Dragon Age Inquisition: Every Possible Romance, Ranked (2024)

The Dragon Age games have always had multiple romance options, but Dragon Age: Inquisition went all-out with its choices — and it made an effort not to be heteronormative, giving female characters female choices as well as male and vice versa. With such a plethora of choices, it's only natural that people will gravitate towards the characters they love most and away from those they don't take well to.


We've ranked every love interest that Inquisition offers, from least endearing to most. This is, of course, entirely subjective and many players will not agree due to just how much choices like this are based on personal taste... What can we say? We just loved some characters more than others.

Updated on March 28, 2022 by Ritwik Mitra: The Dragon Age series features some of the best high-fantasy RPGs ever made. Some people might have a problem with the way BioWare's tinkered with this amazing franchise, but there's no denying that Dragon Age still stands strong as one of their better titles. To this day, the amazing multi-origin story of the first game still blows people's minds, who love roleplaying as the character of their choice. While the second game was a bit of a step back, Dragon Age: Inquisition showed that the series was far from a decline and let gamers play through an amazing and epic adventure once again.

Of course, the romances present in Dragon Age games are a major point of discussion, and this applies to the third game as well. Here are all romances present in the game and how they stack up against each other. Keep in mind that players might have different experiences with the romances, so these rankings aren't set in stone for everyone.

8 Josephine Montilyet

Dragon Age Inquisition: Every Possible Romance, Ranked (1)
  • Preference: Male and Female

Josephine's fiercely logical nature and dedication to the Inquisition means there's some level of guilt involved with placing her at the bottom here. It's not that she was unlikeable, but she lacked the depth some other characters offered as romance options had, and this means she comes out at the bottom. Despite this, she was a good addition to the game as a minor character.

She can be romanced by a male or female Inquisitor of any age, which is one good side about her — no exclusivity here. She's open to being a part of any character's story as a love interest, regardless of what race or gender you chose to play. While most people might write off her romance as nothing more than a run-of-the-mill encounter, players who want simpler and more overt romances can enjoy the same by engaging in a tryst with Josephine.

7 Blackwall

Dragon Age Inquisition: Every Possible Romance, Ranked (2)
  • Preference: Female only

A Free Marcher Grey Warden, Blackwall is a potential romance option for female Inquisitors only. Much like Josephine, he just lacks the depth to be placed very far up this list. There was nothing wrong with him or his creation, but he lacks some of the more endearing traits that the other characters were gifted with in their writing.

One great thing about Blackwall is that he does seem to be very fond of aiding and protecting others, and this is how you gain his approval if you do wish to romance him. He is, at the very least, a good guy... but that's a pretty low bar and nowhere near good enough to make him an interesting romance. At the end of the day, there are simply more engaging characters to be entangled with romantically, with Blackwall's romance feeling like a second thought at times.

6 Iron Bull

Dragon Age Inquisition: Every Possible Romance, Ranked (3)
  • Preference: Male and Female

A one-eyed mercenary, the Iron Bull can be romanced by absolutely anyone, much like Josephine. He seems to be less of a firmly good person than Blackwall, but he's not a bad one either. He loves to be involved in the action, so you can generally gain his approval by bringing him along when there's a battle and ensuring he's in the thick of the fighting. It helps that Iron Bull is a pretty engaging character, with his boisterous personality making him a great romance option indeed.

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One unusual thing about him as a romance option, however, is that this storyline starts out by the Inquisitor you play as and the Iron Bull having sex before you have "the talk" about how serious your relationship is. Since most of the others start out with a talk before anything intimate happens, this edges him up the list on originality alone. If you're looking for something different, especially if you've already played through the game once and need something different, then the Iron Bull may just be a solid romance option.

5 Dorian Pavus

Dragon Age Inquisition: Every Possible Romance, Ranked (4)
  • Preference: Male only

A human mage, Dorian is a romance option for men only — bumping him up the list based on diversity alone, since so many games only include heterosexual options, and here is one that's exclusively a same-sex relationship only. Points for you, Inquisition.

It's not just that that bumps him almost halfway up the list, though — Dorian is fun. His approval is gained through banter and flirting, so if you're looking to do something a little more light-hearted in the game (and are playing a man), you might want to take him on. He's a great charismatic character to engage with, making each dialogue exchange being pretty riveting in its own right.

4 Cassandra Pentaghast

Dragon Age Inquisition: Every Possible Romance, Ranked (5)
  • Preference: Male only

Cassandra, on the other hand, is deeply religious and is a lot stiffer than the likes of Dorian. She's one of the first characters you meet in the game and the player's instant reaction will be, ugh, she's no fun. But as the game goes on, you'll find out she's a deeply fascinating character with a rich backstory, and what better way to get to know her than to romance her? As long as you're a man — that's the only way she can be romanced, sadly.

You can gain her approval and pursue her as a romance option mostly by validating her, which... let's be honest, is how you gain the approval of most people. Once people manage to look past the initial poor impression of this character, they'll realize that Cassandra hides her soft interior behind an unusually hard exterior.

3 Sera

Dragon Age Inquisition: Every Possible Romance, Ranked (6)
  • Preference: Female only

Just as Dorian is the male-exclusive same-sex relationship option, Sera is the female one. She's an elven archer, a very rebellious spirit who seems to enjoy undermining authority and, well, we can't help but enjoy her attitude. Most people love the song in the tavern where her character is explained, and there's no denying that Sera's amazing personality makes her one of the most entertaining romances in the entire game.

Related: How To Build The Best Mage In Dragon Age: Inquisition

You can begin to flirt with Sera the second she joins your party (and she'll respond well, if you're a woman), but the fascinating thing about this is that her level of approval will be higher and quicker depending on the race you chose. So although she can be romanced by any female, there's an element of difficulty involved and different reactions, and this makes her a very interesting choice.

2 Solas

Dragon Age Inquisition: Every Possible Romance, Ranked (7)
  • Preference: Female elf only

An elven apostate mage, Solas is interesting just by those descriptors alone and is one of the most popular romance choices among players. He can only be romanced by female elven characters, making him one of the most specific romance options in the game. He's almost the opposite of Cassandra in the way that he doesn't like to take action, particularly if it involves violence. He's forever in favor of peaceful solutions, and has a lot of patience.

So if you're looking for the rarer kind of romance in Dragon Age — a pacifist — this is your guy. Of course, given how events unfold in the game, this romance becomes pretty heartbreaking as well. It's a shame that players need to purchase a DLC to see this story out to the very end, when it should've been a part of the main quest from the get-go.

1 Cullen Rutherford

Dragon Age Inquisition: Every Possible Romance, Ranked (8)
  • Preference: Female human and elf only

Cullen is quite possibly the character that players tend to swoon over most. Sadly, he's only available for female human and elven Inquisitors, but with the popularity he gained, BioWare really should have made him open to everyone.

The Inquisitor's military advisor is a great romance option with a cool lovestory to watch, but you should be warned to never give him lyrium or the romance will abruptly end. His story is a pretty engaging one, and players who decide to support him and stick with him to the very end will find a heartwarming conclusion at the end of this romantic tale for the ages.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was released on November 18, 2014 and is available for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

More: Dragon Age Inquisition: Things To Do After You Beat The Game

Dragon Age Inquisition: Every Possible Romance, Ranked (2024)


Dragon Age Inquisition: Every Possible Romance, Ranked? ›

In an interview with TheGamer, David Gaider, the lead writer on Dragon Age Inquisition, revealed that Dorian's romantic route was the least explored across the game's player base, according to statistics BioWare saw.

What is the least popular romance in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

In an interview with TheGamer, David Gaider, the lead writer on Dragon Age Inquisition, revealed that Dorian's romantic route was the least explored across the game's player base, according to statistics BioWare saw.

Can you romance everyone in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

You can flirt with as many characters as you wish (subject to their preferences), but as you complete storyline milestones, multiple suitors may confront you and ask you to make a choice. This is most apparent just before The Final Piece storyline quest.

Can you romance Dorian as a female Inquisitor? ›

Though he will happily flirt with any Inquisitor, Dorian can only be romanced by male characters.

What is the most popular romance in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

An elven apostate mage, Solas is interesting just by those descriptors alone and is one of the most popular romance choices among players. He can only be romanced by female elven characters, making him one of the most specific romance options in the game.

Can you sleep with Morrigan in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Once you get close to maxing out Morrigan's approval, she will confess her feelings and trigger a romantic scene in which the two of you sleep together. Once the scene ends, a relationship will be established and you have now romanced a Witch of the Wilds.

Which race is best in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

For some players, it is all about the culture of the races. If you like the idea of living in the woods and worshipping a pantheon, then being a Dalish Elf is probably the best choice for you. If you want to be part of a strict caste system and live underground, then a Dwarf is definitely the best idea.

Can you marry Cassandra in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

If she is romanced and Divine, she says that they can never marry, though she does love and feel dedicated to the player.

Can you romance Sera as an elf? ›

Sera of Dragon Age: Inquisition is a companion character that can only be romanced by female Inquisitors. She is the first-ever character in the series to be romance-locked for just female characters, and is a city elf with no love for the Dalish.

Is it possible to romance Morrigan and Leliana? ›

Start relationship with Morrigan and Leliana before Leliana's personal quest and before giving the golden mirror to Morrigan. Speak with Morrigan and choose her over Leliana then speak with Leliana and choose her over Morrigan. End the relationship with Leliana through "We need to talk.." dialogue options.

What happens if Cullen takes Lyrium? ›

If you want to keep the possibility of romance open for Cullen, never order Cullen to take lyrium when you find it during the game. If you press him on taking Lyrium, you risk the chance he will either call off the romance, or if you haven't yet romanced him, will be unable to pursue him.

Can you romance Iron Bull as a Qunari? ›

The Iron Bull, or Hissrad as he is known among his own people, is the one-eyed Qunari leader of the Bull's Chargers and a member of the Ben-Hassrath. He is a potential companion and a romance option for either a male or female Inquisitor.

Is Dorian a top or bottom? ›

Turning up early in the game as an optional companion, Dorian is a terribly posh upper-class mage, with a hipster moustache and a painful past.

Can the Inquisitor marry Josephine? ›

Josephine can be romanced by a male or female Inquisitor of any race. This section contains spoilers for: Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Can the Inquisitor get married? ›

If wishing to pursue a new relationship, the Inquisitor must first end their current one. Once ended, that relationship cannot be restarted. Cullen and Sera can marry the Inquisitor in an on-screen wedding ceremony during the Trespasser DLC.

What happens if I flirt with everyone in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Yep you can flirt with everyone, even people you cannot actually romance. Eventually those who are the wrong gender for a romance will tell you they are not interested or you will find out through their personal quest.

Is Leliana a romance option? ›

One of those characters that can also be romanced is a bard turned woman of faith named Leliana. Leliana is first met after an encounter at the inn in Lothering. Interact with her and there is a chance she can be romanced, regardless of the player's gender.

Is Leliana a romance option in Inquisition? ›

There are two conversational opportunities in the game to start a romance with Leliana. The first opportunity is different for male and female wardens, while the second opportunity is the same regardless of gender.

Did Morrigan have a baby? ›

Kieran (born 9:31 Dragon) is the son of Morrigan.

Can you have human baby with Morrigan? ›

All you need to do is romance Morrigan during your playthrough and don't do the Dark Ritual at the end of the game. This way, Morrigan will become pregnant with a normal baby.

Can GREY wardens get pregnant? ›

Grey Wardens have a limited chance of conception with a non-Grey Warden, but it does happen... and the child is not tainted in any fashion.

What is the weakest dragon in Inquisition? ›

The Northern Hunter is the weakest dragon in the game so if you have progressed through the many story enough to access Crestwood so should be able to fight the dragon.

Which class is most fun in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Rogues are by far the best class in Dragon Age: Inquisition. There are two types: dual-wield rogues, who work with daggers, and archer rogues, who work with bows and arrows.

Which dragon is the hardest Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The Sandy Howler is one of Inquisition's most powerful enemies full-stop and can totally devastate the most experienced of players.

Can Alistair marry a human mage? ›

A source of confusion in many guides with whether human mages can become Queen. The truth is, even human mages cannot be Queen. However, they can be a consort to the King if Alistair is hardened. So they can stay with King Alistair, but they cannot be Queen.

Can you marry Josephine Trespasser? ›

Shortly, Josephine interrupts the duel, angry that the Inquisitor would risk their life. The player can now choose between declaring their love for Josephine, or allowing Lord Otranto to marry her. If you opt to continue the romance, Josephine kisses the Inquisitor.

Does Cassandra like the Templars? ›

By extension, as a Seeker, Cassandra believes deeply in the Chantry-founded institutions like the Templars and the Circles of Magi. To earn her trust, suggest reforming these organizations, but not demolishing them all together.

What does Sera call the Inquisitor? ›

At any time, the Inquisitor can ask Sera to leave by telling her that she doesn't fit in with the Inquisition. If Sera's approval is too low, she confronts the Inquisitor and calls them an expletive.

Is Sera an elven god? ›

The dialogue between her Cole and Solas implies that she might be a mage or at least have some weak sense for magic. Nothing in it suggests that Sera is actually an Elven God.

Can only elves romance solas? ›

Solas is exclusively romanceable by female Elven Inquisitors. According to Patrick Weekes, he wasn't written as a romance option for men and women in order to avoid the "Depraved Bisexual" trope.

What happens if Leliana died? ›

Regardless of the choice, however, Leliana returns as a character in Dragon Age: Inquisition as the spymaster to the Inquisitor. If she was killed in the first game, Leliana will explain that she awoke at some time after her death, still in the temple, and believes The Maker resurrected her.

Can Morrigan turn into a dragon? ›

Morrigan gains the ability to shapeshift into a dragon and battles with Corypheus' dragon. In the middle of the battle, she ends up defeated and thus is knocked out cold for the remainder of the fight.

Does Morrigan appear in Dragon Age 2? ›

Morrigan didn't appear in Dragon Age 2, but Laidlaw said BioWare knew the core of the Inquisition storyline, which he described as the character's "moment," since "midway through Dragon Age: Origins." Morrigan's story was the focus of Origins DLC 'Witch of the Hunt," which Joystiq chief wizard Ludwig Kietzmann felt ...

Does Cullen have a crush on the warden? ›

Tropes. Anguished Declaration of Love — In Origins, Cullen proclaims his feelings for the Warden, stating that he “no longer cares that she knows,” as all his friends/fellow Templars were slaughtered.

Do mages get addicted to lyrium? ›

Such potions can also be used to aid in the casting of especially taxing spells, for a short time granting a mage far greater power than he normally wields. Lyrium has its costs, however. Prolonged use becomes addictive, the cravings unbearable.

Can you still romance Cullen if you side with the mages? ›

If you sided with the Mages are the beginning of the game, Cullen will be involved in the Nemesis Quest "Before the Dawn", but this does not affect the romance.

Can you save Iron Bull from betraying? ›

Iron Bull's Betrayal

One either kills Iron Bull or dies, with no hope of changing his mind. His approval rating does not matter, and his romance also does not matter.

Are there any Qunari GREY wardens? ›

No Qunari or Kossith has ever joined the Grey Wardens' ranks. This is probably due to the fact that they live quite strictly on their island home of Seheron, and the only people to leave are sanctioned by their government.

Can you romance both Dorian and Iron Bull? ›

Players wishing to make Adoribull canon need to cycle through Dorian and Iron Bull's banter together until they reach their romantic banter. This is achieved by taking both characters out together during quests outside of Haven or Skyhold.

Who is Dorian obsessed with? ›

A few weeks later, Dorian tells Henry that he has fallen in love with an actress, Sibyl Vane, because of her great beauty and acting talent. Henry and Basil go with him to a dingy theatre to see Sibyl, but her performance is terrible.

Who does Dorian love? ›

He confesses his love for Sibyl, calling her a "genius," and in the next breath states that he doesn't really care who she is or where she came from. From his own description, Dorian's "love" for Sibyl has more to do with the affectations of her profession than with her as a person.

Who does Dorian fall in love with? ›

He had passed by a theatre where he first saw and fell in love with Sibyl Vane. Nassar remarks, “In his new thirst for sensations, Dorian's first action is to fall in love with Sibyl Vane” (362).

What happens if you seduce bellise? ›

If the Inquisitor decides to seduce Bellise: Since the Inquisitor is not involved in a confirmed relationship, they offer to bed the Minister. Bellise finds the suggestion intriguing enough, and accepts. , as Gaspard always asks for favors in return.

Can you have multiple lovers in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Multiple Romances

You can flirt with as many characters as you wish (subject to their preferences), but as you complete storyline milestones, multiple suitors may confront you and ask you to make a choice. This is most apparent just before The Final Piece storyline quest.

Can a female Inquisitor romance Dorian? ›

Flirting with Dorian (by either a male or female Inquisitor) will always garner you approval.

Does Solas really love the Inquisitor? ›

Solas' romance, while one of the most endearing for the Dalish Inquisitor, is also one of the most heart-wrenching because, no matter what she does, she can't save Solas or their relationship. Solas has bigger plans, and though he definitely loves the Inquisitor, that love interferes with his plans.

Why can t you romance Vivienne? ›

But romancing Vivienne was impossible, as her heart belonged to another. Even after her lover passed away, it was hard for her to imagine finding anyone else she felt to be worthy of her love. A woman of Vivienne's power and authority could very well go on to appear in future games.

What happens if a Jedi marries? ›

In the Jedi Order, emotional attachment and possession were forbidden because it was believed they could lead to jealousy and fear of loss, and ultimately the dark side of the Force; for that reason, Jedi were not allowed to marry.

Can you avoid romance in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

Dragon Age: Inquisition has multiple romance options available, some specific to certain genders and races. You don't have to romance someone, since you might not find someone you want to cozy up with, and that's perfectly fine.

What is the weakest dragon Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The Northern Hunter is the weakest dragon in the game so if you have progressed through the many story enough to access Crestwood so should be able to fight the dragon.

Why is there no Leliana romance in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The opportunity to begin a flirtatious conversation will appear automatically once her approval is high enough. Leliana requires high approval ratings to begin a romance, so you'll need to give her a lot of appropriate gift items.

Can you marry Alistair as an elf? ›

Alistair can only be married if the player character is a female Cousland, romances Alistair, gets him to 100 percent approval, makes him King, kills Loghain, proposes to rule by his side as queen, and survives the final battle.

Can you get pregnant in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

So it is possible for a female Inquisitor to be pregnant after Inquisition, but it certainly doesn't have to happen and can be avoided if the people involved choose to do so.

Can you romance Morrigan as a female? ›

Equal Love removed gender biased restrictions from various characters within the game opening up new rewards, interactions, and romances. With this modification, women will be able to have their kisses from Kaitlyn and Bella, bed the innocent Gheyna, couple with Anora, and even romance Morrigan.

What race is best for Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

For some players, it is all about the culture of the races. If you like the idea of living in the woods and worshipping a pantheon, then being a Dalish Elf is probably the best choice for you. If you want to be part of a strict caste system and live underground, then a Dwarf is definitely the best idea.

What is the easiest dragon to fight Inquisition? ›

The recommended player level is 13 or above, but the Northern Hunter is considered to be the easiest High Dragon to defeat in the game.

Why does Solas break up with you? ›

3 If Romanced, He Almost Abandons His Quest

Losing his resolve for a moment frightens him, so he decides to break up with Lavellan in order to keep himself on his world-destroying path.

Did Solas really love the Inquisitor? ›

Solas' romance, while one of the most endearing for the Dalish Inquisitor, is also one of the most heart-wrenching because, no matter what she does, she can't save Solas or their relationship. Solas has bigger plans, and though he definitely loves the Inquisitor, that love interferes with his plans.

What is Solas real name? ›

A post-credit scene of Inquisition reveals his true identity as Fen'Harel.

Is it better to soften Leliana? ›

Whether she is hardened or softened will determine how she reacts to the sects that oppose her reformations to the Chantry: A hardened Leliana will murder them. A softened Leliana will negotiate with them.

How to make Leliana fall in love? ›

Successfully Romancing Leliana

Once her quest is complete and her approval is close to its maximum, around 91 or more, talk to Leliana at camp to eventually begin the love scene. Finish talking with her, speaking to her all over again if needed, and the game will show your Warden as committed to Leliana.

How old is da Leliana? ›

At age 36, Leliana is the second youngest Divine in history and the third to be elected outside the traditional Chantry hierarchy.

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