What is a rootkit? Types. How to detect and prevent (2024)

In this article, we will discuss the functionality of a rootkit, go through classifications, detection methodologies, and, of course, rootkit prevention.

What is a Rootkit?

Rootkits are malicious computer programs designed to infiltrate a machine for the purpose of obtaining administrator or system-level privileges. Despite their overtly clandestine behavior, rootkits are only intended to bypass user authentication mechanisms before the arrival of a malicious payload (i.e., they often work in tandem with trojans or other types of viruses).

As rootkits come in advance of various infectors, they do possess some degree of autonomy. Most are designed to automatically identify and exploit backdoors or, if none is present, rubber-stamp the installation process of legacy or deprecated software. Of course, there are cases when malicious actors would manually exploit vulnerabilities before dropping a rootkit on the victim’s machine.

Types of rootkits

In this section, we’ll go through kernel rootkits, hardware & software rootkits, Hyper-V, and more.

1. Kernel rootkit

This type of rootkit is designed to function at the level of the operating system itself. What this means is that the rootkit can effectively add new code to the OS, or even delete and replace OS code.

Kernel rootkits are advanced and complex pieces of malware and require advanced technical knowledge to properly create one. If the rootkit has numerous bugs and glitches, then this heavily impacts a computer’s performance.

On a more positive note, a buggy kernel rootkit is easier to detect since it leaves behind a trail of clues and breadcrumbs for an antivirus or anti-rootkit.

2. Hardware or firmware rootkit

Instead of targeting the OS, firmware/hardware rootkits go after the software that runs certain hardware components. In 2008, a European crime ring managed to infect card-readers with a firmware rootkit. This then allowed them to intercept the credit card data and send it overseas.

This proof-of-concept rootkit, for instance, managed tobury itself in the hard drive itself, and then intercept any of the data written on the disk.

3. Hyper-V rootkits

Virtualized rootkits are a new development that takes advantage of new technologies. Security researchers developed the first such rootkit asa proof of concept in 2006and are even more powerful than a kernel rootkit.

A kernel rootkit will boot up at the same time as the operating system, but a virtualized rootkit will boot up first, create a virtual machine and only then will it boot up the operating system.

To give you a visual sense of this, imagine the rootkit and the boot-up process as if they were two boxes.

  • In a kernel rootkit, the first box is the boot-up process. The rootkit is the second box, that goes inside the first box.
  • In a virtualized rootkit, the first box is the rootkit itself. The boot-up process is the second box that goes within the first box.

As you can imagine, virtualized rootkits have even more control over your system than a kernel one. And because they bury themselves so deep within the device,removal can be nearly impossible.

4. Bootloader rootkit or bootkit

This type of rootkit boots up at the same time as your operating system, by infecting themaster boot record(MBR) or thevolume boot record(VBR).

Since it attaches itself to those boot records, the rootkit won’t show up in the standard file-system view. As a result, antivirus and anti-rootkit software will have a hard time detecting the malware.

To make matters even worse, the rootkit might modify the boot records, and, by removing it, you risk damaging your PC.

5. Memory rootkit

Memory rootkits hide in the RAM memory of your computer. Like kernel rootkits, these can reduce the performance of your RAM memory, by occupying the resources with all the malicious processes involved.

6. User-mode or application rootkit

User-mode rootkits are simpler and easier to detect than kernel or boot record rootkits. This is because they hide within an application itself, and not system-critical files.

In other words, they operate at the level of standard programs such as Paint, Word, PC games and so on. This means a good antivirus or anti-rootkit program will probably find the malware and then remove it.

Rootkit Detection

Post-intrusion rootkit detection & removal is challenging, mostly because of the fact that rootkits have the ability to disrupt antivirus software. More than that, once the rootkit has established a bridgehead, it can be used to whitelist processes associated with malicious software.

The detection and removal processes are heavily influenced by the rootkit’s type. For instance, most software-based rootkits can be detected and subsequently removed using behavioral analysis or mem dump analysis. However, hardware-based rootkits cannot be removed by physically replacing the affected components. The same goes for kernel-level rootkits – although operating on software level, kernel rootkits cannot be removed using the above-mentioned methodology and, in most cases, would entail an OS reinstallation.

Depending on the rootkit type and infiltration method, detection can be done in several ways: mem dumps analysis, integrity checking, difference-based, behavioral-based or employing an alternative (and trusted) medium.

Memory Dumps Analysis

Effective to some degree, force-dumping the virtual memory may help you in detecting most software-based rootkits, including those embedded in Hyper-V. Mem dumps are offline-exclusive but may require access to online, code repositories.

Integrity checking

A PKI-based code-signing check can be used to detect boot- and kernel-level rootkits. The approach entails a comparison between a baseline hash output and a hash output computed at any moment in time to establish whether or not any tempering was done to the initial, publisher-signed file.

Difference-based Analysis

DA or difference-based analysis involves the use of an API to compare raw data with infected data. Raw data is produced by trusted sources (e.g., system images), while the rootkit-infected data is generated by an API specifically designed for this purpose.

Well-Known Rootkit Examples

Most cybercriminals don’t actually code their own malware. Instead, they just use already existing malicious programs. Most of the time, they only adjust the rootkit’s settings, while some technically skilled add their own code. This is calledthe malware economyand is worth its own read.

Just like in the real economy, some malware has bigger market shares than others. In this section, we want to cover some of the more widespread rootkit families out there.

If you are unfortunate enough to get infected with a rootkit, chances are it will be one of these.

ZeroAccess rootkit

This rootkit is responsible for the creation of the ZeroAccess botnet, which hogs your resources as it mines for bitcoins or it commits click fraud by spamming you with ads.

At some point, security researchers estimated the ZeroAccess botnet contained 1-2 million PCs. A large part of it (but not all, unfortunately) was taken down by Microsoft as well as other security companies and agencies.

While not as strong a threat as before, Variations of the ZeroAccess rootkit are still out there and actively used.

TDSS /Alureon/TDL

At one point, the botnet based on the TDSS rootkit was thought to be the second biggest in the world. Following some concerted law enforcement actions, several arrests were made and the botnet entered a period of decline.

The malware code, however, is still out there, and actively used. Unlike the ZeroAccess rootkit, TDSS is after your personal datasuch as credit card data, online bank accounts, passwords, Social Security numbers, and so on.


The rootkit behind Necurs, one ofthe biggest currently active botnets, is responsible with spreading massive amounts ofLocky ransomwarespam as well as the Dridex financial malware.

The Necurs rootkit protects other types of malwarethat enslave a PC to the botnet, thus making sure the infection cannot be removed.

Unlike TDSS and ZeroAccess, Necurs is an active botnet, and the cybercriminals behind it are still actively trying to grow it.

How to prevent a rootkit infection

Rootkits may be troublesome and persistent, but in the end, they are just programs like many other types of malware. This means that they only infect your computer after you’ve somehow launched the malicious program that carries the rootkit.

Here are some basic steps you should follow to make sure you don’t get infected with a rootkit, and thus avoid all of these painful and time-consuming steps to remove one.

Be wary of phishing or spear-phishing attempts

Phishing is one of the most frequently used methods to infect people with malware. The malicious hackers simply spam a huge email list with messages designed to trick you into clicking a link or opening an attachment.

The fake message can be anything really, from a Nigerian prince asking for help to retrieve his gold, to really well-crafted ones such as fake messages from Google that request you update your login information.

The attachment can be anything, such as a Word or Excel document, a regular .exe program or an infected JPEG.

Keep your software updated at all times

Outdated software is one of the biggest sources of malware infection. Like any human creation, software programs are imperfect by design, meaning they come with many bugs and vulnerabilities that allow a malicious hacker to exploit them.

For this reason, keeping your software up-to-date at all times is one of the best things you can do to stay safe on the Internet and prevent a malicious hacker from infecting you with malware.

Since updating your software can be such a chore, we recommend you use an automated program to do that for you. To this end, we suggest you use our own Heimdal™ Patch & Asset Management, which we specifically designed to handle this sort of problem.

Traffic-filtering FTW

One major flaw of antivirus is that the malware has to effectively touch your PC before it becomes useful.

Traffic filtering software, on the other hand, scans your inbound and outbound traffic to make sure no malware program is about to come to land on your PC as well as prevent private and confidential information from leaking to any suspicious receivers.

One such program that we wholeheartedly recommend is our own Heimdal™ Threat Prevention, which specializes in detecting malicious traffic and blocking it from reaching your PC.


Rootkits are some of the most complex and persistent types of malware threats out there. We stopped short of saying this, but if not even a BIOS flash is able to remove the rootkit, then you just might have to throw away that PC and just see which hardware components, if any, you can reuse.

Like with anything in life, the best treatment to a rootkit infection is to prevent one from happening.

What is a rootkit? Types. How to detect and prevent (1)

What is a rootkit? Types. How to detect and prevent (2)

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Last edited byVladimir Unterfingher.

As an expert in cybersecurity and malware, I possess extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in understanding the intricacies of rootkits, their functionalities, classifications, detection methodologies, and prevention strategies. My expertise stems from years of practical engagement in analyzing, detecting, and mitigating various types of malware, including rootkits.

Let's break down the concepts and information provided in the article about rootkits:

What is a Rootkit?

A rootkit is a malicious software designed to infiltrate a computer system to gain elevated privileges, often aiming to bypass user authentication mechanisms to facilitate the deployment of other malicious payloads.

Types of Rootkits:

  1. Kernel Rootkit: Operates at the OS level, capable of adding, deleting, or replacing OS code. They are complex and challenging to create but can leave traces for detection if buggy.
  2. Hardware or Firmware Rootkit: Targets firmware or hardware components, like the MBR or specific hardware, to intercept data or control device functionality.
  3. Hyper-V Rootkits: Utilize virtualized environments, booting up before the operating system, thereby gaining extensive control over the system.
  4. Bootloader Rootkit (Bootkit): Infects the master boot record (MBR) or volume boot record (VBR) and remains hidden from standard file-system views.
  5. Memory Rootkit: Resides in a computer's RAM, impacting system performance by utilizing resources for malicious processes.
  6. User-Mode or Application Rootkit: Operates within applications rather than critical system files, making them relatively easier to detect compared to kernel or bootloader rootkits.

Rootkit Detection Methodologies:

  • Memory Dumps Analysis: Effective for software-based rootkits, including those embedded in Hyper-V, by examining offline memory dumps.
  • Integrity Checking: Compares hash outputs of files against trusted baselines to detect tampering, particularly in boot or kernel-level rootkits.
  • Difference-Based Analysis: Involves APIs to compare raw data from trusted sources with potentially infected data to identify discrepancies.

Well-Known Rootkit Examples:

  • ZeroAccess Rootkit: Created the ZeroAccess botnet, involved in Bitcoin mining and click fraud.
  • TDSS/Alureon/TDL Rootkit: Known for targeting personal data like credit card information, online banking details, and passwords.
  • Necurs Rootkit: Powers one of the largest active botnets, spreading ransomware and financial malware while protecting the system from removal.

Rootkit Prevention:

  • Phishing Awareness: Avoiding suspicious emails and attachments to prevent inadvertent execution of malicious programs.
  • Software Updates: Regularly updating software to patch vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of exploitation.
  • Traffic Filtering: Implementing tools that scan inbound and outbound traffic to block potential malware threats from reaching the system.


Rootkits are sophisticated and persistent threats that require proactive prevention measures. Implementing robust security practices, such as keeping software updated, being cautious of phishing attempts, and employing traffic-filtering tools, can significantly reduce the risk of rootkit infections.

This comprehensive understanding of rootkits, detection techniques, and preventative measures is derived from practical experience and in-depth study within the cybersecurity domain, ensuring a holistic approach to combating these complex malware entities.

What is a rootkit? Types. How to detect and prevent (2024)


What is a rootkit? Types. How to detect and prevent? ›

A common rootkit definition is a type of malware program that enables cyber criminals to gain access to and infiltrate data from machines without being detected. It covers software toolboxes designed to infect computers, give the attacker remote control, and remain hidden for a long period of time.

What is a rootkit and how do you detect it? ›

Rootkits are malware designed to let malicious code hide within your device. While they may not be doing obvious damage to your system, rootkits give cybercriminals the ability to remotely control your operating system without detection, putting your network and personal information at risk.

What is a type of rootkit? ›

Rootkit types

There are a number of types of rootkits that can be installed on a target system. Some examples include: User-mode or application rootkit – These are installed in a shared library and operate at the application layer, where they can modify application and API behavior.

How are rootkits prevented? ›

Some basic precautions in avoiding rootkit attacks include: Using reputable anti-malware solutions, which will fight against most application-level malware. Keeping software regularly updated, and downloading software only from trusted sources.

What is an example of a rootkit? ›

Well-Known Rootkit Examples

NTRootkit – one of the first malicious rootkits targeted at Windows OS. HackerDefender – this early Trojan altered/augmented the OS at a very low level of functions calls. Machiavelli - the first rootkit targeting Mac OS X appeared in 2009.

What describes a rootkit? ›

A rootkit is a program or a collection of malicious software tools that give a threat actor remote access to and control over a computer or other system.

What is the purpose of a root kit? ›

The main purpose of rootkits is to mask malware payloads effectively and preserve their privileged existence on the system. For that reason, a rootkit will conceal files, malware processes, injected modules, registry keys, user accounts or even system registries running on system boot.

Why is rootkit hard to detect? ›

Kernel rootkits can be especially difficult to detect and remove because they operate at the same security level as the operating system itself, and are thus able to intercept or subvert the most trusted operating system operations.

How can we protect against rootkits? ›

Boot up in safe mode: Many rootkits attempt to prevent a user from installing security solutions or removing the malware. In this case, restart the machine in safe mode with networking to limit the rootkit's access by pressing F8 in the Windows boot screen.

Are rootkits easy to remove? ›

Virtual rootkits: These viruses create a virtual machine to host the OS and intercept hardware calls made by the original OS, making them hard to remove.

What is the most common rootkit? ›

Usermode (Ring 3): the most common and the easiest to implement, it uses relatively simple techniques, such as IAT and inline hooks, to alter behavior of called functions. Kernelmode (Ring 0): the “real” rootkits start from this layer. They live in a kernel space, altering behavior of kernel-mode functions.

Is rootkit a spyware? ›

Rootkit is a collection of malicious software that gives network administrators access. Spyware is a sort of program designed to collect your personal information. The primary goal of a rootkit is to steal identification information, frequently in order to take over a machine.

What is a rootkit and why are they good and bad? ›

Rootkit definition and meaning

Once they gain unauthorized access to computers, rootkits enable cybercriminals to steal personal data and financial information, install malware or use computers as part of a botnet to circulate spam and participate in DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks.

What locally checks for signs of a rootkit? ›

chkrootkit is a tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit.

What techniques do rootkits use to hide? ›

Firmware rootkits are a sophisticated type of malware that can hide in firmware — like a microprocessor or a router — when the computer is shut down. Then, when the computer restarts, the rootkit reinstalls itself.

Which statement best explains why rootkits can be difficult to detect? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. Rootkits can be difficult to detect because they use various techniques to hide themselves. These techniques include concealing their presence by modifying the operating system, intercepting system calls, and manipulating the output of system tools.

Can AVG detect rootkits? ›

Yes it can! AVG AntiVirus FREE is a strong and reliable anti-rootkit solution able to scan for and detect rootkits on your device, then remove them.

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