Speaking Part 1 - Shopping - IELTS Achieve (2024)

Speaking Part 1 - Shopping - IELTS Achieve (1)

In this post, you will see one of the most common IELTS speaking topics (shopping)and sample answers.

Please remember that in the actual test you should give honest answers and talk about your own experiences, thoughts, feelings and opinions.Do nottry to memorise answers, as the examiners will probably be able to guess and you will lose marks.

However, you are able to make up information to extend your answers, but be sure that you are confidentwhen speaking about the chosen topic and that it is believable.

TIP >>Each answer should be at least 2-3 sentences long.

TIP >>Listen carefully to the question so that you answer in the correct tense.

TIP >>When answering a yes/no question– answer then give your reasons for your answer. You must extend your answer to gain more marks.

TIP >>Just relax and think of it as a regular conversation you are having, make eye contact and be positive.

Take a look at the questions and sample answersbelow on the topic of ‘shopping‘ >>

Q: Are there many shops near your home? (What kind?)

A: There are many shops in the town close to where I live, including supermarkets, clothes shops, shoe shops, accessories and many others.

Q: Do you like shopping? (Why?Why not?)

A: Yes, I love to go shopping with my mom or friends to look at the clothes, shoes and makeup. I like to have a look around, buy something new, get a coffee and relax.

Q: Who usually does the shopping in your home?

A: When shopping for groceries, I go shopping with my husband, so we can make sure we select items we both want. When shopping for clothes I normally go and enjoy selecting items.

Q: How often do you buy something in a shop?

A: That depends on what it is, for example, I will go the shop every day to buy freshly baked bread. For other groceries, it may be once a week and for other items, such as clothes it will be less often.

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Speaking Part 1 - Shopping - IELTS Achieve (2024)


Do you like shopping IELTS speaking part 1? ›

Question 1: Do you enjoy shopping? Answer A: Well, I love shopping because spending time on some of my favorite and essential things makes me feel happy. It is my favorite time pass which always elevates my mood. Answer B: Actually, I don't like to go shopping very frequently.

How do you feel about shopping IELTS? ›

IELTS-Style Speaking Test Questions and Answers
  • Part 1.
  • 1) How do you feel about shopping?
  • I love going shopping, especially bargain hunting in the sales. ...
  • 2) What types of shops do you use regularly?
  • I go to the supermarket once a week for my groceries, although I buy all my meat from the local butcher.

Do you like shopping why? ›

Makes Me Feel Confident

Shopping helps me make choices about the way I want to look- the clothes, shoes, and makeup I want to put on. I like shopping because it helps me decide how I want others to see me.

What kind of things do you prefer shopping for IELTS? ›

If you know the book, all you need to do is type the name of the book and buy it. What products do you prefer to shop in stores for? I like buying clothes offline, in stores. Buying offline is better because you can actually feel the quality of the cloth before buying it and also how one looks in them.

What is the feeling of shopping? ›

A study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology in 2014, for example, indicates that making purchases helps people feel instantly happier—and also fights lingering sadness. One reason, the study authors speculate, is that making purchase decisions confers a sense of personal control and autonomy.

Do you enjoy window shopping? ›

Yes, I do. I go window shopping with my friends, especially when we don't have money. It's a good way to spend time with your friends and go out without spending money.

What are the benefits of shopping? ›

Social connection: shopping can be a way to spend time with others albeit without getting to know any of them at all, or very well – when you are in a busy shopping environment, at least you are around people even if there's no real connection, in the true sense of the word, happening.

What is the purpose of shopping? ›

Shopping is an activity in which a customer browses the available goods or services presented by one or more retailers with the potential intent to purchase a suitable selection of them.

Why is shopping a pleasure? ›

Doing something we find rewarding lights up the brain's pleasure centre, the nucleus accumbens, which when activated leads to a surge in the release of dopamine the neurotransmitter that makes us feel good, and motivates us to repeat the behaviour. It's why we can even get addicted to the pleasure of buying.

Is shopping a life skill? ›

A common activity in life skills classrooms includes grocery shopping activities for students. Teaching shopping is a critical life skill. And The primary shopping site for most adults is the grocery store.

How do you do your shopping? ›

Top Ten Shopping Tips
  1. Shop with a list. ...
  2. Set a budget. ...
  3. Pay with cash. ...
  4. Set a timeframe. ...
  5. Pick the best time for you. ...
  6. Shop alone. ...
  7. Don't shop when you are tired, hungry, lonely, bored or upset. ...
  8. Ask “where will I wear this?” Too many of us buy impulsively with no thought to what we'll do with the things we buy.

Does shopping bring happiness? ›

Research has shown that making shopping decisions can help reinforce a sense of personal control over our environment. It can also ease feelings of sadness. A 2014 study from the Journal of Consumer Psychology found that retail therapy not only makes people happier immediately, but it can also fight lingering sadness.

What are the four benefits of a shopping list? ›

8 Reasons to Make a Shopping List
  • Why is it important to make a shopping list? ...
  • It saves you money. ...
  • It saves you time and energy. ...
  • It reduces waste. ...
  • It helps you lose weight. ...
  • It helps with meal planning. ...
  • It helps you focus. ...
  • It improves your memory.
29 Apr 2019

Do the shopping example sentences? ›

She sent her husband out to do the week's shopping. Our sick ones received their injections, then off we went to do the shopping. On Saturdays we usually do the shopping and clean the house.

What are shopping attitudes? ›

Consumer's attitude towards online shopping refers to their psychological state in terms of making purchases over the Internet. Online buying behavior process refers to the products purchased online.

Is shopping a real hobby? ›

Yes shopping is a hobby. The real question is what benefits do you get from it? Do you cheer yourself up or give yourself a reward by going shopping? Compulsive shopping is also known as compulsive buying disorder.

Where shopping is our pleasure? ›

Our slogan, "Where Shopping is a Pleasure," was coined in 1954.

What is window shopping called? ›

Window shopping, sometimes called browsing, refers to an activity in which a consumer browses through or examines a store's merchandise as a form of leisure or external search behaviour without a current intent to buy.

How many types of shopping are there? ›

87 Types Of Shop
Art GalleryAutomotive Showroom
Cupcake ShopDelicatessen
Department StoreDiscount Shop
Diy ShopDollar Store
Donut ShopDress Shop
39 more rows
24 Aug 2021

Is shopping a good activity? ›

In conclusion, purchasing new things is a good activity, and many young people like to shop due to several reasons such as shopaholic nature, good and perfect personality. However, parents and teachers need to organize some campaigns and motivate them to take participate in them, which enhance social skills in them.

Why do I like buying things? ›

Many human behaviors are rewarded with pleasurable feelings (caused by the chemical dopamine). Buying stuff can release those same pleasure chemicals, and for many of us, our natural addiction to feeling good can hence be easily satisfied by buying something.

Why do I like to buy clothes? ›

“We buy fashion because we love or struggle with it,” Mair says. “Those who struggle with it might buy clothes to help them feel good about themselves. They might be unaccepting of their body shape and buy clothes that don't fit well in the belief that they will fit when they reach their target weight.

What children can learn from shopping? ›

An everyday activity like shopping can be a great way to help your child learn. Looking at signs and labels and talking about prices can help your child build literacy skills and numeracy skills. And understanding food choices can help your child learn about healthy eating.

Is shopping important in our life? ›

Shopping is something that makes us happy because we are buying things for the people we love or we are with buying them with them. Shopping is just not buying or calming yourself but it is also a way of showing love which in return pleases you and makes you happy. Shopping Is another way of saying that you care.

How do you teach shopping skills? ›

An easy technique is to start by going to the exact same store each and every time. You might even teach your student how to shop at just one particular supermarket. You can work on generalizing those skills to other stores later on, but it's best to start small. Try to frequent the store when it isn't busy.

What are 4 shopping tips for grocery shopping? ›

How to Make Wise Grocery Shopping Choices
  • Shop on a full stomach. ...
  • Go armed with a list and stick to it, especially if your kids are “helping”.
  • Plan your meals for the week before you shop and then buy what's on the menu. ...
  • Shop only once a week. ...
  • Shop when you have energy and aren't worn out from a busy day.

What is a shopping strategy? ›

Shopping strategies represent sets of activities that reflect the motives and decision processes governing shopping behavior. That is, shopping strategies represent the amount of external and internal search, the objectives of the search activity, and the planning activities prior to a shopping trip.

How can shopping be a hobby? ›

If shopping is your hobby, you buy stuff for the experience: to have fun, to relax, to be creative, right in that moment. Things like whether you'll actually wear that piece, how it fits in with the rest of your wardrobe and even how much you like it, come secondary.

How can you be smart at shopping? ›

Smart shopping tips
  1. Think before you buy. Before you hand over your hard-earned money or a credit card, ask yourself these questions: Do I really need it? ...
  2. Make a list and stick to it. ...
  3. Don't grocery shop hungry! ...
  4. Take advantage of sales and coupons. ...
  5. Buy it used, when possible. ...
  6. Use technology.

Does shopping reduce stress? ›

In fact, according to a study done by University of Michigan researchers, shopping to relieve stress (otherwise known as retail therapy) was up to 40 times more effective at giving people “a sense of control” and that shoppers were three times less sad compared to those that only browsed for items.

What shopping does to your brain? ›

When we make a purchase, our brain releases endorphins and dopamine. For some, this momentary pleasure can lead to compulsive shopping, as the instant reward and motivation to re-experience the 'rush' starts to outweigh self-control and practical financial considerations.

How does mood affect shopping? ›

Decision making

When we are in a good mood we are more likely to make decisions quickly and won't spend too much time deliberating. This, therefore, impacts our purchase behaviour as when we go shopping in a good mood we will be using our system 1 processing, which relies on shortcuts and fast decision making.

What are the benefits of shopping with friends? ›

Advantages of shopping with friends
  • You can ask her opinion. Not sure whether a certain lingerie set suits your shape? ...
  • She knows what suits you. This woman has known you forever, which means that you can totally trust her opinion when it comes to what suits you and what so does not. ...
  • She can grab you extra sizes.
1 Feb 2018

Can 10 sentences examples? ›

1. can
  • 1.1. Affirmative sentences with can. I can play football. You can sing. My sister can read. We can speak English. ...
  • 1.2. Negative sentences with can. Long forms. Contracted forms. I cannot play football. ...
  • 1.3. Questions with can. Can I go to the cinema? Can your budgie talk? Can he play the trumpet?

Do shopping is correct? ›

When talking about buying food, we tend to use this phrase. When talking about shopping in general, it's more common to use the phrase, “go shopping.” “We need to do the shopping today.”

Do the shopping sentences? ›

She sent her husband out to do the week's shopping. Our sick ones received their injections, then off we went to do the shopping. On Saturdays we usually do the shopping and clean the house.

Why do you like shopping mall? ›

Shopping in a Store. There are many reasons for choosing to go into a store to purchase items needed. For instance, having some assist you in finding what you need, or just answer questions about the product. It is also a way to get out of the couch, away from the television, or off the computer.

How do you describe shopping? ›

Shopping is an activity in which a customer browses the available goods or services presented by one or more retailers with the potential intent to purchase a suitable selection of them.

Why shopping is fun? ›

Shopping restores a sense of control

According to the study, sadness is generally associated with a sense that situations are in control of the outcomes in our life, rather than life being in our own hands. The choices and outcomes inherent in the act of shopping can restore a feeling of personal control and autonomy.

Who make 5 sentences? ›

[M] [T] I wonder who started that rumor. [M] [T] Do you know who wrote this novel? [M] [T] She is the one who feeds our dog. [M] [T] Who do you think will come first?

What is your purpose of shopping? ›

So, in short you generally desire for the things you can't afford at that particular moment. The urge to loosen your pocket for money to slip out from it and buy the stuff you wanted to, is called shopping. So, anyhow the rush in our adrenaline convinces our brain to commit this deed called shopping.

What are the benefits of shopping in store? ›

Advantages of shopping in store
  • Try on or test products. Some items are easier to buy if you can check them out personally to ensure quality. ...
  • In-store promotions. ...
  • Instant gratification. ...
  • Personalized experience. ...
  • Support local businesses.
7 Jan 2021

Why do people like shopping in person? ›

Consumers are more likely to buy a product they've seen in person. The main reason consumers prefer to shop in physical stores is, according to KPMG , to see, experience, and test products in person before buying. A physical location can dispel doubts and help close the sale.

What are the tips for shopping? ›

Top Ten Shopping Tips
  • Shop with a list. ...
  • Set a budget. ...
  • Pay with cash. ...
  • Set a timeframe. ...
  • Pick the best time for you. ...
  • Shop alone. ...
  • Don't shop when you are tired, hungry, lonely, bored or upset. ...
  • Ask “where will I wear this?” Too many of us buy impulsively with no thought to what we'll do with the things we buy.

Is shopping a hobby? ›

Yes shopping is a hobby.

What is an example of a shopping good? ›

Shopping goods are those items bought less frequently, are durable, and are commonly more expensive than convenience goods. Examples of shopping goods include furniture and televisions. Specialty consumer goods are rare and often considered luxury purchases. They are often marketed by brand or geared to a niche market.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.