Member To Member Support (2024)

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Forum Posts Vat charged twice Reclaiming VAT on a broken item Having to apply as self employed? Resolved! Tax Registering for VAT VAT invoices VAT being added to listings VAT / 20% FiX VAT! How to get an invoice VAT Number for Business Account Odd Advice From Ebay Customer Support VAT Why is VAT being added to my listings Sellers advertiseing as UK, but im still paying VAT Payout on hold as my business details are wrong on ebay files Customs Duty Vat being added to my listings VAT VAT refund not being addressed by eBay Vat on posted goods in the UK VAT VAT verification Vat Resolved! Vat confusion when buying from EU to UK. VAT on the item I'm selling International shipping cost VAT Please act now to prevent your account from being restricted OSS VAT ID Why has the IOSS number changed? V.A.T. added to my bill VAT charged when not VAT registered - is this legal? Can I receive an invoice? Resolved! Sales packages rejected by European Customs Resolved! Ebay 20% VAT on 0% VAT Book from US: Why? Resolved! VAT Resolved! ebay international shipping to Uk include vat? Invoice VAT Added to Buy it Now Price IOSS number Charged VAT on purchase VAT on UK sales is VAT paid on item brought from EU Germany into the UK? Bidder claims to be asked to pay vat on sale add vat number as a buyer (not seller) International counter offers VAT Vat payments Vat HELP international shipping fees I selected 'include 20% VAT' in my listing. How to register VAT ID as a buyer ??? 20% VAT being added to 0% VAT rated items Resolved! Vat on second hand clothes from abroad Resolved! VAT on second hand tools Your eBay account is blocked from listing on Why when i put in offer of £10 has £12 been accepted and been charged to me? Buyer wants a VAT Invoice / Receipt VAT on items from Poland being delivered in the UK Why is eBay telling bidders for my items that they will be charging VAT?? VAT exempt items such as self propelled wheelchairs for registered disabled adults? Purchased order from last year that I need a receipt with a VAT number on the receipt Postage question Vat VAT charge on sale of item to United Sates Resolved! Vat charge for used clothes?? VAT calculation on selling fees Resolved! VAT/Tax clarification from a private seller. HMRC exemption certificate for VAT - Turnover under the threshold How do I account for VAT taken on my sales by the Global Shipping program? VAT threshold no longer met from last two Quarter Sale Ebay First VAT return New tax rules: please help? Ebay Un-necessarily Removing VAT Amounts From Zero Rate Used Equipment On Export Sales vat Vat number 30 days notice I live on a Scottish island with a UK postcode but I am being asked to pay 20% VAT UK to UK transaction being charged VAT Fed Ex invoice for VAT and Disbursem*nts - Fake of Fact EBay allowing sellers to show items “less vat” VAT Issue Seller added vat after I agreed price and is blaming ebay Resolved! Us to UK duties or extra costs Tax on items shipped from the EU to UK I live in South Africa and have been charged VAT on an item I bought in the UK on ebay. Surely this Resolved! Bid showing 20% vat to be added Selling from Germany I have a transaction on my C/Card ref MRN1715XXXXXX -anyone know what it is ? VAT Number VAT GSP - VAT, etc Import taxes to UK from Europe Didn't get the full amount UK VAT deregisted but eBay keep asked for a VAT maunder to sell Double VAT taxation on UK sales only. ebay Financial Statement - Transactions Summary - Postage Labels

Forum Posts

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Vat charged twice

Hi, I bought a vinyl record from a seller in Ireland. Vat was charged atcheckout by Ebay.Royal mail now asking for vat an £8 admin fee in orderto deliver my vinyl.What can I do ?

Reclaiming VAT on a broken item

I have just had a item arrive broken (India to the UK). I can claim backa refund for the item through Ebay, but I have also been charged £55 VAT(inc admin fees) via the courier (Ebay didn't collect VAT when Ipurchased it). What is the usual resolu...

Having to apply as self employed?

I just read somewhere that once you reach 1000£ in sale in eBay, youhave to pay tax and apply for self assessment as self employed. Is thistrue? I am an immigrant and I get my paycheck from the government, if Iapply as self employed, the governmen...

Resolved! Tax

I'm starting an online business and was wondering. When selling do I paytax on the amount sold for or do I pay tax on just the profit and showreceipts etc to show how much I made? For example if I paid £2 for anitem and sold it for £10 and paid £3...

Registering for VAT

Hi AllNeed some urgent help as seem to be getting nowhere with ebay!Ihave recently reached the threshhold to register for VAT... few questions that seem to be coming up and or rejected by ebay once documentationis uploaded; 1) Letter of authorisat...

VAT invoices

HiWe are VAT registered business.A buyer has asked for a VAT invoicefrom us for a purchase he made from us in May. As it's beyond 30days, Ican't see that I can issue an invoice through eBay, is that correct?Anyway it can be done?Many thanks

VAT being added to listings

Over the last 24/ 48 hrs 20% VAT is being shown as an add on on mylisting pages on some items.If it's not showing on my listings when iclick on an item i am selling the price shown as i listed it jumps up by20% which i assume is again VAT. I am no...

VAT / 20% FiX

The way around this that i have potentially solved and has worked so farbut obviously wont be possible if you have thousands of items listed isthe following :Revise all your listings, you dont have to change pricesetc as your original price should...


Today for the first time in like 15 years, eBay is telling me I need topay 20% VAT on bids for charity shops?

How to get an invoice

How do you print out an lnvioce from an android phone?

VAT Number for Business Account Odd Advice From Ebay Customer Support

I have received one of the You must change your account emails, so amlooking into doing this. My sales are way below the VAT threshold, so Iwould not ever need to register for a VAT number. However, Ebay CustomerSupport via an email just sent me :...


I was under the impression that where VAT is chargeable on an item thatthis must be clearly indicated on the price (eg inc VAT/exc VAT). I havebought an item listed in Uk sterling (I am in the Uk) and vat is notmentioned until the additional 20% i...

Why is VAT being added to my listings

Hi I have had a couple of buyers saying VAT is being added to mylistings - a body know why ? many thanks Lisa

Sellers advertiseing as UK, but im still paying VAT

Hi How does this work i bought from 3 sellers recently, all advertiseingthey are in the UK, so no VAT should be applied, yet with all 3, i havepaid VAT on top, but if you click on there actualy username name,location is china even though the listi...

Payout on hold as my business details are wrong on ebay files

Hi, Have my account with ebay over 18 years. Been trading over 8 yearsnow as a business seller. Trade as a partnership and have provided myVAT certificate from HMRC showing this. This has worked for over 8 yearsbut on friday when trying to fix ano...

Customs Duty

I paid a seller in Japan VAT for my purchase.Royal Mail are asking me topay Customs Duty before I can get my purchase.should I ask the seller torefund my VAT?

Vat being added to my listings

Hello , I was wondering if someone can help me please ?I have beenselling on eBay now for several years but have just noticed that EBay isadding 20% VAT to both my listing price and my postage costs on all ofmy listings.i am a private seller selli...


I recently listed a large window for sale .When I now search it shows myitem but says 20% VAT will be charged? I didn't say anything about VATwhen I listed itWhen I look in the detail of my listing it says nothingabout VATAnybody help on this one?

VAT refund not being addressed by eBay

Has anyone had trouble with eBay not providing a VAT refund for doubleVAT? I paid VAT up front for a shipment from the UK to the US, but wasthen charged the full amount again by the shipper on delivery in the US.I have chatted with a Customer Serv...

Vat on posted goods in the UK

I was charged vat on used disc brake piston set which was posted fromthe UK is that correct


I am exempt from paying VAT due to my medical condition, I am purchasingmobility

VAT verification

Does anyone know how long it takes ebay to verify a Business VATnumber?Had an email earlier today asking for me to update my VATnumber.Once I did it my funds have been put on hold.Contacted customersupport who said they would look into it and let ...

Resolved! Vat confusion when buying from EU to UK.

Hi there. looking at buying an item from Italy and I get this display.could someone explain what the vat part means please. Never saw a minusone before. I've gone to checkout and there's no mention of it.  

Member To Member Support (1)

VAT on the item I'm selling

A bidder has informed me that when they put in a bid on my selling item- eBay is saying 20% VAT will be added to the price - I don't understandwhy that should be the case as I'm an individual not a buisness and tomy knowledge no VAT is involved - ...

International shipping cost

Hello ,I'm interessted in buying a small item that cost $20, theshipping was estimated to $30 since I reside in noth of africa, so thetotal is $50.Does it include all taxes and customs duties ?


Hello I pay customs when I buy from ebay. it says VAT. I always getextra duty when I pick up goods. this never happened before. veryawkward and pay double VAT.. can anyone help?

Please act now to prevent your account from being restricted OSS VAT ID

I am from Lithuania, with Ebay UK account. I have recently exceded 10000euros anual sales in EU. eBay has informed me that I need OSS number orVAT ID for every country in EU. I have gotten a OSS number, but I amdon't have a VAT registration number...

Why has the IOSS number changed?

Can anyone supply the IOSS number starting with IM?Up until a few weeksago I had no problems using the original 64.......81 number, but nowwhen I use it for items to the US I get the following message.All IOSSnumbers must be in the format 'IM' fol...

V.A.T. added to my bill

Hi. I am a Norwegian buyer of postage stamps. Ebay has started to addV.A.T. to my invoice. The Norwegian customs however, does not requireV.A.T. for stamps for collectors. How can I get Ebay to remove theV.A.T. from my invoice.

VAT charged when not VAT registered - is this legal?

This is the first time I have used eBAY. I sold my bike and both partiesare not businesses and both reside in UK. Both people are not VATregisted. I have been charged eBay fees and then VAT on top. Fromresearching, it looks to be that private sale...

Can I receive an invoice?

Hello everyone! I'm new here and I couldn't find enywhere if I canreceive an invoice when I make a purchase. It is really important for meto get it so I appreciate your help!

Resolved! Sales packages rejected by European Customs

I'm a non VAT Business Seller. I do not use the Ebay Global Shippingservice, and prefer to buy postage labels through Ebay. Some of mypackages sent to Europe are being rejected, probably due to VAT issuesarising from Brexit. I can see that I'm not...

Resolved! Ebay 20% VAT on 0% VAT Book from US: Why?

I have just had an offer accepted on a classic comic book in the US.When I tried to check out, eBay has tried to add 20% VAT. Books are,however, 0% VAT rated i.e. they do not attract any additional fees. Thisis actually clear in the HMRC guidance ...

Resolved! VAT

Can anyone help. I have bid on an item from a seller in the uk, therewas no mention of VAT being added at the time of bidding. But on theemail I received to say I have bid on the item it said there will be 20%VAT added. Why is this?

Resolved! ebay international shipping to Uk include vat?

Does The price I see on a buy it now item in the USA being sent by eBayInternational Shipping; include vat etc.?


Hi,How do i get invoice for the item i bought?

VAT Added to Buy it Now Price

Hello, I've just been checking a few of my listings and VAT has beenadded to the price! My selling price is £6.99 but when I search and findone of my listings it comes up £8.39 I've checked the listing and theVAT field is blank and I'm not VAT reg...

IOSS number

A parcel arrived from China via the Netherlands to Lithuania. VAT waspaid on the purchase on eBay. But at customs they say that there is noIOSS number in the system, so they require you to pay VAT and to thecustoms intermediary. What to do? Can th...

Charged VAT on purchase

Hi I purchased a item for £6.94 which was a good price or so I thought,cheaper by £1 than rivals, had free delivery and was located in the UK.Ipurchased with 2 other items and paid through PayPal as usual. When Iwas checking statement I noticed th...

VAT on UK sales

Can someone please tell me as a private seller based in England (notbusiness account or VAT registered) selling an item to a UK purchaserwhy do I need to pay 20% vat on the sale ? Thanks

is VAT paid on item brought from EU Germany into the UK?

I bought a watch from a seller in Germany. The price including postagewas £185. It states online that in MOST cases, purchases from the EU orUK already include VAT for the corresponding country being deliveredto?... So I assumed VAT was already de...

Bidder claims to be asked to pay vat on sale

This is a private sale between UK seller and UK buyer, but the bidder onthe auction has claimed that they submitted their bid and we're informedthat they'd have to pay VAT @ 20%. What is going on?

add vat number as a buyer (not seller)

Hi community, i have got business account on ebay and i need to have onmy invoices invormation about my VAT number. I am not a seller, onlybuyer. Can you help how to do it? Many thanks

International counter offers

I received an offer from a seller in the USA. eBay had adjusted thisoffer so that it was inclusive of VAT in the UK. I made a slightly lowercounter offer. eBay forwarded this to the seller but without adjustingfor VAT.The US seller accepted the of...


Is there VAT to pay on a secondhand ride on mower in the UK, the sellerhasnt advertised as such but ebay has siad I am the highest bidder andthere will be 20% VAT, if there is, who collects it?

Vat payments

I've just registered for VAT. When I set up my listings do I need to putin the vat % (mainly 20% with my items) or can I leave that if it saysthat the sale includes VAT? also, is there an easy way to track my VATpayments?


Why am I being charged vat. Sold to Mexico


i ordered an item was ment to be delivered today but it hasn't showni've tried to contact seller but nothing i checked out as a gues and iwant a refund ive tried talking to an automated convo but keep going incircles please help me

international shipping fees

can anyone point us in the right direction? we are uk seller andshipping an item to canada where the buyers registered address is in theuk. eBay has charged VAT and no shipping fee has been applied. cananyone help with why? and how do we fix this?...

I selected 'include 20% VAT' in my listing.

I selected 'Include 20% VAT' in some of my initial listings. I have sold4 of these items and ebay has withheld the 20% VAT but I pay the VATwhen I pay my supplier. I have since corrected this BUT how do I goabout getting the withheld VAT back from...

How to register VAT ID as a buyer ???

I quote: When eBay does not collect VATeBay will not collect VAT if:Thebuyer is VAT-registered and provides their valid VAT registrationnumber. In these cases, eBay will not collect VAT and instead theresponsibility to account for VAT will switch ...

20% VAT being added to 0% VAT rated items

I have just raised this issue via live chat with an agent as I'veencountered 20% VAT being added to items that are 0%-rated I've beenlooking at purchasing a new motorcycle helmet from a (business) sellerin the EU - when I add it to my basket 20% V...

Resolved! Vat on second hand clothes from abroad

I have been charged vat on some second hand clothes bought from abroad,is this correct

Resolved! VAT on second hand tools

I am bidding on a second hand hammer drill from an alleged privateseller who has indicated on my leading bid that 20% VAT will bechargedon the winning bid. Is this correct as I've not come across this problempreviously?

Your eBay account is blocked from listing on

HelloSorry for my bad EnglishI received this email from ebay:''We workclosely with the German tax authority to ensure our sellers comply withtheir VAT obligations. Your data, including your VAT ID, does not matchwith what the German tax authoritie...

Why when i put in offer of £10 has £12 been accepted and been charged to me?

I made an offer of £10 yet they accepted an offer of £12 and charged me£12? It's showing as vat, but shouldn't that be part of the sellingprice and not added later

Buyer wants a VAT Invoice / Receipt

A buyer wants a VAT invoice. I personally do not pay VAT as I don't earnenough. Do eBay automatically charge VAT? If so, how do I access a VATinvoice? Any advice would be appreciated.

VAT on items from Poland being delivered in the UK

I am looking at buying a towbar from Poland and wondered if anyone canhelp regarding paying VAT. If I do a buy-it-now purchase on an item thatis priced at £140 for example. Will the courier company add the VAT onwhen it's delivered or does the pri...

Why is eBay telling bidders for my items that they will be charging VAT??

I am a small scale seller on eBay (not a trader) based in UK. I havelisted 4 camera lenses recently. A prospective buyer in UK tells me thatwhen he bid on a lens he received confirmation of the bid BUT that theconfirmation said that 20% VAT would ...

VAT exempt items such as self propelled wheelchairs for registered disabled adults?

VAT exempt items such as self propelled wheelchairs for registereddisabled adults? Can I recover VAT from ebal purchases?

Purchased order from last year that I need a receipt with a VAT number on the receipt

I am trying to get help in getting a Receipt with a VAT number on it foran item that I bought last June so that I can give to the manufacturerof the product that has a warranty on it and need to fix it but musthave a valid receipt

Postage question

My item is arriving tomorrow but i dont know the time and i may not beat home. Can i give a specific time


Is it normal when you are informed you are the highest bid to see theVAT will be charged on the bid when no mention of VAT was obvious duringplacing the bid?

VAT charge on sale of item to United Sates

I've been told I am not suppose to be charged VAT on item sale to US.Yet on the 3 items I've bought & paid for I was charged. eBay could notverify yes or no and told me to consult my tax advisor.... Can anyoneclarify yes or no to charges? So,far i...

Resolved! Vat charge for used clothes??

Why am i being charged VAT for purchasing second-hand clothes, even ifpurchased from outside the UK?

VAT calculation on selling fees

It appears that eBay is rounding up VAT in the selling fees calculationeg 11.4p calculated and 12p this correct?o

Resolved! VAT/Tax clarification from a private seller.

Hi there, I'd like to get some clarification please, as I'm gettingmixed feedback between information on Ebay and ukgov pages. I am mostlikely to cross over £1000 threshold for items sold this year - I havesold 3-4 watches last tax year that came ...

HMRC exemption certificate for VAT - Turnover under the threshold

Hello, I am asked by eBay UK for a "VAT exemption certificate" providedby HMRC. My buisiness is under the VAT threshold, and I do not need a tobe VAT registred, and I am not applying for it volontarily as there isno point for me. Then, I am a busi...

How do I account for VAT taken on my sales by the Global Shipping program?

Hi All.I have started selling Overseas recently, The sales price and theamount that I receive for items is different. I have spoken to eBay andthey are saying that this is the VAT removed from my listings.This isexpected, but after talking to ebay...

VAT threshold no longer met from last two Quarter Sale Ebay

VAT threshold no longer met from last two Quarter Sale EbayI am sellingbelow thershold limit from last two quarter,85000 annum thresholdlimited means per quater turnover should be above 21250 but mineturnover is 16k and 14k from last two quarter. ...

First VAT return

I'm doing my first VAT returns and would like some advice on here.I'mregistered as a business seller and charge VAT on my items which iscollected by ebay.My question is, how is that VAT reported to HMRC andhow do I report that on my VAT return.FYI...

New tax rules: please help?

helllo all! I've been selling for years and am now aware of changed taxrulers for sellers. i may make £2k over a year, possibly if im lucky,minus eBay fees etc of course. In reference to the new tax rules, isthere anything I need to do or do eBay ...

Ebay Un-necessarily Removing VAT Amounts From Zero Rate Used Equipment On Export Sales

As far as i know, you should only remove the UK VAT charges from exportitems that are new, on used equipment, listed as USED and with a zerorate, there is no removeable VAT, the price advertised should remain asis and not be reduced for export pur...


HI CAN ANY ONE HELP ebay have restricted my account asking for vatnumber or exception letter form h

Vat number 30 days notice

Can any one tell me if this is fair practice by eBay , in December eBaygive me 30 days notice for a vat number which on the 8th of January Iapplied for a vat number from the HMRC I am still waiting for this vatnumber it's now the 17th of April my ...

I live on a Scottish island with a UK postcode but I am being asked to pay 20% VAT

I live on a Scottish island with a UK postcode but I am being asked topay 20% VAT on a pre owned item from another UK seller, is this amistake?

UK to UK transaction being charged VAT

Our top bidder has messaged us to say he will be charged VAT. We are inthe UK, and have only ever been here. We are private sellers. Buyer isalso in UK. Neither of us can make any contact with eBay to clarify whyVAT is being applied. Can we only c...

Fed Ex invoice for VAT and Disbursem*nts - Fake of Fact

I recently purchased an item from India via my ebay account. It arrivedin a few weeks. Later that wee I letter suposidly from Fed Ex arrivedcontaining an invoice for VAT and Disbursment to the amount of £51.47.When buying through ebay, i thought v...

EBay allowing sellers to show items “less vat”

When a seller advertises they must include vat on the displayed item (according to eBay rules) However, when they make a " offer" itapparently does not apply, making it look that the seller has discountedthe item by substantially more than he actu...

VAT Issue

Hello everyone, I have a question, I hope someone will be able to helpme because I am confused. Some time ago I received an email from eBay:"We value you as an eBay seller, so we wanted to let you know that theUK Value Added Tax (VAT) information ...

Seller added vat after I agreed price and is blaming ebay

I got an offer and i accepted it then when it came to paying vat wasadded. I didn't want to retract my offer but felt a bit conned

Resolved! Us to UK duties or extra costs

Hello, I purchased a bag form the US FOR $60 which is £50. I'm unclearas to whether there will be additional import taxes or duties uponarrival? I don't want to pay anything extra. I've tried to google it butI find it so confusing and unclear. Any...

Tax on items shipped from the EU to UK

I recently bought an item for EUR 45 and was told in the "pay now"emailYamaha CDX-393/ CDX-396/ CDX-493/ CDX-496/ CDX-593/ CDX-596…Accepted offer: EUR 45.00+ EUR 37.80 VAT will apply You saved EUR 9.90below the asking priceHow can the VAT be 84% o...

I live in South Africa and have been charged VAT on an item I bought in the UK on ebay. Surely this

I live in South Africa and have been charged VAT on an item I bought inthe UK on ebay. Surely this incorrect? How do I go about claiming arefund?

Resolved! Bid showing 20% vat to be added

I'm selling a piece of fabric and the bidder has sent me a message tosay they have been informed there will be 20% vat to pay. If we are bothin the UK I didn't think there would be any more money to be paid. Isthis correct?

Selling from Germany

Hello,We are selling and shipping from Germany.When we try to relistitems, we receive this warning and we cannot list the part:"We wanted tolet you know that unfortunately we’ve restricted your ability to listitems because the Value Added Tax (VAT...

I have a transaction on my C/Card ref MRN1715XXXXXX -anyone know what it is ?

I have looked - I can't see anything in purchases etc it looks like it'sa charge or fee, but I will need an invoice if that's the case ?Any helpgreatfully recieved.

VAT Number

Hi, Ebay has requested me to upload a VAT number, I've spoke to myaccountant and they've submitted a request to apply for VAT but it cantake upto 40 working days to be sent your VAT number. eBay have onlyprovided 30 days from the email or will res...


How does a regular buyer show ebay they are VAT registered?

GSP - VAT, etc

Hi there, I wonder if anyone can help. Ebay can't seem to give mypartner any definitive answer and there isnt much about. I really wishthey would so we can have official clarification. My partner has usedthe GSP in the last year but has opted out ...

Import taxes to UK from Europe

Hi, I recently bought an item from Denmark. No mention of import dutiesetc. in tue description and i've bought in recent past from Europe withno fees to pay. Anyhow, item sold for c.£350 and I paid £35 postage.However, i've just received a Fedex i...

Didn't get the full amount

Hello.I sold an item for 3.54 euros after paying for all taxes but gotpaid 2.97 euros to my bank account.Is there a fee after the final valuefee for coins, international fee, the final value fee (fixed rate) andVAT?Why is there a difference of 57 ...

UK VAT deregisted but eBay keep asked for a VAT maunder to sell

hi, I was VAT registered for a while and had my VATnumber on Ebay. Myselaes went down and I deregistered but now Ebay won't let me sell as myVAT nummer is not valid even though I've not sold anything on the sitefor 3 years and not above VAt and ha...

Seller's original listing showed price with VAT included. A Best Offerwas accepted.No tax shown on ebay invoice & being charged by UKCustoms.Should the Best Offer include the tax & the seller refund me forthe VAT?My best offer discount is in effec...

Double VAT taxation on UK sales only.

I am a registered business in the EU and selling on ebay UK. I amcollecting VAT myself when I make a sale (woldwide) and pay it to thetax authority here in Cyprus, where the business is registered. However,when I make a sale to a customer in the U...

ebay Financial Statement - Transactions Summary - Postage Labels

Hi, looking for some info. Never really bothered with the end of monthstatements/invoices that ebay prepare, but with the recent developmentsre HMRC interest in on-line selling thought they were worth a look.Despite printing/paying for my postage ...

Member To Member Support (2024)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.