zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2024)

Lead generation is one of the biggest and most important parts of being a real estate agent. Put simply, you don’t have a business if you don’t have leads. Enter zBuyer, a way for you to increase your leads in an ever-changing industry. This platform provides high-quality homebuyer and seller leads through its turnkey marketing platform, connecting you with potential clients in real time. I answer, “What is zBuyer?” and break down all this platform has to offer, including zBuyer reviews from real customers, the pricing structure, features, and what sets it apart, to help you determine whether or not you will add zBuyer to your business-building arsenal.

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (1)


  • No contract—agents can jump in and out based on need
  • Transparency in lead sharing
  • Lead count guarantee
  • Lead replacement policy
  • Built-in lead capture tools
  • Email and SMS marketing
  • zBuyer Mastermind group: Learn and share best practices with other realtors


  • $400 per month minimum
  • Leads are not exclusive (shared with a max of six members across a county)
  • No concierge program
  • No CRM included
  • No in-house analytics to track lead conversion success
  • Nurturing and conversion takes time

The Close Score




General Features:


Advanced Features:


Customer Service:


Customer Rating:


Expert Score:




My Verdict on zBuyer & Should You Trust It

Let’s face it: Finding the right lead gen platform can feel like a large undertaking. And as we all know, we need multiple lead sources to develop a robust pipeline. That’s why, as a real estate agent, I understand that investing in and learning how to use a new platform can get thrown on the back burner. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back, and I’m happy to report that after thorough research, I feel there are some unique features zBuyer offers that could work for your lead gen efforts.

I’ve found that this platform would integrate well into a seasoned agent’s business ready to scale. These agents are familiar with working leads and understand the process and importance of nurture and follow-up. Brokerages and teams looking to give out leads to their agents would also find use in zBuyer’s model. Since zBuyer guarantees its lead count each month, brokerages and teams can also use this as a recruiting tool.

zBuyer gathers leads looking for a cash offer, so this could be an excellent opportunity for investor agents to grow their portfolios. Suppose agents do not operate as investors or do not have access to cash buyers. In that case, there is a platform that zBuyer can put the agent in touch with to connect with investors, allowing agents to have a unique offering to potential clients.

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2)

Due to the nature of this platform and the fact that it requires an agent to understand how to convert leads, newly licensed agents may not find it suitable. That said, if a new agent has a sales background and has previously worked with leads or is simply willing to learn, this platform could also work for them. zBuyer sets its members up for success by providing everything needed to get up and running within the first 30 days. Their resource center is full of proven scripts, customer relationship management (CRM) blueprints, drip campaigns, and more to help shorten the learning curve.

The beauty of this platform is that there are no contracts. Agents can enjoy a month-to-month membership with the flexibility of “turning on and off” as they see fit for their business. Additional features, such as their transparency in lead sharing and the lead replacement policy, can help agents feel confident in their investment.

zBuyer Alternatives

Since real estate agents operate independently and essentially as their own businesses, what works for one agent may not work for another. If you feel zBuyer may not be the right fit for your business, I’ve put together a few other options that may make more sense for you. Take a look!

Why It’s a Great Alternative
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Ready to
zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (3)Intuitive CRM and lead system offering exclusive leads and auto-conversations Zurple Review
Visit Zurple
zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (4)Paid search and social to capture leads, along with highly praised training and supportCINC Review
Visit CINC
zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (5)Automated digital advertising, gains you a high level of traffic and exposureZillow Premier Agent Review
Visit Zillow Premier Agent
Why It’s a Great Alternative
Learn More
Ready to
zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (6)Intuitive CRM and lead system offering exclusive leads and auto-conversations Zurple Review
Visit Zurple
zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (7)Paid search and social to capture leads, along with highly praised training and supportCINC Review
Visit CINC
zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (8)Automated digital advertising, gains you a high level of traffic and exposureZillow Premier Agent Review
Visit Zillow Premier Agent

zBuyer Reviews: What Customers Are Saying

Before committing to a new business tool, it’s always important to look at what paying customers say about it. So I scoured the internet to see what I could find for you. From the select amount of zBuyer reviews available online, it seems the majority enjoy what the platform offers. zBuyer real estate reviews on G2 show 3.5 out of 5 stars. Here is what some reviewers are saying:

“3 Listings and Sales in the last month.”

“I have had good success with zBuyer. I’ve been able to convert. Buyer leads and seller leads over the last year. The customer service has been exceptional. I’ve converted about six transactions over the last year directly related to zBuyer.”

“We highly recommend zBuyer! The leads are worth the investment. Put them on a drip, contact them regularly, and they will pay off.”

“ZBuyer is an awesome lead source! I highly recommend it! The system gets you results! The customer service is great. The system is easy to use and the leads are good. One of the best things about the system is that the leads can be replaced. Love the Facebook Mastermind Group as well.”

“zBuyer now is now one of my best lead systems. Love that the leads can be replaced, and honestly, the customer service is top-notch. First time I feel it’s like a team, not just a company trying to make a buck.”

Of course, with the good comes the bad. While zBuyer reviews on Google and their website show that most real estate agents and investors have found success, this platform will not work for everyone—and that’s OK! These particular zBuyer reviews are from unsatisfied customers and will help give you a well-rounded understanding of what users didn’t like about the zBuyer platform.

“Not my favorite lead source. I felt like there were very few quality leads compared to other lead generation sites I use.”

“The user interface could use quite a bit of work. The load of the application can take longer than expected at times, but that is generally not a hindrance.”

“zBuyer was presented well but did not come through as anticipated.”

Nurturing is the name of the game! As with any lead gen process, securing the lead is not guaranteed. This absence in the software is where our relationship management skills get put to the test. The way zBuyer captures leads early in the client’s search process gives the advantage of building rapport and decreasing the chances of the potential client connecting with other agents. So put on your best schmoozing shoes! You have control over how successful you want to be with this platform.

Key Features of zBuyer

zBuyer is a fairly simple platform, making it easy to navigate. Their in-depth training and support also take the burden off learning to use a new tool. Once up and running, this platform operates as a lead magnet in your hand, with the app pushing real-time leads for you to connect with, even while you’re out in the field. Despite not having a built-in CRM to nurture the database you build, they do offer integrations with most CRM platforms.

Watch the demo video below to learn more about the leads and internal features of the platform.

zBuyer Demo with Jordan Weber

Real-time Leads

As soon as the platform captures a lead, it is sent to you in real time through the mobile app, your CRM, and your email. You will also get access to lead-sharing data to learn the average number of members with whom the platform shared the lead in your area. Your membership is based on county, not ZIP code or city, so while it is a larger geographical area, there is still a cap on the distribution of leads. Leads are shared with a maximum of six agents, and once a county hits full distribution level, it is marked as sold out.

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (9)

Transparent Process

With a high focus on transparency, you can rest assured that the leads you’re receiving are aware that you will be contacting them. Customers answer questions and elect to be contacted before they are put into distribution, so you never have to worry about reaching out to a lead without their consent. This extra scrutiny automatically creates a warm lead for you to work with!

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (10)

Lead Count Guarantee

When you sign up as a member with zBuyer, you can choose the number and type of leads you want to receive monthly. Let’s say you want to receive 37 buyer and 50 seller leads. zBuyer guarantees that you will receive those amounts for each category every month until you choose to make changes. If you do not hit the numbers you chose, zBuyer will send you additional leads until you hit your number; otherwise, they will make a price adjustment for the following month.

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (11)

Lead Replacement

One of the risks you take when investing in any lead generation platform is receiving low-quality leads. Whether that means the lead has a wrong number associated with it, connecting with a seller who has their home listed, or finding out a buyer is already working with an agent, it’s bound to happen at some point. With zBuyer’s lead replacement policy, you will receive a new lead for every bad lead to ensure you hit the number of valid leads purchased monthly. This feature creates an extra layer of security when receiving quality leads.

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (12)

Resource Center & Mastermind Group

zBuyer has curated a resource center to give you the tools you need to convert and see results with leads. It includes scripts, training videos, and follow-up best practices, for example.

Additionally, the Mastermind Group allows you to learn from and share best practices with thousands of other agents using zBuyer across the country. You’ll engage with high producers who have a consistent success rate of converting leads to closings. You will have access to webinars and participate in live calls to hone your craft. Connecting with like-minded agents is a recipe for success in my book!

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (13)

No Contract

zBuyer has a month-to-month membership, and you are not required to sign any long-term contracts, which gives you control over your business spending. If you want to ramp up during a specific time of year and push the pause button at another, you’re free to do so. While you should give any lead gen process ample time to determine whether or not you want to stick with it, you can leave this platform after your first 30 days if you choose.

zBuyer Pricing

I’m sure by now you’re wondering what it costs to incorporate a lead gen platform like zBuyer into your business. As noted above, a subscription fee must be paid at a set monthly minimum. However, you can purchase any combination of buyer and seller leads, as many as you want, as long as your lead count meets the minimum subscription fee.

When you become a member, you will also receive a prospecting database with leads that can be anywhere from 30 days to 24 months old for free. These leads were either underserviced, undersold, or simply fell off. You have free rein to add them to your outreach efforts and real estate drip campaigns and will continue receiving them every month that you’re a member.

Let’s look closer at the pricing details when you sign up with zBuyer.

  • $400/month, required set minimum
  • $12 per lead to secure buyer leads
  • $15-$17 per lead to secure seller leads (price range is based on county and availability)
  • No contract, and no setup fees
  • Dedicated customer service representative
  • Free bonus: prospecting database with old leads

If spending $400 per month to buy real estate leads does not work for your budget, but you’re considering saving up for a lead gen platform, this could be a good option. You are not locked into a contract and have a lead count guarantee. The lead replacement policy and access to a database of old leads also ensure that your expense comes with a complete list of leads to work with every month.

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (14)


We are lucky to have so many amazing tools at our disposal to help operate and grow our businesses in the industry today. However, as I mentioned earlier, different tools work for different real estate agents. As a licensed real estate agent, giving an unbiased zBuyer review would be impossible because I have my favorite software and platforms that have worked for my business. That’s why I use a rubric designed by our team to evaluate each lead gen platform, including zBuyer.

Here’s a breakdown of the scores for zBuyer in more detail.

  • Pricing: 2.3 out of 5

Since zBuyer does not have exclusive leads and the platform is a bit pricier for its monthly membership rate, it loses some points. It helps that agents have control over their spending, coming and going as they see fit for their businesses, but overall, the monthly rate can still be steep for some. That said, zBuyer gains some points for their price per lead and not locking agents into contracts.

  • General Features: 3.9 out of 5

With solid features like real-time leads and a mobile app, agents can connect with leads at lightning speed. Not having a built-in CRM hurts their score, but integrations with most third-party CRMs help add some points. Their mass marketing tools and training resources are also among the features that bring the score up.

  • Advanced Features: 3.6 out of 5

The thorough process of vetting a lead to capture and distribute high-quality leads to members is a feature that sets zBuyer apart from other companies. Access to leads in their search’s early stages helps set up agents for success. Couple that with the extensive resources zBuyer supplies to help agents nurture and convert leads and you have a winning combo.

  • Customer Service: 4.1 out of 5

zBuyer offers a unique feature that allows every member to get a dedicated customer service representative. This rep is an agent’s go-to person to set up one-on-one meetings, practice scripts, and ask questions. Having this dedicated phone and email support really boosts zBuyer’s score.

  • Customer Rating: 3.2 out of 5

zBuyer may not be the most popular platform, but agents who use it seem to enjoy it and utilize the resources provided to maximize their membership. Out of the reviews I found online, there were far more positive than negative experiences. Agents who are comfortable nurturing leads are among the positive reviews that helped boost this score.

Read more about the specific methodology used at The Close to review companies.


What is the frequency of leads?

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (15)

The more leads you sign up to receive, the more chances you have of receiving leads more frequently. However, even though leads are delivered in real time, there is no guarantee of an interval for receiving leads.

How does zBuyer get its leads?

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (16)

Homesellers are found through zBuyer Pulse. This system uses strategic targeting to identify homeowners who are actively engaged in real estate-related decisions online. zBuyer reaches out to these targeted homeowners to see if they want to connect with an agent. Once homeowners respond to zBuyer indicating interest, they are redirected to the website to reconfirm their interest and share their contact info. Once the process is complete, the lead is distributed to an agent in the area.

Homebuyers are found when they visit zBuyer’s home listing portal, HousingNow.com. As users join the site, request details about a property, and sign up for new listing alerts, leads are generated and distributed to local agents. Visitors find HousingNow by searching online or responding to ads on social media.

What is the difference between zBuyer exclusive & vetted leads?

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (17)

While zBuyer does not offer exclusive distribution of leads, they do everything in their power to put homebuyers and sellers through a vetting process that creates a higher quality lead for you. This process allows for more exclusive information gathered through zBuyer instead of other lead capture systems. Homesellers complete an in-depth questionnaire before becoming a lead, while homebuyers fill out a form requesting more information and providing their contact details.

Bottom Line: Is zBuyer Worth Your Money?

zBuyer’s real-time leads and transparency with customers and agents, along with their lead replacement and lead count guarantee, give agents some peace of mind when investing in a new platform. Agents can build their database and control their spending, making this an option that could be a great business-building tool. Sharing leads with up to six other agents in your area is not ideal. However, zBuyer’s training and Mastermind Group offer ways to learn how to win and convert each lead that comes your way. Ultimately, investing in a platform like zBuyer is like investing in a new teammate who could help enhance your business.

Check out zBuyer

Have you used zBuyer to generate leads for your business? If so, let us know about the platform! Do you like it or not like it, and why? Leave us a comment below!

zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (18)


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zBuyer Real Estate Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.