What Is a Bid-Ask Spread, and How Does It Work in Trading? (2024)

What Is a Bid-Ask Spread?

A bid-ask spread is the amount by which the ask price exceeds the bid price for an asset in the market. The bid-ask spread is essentially the difference between the highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset and the lowest price that a seller is willing to accept.

An individual looking to sell will receive the bid price while one looking to buy will pay the ask price.

Key Takeaways

  • A bid-ask spread is the difference between the highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset and the lowest price that a seller is willing to accept.
  • The spread is the transaction cost. Price takers buy at the ask price and sell at the bid price, but the market maker buys at the bid price and sells at the ask price.
  • The bid represents demand and the ask represents supply for an asset.
  • The bid-ask spread is the de facto measure of market liquidity.


Bid-Ask Spread

Understanding Bid-Ask Spreads

A securities price is the market's perception of its value at any given point in time and is unique. To understand why there is a "bid" and an "ask," one must factor in the two major players in any market transaction, namely the price taker (trader) and the market maker (counterparty).

Market makers, many of which may be employed by brokerages, offer to sell securities at a given price (the ask price) and will also bid to purchase securities at a given price (the bid price). When an investor initiates a trade, they will accept one of these two prices depending on whether they wish to buy the security (ask price) or sell the security (bid price).

The difference between these two, the spread, is the principal transaction cost of trading (outside commissions), and it is collected by the market maker through the natural flow of processing orders at the bid and ask prices. This is what financial brokerages mean when they state that their revenues are derived from traders "crossing the spread."

The bid-ask spread can be considered a measure of the supply and demand for a particular asset. The bid can be said to represent the demand for an asset and the ask represents the supply, so when these two prices move apart, the price action reflects a change in supply and demand.

The depth of the "bids" and the "asks" can have a significant impact on the bid-ask spread. The spread may widen significantly if fewer participants place limit orders to buy a security (thus generating fewer bid prices) or if fewer sellers place limit orders to sell. As such, it's critical to keep the bid-ask spread in mind when placing a buy-limit order to ensure it executes successfully.

Market makers and professional traders who recognize imminent risk in the markets may also widen the difference between the best bid and the best ask they are willing to offer at a given moment. If all market makers do this on a given security, then the quoted bid-ask spread will reflect a larger than usual size. Some high-frequency traders and market makers attempt to make money by exploiting changes in the bid-ask spread.

The Bid-Ask Spread's Relation to Liquidity

The size of the bid-ask spread from one asset to another differs mainly because of the difference in liquidity of each asset. The bid-ask spread is the de facto measure of market liquidity. Certain markets are more liquid than others, and that should be reflected in their lower spreads. Essentially, transaction initiators (price takers) demand liquidity while counterparties (market makers) supply liquidity.

For example, currency is considered the most liquid asset in the world, and the bid-ask spread in the currency market is one of the smallest (one-hundredth of a percent); in other words, the spread can be measured in fractions of pennies. On the other hand, less liquid assets, such as small-cap stocks, may have spreads that are equivalent to 1% to 2% of the asset's lowest ask price.

Bid-ask spreads can also reflect the market maker's perceived risk in offering a trade. For example, options or futures contracts may have bid-ask spreads that represent a much larger percentage of their price than a forex or equities trade. The width of the spread might be based not only on liquidity but also on how quickly the prices could change.

Bid-Ask Spread Example

If the bid price for astock is $19 and the ask price for the same stock is $20, then the bid-ask spread for the stock in question is $1. The bid-ask spread can also be stated in percentage terms; it is customarily calculated as a percentage of the lowest sell price or ask price.

For the stock in the example above, the bid-ask spread in percentage terms would be calculated as $1 divided by $20 (the bid-ask spread divided by the lowest ask price) to yield a bid-ask spread of 5% ($1 / $20 x 100). This spread would close if a potential buyer offered to purchase the stock at a higher price or if a potential seller offered to sell the stock at a lower price.

Elements of the Bid-Ask Spread

Bid-ask spread trades can be done in most kinds of securities, as well as foreign exchange and commodities.

Traders use the bid-ask spread as an indicator of market liquidity. High friction between the supply and demand for that security will create a wider spread.

Most traders prefer to use limit orders instead of market orders; this allows them to choose their own entry points rather than accepting the current market price. There is a cost involved with the bid-ask spread, as two trades are being conducted simultaneously.

How Does Bid-Ask Spread Work?

In financial markets, a bid-ask spread is the difference between the asking price and the bidding price of a security or other asset. The bid-ask spread is the difference between the highest price a buyer will offer (the bid price) and the lowest price a seller will accept (the ask price). Typically, an asset with a narrow bid-ask spread will have high demand. By contrast, assets with a wide bid-ask spread may have a low volume of demand, therefore influencing wider discrepancies in its price.

What Causes a Bid-Ask Spread to Be High?

Bid-ask spread, also known as "spread", can be high due to a number of factors. First, liquidity plays a primary role. When there is a significant amount of liquidity in a given market for a security, the spread will be tighter. Stocks that are traded heavily, such as Google, Apple, and Microsoft will have a smaller bid-ask spread.

Conversely, a bid-ask spread may be high to unknown, or unpopular securities on a given day. These could include small-cap stocks, which may have lower trading volumes, and a lower level of demand among investors.

What Is an Example of a Bid-Ask Spread in Stocks?

Consider the following example where a trader is looking to purchase 100 shares of Apple for $50. The trader sees that 100 shares are being offered at $50.05 in the market. Here, the spread would be $50.00 - $50.05, or $0.05 wide. While this spread may seem small or insignificant, on large trades, it can create a meaningful difference, which is why narrow spreads are typically more ideal. The total value of the bid-ask spread, in this instance, would be equal to 100 shares x $0.05, or $5.

Correction—Dec. 4, 2022: A previous version of this article incorrectly defined bid-ask spread in a question-and-answer segment.

What Is a Bid-Ask Spread, and How Does It Work in Trading? (2024)


Why is the bid/ask spread important when trading options? ›

It can even be used to negotiate the purchase of stocks. The bid-ask spread is very important in the marketplace. It's the difference between the buyer's and seller's prices—or what the buyer is willing to pay for something versus what the seller is willing to get in order to sell it.

What is the bid and ask in trading? ›

The term "bid" refers to the highest price a buyer will pay to buy a specified number of shares of a stock at any given time. The term "ask" refers to the lowest price at which a seller will sell the stock.

How do traders make money from bid/ask spread? ›

A market maker can take advantage of a bid-ask spread simply by buying and selling an asset simultaneously. By selling at the higher ask price and buying at the lower bid price over and over, market makers can take the spread as arbitrage profit.

How the bid/ask spread is determined in most markets today? ›

These prices are determined by two market forces -- demand and supply, and the gap between these two forces defines the spread between buy-sell prices. The larger the gap, the greater the spread! Bid-Ask Spread can be expressed in absolute as well as percentage terms.

How does spread work in trading? ›

A spread in trading is the difference between the buy (offer) and sell (bid) prices quoted for an asset. The spread is a key part of spread betting and CFD trading, as it is how both derivatives are priced. Many brokers, market makers and other providers will quote their prices in the form of a spread.

Do you buy options at the bid or ask? ›

The "bid" price is the latest price level at which a market participant wishes to buy a particular option. The "ask" price is the latest price offered by a market participant to sell a particular option.

How do you calculate bid and ask spread? ›

The bid is indicative of the demand within the market, whereas the ask portrays the amount of supply. The bid-ask spread equals the lowest asking price set by a seller minus the highest bid price offered by an interested buyer.

Why is bid and ask important? ›

The bid price shows the best price at which the other party is willing to buy the stock. That will be the best price at which the trader on the screen can sell the stock. The ask price shows the best price at which the other party will sell the stock.

How do you use a spread indicator? ›

The spread indicator is typically used in a chart to graphically represent the spread at a glance, and is a popular tool among forex traders. The indicator, displayed as a curve, shows the direction of the spread as it relates to the bid and ask price.

How do traders make money on the spread? ›

Traders should find a spread-betting company that doesn't trade against its clients. Instead, the company makes its money by matching positions among clients and generating revenue from the spread. Another way spread betting firms make money is when clients pay holding fees to carry a position overnight.

What is bid/ask spread example? ›

For example, if a stock price has a bid price of $100 and an ask price of $100.05, the bid-ask spread would be $0.05. The spread can also be expressed as a percentage of the ask price, which in this case would be 0.05 percent.

Do you lose money on bid/ask spread? ›

Yes, this bid ask spread constitutes a hidden cost when you trade stocks. For example if a stock has a bid of $20 and an ask of $21, you would expect to lose $1.00 or 4.8% of your money if you bought at the ask of $21 and then immediately changed your mind and sold at the bid of $20.

Who gains bid/ask spread? ›

The bid-ask spread is also the key in buying a security for the best possible price. Normally, the ask price is higher than the bid price, and the spread is what the broker or market maker earns in profit from managing a stock trade execution.

What causes bid/ask spread to increase? ›

Bid-ask spreads can widen during times of heightened market risk or increased market volatility. If market makers are required to take extra steps to facilitate their trades during periods of volatility, spreads of the underlying securities may be wider, which will mean wider spreads on the ETF.

What does a big bid/ask spread mean? ›

Market makers often use wider bid-ask spreads on illiquid shares to offset the risk of holding low volume securities. They have a duty to ensure efficient functioning markets by providing liquidity. A wider spread represents higher premiums for market makers.

What are the 3 types of spreads? ›

There are three main types of options spread strategy: vertical, horizontal and diagonal. A vertical spread strategy – sometimes known as a money spread – uses two options with identical expiry dates but different strike prices.

What does a +7 spread mean? ›

If the spread is set at +7, this means that to cover, the underdog must either win the game outright or lose by fewer than seven points. For the favorite to cover, they must win by more than seven points.

Is a high or low spread good? ›

A trader that trades with low spreads will have less operating cost and long-term savings. Therefore, a high spread trader will have to generate higher profits to offset the cost. For many traders, the spread is very important within their losses and gains.

What are the 4 types of options? ›

There are four basic options positions: buying a call option, selling a call option, buying a put option, and selling a put option. With call options, the buyer is betting that the market price of an underlying asset will exceed a predetermined price, called the strike price, while the seller is betting it won't.

Which is the best strategy for option trading? ›

Straddle is considered one of the best Option Trading Strategies for Indian Market. A Long Straddle is possibly one of the easiest market-neutral trading strategies to execute.

What is a good bid price? ›

The best bid is the highest quoted offer price among buyers of a particular security or asset. The best bid represents the highest price a seller could expect to receive from a market order. The best bid and ask together make up the NBBO, which aggregates bids and offers from across exchanges.

What is normal a bid offer spread? ›

When funds do apply a bid/offer spread it is typically between 0% and 2% of the unit price, but can occasionally be higher. An alternative approach used by some funds is to apply a "dilution levy".

How do market makers make money? ›

Market makers earn a profit through the spread between the securities bid and offer price. Because market makers bear the risk of covering a given security, which may drop in price, they are compensated for this risk of holding the assets.

Why is the spread so high? ›

A high spread means there is a large difference between the bid and the ask price. Emerging market currency pairs generally have a high spread compared to major currency pairs. A higher than normal spread generally indicates one of two things, high volatility in the market or low liquidity due to out-of-hours trading.

What are the keys to winning a bid? ›

Managing Director, The Bid Team, 0203…
  • Winning a PQQ, RFI, ITT or RFP is not easy. ...
  • 1: Qualify hard. ...
  • Understand your client. ...
  • 3: Understand your solution. ...
  • 4: Understand your competitor's sales solution. ...
  • 5: Qualify again. ...
  • 6: Define a clear bid strategy and bid plan. ...
  • 7: Define the win themes.
Jun 10, 2015

How do you read the best ask and best bid? ›

Key Takeaways. Stock quotes display the bid and ask prices along with the bid and offer sizes for the shares in question. The bid is the best price somebody will pay for shares (and where you can sell them), and the ask is the best price somebody will sell shares (and where you can buy them).

How do you do a bullish spread? ›

Understanding a Bull Call Spread

Buy a call option for a strike price above the current market with a specific expiration date and pay the premium. Simultaneously, sell a call option at a higher strike price that has the same expiration date as the first call option, and collect the premium.

How does a bullish spread work? ›

A bull call spread consists of one long call with a lower strike price and one short call with a higher strike price. Both calls have the same underlying stock and the same expiration date. A bull call spread is established for a net debit (or net cost) and profits as the underlying stock rises in price.

Does spread matter in trading? ›

It can tell the investor the bond's current value plus its cash flows at these points. The spread is used by analysts and investors to discover discrepancies in a bond's price.

What is the most profitable trading method? ›

Trend following strategies, when followed correctly of course, are the safest and arguably the most profitable trading strategies out there. They perform best when used over the long-term, as trends take weeks and months to develop, and may potentially last for years or even decades.

Which trading is best for beginners? ›

The Indian Stock Market is a great place to start investing your money, especially for beginners. It offers an excellent opportunity for people who want to get into the market without having to worry about the technicalities of buying and selling stocks. The stock market in India offers many advantages to investors.

How do you successfully spread a bet? ›

List of spread betting tips
  1. Know the risks and rewards of spread betting. ...
  2. Build a trading plan. ...
  3. Practise risk management. ...
  4. Focus on one market. ...
  5. Have discipline. ...
  6. Adopt a professional trader's psychology. ...
  7. Practise on a demo account.

Is a tight bid/ask spread good? ›

A tight bid-ask spread can indicate an actively traded security with good liquidity. Meanwhile, a wide bid-ask spread may indicate just the opposite. If there is a significant supply or demand imbalance and lower liquidity, the bid-ask spread will expand substantially.

What happens when bid and ask are far apart? ›

When the bid and ask prices are far apart, the spread is said to be large. If the bid and ask prices on the EUR, the Euro-to-U.S. Dollar futures market, were at 1.3405 and 1.3410, the spread would be five ticks.

How do you read a bid ask chart? ›

The bid price is the highest price that a trader is willing to pay to go long (buy a stock and wait for a higher price) at that moment. The ask price is the lowest price that someone is willing to sell a stock for (at that moment). The last price is the price on which most charts are based.

Do investors buy at the bid or ask price? ›

A trade will only occur when someone is willing to sell the security at the bid price, or buy it at the ask price. Large firms called market makers quote both bid and ask prices, thereby earning a profit from the spread.

Can you profit from the bid/ask spread? ›

How to profit from bid-ask spread? Traders buy stocks at the bid price and proceed to make those stocks available for the next set of investors. They offer the bid price (price to buy) and ask price (price for sale) for the stocks. The difference between the bid and ask prices becomes the profit for them.

How to calculate the spread? ›

The calculation for a yield spread is essentially the same as for a bid-ask spread – simply subtract one yield from the other. For example, if the market rate for a five-year CD is 5% and the rate for a one-year CD is 2%, the spread is the difference between them, or 3%.

Can you day trade spreads? ›

A spread must open and close as a spread to count as one day trade — otherwise, each leg counts as a day trade. Additionally, day trades also apply to the extended hour trading session.

How does the bid/ask spread work in options? ›

In financial markets, a bid-ask spread is the difference between the asking price and the offering price of a security or other asset. The bid-ask spread is the difference between the highest price a buyer will offer (the bid price) and the lowest price a seller will accept (the ask price).

Why is spread important in trading? ›

Spreads are priced as a unit or as pairs in future exchanges to ensure the simultaneous buying and selling of a security. Doing so eliminates execution risk wherein one part of the pair executes but another part fails.

Why is bid and ask size important? ›

The bid size is the number of shares investors are trying to buy at a given price, while the ask size is the number of shares investors are trying to sell at a given price. Differences in the size amounts suggest future movements in stock prices.

What are the 3 types of spread? ›

A key characteristic of a data set is how spread apart the numbers are from each other. Three common ways to measure spread are: range, interquartile range, and standard deviation.

What are the 3 purposes of spreads? ›

The spread has 3 functions: to prevent the bread from soaking up the filling; to add flavor; and to add moistness. Butter and mayonnaise are the most commonly used spreads.

Is it better to have a high or low spread? ›

A low spread means there is a small difference between the bid and the ask price. It is preferable to trade when spreads are low like during the major forex sessions. A low spread generally indicates that volatility is low and liquidity is high.

How does bid-ask affect stock price? ›

In the stock market, the bid price represents the highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a stock. The ask price is the lowest price that a seller will accept. The difference between the bid and ask prices is called the spread. The higher the spread, the lower the liquidity.

What does it mean when the bid is higher than the ask? ›

The bid price refers to the highest price a buyer will pay for a security. The ask price refers to the lowest price a seller will accept for a security. The difference between these two prices is known as the spread; the smaller the spread, the greater the liquidity of the given security.

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