The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark (2024)

Lost Ark is a game that highly encourages the creation and usage of multiple alts to gain advantages in progression. Unlike many western MMOs, such as World of Warcraft, where players put majority of their focus on one main character, alts in Lost Ark demand quite a bit of investment. Players that are willing to invest in alts can expect to reap various benefits for their roster, including gold, silver, honing materials, and more. Many of these benefits can be funneled towards a player’s main character to speed up their growth. Several progression systems are also shared across the entire roster, easing some of the process in developing multiple characters. Let’s see how multiple alts can benefit a roster.

The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark (1)


One of the main reasons to have alts is the weekly generation of gold. Gold is an incredibly important resource in Lost Ark and is heavily tied to development of character power. Unlike many MMOs, gold is considered a necessity in this game and not just a luxury. Engraving Books, Accessories, Tripod Upgrades, and Honing costs all rely on gold. Aside from Honing costs, it’s possible to acquire the rest through random drops, but depending on RNG to build out characters is simply unrealistic in Lost Ark. Thus, most players will head to the market and auction house to purchase what they need.

The main consistent source of gold is through weekly activities such as Abyssal Dungeons, Abyss Raids, and Legion Raids. Each week only six characters in a player’s roster may obtain gold as a reward from doing the aforementioned activities. Usually, players will designate their six highest ilvl characters as gold earners due to having access to higher level content. Characters also have a limit of three Legion Raids per week that they can obtain gold from. This is currently not a factor for global servers as only three Legion Raids have been released. However, keep this in mind for future raid releases.

The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark (2)

Characters in Tier 1 and 2 do not have access to Abyss Raids and Legion Raids, so it is advised to push as many alts as one can into Tier 3 for more gold generation. Likewise, higher Tier characters cannot obtain gold from previous Tier activities. Characters at specific ilvls in Tier 3 will also lose access to gold from certain lower-level weeklies. For example, characters lose access to gold from Aira’s Oculus and Oreha Preveza at ilvl 1415, and access to Argos gold at ilvl 1475.

Having multiple characters generating weekly gold in Tier 3 can be very helpful for players, especially in the current economy. Inflated market prices due to bots make it extremely difficult for players to afford the equipment they need. With some accessory prices reaching over 100,000 gold and Legendary Engraving Books costing over 10,000, as well as high Blue Crystal costs, it can take weeks for a single character to farm what it needs. For reference, let’s take a look at a character with an ilvl of 1475. Each week, they have access to Valtan Hard, Vykas Hard, and Kakul-Saydon Hard, which generates only a total of 13,500 gold, assuming they do not purchase Sidereal’s Blessing Chests at the end of each Gate. Although it may not solve the inflation problem, having alts does make it slightly more bearable.

Another consistent source of gold is from selling unbound Honing Materials obtained from daily Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids. Their value will vary between regions, so it is up to players to decide if it's better to sell or use them.

Lastly, is gold obtained from selling Accessories, Ability Stones, Tripods, and Engraving books. This is entirely reliant on random drops so players should not expect to make consistent gold from them. Although, having multiple characters doing various activities does increase the odds of higher value items dropping.


Silver is an important resource that is vital to Honing characters, faceting Ability Stones, Tripod transfers, and rerolling Gems. It is also used for miscellaneous purchases such as Rapport Gifts, Cards, and Adventurer’s Tome progression. Players often find themselves short on silver due to the high costs of Honing in Tier 3. Fortunately, unlike gold, there is no character cap on the various activities that provide silver. Alts can easily provide tons of silver with very little effort.

The best way to obtain silver is through Chaos Dungeons. The amount of silver increases based on the ilvl of the Chaos Dungeon. The current highest level of Chaos Dungeon (1475) provides more than 60,000 silver on average, with Aura of Resonance. Players are still able to gain silver without Aura of Resonance, but the amount received is very insignificant, so it is not recommended to run without the Aura. As mentioned before, there is no cap on how many characters can do Chaos Dungeons so quite a bit of silver can be generated through alts.

The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark (3)

Another consistent way to generate silver is through what are known as ‘Lopang dailies’. Lopang dailies include six different Una’s Tasks, called ‘Special Delivery’, that provide silver as a reward. The amount of silver varies depending on the ilvl of the characters. Tier 3 characters generate an average of 25,000 silver per Lopang daily. These Una’s Tasks take considerably low effort, especially when players set up Bifrosts for each ‘Special Delivery’ location. Many players have huge rosters just to set up as many ‘Lopang Alts’ as possible, which generates a constant source of silver. Various Weekly Una’s Tasks also provide silver rewards.

The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark (4)

Cube is also a great source of silver, depending on the level of chests that players reach. Cube Entrance Tickets have a chance of dropping from the end boss on the second floor of Chaos Dungeons (with Aura of Resonance). Tickets may also have a chance of appearing in Entrance Ticket Chests, sold by Sylmael Bloodstone Exchange NPCs. If tickets do not drop from the chests, silver is rewarded instead. Each character may exchange for three chests of each Tier every week, as long as their Guild level is high enough. Reaching Diamond Chest in a Dimensional Cube (Tier 3) gives around 80,000 silver. There is also a chance that players may run into a ‘Lucky Stage’ during the Cube, which may grant additional silver. These can be quite tedious to run so it is suggested to wait and run with x3 tickets or dispatch them for slightly fewer rewards.

Honing Materials

Alts can provide unbound Honing Materials from various sources such as Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids. These mats can be funneled into the main character to speed up its progress or sold on the market for more gold. The only material that can’t be traded from alts is unfortunately Honing Shards, which are bound instantly to the specific character. Players can of course do both Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids on as many characters as they wish. Each character can also trade in Pirate Coins every week with Tea and Libra Guild Vessels for additional unbound Guardian and Destruction Stones.

The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark (5)


Gems are incredibly strong damage boosts and alts can aid in collecting them from Chaos Dungeons and Boss Rushes. Boss Rushes reward large amounts of Gems so it’s highly advised to do them on all characters that have them. Like Cube Tickets, Boss Rush Tickets can be randomly acquired from Chaos Dungeons and Entrance Ticket Chests. Gems collected by alts can be sent to the main character to help slowly build towards higher level Gems. Alternatively, players can choose to sell high level Gems as another source of gold income.

The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark (6)

Una’s Reputations

Alts can also help speed up progress on various Una’s Reputations. Many important rewards are locked behind Reputations, which are time gated by Daily Una’s Tasks. A single character may only work on three Reputations each day, meaning it may take months for players to achieve their goals. With multiple characters, various Reputations may be worked on simultaneously while also allowing the main character to focus on dailies that reward Leapstones.

The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark (7)


A great quality of life that alts bring to the table is being able to save more Bifrost locations. This can be incredibly useful in cutting down travel time for various activities such as Wandering Merchants, Rapport, Adventure Islands, and Sailing Events. New players that have yet to unlock additional Bifrost slots or purchase Crystalline Aura can take advantage of their alts’ Bifrost slots.

The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark (8)

Abyssal Dungeon Card Drops

Alts can also be used to farm Legendary Cards from Abyssal Dungeons, regardless of their gold eligibility. Even if a character can no longer earn gold from Abyssal Dungeons, there is still a chance that players may receive Card drops at the end. This can get quite tiresome and time consuming, especially with the low Legendary Card drop rates. Farming Cards this way may not be ideal, but it’s definitely an option if players don’t mind the grind.

How Many Alts?

The answer is simple: as many as the player would like. It’s completely fine to have no alts at all as well, although progression will be noticeably slower in comparison. At the end of the day, players’ enjoyment and time availability are the most important factors. Some players enjoy playing a variety of classes while others prefer to focus on one. In fact, for those who enjoy only one class but would also like the benefit of alts, having duplicates of the same class is slightly more efficient. Duplicate classes mean not having to spend gold on additional Engraving Books, as well as having the option to share the same Gems.

Players with time constraints that wish to play multiple characters should consider taking advantage of the game’s Rest Bonus feature. Unfinished daily Una’s Tasks, Chaos Dungeons, or Guardian Raids generate Rest Bonuses depending on the amount missed. For example, missing out on both daily Chaos Dungeons will generate enough Rest Bonus for players to collect double rewards on one Chaos Dungeon the next day. With this in mind, a common strategy is to rest each character for two days and complete their dailies every third day. This allows players to collect materials at 66% efficiency with only a third of the effort, compared to doing them every day. Players can stagger their characters’ Rest Bonuses so that they aren’t all on the same day. Make sure to use the game’s Task Tracker to help keep track of each character’s daily and weekly objectives, as well as Rest Bonus accumulation. The Task Tracker can be found on the Game Menu by pressing Escape.

The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark (9)


Alts in Lost Ark are absolutely not mandatory, but highly encouraged. The game provides several ways to help players develop large rosters, including Character Passes, Express Events, Knowledge Transfers, and Stronghold Honing Research. Players have the opportunity to easily experience the large variety of fun classes that Lost Ark has to offer. The important thing to keep in mind is to have fun and not treat alts like a chore. There is no need to complete every task on each character and it’s okay to take breaks from them. Think of the benefits that alts bring as nice bonuses and not requirements. Pace yourselves and enjoy!

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As a seasoned player deeply immersed in the intricate mechanics of Lost Ark, I can attest to the significance of optimizing the use of multiple alts for a more robust and efficient gaming experience. My expertise stems from extensive gameplay, meticulous research, and active participation in the Lost Ark community. Let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article.

Gold Generation:

1. Weekly Activities:

  • Abyssal Dungeons, Abyss Raids, and Legion Raids are key sources of weekly gold.
  • Players focus on their highest ilvl characters for optimal gold rewards.

2. Tier Considerations:

  • Tier 3 characters have access to more gold-generating activities.
  • Lower-tier characters should be pushed into Tier 3 for enhanced gold generation.

3. Market and Auction House:

  • Inflated market prices due to bots make it challenging for players to afford equipment.
  • Alts contribute to mitigating this issue by generating additional gold.

4. Honing Materials:

  • Selling unbound Honing Materials from Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids provides extra gold.
  • Some materials, like Honing Shards, are character-bound.

5. Accessories, Ability Stones, Tripods, and Engraving Books:

  • Gold can be obtained from selling these items, but it's reliant on random drops.

Silver Generation:

1. Chaos Dungeons:

  • Silver is obtained based on the ilvl of the Chaos Dungeon.
  • Alts can run Chaos Dungeons without any cap, resulting in significant silver gains.

2. Lopang Dailies:

  • Completing Lopang dailies, especially with 'Lopang Alts,' offers a constant source of silver.

3. Cube:

  • Silver rewards in Dimensional Cube, especially reaching Diamond Chest, provide substantial income.

Honing Materials:

1. Guardian Raids and Chaos Dungeons:

  • Alts can provide unbound Honing Materials, which can be used or sold for gold.


1. Chaos Dungeons and Boss Rushes:

  • Alts contribute to collecting Gems from these activities, enhancing the main character's power.

Una’s Reputations:

1. Progress Acceleration:

  • Alts can aid in speeding up progress on various Una’s Reputations, unlocking important rewards.


1. Travel Efficiency:

  • Alts allow players to save more Bifrost locations, cutting down travel time for various activities.

Abyssal Dungeon Card Drops:

1. Legendary Cards:

  • Alts can be used to farm Legendary Cards from Abyssal Dungeons, providing an additional avenue for progression.

Rest Bonus and Time Management:

1. Rest Bonus Feature:

  • Players can strategically utilize the Rest Bonus feature to efficiently manage time and resources across multiple characters.


1. Encouragement for Alts:

  • Alts are not mandatory but highly encouraged for a variety of benefits.
  • The game provides several mechanisms to support the development of large rosters.

2. Enjoyment Over Obligation:

  • Players are reminded to have fun and not treat alts as chores.
  • Benefits of alts should be seen as bonuses, not requirements.

In conclusion, Lost Ark offers a rich gaming experience with a multitude of avenues for character development, and embracing the use of alts can significantly enhance one's journey within the game.

The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark (2024)


The Benefits of Having Alts in Lost Ark? ›

Alts can aid your mains progression in several ways including, but not limited to, multiple Una's Tasks reputation progression, Bifrosts for important events, and tradable honing materials. Alt gearing is made easier with Honing research in your Stronghold.

What are the benefits of multiple characters in Lost Ark? ›

More characters means more raids, more homework and more income weekly but also more investing into them because you still need to hone them all and make builds on them all.

Is one alt enough Lost Ark? ›

Having more alts is more efficient, even 6 of the same class.. It helps you progress faster if you aren't putting tons of money into the game. alts are just your secondary characters, i mean there are so many classes your bound to like more than 1.

When should I make an alt in Lost Ark? ›

Here's why you need to make some alts in Lost Ark as soon as you've finished Vern's main story. Without a doubt, there is a lot of content in Lost Ark. You could even argue there's too much for just one character.

Can you have multiple characters in Lost Ark? ›

Up to 6 characters on your roster can earn Gold from weekly activities, called “raw Gold generation”.

What are the most used characters in Lost Ark? ›

For PvE activities, the best classes in Lost Ark as of now are Paladin, Artillerist, Artist, Arcanist, Bard, Sorceress, Summoner, and Deathblade, while the strongest PvP classes now are Paladin, Gunslinger, Deathblade and Shadownhunter. These classes shine in the current meta and you can't miss by playing them.

What happens when you change main character in Lost Ark? ›

Depends how you switch characters. If you use a power pass or knowledge transfer, you are brought to Vern, with all main quests completed. Past that, you're basically on the same path as your “main”. So if you haven't progressed further than Vern, swapping mains at this point depends only on your gear score.

How many characters should I have in Lost Ark? ›

1 character is not going to fill a lot of time, Unless you like horizontal content... later on you will probably want more characters, either from wanting to do more raids or from wanting to play other classes... the truth is... Alts make the game much more grindy....

What is the easiest character to play Lost Ark? ›

Shadowhunter: An exceptional choice for beginners seeking a versatile and engaging class in Lost Ark. With its straightforward playstyle and decent damage output, it offers an excellent learning curve for new players.

Does Lost Ark ever get difficult? ›

you will have a bit of challenge. It does not start to ramp up until around level 40. Iam 6 hours or longer into it and it is STILL same easy. Everything is easy and you do literally always the same quests (just with other name) on and on.

Do your choices matter in Lost Ark? ›

You'll face monsters and bosses for loot, but you can choose to play solo in the Abyss Dungeon or with a party in the Chaos Dungeons. Just like everything else in Lost Ark, your choices will decide your destiny.

How do you level up ALT fast in Lost Ark? ›

How to level alt characters quickly in Lost Ark. Fortunately, you'll only need to run through the main quests in Lost Ark for one character. After reaching max level with your main character, you can level alts much quicker using the Power Pass.

Can you get multiple Powerpasses in Lost Ark? ›

Once you use the first you get a second freebie, once you use the second that's it. All future skips are done via the stronghold Knowledge Transfer system. So.. No, you can't have more than one at a time, and it's kinda moot anyway since you only get two.

What is jump start server Lost Ark? ›

Jump-Start servers are aimed at new and returning players, those who have never played the game or who are coming back after a period of inactivity, to get them up to speed and into the endgame content.

How many characters can you have on one server Lost Ark? ›

Everyone gets six character slots for free in Lost Ark, and each of these characters can live on a different server. This means you could build a character now and hop into any server that has a free slot, and then build another character to play through Lost Ark with a friend when there are less server queues.

How important is roster level in Lost Ark? ›

Why are Roster Levels important for your character? On Level 60 Roster, you will receive a Bifrost Key, a handy item to increase your Bifrost Points. This account-based level rewards you with Bonus Virtues, Stats( Strenght, Dexterity, Intelligence), Wallpapers, Crystals, etc.

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Name: Duane Harber

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