What Is HMAC And How Does It Secure File Transfers? | JSCAPE (2024)

Words By John Carl Villanueva

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HMAC, or Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication, enhances secure file transfers by ensuring data integrity and message authenticity via cryptographic hash functions and a shared secret key. In protocols like FTPS, SFTP, and HTTPS, HMAC checks prevent tampered data and authenticate the message source.

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What Is HMAC And How Does It Secure File Transfers? | JSCAPE (1)

An Overview of HMAC

Data integrity checks are vital to secure communications. They enable communicating parties to verify the integrity and authenticity of the messages they receive. In secure file transfer protocols like FTPS, SFTP, and HTTPS, data integrity/message authentication is usually achieved through a mechanism known as HMAC (Hash-based message authentication code). In this post, we explain what HMAC is, its basic inner workings, and how it secures data transfers.

Importance Of Data Integrity Checks In Secure File Transfers

Business decisions and processes are highly dependent on accurate and reliable data. If data gets tampered with and these changes go unnoticed, it could affect decisions and processes down the line. So if your data has to be transmitted over a network, especially one as perilous as the Internet, you must take precautionary measures to preserve its integrity or at least know if it has been hacked or altered.

This is precisely the reason why secure file transfer protocols like FTPS, SFTP, and HTTPS are equipped with mechanisms for preventing threats to data integrity. The most commonly used mechanism today is HMAC. Interested in seeing how HMAC can enhance the security of your file transfers? Book a demo with us today and discover the robust security features our solutions offer to protect your data in transit.

What Is HMAC?

HMAC stands for Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication. It's a message authentication code obtained by running a cryptographic hash function (like MD5, SHA1, and SHA256) over the data (to be authenticated) and a shared secret key. HMAC is specified in RFC 2104.

HMACs are almost similar to digital signatures. They both enforce integrity and authenticity. They both use cryptography keys. And they both employ hash functions. The main difference is that digital signatures use asymmetric keys, while HMACs use symmetric keys (no public key).

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How HMAC Works

To understand how HMAC works, let's first examine how a hashed function (on its own) could conduct a data integrity check on a file transfer. Let's say a client application downloads a file from a remote server. It's assumed that the client and server have already agreed on a common hash function, for example, SHA2.

Before the server sends out the file, it first obtains a hash of that file using the SHA2 hash function. It then sends that hash (ex., a message digest) along with the file itself. Upon receiving the two items (ex., the downloaded file, and the hash), the client obtains the SHA2 hash of the downloaded file and then compares it with the downloaded hash. If the two matches, then that would mean the file was not tampered with.

What Is HMAC And How Does It Secure File Transfers? | JSCAPE (2)

If an attacker manages to intercept the downloaded file, alter the file's contents, and then forward the altered file to the recipient, that malicious act won't go unnoticed. That's because once the client runs the tampered file through the agreed hash algorithm, the resulting hash won't match the downloaded hash. This will let the receiver know the file was tampered with during transmission.

So a hash function should protect your files, right? Not so fast. While a hash function can establish data integrity, it can't establish authenticity. How would the client know the message it received came from a legitimate source?

That's why secure file transfer protocols like FTPS, SFTP, and HTTPS use HMACs instead of just hash functions. When two parties exchange messages through those secure file transfer protocols, those messages will be accompanied by HMACs instead of plain hashes. An HMAC employs both a hash function and a shared secret key.

A shared secret key provides exchanging parties a way to establish the authenticity of the message. That is, it provides the two parties a way of verifying whether both the message and MAC (more specifically, an HMAC) they receive really came from the party they're supposed to be transacting with.

The secret key enables this capability because it's generated during key exchange, a preliminary process that requires the participation of the two parties. Only those two parties participating in the key exchange would know the shared secret key. In turn, they would be the only ones who would be able to arrive at the same result if they computed the message's corresponding MAC using the shared secret key.

Why Is HMAC Suitable For File Transfers?

Aside from its ability to enable data integrity and message authentication, another reason why HMAC is an excellent file transfer data integrity-checking mechanism is its efficiency. As discussed in the article Understanding Hashing, hash functions can take a message of arbitrary length and transform it into a fixed-length digest. That means that even if you have relatively long messages, their corresponding message digests can remain short, allowing you to maximize bandwidth.

Choosing An HMAC Function

Because an HMAC's properties (especially its crypto strength) is highly dependent on its underlying hash function, a particular HMAC is usually identified based on that hash function. So we have HMAC algorithms that go by the names of HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1, or HMAC-SHA256.

You've probably heard about the collision-related vulnerabilities of MD5. It's worth noting that HMAC-MD5, in spite of its underlying MD5 hash function, isn't as affected by those vulnerabilities. Regardless, SHA-1 is still cryptographically stronger than MD5, and SHA-2 (and its different forms, like SHA-224, SHA-256, and SHA-512) is likewise cryptographically stronger than SHA1, so you will want to take that into consideration.

So which HMAC should you use? You would normally choose an HMAC based on its underlying hash function. So, for example, you would want to use HMAC-MD5 if performance is more critical to you than security. On the other hand, if security is more critical, then you might want to use HMAC-SHA256 instead.

Get Your Free Trial

Would you like to try this yourself? JSCAPE MFT Server is platform-agnostic and can be installed on Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris, and can handle any file transfer protocol and multiple protocols from a single server.

Additionally, JSCAPE enables you to handle any file type, including batch files and XML.

Get started with a free trial of JSCAPE MFT Server now.

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What Is HMAC And How Does It Secure File Transfers? | JSCAPE (2024)


What Is HMAC And How Does It Secure File Transfers? | JSCAPE? ›

HMAC, or Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication

Message Authentication
In cryptography, a message authentication code (MAC), sometimes known as an authentication tag, is a short piece of information used for authenticating and integrity-checking a message. In other words, to confirm that the message came from the stated sender (its authenticity) and has not been changed (its integrity).
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Message_authentication_code
, enhances secure file transfers by ensuring data integrity and message authenticity via cryptographic hash functions and a shared secret key. In protocols like FTPS, SFTP, and HTTPS, HMAC checks prevent tampered data and authenticate the message
authenticate the message
Message authentication or data origin authentication is an information security property that indicates that a message has not been modified while in transit (data integrity) and that the receiving party can verify the source of the message.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Message_authentication

What is HMAC and how does it work? ›

Hash-based message authentication code (or HMAC) is a cryptographic authentication technique that uses a hash function and a secret key. With HMAC, you can achieve authentication and verify that data is correct and authentic with shared secrets, as opposed to approaches that use signatures and asymmetric cryptography.

Why is HMAC secure? ›

HMAC ensures that the data has not been tampered with during transmission by creating a unique hash for each message based on its content and a secret key. This hash is then sent along with the message. Upon receipt, the receiver can generate their hash from the received message and the secret key.

How is using HMAC more secure than general hashing? ›

How is using HMAC more secure than general hashing? Well, HMAC takes a key, not just a message. That means that only entities that have access to the key (and, of course, the message) can generate and verify the resulting message authentication code.

Does HMAC ensure confidentiality? ›

It ensures data integrity and authenticates the data source but does not encrypt the data to keep its contents secret. Confidentiality requires encryption, which can be used in conjunction with HMAC for a comprehensive security approach.

What is the main advantage of HMAC? ›

Ultimately, HMAC provides a great layer of security for companies that have sensitive data that needs protecting. It's an important measure to protect data integrity from attackers and offers a clear indication if data has been compromised.

What is the best practice of HMAC? ›

To use HMAC effectively and securely, it's recommended to use a strong hash function, such as SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512. A secure key should be generated randomly, stored securely, and rotated periodically. The key should be long enough to prevent brute-force attacks.

Is HMAC encrypted or hashing? ›

HMAC does not encrypt the message. Instead, the message (encrypted or not) must be sent alongside the HMAC hash. Parties with the secret key will hash the message again themselves, and if it is authentic, the received and computed hashes will match.

What is the security strength of HMAC? ›

The security strength of the HMAC algorithm4 is the minimum of the security strength of K and the value of 2L (i.e., security strength = min(security strength of K, 2L)). For example, if the security strength of K is 128 bits, and SHA-1 is used, then the security strength of the HMAC algorithm is 128 bits.

What is the difference between HMAC and SSL? ›

SSL/TLS provides end-to-end encryption and server authentication, while HMAC ensures message integrity and authenticity at the application level. Together, they form a robust security solution for your APIs.

How to generate HMAC secret key? ›

Create an HMAC key
  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Settings page. Go to Settings.
  2. Select the Interoperability tab.
  3. Click add_box Create a key for a service account.
  4. Select the service account you want the HMAC key to be associated with.
  5. Click Create key.

Does HMAC prevent replay attacks? ›

HMAC is a powerful tool for authentication, but it is not enough to prevent replay attacks. By using timestamps, nonces, sequence numbers, or encryption, you can add an extra layer of security and ensure that your messages are fresh, unique, and in order. Encryption doesn't prevent replay attacks!

Is HMAC symmetric or asymmetric? ›

HMACs are sometimes called symmetric signatures, because they work like digital signatures, but use a single key for both signing and verification. HMAC KMS keys and the HMAC algorithms that AWS KMS uses conform to industry standards defined in RFC 2104 . The AWS KMS GenerateMac operation generates standard HMAC tags.

What is the difference between SHA256 and HMAC? ›

HMAC stands for "Hash-based Message Authentication Code," and SHA-256 refers to the Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit variant. HMAC-SHA-256 combines the strength of SHA-256's cryptographic hashing with HMAC's ability to authenticate the integrity and source of a message.

What is the difference between HMAC and hashing? ›

They are message encryption, message authentication code, and hash functions. The major difference between MAC and hash (HMAC here) is the dependence of a key. In HMAC we have to apply the hash function along with a key on the plain text. The hash function will be applied to the plain text message.

What is the difference between a MAC and an HMAC? ›

A message authentication code (MAC) is similar to a cryptographic hash, except that it is based on a secret key. When secret key information is included with the data that is processed by a cryptographic hash function, the resulting hash is known as an HMAC.

What is the difference between HMAC and AES? ›

AES encryption is used to encrypt data while HMAC is used to authenticate data. Both operations use the same symmetric key, but they use the key in different ways. AES encryption uses the key to encrypt the data, while HMAC uses the key to generate a message authentication code (MAC) for the data.

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