List of Armor - Grounded Guide - IGN (2024)

This page features information about all available armor sets you can acquire in Grounded. Armor is essential to your survival, and each piece of armor can be crafted after you've discovered the crafting recipe and gathered the prerequisite materials.

Tap on any link below to jump to a specific armor set:

  • Acorn Armor
  • Antlion Armor
  • Assassin's Armor
  • Bee Armor
  • Black Ant Armor
  • Black Ox Armor
  • Clover Armor
  • Fire Ant Armor
  • Grub Armor
  • Koi Scale Armor
  • Ladybug Armor
  • Moth Armor
  • Red Ant Armor
  • Roly Poly Armor
  • Spider Armor
  • Widow Armor
  • Miscellaneous Armor Pieces
  • Pet Armor Pieces


List of Armor

As you explore the backyard in Grounded, you'll come across plenty of unique insects that pose a threat to your survival. Having a full set of armor is important as it improves your survivability, while also providing intrinsic perks depending on the type of armor.

There are many different armor sets available that require specific materials or parts from various insects. Once analyzed, you'll unlock the crafting recipe needed to make each one. You'll also need a Workbench nearby as it's required for crafting any armor piece. In total, there are 16 unique armor sets, as well as various individual pieces that you can mix and match for additional benefits.

If you're wearing a full set of matching armor, you'll also gain a Gear Set Bonus. Check out the full list of amor sets below, and click on any armor set to learn more about how to craft each piece, and the benefits it provides when equipped.

Acorn Armor

Acorn Armor is a Tier I set of heavy armor that provides low defense as well as increases enemy desire to attack you when worn. When wearing a full set, you'll be harder to stun by enemies.

Acorn Face MaskAcorn Shell x1
Mite Fuzz x5
Crude Rope x3
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: +7.5%
+Threat Generation
Heavy Armor
Acorn ChestplateAcorn Shell x3
Clover Leaf x6
Crude Rope x4
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +15%
+Threat Generation
Heavy Armor
Acorn Leg PlatesAcorn Shell x2
Sap x4
Crude Rope x4
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: +7.5%
+Threat Generation
Heavy Armor
Gear Set Bonus: UncrackableYou're a tough nut to crack and hard to stun.

Antlion Armor

Antlion Armor is a Tier III set of medium armor that provides great defense as well as Sizzle resistance when worn. When wearing a full set, you'll gain a faster reload speed while in combat.

Antlion Wide BrimAntlion Part x5
Silk Rope x4
Boiling Gland x1
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +5%
Sizzle Protection
Medium Armor
Antlion PonchoAntlion Part x3
Antlion Pincer x2
Silk Rope x2
Defense: 7/10
Resistance: +10%
Sizzle Protection
Medium Armor
Antlion SpursAntlion Part x6
Antlion Pincer x1
Bee Fuzz x3
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +5%
Sizzle Protection
Medium Armor
Gear Set Bonus: QuickdrawFaster reload speed while in combat.


Assassin's Armor

Assassin's Armor is a Tier III set of light armor that provides good defense as well as adds bleed damage to your critical strikes when worn. When wearing a full set, you'll gain a higher chance at critical damage while in combat.

Assassin's MaskMantis Head x1
Mantis Chunk x2
Pond Moss x10
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Crit Bleed
Light Armor
Assassin's ChestplateMantis Claw x1
Mantis Chunk x2
Pupa Leather x10
Defense: 7/10
Resistance: +5%
+Crit Bleed
Light Armor
Assassin's GreavesMantis Claw x1
Mantis Chunk x2
Lint Rope x10
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Crit Bleed
Light Armor
Gear Set Bonus: Critical ChainThe fury of the mantis runs through you. Increased crit chance after dealing a crit.

Bee Armor

Bee Armor is a Tier II set of light armor that provides low defense as well as applies stun damage to targets when using a bow. When wearing a full set, your arrows have a chance to release a cloud of pollen.

Bee Face MaskBee Fuzz x5
Silk Rope x3
Berry Leather x2
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Bow Stun
Light Armor
Bee Shoulder PadsBee Fuzz x4
Bee Stinger x1
Berry Leather x4
Defense: 5.5/10
Resistance: +5%
+Bow Stun
Light Armor
Bee Shin GuardsBee Fuzz x4
Silk Rope x4
Berry Leather x4
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Bow Stun
Light Armor
Gear Set Bonus: Pollen ShotArrows have a chance to release a cloud of pollen.

Black Ant Armor

Black Ant Armor is a Tier II set of medium armor that provides good defense as well as increases you chance to land a critical hit after blocking an attack. When wearing a full set, you'll reflect some damage back at attackers.

Black Ant HelmetBlack Ant Head x1
Black Ant Part x3
Bee Fuzz x5
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +5%
+Crit After Block
Medium Armor
Black Ant ChestplateBlack Ant Part x3
Black Ant Mandibles x2
Bee Fuzz x2
Defense: 5.5/10
Resistance: +10%
+Crit After Block
Medium Armor
Black Ant LegplatesBlack Ant Part x6
Silk Rope x2
Bee Fuzz x4
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +5%
+Crit After Block
Medium Armor
Gear Set Bonus: PincushionReflects some damage back at attacker.


Black Ox Armor

Black Ox Armor is a Tier III set of medium armor that provides great defense as well as allows your charged attacks to weaken enemies. When wearing a full set, you'll gain increased damage and stun for melee attacks.

Black Ox HelmBlack Ox Horn x2
Black Ox Part x3
Pupa Leather x2
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +5%
+Charge Attack Weaken
Medium Armor
Black Ox HarnessBlack Ox Part x4
Lint Rope x4
Pupa Leather x1
Defense: 7/10
Resistance: +10%
+Charge Attack Weaken
Medium Armor
Black Ox LegwrapsBlack Ox Part x2
Lint Rope x2
Dust Mite Fuzz x5
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +5%
+Charge Attack Weaken
Medium Armor
Gear Set Bonus: Stunning ChargerYour charge attacks with melee weapons pack a weightier punch, dealing more stund amage than normal.

Clover Armor

Clover Armor is the first set of light armor you'll be able to craft and requires very common materials that are found near the starting area. While not flashy, it helps you feel fuller when eating food and provides a small bit of extra resistance from enemy attacks. When wearing a full set, you won't get thirsty as often.

Clover HoodClover Leaf x4
Crude Rope x1
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: +2.5%
Light Armor
Clover PonchoClover Leaf x6
Crude Rope x3
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +5%
Light Armor
Clover Shin GuardsClover Leaf x6
Crude Rope x3
Sprig x2
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: +2.5%
Light Armor
Gear Set Bonus: MoistYou're squishy and retain water well.

Fire Ant Armor

Fire Ant Armor is a Tier III set of medium armor that provides great defense as well as corrosion damage added to your attacks. When wearing a full set, you'll have a chance to splash your enemies with extra acid when attacking.

Fire Ant HelmetFire Ant Head x1
Fire Ant Part x3
Lint Rope x2
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +5%
Medium Armor
Fire Ant ChestplateFire Ant Part x5
Fire Ant Mandibles x2
Lint Rope x2
Defense: 7/10
Resistance: +10%
Medium Armor
Fire Ant LegplatesFire Ant Part x6
Lint Rope x2
Dust Mite Fuzz x4
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +5%
Medium Armor
Gear Set Bonus: Acidic SplashChance to hit with an additional splash of acid when attacking in melee.


Grub Armor

Grub Armor is a Tier I set of medium armor that provides decent defense as well as prodiving more stamina when worn. When wearing a full set, your stamina will recharge faster.

Grub GogglesGrub Hide x3
Raw Weevil Meat x1
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: +5%
+Max Stamina
Medium Armor
Grub VestGrub Hide x5
Grub Sludge x2
Dry Grass Chunk x4
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +10%
+Max Stamina
Medium Armor
Grub LeggingsGrub Hide x4
Dry Grass Chunk x4
Mite Fuzz x2
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: +5%
+Max Stamina
Medium Armor
Gear Set Bonus: Optimized OffenseReduces the time it takes for stamina to start regening.

Koi Scale Armor

Koi Scale Armor is a Tier II set of light armor that provides good defense as well as extends the perfect block timing window. When wearing a full set, you'll stagger enemies when executing a perfect block.

Koi Scale HelmetKoi Fish Scale x2
Eelgrass Strand x2
Lilypad Wax x2
Silk Rope x3
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Perfect Block
Light Armor
Koi Scale ChestplateKoi Fish Scale x5
Eelgrass Strand x3
Lilypad Wax x3
Sunken Bone x2
Defense: 5.5/10
Resistance: +5%
+Perfect Block
Light Armor
Koi Scale GreavesKoi Fish Scale x3
Eelgrass Strand x2
Lilypad Wax x2
Sunken Bone x3
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Perfect Block
Light Armor
Gear Set Bonus: Dazzling RiposteEnemies you perfect block are filled with self doubt.

Ladybug Armor

Ladybug Armor is a Tier II set of heavy armor that provides good defense as well as improved blocking against attacks. When wearing a full set, you'll occasionally heal after blocking.

Ladybug FaceplateLadybug Head x1
Ladybug Part x2
Berry Leather x3
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +7.5%
+Blocking Strength
Heavy Armor
Ladybug ChestplateFlower Petal x2
Ladybug Part x4
Berry Leather x4
Defense: 5.5/10
Resistance: +15%
+Blocking Strength
Heavy Armor
Ladybug Shin GuardsLadybug Part x5
Berry Leather x4
Flower Petal x4
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +7.5%
+Blocking Strength
Heavy Armor
Gear Set Bonus: Scarlet EmbraceOccasionally heal after blocking attacks.


Moth Armor

Moth Armor is a Tier III set of light armor that provides good defense as well as adds the chance to inflict additional bleed damage to your bow and staff attacks. When wearing a full set, you'll occasionally gain a boost of speed when landing ranged attacks.

Moth WrapMoth Scale x2
Moth Fuzz x3
Lint Rope x5
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Ranged Attack: Bleed
Light Armor
Moth RobeMoth Fuzz x5
Pupa Leather x3
Lint Rope x5
Defense: 7/10
Resistance: +5%
+Ranged Attack: Bleed
Light Armor
Moth LeggingsPond Moss x4
Moth Fuzz x4
Pupa Leather x2
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Ranged Attack: Bleed
Light Armor
Gear Set Bonus: Wind RunTap into the gusts and currents of the wind, occasionally increasing movement speed when landing ranged attacks.

Red Ant Armor

Red Ant Armor is a Tier I set of light armor that provides a slight bit of resistance against enemy attacks, while also allowing you to haul larger quantities of materials. When wearing a full set, red ants will see you as one of them.

Red Ant HelmetRed Ant Head x1
Red Ant Part x3
Mite Fuzz x5
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Hauling Stength
Light Armor
Red Ant Arm GuardsRed Ant Part x5
Acid Gland x2
Mite Fuzz x2
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +5%
+Hauling Strength
Light Armor
Red Ant Knee GuardsRed Ant Part x6
Crude Rope x2
Mite Fuzz x4
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Hauling Strength
Light Armor
Gear Set Bonus: HumAntRed ants see you as one of them.

Roly Poly Armor

Roly Poly Armor is a Tier III set of heavy armor that provides great defense as well as allows you to stun enemy insects more easily during combat. When wearing a full set, you'll increase enemy insects' desire to attack you.

Roly Poly HelmetLint Rope x5
Roly Poly Shell x3
Pupa Leather x5
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +7.5%
+Block Stun
Heavy Armor
Roly Poly BreastplateRoly Poly Part x8
Roly Poly Shell x2
Pupa Leather x7
Defense: 7/10
Resistance: +15%
+Block Stun
Heavy Armor
Roly Poly LegplatesRoly Poly Part x2
Roly Poly Shell x4
Lint Rope x7
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +7.5%
+Block Stun
Heavy Armor
Gear Set Bonus: Taunting GazeIncreases enemies desire to attack you.


Spider Armor

Spider Armor is a Tier II set of medium armor that provides good defense as well reduces the time it takes for stamina to regenerate when worn. When wearing a full set, you'll gain a boost to your stamina regeneration rate.

Spider HoodSpider Fang x2
Spider Chunk x3
Berry Leather x2
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +5%
-Stamina Regen Delay
Medium Armor
Spider Shoulder GuardSpider Chunk x5
Berry Leather x3
Silk Rope x4
Defense: 5.5/10
Resistance: +10%
-Stamina Regen Delay
Medium Armor
Spider Knee PadsSpider Chunk x4
Silk Rope x4
Berry Leather x2
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +5%
-Stamina Regen Delay
Medium Armor
Gear Set Bonus: Hunter's ProwessYour body recycles energy with increased efficiency.

Widow Armor

Widow Armor is a Tier III set of light armor that provides good defense as well as increases the damage of your poison weapons. When wearing a full set, you'll gain a boost of speed each time you kill an enemy.

Widow HoodBlack Widow Fang x2
Super Spider Venom x3
Lint Rope x5
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Poison Damage
Light Armor
Widow SpaulderBlack Widow Fang x2
Rust x4
Lint Rope x5
Defense: 7/10
Resistance: +5%
+Poison Damage
Light Armor
Widow LeggingsBlack Widow Fang x2
Rust x4
Pond Moss x5
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Poison Damage
Light Armor
Gear Set Bonus: Death's ImpetusKilling things provides you with a boost of energy, briefly increasing movement speed.

Miscellaneous Armor Pieces

While most armor pieces belong to a specific armor set, there are a number of miscellaneous armor pieces that can be crafted to provide a specific benefit. Check out the full list below.

Aphid SlippersRaw Aphid Meat x2
Mite Fuzz x10
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+The Quickness
Light Armor
Bubble HelmetEelgrass Strand x4
Sunken Bone x5
Silk Rope x4
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +5%
Light Armor
+Veteran Diver
EyepatchCrude Rope x1
Fiber Bandage x2
Sap x1
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: 0%
-Damage Resist
Fin Flops/+Water Boatman Fin x4
Eelgrass Strand x2
Lilypad Wax x2
Defense: 3/10
Resistance: +2.5%
Light Armor
+Swim Speed
Firefly Head LampIridescent Scale x4
Glow Goo x5
Berry Leather x3
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +7.5%
Heavy Armor
(Handsfree lighting)
Fluffy Pupa HatDust Mite Fuzz x10
Pupa Leather x3
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +5%
+Hauling Strength
Medium Armor
Gas MaskWeevil Nose x1
Gnat Fuzz x4
Crude Rope x2
Stinkbug Part x1
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: +2.5%
+Gas Guard
Gill TubeLilypad Wax x2
Eelgrass Strand x4
Silk Rope x2
Defense: 3/10
Resistance: +2.5%
Light Armor
+Junior Diver
Marksman's CapCrow Feather Piece x5
Berry Leather x5
Silk Rope x5
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +5%
+Crit Energize: Bow
Medium Armor
Mask of the Mother DemonBroodmother Fang x1
Broodmother Chunk x3
Silk Rope x10
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +7.5%
+Poison Coating
Medium Armor
Mite HatMite Fuzz x5
Grub Hide x5
Defense: 2/10
Resistance: +5%
Medium Armor
Sarah's CharmRight Elft Charm x1
Left Elf Charm x1
Pond Moss x2
Tough Gunk x10
N/A (Trinket)Invincible Attack
Invincible Shielding
Termite ArmorTermite Part x5
Lint Rope x3
Termite King Carapace x4
Defense: 6/10
Resistance: +10%
Light Armor
+Dust Guard
Wizard HatCrow Feather Piece x3
Berry Leather x10
Termite King Carapace x4
Defense: 3.5/10
Resistance: +2.5%
Light Armor
+Staff Parry Window


Pet Armor Pieces

At some point, you'll be able to tame an Aphid, Gnat, and Weevil by providing them with specific crafted slurries. These insects can become your pet, and you can even craft them their own pieces of armor to increase their survivability by providing a boost to overall health, defense, and resistance. Check out the available pet armor pieces in the table below.

Lil Black HelmBlack Ant Head x1
Mite Fuzz x3
Defense: 4/10
Resistance: +50%
+Max Health
Lil Fire HelmFire Ant Head x1
Mite Fuzz x3
Defense: 5.5/10
Resistance: +75%
+Max Health
Lil GogglesGrub Hide x3Defense: 2.5/10
Resistance: +25%
+Max Health
Lil Red HelmRed Ant Head x1
Mite Fuzz x3
Defense: 2.5/10
Resistance: 25%
+Max Health

Be sure to check out our List of Resources guide to help you track down all the required materials for your crafting recipes.

List of Armor - Grounded Guide - IGN (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.