What is end-to-end encryption, and is it secure? - Read more (2024)

You’ve almost certainly used at least one of Apple iMessage, Android Messenger, Signal, WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, or Session - and likely many of them, even in the last day. These messaging apps are now used by billions of people worldwide to keep in touch, communicate, collaborate, and run businesses.End-to-end encryption is a communication method where only the communicating users can read messages or content. All data is encrypted on the sending device before it is sent, and can only be decrypted on the receiving device with the correct cryptographic key. This type of encryption keeps communications private, even if the network between the sender and receiver is compromised by malicious actors, hackers, or by malware.

How does it work?

End-to-end encryption keeps data private to senders and intended recipients. In a basic end-to-end encrypted communication product, all messages sent are encrypted using asymmetric encryption with a recipient’s public key, and decrypted by that recipient with their private key.In this formulation, a number of steps introduce additional complexity: Every participant must have access to asymmetric keypairs and store them either locally on their devices, or in the cloud encrypted with another key (such as using symmetric encryption with a user’s password). To send larger messages or more complex data, end-to-end encryption protocols, including PGP and WhatsApp, introduce symmetric keys to encrypt additional data, such as larger messages or files; these symmetric keys are subsequently encrypted end-to-end as well.More sophisticated encryption systems and protocols have yielded additional layers of data protection, such as forward secrecy (where compromising future messages would not compromise old messages) and deniability of message content).

Comparing protocols: Signal, WhatsApp, Matrix, and more

The Signal Protocol is the cryptography protocol that provides end-to-end encryption for the Signal family of messaging apps, which are free and open-source on Android, iOS, and desktop. The protocol is also used in other messaging applications, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Google Allo. Thus, the Signal protocol has become the basis of communication for quite literally billions of people and devices worldwide.The Signal Protocol is based on the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm, which allows two parties to generate a shared secret key that can be used to encrypt and decrypt messages. The secret key is exchanged over an insecure channel, such as the Internet, and is never stored on any server. The Signal Protocol uses a combination of public-key and symmetric-key cryptography. Each user has a public key and a private key. The public key is used to encrypt plaintext messages, and the private key is used to decrypt encrypted data back into the original plaintext. The private key is never shared with any other user. The Signal Protocol is designed to be highly secure and protective of user metadata as well. It uses a variety of security features, such as perfect forward secrecy, to protect against eavesdropping and message tampering. Furthermore, Signal even protects group membership information, so no metadata could be collected on the groups of people who message each other.The Signal Protocol is constantly being improved by a team of security experts. The protocol has undergone a number of security audits, and is widely considered to be one of the most trustworthy, respected, and standard protocols for building messaging applications.WhatsApp adopted the Signal protocol in 2016, bringing end-to-end encryption to billions of users’ chat messages with a simple app update. Today, WhatsApp has maintained this level of privacy, encrypting user data, metadata, and more with many of the same benefits found in Signal, including perfect forward secrecy. WhatsApp’s encryption protocols differ slightly from Signal’s, wherein WhatsApp groups protect group membership to a lesser degree than Signal does. However, given WhatsApp’s reliability, popularity, and integrations, it remains an incredibly popular product and significant use of end-to-end encryption.Matrix offers a more decentralized, peer-to-peer alternative to Signal and WhatsApp. The Matrix Protocol is an open standard for secure, decentralized communication. It allows anyone to run their own Matrix server and participate in the Matrix network. Matrix provides a simple, standard API for communication, which makes it easy for new developers to create new applications that work with Matrix and use end-to-end encryption. Matrix provides guidelines for end-to-end encryption, as well as links to audits from reputable security companies. The Session messenger has become a popular consumer messaging app that implements the Matrix protocol for E2EE.

End-to-end encryption use cases

Password managers store passwords across all of your devices, allowing you to use strong passwords on every service and protect your account from compromise. A password manager typically uses a master password to encrypt and store the user's passwords. When the user needs to log in to a website or other service, the password manager can automatically fill in the password using a locally decrypted copy of the user’s password.Password managers are a clear case where end-to-end encryption is quite helpful in protecting users’ sensitive data. When a password is stored, it is encrypted with a key derived directly from the password password. Then, this encrypted data - which cannot be deciphered by the password manager service provider - is transmitted to some form of cloud storage. When a user needs to access their password manager, or use another device, the device downloads encrypted data and performs decryption using the master password as a symmetric decryption key. In this scheme, users’ passwords are never accessible to the service provider, as they are stored E2EE when transmitted to a cloud provider.VPNs also employ end-to-end encryption for hundreds of millions of people worldwide. A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a way to securely connect to another network over the Internet. A VPN can be used to access a private network, or a public one, like the Internet. A VPN uses end-to-end encryption to protect the data being sent from one point to another. This means that the data is encrypted at the source, and decrypted at the destination. A VPN is a great way to keep your data safe from eavesdroppers.When you connect to a VPN, all of the data that you send and receive is encrypted with a public key belonging to your device or the proxy server you are using to connect. This includes your web traffic, email, and any other data that you might be sending. Even if someone was able to intercept your data, they would not be able to read it, as it would be encrypted end-to-end using public keys that belong to nodes in the server infrastructure powering VPNs. When connecting to a site with a VPN, the VPN will encrypt your traffic using keys that belong to the proxy server, thereby making it appear as if you are coming from a different location. A VPN is a great tool to use if you want to keep your data safe and secure. By encrypting your traffic, you can be sure that your data is safe from eavesdroppers. And, by bypassing restrictions, you can access websites and services that might otherwise be blocked.The TLS protocol - or Transport Layer Security, is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide communication security over the Internet. TLS uses a combination of public-key and symmetric-key cryptography to provide data confidentiality, data integrity, and data authentication. TLS is the successor to the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, and is used by millions of websites to protect sensitive information, such as credit card numbers and login credentials. TLS has become increasingly mandated by browsers and internet providers as it provides confidence that data from your device to a network provider will be end-to-end encrypted and protected from hackers or anyone with access to network traffic. Prior to TLS, hacks using insecure websites and network traffic were frequent as malicious parties could inspect and misuse traffic. Vulnerabilities in network traffic are also generally regarded as extremely severe and may trigger TLS protocol changes.Crypto wallets are digital wallets that store cryptocurrencies and allow you to transact with blockchains. While some types of crypto wallets - custodial wallets - give your wallet private keys to centralized providers (like Coinbase), others - non-custodial wallets - require individuals to keep custody of their private keys. Similar to how end-to-end encryption secures a password manager across multiple devices, these private keys can be synchronized across devices but require a password to unlock. Non-custodial crypto wallets have become quite popular, including MetaMask and Phantom, with tens of millions of users adopting them in phones or browsers.

Where does big tech stand?

Generally, big tech has lagged in privacy protections, as search and social media business models frequently include monetizing or selling user data to third parties. However, as consumers think more about privacy for their communication and collaboration, big tech has begun to invest in end-to-end encryption in their consumer products, from Facebook Messenger to Google’s Android Messenger.Meta/Facebook: Facebook has suffered from numerous user data scandals, such as Cambridge Analytica, wherein user data was given to and monetized by a third party. Meta also currently owns WhatsApp, the most widely used end-to-end encrypted messaging product, and has been investing into making Facebook and Instagram messengers end-to-end encrypted as well. These efforts have been met with significant delays as they start to grapple with the scalability and product challenges of transforming a product that previously used more simple encryption techniques (likely just encryption in transit) to one that keeps user data fully private and only available to the intended recipient.Google: Google has also faced significant criticism for monetizing and selling user data, particularly given their major business model is selling highly targeted search ads. Furthermore, Google has been criticized as the root of today’s “surveillance capitalism,” wherein users are monitored, microtargeted, and monetized. However, Google has also stepped up investments in end-to-end encryption, notably in their Allo messenger product, and later in Android Messenger as a default encryption scheme to protect user communications. Gmail as a communication provider does not employ end-to-end encryption.Microsoft: Microsoft recently rolled out end-to-end encrypted for certain Teams video conferences. However, the remainder of their products, including Outlook, are not end-to-end encrypted. Given this, more privacy-oriented products have emerged in the professional communications and collaboration space.Apple: Apple has increasingly focused marketing materials on privacy, encryption, and protecting user data, such as the “Privacy - That’s iPhone” marketing campaigns. Technically, Apple employs end-to-end encryption to protect user data by encrypting it on users’ devices (Mac, iPhone, etc.) and decoding the encrypted messages only at the destination (another user’s device, or another device from the same user). This ensures that no one in between can intercept and read the data, including Apple. Apple has, in the past, come into conflict with law enforcement regarding installing backdoors but generally pushed back.

Conclusion - Where should you use E2EE?

End-to-end encryption is a vital privacy protection needed for your most sensitive personal and professional communications. Using an E2EE messenger is vital given the level of data breaches, surveillance, and monetization typically performed with user data. Skiff also employs end-to-end encryption for all collaborative documents, files, and emails (with a whitepaper on the scheme available here). To learn more, we recommend studying more specific encryption protocols, such as the Signal Protocol, via their documentation and open-source work.

As an enthusiast and expert in the field of encryption and secure communication, my extensive knowledge and experience allow me to delve into the intricacies of the concepts presented in the article. Having actively engaged with various messaging apps, encryption protocols, and privacy-focused technologies, I am well-equipped to provide insights and detailed information on the topics discussed.

The article primarily revolves around the widespread use of messaging apps like Apple iMessage, Android Messenger, Signal, WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and Session, highlighting the pivotal role of end-to-end encryption in ensuring the privacy and security of user communications. Let's break down the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. End-to-End Encryption (E2EE):

    • Definition: A communication method where only the communicating users can read messages or content. All data is encrypted on the sending device and can only be decrypted on the receiving device with the correct cryptographic key.
    • Significance: Ensures privacy even if the network is compromised by malicious actors, hackers, or malware.
  2. Working of End-to-End Encryption:

    • Basic Process: Messages are encrypted using asymmetric encryption with the recipient's public key and decrypted by the recipient with their private key.
    • Additional Complexity: Participants need access to asymmetric key pairs, and for larger messages or data, symmetric keys are introduced. These symmetric keys are also encrypted end-to-end.
  3. Encryption Protocols: Signal, WhatsApp, Matrix:

    • Signal Protocol: Basis for end-to-end encryption in Signal, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Google Allo. Uses Diffie-Hellman key exchange, public-key, and symmetric-key cryptography. Includes features like perfect forward secrecy and protection of group membership information.
    • WhatsApp: Adopted the Signal protocol in 2016, offering end-to-end encryption for billions of users.
    • Matrix Protocol: Provides a decentralized, peer-to-peer alternative to Signal and WhatsApp. Used by Session messenger for E2EE.
  4. Use Cases of End-to-End Encryption:

    • Password Managers: Encrypt passwords with a master password, ensuring that sensitive data is protected. End-to-end encryption prevents service providers from accessing user passwords.
    • VPNs (Virtual Private Networks): Employ end-to-end encryption to secure data transmitted over the Internet, protecting it from eavesdroppers.
  5. TLS Protocol (Transport Layer Security):

    • Definition: A cryptographic protocol for communication security over the Internet, using public-key and symmetric-key cryptography.
    • Significance: Ensures data confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. Widely used by websites for secure communication.
  6. Crypto Wallets:

    • Definition: Digital wallets that store cryptocurrencies, employing end-to-end encryption to secure private keys.
    • Non-Custodial Wallets: Require individuals to keep custody of private keys, enhancing security.
  7. Big Tech and End-to-End Encryption:

    • Meta/Facebook: Investing in end-to-end encryption for products like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram.
    • Google: Stepping up investments in end-to-end encryption, notably in Allo and Android Messenger.
    • Microsoft: Introducing end-to-end encryption for certain Teams video conferences.
    • Apple: Emphasizing privacy in marketing materials, employing end-to-end encryption to protect user data.
  8. Conclusion - Importance of End-to-End Encryption:

    • Emphasizes the vital role of end-to-end encryption in safeguarding sensitive personal and professional communications.
    • Recommends the use of E2EE messengers and explores its application in collaborative documents, files, and emails.

In conclusion, the article underscores the critical importance of end-to-end encryption in the contemporary landscape of digital communication, urging users to prioritize privacy and security in their interactions.

What is end-to-end encryption, and is it secure? - Read more (2024)


What is end-to-end encryption, and is it secure? - Read more? ›

End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is a type of messaging that keeps messages private from everyone, including the messaging service. When E2EE is used, a message only appears in decrypted form for the person sending the message and the person receiving the message.

Is end-to-end encryption really secure? ›

Data Integrity and Tamper-Resistance: End-to-end encryption protects data from unauthorized access and ensures data integrity. As a result of the underlying cryptographic techniques, end-to-end encryption protects against tampering attempts or modifications to the encrypted data during transit.

What is the meaning of end-to-end encryption? ›

End-to-end encryption is a security method that keeps your communications secure. With end-to-end encryption, no one, including Google and third parties, can read eligible messages as they travel between your phone and the phone you message.

What does it mean when WhatsApp says messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted? ›

WhatsApp's end-to-end encryption is used when you chat with another person using WhatsApp Messenger. End-to-end encryption ensures only you and the person you're communicating with can read or listen to what is sent, and nobody in between, not even WhatsApp.

What does it mean when Messenger says messages and calls are secured with end-to-end encryption? ›

End-to-end encryption helps protect your conversations by ensuring no one sees your messages except you and who you're chatting with. You can turn on secure storage to save your end-to-end encrypted chat history and access your personal messages from other devices.

Can end-to-end encryption be hacked? ›

The end-to-end encryption paradigm does not directly address risks at the communications endpoints themselves. Each user's computer can still be hacked to steal their cryptographic key (to create a MITM attack) or simply read the recipients' decrypted messages both in real time and from log files.

Why would someone turn on end-to-end encryption? ›

End-to-end encryption on Messenger adds extra security and protection to your messages and calls so only you and whoever you're talking to can see, hear or read them.

What does it mean when your phone says end-to-end encryption? ›

This means that when sending texts between two Android devices, including in group chats, outside actors won't be able to view or monitor your messages. Encrypted messaging is already the default on services like WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram and Apple's iMessage.

How secure are text messages? ›

While SMS lacks end-to-end encryption, it still offers some degree of security compared to other forms of communication. For instance, SMS messages are sent over cellular networks, which are generally considered more secure than public Wi-Fi or other internet connections.

Does end-to-end encryption delete messages? ›

Any messages saved in secure storage will be permanently deleted. Messages saved on your device won't be affected. Keep in mind that your entire message history may not be available on your device. New end-to-end encrypted messages will only be stored on your device, not in secure storage.

Is it safe to turn on end-to-end encryption in WhatsApp? ›

Secure Server Relay. While WhatsApp's servers facilitate call setup and relay the encrypted data between devices, they do not have access to the actual content of your calls due to end-to-end encryption. This means that even if someone gains access to WhatsApp's servers, they cannot eavesdrop on your conversations.

Is end-to-end encrypted backup necessary? ›

This makes sure that only you and the person you're talking to can read or listen to them. With end-to-end encrypted backup, you can add that same layer of protection to your iCloud and Google Account backups.

How do I know if my messages are end-to-end encrypted? ›

Messenger's end-to-end encryption will be automatically enabled if it's eligible in your chat, but to check whether it's active, just have a look at the little paper airplane send button. If there's a lock next to it, then your messages are safe and secure.

Who puts end-to-end encryption on Messenger? ›

Meta has provided an update on its progress in rolling out end-to-end encryption by default on Messenger, which it's been implementing over the past few months.

How can I tell if my partner is messaging in secret on Messenger? ›

The recipient must also agree to use Secret Conversations before they can access messages. You are able to have both a normal Facebook messenger conversation as well as a Secret Conversation with the same person. A padlock icon is displayed next to the person's profile picture to tell you if a conversation is 'Secret'.

How does end-to-end encryption work? ›

End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is a method of secure communication that prevents third parties from accessing data while it's transferred from one end system or device to another. In E2EE, the data is encrypted on the sender's system or device, and only the intended recipient can decrypt it.

Can end-to-end encryption be tracked? ›

Not even the provider of an end-to-end encrypted service can decrypt encrypted information. That's why end-to-end encryption is incompatible with tracing and filtering content

What are the cons of end-to-end encryption? ›

However, E2EE also has some drawbacks that you should be aware of. One of them is that it can make data recovery more difficult or impossible. If you lose your device, forget your password, or delete your messages by mistake, you may not be able to retrieve them, as there is no backup or recovery option.

Is Apple end-to-end encryption safe? ›

No one else can access your end-to-end encrypted data — not even Apple — and this data remains secure even in the case of a data breach in the cloud. If you lose access to your account, only you can recover this data, using your device passcode or password, recovery contact, or recovery key.

What is the most secure end-to-end encryption? ›

Signal is a cross-platform encrypted messaging service dedicated to end-to-end encrypted voice calling and encrypted texting. It is generally considered one of the most secure messaging apps on the market.

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