Is Wholesaling Real Estate Worth It? - Investor's Guide (2024)

Is Wholesaling Real Estate Worth It? - Investor's Guide (1)

Real Estate Investing For Beginners

January 25, 2024

If you’ve been investing in real estate for any time at all, you’ve likely been intrigued by the idea of wholesaling.

Can you really make money in real estate without owning properties and using your own money?

The short answer is yes!

However, wholesaling real estate is much more complex than many gurus will lead you to believe.

Have investors made millions of dollars by wholesaling houses? Absolutely.

But if it was so simple, why do over 90% of investors that start their real estate career by wholesaling fail?

The truth is that wholesaling can be an extremely lucrative business, but it requires skills, systems, and dedication to be successful.

This article aims to discuss the benefits of wholesaling and what it takes to be successful so you can decide if this investment strategy is worth it for you.

Let’s dive in!

What is Wholesaling in Real Estate?

In its most general sense, wholesaling real estate involves finding distressed properties that can be purchased at a discount and then flipping them over to other real estate investors for a fee. The most common end buyers of wholesale properties are flippers and landlords.

While that covers the basic definition of wholesaling, it can be structured multiple ways.

Historically, the most common way that wholesalers have structured deals is the assignment. In this scenario, the wholesaler signs a purchase contract with the seller of the property and then assigns that contract to another investor for a fee. In this case, the seller and the end buyer show up at the closing table.

Another way to complete a wholesale deal is with a double closing. Instead of assigning the original contract, the wholesaler signs a brand new purchase contract with the end buyer for a higher price than their purchase price with the seller. Two closings occur in this scenario (hence the name “double closing”). First, the wholesaler buys the house from the seller. Shortly after, they sell it to the end buyer and collect the difference.

Misconceptions About Wholesaling

Is Wholesaling Real Estate Worth It? - Investor's Guide (2)

Because wholesaling has become so popular in the world of real estate investing, there is bound to be misinformation about it. Here are the most popular misconceptions surrounding this investing strategy.

It Is the Easiest Way to Get into Real Estate

We need to make a distinction between the cheapest way to get into real estate and the easiest way to get into real estate. People often combine these two things, but they’re not necessarily the same.

Can you begin wholesaling houses with hardly any money and poor credit? Absolutely.

However, there are several moving parts when wholesaling real estate. It takes time and effort to put all the pieces together, and a disruption in one segment can cause major problems in your business.

It Is Not Wealth Building

Many real estate instructors will downplay wholesaling and recommend other investing strategies instead. Their biggest reason is that they believe wholesaling is not wealth building.

While this is somewhat true, it can be misleading.

Indeed, wholesaling a house will only pay you once instead of receiving monthly cash flow and appreciation from a rental property. However, that one paycheck can be significant! It’s not unheard of for a wholesaler to make $20,000 on one deal.

Beyond that, wholesaling is the most logical stepping stone for many people to get into real estate investing. Generating income through this strategy for a while can supply them with enough capital to take on other forms of investing.

However, many wholesalers decide to keep this their main investing strategy long-term because they like the idea of making money without renovating houses or dealing with tenants.

You Don’t Need Any Money to Wholesale

While it is possible to wholesale real estate without using any of your own money, it can be much more difficult.

First off, just marketing for deals, which is a wholesaler’s primary task, can require a significant amount of capital to get going. There are free ways to find leads, but they are challenging in a saturated market.

Even though it is possible to assign a contract and never close on the house, you shouldn’t rely solely on this strategy when wholesaling. Sometimes it just makes more sense to have a double closing. Beyond that, many wholesalers will purchase a house and then sell it a month later.

To pull that off, you will either need a cash reserve or access to some type of transactional funding.

Keys to Success in Wholesaling

Is Wholesaling Real Estate Worth It? - Investor's Guide (3)

Before you jump into wholesaling, let’s discuss some of the skills and resources you will need to be successful. We’ve mentioned that there are several moving parts in this business, and here are the most important ones.

Marketing for Off-Market Deals

As a wholesaler, your number one job is to find discounted off-market properties. This can literally be a full-time job by itself.

There are numerous ways you can go about finding these houses. Here are some of the most common marketing methods that wholesalers use:

  • Direct Mail
  • Cold Calling
  • Text Message Blasts
  • Driving for Dollars
  • Referrals from Real Estate Professionals

This list can be a little daunting at first, but most investors don’t master every one of these strategies. However, if you are unfamiliar with sourcing your own leads outside of the MLS, you should try these and find which of them works best for you.

Evaluating Properties

This is where wholesalers earn their paychecks. In reality, anyone can generate leads if they market hard enough. However, the ability to spot diamonds in the rough and negotiate deals with enough meat on the bone is a skill that must be mastered to be a successful wholesaler.

The first component of structuring a profitable deal is determining the home’s After-Repair Value (ARV). Without this, there is no way to know what you need to buy the house for. The best way to find the ARV is to run a comparable sales report by looking at similar homes recently sold nearby.

Next, you must be able to determine an accurate rehab estimate. This is where many wholesalers struggle because they have never managed a renovation. It is also why experienced flippers and contractors often make great wholesalers because they can walk through a house and determine an accurate budget.

Either way, it is essential to identify significant rehab costs. For example, if a house has termite damage, you should be conservative when estimating how much it will take to repair it.

Negotiating Stellar Deals

Even if you can pinpoint a house’s ARV and rehab budget, it doesn’t matter if you cannot negotiate the deal with the seller. And the thing with wholesaling is that you have to negotiate even better deals than usual because there must be enough room for you to collect your assignment fee and the end buyer still make their profit.

The key to getting steep discounts is solving people’s problems. Unless you’re a used car salesman, you should not approach negotiating as a bare-knuckle haggling match. Instead, your job is to build rapport with the seller and uncover their motivation and pain points.

Having Go-To Buyers

Many wholesalers have the mentality, “Find a good deal, and the buyers will come.” This is somewhat true, but it doesn’t mean you should ignore building a buyers list. Knowing that you have buyers lined up that are ready to buy your deals can allow you to make offers with more confidence.

Most successful wholesalers segment their buyers lists by “A,” “B,” and “C” buyers. The “A” buyers are people that you know very well and are typically the ones you contact first with your deals. “B” buyers are people you know are looking for deals but you’ve never personally worked with. “C” buyers are those that got on your email list, but you don’t know anything about them. The key to quickly selling wholesale deals is to develop a strong list of “A” buyers that you can always count on.

Benefits of Wholesaling Real Estate

Is Wholesaling Real Estate Worth It? - Investor's Guide (4)

We’ve discussed what it takes to succeed as a wholesaler, which is quite a lot! However, there are some significant benefits of wholesaling real estate.

Less Money Required

We mentioned earlier that it is not necessarily free to begin wholesaling houses. However, it is the cheapest option to start investing in real estate.

With most investing strategies, you will need capital to fund down payments and rehab expenses, which can be quite significant. When getting started wholesaling, your primary expenses will be marketing costs and earnest money deposits.

Although having access to capital will expand your capabilities as a wholesaler, it is not required when getting started.

Avoid the Problems of Flipping and Renting

Let’s face it. Some forms of real estate investing can have major headaches if you don’t have extensive experience and systems in place. For example, house flips often go way over budget and schedule, and landlords constantly deal with maintenance issues and troublesome tenants.

Wholesaling eliminates all logistical problems associated with the more traditional forms of investing because the wholesaler typically never owns the property. Even if they do, it is for a very short period, and they are not responsible for making repairs.

Faster Money

Every real estate investing strategy has its place, and investors can choose which ones will meet their financial goals.

Buying rental properties can generate a massive amount of wealth from cash flow, appreciation, and mortgage paydown, but it takes years to get there. Flipping houses provides large chunks of profit, but a large project can take months or even a year to complete.

Wholesaling, on the other hand, has a speedy turnaround time. Most wholesale deals are completed in less than 30 days, with the longest timeline being a few months.

Easier to Scale

Because there is less capital required and it can be accomplished with a small team, wholesaling is relatively simple to scale. While investors that flip several houses at once need multiple crews of contractors, it is entirely feasible to wholesale several homes per month with a team of only a few people.

Can Wholesaling Real Estate Help You?

If you have access to multiple leads each month, you could quickly begin wholesaling some of them to increase your income without much effort. Even if you don’t have many leads right now, you might consider ramping up your marketing so you can get into the wholesaling game.

Wholesaling real estate has given many investors the boost they needed to achieve their long-term investment goals.

Just think, what could an extra $10,000 each month do for your financial situation?

If you can develop the skills discussed in this article, then wholesaling properties should be a no-brainer for you.

Should You Focus Solely on Wholesaling?

Is Wholesaling Real Estate Worth It? - Investor's Guide (5)

It is wrong to assume you must focus on just one investing strategy. What if you became an expert marketer, structured several deals per month, and wholesaled most while keeping the best for yourself? This would not only give you a great investment portfolio, but the assignment fees you receive would also help fund your own projects.

Some of the best investors know the importance of being well-rounded. They consistently source deals and use their knowledge of investment strategies to determine the best structure for each one.

If you are low on capital right now, you could focus on wholesaling for a little while until you build up the funds to start acquiring houses yourself. However, if you want to experience residual income that isn’t tied to your time and effort, you should eventually begin adding rental properties to your portfolio.

Is Wholesaling Real Estate the Right Fit for You?

Every real estate investor should have the wholesaling strategy in their arsenal. Not every deal that comes across your radar will be a good fit for you, but it might be for someone else. You can monetize these deals by learning the wholesaling strategy instead of letting them pass by.

Whether you want to dive into wholesaling as one of your primary strategies is completely up to you. If the skills and resources required don’t seem like a big deal for you, it would likely make sense to focus on this strategy. However, it might not be the best fit for you if you don’t enjoy sourcing off-market deals and negotiating with sellers.

Overall, wholesaling is a great strategy to quickly generate income in real estate, but it does require a significant amount of work. However, the income potential can totally be worth the effort required.

We wish you the best on your investing journey!

Is Wholesaling Real Estate Worth It? - Investor's Guide (6)

Author Bio: Jordan Fulmer is the owner of Momentum Property Solutions, a house buying company in Huntsville, AL. They specialize in buying houses in tough situations and renovating them to either sell or rent. Jordan also runs the SEO side of their business and regularly writes content about real estate investing, home improvement, SEO, and general real estate topics.

Is Wholesaling Real Estate Worth It? - Investor's Guide (2024)


What is the 70% rule in wholesaling real estate? ›

Put simply, the 70 percent rule states that you shouldn't buy a distressed property for more than 70 percent of the home's after-repair value (ARV) — in other words, how much the house will likely sell for once fixed — minus the cost of repairs.

Is wholesaling real estate worth it? ›

Overall, wholesaling is a great strategy to quickly generate income in real estate, but it does require a significant amount of work. However, the income potential can totally be worth the effort required.

Why don't realtors like wholesalers? ›

In contrast, wholesalers focus on quick, off-market transactions, often sidelining realtors, and potentially undervaluing the property to ensure their profit when the contract is sold. The financial structure of realtors and wholesalers' earnings plays a significant role in exacerbating the discord between them.

What are the disadvantages of wholesaling real estate? ›

One of the biggest cons is that it can be difficult to find a buyer. Because you're not actually selling the property, you'll need to find someone who is willing to buy the contract to buy the house from you at the higher asking price.

Is wholesaling real estate recession proof? ›

Wholesale real estate may not seem like an obvious recession-resistant industry. But in reality, it can be one of the best! This is due to its low-risk, high-reward nature. A real estate wholesaler helps connect motivated buyers and interested sellers.

Is wholesaling real estate flipping? ›

Real estate wholesalers generally deal in distressed properties. They take on the role of middleman to match investors/buyers with sellers. Unlike flipping real estate, a real estate wholesaler doesn't make any renovations and carries no costs.

In what states is wholesaling illegal? ›

Instead, be upfront with them about your assignment contract and fee and maintain that you're selling your own equitable interest. As long as you stay within these bounds, you can legally operate as a wholesaler in all 50 states.

Can you make a living off wholesaling? ›

Annual Income Potential:

A part-time wholesaler who completes a few transactions annually might see earnings in the range of $10,000 to $30,000. In contrast, a full-time, seasoned wholesaler who consistently finds and closes deals could earn upwards of $100,000 or even higher, especially if operating in a hot market.

Why is wholesaling real estate so hard? ›

Wholesaling real estate in California can be difficult because state laws require licensing for those who market properties or advertise their wholesaling services.

Why do wholesalers have a bad reputation? ›

While an entry into wholesale real estate investing means that you don't have to spend millions (or even thousands) of dollars on a property, some wholesalers may put properties under contract without having the money for the purchase. These types of events lead to the perception that wholesaling is unethical.

Are wholesalers frowned upon? ›

Many people in the real estate industry frown upon wholesalers. In general, it seems that wholesalers have developed a bad reputation because many investors and sellers think they can find each other without an expensive middleman pocketing some of the profits.

What are the cons of selling to wholesalers? ›

The downsides of the wholesale business model include:
  • Lower profits. Wholesalers buy products in bulk, but at a lower price. ...
  • Less control. While you can provide guidance, wholesale customers have ultimate control over how they sell your products. ...
  • Relationship building is critical.
Jun 1, 2023

What is the 70% rule in wholesaling? ›

The 70% rule states that real estate investors shouldn't pay more than 70% of the ARV minus the repairs needed. For example, if a house is $150,000 and needs $20,000 in repairs, the 70% rule states that no more than $85,000 should be paid.

Is wholesaling a good side hustle? ›

Wholesaling is a great way to get started in real estate investing, and it's an excellent avenue for passive income. As you gain experience and build your business model, you can scale up your profits and make wholesaling a career!

What is the hardest part of wholesaling? ›

FINDING MOTIVATED SELLERS is THE challenge for wholesalers. This is a marketing challenge.

What is Rule 70 in real estate? ›

Basically, the rule says real estate investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's after-repair value (ARV) minus the cost of the repairs necessary to renovate the home. The ARV of a property is the amount a home could sell for after flippers renovate it.

How do you calculate a 70% rule? ›

The rule of 70 calculates the years it takes for an investment to double in value. It is calculated by dividing the number 70 by the investment's growth rate.

What is the rule of 70 formula? ›

The Rule of 70 Formula

Hence, the doubling time is simply 70 divided by the constant annual growth rate. For instance, consider a quantity that grows consistently at 5% annually. According to the Rule of 70, it will take 14 years (70/5) for the quantity to double.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.