HVAC System : SOP for Qualification - Pharma Beginners (2024)

HVAC System : SOP for Qualification

  • Post author:pharmabeginers
  • Post published:July 27, 2020
  • Post category:Calibration / cGMP / Checklist / Formats / Maintenance Sops / Micro Sop / Microbiology / Production Sop / SOPs / Validation
  • Post comments:1 Comment

Standard Operating System (SOP) for Qualification and Re-Qualification of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system for Clean Room.

Qualification of HVAC System


    • The Purpose of this SOP is to lay down the Procedure for qualification/Requalification, of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning System (HVAC).


      • This SOP is applicable for the qualification/requalification of the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system (HVAC) in the pharmaceutical drug manufacturing plant.

3.0 RESPONSIBILITY – HVAC QUALIFICATIONHVAC System : SOP for Qualification - Pharma Beginners (1)

    • External agency/vendor is responsible for :

    • Provide current SOP for the qualification of HVAC.
    • To perform the qualification as per SOP.
    • To generate data and test certificates.
    • The technical staff of the EM department is responsible for :

    • To intimate concern department prior to carrying out qualification and requalification activity.
    • Monitoring of HVAC qualification /requalification activity with the external parties.
    • To initiate and execute the activity as per SOP.

Related: Protocol for Qualification (Validation) of HVAC System

    • Quality Assurance shall be responsible for:

    • Monitoring of qualification activities as per compliance with SOP.
    • Preparation of protocol and report.
    • Recording, checking the reading for correctness, and compilation of data in the report.
    • Engineering head shall be responsible for :

    • To attach the SOP provided by an external agency with this SOP as reference.
    • Implementation and monitoring compliance of SOP.
    • Organization & coordination with external party for HVAC qualification / Requalification activities.
    • Reviewing and checking the HVAC qualification/requalification work is followed as per the standard operating procedure.
    • Quality Assurance Head shall be responsible for:

    • Verification of HVAC qualification/validation activities as per schedule and monitoring compliance with SOP.
    • Maintaining data of HVAC qualification/requalification activity & to conclude the activity.


    • General Procedure for HVAC Qualification:

    • The approved protocol shall be prepared and followed for the qualification/requalification of HVAC.
    • The location for viable and non-viable particle count with rational shall be attached to the approved protocol.

Related: Laboratory Instrument Qualification SOP

    • Data shall be recorded in the qualification report by a validation team member as per result provided by an external agency and the report shall be approved by department heads.
    • Confirm the devices used by the external agencies are valid calibration period and a calibration certificate is available. Attach the calibration certificate with the qualification report.
    • Attach the data of different tests with the respective qualification report.
    • Air velocity measurement and calculation of Air Changes (ACPH):

    • Instrument
    • Capture hood, Anemometer.
    • Procedure to calculation ACPH in HVAC System:
    • Air velocity measurement shall be performed as per the current version of SOP provided by an approved external agency.
    • Calculate the total velocity and average velocity of each supply grill and then total airflow rate (in case of an anemometer) and total airflow rate in case of a capture hood method.
    • Then calculate the air changes per hour of room.
    • Acceptance criteria:
    • Average velocity and subsequent air changes per hour shall be within design qualifications.
    • A variation in air volume shall not be more than 20% of the design CFM.

    • Instrument
    • PAO, Smoke generator, Aerosol photometer, duly calibrated with National /international traceability certificate.
    • Procedure:
    • The integrity of the HEPA filter shall be performed as per the current version of SOP provided by an approved external agency.
    • Observe and record the data given by the external agency in the respective qualification report.


    • Acceptance Criteria:
    • During scanning percentage of the PAO penetration shown by the photometer shall be less than 0.01% through the filter media and shall be ‘zero’ through mounting joints.

    • Instrument
    • Magnehelic gauges
    • Procedure:
    • The air handling system and respective dust collection system shall be in operation during this study.
    • To avoid unexpected changes in air pressure and to establish a baseline, respective control like all doors in the facility must be closed and no personal movement shall be allowed during the test.
    • Observe the differential pressure through the Magnehelic gauge.
    • Differential pressure of the room shall be recorded once in two hours and it shall be continued for 72 hours.
    • Acceptance Criteria:
    • Pressure differentials shall meet the requirement as specified in system specification along with room specifications included in specific HVAC.

    • Instrument
    • Fog generator/smoke generator.
    • Procedure:
    • Airflow pattern study shall be done as per the current version of SOP provided by the approved external agency.
    • Carry out the videography for the same test.
    • Attach the videography with the qualification report.
    • Acceptance criteria:
    • Air shall flow from the higher-pressure zone to the lower pressure zone.
    • Flow towards the return air filter or grill.
    • The air shall demonstrate the unidirectional flow.
    • Videography shall be carried out to demonstrate the airflow.

    • Instrument
    • Thermometer & RH sensor, Sling psychom*otor, Thermo hygrometer.
    • Procedure:
    • The air handling system shall be in operation for at least 20 minutes prior to performing these tests.
    • All lights in the critical and controlled areas shall be switched ON during the testing.
    • Confirm that room occupancy is maintained.
    • Observe the temperature and relative humidity through respective Display unit wherever installed, use thermo hygrometer or temperature and RH sensor to check temperature and RH in rooms/area.
    • Temperature and RH in the area to be checked and recorded in dynamic conditions.
    • Measure and record temperature and relative humidity in the rooms as specified in the system specification.
    • Record the data for a period of 72 hours to demonstrate consistency.
    • Acceptance criteria:
    • Temperature and relative humidity shall meet the requirement as specified in the system specification.

    • Equipment
    • Airborne particulate counter, duly calibrated with national/international Tractability certificate.
    • Procedure :
    • Non-viable particle count test shall be carried out as per the current version of SOP provided by an approved external agency.
    • Ensure that the particle counter is in calibrated condition.
    • No of Sample location shall be taken from the attached Annexure No 1
    • Start measuring the non-viable particle count as per SOP.
    • Attach the print out original and one photocopy of original with the qualification report and data shall also be recorded and compiled in the report.
    • Acceptance Criteria
    • The cleanroom or clean zone shall meet the acceptance criteria for airborne particulate cleanliness.
    • The average of the particulate count measured at each location shall fall in or below the class limit.

The limit for the different grade is given below:

Maximum number of permitted particles per cubic meter equal to or above
0.5 mm5.0 mm0.5 mm5.0 mm
B 3,50003,50,0002,000
C 3,50,0002,00035,00,00020,000
D 35,00,00020,000Not definedNot defined

    • Equipment
    • Airborne particulate counter, duly calibrated with national/international Traceability. Aerosol generator. Water generated aerosol, Sling psycho meter.
    • Procedure:
    • Ensure that the measuring devices are in calibration status with calibration certificate available.
    • The de-contamination study shall be performed as per the current version of SOP provided by an approved external agency.
    • Attach the print outs and certificate provided by the external agency of particle form of cleanroom (initial stage), contaminated area till recovery.
    • Attach the calibration certificate of measuring devices with the qualification report.
    • Acceptance criteria:
    • The recovery time shall not be more than 15 minutes.

    • Equipment
    • Settle plate, media
    • Procedure for Passive Air Sampling
    • Plates shall be exposed on plate exposure stand at the pre-defined locations mentioned in individual format for each stream for not less than 4 hrs.
    • Keep the plates as per sampling location on the upper platform of plate exposure stand, lift and slide open the lid of the media plate and keep on the lower platform of the plate exposure stand.
    • Exposed plates shall be recovered after 4 hrs. of exposure and incubate at specified conditions; SCDA plates: 20-25ºC for 72 hrs. Then 30-35ºC for 48 hrs.
    • Plates shall be observed for any microbial growth after 5 days.

Acceptance criteria:

AreaLimit (CFU/Plate)Alert LimitAction Limit
Grade A<1<1<1
Grade B534
Grade C503040
Grade D1006080

    • Equipment
    • Air sampler, Media Plate, media
    • Procedure :
    • Ensure the battery of the Air Sampler is fully charged. Sterilized sieve shall be used during every monitoring exercise in the case of an aseptic area.
    • Active sites of the sampler shall be sanitized properly with filtered 70% IPA before each sampling.
    • The pre-incubated media plate shall be placed after opening the lid.
    • The perforated lid shall be placed above the plate & the sampler shall be switched on with a fed parameter of 1000 liters of air.
    • 1000 liters of the air shall be withdrawn.
    • The plate shall be removed by taking care; not to touch the surface of the media & re-place the lid of the plate.
    • After each sampling Air Sampler perforated lid shall be moped with 70% IPA.
    • The plate shall be recovered after sampling and incubate at specified conditions; SCDA plates: 20-25ºC for 72 hrs. then 30-35ºC for 48 hrs (Refer SOP no APBC/MB/029).
    • The Sampling shall be done for three consecutive working days.

Acceptance criteria:

AreaLimit (CFU/m3)Alert LimitAction Limit
Grade A<1<1<1
Grade B1068
Grade C1006080
Grade D200120160

    • Equipment
    • Sound level meter
    • Procedure
    • All the noise/sound-making system in the proximity of the area shall be switched off.
    • Start the AHU and take the sound level reading for supplied areas.
    • ON the sound level meter, set it at fast response mode and take the reading in the area.
    • Acceptance criteria:
    • The sound level shall be up to 80 DB in the working area.

    • Instrument
    • Lux meter
    • Procedure
    • All lighting of the area shall be on before starting the study.
    • Then take the intensity of light at working height with a lux meter.
    • Acceptance criteria
    • The light shall not be less than 250 lux
    • The light shall not be less than 400 lux in the inspection

    • Procedure: Following test shall be performed for VLAF/RLAF mobile LAF with same Procedure as defined in HVAC qualification
    • Air velocity measurement
    • Filter integrity test.
    • Air pressure differential test.
    • Airflow pattern test.
    • Non-viable airborne particle count test.
    • Decontamination/Recovery study.
    • Microbial monitoring test.
    • Sound level test.
    • Light intensity test
    • Recovery test
    • Acceptance criteria:
    • Air velocity for ISO class 5 grade A shall be 0.45 meter/second ± 20%, which is equivalent to 90 Feet/minute ± 20%.

    • Procedure: following test shall be performed for DPB with the same Procedure as defined in HVAC qualification.
    • Air velocity measurement.
    • Filter integrity test.
    • Airflow pattern test.
    • Non-viable particle count test.
    • Pressure gradient test.
    • Sound level test.
    • Viable particle count test.


1. Air Velocity Measurement and Calculation of Air ChangesOnce every six months.

At Every Filter replacement.

2. Integrity Testing of 0.3 microns, 99.997 % efficiency HEPA FilterOnce in every six months.

At Every Filter replacement.

3. Pressure Differential TestFor 3 days (Every six month)
4. Temperature and Relative Humidity TestFor 3 days(Every six month)
5. Air Flow Pattern Test of Area and LAF Units.Once in a year.
6. Cleanliness Class Verification

Non Viable Particulate count.

(At-rest condition)and in operation for ISO class 5, 6, 7, and 8

Once every six months.

At Every Filter replacement

7. Microbial monitoringOnce in every six months for three consecutive days for ISO classes 5, 6, 7, and 8.
8. Recovery TestOnce in a year.
9. Sound level testYearly
10. Light intensity testOnce in a year.


    • Schedule M: Non-viable particle count


    • DQ: Design qualification
    • HVAC: Heat Ventilation and Air conditioning
    • EM: Engineering and Maintenance
    • ACPH: Air Changes per Hour
    • AHU: Air Handling Unit
    • APU: Air Preparation Unit
    • LAF: Laminar Air Flow
    • RLAF: Reverse Laminar Air Flow
    • PAO: Poly Alfa Olefin
    • CFM: Cubic Feet Minute
    • DPB: Dynamic pass box
    • UV: Ultraviolet
    • CFM: Cubic feet meter
    • ISO: International organization for standardization
    • SCDA: Soyabean casein agar media


Annexure 1: Sampling Location of Defined Area

HVAC System : SOP for Qualification - Pharma Beginners (2)

Annexure 2: Sampling Location of Defined Area

HVAC System : SOP for Qualification - Pharma Beginners (3)



Janki Singh is experienced in Pharmaceuticals, author and founder of Pharma Beginners, an ultimate pharmaceutical blogging platform.Email: [emailprotected]

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HVAC System : SOP for Qualification - Pharma Beginners (2024)


What are the basics of HVAC systems? ›

An HVAC system works in principle by using the refrigerant to move heat from one part of the home to the outside atmosphere. This is the case in summers. For winters, the process is reversed, and the heat is extracted from the outside, and transferred indoors, to provide heating.

What is HVAC in pharma? ›

Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) play an important role in ensuring the manufacture of quality pharmaceutical products. The good manufacturing practice (GMP) requirements for the prevention of contamination and cross-contamination are an essential design consideration of an HVAC system.

Who HVAC qualification? ›

HVAC Qualification
  • Classification of air cleanliness by particle concentration.
  • Installed filter system leakage test.
  • Supply airflow rate and air change rate for non-unidirectional airflow installation.
  • Supply airflow velocity and uniformity of velocity for unidirectional airflow installation.
  • Temperature test.
  • Humidity test.

What is validation of HVAC system? ›


IQ may be defined as: “Documented verification that all key aspects of the installation adhere to manufacturer's recommendation, appropriate codes, and approved design qualification”. The goal of IQ is to verify and document the quality, installation, and integrity of HVAC system components.

What are the two types of HVAC systems? ›

Each type of HVAC system falls into one of two categories: ducted or ductless. In a ducted system, the main unit pushes air through a series of air ducts to cool or heat a building. Ductless systems, on the other hand, lack air ducts and use alternative methods to distribute treated air throughout a space.

What three 3 components are present in an HVAC system? ›

Your HVAC System has 8 Components
  • Furnace. This is the KEY component and largest of your HVAC system. ...
  • Ductwork. The system of ducts that transports air warmed or cooled by the system to the various areas of your home is called Ductwork. ...
  • Vents. ...
  • Thermostat. ...
  • Heat exchanger. ...
  • Evaporator coil. ...
  • Condensing unit. ...
  • Refrigerant lines.

What are the six 6 types of HVAC systems for commercial building? ›

Types of Commercial HVAC Systems
  • Single-Split System. At the more modest end of commercial cooling budgets, single-split system AC is ideal for cafes, shops, small offices and similar cozy spaces. ...
  • Multi-Split System. Multiple indoor units connect to a single, larger outdoor unit. ...
  • VRF or VRV System. ...
  • VAV or CAV System.

What skills are needed for HVAC? ›

What Skills Are Needed to Be an HVAC Technician?
  • Problem-Solving Abilities. An HVAC technician must be able to identify a problem and fix it. ...
  • Communication Skills. ...
  • Time Management Skills. ...
  • Comfort Working With Heavy Objects and Machinery. ...
  • Familiarity With Computers.

How can I design HVAC for pharmaceutical industry? ›

Defining the HVAC requirements system-wise and then room-wise. – Cleanliness level – Room temperature, relative humidity – Room pressure – Air flow pattern. Cooling load and Airflow compilation.
Control Action:
  1. Make-up air filtration.
  2. Room pressurization.
  3. Sealing of all penetrations into the space.
12 Nov 2017

What is an HVAC person called? ›

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning are collectively referred to as HVAC, and the professionals who work in this industry are called HVAC technicians or HVAC tech.

What is DOP test in HVAC? ›

Dispersed Oil Particulate (DOP) testing, also known as filter integrity testing, is the process in which the integrity of your HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) or ULPA (Ultra Low Penetration Air) filter is challenged through introducing particulates and measuring the output.

What is CDB in HVAC? ›

Outdoor conditions: Dry bulb temperature (°CDB) • System peak load: the maximum total cooling load that occurs at a certain moment of the day that has to be covered by all indoor units connected. to a same outdoor unit system.

What is test and balance in HVAC? ›

Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing (TAB) involves measuring and adjusting air and water flows to meet design requirements. The TAB process is comprised of using test instruments, sensors and monitors to verify appropriate temperatures, airflow and other characteristics within the HVAC system.

What is a 3 stage HVAC system? ›

Multistage systems have steps, usually two, such as “low” and “high“. A 3-stage system might have “low”, “medium”, and “high”.) Like a hair dryer or a ceiling fan, they have some granularity to their output.

What is difference between AC and HVAC? ›

To keep things simple: the system designed to cool the air is the AC unit, and the system designed to heat the air and push moisture out through the vents, is the HVAC unit.

Is HVAC easy to learn? ›

HVAC training isn't hard, but it can be challenging. As with any other job, you'll need to learn the fundamentals of your industry from the ground up. That's where a reputable HVAC training program comes in.

Which refrigerant is used in AC? ›

What type of refrigerant is used in air conditioning systems? There are many different types of refrigerant used in a variety of refrigeration products, but for air conditioning systems, there are two main types; R-22 or more commonly known as Freon, and R410A, also known as Puron.

What is a 2 stage HVAC system? ›

Two-stage cooling means the air conditioner or heat pump has a compressor with two levels of operation: high for hot summer days and low for milder days. Since the low setting is adequate to meet household-cooling demands 80% of the time, a two-stage unit runs for longer periods and produces more even temperatures.

What materials are used in HVAC? ›

Copper, aluminum and steel are easily worked into shapes used in HVAC systems. Heat Transfer is when a material can heat up or cool down quickly. Recall that copper, aluminium and steel are great at transferring heat. That is why they are used to carry the refrigerant.

What is a 2 pipe HVAC system? ›

A 2-pipe HVAC system is one that uses the same piping alternately for hot water heating and chilled water cooling, as opposed to a 4-pipe system that uses separate lines for hot and chilled water. Two-pipe originated 50 or 60 years ago as a cost-effective way to add air conditioning.

What are the four types of problems in HVAC? ›

Get Answers to the 10 Most Common HVAC Problems

What are the 4 phases of planned HVAC maintenance? ›

What Are the 4 Phases of Planned Maintenance?
  • Corrective maintenance.
  • Preventive maintenance.
  • Risk-based maintenance.
  • Predictive maintenance.

How many types of HVAC systems are there? ›

There are four main types of HVAC systems. There are split systems, hybrid systems, duct-free systems, and packaged heating and air systems. Each of these types of HVAC units have pro's and con's, and knowing these factors can help you decide which is best for you.

What is a VRF VRV system? ›


VRV (variable refrigerant volume) and VRF (variable refrigerant flow) are two different terms for the same technology. Because VRV is a trademark of Daikin Industries, Ltd., all other companies that copy this technology refer to it as a VRF system. VRV, introducing a new era of energy efficiency.

How many zones are there in HVAC? ›

Each system can open and close the dampers according to how much heat or cool is required for individual zones. They can do more than just open and close fully; they can pick a position somewhere between the two, depending on how much airflow is called for. A zoning panel controls up to four zones.

What is the most common HVAC system? ›

Standard Split HVAC Systems

This is one of the most common HVAC systems in residential homes. As the name suggests, a split system has two separate units for heating and cooling. The cooling component is installed outside the home.

What is HVAC skill? ›

HVAC skills are talents and abilities that help someone working in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry perform common tasks effectively. These may include a combination of soft and technical skills that HVAC professionals use when performing their daily responsibilities.

What is a HVAC job description? ›

JOB FUNCTION: Perform skilled mechanical maintenance duties in the inspection, repair, installation and alteration of District heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems and related equipment and facilities; perform preventive maintenance and routine servicing of equipment.

Why HVAC system is used in pharmaceutical industry? ›

Heating ventilation and air conditioning system is used to maintain the clean room area in sterile as well as non-sterile manufacturing. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) is the key to ensuring that the pharmaceutical products manufactured by an industry are of good quality.

How is AutoCAD used in HVAC? ›

AutoCAD can design and model physical objects in manufacturing as well as create 2D plans of entire buildings and landscapes for civil and HVAC engineers. While AutoCAD might be a catchall for many engineering practices, those looking for an open-source software will need to look elsewhere.

What are 4 important factors to consider in designing the overall of a HVAC system? ›

What sort of factors are there to consider when designing HVAC systems? Well, there's equipment sizing, ductwork installation, ventilation, design protocols and code compliance to name a few.

Why is HVAC so hard? ›

HVAC technicians commonly work heavy amounts of overtime during peak heating and cooling seasons. Logging long work hours is undoubtedly strenuous for HVAC technicians and their bodies, though it is not without benefit, as they are compensated accordingly to reward their hard work.

Is HVAC a good career 2022? ›

Definitely, HVAC is a great career choice in 2022! Time to peel back the curtain and let the cat out of the bag… Anyone considering a career in HVAC field should be aware that they will be entering a flexible, fulfilling, and profitable field.

Are HVAC workers happy? ›

HVAC technicians are below average when it comes to happiness.

What is the size of HEPA filter? ›

0.3 microns

How HEPA filters are tested? ›

The HEPA filter integrity test is typically performed on supply air or exhaust air HEPA filters using a photometer to scan the filter surface for pinhole leaks that could allow the transmission of contaminant particles that would be unacceptable in a critical application.

What are the types of HEPA filters? ›

According to the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, (IEST) with regard to performance, there are 6 types – A, B, C, D, E & F. Each has its own distinct characteristics as shown by chart 1 below.

What does FTU mean in HVAC? ›

What is FTU? Fan Terminal Units (FTUs) provide Variable Air Volume (VAV) air displacement in underfloor air distribution systems. Modular Fan Powered VAV Box is designed to integrate into or below raised access floor panels and force air circulation through the system.

What is VVS in HVAC? ›

English translation: Heating, water and sanitation.

What is PAC unit in HVAC? ›

What are Precision Air Conditioning (PAC) Solution? Precision AC monitoring system keeps the balance of temperature and humidity level by controlling the temperature and humidity of the PAC. This is the basic difference to normal air conditioning because it only provides comfort to the people who are sitting the room.

What is heat balance in HVAC? ›

Share: Heating & Cooling HVAC Services. A balance point is the approximate outdoor temperature at which the maximum heating capacity of the heat pump matches the heating requirements of the home. The lower the temperature outside drops, the greater the heating needs are of the home.

What is VAV balancing? ›

The return system is typically balanced when the system (supply VAVs) is set to maximum cooling airflow. This should drive the return fan to its required maximum system airflow. The return air system is then proportionally balanced to obtain the design airflows at each inlet.

How do I test my HVAC system? ›

How to Test & Improve Your Air Conditioner's Efficiency
  1. Step 1: Turn the AC unit on. ...
  2. Step 2: Place a thermometer on the supply register. ...
  3. Step 3: Keep the thermometer in place for at least five minutes. ...
  4. Step 4: Repeat thermometer reading at the return vent. ...
  5. How do I know if my air conditioner efficiency is good?
30 Jun 2019

What are the three major parts of an HVAC system? ›

  • Heating. The heating element usually consists of a furnace or boiler in most residential HVAC systems. ...
  • Ventilation. An HVAC's ventilation mechanism is responsible for moving heated or cooled air in and out of your home. ...
  • Air Conditioning. This part of an HVAC system is what cools down the air inside your home.

What are the three main functions of a HVAC system? ›

Overview. The three major functions of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning are interrelated, especially with the need to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality within reasonable installation, operation, and maintenance costs.

What are the three main function of HVAC? ›

There are three primary functions to a room Air Conditioner. First is to cool a specific area, such as a room, not an entire home. The second is to dehumidify, to remove moisture out of the air, so you're not sitting in a cold, clammy environment. The third function is to filter the air within the home.

What are HVAC pipes called? ›

The pipes which distribute air in the room are called air conditioning ducts. The distribution system is made of an HVAC ductwork air return supply, filters, dampers and registers.

What is HVAC and its types? ›

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is designed to achieve the environmental requirements of the comfort of occupants and a process. HVAC systems are more used in different types of buildings such as industrial, commercial, residential and institutional buildings.

What is the most common problem HVAC system? ›

A dirty air filter is one of the most common issues affecting the performance of household HVAC systems. Fortunately, a dirty filter is one of the easiest problems to fix. Your air filter should be changed on a regular basis.

What is ahu in HVAC? ›

The air handling unit (AHU) is the heart of central air conditioning. It collects outside air and room air, removes dust and other particles from the collected air, adjusts the temperature and humidity and then supplies comfortable and refreshing air-conditioned air into the rooms through ducts.

What are the 6 six basic parts of an air conditioning system? ›

The six main air conditioning components that homeowners should be aware of are the thermostat, air blowing unit, air filter evaporator, condenser coil, and compressor.

What is the most important part of HVAC? ›

The heat exchanger is the most important part of your heater or furnace, because it's the tool that heats the air. Typical, furnaces pull air in from the outside. The heat exchanger heats the air quickly, and the air is blown into your home.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.