8 Follow Up Email Samples and Mistakes | Daylite (2024)

Building Relationships / February 24, 2023 / Kristie

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Writing an effective yet polite follow up email that gets a response can be challenging. You want to get a response but you don’t want to be perceived as too pushy.

Whether you’re writing a polite follow-up email because you’re following up after meeting someone at a network event, after sending an invoice, or after sending an email with no response, we’ll share tips to help you increase the odds of you getting a response.

Mistakes made in polite follow-up emails and what to do instead
8 Polite follow-up email samples
Following up after meeting at a networking event
Following up after being introduced
Following up after sending an estimate/quote
Following up after a meeting or call to move to next steps in doing business together
Following up after sending something that requires action and waiting to hear back
Following up after sending an invoice and haven’t received payment
Following up after asking someone to do something and no response
Following up after no response from the last email
Quick Tips

8 Follow Up Email Samples and Mistakes | Daylite (1)

First, let’s talk about the 3 common mistakes people make when writing a polite follow up email so you know what to correct when writing your next email.

Then we’ll share some examples of what you want to do to improve your follow up email along with a heap of examples to help you customize your own message!

Mistakes made in polite follow-up emails and what to do instead

There are three common mistakes often made when writing polite follow-up emails. Let’s talk about each of these mistakes so you can avoid them when writing a polite follow-up email and what to do instead.

Mistake #1:
Using “follow-up” in the email subject line

When writing a polite follow-up email, most people tend to naturally use “follow-up” in the subject line. While this email is a follow-up, that subject line doesn’t add any value and will likely be ignored. It can also cause the reader to feel like you’re pointing blame because you didn’t answer, which doesn’t make the reader feel very good or interested in reading your email.

Instead, write a subject line that’s relevant to the topic or purpose of the email. To do this, ask yourself what the email is about or what you want them to do. Continue reading for polite follow-up email subject line examples.

Mistake #2:
Starting with “just following up” and not adding value

Another common mistake made when writing a polite follow-up email is starting with “just following up” and sending an email that doesn’t add any value. People are busy and don’t have time to read an email that they have to decipher the meaning of or what action is required.

Instead, when writing your polite follow-up email, focus on adding value. For example, give them options, share how you can help them solve their problem or what you can do for them, or add more details or context.

Mistake #3:
Not including a call to action

The final and most common mistake when writing a polite follow-up email is forgetting to include a call to action.

Instead, when writing a polite follow-up email, be clear about what you want the person to do after reading your email. Do you want them to reply? Call you back? Fill out a form? Be clear and specific so they know what you want them to do. You can do this while still being polite. Keep reading to see the polite follow-up email samples and learn how to incorporate this into your follow-up emails.

Mistake #4:
Not following up quickly

Instead of waiting 10+ days to follow up, consider sending a reminder sooner like 3 days. This ensures the recipient still has the topic and request fresh in their mind. If you wait too long, there is a chance they’ve already forgotten about your call to action and the steps you asked them to take.As an example of the importance of time in sending emails, take the real estate industry. If you are a real estate agent, it is crucial to send a welcome email in the first couple of days before the first contact. So it’s best not to wait too long before you send a polite and gentle email.

Pro tip: Check out this blog for more important tips on how real estate agents can perfect their email skills when sending welcome emails.

8 Polite follow-up email samples

Below are eight polite follow-up email samples for various scenarios along with tips and suggestions you can use when writing your own email.

Scenario 1:
Following up after meeting at a networking event

Email subject line: Let’s work on [problem to solve]

Hi [Name],

It was great meeting you at [name of event]! It was really interesting hearing about [something they mentioned they’re struggling with.] I’d love to help you [problems you can solve] so you can [benefit they want to achieve].

Are you available next week to chat?

Email me back and let me know when works for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
[Your name]

Tip: Include an intro that triggers their memory. Include how you can add value by offering something that they want/need or solving a problem they have. Then finish with a call to action letting them know what you want them to do.

Scenario 2:
Following up after being introduced (e.g. referral)

Email subject line: Let’s chat about [something they care about]

Hi [Name],

[Name of referrer] mentioned you’re looking for a [problem you can solve or service you can offer]. I’d love to chat about [problem they’re looking to solve] and how I can help you [benefit they want to get].

Here are some [benefits you’ve helped other clients achieve or examples of your work].

[Link to case studies or customer testimonials]

Are you free next week to chat? Let me know what day works best for you.

[Your name]

Tip: When following up in this scenario, be sure to let them know who referred you to them and what you can do for them. Focus on the value you can add and adding credibility such as your social media accounts or website portfolio. Be sure to finish by including a call to action for next steps.

Scenario 3:
Following up after sending an estimate/quote

Email subject line: Quote for [project name]

Hi [Name],

Hope you’re doing well.

Have you had a chance to look over the quote I sent you [date you sent the quote] for [project you’re working on]? Would love to get started on [project or service you’re providing] so you can [benefit they want].

Let me know if you have any questions about the quote.


[Your name]

Tip: Be brief and ask a question instead of saying you’re just following up on the quote. Remind them of the value you can add or problem you can solve to emphasize what’s in it for them. Finish with a call to action by being clear on what they should do next.

Scenario 4:
Following up after a meeting or call to move to next steps in doing business together

Email subject line: Next steps for [project you’re working on]

Hi [Name],

It was great meeting you the other day and chatting about [something they mentioned they care about]. I’d love to get started on working on [project or deal you’re working towards] so you can [benefit they want].

I’ve attached a form for you to fill out with your basic information. The next step is to [one sentence about the next steps involved].

Please fill this out and send it back at your earliest convenience so we can get started.

Looking forward to working with you,
[Your name]

Tip: Include something personal and give them context about who you are. People are often so busy that just seeing your name in their inbox may not be enough to remind them of who you are. Focus on adding value by reiterating a problem you can solve for them or benefit/goal you can help them achieve. Finish with a call to action telling them what you need them to do and why it’s important.

Scenario 5:
Following up after sending something that requires action and waiting to hear back

Email subject line: Form for [project you’re working on]

Hi [Name],

Hope you’re having a great week!

Have you had a chance to look over the form I sent you last week?
Do you have any questions about it?

Let me know if you need me to send you another copy or if you need more time.

I’m looking forward to getting this project started.

[Your name]

Tip: Keep the follow-up email brief. Ask if they’ve looked over the item you sent them and if they have any questions to confirm they’ve received it and understand what’s needed. Finish by including a call to action about what you want them to do.

Scenario 6:
Following up after sending an invoice and haven’t received payment

Email subject line: Overdue invoice for [name of project]

Hi [Name],

Hope you’re doing well.

Have you had a chance to look over the invoice I sent you [date you sent the invoice]? I know this season is busy for you.

Let me know if you need me to resend it or if you have any questions about any of the line items.

[Your name]

Tip: Be brief but direct. Ask a question instead of pointing out the obvious that you haven’t received payment, for example asking to confirm they’ve received it and whether or not they have questions about it. Finish with a call to action telling them what you want them to do.

Scenario 7:
Following up after asking someone to do something and no response

Email subject line: Checking on [work you’ve asked them to do]

Hi [Name],

Hope you’re doing well.

Have you had a chance to [work you’re asked them to do]? Once I get [work you’re asked them to do] then I can [next steps and benefit that they care about].

Let me know if there’s anything you had question about or need any more details.

[Your name]

Tip: Be brief. Be polite by asking if they’ve looked it over rather than accuse or point out that you haven’t received it yet. Add value by giving them context for the urgency if needed or urgency about the next steps. Finish with a call to action so they know what you want them to do and why it’s important.

Scenario 8:
Following up after no response from the last email

Email subject line: Circling back about [service you can profide or problem you can solve]

Hi [Name],

Hope you’re doing well. I didn’t hear back from you about [email you sent – service you can provide or problem you can solve].

Have you been too busy to get back?
Have you found another [professional services/ product]?

Let me know if you’d prefer me to circle back at another time or if you’ve found another professional services and no longer need my services.

[Your name]

Tip: When you’ve followed up and had no previous response, be brief and ask them why, while making it easy for them to answer by giving them options. Finish with a call to action letting them know what you want them to do.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, you find these polite follow-up email samples helpful when writing your own follow-up emails. The main things to keep in mind when writing a polite follow-up email is to be brief, focus on adding value, and include a call to action. If you follow these tips you can avoid wasted time sending follow-ups that don’t get responses and start getting answers!

Quick tips

  • For more tips on writing follow-up emails, check out our other post How To Write a Warm Follow-Up Email [Examples Included].
  • If you’re having a hard time staying on top of your follow-ups, a good idea is to look into using a CRM for small business. If you’re using a Mac, check out Daylite.
  • We also recommend looking at a tool like MailChimp to help you track your email open and click rates to see how you’re doing!
  • Once you start getting responses to your emails, try Acuity Scheduling to make booking all your new appointments hassle-free!

And last but not least, discover Daylite’s seamless integration with Apple Mail, so you can master the art of following up and take your overall email skills even further. Daylite Mail Assistant allows you to take action from emails and create new contacts, set reminders, schedule appointments, and delegate tasks, all without even leaving your inbox. And there’s more: Daylite Mail Assistant also saves your emails in Daylite, linked to the items you create, so you always have a chronological history of communications related to a contact or project. Start your free 14-day trial and start taking advantage of Daylite Mail Assistant.8 Follow Up Email Samples and Mistakes | Daylite (2)

About the author: Kristie Holden is an online marketing consultant. She helps startups get more leads by clarifying their message and creating a marketing strategy to attract and convert their ideal client. Connect with her on Instagram.

8 Follow Up Email Samples and Mistakes | Daylite (2024)


How to write a follow-up email when someone doesn t respond examples? ›

Dear [Name], I hope this email finds you well. I reached out to you a few days ago regarding {Reason for initial email} but haven't heard back yet. I understand that you're likely very busy, but if you could find some spare time to check my offer, I would be delighted!

How do I politely follow-up an email sample? ›

I'm following up on my previous email on [Date]. I requested [Item/Information] from you and was wondering if there is any update on this request. Please let me know if you need any further information from me. I appreciate your time and consideration.

What is an example of a bad follow-up email? ›

Bad Follow-up Email Example: Too Generic

You and I go back a long way, and I would like it if you would attend {event}. However, I need you to RSVP soon. I hope you can make some time from your busy schedule to reply and be there.

How to professionally follow up on an unanswered email? ›

How To Write a Follow-up Email
  1. Add Context. Try to jog your recipient's memory by opening your email with a reference to a previous email or interaction. ...
  2. Add Value. You should never send a follow-up without upping the ante and demonstrating your worth. ...
  3. Explain Why You're Emailing. ...
  4. Include a Call to Action. ...
  5. Close Your Email.
Mar 1, 2024

How to point out mistakes politely in an email sample? ›

We'd like to bring to your attention a correction regarding our previous email. In our communication dated [Date], we mistakenly mentioned [Incorrect Detail]. The correct information is [Correct Detail]. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.

How to write a follow-up email without sounding pushy? ›

How to Follow Up on an Email (Without Being Annoying)
  1. Be friendly, humble, and polite. It's easy to get frustrated when someone doesn't seem like they're being considerate of your time. ...
  2. Give it time. People are busy, now more than ever before. ...
  3. Keep it brief and to the point. ...
  4. Make it skimmable. ...
  5. Automate it.
Jan 2, 2020

What to say instead of "following up"? ›

The following alternatives are clear-cut and could be used in place of I just wanted to follow up.
  • Can you please give me an update on X? Hi Lewis, ...
  • What's the status of X? Jeff, ...
  • Has there been any progress on X? ...
  • Where are we with X? ...
  • Do you need any support from me on X? ...
  • I'm checking in on X. ...
  • I'm circling back on X.

How to send a follow-up email after a mistake? ›

Follow these four steps for writing effective error correction emails:
  1. Explain the error in clear and concise language.
  2. Let customers know what has been fixed and any action they need to take.
  3. Provide a sincere apology.
  4. Offer reassurance the issue will not happen again.

What is a good follow-up example? ›

Hi [First name], I'm writing to follow up on my email regarding [what your last email was about]. I didn't hear back from anyone on your team. If it makes sense to talk further, let me know how your calendar looks for the next few weeks for a 5-10 minute call.

What not to say in a follow-up email? ›

5 email follow-up mistakes to avoid
  • Writing "follow-up" in the message's subject line. ...
  • Omitting the context of your email. ...
  • Neglecting to include a call to action. ...
  • Waiting too long to follow up with the recipient. ...
  • Writing an email that's too long.
Nov 30, 2022

What is a gentle follow up? ›

A gentle follow-up email requires a focus on the future and what it means for the client rather than focusing on the past - even if they said they would get that information and they didn't.

How do you say follow up in an email professionally? ›

I'm just following up on an email I previously sent to you. I understand that you are busy, but I would appreciate it if you could review the email and respond to me as soon as you can. If I don't hear from you by the end of the week, I'll call you at your office.

How to bump an email professionally? ›

"Wanted to pick this back up!" I usually use something like, "I know you're busy, so I just wanted to push this up on your email stack in case it got buried." Just checking in, any update on this? I usually just forward the original email and type "Just following up on this!" but I tend to be business informal.

How can I politely tell someone that I'm waiting for their response? ›

“I'm Looking Forward To Hearing From You” Synonyms
  1. I'm eagerly awaiting your response.
  2. Your prompt response would be appreciated.
  3. Thank you for your timely response.
  4. I hope to hear from you soon.
  5. [Be direct and include a call-to-action]

Is it okay to write a follow-up email after no response? ›

It is easy to forget that you're not always going to be your client's top priority and sending a follow-up email too quickly can make you appear rude or even annoying in some cases. We recommend sending a gentle reminder a couple of days after your initial email to get back in touch whenever they're ready to proceed.

How to politely ask someone to reply email example? ›

I wanted to follow up on the email I sent on [date]. I understand everyone is busy, and I just wanted to make sure my email didn't get lost in the shuffle. I appreciate your time and attention to this matter. Looking forward to your response.

How do you politely follow up a second time? ›

How to send a second follow-up email after an interview
  1. Enter the relevant information in the subject line. ...
  2. Open with a greeting. ...
  3. Include a sentence about the position. ...
  4. Ask a question. ...
  5. Show your interest. ...
  6. Offer thanks. ...
  7. End with your full name and contact information. ...
  8. Wait at least a week.
Apr 28, 2023

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.