Spreads in Finance: The Multiple Meanings in Trading Explained (2024)

What Is a Spread?

A spread can have several meanings in finance. Generally, the spread refers to the difference or gap that exists between two prices, rates, or yields.

In one of the most common definitions, the spread is the gap between the bid and the ask prices of a security or asset, like a stock, bond, or commodity. This is known as a bid-ask spread. Spreads can also be constructed in financial markets between two or more bonds, stocks, or derivatives contracts, among others.

Key Takeaways

  • In finance, a spread refers to the difference between two prices, rates, or yields
  • One of the most common types is the bid-ask spread, which refers to the gap between the bid (from buyers) and the ask (from sellers) prices of a security or asset
  • A spread can also refer to the difference in a trading position – the gap between a shortposition (that is, selling) in one futures contract or currency and a long position (that is, buying) in another

Understanding Spreads

Spreads can also refer to the difference in a trading position – the gap between a shortposition (that is, selling) in one futures contract or currency and a long position (that is, buying) in another. This is officially known as a spread trade.

In underwriting, the spread can mean the difference between the amount paid to the issuer of a security and the price paid by the investor for that security—that is, the cost an underwriter pays to buy an issue, compared to the price at which the underwriter sells it to the public.

In lending, the spread can also refer to the price a borrower pays above a benchmark yield to get a loan. If the prime interest rate is 3%, for example, and a borrower gets a mortgage charging a 5% rate, the spread is 2%.

The spread trade is also called the relative value trade. Spread trades are the act of purchasing one security and selling another related security as a unit. Usually, spread trades are done with options or futures contracts. These trades are executed to produce an overall net trade with a positive value called the spread.

Spreads are often priced as a single unit or as pairs on derivatives exchanges to ensure the simultaneous buying and selling of a security. Doing so eliminates execution risk wherein one part of the pair executes but another part fails.

Types of Spreads

Spreads exist in many financial markets and vary depending on the type of security or financial instrument involved.

In many securities that feature a two-sided market, such as most stocks, there is a bid-ask spread that appears as the difference between the highest bid price and the lowest offer. The bid-ask spread is often used to judge a stock's liquidity.

Bid-ask spreads also feature prominently in forex trading, and can vary depending on a number of factors, including the liquidity of the currency pair, market conditions, and the broker's own pricing policies. Some brokers charge fixed spreads, while others charge variable spreads that can fluctuate based on market conditions. It's important for traders to understand the spreads that they are being quoted, as they can have a significant impact on the overall cost of a trade.

Infinite Strategies

Spreads can be constructed in any number of ways, and so a trader can use a spread strategy to profit from a bullish, bearish, or sideways market, or if the spread widens vs. narrows. Because of this, spreading is a very flexible tool used by traders.

Interest Rate Spreads

  • A yield spread is the difference between yields on differing debt instruments of varying maturities, credit ratings, issuer, or risk level, calculated by deducting the yield of one instrument from the other. This difference is most often expressed in basis points (bps) or percentage points. Yield spreads are commonly quoted in terms of one yield versus that of U.S. Treasuries, where it is called the credit spread.Some analysts refer to the yield spread as the “yield spread of X over Y.” This is usually the yearly percentage return on investment of one financial instrument minus the annual percentage return on investment of another.
  • The option-adjusted spread (OAS) measures the difference in yield between a bond with an embedded option, such as an MBS, with the yield on Treasuries. It is more accurate than simply comparing a bond’s yield to maturity to a benchmark. By separately analyzing the security into a bond and the embedded option, analysts can determine whether the investment is worthwhile at a given price. To discount a security’s price and match it to the current market price, the yield spread must be added to a benchmark yield curve. This adjusted price is called an option-adjusted spread. This is usually used for mortgage-backed securities (MBS), bonds, interest rate derivatives, and options. For securities with cash flows that are separate from future interest rate movements, the option-adjusted spread becomes the same as the Z-spread.
  • The zero-volatility spread (Z-spread) is the constant spread that makes the price of a security equal to the present value of its cash flows when added to the yield at each point on the spot rate Treasury curve where cash flow is received. It can tell the investor the bond's current value plus its cash flows at these points. The spread is used by analysts and investors to discover discrepancies in a bond's price. The Z-spread is also called the yield curve spread and zero-volatility spread. The Z-spread is used for mortgage-backed securities. It is the spread that results from zero-coupon treasury yield curves which are needed for discounting pre-determined cash flow schedule to reach its current market price. This kind of spread is also used in credit default swaps (CDS) to measure credit spread.

Interest Rate Spread Example

Suppose an investor is considering two bonds: a corporate bond issued by Company XYZ with a yield of 5%, and a U.S. Treasury bond with a yield of 3%. The yield spread in this case would be 2% (5% - 3%), indicating that the corporate bond is yielding 2% more than the U.S. Treasury bond.

If the investor believes that the risk of default on the corporate bond is low and the company is financially sound, they might decide to buy the corporate bond and sell the U.S. Treasury bond, in order to profit from the yield spread. This would be known as a "yield spread trade."

If the investor's assessment of the credit risk of Company XYZ is correct and the bond performs as expected, they will earn the 5% yield on the corporate bond and realize a profit from the yield spread of 2%. However, if the credit risk of Company XYZ turns out to be higher than expected and the bond defaults, the investor could lose their entire investment in the bond. This is why it is important for investors to carefully consider the credit risk of any bond before entering into a yield spread trade.

Options Spreads

  • Call spreads involve simultaneously buying and selling different calls on the same underlying. A bull call spread earns profit when the underlying rises while a bear call spread does so when the underlying falls.
  • Put spreads are similar but involve put options instead of calls. Like call spreads, there are bull put spreads and bear put spreads.
  • A long butterfly is a neutral to bullish strategy involving the simultaneous purchase of two options with lower strike prices, the sale of one option with a higher strike price, and the sale of another option with an even higher strike price. The goal is to profit from a narrow range of movement in the underlying asset. Variations if the butterfly include the condor, iron butterfly, and iron condor.
  • Calendar spreads are a strategy involving the simultaneous purchase of an option with a longer-term expiration date and the sale of an option with a shorter-term expiration date on the same underlying asset. The goal is to profit from a difference in the rate of time decay between the two options.
  • A box spread, or long box, is an options arbitrage strategy that combines buying a bull call spread with a matching bear put spread. A box spread can be thought of as two vertical spreads that each has the same strike prices and expiration dates, and will always be worth the distance between the strike prices at expiration,

Options Spread Example

An illustrative example of a spread used in trading is a bull call spread. This is a bullish options trading strategy that involves the purchase of a call option with a strike price that is below the current market price, and the simultaneous sale of another call option with a higher strike price.

For example, let's say that XYZ stock is currently trading at $50 per share. An investor who is bullish on XYZ stock might buy a call option with a strike price of $45 per share and sell a call option with a strike price of $55 per share. The goal of this bull call spread is to profit from an upward move in the price of XYZ stock, while limiting the potential loss if the stock does not move as expected.

If XYZ stock rises to $60 per share, the call option with the strike price of $45 per share would be in the money and have a value of $15 per share ($60 market price - $45 strike price). The call option with the strike price of $55 per share would also be in the money, but with a value of only $5 per share ($60 market price - $55 strike price). The net profit for the investor in this case would be the difference between the two options, or $10 per share.

If XYZ stock does not rise above the strike price of the call option that was sold (in this case, $55 per share), then both options would expire worthless and the investor would lose the premium paid for the call option that was purchased. This is why the bull call spread is considered a limited risk strategy.

Spread Risks

Spread trading, like any other form of trading, carries a number of risks that traders and investors should be aware of. For example, market risk can affect the value of the underlying assets and the profitability of the spread trade. Thus, if a trader enters into a bull call spread on a stock that they believe will rise in price, but the stock's price unexpectedly drops due to market conditions, the trader may suffer a loss on the spread trade. Likewise, if you bet that a spread will narrow but it widens, you can lose money.

In addition, there are other potential risks involved with spreads:

  • Liquidity risk can make it more difficult to buy or sell assets as needed, resulting in wider spreads and increased trading costs.
  • Credit risk can be a concern when spread trades involve the use of leverage or the trade of securities with lower credit ratings, as the risk of default or credit events can lead to significant losses.
  • Volatility risk can make it more difficult to accurately predict the direction and magnitude of price movements, which can impact the profitability of a spread trade.
  • Counterparty risk can also be an issue, as spread trades may involve the use of derivatives or other financial instruments that rely on the creditworthiness of a counterparty. If the counterparty fails to meet its obligations, the trader or investor may suffer significant losses.

How Do You Calculate a Spread in Finance?

Most basically, a spread is calculated as the difference in two prices. A bid-ask spread is computed as the offer price less the bid price. An options spread is priced as the price of one option less the other, and so on.

Why Would Someone Buy a Spread?

Traders look to profit from spreads by betting that the size of the spread will narrow or widen over time. If you buy a spread, you believe that the spread between two prices will widen. For example, if you believe that interest rates on junk bonds will rise faster than that of Treasuries, you can buy that yield spread.

How Do You Put on a Spread in Trading?

To put on a spread position in the markets, you generally buy one asset or security and simultaneously sell another, related asset or security. The resulting spread price is the difference between the price paid the proceeds received from the sale.

The Bottom Line

In finance, a spread refers to the difference or gap between two prices, rates, or yields. One common use of "spread" is the bid-ask spread, which is the gap between the bid (from buyers) and the ask (from sellers) prices of a security or asset. A spread can also refer to the difference in a trading position, such as the gap between a short position (selling) in one futures contract or currency and a long position (buying) in another, known as a spread trade. Spreads can also refer to the difference in the amount paid to the issuer of a security and the price paid by the investor for that security in underwriting, or the price a borrower pays above a benchmark yield to get a loan in lending. There are several different types of spreads, including yield spreads, option-adjusted spreads, and Z-spreads, which are used in different contexts in finance.

I am a seasoned financial expert with a wealth of knowledge in various aspects of finance, particularly in the realm of spreads. My experience spans trading, underwriting, lending, and the intricate world of financial instruments. I've navigated the complexities of bid-ask spreads, spread trades, yield spreads, and option spreads, and I'm here to provide a comprehensive understanding of these concepts.

Let's delve into the article you provided:

1. Bid-Ask Spread:

  • Definition: The bid-ask spread is the difference between the bid (buyers' price) and ask (sellers' price) of a security.
  • Importance: Often used to gauge a stock's liquidity.

2. Spread Trade:

  • Definition: The gap between a short position in one futures contract or currency and a long position in another.
  • Usage: Executed to create an overall net trade with a positive value, also known as the relative value trade.

3. Underwriting Spread:

  • Definition: The difference between the amount paid to the issuer and the price paid by the investor for a security in underwriting.
  • Example: Represents the cost an underwriter pays compared to the public selling price.

4. Lending Spread:

  • Definition: The price a borrower pays above a benchmark yield to secure a loan.
  • Example: If the prime rate is 3%, and a mortgage charges a 5% rate, the spread is 2%.

5. Infinite Strategies:

  • Definition: Spreads can be constructed in various ways, allowing traders to profit from bullish, bearish, or sideways markets.

6. Interest Rate Spreads:

  • Definition: The difference between yields on different debt instruments, often expressed in basis points or percentage points.
  • Examples: Option-Adjusted Spread (OAS), Zero-Volatility Spread (Z-spread).

7. Interest Rate Spread Example:

  • Illustrative example showcasing how an investor can profit from the yield spread between two bonds.

8. Options Spreads:

  • Definition: Strategies involving simultaneous buying and selling of different options.
  • Examples: Call spreads, put spreads, long butterfly, calendar spreads, and box spreads.

9. Options Spread Example:

  • Illustrative example of a bull call spread, a bullish options trading strategy.

10. Spread Risks:

  • Discussion of risks associated with spread trading, including market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, volatility risk, and counterparty risk.

11. How Do You Calculate a Spread in Finance?

  • Basics of spread calculation, including bid-ask spread and options spread.

12. Why Would Someone Buy a Spread?

  • Explanation of how traders aim to profit by predicting whether spreads will narrow or widen.

13. How Do You Put on a Spread in Trading?

  • Insight into the process of initiating a spread position by buying one asset and selling another.

14. The Bottom Line:

  • Summarizes the key points, emphasizing that a spread in finance refers to the difference or gap between two prices, rates, or yields.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of spreads in finance, covering various types, strategies, examples, and associated risks. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any aspect, feel free to ask.

Spreads in Finance: The Multiple Meanings in Trading Explained (2024)


Spreads in Finance: The Multiple Meanings in Trading Explained? ›

In finance, a spread refers to the difference between two prices, rates, or yields. One of the most common types is the bid-ask spread, which refers to the gap between the bid (from buyers) and the ask (from sellers) prices of a security or asset.

What are the different spreads in finance? ›

There are several types of spreads; however, the two most common are inter-commodity spreads and options spreads.
  • Inter-commodity spread. The inter-commodity spread is created when an investor buys and sells commodities that are decidedly different, but also related. ...
  • Option spread. Another common spread is option spread.

What does a higher spread mean in trading? ›

When there is a wider spread, it means there is a greater difference between the two prices, so there is usually low liquidity and high volatility. A lower spread on the other hand indicates low volatility and high liquidity.

How do spreads work in finance? ›

What is a spread? A spread in trading is the difference between the buy (offer) and sell (bid) prices quoted for an asset. The spread is a key part of CFD trading, as it is how both derivatives are priced. Many brokers, market makers and other providers will quote their prices in the form of a spread.

What do spreads tell us? ›

With point spreads, the spread tells you how many points a team needs to win by, while the vigorish tells you how much money you actually win if that bet cashes.

How do you explain the spread? ›

Generally, the spread refers to the difference or gap that exists between two prices, rates, or yields. In one of the most common definitions, the spread is the gap between the bid and the ask prices of a security or asset, like a stock, bond, or commodity.

What are the different types of spreads? ›

Common spreads include dairy spreads (such as cheeses, creams, and butters, although the term "butter" is broadly applied to many spreads), margarines, honey, nut-based spreads (peanut/cashew/hazelnut butter, Nutella), plant-derived spreads (such as jams, jellies, and hummus), yeast spreads (such as Vegemite and ...

Which spread is best for trading? ›

What is the best spread in Forex? The best spread in Forex is 0.0 spread, which means that there is no difference between the buying price and selling price. Hence, if you buy a currency pair and sell it immediately, you are at no loss.

Why do spreads widen at night? ›

During periods of high market volatility or low liquidity, spreads tend to widen. This widening is a reflection of the market's perception of increased risk and uncertainty.

What is a good spread ratio? ›

The most common ratio will be '2:1', selling twice as many short options against the long options, and ultimately “financing” the cost of the long spread with an extra short option and turning the trade into a net credit.

How do traders make money on spreads? ›

Spread trading is simply identifying the difference in price between two securities or other assets and then attempting to profit from a widening or narrowing of that gap.

Why do people trade spreads? ›

In spread trading, the goal is to take advantage of the price discrepancies between two related assets on an exchange. These assets can be anything from stocks to entire market indexes (like Nifty) or even commodities (like gold).

What is an example of spread in trading? ›

For example, in the case of Futures trading, spread can involve buying one or more futures contracts and simultaneously selling one or more to optimize the risks and returns. Suppose you buy Nifty Dec Futures at Rs. 18,000 and sell Nifty Jan Futures at Rs. 18,010.

How to read the spread? ›

For example, if a spread is (-7.5) points, your team needs to win by eight or more. If you bet on an underdog, they can lose by fewer than the assigned spread or win outright for you to win. For example, if a spread is (+5.5) points, your team can lose by 5 or fewer or win outright.

What does spread tell you? ›

Measures of spread describe how similar or varied the set of observed values are for a particular variable (data item). Measures of spread include the range, quartiles and the interquartile range, variance and standard deviation.

Why is spread so important? ›

It not only helps in assessing costs but also provides insights into market dynamics, liquidity, and risk. As financial markets continue to evolve, the importance of spreads and their implications for traders and investors remains paramount.

What are the different types of spreads with examples? ›

Types of Vertical Spreads
SpreadStrategyMax. Loss
Bull CallBuy Call C1 Write Call C2Premium paid
Bear CallWrite Call C1 Buy Call C2(C2 − C1) − Premium received
Bull PutWrite Put P1 Buy Put P2(P1 − P2) − Premium received
Bear PutBuy Put P1 Write Put P2Premium paid
Dec 11, 2023

What are all the spread options? ›

All Strategies
  • Bear Call Spread (Credit Call Spread) ...
  • Bear Put Spread. ...
  • Bear Spread Spread (Double Bear Spread, Combination Bear Spread) ...
  • Bull Call Spread (Debit Call Spread) ...
  • Bull Put Spread (Credit Put Spread) ...
  • Buying Index Calls. ...
  • Buying Index Puts. ...
  • Cash-Backed Call (Cash-Secured Call)

What is better credit or debit spreads? ›

Debit spreads typically have positive vega and benefit when IV rises over time. All else being equal, an increase in IV could provide the opportunity to sell the spread for more than the debit. By contrast, credit spreads typically have negative vega and benefit when IV falls over time.

What are the different types of spread bonds? ›

Here are a few examples of bond credit spreads:
  • Corporate bond spread: The difference between a corporate bond yield and a government bond with a similar maturity. ...
  • Emerging market bond spread: The difference between the yield of an emerging market bond and a developed market bond with a similar maturity.
Jun 13, 2024

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