Lost Ark Progression Guide: From Level 10 to Tier 3 EndGame (2024)

This guide focuses on getting you to the Tier 3 Content in Lost Ark quickly from a fresh start, to give you the best start possible!

Getting Progress on your character in Lost Ark is easy enough in the start, where you focus on gaining levels. What about after that? This guide is meant to help you prepare yourself and your account from a starting point on making your first character. This will cover all the way up to what is referred to as Tier 3 Content.

Table of contents

  • What is a “Main Class” in Lost Ark
  • What are Content Tiers in Lost Ark
  • Tier Zero: Leveling to 50
  • Tier One: Start of Endgame in Lost Ark
  • Tier Two: Tier 2 Islands, Yorn, and Feiton
  • Tier Three: Punika and Beyond

Please note the Table of Contents only lists the major segment of the guide. Each segment is divided into sub-sections covering your progression in great detail as each step is explained individually.

What is a “Main Class” in Lost Ark

“Main” is the term for the character you’re planning to focus on long-term. Whether it’s sending over materials to hone your gear from another character or other means of additional progression, this is the character you’re excited to play for one reason or another and will put most of your time into.

While this isn’t a make-or-break decision, as you’ll have lots of options to change this later on, the most important thing is picking a class you’re comfortable with and find enjoyable. If you only care about speed, then finding a class that has good mobility is usually a priority, though most will have several movement options available.

In my own case, I chose Bard initially. I did eventually end up changing because I found Deadeye to be more enjoyable overall as they were a bit more damage-heavy and more mobile. While Bard didn’t struggle with clearing content even in Tier 2, it wasn’t nearly as enjoyable to play solo, even using more damage-focused builds.

If you want to switch, you’ll have a couple of solid points through your progression where you might consider it and it will be really easy. There are things you can still unlock that will speed up the process of switching. We’ll be noting the points at which these options are easier or more readily available, as most are post-50.

What are Content Tiers in Lost Ark

To put it shortly, the endgame content of Lost Ark is broken up into 3 levels of gearing and progression, which are referred to as Tiers.

Tier 1 is all the content from Level 10 up to Level 50 until you reach Tier 2. This will be your Story Quests and World Quests including Islands up to Rohendel. It ends when you Reach Gear Score 600, as that’s the threshold where you begin Tier 2. You’ll hit 600 Item Level by reaching +15 across all of your gear, which can take a while.

Lost Ark Progression Guide: From Level 10 to Tier 3 EndGame (1)

Tier 2 is the content you unlock at Gear Score 600, up until 1100 Gear Score. There will be more World Quests and Islands, starting in Yorn. These islands and your dailies can very quickly boost you close to 1100 very quickly. You’ll also finish this section in Feiton, giving you a couple of questlines to get materials and from in addition to Islands. Much like Tier 1, You’ll hit 1100 Item Level when your gear is +15.

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Tier 3 is the current end of the game’s content, which covers 1100 Item Level and Higher. As more content is added and new gear becomes available, the peak Item Level will continue to increase, but it will always be a long-term goal. There are no islands to help you here, so you won’t hit the top end of this tier as quickly as Tiers 1 and 2.

Tier Zero: Leveling to 50

This section will cover all of Tier Zero’s content, starting from Level 10 up to Level 50. Tier Zero is not an official term, and just how we will refer to the content prior to level 50.

Levels 10 ~ 35: Rethramis, Yudia, and Luterra

For the majority of your progress through this section, you’ll only want to focus on your Main Story Quests, or MSQs. They’ll be able to quickly get you through the story and your early levels quite quickly. There are little things you can do along the way that can help speed things up and make your life easier or get you very helpful things along the way.

Once you’ve completed this section of the game, you’ll have unlocked the Life Skills, Open Seas, Strongholds, and most importantly the Training Grounds. Since this is really early into progression, this is often the first point where you could consider starting a new main.

The Training Ground gives you full access to try your later skills and Tripod combinations. If the class and skills don’t feel that great to you, then you can switch and leave the character as an alt for later. It won’t be recommended to swap again until early Tier 2, when you can get a character to Level 50 and through Tier 1 Gearing quickly.

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When leveling, be sure to also use your skill points to max out or reach the threshold on your Skill Tripods. These happen at Levels 4, requiring 4 Skill Points; Level 7, requiring 20 Skill Points; and Level 10, requiring 48 Skill Points. Try to prioritize AoE skills primarily while still having a decent single target skill or two as well to cover the content you’ll deal with.

If you want more information on Tripods, we have a helpful Guide for Lost Ark’s Tripod System. This will teach you why these thresholds are important and more about the Tripod System.

The MSQ will guide you for most of the way through the content and you’ll reach East Luterra in roughly 12 or so hours of playtime, depending on your pace. Once You finish East Luterra, you’ll be given the Estoque, your first ship for the Open Sea content. From here’s we’ll be sailing to a couple of other continents to complete World Quests (which replace your MSQ) as well as Reach Level 50.

Optionally, you can make sure to keep your Song of Return set here, or a Bifrost point (Alt+ W) near Serenity Island, as we’ll be coming back here later. This is optional as we’ll be able to take a Liner to return as well, it’ll just cost Silver and a bit of time.

Optional Time Investments

One thing I did, was always defeated Elite enemies as they showed up. While this takes a few seconds, they often drop potions and also will save time later on if you come back to 100% the Adventurer’s Tome for these regions. The Potions will keep you topped up without needing to buy potions ever.

There are also time-limited Quests called Sudden quests, which show up in certain areas and give decent rewards. You shouldn’t do all of these, just the ones that overlap with Quest objectives. These often give boosts of XP and some additional items which can be useful at Level 50, depending on what they reward you with.

I also went to call-outs for World Bosses. These will typically take a few minutes for an on-level group to get through but they have decent drops as well as a first defeat reward which helps with getting decent gear. These can’t really be taken on solo while you’re at the same level as the area, so if there’s not a call-out, don’t bother too much. The bonus they give at this point is small.

Even though you’ll also get Life Skills towards the end of this section, don’t focus on them too much. You will want to get a bit of Wood from Logging and Iron from Mining, to be able to get some upgrades for your Stronghold, which you also get not long after getting Trade Skills. These materials will primarily be used to upgrade facilities as your progress and expand your Roster Storage.

Finally, it’s good to focus on the Welcome Challenges. They give a lot of good rewards, from Silver to Materials and even a bit of gold or useful items. In later tiers, they’re super helpful for progressing your character.

Levels 35 – 50: Tortoyk, Anikka, Arthentine

For this section, much like the previous sets of quests, you’ll want to focus on doing your main quests, and continuing with Welcome Challenges if they are available.

At this point, your MSQ can be hidden as progress will come from completing each of the World Quests for Tortoyk, Annika, Arthentine, and North Vern. You’ll also reach Level 50 before the end of this section.

Each of these world quests is really short and you can complete each of them in about an hour or two each.

Tier One: Start of Endgame in Lost Ark

This section will cover the Level 50 content starting from the End of Arthentine, where you should reach Level 50.

North Vern

Upon completing this section of the game, you’ll have access to the start of Tier 1 variations of the endgame daily and weekly content. This consists of Abyssal Dungeons, Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids. You’ll also gain access to your Awakening Skill, which comes from a quest.

Since you’re now level 50, your concern becomes Item Level, and not character level. There will be an easier way to progress character level much later on, but you’ll still end up being close to or past Level 51 by the end of this section.

We’ll start this section off by following the World Quest that leads us through North Vern. This questline will give us access to Guide Quests that will unlock Guardian Raids and Chaos Dungeon. We’ll be waiting until after Shushire’s completion alongside a few islands to start those dailies when we can benefit from them more readily as well as get the absolute most out of them.

Upon completion of North Vern, you’ll be given the Sturmbrecher ship, which enables you to sail into the frozen sea. You’ll need this for the initial Shushire quest later, but we won’t be equipping it just yet. Afterward, you can return to using whatever ship you’d like.

Before we leave North Vern, use the Song of Trixion to visit Beatrice after unlocking your Chaos Dungeons. She’ll have a quest that unlocks your Awakening skill, a very powerful skill with a really long cooldown. You only have to do this once, so any characters you make will only need to visit Beatrice to unlock this unless you use a Powerpass or Knowledge Transfer to jump them forward, which will do this at the same time.

Tier 1 Islands

Here’s where progression gets a little hectic and crazy. Before we head to Shushire, we’re gonna make a bunch of trips to various islands found in the open seas while on the way there. Remember earlier how we said to keep East Luterra as Song of Return, or to set a Bifrost point near Serenity Island? It’s time to use it.

Serenity Island

Regardless of how you saved this location, or if you take the Liner, depart in your ship and head to Serenity Island.

Lost Ark Progression Guide: From Level 10 to Tier 3 EndGame (4)

This Island starts with a hidden quest, which can be gotten by interacting with the wooden scrap just a bit to the Southeast of where you enter the island. This will end up having you fetch materials for a Blacksmith by re-visiting a couple of previous dungeons.

The last quest in the chain of three will send us to the Morai Ruins, way back in Saland Hills to defeat the final boss for a material. So we’ll be sailing back over to East Luterra and Triporting to the nearby Triport location for this. It’s a good idea to clear this on whichever difficulty you didn’t complete on your way through Yudia initially. This just gets you a bit Adventurer’s Tome progress.

The other place it will send us is Tortoyk’s Heart, over in the Forest of Giants on Tortoyk. We don’t need to fully complete this dungeon, just far enough to get the materials we need for the quest, then we can use Song of Escape. If you do wish to get it out of the way for Adventure’s Tome, you can just complete it on the difficulty you left uncleared earlier.

Once this Quest is done, you’ll have gotten a ton of Enchanting materials, as well as additional Skill Points, and the Serenity Island Token. Then we’re off to the next set of islands

Blackfang’s Den and Freedom Island

Our next two stops are these two small islands further East and surrounded by Tempest Seas. Don’t worry you won’t be affected long enough to take significant damage from the Hazardous Waters.

First up is Blackfang’s Den. Here we’ll be doing all the quests available; both the yellow quests and purple Adventure Quests. These will award you with a nice both of Silver, Pirate Coins, and Sailing Coins. The Pirate Coins and Sailing Coins have many uses in the game, so they’re always good to have around.

The yellow quests will unlock both an Una’s Task as well as the option to build Rapport with Blackfang. Both of these play a part in getting the best ship in the game, the Astray. However, these are best done much later as there are better tasks to do as dailies. Getting this ship requires maxed out Rapport with Blackfang to build, and many other things are done for it to be the best ship you can get. It’ll be a huge cost in terms of Pirate Coins to get, so you’ll get it much later.

The Purple quests reward the Sailing Coins and a small handful of gold, however, we won’t be able to get the purple quests done on our first trip here. Just make sure you complete it up to the point where it asks you to visit Peyto, as we’ll be headed there later.

After this, we’re heading to Freedom Island, a short distance North of Blackfang’s Den.

This is a very quick series of yellow quests that we’ll be doing, which are mostly walking and talking to NPCs. Which we’ll be doing to get heaps of Pirate Coins and Sailing Coins, as well as Green Class Engraving books and Blue Combat Engraving Books.

If you wish, while you’re here, you can make use of those Sailing Coin boxes. If you want to pick up the Roar Emote while you’re here, you’ll be able to use it later on when we visit Peyto Island and progress the Una’s Task. To do so you’ll need plenty of boxes as the emote costs a whopping 3,600 Gienah’s Coins.

There is a caveat to doing this though, as opening your boxes for these will mean less Pirate coins to work with later as we’ll also be spending a bunch of those once we get to Peyto.

Lullaby Island

From Freedom Island, we’ll be sailing Northwest to Lullaby Island. This island has an Important Una’s Task that will want to be able to Bifrost to as the event here happens. But we’ll be stopping here to unlock it for later, as it requires the Song of Resonance to complete. We’ll be getting this very soon though.

We’re going to be doing the Purple quests here, which will give us access to the above-mentioned Una’s Task, which is one step towards being able to complete Deamgull Island (which gives a ton of goodies) later.

The first quest we get will send us in search of three Fairies, which are hiding around the center of the island. Each of these fairies needs to be given a specific set of responses to continue the quest. The final quest will require us to complete the Una’s Task here a few times.

To find these fairies normally, you’d have to wander around and look for their singing speech bubbles, or the Quest marker that appears when they’re nearby. Thankfully you won’t have to do any searching or guessing as to how to respond to them.

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The First Fairy is located to the Northeast of the center, near the dip in the path there. To get through the dialogue, you have to respond with the following:

  1. First Response
  2. First Response
  3. Second Response
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The Second fairy is found just Southwest of the path that leads Eastward. To this fairy you have to give the following responses:

  1. Second Response
  2. Second Response
  3. First Response
  4. First Response
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The last fairy will be found just North West of the second, or in the little dip in the path that heads North. To get through this dialogue you need to use the following responses:

  1. First Response
  2. First Response
  3. Second Response
  4. Second Response
  5. First Response
  6. First Response

After this, you’ll be asked to do the Una’s Task here to complete the quest. So head over to the East side of the Island and set a Bifrost here. You’ll need to come back a few times to get everything you need.

When you do return to do the Una’s Task, you’ll need to do it at least 3 times to complete the quest and unlock the Forest’s Minuet song. You’ll also want to keep doing this Una’s Task until you receive the Lullaby Island Token as well, which is RNG so it could take a while. It’s an Easy Una’s Task with a decent reward.

Totosilver Island and Astella Island

Next up is Totosilver Island to the Northwest, just north of Tortoyk. Here we’ll just be doing a short quest chain that will unlock a Rapport NPC, an emote that gets used a few times later on, and a quick Una’s Task that can be done here as well. It’s mostly walking and talking to NPC, so there’s not a ton to explain here.

After Totosilver Island we’ll be headed to Astella Island, which is a bit further Northwest. This is another island that goes pretty quick, but the main reason we’re here is to complete the questline, which awards 8 Combat Engraving Books and 4 Class Engraving Books.

This quest is mostly walking and collecting things outside of two parts of the quest chain. The third part of the quest chain starts by interacting with the glowing flowers found near the initial quest NPC. The Final step has you looking for a strange object. This object can be found most commonly on either one of the two Southern-most points of the island. It does spawn elsewhere, so you may need to look around if it’s not in either location mentioned.

After the quests are done, you’re free to Leave. However, while you’re here, you can take a moment to continue to collect falling stars. This can award you the Astella Island Token, as well as extra currencies for the exchange vendor which can net you more Engravings and Pirate Coins. It’s your choice to go for this Token now or come back for it later.

Turtle Island (optional)

If you choose to do so, you can head to Turtle Island that’s North East of Astella Island. This is a bit of a lengthy quest chain to complete, however doing so will get you another 18 Combat Engraving Books and access to another Island Token.

If your goal is to progress quickly, skip this island. However, the Island Token will help you later on by not having to come back for it. However, the extra engraving books will help you a fair bit by allowing you to get most of a Level 1 Learned Engraving.

Starlight Island and Panda Island

Next up is Starlight Island. This is just a brief stop to get this quest chain going. It will eventually have you heading to Shushire. Once the quest reaches that point you’re free to continue to the next island.

Onwards to Panda Island. This is a very quick pair of quests that you visit a few hidden locations on Panda Island and check up on various things on the island. Despite how short these quests are, they reward you with a ton of materials to use to upgrade later.

For the Quest that has you visiting three hidden locations, the first location can be found in the Northwest corner of the island. Right near where you jump up to the middle of the island, head north instead to walk along a hidden path between the trees to a glowing mark on the ground.

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The next location can be found on the very southern tip of the island, there’s a pair of statues here you can walk between on the Southwestern corner here. Follow this path to reach the hidden area after a series of jumps.

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The final location can be found along another hidden path along the Western side of the island. This can be found slightly to the south of the path that connects the Western side to the center area.

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With those quests done, we’re ready to move on.

Peyto Island

This is less of an island and more of a cruise ship of sorts. However, there are a lot of things we need to get done here. On top of starting the Peyto quest chain, which requires a week’s worth of doing Peyto’s Una Tasks to fully complete this quest.

This, unfortunately, can’t be finished past the 5th day without the Roar emote from Freedom Island, so it’ll have to wait until then. Thankfully the thing we need for now comes from the initial yellow quest, which is the Sway emote. This will also be used for Dreamgull Island

On top of that, we also need to do the quest step for Blackfang’s Den Adventure Quest. We also need to start the Adventure quest from the upper deck, which will take us to Glacier Island which we’ll be doing later.

Last but not least, we also need to purchase the Song of Resonance from Treasure Hunter Igran, located in the northeast corner of the main deck. This costs a whopping 16,500 Pirate Coins, which you should have thanks to the previous islands.

We need this to do the Lullaby Island Una’s Task to complete the quest for Forest’s Minuet. Now that we have this, keep an eye on the alarms that show up in the upper left and go to it until you get Forest’s Minuet and the Lullaby Island Soul.

Once all of that is done, we’re free to move on to the next islands.

Golden Wave and White Wave Islands

Golden Wave Island only unlocks an Una’s Task here via its really short quest but also rewards us with some quick Class Engraving books.

If you choose to do so, you can also set a Bifrost here for a quick and easy daily Una’s Task, if you have a spare. Lullaby Island should be the one you have for now, but if you have extra slots from Crystalline Aura, go ahead and save this island as an optional Una’s Task.

While doing the Una’s Task here, look for the fancy chests. Opening these have a chance to also award you the Golden Wave Island Soul. After you get this Soul, you can freely swap this Una for another

For White Wave Island, we’ll only be starting the quest here, as the second step requires islands we’re not going to for a while. Accept the second part for now, and as those islands come up later, we’ll mention them.

Dreamgull Island

We’ll be starting on Dreamgull island now. If you’ve managed to get Forest’s Minuet and remember to pick up Sway from Peyto before this point, you’ll be able to complete this on the first visit. Otherwise, we’ll only be doing the quests until we hit a required song or emote that we don’t have.

This is a pretty quick quest, but I recommend using all of your mobility skills to get around, as there’s a lot of running in circles due to the island layout.


This island has a very quick quest but unlocks one of the better Una’s Tasks available. To complete this quest, you’ll need a couple of thousand Pirate Coins, which you may have leftover, or built up back up in the process of running these islands.

You’ll have to expend Pirate Coins to free prisoners here at the end of the quest. You need 3 of the Collected Information given to you by mail from prisoners as you free them. We recommend to only free the ones that cost just 300 Pirate Coins.

There’s the additional recommendation of only doing this Una’s Task until you receive the Kalthertz Island Soul. Beyond this, it will only be gambling Pirate Coins. You can still do this, as the Male prisoners that cost 900 and Female prisoners that cost 600 have a chance of returning what you pay, and then some. The 300 cost prisoners also can, but at a lower rate from our experience.

There is a limit of releasing 5 prisoners a day per roster, so only one character can do this Una daily. It’s recommended to stop doing this Una when you get the Kalthertz Island Soul, to save on Pirate Coins.

With this being a better Una’s Task, you can set a Bifrost Point here if you’ve completed Lullaby Island, or if you have a spare Bifrost point. This will also be a quick way to access Golden Wave Island, Dreamgull Island, or Shadow Island which you will have reasons to revisit.

Shadow Island

Shadow Island will allow us to access Shadespire tower later, but will also grant us some materials through its adventure quest. Shadespire will be a huge source of early engravings on the first pass-through but will still reward return trips with other characters with lots of additional materials.

This quest can be lengthy, as it’s filled with two quests that require you to defeat 100 demons. The best floors to do these are Floors 3 and 4, as they have a decent spawn count to help get through this quicker.

You’ll also need to find the bodies first, which are located on the left side of the second floor and the right side of the fourth floor. The final part of the quest asks you to defeat the boss monster on floor 5. You can attempt this and if you find it impossible you can revisit the island later after we complete Shushire and gear up a bit more.

Glacier Island and Runaways Island

Remember that Adventure quest we picked up earlier from Peyto Island? Yep, we’re finally doing it. Make your way up to Glacier Island to continue the quest. This quest will have you going back and forth between Glacier Island and Origins of Stern in Arthentine. This quest will take a bit due to the travel involved, and finishing Runaways Island’s Quests in the process but will reward heaps of materials.

Complete the quest up until you’re asked to return to Glacier Island after the Arthentine visit. This is when we’ll be detouring to quickly take care of Runaways Island Quests.

All of the Runaways Island Quests are really straightforward. You should have very little trouble finishing them. Though there are a few hidden quests here to pick up as well. There’s also an emote we need to pick up from North Vern to finish a remain quest here.

One of these hidden quests is found by interacting with a broken robot, found near a tree on the south side of the island, just east of the entry portal, on the opposite side of the river.

The second can be started from a sign in the center of the island. This second quest has you tracking down an NPC located on the eastern side of the island, barely inside the search radius they give you.

Completing the Crook Catcher Una’s Task here a for a couple of weeks will reward you with a total of 32,000 Pirate Coins as well as the Runaways Island Soul, which makes it a very easy soul to get. I recommend placing your Bifrost in the location shown below, as you have to of the necessary NPCs to your left, and the third just to the right on top of a roof.

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After these are complete, continue with the Glacier Island quest. The only step you may struggle with is the quest named A Nose for News, which has you tracking down a few specific areas to use the quest item. All of the required locations are found at the Northernmost part of the island, in a line along the middle of the small section of the island.

Shushire (Start of Tier 1 Gearing Process)

With all the major islands done we can move on to the next Continent, Shushire. If you haven’t switched at this point, make sure to head to Arthentine again to switch to the Sturmbrecher. We’ll need it to access Shushire the first time, but not beyond that.

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We’ll be doing three main things here. Starting and Finishing the World Quests for Shusire, completing another step of the Starlight Island Quest and picking up one of the easiest Una’s you can run. Make sure you keep Starlight Island’s Quest tracker during this so you don’t have to backtrack later.

Follow the World quests here to receive the Wish Equipment Chest, which is your official start of Tier 1 Gearing, being your starter Item Level 302 Gear Set. Once you obtain this gear set, make sure you set your auto dismantle setting to dismantle Rare Tier 1 Items. This armor will also drop from Chaos Dungeons, but we only need this copy of them to do what we need to.

Once the World Quests are complete you can accept and complete the Frozen Sea Una’s Task here for a few quick Leapstones that you can get by completing this daily. If you have the space to do so in your Bifrosts, you can replace Golden Wave Island if you wish as this will be a quicker Una’s Task.

At this point, you should have 20 or more Class Engraving Books and 20 or more Combat Engravings. Active the Class Engraving you wish to use for your class by using the books. Press Alt+I to open the Engravings UI, and select Class Bonuses. Click and drag them into the two open slots in the lower left of your Character Profile (P) to enable your class engraving.

After this, we’re headed back to North Vern to upgrade our gear and finish a couple of quests. Use the Ocean Liner to head there now.

North Vern Revisit

When you return to North Vern, complete the ‘Page Turners’ and ‘Becoming a Queen’ Sidequests found in Luterra Castle to get the Polite Emote we need to finish Runaways Islands.

We’ll also be accepting and completing the Guide Quests available, but mostly only the ones that reward gold or unlock any remaining features like Like Chaos Dungeons, or Guardian Raids if they are not already done.

Now, we’re going to use a lot of the materials we got from islands to upgrade our gear to +8 or Item Level 460, which will allow us to start the next section of the Tier 1 gearing process by heading to the next continent.

You can go beyond this initial limit once you have everything at +8, which limits the number of failed attempts you may get while honing. You’re free to go as high as your luck will take you, as it will make the next continent quicker. If you have enough material to hit it already, stop once all gear is +15, as that will be the start of Tier 2.

Before you leave, you can optionally go to the Abyssal Dungeon Entrance found in the Northeast. Complete both stages of this and visit the Abyss Gear Crafter in the Southwest to craft your first Abyssal Gear set. Base sure to use the Gear Transfer system to transfer your +8 (or higher) upgrades to this new set. This has some extra stats and set bonuses that will help you clear upcoming content a bit faster.

Once this is done, take the Ocean Liner up to Arthentine, where we’ll begin the next sections.

Island Cleanup and Rohendel

This section will clean up the remaining islands we can do for Tier 1 materials, then grab a lot of Tier 2 Materials on the way to Rohendel.


While we’re here in Arthentine, stop by the news station, or where you were go back and forth from for the Glacier Island quest previously. We’re picking up a quest here that will lead us to some upcoming islands. After picking this up we can head out and clean up other quests.

Facility X-301

Just outside of Arthentine is the next stop for Starlight Island’s quest, Facility X-301. We need to stop here mainly for the mentioned quest, but we can also clean up this island’s quests and repeatable quests to save time later on.

First thing first, clear up the quests here and pick up the repeatable quest here. The reward for doing this will be used later after Rohendel. We want to grab this, so we can work on it while we hunt down the Base Guard for an Eye Sensor to progress Starlight Island’s quest.

The Base Guard here spawn every 5 minutes, and can be found in three locations. the first location is in the middle of the island, a bit Southwest of where the Daily Quest starts.

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The second can be found to the Southwest, on the wide bridge here.

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The third location can be found in the Southeast, in the area just beyond the pipes you can cross from the southern part of this island.

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Defeat one of these to get your Eye Sensor, and stay until you complete the daily quest. Hold on to the entry ticket for now, we’ll need it later for the Second Awakening quest in Rohendel. If you see other players here that appear to be doing the same things, invite them to a party as both of these quests can share progress.

Runaways Island

Starting from Arthentine, we’ll be headed up to Runaways Island to take care of the final quests there. If it’s a new day since you’ve been here last, go ahead and do the Una’s task while you’re here if you wish. It should just be a quest or two remaining here.

Shadow Island

If you’ve been attempting to clear Shadespire Tower and have reached at least the 25th floor, you can finish up the quest here for some extra materials. Additionally, you can also try to make the push to clear Floor 50 for a lot of extra engraving books, collectibles, Runes, and even some Skill Point Potions.

In addition to this, all characters that clear the tower after this will gets heaps of extra materials to quickly push with, though they will still need to clear the required Item levels to climb the tower.

If you already have a second character at this point, you can also opt to boost their item level a little to clear this tower without using your first character to allow them to earn the materials and accelerate their progression a bit more. Though it’s not recommended to go past Floor 24 if you do, as the material cost beyond that point isn’t worth it.

Dreamgull Island

If you’ve been keeping up with Lullaby Island’s Co-op Event and have gotten Forest’s Minuet, here’s another good opportunity to complete it if you’ve got the song. If you haven’t gotten the song, make sure you come back when you do.

Starlight Island

Having been to Shushire and Facility X-301, this quest can now be moved to the next step. Stop by and progress the quest until it sends you Prideholme. We’ll be finishing this after we complete Rohendel.

Sunflower Island

Start the Adventure quests here and follow it until it asks you to to the Peyto. It’s our next stop anyways and has you visit a lot of the upcoming places in this guide.


We’re making a quick stop here to make progress on the quests we picked up in Arthentine and Sunflower Island, which will send us to a few of the upcoming islands. The Quest from Arthentine will be under Aiwana Island in the Journal, which is our final island for this quest.

After completing the quest steps here, head back to Sunflower Island. We’ll also start tracking the White Wave Island quest again since the islands we need to visit are on the way to our destination.


Sunflower Island’s quest will send you here next. Thankfully it’s not too far away and a quick quest step. After finishing the step for Sunflower Island, return to Sunflower Island.

East Luterra

We’re going to make a quick pitstop here to progress Starlight Island and Sunflower island.

To progress Starlight Island Use the Triport option while docked and head to Prideholme and make your way to the chapel. Complete the quest step here and it will send you to Sunbright Hill, Which is also in Luterra. Head to the Sunflower field there and complete the quest step.

To complete the Sunflower Island quest step here, head to Luterra Castle. Head to the Cathedral here and talk to Caamilia here and follow the quest markers to nearby interactable objects.

After this, we’ll be headed to Wavestrand Port, which is still in Luterra. Head to the tavern here and talk to Caamilia again and she’ll eventually head to Sunflower Island, which we can return to and complete the quest there now, which will unlock Masterpiece Collectibles.

At this point, you can take the Ocean Liner to Annika and finish up Both Starlight and Sunflower Islands if you want to now. They give a fair bit of materials each, so it’s worth it to not have to come back for them later or forget about them.


We’re finally to the next continent, Rohendel. Here we’ll be completing the World Quest for Rohendel. The World quest here can feel a bit lengthy at times, but if you have decent AoE it will go by decently quick.

Optionally, as you make your way from North Vern to Rohendel, you can clear most of the Tier 2 Islands listed later in this guide on the way there to have a stock of material to immediately push your Item level higher.

Lost Ark Progression Guide: From Level 10 to Tier 3 EndGame (16)

After completing Rohendel’s World Quest, there’s one very important and lengthy quest we absolutely should do. Not only will it give us extra Materials, at the very end of this quest we’ll also get a Skill Point Potion as well as your Second Awakening. Your Second Awakening Skill gives quite a few classes a good alternative to their current Awakening Skill. This will only ever need to be completed once, and subsequent characters will be able to collect their second awakening from Beatrice in Trixion.

Additionally, at this point, you’ll also be granted two Vern Power Passes. You can use them to create a Character and immediately start it in North Vern at level 50.

If your Stronghold has Reached Level 5, you’ll also be able to unlock access to the Knowledge Transfer System in your Stronghold. This will work similarly to a Vern Power Pass but has a limit and a few extra steps. You need to play manually up until you reach Prideholme and have access to Sheet Music. After this take the character to the Stronghold and you can use Knowledge Transfer to get more Level 50 characters very quickly.

If you make any additional characters now, I recommend only doing Dailies and weeklies, but not upgrading past Item Level 340 until your first character has completed Yorn and unlocked a useful stronghold upgrade. This will allow them to build up upgrade materials and hold them until upgrading further becomes easier. We stop at 340 because it’s the Item Level requirement for the first Abyssal Dungeons of Ancient Elveria.

Fantasm Island

Just North of Rohendel is Fantasm Island. This optional Island will grant you some Extra T1 materials through a quest. Thankfully it doesn’t leave the island and despite having a recommended Item level of 600 doesn’t involve combat. So it’s free materials but can take a while to complete. GO grab them if you need extra materials to push to 600.

Tier Two: Tier 2 Islands, Yorn, and Feiton

We’re finally starting our way through Tier 2. We’re starting with Islands, as if you really wanted to you can start and complete most of these islands on the way to Rohendel in the order they are listed. There’s no harm in doing so, and none of these are challenging to complete.

Following the Islands, we’ll be going into Yorn and Feiton, the major Continents of Tier 2. You’ll be likely to spend a fair bit of time in each location as you work toward progressing to Tier 3.

Tier 2 Islands

Most of these islands are tied together and flow from one to the next. You will have needed to start the Quest from Arthentine near the end of the previous section as well as start the quest for White Wave Island for everything to flow smoothly.

Fomona Island

Fomona is one island that can be completed twice for rewards. However, to complete it twice you will need to come back later on another character of a different gender. This is because this island has two short quests, but they’re gender locked, but each quest can be done for double the rewards.

After completing the short quest here, it’s off to our next stop.

Little Luck Island

This is a very quick pitstop for the White Wave Island Quest. Head to the middle of the island and interact with the chest here. Optionally, if the Merchant Erin is also here, feel free to pick up a Chest of Little Luck for a chance at the Little Luck Island Soul. This completes what we need to do here.

Liebeheim Island

On this island we’ll be starting a quest that involves a lot of travel for some T2 Materials. Complete the Quest steep here until asked to go to Aiwana Island. Go there and complete the steps and come back. When it asks you to head to Shushire, hide the quest for later.

Aiwana Island

On this island here, we’ll be progressing the Quest we starting in Arthentine as well as the one from Liebehim Island. We’ll also be doing a hidden quest here that has good rewards.

For the quests we started back on Arthentine and for Liebeheim, follow the quest markers to complete the very short quest steps here.

For the hidden quest, head over to the western side of the island and interact with the glowing box. This will initiate the hidden quest. Follow the simple quest and you’ll be free to move on afterwards and return to Liebehiem Island.

Revelry Row

Complete the quest step here for The Aiwana quest chain and any other purple quests here, then you can move on.

Distorted Island

The quest here can be a bit weird at times, as it has you tracking down an NPC and interacting with the hourglasses here within the Distorted Mansion until he gives you a quest to complete a Cube. Once you have that quest, you can leave and come back later after you complete a Cube Dungeon.

It’s very short but rewards a nice bit of materials for this quick visit.

Outlaw Island

This is the last island you need to visit for the White Wave Quest. It’s unfortunately a PvP island and a tiny one at that. This means depending on your luck with your visit, there may be people here that could attempt to troll you and prevent you from doing your quest. It’s not as commonly populated as it was early on, so you may be in luck.

To complete the short quest here, you just need to interact with the chest as the back of the island. Channel hop as needed to finish your quest and move on.

Twilight Island

The quest we’re starting here is pretty straightforward. Complete it until you’re asked to visit Farther Varut in Prideholme, then hide it and move on.

Gravis Island

Here we’ll be finishing the final step of the quest we started back in Arthentine. Completing this quest will grant us the Gravis Island Token.

There’s also a side quest here that is short, sweet and gives us more T2 Materials. Complete it while we’re here.

Hypnos’ Eyes Island

Here we get a lot of extra quests to do on this island for plenty of rewards. We’ll also be getting access to another great Una’s Task. You should be able to complete all but one quest fairly easily by follow markers.

The quest you may have trouble finding starts from a hidden object found in Blue-Eyed Calvasus’ room, which is the small room in the Northwest corner of the island. Find the shining object and interact with it to start the quest. Once all quests here are done, start the Una’s Task and complete it while you’re here.

Azure Wind Island

On this island we’ll be starting another quest chain here, which will award us a new mount, but more importantly more T2 Materials. Follow the quest markers to complete this quest. After this, you’re free to move on if you wish, as some of the remaining quests are locked behind songs that can take some time to get. These are listed below but are entirely optional.

Optionally, there are a ton hidden quests that become available after, which also give a ton of materials for T2 and build up to earning the Azure Wind Island Soul. Getting the Azure Wind Island Soul will require the song from Harmony Island, an Adventure Island. In addition, it will also require the Song from Shangra Island.

We recommend doing as many as you can, but there are far too many side quests to list here, as there’s a total of 38 of them, including an Adventure Quest. You’ll be here for a bit doing these. For the harder to solve ones we will detail the important things you need to do and which things correspond to each quest.

List of Requirements for full completion:

  • Songs
    • Heart’s Melody (Tortoyk)
    • Song of Valor (Luterra)
    • Serenade of Love (Liebeheim Island Quest)
    • Heavenly Harmony (Harmony Island Daily Co-op)
    • Song of Spring (Shangra Island Quest)
  • Emotes
    • Greet
    • Giggle
    • Laugh
    • Sway
  • Items
    • Peach Wine (Shangra Island)

At most, We’ll be locked out of 3 to 4 of the 38 quests here, which unfortunately means we cannot get the Island Soul without getting the three songs we are missing. Since these are T2 materials, you’re free to go hunt those then come back to do this island all at once later.

Each of the above emotes and songs are played for a specific hidden quests found all over the island. Below is a quick list of which Song or Emote go with each quest.

Quest NameRequired Song/Emote
Meadowkeeper Says: Be ExcitingSway
Meadowkeeper Says: Be FunnyLaugh, then Giggle
Meadowkeeper Says: Be GoodGreet
Melody on the Leaves: Ding-dingHeart’s Melody
Melody on the Leaves: Ting-tangSerenade of Love
Melody on the Leaves: Twing-twangSong of Valor
Song of the Azure WindHeavenly Harmony

The first six of the above quest must be completed to unlock Song of the Azure Wind. Song of the Azure Wind is required to access the final quest of Azure Wind Island, Buried in Flowers, which awards the Island Soul.

Song of Spring is used in an Adventure quest which is also only accessible after completing Shangra Island. It’s extra quest that can also reward you with Tier 2 Materials

Heavenly Harmony is only obtainable from Harmony Island, which is an Adventure Island. Adventure Islands are chosen randomly each day and will appear twice within that day. So you may end up waiting a while for it to be a day for Harmony Island. If that’s not bad enough, it’s an RNG drop from the Co-op Mission reward and not a guaranteed song to get.

Yorn (Start of Tier 2 Gearing)

On to the First of the Tier 2 Continents, Yorn. Here we’ll be doing two things: Clearing the World Quest to unlock our first set of Tier 2 dailies and completing a proceeding Adventure quest for later progression.

Lost Ark Progression Guide: From Level 10 to Tier 3 EndGame (17)

After clearing the Story Quest, clear your Chaos Dungeons to get your Item Level 802 Set and some Tier 2 Gems, which will officially put you into Tier 2 gearing. Make sure you get to at least Item Level 840 so you can access the Ark of Arrogance Abyssal Dungeon.

Once you have a full set make sure you head to your stronghold to active the Tier 1 Honing Buffs. These will make it require less material and have a higher chance of succeeding with Honing in Tier 1 for all of your other characters.

If you’re able to push straight to Item Level 960, or +8 on your new set of gear, you’ll be able to immediately go to the next sections after Yorn. With the additional materials from the Welcome Challenges and Log-in bonuses, this should be fairly easy. However, you may need to use your Stronghold to craft additional Caldarr Fusion Materials if you get really unlucky.

During the Chaos Dungeons, you’ll also have a chance to get Boss Rush Tickets, which will net you a lot of additional Gems for completing it. I highly recommend running it if you get lucky enough, as it will give any character a huge boost of power by heavily reducing your cooldowns and increasing your damage.

If you want more information on the Gem System, check out our Guide on the Gem System here on VULKK.

Following those upgrades, complete the Adventure Quest ‘Let There Be Light’ as we’ll need to complete it later on for some Tier 3 stops.


This is the final continent for Tier 2, and home to one of the quickest Una’s Tasks that you can do. You’ll need to hit Item Level 960 before starting this continent.

As a word of caution, when heading to Feiton, do not auto path directly there in your ship. There are large patches of Hazardous Dead Seas that can very quickly drain your ship’s durability. There is however a safe path though just North of Rohendel, so leaving from there will be a good choice.

Lost Ark Progression Guide: From Level 10 to Tier 3 EndGame (18)

As with previous continents, you’ll be stuck here until you hit the next threshold for Item Level, this time up until Item Level 1100, or the start of Tier 3. It will also take a while to get the materials to get there, so be ready for that. Thankfully we at least have some additional things we can do to pass the time.

After completing the World Quest, there is a chain quest found at the Black Falcon Inn in Kalaja called ‘Black Eye of Fate’. This Chain quest has 5 parts that will have you visiting daily to complete it. In doing so you’ll unlock one of the quickest and easiest Una’s Tasks.

If you’d like, you can also work on the Rapport for Lutia, who will grant 2,700 Gold as well as the purple Bleed Rune, which will be the strongest version you get until Tier 3.

Whispering Islet

Located East of Punika, this Island has a few things we need to do. It is best to do it now while the materials it grants are relevant. The main reason for completing this Island is that its quest will give you access to a Skill Point Potion and more content later on in Tier 3.

This is because The initial Adventure Quests here are required to access the additional Tier 3 Adventure Quest, ‘The Quest for Kadan’. This is newer Tier 3 content that was added in the “Hunt for the Guardian Slayer” Update. This quest will also grant us access to another collectible in Tier 3, called Omnium Stars.

It will also allow us to complete another Tier 2 Adventure quest, ‘In Search of the Gate of Paradise. This is a supplemental quest for the Gate of Paradise Abyssal Dungeons.

If you wish to do so, you can also just forgo the materials and additional quest rewards by doing this prior to starting Punika after reaching Item Level 1200 as it is very nearby.

Tier Three: Punika and Beyond

This section will focus on Punika and the currently available content that comes after. it will heavily discuss gear and Item Level progression as this is the final tier of progression, but it gets broken into several smaller stages and multiple gear sets. Unlike previous tiers though, there are not currently many islands to accelerate your growth in Tier 3.

Punika (Start of Tier 3 Gearing)

Just as with previous continents, you’ll again be completing the World Quest here. This will be your final World Quest chain that you can do in the currently available content.

Lost Ark Progression Guide: From Level 10 to Tier 3 EndGame (19)

After completing this World Quest, the whole focus will be on bringing up the item level of your first character and getting any other characters you’ve made to this point. This starts with the usual Chaos Dungeons to get your initial Tier 3 gear set.

There are two quests we need to start after this, which get us a couple of helpful things; an Omnium Star a Skill Point Potion.

The First of these is the Chain Quest, ‘Letters to Punika’. This is a hidden quest that starts from the path on the Eastern side of Nia Village, between the Western Garden and Festival Plaza Area. The exact location is shown below.

Lost Ark Progression Guide: From Level 10 to Tier 3 EndGame (20)

This quest is multi-day chain quest, similar to the one in Feiton. However this time it’s to get a very helpful Skill Point Potion.

The Second is an Adventure Quest, which starts with the ‘Where Memories Begin” Quest. This will allow us to start the Adventure Quest, ‘A Trace of Light’, which leads to an Omnium Star. You need to have completed Whispering Islet to finish this quest though, so do that now if you haven’t.

Illusion Bamboo Island, Isteri Island, and The Quest for Kadan

These two islands will need to be completed to access and complete the ‘The Quest for Kadan’ Adventure Quest. That Adventure quest will also have you going back and forth between these islands a fair bit.

Both of these are pretty lengthy quests that also give a bit of Tier 3 Materials, which is an additional reason we’re doing them. It’s not a ton of materials mind you, but they’re required to start mentioned Adventure Quest.

These lead into ‘The Quest for Kadan’, where there is a fair bit of back and forth as you complete this story section which is set up for future content that is not yet released

Current Tier 3 Gear Progression

At the current moment, you can access all available content at Item Level 1370. Similar to how you unlocked honing upgrades for Tiers 1 and 2, you can also unlock similar research when you reach 1385, which is where your main should stop for the time being until more content is released and there’s an actual need to push further.

Item Levels 1302 – 1325

Right as you finish Punika and are able to run Chaos Dungeons in Tier 3, you’ll be able to get your initial 1302 gear set. Our next goal will be 1325, which requires

During this initial period of Tier 3 gearing, you’ll mainly be looking to get a full set of Tripod enhancements that you want to carry over to the next set, and replace your Tier 2 accessories and ability stone with their Tier 3 equivalents for stat gain. None of these have to be perfected right now, as you’ll get higher tier accessories at 1325 which will be stronger overall if you get the combinations you need from them.

Item Levels 1325 – 1370

Now that we hit Item Level 1325, we’ll have access to a higher level Chaos Dungeon which can drop our purple armor and accessories. We’ll be using them until we hit 1370.

Our goals for this stage of gearing will be to get a decent Ability Stone and Accessories which allow us to max out 3 Engraving at 15 points. This will take time to get right, but it will be helpful going into the 1370 content if you can get it done.

Despite also getting access to the Normal difficulty of Oreha’s Well at 1325, the set built from this is not an upgrade. It’s easier to stick to our Chaos Dungeon set until we unlock our First Abyss Raid and the Hard mode of this Abyssal Dungeon at 1370. Once you hit 1340, you’ll have access to both parts of this Abyssal Dungeon. You should still run this, as you have a much better chance at getting accessory upgrades, Engraving Books, and Gold.

The Purple Gear that drops here will also have a decent chance of having +2 Skill Tripod levels, as well as carrying two at a time. Be sure to look out for upgrades and use the Tripod Skill Transfer System to get all the strength you can from these. If you track the Tripods you want to upgrade, you can also make sure that anything that has a tracked tripod doesn’t get dismantled in the process.

Item Level 1370 – 1415

This is the final stop for the current Tier 3 gear progression. We’ll have access to multiple Legendary Gear sets that all can be used, depending on the situation. We’ll also have access to Legendary Accessories and Ability Stones which will allow us to get 3 fully leveled engravings easily, with the potential of 4 with less effort.

If you wish you can go for the Chosen Set as a steppingstone gear set since it has a nice set bonus until you can craft your Argos set. This comes from the Hard Difficulty of Oreha’s Well Abyssal Dungeon.

The sets you’ll primarily be going after are the 5-set bonuses from the Argos Abyss Raid. This has two sets you can craft with bonuses that affect Crit Rate and Crit Damage.

The Solar Set, called Preordained Diligence, boosts your Crit Rate after gaining a stacking buff. This is good for DPS classes that need the extra Crit Rate. The Lunar Set, called Harsh Oath, boosts your Critical Damage after gaining a stacking buff. This is used on Supports and DPS that already have high Crit Rate naturally.

The reason support classes use Harsh Oath is so that they can activate the set interaction of players using Preordained Dilligence. This enables players with either set to benefit from the bonuses of both sets.

These are the last gear sets we can get to upgrade until the Valtan Legion Raid which gives the next gear set.

At this point, you’ll be looking to get the best accessories and Ability Stone you can for upcoming content. Progression at this stage will be slow and long-term, with your goal of 1385 for the T3 honing upgrades being the point where it really slows down again.

While getting that done, you can focus on Getting your Gems to a higher level for character progression. You can also put more time into long-term roster progression like collectibles to get extra Skill Points.

Check out theLost Ark Guidesavailable on VULKK.com and stay up-to-date with thelatest news about the game.

Lost Ark Progression Guide: From Level 10 to Tier 3 EndGame (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.