22 Tips for Couples Moving in Together | Extra Space Storage (2024)

Moving in together is a huge life transition for couples! Whether you’re a few months into dating or about to get married, there are a lot of little things to work out before taking this major step forward in your relationship. Check out the tips below for making your move-in experience go as smoothly as possible!

Determine the Right Time

22 Tips for Couples Moving in Together | Extra Space Storage (1)

Photo via @northfolkco

Not sure when you should move in together? There’s a lot of advice regarding ideal move-in timelines, but ultimately the best time is unique for every couple. For some, that could be after a few months; for others, that might be a few years into dating. For those about to get married soon, making the move before the big day can prevent a hectic post-honeymoon schedule; but for other soon-to-be spouses, it might be better to hold off until after the wedding. It just depends on what feels right for both you and your partner!

Yours, Mine, or Ours

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Photo via @katrinamalaiba

Another important question to ask before moving in together is “Where should we live?” You could stay where you are and have your partner join you. Or you could move into your partner’s place. Or maybe you want to find a new home together. If you already have a mortgage or your partner is stuck in a lease, there might be financial benefits to your choice. That said, many couples find it easier to move into a new, neutral space instead of trying to cram two lives into one person’s current home.

Talk About Pets & Children

Hopefully, you’ve already discussed your feelings on pets and children. But if you haven’t talked about whether or not your future together includes welcoming more members to your family, now’s the time! Unless you’re prepared toraise a baby in a one-bedroomor have space to adopt two more dogs, planning for how much room you’ll need in the near future can spare a potential fight or two.

Make a Plan for Guests

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Photo via @roomandboard

Do you know your partner’s preference on having guests over? This is another good question to ask before moving in together. Not only does this give you an opportunity to set ground rules for hosting friends and family, but it can also help you plan for where your guests will stay when they come over. That way, you’ll know if you need to look for a new home with an extra bedroom or just purchase an air mattress or futon.

Discuss Legal Matters

If you’re moving in together before marriage—or you don’t plan to get married at all—you might want to consider drafting acohabitation agreement. This will provide both you and your partner with some financial security and direction for dividing assets in the unfortunate event that your relationship ends.

Do a Trial Run

Haven’t stayed over at one another’s homes before? Give it a try for two weeks without going back to your own place. Not only will this help you get used to sharing space with your partner, but it will also bring up lifestyle differences you can discuss before moving in together—like daily routines before work, how each person prefers to clean, who likes to prepare meals, what time you both like to go to bed, and more.

Create a Budget

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Photo via @chelliesaves

Talk about your finances before you start packing boxes! This allows you to set aside money for the move, and it also gives you a chance to discuss bills, savings, and other monetary expectations that can ease future tensions. Creating a system for bills, opening a joint checking account, and being honest about budgeting goals will make your first few months living together go a lot smoother! If you’re nervous about bringing up the subject, find advice fortalking to your partner or soon-to-be spouse about money.

Divide Household Chores

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Photo via @mystickerface

You hate cooking. Your partner hates washing dishes. One of the benefits of cohabitation is that you can split things up! But when it comes to chores both of you hate doing—such as cleaning the toilet, folding the laundry, getting the groceries, or taking out the recycling—there might be a few concessions to make. While it’s nearly impossible to reach a 50/50 split with chores, you can still develop a plan you both agree on so resentments don’t build. Use this comprehensivechore listto determine daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, as well as who’s going to handle each one.

Take Inventory of Belongings

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Photo via @deecampling

Do you have the newer couch? Is one bed bigger than the other? Do you really need two blenders? Add “making a home inventory” to your moving in together checklist. This way, you can keep track of where there are duplicate items, make note of furniture sizes, and get a clear picture of what home goods are still needed—which, if you’re getting married soon, can be added to your wedding registry.

Start Downsizing

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Photo via @bellhopmoving

Combining households means that some things need to go! Start by going through your own furniture, wall decor, and cooking supplies. Then, invite your partner over to get their opinion on what will or won’t fit in your new space. Parting with items can be emotionally difficult for some, so remember to be kind! Looking for inspiration? Explore these simple ideas forhow to declutter your home. Usingminimalism to learn how to live with lessis another great way to help ease the difficulty of downsizing.

Donate What You Don’t Need

There are plenty of items that you’ll want to bring with you to your new place. But in reality, you might not have room for both of your kitchen tables, all of the clothes in your closet, and 15 throw pillows. If you don’t know what to do with excess items, you can always donate them! Check out this guide to discoverwhere to donate household items.

Put Maybes in Storage

Rather than start a big fight or live with regret over getting rid of something important, consider putting furniture, keepsakes, and household items you’re on the fence about in self storage. This advice for couples moving in together is also helpful if you plan to move into a bigger home in the next few years!

Keep a Few Sentimental Items

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Photo via @mossminded

Nobody really needs 22 coffee mugs, posters from every concert they’ve attended, or all the t-shirts they’ve been given. But while you’re in the process of combining households and downsizing excess items, be sure to save a few meaningful things or sentimental knick-knacks for yourself. Whether it’s your favorite sweatshirt from college, a childhood blanket, or your grandma’s jewelry box, don’t be afraid to keep a few artifacts from your single life.

Try Two Comforters on One Bed

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Photo via @mollyeledge

Purchasing two comforters could be the solution to any sleeping woes! You might be hesitant to have separate blankets, but there’s no need to shiver or sweat your way through the night. Look into two comforters if you’re not waking up rested or arguments are springing up about being a cover hog.

Divide Closet Space

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Photo via @serinamariani

When sharing space, the closet is one of the most difficult zones for reaching an agreement. Before you start unpacking clothes, create a plan for who gets what shelves or hanging spaces. Need help keeping everything organized in shared closets? Check out this guide tocloset organization and storage hacks!

Maximize Your Living Space

Combining households requires efficient organization and streamlined decor. If you’re embracingsmall space living, trying tomaximize your studio apartment, or moving in together with kids, making the most of your space will be extra important! Furniture with hidden storage, strategic room layouts, and refraining from over-decorating are all ideas that can help you utilize your living space well.

Decide on Home Decoration

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Photo via @tenleyhardt

It’s a good idea for couples moving in together to talk about home design preferences before getting too far into decorating. If you can work together to find wall art, furniture, paint colors, and other decor you and your partner both like—rather than one person decorating with all of their stuff and the other person not getting any say—it’ll make living together more comfortable for everyone!

Claim Your Special Spot

Create an area of your home that’s all your own! Even though you’re building a shared space together, it’s important to hold onto your own identity and interests as you merge lives. Choose a corner of your living room or claim the basem*nt in a spacious house. The point is to have a spot of the home that feels like your own and reflects your uncompromising design taste.

Set Boundaries with Screen Time

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Photo via @hyereeyeo

If you don’t want to become a couple who scrolls through social media at dinner or can’t stop checking work emails during movie night, determine some guidelines around your time spent using technology. Discussing boundaries around what’s normal and what’s excessive will help you both have reasonable expectations, as well as make sure quality time is actually spent together.

Settle on Thermostat Settings

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Photo via @smarthome_com

Another crucial thing to discuss before moving in together is where you like to keep the thermostat settings. It might sound silly, but you don’t want to get into a fight just because one person is too hot or too cold. Squash conflict before it starts by determining a range of where to set the temperature ahead of time.

Schedule Nights Out

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Photo via @alexandmike

Remember how you used to plan to see each other? Well, now that it’s guaranteed, why not make plans to get out of the house every now and then? There are many relationship changes after moving in together, so keep the romance alive by venturing out for date night or to meet up with friends.

Pencil in Some “Me” Time

22 Tips for Couples Moving in Together | Extra Space Storage (22)

Photo via @well_together

A tip for couples moving in together is to make sure you’re getting in enough alone time. Similar work schedules could mean you’re home at all the same hours, so talk about times when you can have the apartment to yourself or opportunities to go to a coffee shop for some personal time.


Moving in with your partner? Extra Space Storage has convenient locations in the U.S. to store your belongings during your transition. Find a storage unit near you!

22 Tips for Couples Moving in Together | Extra Space Storage (23)

22 Tips for Couples Moving in Together | Extra Space Storage (2024)


How much space is enough for a couple? ›

Apparently, quite a bit. Lighting brand Sofary recently surveyed 900 people about the costs and benefits of moving in with their significant others and found that when it comes to square footage, couples truly need their space — 1,800 square feet, to be exact.

How long should a couple give each other space? ›

How long should space in a relationship last? Ultimately, this depends on what you and your partner decide is best for your relationship. “Space can be from a couple of hours to a couple of days or weeks,” says Ruiz, though he generally doesn't recommend his clients take longer than 3 to 4 weeks.

How do you take space when living together? ›

9 Ways to Take a Relationship Break When You Live Together
  1. 1 Have one person stay with friends or family.
  2. 2 Sleep on the couch if no one can leave.
  3. 3 Limit day-to-day contact with each other.
  4. 4 Set a timeline for the break.
  5. 5 Create rules within the break.
  6. 6 Discuss details about your living situation.

How many square feet do two people need to live? ›

How To Calculate What Size House You Need
Number of PeopleSquare Footage
1600 sq. ft.
21,200 sq. ft.
31,800 sq. ft.
42,400 sq. ft.
Oct 27, 2022

What does space look like in a healthy relationship? ›

Respect for privacy and space. You don't have to be with your partner 24/7. Your partner encourages you to spend time with friends without them, and to participate in activities that you enjoy. You feel comfortable expressing your opinions and concerns to your partner.

What is stonewalling in a relationship? ›

Stonewalling involves refusing to communicate with another person and withdrawing from the conversation to create distance between the individual and their partner. Intentionally shutting down during an argument, also known as the silent treatment, can be hurtful, frustrating, and harmful to the relationship.

Can space heal a broken relationship? ›

While you might not be able to snap your fingers and magically fix a broken relationship, giving each other space to cool off, think, and reconnect with personal interests can certainly be a step in the right direction.

How much time apart is healthy in a relationship? ›

According to relationship experts, one option is to divide your time with and without your partner 70/30. This means that, ideally, you should spend 70% of your time together and 30% of your time apart.

Who needs space in a relationship? ›

Key points. A need for personal space doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong with the relationship. Sometimes, partners feel the need to focus on themselves or their own emotional well-being. Space is an opportunity for personal growth that can ultimately strengthen your relationship.

Should couples tell each other where they are going? ›

Some feel safer sharing their location with their partners. Others avoid the practice because it can feel controlling. Experts say every choice is valid, and stress it's important to keep your own mental health as well as your attachment and experiences with trauma in mind when making the best decision for you.

How do you know when to move in together? ›

Signs You're Ready to Move in With Your Partner
  1. You have good communication.
  2. You accept the other person.
  3. You can talk honestly about moving in together.
  4. You have rich, independent lives.
  5. You're on the same page about your relationship.
  6. Communicate more, not less.
  7. Maintain your independence.
May 24, 2024

What is the average time for couples to move in together? ›

A: Most couples move in together a year or two into dating. Moving in with your girlfriend or boyfriend, though, should be determined by emotional connection rather than longevity.

Why do things change when you move in together? ›

Living together is a balance. As with any relationship, communication is critical. Living with my boyfriend has deepened our communication, from expressing when we want to spend more time together or when one of us might want a night alone where we watch our own shows in the living room.

How do you slow down a relationship when you live together? ›

Fix a Rushed Relationship and Slow Down with These 10 Steps
  1. Set clear boundaries.
  2. Define your relationship.
  3. Take more time away from each other.
  4. Have deep, meaningful conversations.
  5. Go out on real dates together.
  6. Just enjoy your time together.
  7. Keep up with your own interests.
  8. Try not to text them 24/7.

What is a normal amount of space in a relationship? ›

Since there is no "normal" when it comes to space and relationships, it'll be up to you to assess your personal situation and communicate with your partner the moment things feel off-kilter. "Take time to sit with each other and figure out what works best," Jackson says.

How much space is okay in a relationship? ›

Too less and too much space between partners could be unhealthy. A perfect balance is all that is required. Space between each other doesn't mean you need to keep a distance. You and your significant other should be connected and have a strong base so that you do not drift apart.

How much square footage does a couple need? ›

People (including couples) can live happily in much smaller homes. In fact, research suggests that a person needs about 400 square feet of living space to feel comfortable. That's 800 square feet per couple.

How much sq ft for a 2 people apartment? ›

To get the conversation started, I would say that 600-850 square feet is sufficient for one person and 1000-1500 square feet would be fine for a couple.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.