we will install From Stutter Fix Updated. This mod prevents a large stutter associated with USB devices being plugged and unplugged, and I have found it quite good. To start, download the latest DLL version from the mod page linked above and extract it. Then move that dll file so it is in our Mod Engine 2 folder along with the toml and bat files. At this point, your folder should look like this.

Now open the config file previously mentioned and look for the following:

# List of files that will be loaded into the game as DLL mods.
# Absolute paths to mods are supported but must use '\\' to separate path items. For example, if your mod is at E:\coolstuff\coolmod.dll, you must enter
# the path in the config as "E:\\coolstuff\\coolmod.dll".
# If there's no drive specifier (C:, D:, etc), the path is relative to where the launcher is located. For example, having the path as "mod.dll" will tell
# Mod Engine 2 to look for the directory mod inside the Mod Engine 2 directory with the launcher.
# Multiple mods must be separated with commas. For example if you have 3 mods, you will have something like the following:
# external_dlls = [ "coolmod.dll", "D:\\nicemods\\nicemod.dll", "sosofolder\sosomod.dll" ]
external_dlls = []

Specifically, the part we are interested in is the "external_dlls = []" line. Now, in order for ME2 to know how to load your DLL files, we need to either enter the relative or absolute path of the DLL we are trying to load. So for our Stutterfix, we can use relative path and simply change the line to this:

external_dlls = [

It is important to note the formatting I use here. The quotes are required and the comma after is unless it is the last in the list. For example:

external_dlls = [

Works fine! But:

external_dlls = [

Does not. It is better to just always put a comma after to be safe. Also, whitespace outside of quotes does not matter, so for easier readability, I generally put returns after the commas.

At this point, We have the stutter fix installed, and it will only load if we use this instance of ME2 (i.e. launch using the bat file). So you can still play online vanilla without getting banned. If you had used Elden Mod Loader, the DLL would always load, which isn't always ideal.

That is a good example of how to install DLL mods using relative paths, but what about absolute paths?

Step 3: Installing Seamless Co-op

Seamless Co-op is a must-have mod for many people, myself included. Setting it up to work with ME2 is very simple! To start, install seamlessly as you normally would. Extract the archive into your game folder that contains your eldenring.exe. At this point, if you don't already have a seamless save, you should launch the game using the seamless executable and create a save quickly. This is important because sometimes seamless will throw errors otherwise.

Now, with that done, you should navigate to your "SeamlessCoop" folder in your game files. Now you should see a DLL file named "ersc.dll". In this folder you want to get the file path of that file. An easy way of doing this is right clicking the folder from the path on the top and selecting "Copy Address".Hereis a visual to help you do this.

Now, return to the config file from earlier. Add another entry with the double quotes and a comma, and copy-paste the text you just copied. Your file path with probably be different than mine, but this is about what it should look like.

external_dlls = [
"C:\Steam\steamapps\common\ELDEN RING\Game\SeamlessCoop",

Now, we need to make some small adjustments before we are done. For starters, we need to add a second backslash before each file.

external_dlls = [
"C:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\ELDEN RING\\Game\\SeamlessCoop",

After you do that you need to add one more double set of back slashes and the DLL like above.

external_dlls = [
"C:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\ELDEN RING\\Game\\SeamlessCoop\\ersc.dll",

Now you successfully have Seamless Co-op setup and loaded with your ME2! Do note: you need to return to the Seamless Co-op ini file and set your password before you can jump into playing.

Step 4: Installing Non-DLL Mods

Non-DLL mods generally are larger mods like Clever's Movepack or Sekiro Deflection. These are mods that might include things like a Regulation.bin or other files. When you are installing one of these, normally, you would just throw all the extracted files into the ME2 mod folder, but there is a nice way of combining mods using ME2's mod folder system. Do Note: this will only work with non-conflicting files; this is not a replacement for merging Regulation files or anything else. If two files conflict, only the higher one in the load order will load.

To begin, we are going to install Sekiro Deflection. Go to the mod page and grab the "-- SIMPLE VERSION --" download. Extract that archive and set it aside. Now, we are going to prepare our ME2 folder structure. Go into the folder with the bat and toml files and create a new folder. I named mine "sekiro" but you can use whatever. Now move the files in Sekiro Deflection's mod folder into this sekiro folder. It should look like this.

Now go back to our trusty toml file and find this:

# List of directories that contain modded files in order of prioritization. Inside each specified mod directory must have the game
# assets in Fromsoft's asset structure. I.e. if you mod parts/something.partsbnd.dcx, the modded version must be at mod/parts/something.partsbnd.dcx.
# Absolute paths to mods are supported but must use '\\' to separate path items. For example, if your mod is at E:\coolstuff\coolmod, you must enter
# the path in the config as "E:\\coolstuff\\coolmod".
# If there's no drive specifier (C:, D:, etc), the path is relative to where the launcher is located. For example, having the path as "mod" will tell
# Mod Engine 2 to look for the directory mod inside the Mod Engine 2 directory with the launcher.
# Multiple mods must be separated with commas. For example if you have 3 mods, you will have something like the following:
# mods = [
# { enabled = true, name = "coolmod", path = "mod1" },
# { enabled = true, name = "nicemod", path = "mod2" },
# { enabled = true, name = "sosomod", path = "mod3" }
# ]
# Note that modengine 2 currently has no way to resolve conflicting files including regulation.bin, and thus the mod with the highest priority
# will have the modded file be loaded in the case of conflict. Some support for merging of params and potentially other assets is considered for
# a future release.
mods = [
{ enabled = true, name = "default", path = "mod" }

Specifically the final line will be where we specify our mod folders and the order they load in. By default, ME2 loads everything at once from the mod folder it includes by default, but we won't be using that folder. Delete it or ignore it.

Now, we are going to add our sekiro folder to the load order.

mods = [
{ enabled = true, name = "Sekiro", path = "sekiro" }

There are three fields. The first allows us to tell ME2 to load the mod or not. The second does not matter as long as it is unique so just put something memorable, and the third needs to match the folder the mod files are in.

At this point, Sekiro Deflection is successfully installed and running. If you decide you no longer want to play with it, you can simply edit the line to change "enabled = true" to "enabled = false".

To install multiple mods, simply create another folder and put the mod files into it, and add it to your mod load order like so. Note that if any files conflict, the mod listed first, or higher, in the order will win.

mods = [
{ enabled = true, name = "Sekiro", path = "sekiro" },
{ enabled = true, name = "Example1", path = "example" },

Step 5: Visual Mods Part 1

This step will be done very similarly to the previous step. This part will go over installing both neutral color grading mods and the darker nights mod. To begin, download only LUT's version of Neutral Color Grading, the latest file from Neutral Color Grading SOTE, and the latest file from Darker Nights, along with the lantern file.

Create a new folder in your ME2 folder called "lighting" and extract the files into it. Do note for Neutral color grading, make sure to grab the map folder, not the mod folder when moving it over, and let the SOTE neutral color grading overwrite any files from the base game one. The folder should look likethis.

Now, add that folder to your load order in the config file. I like to put it at the bottom so if any mod needs to overwrite the changes they can. It should look like this:

mods = [
{ enabled = true, name = "Sekiro", path = "sekiro" },
{ enabled = true, name = "Lighting", path = "lighting" },

Now ingame nights and interiors should be much darker, and the regular ingame color grading is more neutral. This will be readjusted in our reshade.

Step 6: Visual Mods Part 2

We are now going to install our Reshade. If you are going to install Temporal Super Sampling, you will need to get Reshade will full addon support. Note this will make it so that if you launch the game through Steam, you will probably get banned. Reshade gives a disclaimer that this version is not multiplayer-safe, but if you are only using Seamless, it is fine. If you want to switch between Vanilla online play and modded I would skip getting Temporal Super Sampling and subsequently just get the normal reshade.

Now, during the installation, you should point it towards the Elden Ring and choose Direct X 12. When it asks what effects you want to install, you should point it toward the Revenant Reshade ini I have linked. Download that mod and select that ini during installation to get all the correct effects. I would also place the ini into your Elden Ring game install for later.

Now, when you launch the game, you will have the Reshade enabled. I would personally make a few adjustments. Hit the Home key on your keyboard and disable chromatic Aberration, border, and ADOF. You can also disable the fps counter here and hit the tick box to enable performance mode.

The Reshade is built to be used at 5/10 brightness, but with the other additions, I recommend putting up brightness to 10/10.

Step 7: Visual Mods Part 3 (Optional)

This step isn't 100% required to get a good experience, but if you need more performance or want a better anti-aliasing solution, this step is important.

To begin, head to the temporal SS mod page and grab the latest release. Extract the contents and copy only the ERSS2 folder and ERSS2.dll file to your Elden Ring Game folder. We don't want the dxgi.dll file as Reshade already provides one. Now you are going to want to rename "ERSS2.dll" to "ERSS2.addon" so Reshade loads it as an addon.

Now, when you boot into the game and hit the Home key, you should also see a box for upscaling. If you are using an NVIDIA GPU, you should use their upscaling solution; if you are using AMD, you can try either AMD's or Intel's upscaler. At this point, you can mess about with the scaling amount and sharpening. I personally use FSR3 at native with 0.800 sharpening just for the anti-aliasing.

Do note that if you use Temporal SS, I also recommend getting the Disable Sharpening mod I have linked. Install it like any other DLL mod (Step 2). Since Elden Ring includes some sharpening by default, it can compound with the built-in sharpening options in Temporal SS. Also, you should disable in-game anti-aliasing while using this, as the TAA in the base game will cause some blurriness. Other effects like DoF and motion blur will also make the upscaler have a harder time creating a clear image. I personally disable DoF but leave motion blur on high, as it helps smooth out the framerate.

Step 8: DLL Mods That Include Other Files

Now, there is another class of mods beyond just DLL or mods with regulation and other files. These mods have a DLL and other files. Examples are both the Camera Offset and Posture bar mods. Installing these types of mods only requires a bit more effort.

We are going to start with the posture bar mod. Download the latest release and extract the file. Open the internal folder until you see the DLL and other folders and ini files. Now, we are going to create a new folder in our ME2 install as we did with Sekiro Deflection and Lighting. I called mine "posture". Now, move those files you downloaded into that folder so it looks like this.

Next we are going to combine both mod install steps for this one mod. First we add the DLL to the external dll section like so.

external_dlls = [
"C:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\ELDEN RING\\Game\\SeamlessCoop\\ersc.dll",

Note we include the folder this time.

Then we also add the entire folder to our mod section.

mods = [
{ enabled = true, name = "Sekiro", path = "sekiro" },
{ enabled = true, name = "Posture", path = "posture" },
{ enabled = true, name = "Lighting", path = "lighting" },

Now, both the DLL and all the loose files are being loaded through ME2. You can repeat this process for camera offset. I personally also disable the dynamic camera motion as it makes me motion-sick.

Step 9: Merging Regulation.bin Files

Since I am currently playing with both Sekiro Deflection and Elden Mode, I had to merge the regulation.bin files. Luckily, basic merging is extremely easy. For starters download Smithbox that I have linked above. Extract the files and move them somewhere you will be able to find them. After this, download Elden Mode and extract the Regulation.bin file it contains somewhere you can find it.

Find Smithbox.exe in the files you just downloaded and open it. You should be greeted with a load or create project box. Choose to create a project and give it a name. I choose "Sekiro Elden Mode" for mine. For the directory, point it toward the folder containing the Regulation.bin file you just downloaded. Then, point the game executable to your eldenring.exe. Finally, check import row names. Hit create.

Now on the top click on Param Editor. After that, on the right panel, you should click Merge Params.This is a visual to help. Point the Target regulation to the Sekiro Deflection's Regulation.bin. Mine was in the "sekiro" folder in my ME2 install. Click Apply, and it should merge quite quickly.

Now, your folder should have a new regulation.bin.prev, which is your old, unmerged file. The new file with the merges should just be regulation.bin like this. Take this file and replace the regulation.bin file in your "sekiro" folder from earlier, and congrats! You have merged Sekiro Deflection with Elden Mode. I have included a video of me fighting the Tree Sentinel right after spawning so you can get an idea of how it looks and plays.

I hope this guide is useful to people trying to navigate modding in Elden Ring.

Other Merging Guides (hks and tae files)

This is not a part of the main guide but is worth mentioning. Merging other files beyond a regulation.bin will require other tools. Cleverraptor6 has two great articles that cover both manually merging regulation files (meaning doing Step 9 manually rather than using the auto-merge function), and merging tae files (which are in dcx files that contain animations). I will think bothherefor the sake of being thorough.

The last kind of file you might encounter will be hks files which are generally found in the action/script folder. These are scripts that can be more tricky to merge. If two mods both have the same file you will need to compare the two and copy any scripts that one adds that the other does not have. There is more nuance to this, and it can require a higher level of understanding. I would recommend using NotePad++'s compare plugin for this, as it makes it easier to spot differences.

CreditsAll credit is to the mod and tool authors. Please endorse and thank each of them for their hard work in making Elden Ring that much better.

Y Elden Ring Modding Guide (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.