Zeus/Plot (2024)


Titanomachy Tournament[]

Zeus/Plot (1)

Eons ago, Zeus fought against the Titans in the Titanomachy Tournament. The details of that tournament are unknown, but Zeus managed to progress unscathed until the final round, where he fought against his father, Kronos. During the fight, Kronos used The Fist That Surpassed Time and landed a blow to Zeus' chin before Zeus defeated him.

Zeus/Plot (2)

As he spat out blood and teeth, Zeus thought about how he was unable to see Kronos' last attack before he killed his father by smashing his head, acknowledging him as a great fighter. After he defeated Kronos, Zeus became the Chief God of the Greek Pantheon, despite being the youngest of Kronos' sons.


After Zeus won the Titanomachy Tournament and took his father's position as Chief God, the Primordial Goddess, Gaia, who was unable to accept that outcome, started a war against the Greek Gods with her spawn, the Giants.

Zeus/Plot (3)

It would later be known as the Gigantomachy. As the Greek Gods fought against the Giants, Zeus met up with his brothers in a room in Olympus Palace, along with Hermes and Ares. Zeus asked Hermes how the situation looked and Hermes admitted it didn't seem like it would be favorable for them. After Ares insisted to Zeus that the strength of the Giants was incomprehensible, Adamas leaned back in his chair and wondered what Zeus would do, mockingly addressing him as their Chief God. While Hades and Poseidon stayed silent, Zeus' muscles ripped through his military uniform as he said all they had to was pummel the enemy with all their being.

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After ordering Hermes to relay what he said to all Greek Gods, Zeus headed out for battle and was excited as it had been a long time since he'd been in a real, hardcore fight. Later on, Zeus led all the Greek Gods (except for Hades, who went down to Helheim to stop the Titans from joining the battle) against the Giants. Eventually, the Greek Gods defeated the Giants and Zeus stood over the corpse of the Giants as they all celebrated their victory.

Adamas' Betrayal[]

Zeus/Plot (5)

At one point after the Gigantomachy, Zeus became the ruler of all of Heaven. He then learned from Hermes that Adamas, who didn't like Zeus becoming ruler, was plotting to overthrow him using the Titans and Giants, along with the monster, Typhon. Zeus found the idea of a new war exciting and decided to let Adamas do as he please. However, the plot fell apart once Adamas was "killed" by Poseidon.

2000 B.C Gods' Council[]

Zeus/Plot (6)

Around 4000 years ago, Zeus chaired the Gods' Council to decide humanities' fate. In the end, they allowed humans to keep on living but not without punishment. Aphrodite suggested the destruction of the city of Thebes and Ares volunteered to administer the punishment. As the fight between Ares and Alcides had been going on for a long period of time, Zeus decided to interrupt the fight before anyone sustained major injuries.

Zeus/Plot (7)

Zeus, after looking around and noticing how all of Ares' army was defeated by Alcides, offered him to go to the Olympus and the chance to become a god. Alcides ended up accepting on the condition that no more harm would come to humanity, which the latter agreed with. Following a series of tests and the achievement of the Twelve Labors, Zeus renamed Alcides as "Heracles" in honor of his wife, making him a god and adopting him as his son.

Gods' Apocalypse[]

Gods' Council[]

Zeus/Plot (8)

Zeus was in charge of the Gods council as their chairman discussing whether or not to wipe out humanity. All of the gods agreed, but Brunhilde was the only one who objected and pointed out a clause that gave the humans a fighting chance. All of the gods opposed Brunhilde's idea of Ragnarok until she insulted their pride, enraging Zeus who killed his pet dragon and used his gavel to destroy the majority of the floor to start off Ragnarok. Zeus signs up as one of the gods' representatives, planning to take the field last.

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Round of 16 - Match 1[]

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First Round[]

Zeus/Plot (9)

During the first round of Ragnarok, Zeus was watching the fight between Thor and Lü Bu and became amused and excited about how peak humans could give them a good fight. He noticed that humans were now able to injure gods, realizing that the Valkyries had defected and were aiding the humans through Völundr. Initially angry, he quickly switched to joy, seemingly lusting over Brunhilde for making the tournament exciting. When Thor killed Lu Bu and his followers along with Randgriz, he decided to fight for the second round due to sheer excitement.

Second Round[]

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When it was Shiva's turn to fight for the second round, Zeus appeared before him and threatened Shiva, asking to fight in the second battle against Adam.

Shiva was unyielding for a while and even challenged Zeus to a fight. However he reluctantly conceded the second round to Zeus and told him that he owed him a favor.

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Zeus happily skipped to the stage with Hermes, who serenaded him down to the arena with a orchestra of violins playing "Air on the G-String". Zeus began to extremely enhance his muscles and became bigger and taller than Adam. He asked him to do a Völundr, as without it he'd stand no chance. Adam said that his Völundr was already here, as he synchronized with Reginleif. The weapon he received was a knuckleduster, pleasing both himself and Zeus.

Zeus/Plot (12)

Adam casually asked for Zeus' weapon, but the Godfather of the Cosmos said he'd be fighting barehanded.

He boasted and warmed up, kissing his fist.

Zeus suddenly started off his attack against Adam with Meteor Jab, but Adam used The Eyes of the Lord to look at Zeus's movements and dodged the attack.

Zeus/Plot (13)

Zeus punched faster and faster, with Adam avoiding every strike with ease. Zeus then used Divine Axe, a powerful roundhouse kick, to cut Adam in half, but Adam still dodged the attack by jumping and performing a front flip. Zeus stated that Adam couldn't run away forever, and Adam responded by attacking Zeus with the same moves he'd used on him, surprising Zeus and leaving him with some minor bruises.

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He finished the attack off with the same Divine Axe Zeus had used, injuring his leg. Zeus remarked that Adam was good, and started to perform odd looking footwork. He then proceeded to attempt a lightning fast kick on Adam, but he dodged it and started to perform similar footwork. Adam performed the same kick, landing a clean hit on Zeus' head and sending him flying into the wall. Zeus, got to his feet, as Adam apologized for having to fight him.

Zeus/Plot (15)

This enraged and excited Zeus in equal amounts, as he bulked up even more, screaming about how happy he was. Zeus then prepared his most devastating blow yet, daring Adam to dodge it.

The move was one that he'd picked up from his father, as it was the only attack Kronos had landed during Titanomachy.

Zeus/Plot (16)

Zeus threw the attack, a punch so fast it broke through the boundaries of time, aptly named The Fist That Surpassed Time. Time froze as Zeus approached Adam, about to connect with the attack.

Zeus failed however, as Adam used The Eyes of the Lord to hit Zeus with an equally powerful punch. The blow broke Zeus's neck, turning his head as he collapsed to the ground, motionless.

Zeus/Plot (17)

Just as Heimdall was about to announce the winner of their match as Adam, Zeus got to his feet and shut Heimdall's mouth with two fingers and turned his head back around. Zeus' interest towards Adam became piqued as he asked Adam's reason for fighting. He said that he felt no hatred coming from Adam. Adam replied that he wasn't doing this for revenge or because he hated gods but simply to protect his children as their father.

Zeus/Plot (18)

Zeus admitted that he'd underestimated Adam, and that he was in fact very powerful. He reluctantly decided to bring out his trump card. The leader of the Greeks proceeded to squish and compress all of his muscles, screaming in agony. Eventually a cloud of smoke erupted from his form and out emerged his final form: Adamas. Zeus' final form intimidated the audience of humans and gods, causing Adam to subconsciously put his guard up. Zeus immediately charged in with his ultimate attack: True God's Right.

Zeus/Plot (19)

Adam used his eyes yet again and reflected it, landing a punch on Zeus. Without faltering, Zeus went in for another punch, getting another punch for his troubles. Zeus continued to try and connect punch after punch, but Adam reflected each and every one of them. Eventually, Adam's body faltered as he had a nosebleed, his constant use of The Eyes of the Lord causing his body to overheat. Zeus continued punching and Adam continued reflecting, as Zeus's body started to give his well, becoming mangled and mutilated.

Zeus/Plot (20)

The two continued swinging, Adam managing to avoid every attack and hitting Zeus back with the same force. Adam landed another huge blow, finally drawing blood from Zeus, but this drop of blood landed right on his eye. The drop of blood coupled with the overuse of his eyes caused his body to fail him and his eyes to stop working. Adam stumbled back, now blind. Before he could do much more, Zeus punched him in the face, finally landing a hit on Adam.

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Zeus continued to pummel the life out of the original man, landing every punch and kick, while all Adam could do was guard. Eventually, Zeus wore down Adam and sent him reeling. Instead of going down, Adam instead grabbed Zeus' hair, refusing to die. The two combatants then proceeded to attack each other relentlessly. Adam and Zeus hit each other with everything they had, until Adam finally landed the definitive punch, sending Zeus to his knees.

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The god's final form dissipated, as his body was now an injured, shriveled husk. Zeus pronounced that the fight was over, as he had been defeated, but Adam had died standing on his feet. As Heimdall announced his death, Zeus remarked that Adam had died a while ago, but had continued to fight, refusing to fall. He complimented Adam, and said that if it were a contest of endurance, he would have surely won. Heimdall announced Zeus as the winner of Round 2, as Adam and Reginleif died, their souls erased from history.

Third Round[]

Zeus/Plot (23)

During the third round, Zeus was in critical condition as he recovered from the wounds he sustained in his battle against Adam. He watched his brother Poseidon be killed by Kojiro Sasaki remotely on a screen. He seethed ashumanity achieved their first victory, as the first god had died during Ragnarok.

Fourth Round[]

Zeus/Plot (24)

He was later drinking tea calmly with Ares, Hermes, Loki, and Shiva after the third round. Zeus asked Shiva whether he'd finally gotten his head together, which infuriated him. Loki pointed out how his older brother, Poseidon, was butchered by Kojiro Sasaki. Zeus stated that Kojiro was simply stronger than Poseidon. He started his discussion with his fight against Adam and admitted that humans were actually quite strong.

Zeus/Plot (25)

He deduced that Brunhilde wants to kill the Gods and that they should actually discuss how they all should fight for real. Shiva personally volunteered for the fourth round until Zeus asked to let a God from the Greek pantheon fight for the fourth round to avenge the humiliation of Poseidon's death. Shiva relented as Zeussent out Heracles to fight for the fourth round. Zeus sat on a couch in the god's audience with Ares and Hermes standing behind him as they watched the fight.

Zeus/Plot (26)

Jack the Ripper, in his desperation after Heracles supposedly broke his Volund pulled knives from his pouch and threw them at Heracles to halt his onslaught. Heracles was wounded by the attack, now bleeding from several knives sticking in his body, surprising Zeus. After Heracles´ arm was cut off and Ares was falling into despair, Zeus punched his son for giving up on Heracles winning the bout, stating that Heracles wasn't the kind of man to lose a fight just because he lost a limb.

Zeus/Plot (27)

Once Heracles called upon Cerberus for his final Exodus, Zeus remarked that this battle now had a time limit. He explained that while the final Exodus was extremely powerful and couldn't be stopped, the toll it took on the user meant that they could die if the fight was prolonged. He watched in sadness as Heracles died to Jack, making the score even for the humans. After Jack left, Zeus completely destroyed the V.I.P area in rage, saying that they could not afford to let humanity get the lead.

Fifth Round[]

Zeus/Plot (28)

After the fifth round had just gotten underway, Zeus left along with Loki to air his frustrations after the gods' second loss. He later stopped a skirmish between Loki, the Seven Lucky Gods, Kojiro Sasaki, Soji Okita, Isami Kondo and Buddha, rupturing the ground with his fist to stop the two sides. He, along with Odin, diffused the situation, reprimanding the gods for fighting at a time like this. Most of the crowd soon left, leaving only Odin, Buddha and him.

Zeus/Plot (29)

He sternly warned Buddha not to go around and start anymore fights, but the Enlightened One responded only with laughter. Zeus eventually joined in but Buddha stopped soon after, stating that the only person who could move him on heaven or earth, was himself. Zeus remarked that he was quite troublesome, noticing that Ragnarok wasn't going the way either him or Odin had expected. Zeus promptly returned to the ruined V.I.P area to resume watching the fifth round.

Zeus/Plot (30)

Once arrived, Zeus greeted with the visual of Shiva staggering with one of his arms dangling from his elbow, seemingly ripped out. Hermes explained to him that Raiden Tameemon's brute strength allowed him to crush Shiva's arm without the use of a divine weapon. Zeus also watched Shiva use his war dance, known as The Hidden Treasure of Svarga, even dancing along to it. Zeus was shocked after Raiden demolished Shiva with Yatagarasu, but the Hindu god got to his feet.

Zeus/Plot (31)

A terrified Ares asked what had happened, which Zeus decided to explain. He said that Shiva would have died had he not blocked, since the force and shock wave of Raiden's palm was so powerful it even held back sound. As the two clashed yet again, Shiva now literally burning up, Zeus yet again pointed out that this battle was one with their lives at stake, and either one didn't have much time left. As the battle ended its final stages, Zeus cheered on Shiva along with Hermes and Ares. The battle eventually ended with Shiva barely winning, decapitating Raiden.

Zeus/Plot (32)

The broken and bruised god stumbled back into the arena, where he was met by his fellow Hindu gods. Zeus came to congratulate Shiva on his win, commenting on his injuries as the Hindu gods gave him reverence. Shiva, now with a new mindset, acknowledged the human's strength. Zeus laughed and agreed with the sentiment, saying that at this point, it was an undeniable fact.

Sixth Round[]

Zeus/Plot (33)

Zeus approached Buddha, who was under a tree eating candy, and initiated a conversation with him. Saying that humanity put up a good fight in the fifth round, he tried to borrow some candy from Buddha, who avoided him. The two squabbled over the candy until Buddha ate it all at once, annoying Zeus. Buddha then asked Zeus why he was here, which the Godfather of the Cosmos responded to by asking him to participate in round six. Zeus further elaborated by saying that he'd initially wanted Buddha to go later, but decided to send him out now.

Zeus/Plot (34)

The Enlightened One asked Zeus why he hated humans so much, Zeus responded by saying that he just hated losing, and when gods fought, they won, such was their nature. Zeus pressured Buddha, asking him again. Buddha smiled and embraced him, agreeing to participate in the sixth round. After Buddha announced that he would be fighting for the humans, and not the gods, Heimdall initially tried to talk him out of it, saying it was against the rules. Zeus interrupted him, saying that he didn't really mind. Zeus explained that the rules of the tournament were just to have 13 fighters from each side fight until one side reached 7 wins. Because of that, the rosters could be changed and previous combatants could fight again if they so chose. Zeus expressed interest in going again, but decided against it, letting Bishamonten and the rest of the Seven Lucky Gods handle the round. As he returned to his V.I.P area, Bishamonten began to combine with the other lucky gods, surprising him.

After he made it back to Ares and Hermes, he explained the properties of Zerof*cku's Misery Cleaver, saying that it would absorb the unfortunate god's agony and increasing in size and power.

Zeus/Plot (35)

He watched on as Zerof*cku's attacks got larger in scale, but eventually fizzled out after Buddha enlightened him. He was intrigued while the combatants dropped their weapons and proceeded to enter a fistfight, one which Zerof*cku lost, much to Zeus' surprise. Zeus watched on in horror as Zerof*cku transformed into Hajun, not knowing who or what he was at all. Both Hermes and Ares expressed their confusion, wondering if he could even be considered a god.

Zeus/Plot (36)

This question was answered by Hades, who said that Hajun was not a god. He forced Ares to relinquish his seat, and was greeted by Hermes. He said that he'd heard about Poseidon's loss, and had decided to show up to watch the tournament. Zeus sternly dismissed the topic, not wanting to speak about it. He brought the conversation back to Hajun, asking Hades for information about the berserker.

Zeus/Plot (37)

Hades explained Hajun's origins, coming to the conclusion that the reason her was here was that someone had revived him, using Zerof*cku as a vessel. Zeus silently pondered about it, as Hermes speculated it to be Beelzebub. Zeus expressed his excitement when he saw Buddha use his Fifth Realm: Preta Realm, Holy Kannon - Salakayas, which turned to shock after Buddha failed to kill Hajun with it and was impaled for his efforts. When he realized that Buddha had still not given up, he figured out his motive: to finish Hajun in one shot with Karma Destroying Samsara Cycle. After Buddha did a Völundr with Zerof*cku and received the Great Nirvana Sword - Zero, Zeus commented that even with such an upgrade, he was too wounded to block another attack from Hajun. Hades countered that by saying Buddha didn't need to block an attack, just avoid it, pointing out that his Eighth Consciousness had returned. He appeared shocked when Hajun seemingly killed Buddha, but was even more flabbergasted when Buddha, who was still alive, bisected Hajun and killed him, earning another win for humanity and tying the score yet again.

Seventh Round[]

Zeus/Plot (38)

Hermes pointed out that humanity would take the lead if they were to win again, but Zeus furiously asserted that they would not let it happen. He said that they'd win by any means necessary. When asked about who he'd pick, he said that it'd have to be someone powerful, as humanity were no pushovers. As Ares was about to reluctantly volunteer, Hades interrupted him, declaring that he'd go. This surprised Zeus, who asked what had gotten into him. Hades said that the answer was simple: he wanted to avenge their brother Poseidon.

Zeus/Plot (39)

Zeus is absent for the early stages of Round 7, but reappears after Hades is hit with Mount Tai Dragon Claw (Chi You - Spear Form) from Qin Shi Huang, putting his arms around his sons and telling them that Hades seems to have caught on to something. After Hades explained Qin's ability, Ares began to frantically ask Hermes if there was anything Hades could do against Qin, to which he said that Hades had the edge in strength, speed and experience, but Qin was wearing away at his own soul to be on par with Hades. He exasperatedly took a seat, lamenting about how humans seemed to have no limits.

Zeus/Plot (40)

When Hades cut himself open with his own bident, Ares expressed shock, wondering if he'd gone mad. Zeus corrected him, stating that he knew of no other god who was as confident and selfless as Hades was. He explained the special properties of Hades' blood, known as Pluto Ichor, greatly increasing the power of any weapon it coated. He stated that the drawback was that this drained his lifeforce, possibly resulting in death if he used his new weapon: Desmos for too long.

As Ares expressed awe over Hades' love for his brothers, Zeus called Hades a showoff. He cordially greeted Adamas, now named Adamantine when he made his return, watching him explain Hades' unconditional love.

Zeus/Plot (41)

Zeus watched in horror as Hades was defeated, shocked as his elder brother fell to the ground after being killed. After Hades' body disintegrated, Zeus silently mourned him, depressed and despondent over Hades' dying words being an apology to his family.

Eighth Round[]

Zeus/Plot (42)

Zeus watched the Eighth Round with Adamantine, remarking that it was unusual to see Beelzebub so worked up during a fight. He watched Beelzebub struggle to counter Nikola Tesla's attacks, stating that the latter was a rather tricky fighter. Adamantine expressed his confidence in Beelzebub, commentating on Tesla using all of his tricks too fast, though Zeus could tell something was awry.

Zeus/Plot (43)

Zeus began to panic when Beelzebub prepared Original Sin of the Netherworld – No.0: Chaos, explaining that it was taboo to use in Helheim. He tried to stop Beelzebub, yelling at him to cease the attack, but his efforts were in vain. He noted that Beelzebub's failure to kill Tesla with it was a grave miscalculation, also telling Adamantine that he would be unable to use the move again due to his damaged state.

When Tesla began to unleash a barrage of punches on Beelzebub, Adamantine gloated that he wouldn't be able to keep it up forever and would eventually tire, but Zeus pointed out that Beelzebub was also very damaged and couldn't keep defending for long. He was shown to be shocked when Tesla used Plasma Pulse Punch Cross, surprised that Tesla would do something so dangerous to himself.

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After Beelzebub's victory, he returned to the VIP lounge, expressing that he didn't see Tesla's final move coming, unsure if even he would've been able to avoid it like Beelzebub did.

Ninth Round[]

Zeus/Plot (45)

With the score in Ragnarok now tied again, Zeus, along with Hermes and Ares, visited Apollo's palace to have the Sun God fight next. Ares expressed how he hated Apollo and though he agreed he was hard to understand, Zeus affirmed that Apollo was strong. After finding Apollo bathing in his fountain with multiple Goddesses, Zeus chuckled at how it looked like he was enjoying himself. Once Apollo finally recognized he was there, Zeus told him that he was going next in Ragnarok, much to Apollo's surprise that it was still going on. Zeus informed him that most of their losses were Poseidon, Heracles and Hades, and reacted with silence as Apollo proclaimed their deaths must've been beautiful, though he later laughed with Hermes when Apollo clarified to Ares that he thought the Greek Gods must've been at the height of beauty by fighting with all they had.

Zeus/Plot (46)

The ninth round between Apollo and Leonidas began, with Leonidas seemingly taking the lead using Phalanx Enchos. Apollo mitigated the damage with his Divine Weapon, the Threads of Artemis, before forming a pair of bracers - Phoebus' Lyre - to engage Leonidas in close combat. Leonidas tried hitting Apollo with Phalanx Asanatos but Apollo weaved between each attack with his footwork. Zeus said that Apollo's footwork was beyond superb, referring to his title of "Boxing God." When Apollo created a narrow border to give Leonidas an advantage, while Ares was frustrated, Zeus wasn't worried, believing Apollo wouldn't lose to anyone once he got like this. Apollo entered his strongest battle mode after meeting the expectations of the audience around him and though he admitted he didn't understand how it worked, Zeus insisted it was why Apollo was strong as it transcended logic and common sense.

When Leonidas destroyed the entire arena floor with Phalanx Nemesis, Zeus couldn't believe how much absurd power he had. During their exchanges in the narrow border, Leonidas managed to strike Apollo's face with Phalanx Nemesis and sent him flying out of the borders. While Hermes and Ares looked shocked, Zeus remained stoic. After Apollo got back up and Ares got angry at the Gods' audience for thinking Apollo has forgotten where he stands, Zeus confirmed nobody knows themself better than Apollo and it's because he knows himself, he can continually improve himself. That was another reason why Zeus thought Apollo was so strong.

Apollo soon turned his Threads of Artemis into the Moonlight of Artemis and Zeus remarked on how it had been a while since he saw that, with Hermes adding Apollo hadn't used it since the Gigantomachy. When Apollo displayed his ability to fire arrows of light, Zeus recalled how the Giants could do nothing against it and believed he was the only one in Valhalla who could defend against them, leading him to guess this was the end for Leonidas. However, when Leonidas was able to bounce an arrow back after taking so many hits, Zeus attributed his deflection to his warrior instincts. But since Leonidas took so many arrows, Zeus said he was at his limit before guessing he could say the same for Apollo, whose right arm was injured by the deflected arrow.

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In the final moments of the ninth round, Apollo used Argyrotoxos to clash against Leonidas' Phalanx Lambda and broke through the King of Sparta's shield, dealing a fatal blow through Leonidas' abdomen to win the ninth round. As Apollo thanked the audience, Zeus laughed about how he was always shining and always bright, declaring that to be who Apollo was.

Tenth Round[]

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Zeus/Plot (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.