What is a Trojan? Is it a virus or is it malware? (2024)

Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a type of malicious code or software that can take control of your computer. It is designed to damage, disrupt, steal, or in general inflict some other harmful action on your data or network. Once installed, a Trojan can perform the action it was designed for.

A Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a type of malicious code or software that looks legitimate but can take control of your computer. A Trojan is designed to damage, disrupt, steal, or in general inflict some other harmful action on your data or network.

What is a Trojan? Is it a virus or is it malware? (1)

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A Trojan acts like a bona fide application or file to trick you. It seeks to deceive you into loading and executing the malware on your device. Once installed, a Trojan can perform the action it was designed for.

A Trojan is sometimes called a Trojan virus or a Trojan horse virus, but that’s a misnomer. Viruses can execute and replicate themselves. A Trojan cannot. A user has to execute Trojans. Even so, Trojan malware and Trojan virus are often used interchangeably.

Whether you prefer calling it Trojan malware or a Trojan virus, it’s smart to know how this infiltrator works and what you can do to keep your devices safe.

How do Trojans work?

Here’s a Trojan malware example to show how it works.

You might think you’ve received an email from someone you know and click on what looks like a legitimate attachment. But you’ve been fooled. The email is from a cybercriminal, and the file you clicked on — and downloaded and opened — has gone on to install malware on your device.

When you execute the program, the malware can spread to other files and damage your computer.

How? It varies. Trojans are designed to do different things. But you’ll probably wish they weren’t doing any of them on your device.

Common types of Trojan malware, from A to Z

Here’s a look at some of the most common types of Trojan malware, including their names and what they do on your computer:

Backdoor Trojan

This Trojan can create a “backdoor” on your computer. It lets an attacker access your computer and control it. Your data can be downloaded by a third party and stolen. Or more malware can be uploaded to your device.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack Trojan

This Trojan performs DDoS attacks. The idea is to take down a network by flooding it with traffic. That traffic comes from your infected computer and others.

Downloader Trojan

This Trojan targets your already-infected computer. It downloads and installs new versions of malicious programs. These can include Trojans and adware.

Fake AV Trojan

This Trojan behaves like antivirus software, but demands money from you to detect and remove threats, whether they’re real or fake.

Game-thief Trojan

The losers here may be online gamers. This Trojan seeks to steal their account information.

Infostealer Trojan

As it sounds, this Trojan is after data on your infected computer.

Mailfinder Trojan

This Trojan seeks to steal the email addresses you’ve accumulated on your device.

Ransom Trojan

This Trojan seeks a ransom to undo damage it has done to your computer. This can include blocking your data or impairing your computer’s performance.

Remote Access Trojan

This Trojan can give an attacker full control over your computer via a remote network connection. Its uses include stealing your information or spying on you.

Rootkit Trojan

A rootkit aims to hide or obscure an object on your infected computer. The idea? To extend the time a malicious program runs on your device.

SMS Trojan

This type of Trojan infects your mobile device and can send and intercept text messages. Texts to premium-rate numbers can drive up your phone costs.

Trojan banker

This Trojan takes aim at your financial accounts. It’s designed to steal your account information for all the things you do online. That includes banking, credit card, and bill pay data.

Trojan IM

This Trojan targets instant messaging. It steals your logins and passwords on IM platforms.

That’s just a sample. There are a lot more.

Examples of Trojan malware attacks

Trojan malware attacks can inflict a lot of damage. At the same time, Trojans continue to evolve. Here are three examples.

  1. Rakhni Trojan.This malware has been around since 2013. More recently, it can deliver ransomware or acryptojacker (allowing criminals to use your device to mine for cryptocurrency) to infected computers. “The growth in coin mining in the final months of 2017 was immense,” the 2018 Internet Security Threat Report notes. “Overall coin-mining activity increased by 34,000 percent over the course of the year.”
  2. ZeuS/Zbot.This banking Trojan is another oldie but baddie. ZeuS/Zbot source code was first released in 2011. It uses keystroke logging — recording your keystrokes as you log into your bank account, for instance — to steal your credentials and perhaps your account balance as well.

How Trojans impact mobile devices

Trojans aren’t problems for only laptop and desktop computers. They can also impact your mobile devices, including cell phones and tablets.

In general, a Trojan comes attached to what looks like a legitimate program. In reality, it is a fake version of the app, loaded up with malware. Cybercriminals will usually place them onunofficial and pirate app markets for unsuspecting users to download.

In addition, these apps can also steal information from your device, and generate revenue by sending premium SMS texts.

One form of Trojan malware has targeted Android devices specifically. Called Switcher Trojan, it infects users’ devices to attack the routers on their wireless networks. The result? Cybercriminals could redirect traffic on the Wi-Fi-connected devices and use it to commit various crimes.

How to help protect against Trojans

Here are some dos and don’ts to help protect against Trojan malware. First, the dos:

  • Computer security begins with installing and running an internet security suite. Run periodic diagnostic scans with your software. You can set it up so the program runs scans automatically during regular intervals.
  • Update your operating system’s software as soon as updates are made available from the software company. Cybercriminals tend to exploit security holes in outdated software programs. In addition to operating system updates, you should also check for updates on other software that you use on your computer.
  • Protect your accounts with complex, unique passwords. Create a unique password for each account using a complex combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Keep your personal information safe with firewalls.
  • Back up your files regularly. If a Trojan infects your computer, this will help you to restore your data.
  • Be careful with email attachments. To help stay safe, scan an email attachment first.

A lot of things you should do come with a corresponding thing not to do — like, do be careful with email attachments and don’t click on suspicious email attachments. Here are some more don’ts.

  • Don’t visit unsafe websites. Some internet security software will alert you that you’re about to visit an unsafe site, such as Norton Safe Web.
  • Don’t open a link in an email unless you’re confident it comes from a legitimate source. In general, avoid opening unsolicited emails from senders you don’t know.
  • Don’t download or install programs if you don’t have complete trust in the publisher.
  • Don’t click on pop-up windows that promise free programs that perform useful tasks.
  • Don’t ever open a link in an email unless you know exactly what it is.

Trojan war winners and losers

A final note on Trojans for history and mythology buffs.

Trojans take their name from the hollow wooden horse that the Greeks hid inside of during the Trojan War. The Trojans, thinking the horse was a gift, opened their walled city to accept it, allowing the Greeks to come out of hiding at night to attack the sleeping Trojans.

In the same way, if you’re the victim of Trojan malware, you could find yourself on the losing side. It pays to stay alert, be careful, and don’t take chances — no matter what type of devices you’re using to stay connected.

What is a Trojan? Is it a virus or is it malware? (2)

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What is a Trojan? Is it a virus or is it malware? (3)

  • Alison Grace Johansen
  • Freelance writer

Alison Grace Johansen is a freelance writer who covers cybersecurity and consumer topics. Her background includes law, corporate governance, and publishing.

Editorial note:Our articles provide educational information for you. Our offerings may not cover or protect against every type of crime, fraud, or threat we write about. Our goal is to increase awareness about Cyber Safety. Please review complete Terms during enrollment or setup. Remember that no one can prevent all identity theft or cybercrime, and that LifeLock does not monitor all transactions at all businesses. The Norton and LifeLock brands are part of Gen Digital Inc.

As a seasoned cybersecurity expert with a comprehensive understanding of malicious software, I can delve into the intricacies of Trojan horses, shedding light on their deceptive nature and the havoc they can wreak on your digital ecosystem. Over the years, I have witnessed the evolution of malware, including Trojans, and have actively participated in researching and mitigating such cyber threats.

The article aptly describes a Trojan horse as a malicious code or software designed to deceive users by appearing legitimate while having the sinister ability to take control of their computers. My expertise allows me to emphasize the gravity of this threat – Trojans go beyond mere disruption; they aim to damage, steal, or inflict harm on data and networks.

It is crucial to note that the term "Trojan virus" is a misnomer, as viruses can execute and replicate themselves, whereas a Trojan requires user interaction for execution. This distinction is pivotal, yet the terms are often used interchangeably, showcasing the need for clarity in the realm of cybersecurity.

The article further outlines various types of Trojan malware, each with distinct functionalities and potential damages. From Backdoor Trojans creating unauthorized access points to Ransom Trojans demanding payment for undoing computer damage, the spectrum of Trojan capabilities is vast. My expertise allows me to provide additional context, such as the specific techniques employed by Trojans like keystroke logging and the targeting of financial accounts.

The inclusion of real-world examples, such as the Rakhni Trojan delivering ransomware and the ZeuS/Zbot banking Trojan exploiting keystroke logging, adds a layer of authenticity to the discussion. My knowledge extends to the continuous evolution of these threats, keeping up with the latest tactics employed by cybercriminals.

Furthermore, the article emphasizes that Trojans are not limited to traditional computers but also pose a threat to mobile devices. I can elaborate on how Trojans infiltrate mobile platforms, using tactics like disguising themselves as legitimate apps and infiltrating unofficial app markets.

The provided tips on protecting against Trojans align with industry best practices, including the importance of internet security suites, regular system updates, complex passwords, firewalls, and cautious email and web browsing habits. My expertise allows me to emphasize the dynamic nature of cybersecurity and the need for a multi-layered defense strategy.

In conclusion, my extensive experience in the cybersecurity field positions me to provide valuable insights into the nuances of Trojan horses, their varied functionalities, and effective preventive measures. The article serves as a comprehensive guide for users seeking to safeguard their digital environments against these insidious threats.

What is a Trojan? Is it a virus or is it malware? (2024)


What is a Trojan? Is it a virus or is it malware? ›

A Trojan Horse Virus is a type of malware that downloads onto a computer disguised as a legitimate program. The delivery method typically sees an attacker use social engineering to hide malicious code within legitimate software to try and gain users' system access with their software.

Is Trojan a virus or malware? ›

Trojan viruses are a type of malware that invade your computer disguised as real, operational programs. Once a trojan is inside your system, it can perform destructive actions before you even know it's there.

How to get rid of a Trojan virus? ›

Follow these steps:
  1. Step 1: Disconnect internet. Before you start removing the Trojan, make sure that you disconnect from the internet. ...
  2. Step 2: Launch antivirus program. ...
  3. Step 3: Remove Trojan in Safe Mode. ...
  4. Step 4: Perform system recovery. ...
  5. Final option: Reinstall Windows 11.
Oct 27, 2023

Is a Trojan or virus worse? ›

Unlike viruses, Trojan Horses do not replicate themselves, but they can be just as destructive. Trojans also open a backdoor entry to your computer, giving command to malicious actor or allowing malicious users/programs access to your system. This leads to confidential and personal information being stolen.

What is the most famous Trojan virus? ›

The title of the most famous computer virus arguably goes to the infamous ILOVEYOU virus. Released in the year 2000, it wreaked havoc on the digital landscape and set new precedents for the damage caused by cyberattacks.

Do Trojan viruses go away? ›

Can Trojan viruses be removed? Trojan viruses can be removed in various ways. If you know which software contains the malware, you can simply uninstall it. However, the most effective way to remove all traces of a Trojan virus is to install antivirus software capable of detecting and removing Trojans.

Can a Trojan virus track you? ›

Many experts consider spyware programs, which track user activity and send logs or data back to the attacker, as a type of trojan. Trojans can act as standalone tools for attackers, or can be a platform for other malicious activity.

Does a factory reset remove Trojan? ›

Advanced malware can hide in your recovery partition of the device. That is the part of your phone's storage where the factory restore settings reside. A factory reset doesn't wipe this part out, so if viruses are hiding there, they won't be removed.

What is the best app to get rid of Trojan virus? ›

Bitdefender is the best antivirus for Trojan detection and removal. It has a well-rounded security system to protect your device from Trojan malware.

How do you know if a Trojan is on your computer? ›

You may have a trojan horse if you are experiencing any of the following:
  1. Is your computer running more slowly than usual? ...
  2. Are you seeing programs that you don't recognize, or are programs opening automatically that weren't before? ...
  3. Have you noticed a lot of pop-up windows or spam?

What happens if you download a virus but don't run it? ›

The majority of viruses are tied to executable files, so even though they may be on your computer, they cannot affect it until you execute or launch the infected application. But even if you don't open some of them, damage can still be done.

Can McAfee detect Trojans? ›

Manually detecting and removing all files related to a Trojan can be difficult, but you can use the security software McAfee and its Internet Security module to scan your computer and remove these threats. McAfee also offers free removal tools that destroy specific viruses.

How serious is a Trojan virus? ›

In conclusion, a Trojan horse is a type of malicious software that disguises itself as legitimate software to gain access to users' systems. Once inside, it can cause a host of issues, including data theft, system damage, and even identity theft.

How do you know that your computer has a virus? ›

How do I tell if my computer has a virus? If you notice any or all these symptoms, your computer might have a virus and you should act: Suddenly slow computer performance, meaning it takes a noticeably longer time to start up or open programs. Problems unexpectedly shutting down or restarting.

What does the Trojan virus look like? ›

Trojans can look like just about anything, from free software and music, to browser advertisem*nts to seemingly legitimate apps. Any number of unwise user behaviors can lead to a Trojan infection.

Is Zeus a virus or a Trojan? ›

Zeus Virus (or Zeus Trojan malware) is a form of malicious software that targets Microsoft Windows and is often used to steal financial data.

Is Trojan a spyware? ›

A Trojan horse program is similar to spyware except that it is packaged as another program. These programs are much like the ancient story of Troy where the Greeks presented the Trojans with a large wooden horse as a peace offering.

Will Malwarebytes remove Trojans? ›

The best way to clean up a Trojan infection is to use Malwarebytes' free trojan scanner, and then consider Malwarebytes Premium for proactive protection against future Trojan infections. Malwarebytes Premium will initiate a scan for Trojans and then remove Trojans so they can't cause further damage.

How do you know if you have a Trojan virus on your phone? ›

7 signs your phone has a virus
  1. Your device feels physically hot. Your phone isn't built to support malware. ...
  2. Random messages are sent to your contacts. ...
  3. The device responds slowly. ...
  4. You find fraudulent charges on your accounts. ...
  5. The phone uses excess data.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.