Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (2024)

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada.We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

On the last episode of Y&R, Michael rekindled his friendship with Diane and revealed his suspicions about Victor, while Jack confronted Kyle about his new job

Genoa City Athletic Club Bar

Audra and Nate greet one another. He refers to her as Genoa City’s newest mogul.

Audra whips how she thought she was already known as one to watch!

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (2)

She hates seeing him having a drink all alone and offers to join him.

Nate can’t resist her and claims he doesn’t want to be responsible for anyone’s unhappiness, especially hers.


Summer joins Chance at the table. She thanks him for ordering her a drink already and takes a gulp.

They both have had a helluva day.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (3)

Summer claims Kyle is out of control. She can’t share the details, though she wonders why she shows any loyalty to him.

Chance watches and listens as she rambles on. Summer realizes this and apologizes, asking what’s going on with him.

He has some news she is not going to believe.

Crimson Lights

Billy finds Lily stirring her coffee. She wonders if he is following her.

He wants to know why she hurried out after the meeting and why the long face. He reminds her, in case she has forgotten, they won.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (4)

Abbott Mansion

Jack demands to know what Kyle is up to with Victor. He wonders how Victor knows this quickly about Kyle leaving Jabot.

Diane steps in, claiming Victor told her, not Jack, when Kyle inquires.

His parents claim they are simply trying to put the pieces together and want to know if Victor has offered him a job at Newman.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (5)

Kyle claims that is an interesting thought.

Jack declares that Kyle looks like “the cat that swallowed the canary.”

Diane prays her son doesn’t believe that.

Kyle informs them there are many jobs out there, and he’s considering all of them. He says anything he does is not their business.

They stress how important he is to them as their son, and they will always look out for him.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (6)

Kyle insists they are no longer entitled to discuss his business plans in the future. They yanked his birthright out from under him and now want to show concern, he says as he pours a drink.

Jack advises that being pulled into Victor’s web is a mistake. Kyle is insulted and claims his father does not think he can survive in the business world.


Audra informs Nate the press releases are due to hit first thing in the morning. She’s already given her favorite business reporter the inside scoop.

He congratulates her on her success and being out of Tucker’s clutches. Nate says she’s smart and is a good person. That makes it so difficult to believe there are people in this world like Tucker.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (7)

Audra thanks him for the kind words and gets emotional. She admits to admiring Tucker’s ambition and taking pride in thinking that he saw something in her. Audra is happy that the connection is broken.

Nate claims he can see the changes in her. He sees her like he’s never seen her before.


Chance explains to Summer about the separation of Chancellor-Winters.

She wonders what the upside of this is.

Chance goes on with the details and tells her about the Abbott-Chancellor name change and how Billy wants him to be the new co-COO.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (8)

Abbott Mansion

Jack reminds Kyle they are talking about Victor Newman here. He knows Kyle can handle himself in any other situation. Victor is the master of manipulation and revenge.

Diane supports Jack and insists everything Victor does has a secret agenda.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (9)

Kyle twists their words and wonders why they can’t believe his skills alone would be enough for Victor to offer him a job. He wonders why they conclude there must be manipulation involved.

Kyle tries to diffuse the situation by claiming it is possible he just ran into Victor and mentioned how he lost his job at Jabot. Maybe, he continues, Victor insisted what a poor decision his parents have made.

Diane steps in and wonders if that’s when the offer came up. She’s spoken to Victor, and his tone about the situation is a huge red flag.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (10)

Kyle is done. He insists he is not a teenager and doesn’t need them looking out for him. He reminds his mother she left during the years he needed her guidance, and she can’t reclaim them now!

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (11)


Summer is happy for Chance’s new opportunity to be the COO of Chancellor.

Chance is happy but shares his concern that Jill doesn’t support the separation. He’s finding it difficult to get behind it because of that.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (12)

Summer wonders how it’s possible to split the companies if Jill is against it. She is surprised to hear Billy voted differently than Jill.

Something doesn’t feel right about the whole thing, according to Chance.

Crimson Lights

Lily says it doesn’t feel like a win to her. She thought it was going to be a unanimous vote.

Billy tries to reassure her, but Lily says she understands Jill’s concerns. The profits were solid under the merger and she wonders if tearing them apart is the right approach.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (13)

Billy claims once his mother sees the Abbott-Chancellor logo on the side of the building, her reservations will be gone. Besides, he says, the vote is done and they are moving forward.

Lily looks worried and Billy notices. He wonders if she’s changed her mind about everything. She agrees it has changed a lot, maybe everything.


Chance believes Billy is using an unfortunate situation to his advantage.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (14)

Summer can’t help but wonder what the unfortunate situation may be, but Chance says he gave his word he wouldn’t say.

She acknowledges his hesitation and focuses back on Billy and wonders what his angle is. Isn’t he already king of the hill, she wonders. Chance believes Billy is being driven by blind ambition and he’s not aware of it.


Audra wants to know what Nate sees in her now he has never before.

Nate says he always knew she was capable and destined for great things and wondered why she thought she needed to team up with Tucker. He’s thrilled she has finally embraced the truth.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (15)

She wishes she could’ve avoided wasting all that time with Tucker, especially with such an insightful man right in front of her.

Nate declares she needs a celebration for her triumph.

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Abbott Mansion

Diane expresses her disappointment that Kyle is still holding a grudge against her for her past. She thought they had dealt with all of that and put it behind them.

Kyle agrees but says he now realizes what a cold-hearted person she is.

Jack tries to stop his son there, but Kyle continues; his actions got him fired and her actions show him how truly selfish she is, he declares.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (16)

Jack attempts again to stop Kyle from saying things he will regret, but he won’t hear it.

He orders that they can’t have it both ways. They don’t want to be his boss, yet they still want to boss him around.

Diane pleads again, but Kyle doesn’t want to listen to any of it. “I’ve had it!” he tells them. From now on, his future, his decisions, and his business are his and not their concern.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (17)

Kyle goes to check on Harrison, and Jack tries to console his wife.

Diane expresses how ugly that was. It’s obvious how much Kyle resents her, she says.

Jack thinks Kyle is just emotional right now. Diane understands his rage but insists something had to be done about his behavior and she would do it again if she had to.

Jack agrees and says they couldn’t walk things back with him if they wanted to. She is more concerned now than ever that Kyle is involved with Victor. He wants to know about her conversation with Michael that possibly ties to all of this.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (18)


Chase expected a lot of things when he took on this new job. He’s excited to help end all the infighting and he’s happy his mother doesn’t have to worry about him dodging bullets.

Summer wants to know about the other part.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (19)

Chance wonders if he came out on the right side of this. He and Nate were the calm heads. Now, it feels messy, especially without Jill on board. He questions if Billy is attempting to buy his loyalty somehow.

Summer suggests he take the win. Besides, she says, Lily is on Billy’s side and leaving her brother at Winters. Summer is surprised she made that choice. Chance nods in agreement.

Crimson Lights

Billy begs Lily to talk to him and not to ignore her feelings. She claims she’s not ignoring anything. He continues about how great they will be.

Lily doesn’t need or want a sales pitch right now. She needs time to process what’s happened without him pressuring her.

This scares Billy because he thinks it will impact him.

“If I leave the company, it will,” Lily advises him.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (20)

Abbott Mansion

Diane tells Jack that Michael was asked by Victor to rekindle their friendship.

Jack is puzzled, but she explains there is more.

She tells him that Cole was asked to keep an eye on Kyle; he has to befriend him and get to know him better. Diane and Michael suspect Victor will retaliate for what happened with Jack and Nikki.

Jack hopes Victor is not trying to reignite their feud. He wonders if Kyle is mad enough to team up with Victor.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (21)


Chance tells Summer that everyone was surprised about Lily wanting to stay at Chancellor.

Summer questions why he believes Lily decided to do that.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (22)

Chance figures Lily feels loyalty towards Jill.

Summer compares Jill’s actions towards Lily as being similar to how Billy is dealing with Chance now. She suggests he cross that concern off his list, but Chance isn’t convinced.

Crimson Lights

Billy wishes Lily wouldn’t do this. They are just getting started.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (23)

Lily says that Jill is having more than jitters concerning this separation. She reminds him that he is capable of running Abbott-Chancellor without her. She wonders if Billy just needed her to get everyone’s vote.

Billy wants to know if Lily has been playing him this entire time.

GCAC Dining Room

Nate and Audra toast. Audra wants to know how things are going at Chancellor-Winters. She assumes it must be boring without her.

All Nate can say is there are going to be some big changes happening soon. He’s sure she will hear all about it.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (24)

She wants to hear more and claims he can trust her. He agrees and claims she can trust him. He will tell her everything as long as she shares the identification of her mystery investor.

“No deal!” she says. They wish mutual success.

Abbott Mansion

Jack is furious about Victor’s manipulation. He’s taken aback when Diane throws out the possibility of a scenario where Kyle isn’t being manipulated by him.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (25)

They agree they must consider the possibility their son is doing this willingly. Jack acknowledges that he was the one who backed Diane regarding his firing and that Kyle had been to the dark side before.

They quickly change topics to work as they notice Kyle returning down the stairs. He claims to know they are talking about him and informs them he’s made a decision; it’s time for him to find a place of his own for him and Harrison to live.

Crimson Lights

Lily can’t believe Billy thinks she is playing him.

Billy thinks it all makes sense now… Devon wants him out, and once they separate the companies, Lily will kick him to the curb. He wants to know if that was that the plan all along.

Lily says he’s delusional.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (26)

Billy recalls the board meeting and a specific interaction between her and Devon. It was almost as if Devon was checking to ensure she could be trusted.

Lily is not going down this road with him. She says needing time to think is not too much to ask, and she walks out.

Chance and Summer walk in and express concern for Lily. Billy reassures them Lily is fine. They take the hint and go inside to find a table.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (27)

Chance asks Summer if she’s given any additional thought to the custody thing.

Summer tells him she doesn’t want to cause any turmoil for her son.

GCAC Lobby

Audra thanks Nate for a lovely evening and says she feels like she is on top of the world.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (28)

Nate hopes she doesn’t plan on coming down any time soon because he hopes to join her up there soon.

She insists she is not inviting him up to her room, as tempting as it is. He agrees with her. They kiss and Audra goes upstairs as Nate looks on.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (29)

Abbott Mansion

Jack insists Kyle and Harrison can’t move out.

Kyle says he has no choice; his wants don’t matter.

Diane says he is taking this way too far. She hopes they can settle their differences. Jack supports the notion.

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (30)

Kyle informs them this is not tense. If they believe this is tense, then they aren’t ready for what’s next. Things are about to get much, much worse.

Jack wonders what his son means. Kyle says they will find out soon enough and leaves.

A fuming Jack texts Victor. He informs Diane that if Kyle won’t give them answers, he will get them from the Moustache himself!

Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (31)

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Y&R Recap - July 3: Sparks Fly Between Nate & Audra, Billy Thinks Lily Is Playing Him, and Kyle Threatens to Move Out (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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