Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom: A Guide for Educators - (2024)


  • January 23, 2020

Technology has done more to change school curriculum and practices than nearly anything else—and in such a short amount of time! While it can be hard to keep up with every trend in educational technology, the mindset you have when it comes to classroom tech matters just as much as which ones you use. By learning to view it as a means of enhancing your lessons and resources, you can provide your students with tools and opportunities they may not otherwise access.

So, why and how should you use technology in your classroom? Read on to discover the impact of technology in education and how to get the most from its unique benefits.

What Is the Proper Role of Technology in the Classroom?

If you struggle to use technology in your classroom, you’re not alone. Many educators aren’t motivated to use digital resources in class, often because they’re unsure how to use them effectively or are unaware of the benefits.[1] In such cases, it’s easy to question not only how to make technology useful, but also whether technology should be used in schools at all.

Even with the latest and best digital technology, classrooms will not benefit unless the students and faculty understand how to use it.[15] In fact, educational technology should never be viewed as a perfect resource to teach your students everything they need to know to succeed. Instead, view it as a tool that can inform and supplement lessons, and even then, only if teachers and administrators are well trained in its use.

While technology can be an excellent resource in a classroom, it’s important to set limitations. Technology—no matter how good—should never be a substitute for face-to-face interaction with a teacher or classmates.[4] Technology is best used to augment non-digital lessons rather than the other way around. The goal when using technology should be to enhance your teaching rather than replace it.[6]

Benefits of Using Tech and Digital Media in Education

With the help of technology, you can introduce your classroom to opportunities and resources they may not otherwise be able to access.[5] In fact, this is one of the greatest ways technology has changed education. You may not be able to take your students to one of NASA’s space centers to witness a rocket launch, for example, but you can teach them all about rockets using resources on NASA’s website. Video clips, educational games, and virtual simulations are just a few examples of technology resources you can use to engage and educate in the classroom.

Plus, the vast majority of today’s careers require at least some digital skills (which include anything from complex skills like coding to simpler ones like composing and sending emails). Using tech in class can prepare students to successfully enter the workforce after graduation.[4] Even though the technology is likely to change from their early school years to the time they start their first career, teaching digital literacy in elementary school is a great way to get students started.

Why else is understanding how to use technology in the classroom important? Using technology alongside non-digital lessons can have many academic and behavioral benefits for your students, including:[2,7,11,12]

  • Longer attention span
  • Increased intrinsic motivation to learn
  • Higher classroom participation and student engagement
  • Greater academic achievement
  • Stronger digital literacy

And finally, the benefits of classroom technology can expand far beyond the classroom and right into your students’ homes.[4] Rather than handing out paper worksheets, you can send your students online lessons or activities to complete at their own convenience. This practice provides better flexibility, plus the opportunity for you to provide audio or video clips alongside homework assignments. Additionally, if you have under-resourced students in your classroom, you may be able to supplement the resources available to their families by providing take-home technology.

How to Get the Most from Technology in Schools

One of the major concerns parents and educators have with classroom technology is how to limit excessive screen time. The American Association of Pediatrics suggests the following screen time recommendations by age. Keep these guidelines in mind when you teach lessons that involve screen time in your classroom:[17]

  • 2–5 years old: No more than one hour of high-quality digital activities or programming
  • 6 or older: Consistent limits to prevent screen time getting in the way of sleep, physical activity, or other healthy behaviors

It’s important to keep in mind that older students may have differing needs in comparison to the youngest students, where one hour of high-quality digital activities is always the limit. Regardless of your students’ ages, set consistent limits to keep technology as effective as possible and limit distractions.

Whenever possible, prioritize active digital screen time over passive.[16] Active screen time, like playing an educational game or learning a new digital skill, engages a student’s mind or body in a way that involves more than observation. Passive screen time—think watching a video or listening to an online lecture—involves limited interaction or engagement with the technology. Active digital activities are more likely to help your students experience new concepts, and they encourage your class to work together during the lesson.

Although teachers at under-resourced and rural schools are less likely to use technology, any tech you have available can greatly add to the opportunities you provide your students.[13, 18] Technology can remove some of the physical or financial barriers to educational resources and experiences.[17] If you’re unable to go on a field trip, for example, you can access plenty of virtual field trips at no cost.[16] Use the technology you do have to supplement your lessons and provide students with information you may not otherwise be able to access.

And finally, use school technology to teach your students digital citizenship.[14] Broadly defined, digital citizenship is the safe, ethical, informed, and responsible use of technology.[16] It encompasses skills like internet safety, setting healthy screen time habits, and communicating with others online. Lessons that involve digital citizenship can help a student use technology responsibly well beyond their elementary school years.

6 Quick Tips for Using Technology in the Classroom

The benefits of technology in education can revolutionize your classroom, but only when used intentionally. All it takes is a little time and personal training to help you understand the ins and outs of useful classroom tech.

Keep these six strategies and ideas in mind to help you get the most out of your classroom technology:

  • Always use technology or learning programs yourself before trying it with your students so you can troubleshoot any issues in advance.[9]
  • Most of today’s students are digital natives and have grown up around technology for their entire life. Listen to what your students know about technology and ask them for tip. They may just teach you something new![8]
  • Use digital resources (like apps, texts, or social media groups) to keep parents informed about class activities and upcoming assignments.[5]
  • Prioritize active digital activities, like online learning games or interactive lessons, over passive activities (like watching a video).
  • If you’re an administrator, schedule a faculty training session on how to use your school’s technology and answer any questions.[10]
  • Focus your technology-based lessons on teaching your students digital citizenship, or skills that will help them thoughtfully and effectively navigate digital media.[14]


  1. Groff, J., and Mouza, C. A Framework for Addressing Challenges to Classroom Technology Use. AACE Journal, January 2008, 16(1), pp. 21-46.
  2. Levy, L.A. 7 Reasons Why Digital Literacy is Important for Teachers. Retrieved from
  3. Van Dusen, L.M., and Worthen, B.R. Can Integrated Instructional Technology Transform the Classroom? Educational Leadership, October 1995, 53(2), pp. 28-33.
  4. Rosenberg, J. Technology in the classroom: Friend or Foe? Retrieved from h
  5. Venezky, R.L. Technology in the classroom: steps toward a new vision. Education, Communication & Information, 2004, 4(1), pp. 3-21.
  6. Buckenmeyer, J.A. Beyond Computers In The Classroom: Factors Related To Technology Adoption To Enhance Teaching And Learning. Contemporary Issues in Education Research. April 2010, 3(4), pp. 27-36.
  7. Bester, G., and Brand, L. The effect of technology on learner attention and achievement in the classroom. South African Journal of Education, 2013, 33(2), pp. 1-15.
  8. Reissman, H. 7 smart ways to use technology in classrooms. Retrieved from
  9. Edutopia Staff. How to Integrate Technology. Retrieved from
    Winters-Robinson, E. How Tech Can Engage Students, Simplify the School Day and Save Time for Teachers. Retrieved from
  10. Couse, L.J., and Chen, D.W. A Tablet Computer for Young Children? Exploring its Viability for Early Childhood Education. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 2010, 43(1), pp. 75-96.
  11. Filer, D. Everyone’s Answering: Using Technology to Increase Classroom Participation. Nursing Education Perspectives, 2010, 31(4), pp. 247-250.
  12. Friedman, S. How Teachers Use Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved from
  13. Mace, N. 8 Strategies to Manage the 21st Century Classroom. Retrieved from
  14. Keswani, B., Patni, P., and Banerjee, D. Role Of Technology In Education: A 21st Century Approach. Journal of Commerce and Instructional Technology, 2008, 8, pp.54-59.
  15. The Office of Educational Technology. Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education: 2017 National Education Technology Plan Update. Retrieved from
  16. Courville, K. Technology and its use in Education: Present Roles and Future Prospects. 2011 Recovery School District Technology Summit, 2011, pp. 1-19.
  17. Klopfer, E., Osterweil, S., Groff, J., and Haas, J. Using the technology of today, in the classroom today: the instructional power of digital games, social networking, simulations, and how teachers can leverage them. The Education Arcade, 2009, pp. 1-20.
  18. American Academy of Pediatrics. American Academy of Pediatrics Announces New Recommendations for Children’s Media Use. Retrieved from

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Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom: A Guide for Educators - (2024)


How can teachers use digital media in the classroom? ›

16 Ways Teachers Can Use Social Media in the Classroom
  1. Track student work over the course of the year. ...
  2. Use it to post homework. ...
  3. Share classroom news with parents and faculty. ...
  4. Remind students of upcoming class events.
  5. Create out of class study groups using specific hashtags.

How would you integrate technology and media in the classroom? ›

How to Integrate Technology in the Classroom
  1. Power Points and Games. ...
  2. Internet Homework Assignments. ...
  3. Online grading Systems. ...
  4. Classroom Tablets. ...
  5. Listserv. ...
  6. Keeping students engaged. ...
  7. Helps students with different learning styles. ...
  8. Prepare students with life skills.

What is digital media in the classroom? ›

Digital Media in education is measured by a person's ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and produce media content and communication in a variety of forms. This media may involve incorporating multiple digital softwares, devices, and platforms as a tool for learning.

What are the 10 ways to use technology in the classroom? ›

10 Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom
  • Go on a virtual field trip.
  • Quiet a noisy classroom.
  • Use videos for mini-lessons.
  • Coordinate live video.
  • Add multimedia elements to presentations.
  • Use digital exit tickets.
  • Study and critique web content.
  • Gather student feedback.
Jan 14, 2022

What are examples of digital teaching media? ›

Video clips, educational games, and virtual simulations are just a few examples of technology resources you can use to engage and educate in the classroom.

What are examples of digital media in education? ›

Examples of this would be an e-book or a video; the digital devices that can play them, using e-book readers, tablets or smartphones. In the context of school, digital media can take different forms.

How can we bring technology into the classroom? ›

Helping Students Process Content
  1. Use Virtual Manipulatives. ...
  2. Run Learning Stations. ...
  3. Provide Online Activities for Students Who Complete Work Early. ...
  4. Save Time for Exit Tickets. ...
  5. Use Twitter Hashtags to Take Questions. ...
  6. Study, Review and Critique Content on Web Pages. ...
  7. Use Online Mind Maps for Class Brainstorms.
Aug 18, 2022

How do you engage students with technology in the classroom? ›

Here are 8 ways to Increase Student Engagement:
  1. Submit assignments as blogs. ...
  2. Submit assignments as podcasts or videos. ...
  3. Work with a classroom on the other side of the world. ...
  4. Gamify skills like problem-solving. ...
  5. Create infographics to explain complicated topics. ...
  6. Record and playback reading. ...
  7. Interactive attendance.
Jan 27, 2023

What are examples of media used in classroom? ›

Media can be a powerful way to enhance student learning. Instead of always relying on lectures, you can use print, audio, and visual media, such as books, videos, audio, television, CDs, DVDs, or short films, to hold your students' attention and help them retain information.

Why is it important to use digital technology in the classroom? ›

Technology makes it easier for students to find information quickly and accurately. Search engines and e-books are partially replacing traditional textbooks. Instead of personal tutors, students can get one-on-one help through educational videos – anytime and anywhere – and massive open online courses (MOOCs).

What are the benefits of digital technology inside the classroom? ›

Benefits of Technology in the Classroom
  • Provides A More Engaged Learning Environment. ...
  • Prepares Students for the Future. ...
  • Connects Better with Students. ...
  • Boosts Collaboration. ...
  • Supports Learning. ...
  • Gamified Learning. ...
  • Virtual Field Trips. ...
  • Create Student Websites.
Oct 29, 2021

What are the five forms of technology in the classroom? ›

Top 8 education + classroom technology tools
  • Education technology.
  • Video conferencing platform.
  • Smart video cameras.
  • Hybrid technology.
  • Asynchronous learning tools.
  • Synchronous learning tools.
  • Online textbooks.
  • Learning Management Systems.

What is the most used technology in the classroom? ›

Tablets. It's hard to believe that tablets have been around for less than two decades. These devices are part of our daily lives, and they're one of the most-used types of technology in the classroom. Tablets allow students to work at their own pace, complete independent activities and learn self-reliance.

What technology can teachers use in the classroom? ›

Calculators, Smartboards, And Clickers

In the classroom, teachers are using calculators and smartboards and clickers to not simply engage students, but to offer more diverse platforms for students to work with new ideas and demonstrate understanding.

What are the 4 types of digital media? ›

Digital photographs. Digital books (ebooks) Websites and Blogs. Social Media (Facebook, Twitter)

Which digital materials do teachers use the most? ›

The Most Popular Digital Education Tools For Teachers And Learners
  • Projeqt. ...
  • Thinglink. ...
  • TED-Ed. ...
  • cK-12. ...
  • ClassDojo. ...
  • Storybird. ...
  • Animoto. ...
  • Kahoot! Kahoot! is an educational platform that is based on games and questions.
Mar 31, 2018

What are 5 example of digital communication? ›

These include email, phone calls, video conferencing, and many types of instant messaging like SMS and web chats. Even blogs, podcasts, and videos are considered forms of digital communication.

What are the advantage of using digital media in teaching and learning? ›

10 Advantages of Digital Education
  • 1) Personalised learning.
  • 2) Gamification.
  • 3) Self-directed learning.
  • 4) Easier to access.
  • 5) Students can learn at their own pace.
  • 7) Blended learning.
  • 8) Competency-based learning.
  • 9) Collaborative learning.
Apr 1, 2022

What are the barriers to technology integration in the classroom? ›

Lack of competence is one of the most important obstacles to teachers' use of technology in education. It is linked to other issues such as training, time and technical support. The first problem linked to the competence barrier is the lack of effective training.

What are the five technology tools? ›

5 Technology tools to keep your students engaged in the classroom
  • Online quizzes and contests. When you ask questions there are always students who won't answer despite knowing the answer. ...
  • Educational podcasts. ...
  • Video-conferencing classroom technologies. ...
  • Online educational games. ...
  • Electronic whiteboards.
Jan 16, 2018

How do you motivate teachers to use technology in the classroom? ›

Show your teachers the opportunities to collaborate that tech provides – not just with colleagues, but with students too. The collaborative tools that come with introducing technology into the classroom and their potential to enhance teaching and learning are varied and wide-reaching.

How do you engage and empower students through technology? ›

You should encourage your students to make informed decisions regarding the technology they use to improve their education. This means providing your learners with the choice of their tools and asking them to assist in the design of the rubrics or tasks and make connections to standards as well.

What are the 3 types of educational media? ›

Educational media refers to channels of communication that carry messages with an instructional purpose. They are usually utilised for the sole purpose of learning and teaching (Webcrawler, 2013). There are different ways to classify media. Print media, non-print media, and electronic media.

What are the 6 examples of media types? ›

Modern media comes in many different formats, including print media (books, magazines, newspapers), television, movies, video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software, and the Internet.

What are three best examples of media? ›

Some other forms of modern media are print media, television, movies, and video games.

Does using technology in classrooms help students learn better? ›

Technology is ideal for improving the learning process for students, but it is also extremely beneficial for educators. With platforms that allow teachers to monitor student progress virtually, managing a class has never been easier.

What is the most positive effect of digital technology on education? ›

Enhances learning and facilities students

The most positive effect of technology on students is that it widely helps and enhances the learning process of students. Each and every detail of all the subjects are available online on various sites where students can go if they're stuck.

What are the 6 benefits of technology in the classroom? ›

What Are the Benefits of Technology in the Classroom?
  • Engagement. Students who use technology in the classroom may be more engaged. ...
  • Collaboration. Technology makes it easier for students to collaborate and save their work. ...
  • Inclusion. ...
  • Differentiation. ...
  • Productivity. ...
  • Creativity. ...
  • Automation. ...
  • Future Focus.
Nov 11, 2020

What are the 6 main types of technology? ›

While a single piece of technology often overlaps into different areas, there are generally six different categories of technology: communication, electrical, energy, manufacturing, medical and transportation.

What is the latest technology in the classroom? ›

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in EdTech are technologies that foster a completely immersive learning experience. They let students closely interact with the subject of study in a virtual space which helps them gain practical insights about the topic.

What are the five technologies that will change classroom education? ›

To name a few are Artificial intelligence (AI), Learning Management Systems (LMS), Augmented and Virtual Reality, Gamification, Blockchain.

What is one to one technology in the classroom? ›

One to One (often abbreviated as 1:1) technology describes an educational situation in which every student has their own mobile computing device (tablet, laptop, computer, netbook, chromebook, etc.) to use for learning.

What is digital technology examples? ›

Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data. Well known examples include social media, online games, multimedia and mobile phones.

What is digital media How does it help the teachers? ›

Digital media encompasses all of the audio, video, and visual content including lectures that instructors might want to put in their course. This type of instructional material engages multiple learner senses, including sight, sound, and in some instances touch, where the media is interactive.

How do teachers use digital technology? ›

It provides easy access to all learning resources and allows the facility to interact with the instructor conveniently. Teachers may quickly build and manage groups using learning tools and technology such as social learning platforms.

Why is digital media important in the classroom? ›

Video and digital media are important tools that can help bolster the educational experience. The use of video in the classroom allows educators to illustrate and demonstrate complex ideas with the help of visual and audio learning elements.

What is the most important role of a teacher in a digital classroom? ›

Thus, it can be concluded that the most important role of a teacher in a digital classroom being a facilitator.

Why is digital technology better for teachers? ›

Digital learning and its supportive technology can help you as a teacher advance learning, mitigate learning loss, and create opportunities for social and emotional engagement. These benefits are possible when you and your students are in the classroom and when you are teaching students who are learning at home.

How do teachers use technology in education? ›

Through videos, learning games, and images, teachers can show students colorful, stimulating examples of the material that they're trying to teach. Subjects that are historically dry or difficult to grasp can be turned vibrant and interesting.

How do you implement technology in the classroom? ›

Ideas for Integrating Technology in the Classroom
  1. Gamified Learning. Gamification has been shown to have an impact on a student's learning and engagement because of how it helps to build a sense of achievement. ...
  2. Virtual Field Trips. ...
  3. Create Student Websites. ...
  4. Online Discussion. ...
  5. Use Social Media.
Oct 29, 2021

What are the disadvantage of using digital media in teaching and learning? ›

1) it may be distracting to students, 2) it may disconnect students from face-to-face relationships, 3) it may make cheating easier, 4) it may disadvantage certain students, 5) it may cause students to use unreliable resources for learning, 6) it may make curriculum planning more difficult or expensive, 7) it may ...

What are the effects of digital media on students? ›

It is easy to become addicted, and research shows that students who spend too much time on social media can suffer from poor sleep, eye fatigue, negative body image, depression, anxiety, cyberbullying, and more.

What impact do digital classrooms have on students? ›

Digital classrooms facilitate communication between students and teachers. Whether they have doubts or questions, students can send the same to the teacher through multiple communication methods.

What are 3 benefits of digital media? ›

Opportunities and Benefits
  • Digital media empowers people and facilitates social interaction. ...
  • Digital media increases civic participation, gives people a voice, and facilitates the creation of communities. ...
  • Digital media is revolutionizing how work is done. ...
  • Digital media has facilitated education and life-long learning.
Mar 7, 2021

How can media be used to improve teaching and learning? ›

One way media can aid teaching is through visual tools such as infographics or videos, which are easy ways to communicate ideas quickly, stimulate discussion among classmates about content, help clarify complex material by breaking it down into smaller segments that are simpler to digest, allow for flexible pacing ...

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.