Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (2024)

Table of Contents
Video walkthrough (full solutions 51-100) Dungeons of Dreadrock Hints Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 51 (and 52) Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 53 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 54 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 55 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 56 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 57 (and 59) Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 58 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 60 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 61 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 62 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 63 (and 64) Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 65 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 66 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 67 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 68 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 69 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 70 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 71 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 72 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 73 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 74 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 75 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 76 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 77 (and 78) Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 79 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 80 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 81 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 82 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 83 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 84 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 85 (and 86) Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 87 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 88 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 89 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 90 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 91 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 92 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 93 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 94 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 95 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 96 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 98 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 99 Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 100 The end

Howdy. So this is part two of my Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough, with chapters 51 through 100. You can find part 1 here. Enjoy, and I hope the guides below help!

Video walkthrough (full solutions 51-100)

Dungeons of Dreadrock Hints

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 51 (and 52)

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (1)

Hint: There is a safe path through the field of fireballs. If only you had something on you to help navigate.

Solution: Look at the compass in your inventory. As soon as you step onto the first tile, it’ll show you the next safe move. Don’t rush, take it one step at a time, and you’ll make it through safely. For your reference, here’s what the safe path looks like.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 53

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (2)

Hint: When you step off the pressure plate, you have just enough time to smack the door and run away.

Solution: What a game of “the floor is trapdoor”! Throw your sword at the pressure plate to close the trapdoors. Waltz across and pick it up, then run to the door on the left, attack it once, and run back onto the pressure plate. This resets the timer, giving you enough time to do it again. Repeat until the door is broken and kill the goblin, then do the same on the other side.

Once both levers are free, go south (down) towards the entrance and throw your sword onto the pressure plate to weigh it down permanently. This leaves you free to pull both levers safely, and pick up the sword on your way out.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 54

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (3)

Hint: One of the ancestral spirits can help you.

Hint 2: Like the matron says, enter the crypt unarmed.

Hint 3: It’s the second from the left.

Solution: Throw your sword at a wall somewhere and leave it there. Go up to the second gravestone from the left and stand next to it for a little bit (without reading the inscription). Just stand there for 10-15 seconds.

His inscription says “All he ever longed for was a decent woman to keep his company for a while”. By keeping him company, you’re fulfilling his wish, and he will help you.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 55

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (4)

Hint: You need a shield. A meat shield.

Solution: Open the ogre door, then the drow door, and run for it. Hide inside the same corridor as the pressure plate, but don’t step on it yet. Stand on the pressure plate when the ogre blocks off the arrow trap, which should kill him and open the gate. You can now leave, making sure to dodge the parting arrow shot at your back from the drow.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 56

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (5)

Hint: You need help. Haven’t you left someone behind, a floor above?

Solution: Take out the bug, pick up the stone. Use the stone to weigh down the pressure plate and open the grates, then head back up to the previous level (chapter 55). Once up there, the drow should start approaching you and will follow you down to this level.

With the drow in tow, stand right next to the leftmost now-open grate, below the Watcher. Dodge the arrow from the drow and the Watcher won’t be doing much more watching.

Take out the drow and the bug, and you can leave.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 57 (and 59)

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (6)

Hint: You might not be able to go outside just yet, but there IS someone who can cause a great distraction.

Solution: Pull the lever right next to you. Your goal is to get the minotaur through the green portal on the left, right next to where you come out of. Lure him through the top-right pink portal, and he’ll end up in the green portal. Once he’s outside, it’s safe to follow him out.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 58

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (7)

Use the cover the minotaur gave you to sneak through to the other green portal on the right.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 60

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (8)

Hint: You’re not fast enough to pull the levers, and you don’t even know which ones to pull. A fool would be, but he does enjoy the company of the other two…

Solution: Kill two of the fools, leave one alive. Chase him around for a bit if needed, but soon enough he’ll run away and open up the exit door for you.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 61

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (9)

Hint: It takes four fireballs to kill a minotaur.

Solution: The trick here is to jump in before the fourth fireball hits the minotaur. If the minotaur dies away from the pressure plate, the fireballs will stop and you can take your time to leave. But first, you’re about to do a lot of running!

Wait for the first fireball to fade, then follow the fool through the portal and run for it. Go through the top pink portal and get ready to run again, this time from the minotaur. Hide in the side alcove and let the minotaur pass, then wait by the portal. Count out four fireballs, then hop through the portal.

The minotaur will rush you and die to the final fireball, leaving you the exit key.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 62

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (10)

Hint: Those bones probably mean something.

Solution: Kill the zombie on the middle tile, between all the bones. Step onto the body and walk your bloody tracks over one of the red candles to light it up. Repeat for the other three sets of candles, and an exit will appear.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 63 (and 64)

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (11)

Hint: “Don’t waste their lives”, the chapter title, refers to the enemies. There’s a lot of deadly obstacles on this level that you can’t get through without a meat shield or two.

Solution: Walk up to the first pressure plate and wait until the goblin is almost at the top of the corridor. Step onto the plate to activate it, using the goblin to shield yourself.

Throw your sword all the way to the pressure plate at the top-right and stand inside the archway until the fireball passes. As soon as it does, run for the sword and pick up the key, then come back to the same archway.

Stand on the third pressure plate, then take a step back and hide in the alcove until it’s safe, then run over the plate before it reactivates.

Tear down the door protecting the second goblin, then run to the hallway to your right. Let the goblin swing at you, then take a step back to avoid it. The goblin will run off for a moment, and this is your chance to hide in the archway. The goblin will come for you again, and when he swings, take a step back again.

This time, he should run up the hallway and over the pressure plate. You only have a split second to follow him before the plate reactivates, but if you can time it right, you’re good to go!

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 65

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (12)

Hint: This seems straightforward.

Hint 2: Chances are, you’re here the second time. If only there was a way to block the exit…

Solution: Before you leave, throw your sword across the river into the tree to move it across the exit. Pick up your sword and go down to the next level, you’re ready!

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 66

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (13)

Hint: That jerk! Follow him!

Solution: You have to prepare the previous level (chapter 65) before you can complete this level. When that’s done, you can come back to this level with key in hand, dispatch the other goblin, and move on.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 67

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (14)

Hint: You have two hints to solve this level. One is in the alcove, and the other is in your inventory.

Solution: The symbols scrawled on the piece of paper in the alcove correspond to the compass directions on the drawing. Starting from the center, you have to dance up/down/left/right in the correct order.

The combination that reveals the exit is:
up, down, up,
right, down, up,
down, left, up.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 68

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (15)

Hint: Haven’t you seen this before?

Solution: Go down the hall between fireballs and stand on the pressure plate at the bottom. Wait for the last of the fireballs to pass.

Go to the top pressure plate and stand on it for a moment, then quickly run back to the pressure plate next to the entrance. This reactivates the fireballs which should take care of the ogre problem. Repeat two more times until all the ogres are gone.

Pick up a shovel from the dead knight on your way out.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 69

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (16)

Hint: There’s only one path to reactivate the portals without stepping on a pressure plate more than once.

Solution: You have to step onto every pressure plate, and only once. This is that path.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 70

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (17)

Hint: Time to get creative with how you dispatch the enemies, without your sword!

Solution: Throw your sword off onto the pressure plate, then step through the grate. Pull the lever next to you to close the trapdoor. Go over the trapdoor and turn left, then pull the lever between the skeletons and the ghost. Run back the other way and open the trapdoor, then watch the skeletons disappear into the darkness below. Close the trapdoor. One down.

Go towards the trapdoor, but this time go down to the dead end, between the spider and the ghost. Dodge the web so that the ghost gets stuck – this is your chance! Run into the room with the ghost, while it’s still tied down, and pull the lever. Then, immediately, get out and pull the lever just outside to trap the ghost again. Two down, on to the spider.

In the video walkthrough at the top I left it alive (just don’t open the gate) but the trapdoor trick works on it just fine. Do with the spider whatever you will, then go to the far right hallway, to the tile just below your sword. Pull the chains on the wall in front of you to teleport the sword nearby and pick it up on your way out.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 71

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (18)

Hint: Eight pressure plates, eight statements on the piece of parchment.

Solution: Stand on the tiles that correspond to the true statements. These are 2, 3, 5 and 8.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 72

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (19)

Nothing tricky here, really. Take out the zombies diligently, and keep hold of that skull you now have.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 73

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (20)

Hint: Seven is your number. Seven arrows, perhaps?

Solution: It takes seven arrows to kill the minotaur. You need to get seven arrows to cycle in between the two portals. Any fewer and he’ll stomp you; any more and you won’t be able to get through.

The trick is to get the drow into a position just below the portal with you in between, just like in the screenshot above. This might take a few goes, since he likes to step onto the pressure plate for you like an idiot. When you get him in place, bait and dodge seven arrows, and then wait around the corner for him to come closer. Take him down, step onto the pressure plate that releases the minotaur, and you’re good to go.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 74

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (21)

Hint: You need some meat(wood) shields to protect you from the arrows long enough for you to retrieve the key.

Solution: Start with the easy tree, the one on the left. Hit it from above, which moves it down. Go around and hit it from the left. Then hit it from below, twice. Hit it from the left one more time. The idea is to jam it into the alcove to the right of the pressure plate. Now comes the tricky part, the other tree.

Approach the exit hallway with the second tree. Step onto the pressure plate to activate the arrows, which will slowly move the tree towards you. You have to stand one tile to the left, and one tile up from the pressure plate, just above the hallway entrance. You need to wait right there until the tree is pushed onto the pressure plate. Here comes the tricky part:

Wait for the arrow to start firing, that would push the tree off the pressure plate. Step in front of the tree before the arrow hits, then without stopping, move to the tile below. The tree should start attacking, and while it’s still attacking, hit it from below. The idea is to bait out an attack and hit it from below before the attack is finished. If you’ve done it right, the tree should move left and up in the same turn, with you safely in the little alcove at the bottom.

From here, don’t get shot by the next arrow, and attack the tree from below a few more times. You want it to end up right next to the first one. With both trees in place, get the key at your leisure and don’t get hit by the arrows on your way out. Guess who forgot the first time?

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 75

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (22)

Hint: Oh no, a ghost! Seriously though, go to the next level first. You’ll be back.

Solution: The first time you’re here, there’s nothing to do. Take out the invisible spirit, then go into the next level.

The second time, you should be coming up from the level below and have a key with you. The overall plan here is simple – you have two zombies in this room and two in the room below, and four pressure plates to weigh down. You will need to remember which plates are already weighed down, then kill these zombies above the plates that are free. Pull the lever to send the bodies down, and take the long, safe way down yourself (I mean go down the stairs like a normal person).

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 76

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (23)

Hint: That’s a key you can’t reach the regular way. Might be time to use that shovel…

Solution: First up, you need to kill the zombie on top of a pressure plate. I recommend the bottom-left.

Next, go to the cave-in right by the entrance and interact with it a couple of times. You can clear it with the shovel. Draw the zombie towards you, and kill it on top of one of the pressure plates. I recommend either the top-left or the bottom-left, whichever is free.

And finally, pick up the key before you head back upstairs. The overall strategy here is that you have four pressure plates. There are two zombies on this level, and two on the one above. You can use them to weigh down the plates that will set you free.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 77 (and 78)

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (24)

Hint: Keep an eye on the spiders that are scurrying around in the top row. Take a look at where they go.

Solution: There’s an invisible wall between you and the fireplace. It’s the top row, right next to the entrance.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 79

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (25)

Hint: You need one more skull than you have. The zombie has a skull. There are also some bare bones in the corner…

Solution: Kill the zombie on top of the bones in the top-right corner. While they’re being picked clean, take the skull from the chained up skeleton. Pick up the now-clean zombie skull, and you should have three. Deposit all three into the alcoves in the pillars, and a door will appear.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 80

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (26)

Hint: If you’re not careful, you’ll get trapped next to the pressure plate at the bottom. You should prepare an escape in advance.

Solution: Rotate the portals to aim towards the pressure plate at the bottom. The portal on the left should aim down, and the portal on the right should aim left (the particles around each portal move in the direction it’s aiming at). Throw your sword into the portal on the right, and it should land on the pressure plate at the bottom and close the nearby trapdoor.

Rotate the left portal. You need it to aim left, towards the other pressure plate.

Now, walk towards the bug and draw it back towards the entrance. There’s enough space here that you should be able to sneak around it without getting hit. Run towards the left pressure plate and step on it, then go across the trapdoor and retrieve your sword. If you wait a moment, the bug should fall through the now-open trapdoor before it gets to you.

From the pressure plate, throw your sword up into the left portal. If you rotated it correctly, it should land on top of the pressure plate on the left, letting you walk free.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 81

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (27)

Hint: Four trees, four plates, right? Well, think again. The tree on the right is no use to you, you’ll need to use something else to weigh down the final pressure plate…

Solution: First, the tree on the left. Throw your sword at it and move it down onto the left pressure plate. Retrieve the sword.

Next up, the tree next to it. Hit it from the right to move it next to the first tree.

Now that the way is clear, hit the tree on the far right a couple of times, until it falls through the trapdoor. It’s no use to you and is only in the way.

For the last remaining tree, move it next to the other two. Hit it from the right, then from above twice, then from the right one more time. You should now have a row of three trees.

Yeet your sword at the last pressure plate, the one on the right. Then go down the stairs into the next level, unarmed.

When you’re back from the previous level, goblin in tow, kill him on the final pressure plate, retrieve your sword, and scram.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 82

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (28)

Hint 1: You need to bring the goblin back to the previous level.

Hint 2: Make sure Ivar (the wizard) survives pulling that first lever.

Solution: The first time you’re here, simply walk up to the goblin and, when he starts following you, leave through the entrance.

When you come back, you need to do a few things, quickly:

1. Pull that first lever and step out of the way of the arrow. If you don’t, Ivar (the wizard) will die and you have to reset.
2. Smash the door to the breakroom (the room with the two goblins) and hide inside, until Ivar (the wizard) clears the way.

You’re then free to continue.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 83

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (29)

Hint: Be patient at first, Ivar will inadvertently help you. But only one of you can make it out of this level alive.

Solution: Let Ivar clear the level for you. When he’s through the first door, after killing the ogre, stand facing the bottom portal, as far to the right as you can get. Wait until Ivar is about to emerge from the room, then throw your sword through the portal. If you time it right, the sword will kill him before he spots you. Investigate hid body (and the room) for your sword, the key, and a book, and then you’re free to leave.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 84

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (30)

Hint: You don’t have to step out of a portal and back in to teleport. You can smack your face into a wall and it will still count as a step.

Solution: Head through the pink portal to your left, then immediately take a step up/down/right to teleport back. As soon as the tree attacks, go through the portal again and hit the tree. It should move away safely, but be ready to jump back out, just in case.

When the tree is next to the other two portals, you need to bait it into attacking, then go through the top portal, and hit it from the left side to move it back into its original position. Once it’s there, and you’re to the left of it, hit it from above a few times to move it to the bottom of that corridor. Finally, pull the lever, and step through the portal on the right to teleport back to the entrance. Time to deal with the other tree.

Go up to the tree on the right and hit it once to move it under the grate that should now be open. Hit it from below a few times until it’s at the top of the corridor, blocking the arrow trap.

With both trees blocking the traps, it’s now safe to smash down the door and be on your way!

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 85 (and 86)

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (31)

Hint: You’re gonna have to kill that ogre the hard way, but you’re on a time limit.

Solution: The ogre is tough, but you can kill him. Just like with the other enemies, you can bait out his attack, then swoop in and hit him once, then duck away to safety. Alternatively, if you time it right, you can hit him while he’s moving between tiles (you can see this technique in the walkthrough video).

You do have a time limit, but it’s a generous one. The tree below will eventually land on the pressure plate, blocking your escape. Your mission is to kill the ogre and open the door, then wait in safety until the tree is immediately under the exit gate. As soon as the next arrow flies, run for the door. The tree should be hit by the arrow and move out of the way, leaving you plenty of time to escape before the next arrow.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 87

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (32)

Hint: You need to force the fool to trigger the spike trap.

Solution: The goal is to block the fool in, leaving him no path other than over the spike trap. Hit the top tree once from below, then a couple of times from the left until it’s in the corner. Smack the lower tree from the left until it’s all the way up against the right-most wall.

Now all you have to do is chase the fool onto the spikes.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 88

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (33)

Hint: Hey, remember portals? Remember what happens when someone or something teleports into a space occupied by another creature?

Solution: You need to teleport a tree into Trident. Trident moves like the minotaur, so bait him into an attack, and then hit one of the trees until it’s standing in front of a portal, like in the screenshot above. Now stand in the center of the cross at the bottom, below the carpet.

When trident rushes for you, move out of the way, and throw your sword towards the tree you set up earlier. It’ll move back, into the portal, and obliterate the mini-boss. Then, the easiest thing to do is go get your sword, then step through that very same portal yourself, to explode the tree. Gross.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 89

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (34)

Hint: I don’t think you can outrun the fireballs. Maybe try something else, involving the portals? Oh, and remember that fireballs kill skeletons permanently. For good.

Solution: To be honest, I’m not sure this is how the level is supposed to work, but the easiest way to get through is to teleport “around” a fireball to send it ahead of you.

Hop onto that first pressure plate and take a step back to let the fireball pass. Do this two more times, so that there are three fireballs ahead of you. Step onto the pressure plate, and run for that first portal, fireball in hot pursuit. Step through the portal, but don’t leave the other side just yet.

Wait until the fireball is almost inside the portal above you, then walk into a wall to teleport backwards. If done correctly, you and the fireball will swap places, and you can then meander safely towards the exit.

Spoilers (part 2): When you come back here with the potion from the next level, remember that fireballs vaporize skeletons. If only there was something else, just as deadly, in this level…

For this part, drink the potion. Then step onto the spike trap at the top-left of the level. You’ll be reborn as a skeleton, and have to repeat the fireball dance to escape.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 90

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (35)

Hint: That potion won’t kill you outright. But maybe if you were to drink it, and meet an untimely demise…

Solution: Take the potion and return to the previous level. Drink the potion and step onto the spike trap, then come back to this level as a skeleton. You can now take the boat across the lake of the dead!

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 91

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (36)

Hint: Let’s just say your meat shields are less “meaty” on this level.

Solution: Talk to the skeletons for a bit of fun dialogue. Take the potion from the alcove and go down to the first pressure plate, but don’t step on it just yet.

Drink the potion and the skeletons will give chase. Step onto the pressure plate when the skeleton is blocking the fireball trap, and make your way to the next one. Repeat the same steps twice, using skeletons to shield you from each fireball trap, until you’re safely out.

If the skeletons are catching up too quickly, remember that you can slow down partway down the corridor and get them to start attacking you. This locks them in place for a bit to buy you more time.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 92

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (37)

Hint: How the heck do you get to that portal to your right?

Solution: Go through the invisible wall and into the portal near the entrance. Smash down the door, then stand in front of the spike trap and watch every zombie get obliterated. Pull the lever, smash the door open, and talk to a new friend and ally!

Follow them into the next level, they will take care of the ogre for you.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 93

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (38)

Hint: Throw your sword at the tree.

Solution: Smash the door on the left and take care of the zombies. Wait for your friend to call out and pull the lever to open the gate.

Stand below the tree on the left, and throw your sword at it. Then immediately take a step back, to make way for the fireball. This should move the tree all the way back into the top-left corner.

Rush up that corridor, picking up your sword and triggering the fireball trap again. At the top, quickly hit the zombie blocking the way and jump into that corridor. You should have time to do this before the tree attacks you, and before the fireball catches up.

The next zombie takes a few hits to go down, but won’t chase you. Dispatch it, then step onto the pressure plate and exit the level.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 94

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (39)

Hint: Fire bad. The dragon has a wind-up, which should give you enough time to get the levers in a few tries.

Solution: So the first thing to not do, is don’t rush after the treasure hunter. Wait for the flames to die down, then run into the corridor and through the archway to safety.

Now comes a game of cat-and-mouse (cat and dragon?). Stand at the crossroads between the levers and the closed gate. When the dragon moves to the top of the hallway and starts winding up for a fire breath, go right and pull all three levers. Wait for the breath to end, then step in front of the dragon again. When it winds up for another breath, go left and pull those three levers.

Use the alcoves to avoid the fire breath and make your way down the hallway. Wait at the very bottom until the dragon does yet another breath, then run for the door on your left and hit once or twice. Come back to the crossroads just before the dragon breath finishes to start another, and then go smack the door a few more times.

Repeat until the door is down and you can safely get the key. Then finally, get the dragon to do one more breath down that same hallway, as you run for the exit on the far right. You can pull the lever to block the dragon in, but you probably want it to follow you…

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 95

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (40)

Hint: You brought the dragon from the previous level, right?

Solution: Use the dragon breath to take care of each minotaur. While the dragon is occupied, open the gates and pull the levers behind each minotaur to open the exit. Distract the dragon one more time, then leave the exit. The dragon will follow one more time…

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 96

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (41)

Hint: That pillar-ed room over on the left looks awfully convenient…

Solution: Ignore the key. Run for safety down the first corridor, then turn left. The dragon will follow and pick up the key. Now you have no choice.

Lead the dragon into the room on the left, and get him to stand in a corner. As soon as he starts his fire attack, run around the pillar and hit it from the safe side. You have just enough time to get a single hit off, before you have to run around the pillar in the other direction and hit it again. Repeat until dead.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 98

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (42)

Hint: “Strength” doesn’t have to mean your sword.

Solution: See those two vases on the ground? You can break them. There’s a stone hiding inside, which is your sacrifice for strength.

Follow the rhyme and place items from your inventory into each alcove to make the exit appear. Wisdom (the book) is top-left. Wealth (coins) in the top-right. Strength (stone) bottom-left and power (crown) bottom-right.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 99

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (43)

Those wizards aren’t so tough now that they’re skeletons. Not much to do on this level, except go through the green portal.

Dungeons of Dreadrock chapter 100

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (44)

Hint: WOO BOSS FIGHT. Spoiler alert, you can’t win this fight. If only you could last long enough for the sun to rise though…

Solution: The solution is NOT to not fight. You need to fight just enough. Dodge attacks from the wizard and watch the eyes. As they’re turning red, he’s getting bored, and that’s when you need to swoop in and hit the wizard. Repeat a few times, only striking when necessary, and eventually the sun will come up, ending the fight for you.

The end

Congratulations, you win! I hope the guide was helpful, and hope to see you again. I recommend checking out my social links below, where I post a bunch of stuff about games, reviews, and so on.

Dungeons of Dreadrock walkthrough (part 2) - You are low on Health (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.