What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (2024)

What is a Trojan (horse)?

Trojan horse malware is a file, program, or piece of code that appears to be legitimate and safe, but is actually malware. Trojans are packaged and delivered inside legitimate software (hence their name), and they’re often designed to spy on victims or steal data. Many Trojans also download additional malware after you install them.

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    What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (1)

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      The Trojan gets its name from the Trojan Horse in the Greek epic poem The Iliad. In the story, the Greek hero Odysseus hatches a plan to construct a giant wooden horse that his enemies — the Trojans — would receive into their city as a gift. But within the belly of the horse hid a legion of soldiers, who emerged under cover of night to decimate the city of Troy from within.

      Trojan malware works the same way — it pretends to be something harmless, but it’s just a cover for its real, malicious intent. To stay protected against trojans and other malware, download free antivirus software for Windows 10 or Windows 11.

      How do Trojans work?

      Trojans work by masquerading as legitimate files, with the goal of tricking victims into clicking, opening, or installing them. Once this happens, the Trojan begins installing malware on your device, spying on you, or causing other types of harm.

      For example, email Trojans will use social engineering techniques to mimic mundane email attachments. The email itself will also seem trustworthy, but it’s actually a fraudulent email sent by a cybercriminal. When you open the attachment, the Trojan activates and starts attacking your device. The deceit is a central part of the Trojan horse definition.

      Is a Trojan a virus or malware?

      Trojans are not viruses, but they are a type of malware. People sometimes refer to “Trojan viruses” or “Trojan horse viruses,” but there’s no such thing. That’s due to one critical difference in how viruses and Trojans infect victims. While viruses self-replicate, spreading from one victim to the next, Trojans need you to install them.

      That distinction is what distinguishes viruses from Trojan horse malware. Of course, viruses and Trojans themselves are both kinds of malware.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (2)Trojans aren’t viruses, but they are a type of malware.

      How to recognize a Trojan attack

      Trojan horse programs are sneaky, but if you know what to look for, you can recognize the signs of a Trojan attack and begin the process of Trojan removal. Here are the most common signs of a Trojan malware attack:

      • Your computer feels slow

        Trojans often install additional malware that together can consume a large amount of computing resources. Remove the Trojan malware infection to speed up your PC or other device.

      • Crashes and freezes

        Sometimes, Trojans may overwhelm your computer and cause crashes or other failures. The infamous Blue Screen of Death is always a cause for concern.

      • Unfamiliar apps on your device

        Many Trojans install additional malware. If you notice anything unfamiliar in your Windows Task Manager or macOS Activity Monitor, look it up — it might be malware.

      • Internet redirects

        Some Trojans change your DNS settings or manipulate your browser to redirect you to malicious sites that can harvest your data or infect you with additional malware.

      • Changes to your desktop, taskbar, or browser

        As the Trojan installs new malware or makes other changes to your computer, you may see new icons on your desktop or in your taskbar. The same goes for browser toolbars or plugins that you didn’t install yourself — look out for these browser hijackers.

      • More pop-ups

        Are you seeing more pop-ups than usual? A Trojan may have installed adware on your device.

      • Your antivirus software is deactivated

        Trojans and other malware don’t want to be detected and removed — so they’ll try to turn off your antivirus software. Protect yourself against Trojans and other malware with a free antivirus solution that stops them before they can inflict harm.

      Avast One automatically detects and blocks Trojans from infecting your devices. And it’ll clear out any infections currently on your machine. Protect yourself from Trojans and any other malware with Avast One, an award-winning antivirus tool.

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      Types of Trojan malware

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (3)Backdoor Trojans

      Cybercriminals use backdoor Trojans to give themselves a “backdoor” into your device — a way to access your computer without your knowledge. This backdoor is often used to install more malware, spy on you and collect your data, or rope your computer into a botnet.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (4)Banking Trojans

      Banking Trojans infiltrate your devices and steal your financial login credentials. Hackers use them to crack your banking and other financial accounts. The Zeus Trojan — one of the most infamous Trojans to date — was a banking Trojan.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (5)DDoS Trojans

      DDoS Trojans aim to conscript your device into a botnet: a network of linked devices controlled remotely by a hacker known as a bot herder. They’ll use the botnet to carry out distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that shut down other websites and internet services.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (6)Dropper or downloader Trojans

      Droppers are the first stage in a blended threat — a three-part malware package that consists of a dropper, loader, and more maware (often a rootkit). The dropper Trojan infects your device and sets the stage for the loader, which in turn installs a rootkit that gives a hacker access to your device. Other downloader Trojans will install other types of malware.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (7)Exploit Trojans

      These devious Trojans use exploits — software tricks designed to leverage a known software or hardware vulnerability — to infect your device. Zero-day exploits target vulnerabilities that no one but the exploit creator has discovered yet.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (8)Fake antivirus Trojans

      A dangerous type of scareware, fake AV Trojans pretend to detect viruses and other malware on your device, then urge you to pay for security software — which is either useless or actively malicious. When you pay, the Trojan creator gets your payment details.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (9)Gaming Trojans

      Gaming Trojans target online gamers and steal their login info. Cybercriminals can use these to crack the accounts of high-profile players or steal valuable in-game items.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (10)Infostealer Trojans

      Data theft is the goal with infostealer Trojans. They’ll comb through your device for sensitive personal data, then send it back to the hacker who attacked you. Cybercriminals can use this data to commit fraud or identity theft.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (11)Instant message Trojans

      Targeting the instant message (IM) apps on your device, IM Trojans hijack your login credentials and help themselves to your contact list. Newer IM apps that use encryption like WhatsApp or Signal are less vulnerable than older services such as Skype or MSN Messenger — but malware is always evolving.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (12)Mailfinder Trojans

      Less of a danger in the era of webmail services like Gmail, mailfinder Trojans target email apps like Microsoft Office and plumb them for email addresses. Cybercriminals can add any plundered email addresses to their spamming or phishing attacks.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (13)Ransomware Trojans

      Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks your access to your data or device, then threatens to either publish, permanently withhold, or destroy the data unless you pay a ransom. Ransomware Trojans use deceit to trick victims into activating the ransomware.

      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (14)SMS Trojans

      SMS Trojans infect mobile devices, usually Android, and either send expensive SMS messages to premium services owned by the cybercriminal, or intercept messages coming to and from your phone.

      Examples of Trojan horse attacks

      Trojan horse malware has caused some of the most notorious cyberattacks in history. Here’s a look at several of the most well-known Trojans.


      The ZeuS Trojan first appeared in 2007 in a data theft attack on the US Department of Transportation. Known mostly as a banking Trojan, ZeuS is commonly used to steal financial information through two browser-based techniques:

      • Keylogging: the Trojan records your keystrokes as you enter info into your browser.

      • Form grabbing: ZeuS can intercept your username and password when you log in to a website.

      Spread largely via phishing emails and automatic drive-by downloads on infected websites, ZeuS eventually infected millions of computers — which is why it was used to create Gameover ZeuS, one of the most notorious botnets of all time.


      First detected in 2014, Emotet began as a banking Trojan. But after cybercriminals began using it to distribute other malware instead, Emotet made serious waves in cybersecurity.

      Routinely hailed as one of the most damaging malware strains ever created, Emotet targeted corporate and individual victims alike through massive spam and phishing campaigns. The malware was used to create several botnets, which were then rented out on a malware-as-a-service (MaaS) model to other enterprising cybercriminals.

      Emotet was finally disrupted in 2021 via a coordinated global law enforcement effort.


      Trojans aren’t just for Windows — Shedun is an Android adware Trojan horse that repackages legitimate Android apps with bogus adware, before rehosting them on third-party download portals. When you install the app from one of these sites, you get the adware along with it.

      Once you install the infected app, you’re spammed with ads that generate revenue for the attacker. Removing the malware from your Android device is very difficult, and most victims opted to buy new devices instead. By 2016, Shedun was reported to have infected over 10 million Android devices.

      Can Trojans affect mobile devices?

      Trojans can affect mobile devices as well as desktop and laptop computers. Both Android and iOS have been affected by Trojan horse malware, though Android Trojans are far more common.

      The GriftHorse Trojan is a recent Android SMS Trojan that signs victims up to premium messaging services to generate revenue for the attacker. So far, it’s impacted over 10 million victims worldwide. GriftHorse disguises itself as legitimate apps — the most popular of which has over 500,000 downloads alone.

      In 2016, the AceDeceiver iOS Trojan was found to be able to attack non-jailbroken iOS devices. Three separate AceDeceiver apps made it through Apple’s internal review processes and were available for download on the official App Store. Learn how to remove malware from your iPhone so you’re ready if this happens to you.

      How to remove Trojan malware

      The best way to remove Trojan malware from any device is with specialized Trojan removal software. Removing Trojans is similar to removing viruses and other malware from your computer.

      1. Download Avast One, or other antivirus software from a trusted provider.

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      2. Enter Safe Mode.

        Restart your PC in Safe Mode to prevent any malware from running or using the internet.

      3. Remove temporary files.

        Use the Disk Cleanup tool to remove temporary files. This will speed up the malware scan you’ll do next.

      4. Scan your PC for malware.

        Use your antivirus software to scan your PC for Trojans and other malware. Your software should detect the malware and remove it automatically.

      5. Recover damaged files or data.

        If you’ve been regularly backing up your computer, restore any damaged files or data from your backup.

      How to prevent Trojan horse attacks

      1. Download apps and software from official sources.

        Trojans are often hosted on third-party app download sites. Get your software directly from the manufacturer or from official portals like the Apple App Store and Google Play — though these have been compromised by Trojans in the past, they’re much safer than other options.

      2. Don’t open unknown email attachments or click strange links.

        Fraudulent emails are a popular vector for spreading Trojans. Don’t click attachments or links in emails that you aren’t expecting to receive. Even if the email looks legit, it may be spoofed by a cybercriminal.

      3. Use an ad blocker or secure browser.

        Some Trojans spread through infected web ads. An ad blocker or private browser will prevent these and other ads from loading in your browser, preventing infected sites from giving you a Trojan.

        Avast Secure Browser is a highly secure browser that automatically blocks ads and protects you against malicious downloads.

      4. Be skeptical of free software.

        Trojan creators often disguise their Trojans as free games and other seemingly useful apps. If you’re about to install something new, research it first and read user reviews.

      5. Don’t click web banners or unfamiliar links.

        Not all drive-by downloads are handled via malvertising. Some malware creators develop websites that can automatically install Trojans and other malware onto your device as soon as you visit. Avoiding unknown sites reduces your risk of downloading a Trojan.

      6. Use an antivirus tool.

        A strong antivirus tool from a reputable provider will automatically keep Trojans off your device. Choose one that doubles as a malware removal tool that can detect and remove Trojans and other malware from your devices as well.

      Defend against Trojans with comprehensive security

      While there are many types of Trojan horse malware, they’re all designed to fool you into installing them. That’s why Trojans can be so hard to detect — they look like legitimate software.

      The best way to protect yourself against Trojans is with reliable security software that can detect, block, and remove all kinds of malware and viruses automatically. That way, there’s no chance for the Trojan to trick you. Stay Trojan-free today with Avast One, an award-winning antivirus and cybersecurity solution that's 100% free.

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      What Is Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide (2024)


      What is a Trojan in malware? ›

      Trojan viruses are a type of malware that invade your computer disguised as real, operational programs. Once a trojan is inside your system, it can perform destructive actions before you even know it's there.

      What is Trojan answer? ›

      Trojan is a virus:- A Trojan horse or Trojan is a type of malware that is often disguised as legitimate software. Trojans can be employed by cyber-thieves and hackers trying to gain access to users' systems.

      Is Trojan always a virus? ›

      A Trojan (often referred to as a Trojan virus) is a type of malware that hides within a legitimate file or program to gain access to your device. Because Trojan malware is delivered inside a legitimate app or file, it's very difficult to detect.

      What is the Trojan horse code? ›

      A Trojan Horse is a program that uses malicious code masqueraded as a trusted application. The malicious code can be injected on benign applications, masqueraded in e-mail links, or sometimes hidden in JavaScript pages to make furtive attacks against vulnerable internet Browsers.

      Is Trojan malware illegal? ›

      Fraud Act 2006

      For example phishing (false financial e-mails), pharming (cloned false websites for fraud) and Trojan installation (viruses) could be prosecuted under the Fraud Act. An offence of making or supplying articles for use in fraud, contrary to Section 7, is punishable by a maximum of 10 years' imprisonment.

      How to get rid of Trojan? ›

      Can Trojan viruses be removed? Trojan viruses can be removed in various ways. If you know which software contains the malware, you can simply uninstall it. However, the most effective way to remove all traces of a Trojan virus is to install antivirus software capable of detecting and removing Trojans.

      Is Trojan a spyware? ›

      Trojan-Spy programs can spy on how you're using your computer – for example, by tracking the data you enter via your keyboard, taking screenshots or getting a list of running applications.

      Is Trojan worse than malware? ›

      Malware is a more generic term that can be used to refer to nefarious software, which has been specifically designed to disrupt or damage a computer system, while trojans are programs that pretend to be something they're not, and include malicious additions.

      Is Trojan a hacker? ›

      A Trojan Horse Virus is a type of malware that downloads onto a computer disguised as a legitimate program. The delivery method typically sees an attacker use social engineering to hide malicious code within legitimate software to try and gain users' system access with their software.

      Is Trojan virus warning real? ›

      The “we have detected a trojan virus" scam is a particularly nasty piece of malware because it's designed to trick you into thinking there is something wrong with your Mac when, in fact, all that's happened is that you've visited a website that's a host to adware.

      How to protect yourself from Trojan malware? ›

      Never download or install software from a source you don't trust completely. Never open an attachment or run a program sent to you in an email from someone you don't know. Keep all software on your computer up to date with the latest patches. Make sure a Trojan antivirus is installed and running on your computer.

      How can you avoid malware? ›

      How to prevent malware
      1. Keep your computer and software updated. ...
      2. Use a non-administrator account whenever possible. ...
      3. Think twice before clicking links or downloading anything. ...
      4. Be careful about opening email attachments or images. ...
      5. Don't trust pop-up windows that ask you to download software. ...
      6. Limit your file-sharing.

      What is a Trojan password? ›

      Trojan-PSW programs are designed to steal user account information such as logins and passwords from infected computers. PSW is an acronym of Password Stealing Ware.

      Can a Trojan virus be removed? ›

      Can Trojan viruses be removed? Trojan viruses can be removed in various ways. If you know which software contains the malware, you can simply uninstall it. However, the most effective way to remove all traces of a Trojan virus is to install antivirus software capable of detecting and removing Trojans.

      What is the difference between a virus and a Trojan? ›

      What are the fundamental differences between Virus and Trojan? A Virus is a malicious executable code attached to another executable file which can be harmless or can modify or delete data. Trojan Horse is a form of malware that captures some important information about a computer system or a computer network.

      Why do hackers use Trojan? ›

      Trojans are used to spy on victims, steal data, infect other programs, and inflict other harm. Trojans are typically sent by scammers or hackers who use social engineering tactics, like the ones used in phishing attacks.

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      Author: Allyn Kozey

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      Author information

      Name: Allyn Kozey

      Birthday: 1993-12-21

      Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

      Phone: +2456904400762

      Job: Investor Administrator

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      Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.