Endgame Activities - Lost Ark Wiki Guide - IGN (2024)

Lost Ark endgame activities start at level 50, but some of them are more useful for the day-to-day grind while others you'll want to prioritize completing weekly.

To unlock most of the end game activities you will need to be level 50, completed the Vern questline, and have completed a guide quest (purple quest icon) for that specific activity.


Chaos Dungeons
Guardian Raids
Una’s Tasks (Dailies)
Chaos Gates
Field Bosses
Adventure Islands

Abyssal Dungeons
The Cube
Boss Rush
Ghost Ships
Chaos Dungeons (Infinite Chaos Dungeon)
Una’s Tasks (Weeklies)
Other Notes

Daily Endgame Tasks

Here are some of the most important daily endgame tasks Lost Ark has to offer. There are a lot of activities to do. If you don't have enough time to complete all these activities every day this list is in a loose order from most important to least important to help you prioritize what you need to do.

Chaos Dungeons

What are Chaos Dungeons

Chaos Dungeons are a Diablo-style rift where you slay thousands of monsters across multiple areas. They are split into levels based on your item level and story progression. Therefore, in addition to increasing your item level, you will eventually have to complete main story questlines in order to progress to the next level of Chaos Dungeon.


How to Unlock Chaos Dungeons

Once you complete the Vern questline you need to complete the “Ealyn’s Gift” guide quest. With that done you can now interact with the statue that says Chaos Dungeon to enter. If you can’t find it you can also look for the icon on the map.

What do Chaos Dungeons Give You

  • Gear
  • Destruction stones
  • Guardian stones
  • Leapstones
  • Accessories
  • Ability stones
  • Cube tickets
  • Boss Rush tickets (only once in or above tier 2)
  • Gems (tier 2+ only)
  • Engraving books

You can enter Chaos Dungeons twice a day per character on your roster.

Taking on Chaos Dungeons

In Lost Ark you can have 2 presets for your character. It is very convenient to have a build for clearing a bunch of mobs (like in Chaos Dungeons) and one for defeating bosses (guardian raids, abyssal dungeons, etc.). You can access the skill presets from the skill menu (with the “k” hotkey) and your gear presets in the character menu ("p" hotkey)

Special Portals


When running through Chaos Dungeons sometimes you’ll notice a gold or red portal rather than the typical blue portal. The gold portal will have you defeat a loot goblin. All you have to do is hit it a certain number of times and the extra loot is yours! The red portal is a mini-boss so be ready, defeat the boss for the extra loot.

Guardian Raids

What are Guardian Raids

Guardian raids have you and 3 other players hunt a single boss (or guardian), with limited uses on consumables (you can only use percent HP potions), no enemy HP bar, a 20-minute time limit, and 3 total revives. The guardian will spawn somewhere on the map and the players will have to locate it and hunt it down. Eventually, the guardian may flee to another spot on the map. Each guardian has different mechanics to watch out for, so if you are having a difficult time it might be best to look up a guide to have the best odds to succeed. Like Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids are locked behind item level however they are not locked behind story questlines. They will require you to defeat all the previous guardians to move to the next raid tier.

How to Unlock Guardian Raids

To unlock Guardian Raids you need to have unlocked Chaos Dungeons and have completed the “Guardian Raid Qualification Certificate” guide quest. With that done you can now interact with the guardian raid board to sign up for a raid. If you can’t find it you can also look for the icon on the map.

Raid tiers are not the same as gear tiers which can be confusing:


  • Raid tier 1 and 2 - Gear tier 1
  • Raid tier 3 and 4 - Gear tier 2
  • Raid tier 5 - Gear tier 3

Also as a side note, the guardians at the end of a raid tier tend to be harder than the ones at the beginning of a new raid tier so be careful!

What do Guardian Raids Give You

Guardian Raids require you to collect a soul at the end of the hunt to receive your loot so don’t leave without collecting it!

  • Destruction stones
  • Guardian stones
  • Leapstones
  • Accessories
  • Ability stones
  • Engraving books
  • Cards
  • Runes

In addition to all this loot, Guardian Raids offer a first-time clear reward which gives you more honing materials and accessories. You can enter Guardian Raids twice a day per character on your roster.

Taking on Guardian Raids

Make sure to have your single target preset on. Lost Ark also has some battle items available that can help you track down and hunt these guardians. Two useful items are flairs and pheromones. Flairs allow the guardian to be seen on the mini-map for a short amount of time. Pheromones can be used on a guardian to prevent it from moving to another zone. However, there is a short wind you can use it on because it doesn’t last long and you want to use it before the guardian leaves.


Una’s Tasks (Dailies)

What are Una’s Tasks

If you’ve played an MMO before these are your traditional “dailies”. They might have you go defeat some easy enemies, go talk to an NPC, etc. Depending on which task you choose to do will give you varying rewards. Note: some Una’s Tasks aren't as straightforward as they seem. For example, the collect 10 chicken breast quest can only be done when Alakkir Island is up (can be found in the alarm menu on the top left of the screen, the blue alarm clock). You can do 3 Una’s Tasks a day per character on your roster.

How to Unlock Una’s Tasks

All you have to do is reach level 50 and complete the Vern questline. You can access the menu by pressing Alt + J.

Una’s Tasks Rewards


Una’s Tasks can give you a multitude of things such as silver, leapstones, shards, ability stones, etc. These rewards scale as your item level increases. However, there is also a reputation system for Una’s Tasks. Each Una’s Task is tied to a category that has a progression bar. This can be seen from the Una’s Task menu (alt + J) in the reputation tab. Each task you complete will give 10 reputation points to that category, after a certain threshold you will get rewards. It is advised to look at which reputation you want to chase after because it can take weeks to reach the last reward for some of these categories. Also in the reputation tab there is a claim all button in the top right, make sure to click on that to obtain all the reputation rewards you earned! Note, if you do the same Una’s Task on an alternate character you will not receive the reputation again, only the reward.

In addition to reputation, there is also another benefit to doing your Una’s Tasks, gold. Doing Una’s Taks (dailies and weeklies) will give you points and after a certain threshold, you will get Una’s Tokens. With these tokens, you can buy chests that contain gold from the Gold Exchange vendor. You can claim your tokens in the daily tab of the Una’s Task menu. You can exchange for:

  • Hefty Gold Sack - 80 Una's Tokens
  • Small Safe - 200 Una's Tokens
  • Large Gold Chest - 500 Una's Tokens

The large gold chests are the most worth it because they can also drop a Giant Gold Bar worth 10000 gold.

Chaos Gates

What are Chaos Gates

You and up to 29 other players go through a mini-dungeon defeating a series of mini-bosses. There are certain item level thresholds for certain Chaos Gates so you want to do the highest one you can do. You can do Chaos Gates once a day per ROSTER not per character. Therefore, it is best to do it on your highest item level character.

How to Unlock Chaos Gates


All you have to do is reach level 50 and complete the Vern questline. You can find Chaos Gates in the alarm window, the calendar (icon in the top right), or if you open Procyon's Compass (icon beneath your mini-map). Pressing the compass icon will show you where a specific Chaos Gate is located and they appear every top of the hour. Note that Chaos Gates and field bosses alternate so only one is active a day.

What do Chaos Gates Give You

Chaos Gates can reward you with rift shards, runes, and card packs. There is also a bid at the end for a legendary map (we will explain maps a little later). The gold gets split to everyone else in the Chaos Gate and is sent to your mailbox.

What to do with Maps (Rotas)

After you complete a Chaos Gate you will obtain a random tier of map that yields varying rewards. You can get varying rarity shard bags, masterpieces, engravings, gems, cards, and items that can increase honing chances. An important detail to note is that these shard bags are tradable so you can sell them on the auction house or trade them to alternative characters.

  • Blue Maps - Green shard bags
  • Purple Maps - Blue shard bags
  • Gold Maps - Purple shard bags

Maps will have a smaller portion of a map with an “x” somewhere that indicates a secret entrance to a dungeon. The map will tell you the area the secret entrance is in (i.e. in tier 3 it would say Tikatika Colony in the top left in gray letters). There you will have to run around a small dungeon to fight a boss to obtain its loot, then you are free to leave. You can do as many maps a day as you want. It is only the Chaos Gate part that is gated once a day.


To increase your loot (and others’ loot) you should form parties with other players with the same tier map. You can share the map with other players in a party (max 4 players) and it will inform them of its rarity and location. It is common courtesy to run maps with other people with the same rarity map as you and not mooch off others with higher tiers unless you pay them gold. Also, don’t worry about people stealing your map because you have to be the one to find the entrance to the secret dungeon to enter. When everyone is in the party you do the maps in rotation hence the name “rotas”.

Field Bosses

What are Field Bosses and What do they Give you

Field bosses are a lot like world bosses in other MMOs. Basically, just a boss that spawns out in the world every so often and gives loot. The loot varies per boss but will always give you honing materials. You can also get ocean hearts, runes, gems, etc. Like Chaos Gates, you can only do Field bosses once a day per roster and not per character.

How to Unlock Field Bosses

There aren’t really any hard-set requirements for field bosses. You can try to participate while being a lower level and item level than suggested and you will still get rewards. However, if you challenge a field boss at a lower item level some (if not all) of your attacks will be blocked and you will get one shot.

Field bosses spawn every hour on the top of the hour. Like Chaos Gates pressing the compass icon will show you where a specific field boss is located. Note that Chaos Gates and field bosses alternate so only one is active a day.


Adventure Islands

What are Adventure Islands and What do they Give You

Adventure Islands, for the most part, have you perform co-op events with other participants for varying rewards. The rewards for a certain island can be seen in the alarm or Procyon's Compass menu. Some of the rewards include island hearts, cards, runes, outfits, etc.

Where to Find Adventure Islands

You can find the active Adventure Islands for the day from the alarm menu. Adventure Islands can also be viewed from the Procyon's Compass menu. Like field bosses, pressing the compass icon in the alarm menu or Procyon's Compass menu will show you where a specific Adventure Island is located.


What is Rapport


Rapport is another reputation system but with the NPCs of Lost Ark. Each NPC has different rewards per tier of rapport level. For instance, you can be amicable, friend, etc and once you reach those levels you will get some rewards. You can check your Rapport with NPCs as well as their rewards by pressing alt + n. Also, clicking the magnifying glass on each NPC will show you their rewards.

How to Gain Rapport

There are a few ways to gain rapport with NPCs.

  • Giving gifts - 99 times per day.
  • Playing Instruments - 5 times per day.
  • Emoting - 5 times per day.

These are per day total not per NPC, so you have to spread your 5 daily emotes across all the NPCs.

Rapport Quests

Some NPCs will give you special quests to increase rapport. The quests might have specific stats. In Lost Ark, there are role-playing stats (courage, charisma, wisdom, and kindness) which you will need to complete some quests. If you gain enough rapport for a rapport quest you can no longer gain rapport with that NPC until you complete the quest. This means you may get locked out of progressing an NPC’s rapport until you gain enjoy role-playing stats. If another rapport you are chasing requires more role-playing stats some rapport rewards give you more role-playing stats so you can hunt those down.

Weekly Endgame Tasks


Here are some of the most important weekly content Lost Ark has to offer. On Thursday all the weekly content resets and you can participate in all of them again.

Abyssal Dungeons

What are Abyssal Dungeons

Abyssal Dungeons are harder versions of the story dungeons you've done while leveling (starting at Vern and onwards). Abyssal Dungeons are split up into areas (tabs, which you can access when you interact with the statue) and each area has multiple sections. Each different area will require you to complete a certain questline and obtain a certain item level to be allowed to enter. Up until “Orpha’s Well” the sections and areas have the same item level requirements. Another side note, “Gates of Paradise” is an 8 person dungeon so be ready!

How to Unlock Abyssal Dungeons

Once you complete the Vern questline you need to complete the “Waiting and Leaving”. To enter Abyssal Dungeons you interact with that Abyssal Dungeon statue. You can’t find it, you can look on the mini-map or you can look “abyssal dungeon” on the map in a main town like Vern.

What do you get From Abyssal Dungeons


Abyssal Dungeons can drop:

  • Gold
  • Accessories
  • Crafting materials (will explain later)
  • Ability stones
  • Cards
  • Engravings
  • Honing materials if you open the extra chest at the end

At the end of the dungeon there will be an option to open a chest with bonus loot in it for gold. You will always net gold because the chest will cost less than the abyssal dungeon gives you.

After you obtain a certain item level the game will not give you gold for running older abyssal dungeons. One character can complete any abyssal dungeon they qualify for once a week. However, each Abyssal Dungeon is locked to 6 clears per week. For example, if you cleared the first Abyssal Dungeon once you can do that same one on 5 other characters if they qualify to enter.

Abyss Equipment Crafting

One of the rewards for clearing an Abyss Dungeon is crafting material for gear with set effects! All you need to do is go to the Craft Abyss Equipment NPC and craft your new gear! If you craft new equipment make sure to gear transfer your honing upgrades at the honing NPC rather than upgrading the new pieces.

How to Tackle Abyssal Dungeons

These can get quite difficult so it is suggested to look up the fights beforehand to be prepared. Make sure you have potions and keep a level head. Abyssal Dungeons are meant to be difficult so expect to wipe a few times.


Abyss Raids

What are Abyss Raids

Abyss Raids are to Guardian Raids what Abyssal Dungeons are to regular dungeons. In Abyss Raids you don't have to run around like in Guardian Raids but everything else is the same: no enemy HP bar, limited potion usage, limited revives, etc.

Abyss Raids have you and 7 other players fight a boss in phases but the phases act like checkpoints. Therefore, you can claim loot after completing a phase rather than having to complete the whole fight.

How do you Unlock Abyss Raids

In Lost Ark NA/EU we only have Argos at the moment. In order to access Argos, you need to have item level 1370+. Argos is a bit weird because it requires you to have reached different item levels per phase

  • Phase 1 - item level 1370
  • Phase 2 - item level 1385
  • Phase 3 - item level 1400


What do Abyss Raids give you

  • Gold
  • Accessories
  • Ability stones
  • Honing materials (if you open the open at the end)
  • Crafting materials for your new sets

How to Tackle Abyss Raids

It is highly recommended to look up a guide on the fight beforehand unless everyone is ok with trying to go in blind. Ideally, you do this to respect everyone else's time but going in blind is fun if you can find a group for it. Abyss Raids are tough content so expect to wipe and don't give up!

It is recommended to have these things on your character for the first phase of Argos:

  • At least 2 level 3 engravings
  • Level 2 tripods
  • Level 3 gems
  • Recommended stats (crit, swiftness, specialization) on accessories

The Cube

What is the Cube


The cube is a wave-based dungeon where you gain points the farther you go. The waves may have you defeat enemies, defeat bosses, and survive for a certain amount of time. Reaching a certain amount of points you can earn a chest. The more points you get the higher level chest you can claim. The cube stops when you die (or your party dies), you run out of time on a wave, or you reach a diamond chest. The Cube has an equivalent for each tier. For example, you will get a different ticket from tier 2 Chaos Dungeons and be able to enter a different Cube for tier 2 rewards. If you have a ticket you can enter the Cube as many times as you want. However, it seems like you get one drop from a Chaos Dungeon a week.

How to Unlock the Cube

In order to access the Cube, you need to be level 50, complete the Vern questline, and be at least item level 302. You will also need a cube ticket to obtain the guide quest. Tickets can be obtained as a random drop from Chaos Dungeons and/or from a random drop from a box you can get from the guild exchange (Symael Bloodstone) vendor.

What does the Cube Give You

  • Silver
  • Masterpieces
  • Honing success rate materials
  • Engravings
  • Exp Cards

Boss Rush

What is Boss Rush


Boss Rush is very straightforward. You defeat 15 waves of bosses and it is not overly difficult, but it is faster and safer in a group. There is a tier 3 version when you obtain item level 1302.

How do you Unlock Boss Rush

In order to access Boss Rush, you need to be level 50 and be at least item level 802 (tier 2). Like the Cube, you will need a ticket to obtain the guide quest.

What does Boss Rush Give You

  • A lot of leapstones
  • A lot of gems
  • Masterpieces

Side note, you can accept a weekly Una’s Tasks before entering a Boss Rush for a decent amount of leapstones.

Ghost Ships


What are Ghost Ships

Ghost Ships have you board a ghost ship and fight a few groups of enemies and then a boss. There are different Ghost Ships for each tier (item levels 460, 960, 1370). You can find the Ghost Ships on the map, in the alarm menu, and in Procyon's Compass.

How to Unlock Ghost Ships

In order to participate in Ghost Ships you need to be level 50, obtain item level 460, and reach Rohendel.

What do Ghost Ships Give You

  • Honing materials
  • Honing success rate materials
  • Engraving books
  • Cards

Things to Keep in Mind


  • Wait in safe waters until there is less than one minute before the spawn. This is because if your ship breaks you cannot enter a Ghost Ship. You’ll also miss the event because the Ghost Ship will disappear before you come back.
  • You will be slowed on the ship so it may be a bit tough to dodge.
  • Use feathers if you die because otherwise, you won’t be able to get back in.
  • Accept the Una’s Task daily before you do your weekly Ghost Ship.

Chaos Dungeons (Infinite Chaos Dungeon)

After you complete your 2 Chaos Dungeon runs you can still enter. However, you will not get the normal rewards. Instead, you get different currencies you can exchange for materials.

  • Shards from Tier 1 and 2 - Honing materials, green engravings (from tier 1), and blue engravings (from tier 2). There are bound per character and the exchange shop is separate per character.
  • Shards from Tier 3 - Honing materials, honing success materials, and tripod success materials. These are tradable but the total amount bought is shared per roster not character.
  • Crystals/Fragments (orb looking ones) - Accessories

These exchange shops refresh every week on Thursday.

Una’s Tasks (Weeklies)


Una’s Tasks also have weekly missions. You can do 3 tasks a week per character, and each character you do Una’s Tasks on will contribute to your Una’s Token threshold.

The rewards you can get are:

  • Leapstones
  • Shards
  • Silver

Other Notes

This section is for other content in the game that doesn't fall under the categories mentioned above.

The Tower

There are two 50 floor towers. One tower is for tier 1 and another for tier 2. Upon the first completion, you'll get some account-wide buffs like stat potions, cards, skill potions, etc. However, once you clear the tower every subsequent clear (by alternate characters) will grant honing materials. The floors are much like the cube where you'll defeat enemies, defeat bosses, and survive for a certain amount of time among other things.


Pity for some Daily Tasks

Pity is a system that allows players to not fall too far behind if they don’t play some days. For every event, you don’t do (Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids, Una’s Tasks dailies) you get 10 points (half a bar) of pity. Therefore, if you don’t do both your Chaos Dungeons for example you will get one full bar. Once you have pity built up the next event you do (each event has its own pity) will receive double the rewards. Effectively making it so that if you miss a day and return the next day (4 Chaos Dungeons) you will get rewards for 3 Chaos Dungeons. You can have a total of 100 points of pity, in other words, 5 times you can claim double loot.

Up Next: Argos Guide

PreviousDaily TasksNextArgos Guide

Top Guide Sections

  • Beginner's Tips and Strategies
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  • Collectibles
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Endgame Activities - Lost Ark Wiki Guide - IGN (1)

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Endgame Activities - Lost Ark Wiki Guide - IGN (2024)


Is Lost Ark endgame hard? ›

Lost Ark's character mechanics and combat unfold at a steady pace — the grind to level 50 teaches the basics — but the endgame is the true challenge. It can be a bit grindy at times, but it never stops feeling rewarding, especially since the combat-focused content feels more involved than most games of its ilk.

Does Lost Ark have endgame content? ›

Lost Ark endgame activities start at level 50, but some of them are more useful for the day-to-day grind while others you'll want to prioritize completing weekly.

How do you get to the endgame fast in Lost Ark? ›

The only way to progress in Lost Ark is through the story. You have to complete story missions. They start out as yellow / gold markers and become purple in the second half. Only complete story missions and ignore every other quest on your map.

Can you play Lost Ark endgame solo? ›

The solo endgame is limited

When you first reach endgame, the first things you're likely to do are chaos dungeons, which are also quite solo friendly. From there you'll soon find your way to the Spire, which is solo-only. But then there are guardian raids. The game lets you solo these, but it isn't really practical.

How to level from 50 to 60 Lost Ark? ›

Completing the main story quests along the way will award you enough experience to reach level 52. From here you will be able to unlock the training camp at your stronghold that you will use to level up alts 50-60.

What is the hardest achievement in Lost Ark? ›

Undoubtedly, "Invincible Army" is the hardest achievement to complete in Lost Ark since it relies on other players not dying in a Chaos Gate run. And to make matters worse, every Chaos Gate is randomized, meaning players will have to pray to the RNG gods to get an easy run.

What is the fastest mount skill in Lost Ark? ›

Many players cite Cerebrus as being one of the fastest and most efficient mounts obtainable in Lost Ark. It has an impressive mount speed of 500, which will allow players to travel the world in the shortest time possible. The Cerberus mount also has the longest dodge in the game, further boosting its overall speed.

What is cheating in Lost Ark? ›

Section 3 within the Code of Conduct outlines the guideline: "play fair." A Cheating penalty means that the player violated that guideline. Example: Using an automated program that plays the game on behalf of a human player.

How long does Tier 1 take Lost Ark? ›

The world quest here is around 2 hours long but provides you with a starting set of level 302 gear.

How long to get to endgame Lost Ark? ›

You can absolutely reach endgame in 300-400 hours but probably 1302-1340 range.

Which class has highest DPS in Lost Ark? ›

As said before, we consider Paladin as the Best ranked DPS Lost Ark and is thoroughly enjoyed by players. They can also unleash melee damage, meaning you can rely on them to deal attack after attack needed to obliterate any kind of enemy. Their damage is scaled primarily off of strength.

What is the longest range class in Lost Ark? ›

Sharpshooter (Gunner — Male)

The only purely long-ranged character class in Lost Ark, the Sharpshooter has a high damage output, a strong stagger ability, and adds a 6% damage increase buff to the whole team.

Is Lost Ark still fun 2023? ›

Fast forward to 2023 and many of us can't imagine life without the game – especially those of us who've spent years playing the other games mentioned above. Lost Ark has become a must-play for MMO fans and the RPG has a truly exciting roadmap of content ahead.

Are abyss dungeons soloable? ›

Unlike Chao Dungeons and normal dungeons, Abyss Dungeons aren't solo-able and require an entire team. Everyone also needs to meet the item level requirements. More importantly, each player needs to know their role and class properly. Abyss Dungeons has more of an emphasis on boss mechanics.

Can you solo chaos dungeons in Lost Ark? ›

Chaos Dungeons are an endgame activity in Lost Ark that can be embarked on solo or with up to four players. In a Chaos Dungeon, you'll be tasked with slaying monsters to fill a progress gauge in five-minute intervals. Defeating enough monsters will open a portal to a new zone and reset your timer.

How long does 1 50 take in Lost Ark? ›

Certain dungeons, raids, and more are accessible after a player has made it to the coveted level 50. It can take a bit of a grind to get there, however. Some players have spent dozens of hours moving through the game at their own pace, but the consensus is that it takes between 25 and 30 hours.

How much damage does level 55 increase Lost Ark? ›

At level 55, you can upgrade your skills to level 11 for a 10% damage boost. At level 60, you can level your skills to 12 for another 5% damage boost.

How do you farm XP in Lost Ark? ›

The best way to level up fast in Lost Ark is by focusing on main quests. Rush through the story to bag large XP rewards and you'll find yourself at max level in no time. As you complete these quests, you will travel through the various zones in Lost Ark.

How long does 10 50 take Lost Ark? ›

The current world record for reaching level 50 in Lost Ark stands at about 10 hours. However, for a new player, it's more likely to take between 15 and 20 hours to achieve level 50, which is still comparatively quick for an MMO. The duration could be longer if you opt to complete all quests along the way.

How many skill points should I have at 50 Lost Ark? ›

Every character in Lost Ark has a combat level and with each level you will unlock more Skill Points. As such, when reaching level 50, you will have a total of 252 points to work with. Then an additional 60 points as you reach level 60 for a total of 312 Skill Points at max level.

What happens after level 100 ark? ›

Once you have reached this limit, you will not be able to level up anymore. On Ark Mobile, the maximum player level is 100, without the need to defeat Bosses. Creatures can level up 88 times. Once your creature has reached this limit, they will not be able to level up anymore.

What video game has the longest end credits? ›

Conversation. The longest end credits in a videogame lasted 3 hours 47 minutes 50 seconds – that's more than 10 minutes longer than either of the Oscar-winning movie epics Ben Hur (1959) and Lawrence of Arabia (1962). They were in the game Mighty No. 9, a game crowdfunded through Kickstarter.

What is the number one video game ever made? ›

1. Tetris – 520 million. Arguably the most timeless video game ever created, Tetris sits comfortably atop the list of all-time bestsellers with 520 million copies sold, according to The Tetris Company.

Which life skill is the most profitable Lost Ark? ›

Excavating is objectively the best life skill to pursue on paper. It gives you materials for Oreha fusion and life skill crafting. It drains the life skill gauge the fastest out of the three while having the highest yields for successfully passing the mini-game (it can give you up to eight times the original reward).

What is the slowest Lost Ark class? ›

DESTROYER. The slowest guy in the Lost Ark who deals out massive burst damage.

What is the hardest class to master in Lost Ark? ›

Hardest class to MASTER would be gunslinger. Most abilities in the roster and very squishy, need decent apm and game knowledge to pilot optimally. Gunslinger isn't nearly as difficult as Deadeye.

What is the least played character in Lost Ark? ›

What is the least played class in Lost Ark? The least played advanced class in Lost Ark is Wardancer, which makes up 2.83% of all characters. Wardancer makes up 17.29% of all characters that are Martial Artists, including both the Female and Male versions of the Martial Artist class.

What is the cheapest class build in Lost Ark? ›

Shadowhunter is cheapest class in the game and is not hard to play with . Green barelly heals you since the rework, 65% dmg reduction with 25% max health is an effective HP loss of about 20-25% compared to other classes, so you have less survivalbility.

What can you solo in Lost Ark? ›

Lost Ark doesn't restrict players from playing solo, but you should consider a few things before committing to this playstyle. The game can be challenging when alone as you don't have other players assisting you in fights with other classes and abilities.

What is the most gear score in Lost Ark? ›

Lost Ark. KR has a max gear score on 1620 btw. most people who play there sit on like 3-6 alts . seems alot but they actually do basic stuff just to fuel mats.

What is the highest equipped item level in Lost Ark? ›

Items can reach up to +20 ranks before they need to be replaced, although tier thresholds occur when you reach +15. For this reason, we do not recommend that you increase an item beyond +15 unless you're already at T3.

How do you get to 50 fast in Lost Ark? ›

In brief, if you want to get to level 50 fast, here's what you should do: Focus on main quests: This is your go-to for Lost Ark leveling. Completing main quests will give you tons of experience that will scale as you progress through the story.

Is Lost Ark sexualized? ›

Lost Ark follows FFXIV in its overt sexualization of both male and female characters, making the whole thing more even than the likes of WoW. Our demonic antagonist in Lost Ark is clad only in a swirling, feathered ebony cloak, with a V-necked corset-style shirt and tight leather pants (see below).

Why are alts good in Lost Ark? ›

Lost Ark is a game with great emphasis on having several alternate characters (alts) to help progress a player's account. Alts bring various benefits including additional honing materials, gold, silver, and other quality of life features.

Is Lost Ark banning for inactivity? ›

In a move that has left countless gamers confused and frustrated, Lost Ark has issued permanent bans on inactive players, some with dozens of hours of playtime and others who have spent money on the free-to-play game.

What is the level 460 to 600 in Lost Ark? ›

Tier 1: Phase 4 (Level 460-600)

You will reach Rohendel, progress your main quest, and then upgrade your gear with the newly unlocked dungeons. You still have to do the same activities above to gather mats, but you also get access to new raids and dungeons, so continue to do the level appropriate ones.

Is Lost Ark Endgame good? ›

Lost Ark's character mechanics and combat unfold at a steady pace — the grind to level 50 teaches the basics — but the endgame is the true challenge. It can be a bit grindy at times, but it never stops feeling rewarding, especially since the combat-focused content feels more involved than most games of its ilk.

How to get from 1100 to 1302 Lost Ark? ›

After completing the quests, continue doing the following to gear up from 1100 to 1370: Chaos Dungeon: run Punika Level 1 (1100+) to get item level 1302 gear. Guardian Raid Level 5 (1302+) Abyssal Dungeons: Oreha's Well (1325+)

How long is the game from 50 to 60 in Lost Ark? ›

You're looking at around 5 hours of extra gameplay to go through the remaining main questline after reaching level 50 to unlock raids and chaos dungeons in North Vern. To reach level 60, the maximum level in Lost Ark, you're looking at hundreds of hours of gameplay.

What level does Tier 3 start? ›

Tier 3 is the current end of the game's content, which covers 1100 Item Level and Higher.

Is Lost Ark easy or hard? ›

Overall, Lost Ark is a difficult game. In fact, it is relatively easy for players to upgrade the character's level to the highest level in this game. Players only need to follow the main quest to play the game to easily reach the highest level.

How long does it take to endgame Lost Ark? ›

You can absolutely reach endgame in 300-400 hours but probably 1302-1340 range.

What is the most difficult Lost Ark? ›

Kakul-Saydon Legion Raid Inferno Mode: The most difficult version of Legion Raids, the Inferno difficulty is all about proving you're among the best of the best in Arkesia, and earning the accompanying prestige.

Is Lost Ark raiding hard? ›

Raiding in lost ark is definitely much harder than what most people are used to, but its not really hard IMO because of requiring fast reflexes or crazy reads. Its because of party members who don't understand mechanics, lack patience and bring down team morale.

What is the hardest PvE class in Lost Ark? ›

The Gunslinger is one of the most difficult classes to learn how to play effectively in both PvE and PvP, though the high skill ceiling does come with the reward of high damage output.

What is the most unpopular class in Lost Ark? ›

The most played advanced classes in Lost Ark are Sorceress, Berserker, and Shadowhunter, and the least played advanced classes are Wardancer, Scrapper, and Deadeye.

How long to hit level 50 Lost Ark? ›

The current world record for reaching level 50 in Lost Ark stands at about 10 hours. However, for a new player, it's more likely to take between 15 and 20 hours to achieve level 50, which is still comparatively quick for an MMO. The duration could be longer if you opt to complete all quests along the way.

What is the AFK time limit in Lost Ark? ›

The default timer of 15 minutes is the lowest you can set it to, but it maxes out at 60 minutes for those who need to stay away from their keyboards for a little longer.

What is the most fast class in Lost Ark? ›

The Deathblade is the complete opposite. It is ranked as one of the fastest classes in the game and is able to stun enemies in multiple ways while applying damage over time.

Who is the hardest boss in Lost Ark? ›

Aurion is literally the hardest boss in the game.

Should you do dungeons on hard Lost Ark? ›

Although the challenge is harder, the recommended gear levels and ratings remain the same, so players will not be required to have better armor and weapons to attempt the dungeons on the harder difficulty. This is one of the reasons why it's recommended that players attempt the dungeons on hard early on in the game.

What are the hardest dungeons in Lost Ark? ›

The Abyss dungeons are probably the hardest of all the Lost Ark dungeons and have to be completed cooperatively, with the number of players specified by the dungeon.

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