Asda Organisational Structure | Unit 3 OB HND Business – HND Assignment (2024)

October 28, 2019 0 Comments

Unit 3 Organizational Behavior Assignment ASDA Organizational Structure

P 1.1: Compare and contrast the organisation structure and culture of ASDA PLC to British Airlines.

P 1.2: Explain how the relationship between ASDA’s structure and culture impacts its performance.

P 1.3: Discuss the factors that influence ASDA’s employees’ behaviour at work, giving relevant examples.

P 2.1: compare the effectiveness of the leadership styles used by ASDA and British Airways CEOs.

P2.2: Identify any organisational theory practised at ASDA and explain how organisational theory underpins management practice.

P2.3: Evaluate the different approaches to management used by ASDA and British Airways.

P3.1: What types of changes could ASDA engage? Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on the motivation of ASDAs staff in periods of change.

P3.2: Compare the application of different motivational theories with particular reference to ASDA’s employees as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Vroom’s Expectancy theories and McGregor’s Theory X and Y—-. Which approach is most applicable and why?.

P3.3: Evaluate the usefulness of a motivational theory for managers. How could a theory like Herzberg’s motivation theory be valuable and relevant to the managers?.

P4.1: Explain the nature of the various groups among ASDA’s staff and how they may influence the group behaviour.

P4.2: Discuss the factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork among the employees of ASDA Plc.

P 4.3: Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within ASDA Plc.



AsdaStores Ltd is a British supermarket chain that retails food, clothing, general merchandise, toys and financial services. It also has a mobile telephone network, Asda Mobile. Its head office is in Asda House in Leeds, West Yorkshire.Asda PLCbecame a subordinate of the American retail giant Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, in 1999 and is the U.K.’s second-largest chain by market share afterTesco PLC. In December 2010, Asda’s share of the U.K. grocery market stood at 16.5%. Asda’s marketing promotions have usually been based solely on price, with Asda promoting itself under the slogan Britain’s Lowest Priced Supermarket, 14 Years Running inasda slogan.


Business organisations in the 21st century constitute a complicated way as they have to face fierce competition in the marketplace. Managing these kinds of organisations is a complex task for the managers of business organisations (Asda opening hours). People or employees are the most valuable assets of business organisations, and working people in these organisations are the most challenging job. For this reason, it is essential to have a better understanding of organisational behaviour as it describes the organisational structures, cultures, motivation, leadership, group behaviour and team building and team functioning (Argyris, 1960). The structure and culture organisation have a significant impact on the organisation’s employees. Organisational structures and culture can improve the performance of employees if they can ensure proper communication and foster innovation and invention (Asda opening times). Motivation, leadership, and approaches to management are also essential to improve the performance of business organisations.

Task 1: ASDA Organisational Structure


The organisational structure is the most fundamental element to building an organisation. The organisational structure is essential for an organisation to make work specialisation and departmentalisation, to ensure span of control and chain of command.Asdas sloganis various types of organisational structures used by business organisations. These are pre-bureaucratic structures, bureaucratic structure, functional structure, divisional structure, matrix structure, flat structure etc. Apart from these, organisational culture can also be of different types. These are power culture, role culture, task culture, person culture etc. (Hersey, Blanchard and Johnson, 1988).

British Airways organisational structure

There has been a significant difference between the organisational structure and culture of ASDA Plc and British Airways. The organisational structure of ASDA Plc is a formal hierarchical functional structure as the organisation has so many functional departments. On the other hand, the organisational structure of British Airways is divisional because of various divisions of the organisation. On the other hand, the organisational culture ofASDA Plcis role culture as the employees and top executive of the organisation has specific roles to perform.Asdas slogancorporate culture of British Airways is more tasks oriented. The organisation emphasises more on the completion of jobs assigned to the organisation’s employees. Thus it is evident that the organisational structure and culture of ASDA Plc and British Airways are not similar, and there is a significant difference between them.


Organisational structure and cultures play a significant role in achieving the organisation’s goal. The organisational structure and culture of ASDA have a considerable impact on its performance. The traditional hierarchical functional structure at ASDA is helpful to improve the chain of commands, a span of control, work specialisation, departmentalisation and decentralisation (Asda Washington). The design and culture of ASDA also have a significant impact on the organisation’s employees. Organisational structures and culture can improve the performance of employees if they can ensure proper communication and foster innovation and invention (Whiteley, 2002).

Asda management structure

There are both positive and negative impacts on the organisation’s performance by the effect of the organisation structure and culture of ASDA. The positive impact of ASDA’s organisational structure and culture is that it provides a boundary of functions and roles of the employees. It also provides a sense of identity to the organisation’s employees (Whiteley, 2002). On the other hand, the negative impact is that diversity of functions and roles sometimes creates conflicts among ASDA employees(what time does Asda open). It may make a bad working environment for the organisation. Above all, despite the various negative impacts of the culture and structure of ASDA, these are useful to create a proper work environment for the organisation.


The behaviour of employees at the workplace in ASDA depends mainly on the organisation’s reward system, the structure and culture, and the overall work environment of the organisation. The reward system of an organisation involves monetary reward and non-monetary reward. Rationally the motive behind employees’ work in a business organisation is the reward. People work because they want to be rewarded. Thus, the behaviours of individuals at the workplace are primarily influenced by the organisation’s reward system (Kreitner and Kinicki, 1998).

The structure of the organisation is also a vital determinant of the behaviours of individuals because organisational structure determines the scope of behaviours of individuals at the workplace. The system of an organisation defines the Authority and responsibility of employees in the workplace. It shapes the nature of the relationship among the people in an organisation. The behaviours of the employees of ASDA are also affected by its structure. The employees of the ASDA are very cooperative and friendly because of its flexible organisational structure.

The organisational culture of ASDA is also an influential factor that affects the behaviours of employees in the organisation. The corporate culture of ASDA consists of the core value and beliefs of the organisation.Asdas sloganorganisational culture of the organisation is to promote the value and confidence of the organisation. Organisational values and beliefs guide an employee’s behaviour in the workplace (Whiteley, 2002).

Task 2


Leadership is the process of persuading, motivating, directing, and controlling employees to perform their duties to achieve the organisation’s objective. To lead and manage the employees’ managers of business organisations follow different leadership styles. Leadership style may be authoritative, democratic, coaching, paternalistic, and laissez fair. Autocratic leaders are more power-oriented, the communication is top-down, and there is a formal command and control system. On the other hand, democratic leaders are more with the group as a whole (Whiteley, 2002). Paternalistic leadership is a soft authoritarian leadership style. Laissez fair leadership is delivering more power to the employees to do whatever they think is best for the organisation. Coaching is a more employee-focused leadership style.

The leader, followed by the CEO of ASDA, is more employees focused. The CEO of this organisation is Andy Clark. He focuses more on the employee’s innovative power to solve the organisation’s problematic situation (, 2014). The motto of this person is that leaders are not born.Asdas sloganis made, leaders need a good mentor, leaders should have the capacity to keep pace with the change in the business environment, and leaders have to be people (Jefford, 2014).

On the other hand, the CEO of British Airlines is Keith William. The motto of his leadership is motivating the employees of the organisation to compromise their interests for the betterment of the organisation and creating awareness about the firm’s objectives. The CEO’s leadership style is more objective oriented and analytical (, 2014). On the other hand, the CEO’s leadership style of ASDA is more employee-focused. Both of these is leadership style is effective because of the nature of the business operation of these organisation(Asda the galleries). As a retail organisation, the Success of ASDA mostly depends on its employee’s performance. On the other hand, the leaders of British Airways should be more action-oriented than employee-oriented.


The organisational theory involves the formation, structures and leadership of the organisation. The managers of business organisations follow different corporate ideas. As a retail organisation,ASDA PLC’smanagers ofASDApractice some organisational theories. The most widely used organisational views are the scientific management approach, bureaucratic approach of Max Webber and the administrative theory. The organisational theory determines work specialisation, Authority and responsibility, discipline, and unity of command. The organisational theory was developed by French management expert Henri Fayol. The corporate theory practice inASDA PLCis Administrative theory (Wibbeke, 2009). There are fourteen principles of administrative theory. These principles are the specialisation of work, unity of command, unity of direction, order, equity, scalar chain, esprit de corps, stability of tenure, subordination of individual interest to group interest, line and staff management, decentralisation, initiatives, compensation package and friendly workplace.


Management approaches of different organisations vary because of other important issues that affect the managerial process of an organisation. Management to implement various decisions depends on multiple issues. These are different types of technologies involved in the administrative process, the organisation’s objectives, the complexity of tasks, and the project or study timeframe. Other business organisations use various management approaches. Some of the unique approaches to management are the human behaviour approach, social system approach, decision theory approach, socio-technological approach, management science approach, system approach and contingency and situational approach (Shackleton, 1995). The use of these approaches depends on the nature and scope of the organisation’s business operation.

Ethical approaches to management can improve the performance of the organisation. The approach to management used by ASDA is the System approach. The system approach is a combination of parts and subsystems, and it is effective for an organisation with a lot of departments and branches. It is a practical approach to management for ASDA. The approaches to management used in British Airways are the operational approach and contingency or situation approach. Both of these approaches are effective for the organisation to improve performance and productivity (Wibbeke, 2009).

Task 3


As a social entity, business organisations face different social, economic, political, and environmental forces that force business organisations to change their processes and strategies. Organisational changes are a regular activity for business organisations to cope with the changes in the business environment. Organisational changes can be of three types. These are business process reengineering, technological changes and incremental changes. The analysis and design of processes and workflows within an organisation is business process reengineering. On the other hand, the innovation, invention and diffusion of technology or methods are called technological changes in a business organisation. Apart from this, incremental changes are added to the project using small and gradual changes instead of large jumps in business operations (Anon, 2014).

Changes in the business process have a significant impact on the motivational level of the mind of the organisation’s employees. In these circ*mstances, leadership plays a crucial role in improving the motivation of the organisation’s employees. As a retail organisation, ASDA incrementally increases its business span. In the periods of change, focusing on employees plays an important role (Whiteley, 2002). Focusing on employees makes changes easier for the organisation because it effectively reduces barriers to business changes. Thus the leadership styles of ASDA have a significant impact on staff motivation in the periods of changes in the organisation.


Various authors and management experts developed different theories about the motivation of employees in the business organisation. The main aim of these theories is to increase the performance and productivity of the organisation by increasing the causes of the employees of these organisations. Managers of different organisations use these theories to motivate their employees. Applying these theories depends on the nature and scope of the business organisation. Some of the main ideas relating to motivation are Vroom’s theory of expectancy, Maslow’s need hierarchy and McGregor’s theory of X and T (Schermerhorn, Osborn and Hunt, 2000).

Maslow’s need hierarchy theory is used to identify the layers of a person’s needs. This theory suggests that people possess five requirements, from primary physiological conditions to self-actualisation. On the other hand, McGregor’s X and Y approach entails two kinds of workers in the workplace. One type of worker requires strict monitoring as they dislike working and are idle. On the other hand, a different worker is very active and enjoys working (Schermerhorn, Osborn and Hunt, 2000). Vroom’s expectancy theory entails that motivational force that direct behavioural alternatives result from the perception of people that effort will lead to performance and perception of people that performance will lead them to the desired result and the value of expected results to the people. To motivate the employees of ASDA PLC, Vroom’s expectancy theory is most applicable. The approach focuses more on the perception of employees.


Managers of business organisations use different motivational theories to motivate their employees. The usefulness of motivational theories for managers depends on several issues. Firstly the effectiveness of the motivational approach mainly depends on selecting the correct view for the proper context. In addition to that, the motivational theory is more applicable when managers identify the employees clearly and take action based on the situation (Whiteley, 2002). Herzberg’s motivation theory entails that certain factors cause job dissatisfaction while other factors cause job satisfaction. Managers can use Herzberg’s motivation theory when they clearly understand the factors that cause job dissatisfaction for the employees and the elements that causes job satisfaction for the employees are. The usefulness of the theory depends on the manager’s clear understanding of the problems of employees and identification of the proper solution to those problems (Robbins, 2001).

Task 4


A group comprises two or more people having a common goal. Different groups exist in a business organisation like ASDA. Among these groups, some groups are formal, and some are informal. There are two kinds of legal groups that exist in the workplace. These are the task group and command group. The command group has a fixed position in the organisation and is not temporary, and the task group is formed in ASDA to complete specific motives and tasks. Task groups are usually quick. In addition to this, some groups exist in ASDA, which the organisation does not form. The members of the organisation include these types of groups. These groups are called informal groups. There are two kinds of informal groups in ASDA. These are Friendship groups and interest groups. Friendship groups comprise intimate friends who have a typical attitude, belief or age. On the other hand, interest groups are formed based on the members’ intentions to achieve a common interest (Whiteley, 2002).

Various groups in ASDA have a significant impact on the performance of employees in the organisation. The degree of influence by the groups in group behaviour is not the same. Informal groups like interest groups and friendships have more impact on the group behaviour. More importantly, the interest groups are the most important groups that significantly impact the group behaviour of the employees as the group is formed to safeguard the interest of the employees in the organisation (Wibbeke, 2009).


Organisational teams are developed in business organisations to increase the productivity and performance of the organisation’s employees. Teamwork must be adequate so that team members can be motivated to achieve the team’s common goal. Some factors inhibit or promote the development of effective collaboration among the employees of ASDA plc. These factors are diversity, communication, leadership and teambuilding exercises (Wibbeke, 2009).

Teams are built by a diversity of cultures, talents and personalities of the organisation’s employees. A variety of employees promotes innovation and creativity and creates awareness about teamwork. It is an essential factor for effective collaboration among the employees of ASDA. Leadership style is also a critical factor that significantly impacts the attitudes and working mentality of the team members. Clear and open communication also facilitates effective teamwork. There must be a strong communication network among the employee members to build effective collaboration. Shared experiences and practices also develop an effective team for which a teambuilding exercise is an essential tool (Wolski, 2014).


Technology is the most influential force for the success of the business organisation in the 21st century. Technology is dynamic. The changes so rapidly that nothing can be compared with its changing nature. It is a vital force for team functioning in a business organisation. The use of technology by the team members has both positive and negative impacts. Proper use of technology can improve team functioning. On the other improper use of technology can also hinder team functioning (baily, 2014). Technologies such as email, computers, groupware and mobile phones can improve the performance of the team members at ASDA. It increases the productivity of employees engaged in a team inside the organisation. There has been some negative impact of using these technologies. The most significant negative aspect of using technology is that technology creates information overload. Information overload makes sense of hesitation about the outcomes. For this reason, proper selection of information can only ensure expected performance.

Conclusion Asda Organisational Structure | Unit 3 OB HND Business

Organisational behaviour is an important area for the development of a business organisation. It encompasses the structures, processes and systems needed to manage employees to achieve the organisation’s goal. The organisational structure is the most fundamental element to build an organisation (Luthans, 1977). The organisational structure is essential for an organisation to make work specialisation and departmentalisation, to ensure span of control and chain of command. The organisation’s design is also a vital determinant of the behaviours of individuals because organisational structure determines the scope of behaviours of individuals at the workplace. The system of an organisation defines the Authority and responsibility of employees in the workplace. It shapes the nature of the relationship among the people in an organisation. Leadership is the process of persuading, motivating, directing, and controlling employees to perform their duties to achieve the organisation’s objective. To run and manage the employees’ managers of business organisations follow different leadership styles. Various management approaches are used by the other business organisations, such as the human behaviour approach, social system approach, decision theory approach, and different motivation theories like Herzberg’s Hygiene Theory, Maslow’s need hierarchy, etc. (Robbins, 2001).

AsdaStores Ltd is a British supermarket chain that retails food, clothing, general merchandise, toys and financial services. It also has a mobile telephone network, Asda Mobile. Its head office is in Asda House in Leeds, West Yorkshire.Asda PLCbecame a subordinate of the American retail giant Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, in 1999 and is the U.K.’s second-largest chain by market share afterTesco PLC. In December 2010, Asda’s share of the U.K. grocery market stood at 16.5%. Asda’s marketing promotions have usually been based solely on price, with Asda promoting itself under the slogan Britain’s Lowest Priced Supermarket, 14 Years Running inAsdas slogan.

REFERENCES Asda Organisational Structure | Unit 3 OB HND Business

  • Anon, (2014).Boundless. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Sep. 2014].
  • Argyris, C. (1960). Understanding organisational behaviour.Dorsey.
  • Baily, e. (2014).Technology – Impact of technology on team functioning – Unit 3: Organisations and Behaviour.
  •, (2014).Executives | British Airways. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Sep. 2014].
  • Hersey, P., Blanchard, K. and Johnson, D. (1988). Management of organisational behaviour.Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
  •, (2014).Everyday Leadership at Asda | Impromptu. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Sep. 2014].
  • Jefford, K. (2014).Asda boss Andy Clarke’s 4 top leadership tips. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Sep. 2014].
  • Kreitner, R. and Kinicki, A. (1998).Organisational behaviour. 1st ed. Boston, Mass.: Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
  • Luthans, F. (1977).Organisational behaviour. 1st ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Robbins, S. (2001).Organisational behaviour. 1st ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
  • Schermerhorn, J., Osborn, R. and Hunt, J. (2000).Organisational behaviour. 1st ed. New York: Wiley.
  • Shackleton, V. (1995).Business leadership. 1st ed. London: Routledge.
  • Whiteley, P. (2002).Motivation. 1st ed. Oxford, U.K.: Capstone Pub.
  • Wibbeke, E. (2009).Global business leadership. 1st ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Wolski, C. (2014).Factors That Promote Effective Teamwork. [online] Small Business – Available at: [Accessed 7 Sep. 2014].
Asda Organisational Structure | Unit 3 OB HND Business – HND Assignment (2024)


What Organisational structure does ASDA use? ›

In a business, there are a majority of structures that are organised in a business for their employees. An example of a business that has structured their employees is Asda, which was structured their business in a hierarchical structure.

Is ASDA an organisation? ›

Asda Stores Ltd. (/ˈæzdə/) (often styled as ASDA) is a British supermarket chain. It is headquartered in Leeds, England. The company was founded in 1949 when the Asquith family merged their retail business with the Associated Dairies company of Yorkshire.

What are the 4 types of organizational structures UK? ›

  • Functional organisational structure.
  • Hierarchical structure.
  • Flat structure.
  • Divisional structure.
  • Matrix structure.
18 Aug 2020

Is ASDA Centralised or Decentralised? ›

Asda also operates a centralized distribution system consisting of eight depots.

What functional areas does ASDA have? ›

The chosen areas are human resources, distribution, marketing and customer services.
  • Human Resources. The function of human resources is to provide a focus and strategy for the efficient management of business employees. ...
  • Distribution. ...
  • Marketing. ...
  • Customer Services. ...
  • Human Resources. ...
  • Distribution. ...
  • Marketing. ...
  • Customer Services.
21 Jun 2018

What leadership style does ASDA use? ›

Good and faire management style that respect and motivate all employees to have a successful collaboration, this will developed ASDA in the market.

What does Asda stand for? ›

Asda Bodmin (Image: PA) ASDA stands for Associated Dairies. The company was founded in 1949 when the supermarket-owning Asquith family merged with the Associated Dairies company of Yorkshire. It expanded into the south of England during the 1970s and 1980s.

What is Asda best known for? ›

Founded in the 1960s in Yorkshire, Asda is one of Britain's leading retailers. Dedicated colleagues serve customers from our network of stores and online services, including supercentres, superstores, supermarkets, Living stores, petrol filling stations and depots across the UK.

What makes Asda successful? ›

ASDA evolved quickly and achieved major success by being at the forefront of everything from food discounting to the eCommerce experience. The company has changed the way that the British shop more than once. It pioneered both supermarket shopping and box-store business.

What are the 4 types of organizational structures? ›

The four types of organizational structures are functional, multi-divisional, flat, and matrix structures. Others include circular, team-based, and network structures.

What is organizational structure PDF? ›

Organizational structure is a way or method by which organizational activities are divided, organized and coordinated. The organizations created the structures to coordinate the activities of work factors and control the member performance.

What is organizational structure examples? ›

Organizational structure examples of this type include insurance companies, engineering firms, law firms, regulatory agencies, etc. In other words, organizations that need isolated technical advice to assist employees who handle or manage the day-to-day operations on the front line.

What is a functional structure? ›

A functional structure is a business structure that is based on the function of each position within the business and the knowledge and skills of the team members that perform each role.

What is centralized organizational structure? ›

A centralised structure is where business decisions are made at the top of the business or in a head office and distributed down the chain of command .

What is the corporate culture of Asda? ›

We're a really values-led organisation. Our mission means we encourage everyone to be open and honest. We work creatively and collaboratively with each other, valuing everyone's input. We get on with things, we make them happen.

What are the Asda values? ›

Asda is one of Britain's most trusted retailer because it strives for four simple beliefs:
  • Service to our customers.
  • Respect for the individual.
  • Strive for excellence.
  • Act with integrity.

What are Asda 5 customer pledges? ›

These beliefs are: to provide excellent service to our customers • to show respect for the individual • to strive for excellence • to act with integrity. In 2009, ASDA conducted a customer survey and, based on the findings, 'customer pledges' for ASDA were created, to demonstrate the customers' expectation from ASDA.

What is the biggest Asda in the UK? ›

Supercentres are our largest stores offering our extended range across food, George and non-food, often supported by partnership offers and an extended range of services such as banks, photo printing specialists and dry cleaners. Milton Keynes is our largest store measuring more than 100,000 sq. ft.

What is hierarchical structure? ›

A hierarchical structure is an organisation structure that follows a chain-of-command from the top executives to regular employees. It resembles a pyramid, and the individual with the most authority occupies a sole senior-most position above the pyramid, while the junior-most workers occupy the positions at the bottom.

Who are the managers of Asda? ›

Let us introduce you to Asda's Executive Board.
  • Lord Stuart Rose. Chairman.
  • Mohsin Issa CBE. Co-Owner.
  • Zuber Issa CBE. Co-Owner.
  • Hayley Tatum. Chief People and Corporate Affairs Officer.
  • Steven Nuttall. Interim Chief Financial Officer.
  • Ken Towle. Senior Vice President Retail Operations.
  • Kris Comerford. ...
  • Mark Simpson.

What is Asda slogan? ›

Save money. Live better. Announced in early 2015, the new slogan brings Asda in line with its parent company Walmart which also uses this slogan.

What did Asda used to be called? ›

Through a process of acquisition and diversification, a new public company was formed in 1949 – Associated Dairies & Farm Stores Ltd, with Arthur Stockdale as Managing Director.

Who founded Asda? ›

Asda Stores Limited

Why do you want to work at Asda? ›

Why do you want to work for ASDA? State you love the product and the service and because of this, you would be proud to represent them. Mention you would like a job that keeps you active.

What size business is Asda? ›

ASDA has approximately 259 stores in its arsenal--each averaging nearly 42,000 square feet with some as large as 100,000 square feet. The company, once known as a dairy conglomerate, was acquired by Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in 1999.

How does Asda use technology? ›

Customers in Asda's Pudsey and Stevenage stores can now use privacy preserving age estimation technology when purchasing alcohol, which works via a camera in the self-checkout screen to accurately estimate a customer's age.

Which business strategy is used by Asda company? ›

The low price strategy together with setting up large number of online stores can contribute to the objective of ASDA to become Britain's biggest retail giant.

What makes Asda different? ›

Like its parent Walmart, Asda is a retailer staunchly dedicated to offering customers every day low prices (EDLP) rather than following the traditional high-low pricing structure found elsewhere in the grocery market. It is the commitment to EDLP that drives everything.

How does Asda differentiate from its competitors? ›

Asda's differentiating focus is on value, aiming to beat out its competitors with prices that are known to be lower. Asda's strategy poses inherent challenges for brands trying to sell on Asda has a huge range of value-driven own brand labels that threaten shelf position in both the category and in search.

What are the 3 types of organizational structure? ›

Types of Organizational Structure
  • Functional Structure. Under this structure, employees are grouped into the same departments based on similarity in their skill sets, tasks, and accountabilities. ...
  • Divisional Structure. ...
  • Matrix Structure. ...
  • Hybrid Structure.
7 May 2022

What are the types of organization structures briefly explain each? ›

There are three main types of organizational structure: functional structure, divisional structure and a blend of the two, called matrix structure.

What is Organisation structure and design? ›

Organizational design is actually a formal process of integrating people, information and technology. Organizational structure is the formal authority, power and roles in an organization. Organizational size, organizational life cycle, strategy, environment and technology work together to form a complete organization.

What is the most important organizational structure? ›

A hierarchical structure, also known as a line organization, is the most common type of organizational structure. Its chain of command is the one that likely comes to mind when you think of any company: Power flows from the board of directors down to the CEO through the rest of the company from top to bottom.

What is the best organization structure? ›

1. Traditional. A traditional line organizational structure is truly the place to start for most companies, especially the smaller ones that don't necessarily comprise a vast number of departments or require a major number of links in the chain of command/communication.

What is a simple organizational structure? ›

Also known as the flat structure, the simple organizational structure doesn't have multiple layers of management or formal departments. Instead, a simple organizational structure usually has one owner that delegates tasks to employees directly.

What is hierarchical structure? ›

A hierarchical structure is an organisation structure that follows a chain-of-command from the top executives to regular employees. It resembles a pyramid, and the individual with the most authority occupies a sole senior-most position above the pyramid, while the junior-most workers occupy the positions at the bottom.

How does a flat structure help a business achieve its aims? ›

A flat structure elevates each employee's responsibility inside the organization and eliminates excess management layers to improve coordination and communication. Fewer levels between employees improve the decision-making process among staff. The lack of need for middle management boosts the organization's budget.

What are the 4 types of organizational structures? ›

The four types of organizational structures are functional, multi-divisional, flat, and matrix structures. Others include circular, team-based, and network structures.

What are the 4 types of organizational chart? ›

Four Types of Organizational Charts: Functional Top-Down, Flat, Divisional, and Matrix.

What are the 4 types of organization? ›

There are 4 main types of business organization: sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and Limited Liability Company, or LLC.

What is an example of a flat organizational structure? ›

Amazon is an excellent example of a flat organization. Like Google, it has few managerial roles, and employees can move up or down within the company as needed. This structure allows for faster communication and decisions. Additionally, Amazon is known for its fast response time to changes in the market.

What are the characteristics of a flat organisational structure? ›

In a flat organizational structure, there are few levels of management. Thus workers will report directly to higher-level managers. This means that the role of middle-managers is shared between the workers and the higher-level managers. It generally means greater autonomy and authority for the worker.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a flat organizational structure? ›

Horizontal (flat) structure
Less layers leads to better communication More autonomy and responsibility for employees Employees may feel more motivated, therefore being more productiveLack of progression opportunities Higher workloads for managers Managers have more subordinates

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Views: 6020

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.