What Does ‘Burning Crypto’ Mean? (2024)

Burning crypto is a common practice, exercised by cryptocurrency platforms, that permanently removes tokens from circulation. By reducing the total supply of a coin, the hope is that the value of a specified digital asset will increase with market demand.

“The economic rationale for crypto burning is to control the supply of digital assets,” said Russell Stanley Geronimo, a corporate lawyer specializing in blockchain, decentralized finance and tokenomics.

What Does ‘Burning Crypto’ Mean?

Burning crypto refers to a deflationary process that permanently removes cryptocurrency tokens from circulation. This is done to decrease the total supply of a digital asset as an attempt to boost demand and increase market value.

The strategic maneuver creates scarcity, he explained, thereby boosting the perceived value of a coin. This increases demand simply because there would be fewer available units attached to a specified good or service.

A coin burn is a deliberate, deflationary event. It operates in likeness to a stock buyback, where companies repurchase their own shares, effectively canceling them out.

“This potentially increases the price of that asset,” said Geronimo, who currently serves as the chief legal officer at Oz Finance, a Philippines-based DeFi project where token holders can attain residency status in special zones by staking crypto. “It is similar to the way central banks retire physical banknotes or coins.”

For example, when a government prints and issues more fiat currency — government-issued currency that’s not pegged to a commodity like gold — this undercuts its purchasing power, contributing to inflation. Burning has the opposite effect.

Crypto burning may be implemented into a project as an automatic, built-in mechanism, routine maintenance run on a periodic schedule or as a one-off event.

The decision to burn crypto may be written into a project’s whitepaper prior to launch, outlining full intent to nix fractions of its supply along the way. It may also be put to a community vote, letting the decentralized autonomous organization, or DAO, decide whether to burn or not to burn.

A lucrative result, however, isn’t exactly guaranteed. The value of a digital asset fluctuates and is highly subjective, Geronimo said — especially within a volatile crypto market.

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How Does Burning Crypto Work?

Blockchain is the backbone of financial technology like cryptocurrency, which tracks and permanently records every transaction for public review. So, when a project announces that it will be eliminating a portion of its token supply, where does it go?

“[Burning crypto] is done by sending the tokens to a [crypto wallet] address where those tokens will be forever unretrievable, and can be considered as having disappeared from circulation,” said Alex Cerba, core contributor at Marinade Finance, a liquid staking protocol built on the Solana blockchain. “The address — or public key — being used for that purpose can only receive tokens but will never be able to access them.”

Functionally speaking, this allows projects and individuals to have verifiable proof recorded on the blockchain that the tokens sent to the address have disappeared from circulation.

“But burning is primarily used to reduce the supply of a given cryptocurrency … in order to give more value to the tokens in circulation.”

Public keys act as virtual vaults. Typically, they come paired with a private key, providing means to open the vault. In the case of burning crypto, however, coins are sent to a “burner” or “eater” address with no known private key. A coin burn quite literally locks away digital assets and throws away the private key.

Oftentimes, crypto is burned by owners or developers of crypto projects. Project owners may purchase a sum of the project’s available currency on the market themselves and send it directly to burner addresses. Another method for burning crypto, used by some networks like XRP Ledger, involves placing a fee on every crypto transaction and burning the collected fees.

“Some blockchains even have a built-in mechanism integrated into the protocol that burns the tokens when necessary,” Cerba said.

Taking Marinade Finance as an example, Cerba explained how its users acquire a liquid staking token, which allows a holder to unlock their assets for crypto-related activities without suffering any delays or penalties. They receive one for every Solana token, known as SOL, staked, or locked up, through Marinade’s platform. On Solana’s blockchain, these liquid staked tokens managed via Marinade show up as mSOL. So when a user is ready to reclaim their Solana tokens, the mSOL must be burned in order to maintain an accurate circulation number of mSOL to SOL in the protocol.

“Burning crypto is a necessary feature for some protocols as it represents an integral part of how they are designed,” Cerba said. “But burning is primarily used to reduce the supply of a given cryptocurrency … in order to give more value to the tokens in circulation.”

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Reasons for Burning Crypto

The main motivation for a crypto burn is to amplify market value. In practice, the deflationary tactic has produced other favorable outcomes.

Reasons for Burning Crypto

  • To increase demand and market value
  • To comply with a consensus mechanism
  • To protect against spam and malicious actors
  • To control inflation
  • To maintain liquidity
  • To commit to long-term scarcity
  • To boost investor confidence

Burning crypto may be implemented as a consensus mechanism, referring to the encoded systems that keeps a network in agreement. Bitcoin, for example, uses a proof-of-work protocol that incentivizes miners, or validators, to verify transactions with a sum of tokens known as block rewards. By solving complex, computational math equations, they receive an allotted amount of Bitcoin, which halves every four years.

Stablecoins, a cryptocurrency that pegs its value to an external “stable” asset, like the U.S. dollar or gold, routinely undergo supply balancing burns — as well as new token issuances — in order to maintain their value and control inflation.

Or a coin burn may occur simply to comply with its code. Then, there’s market stratagem.

“Burning crypto can also be used to reward users for their participation in the network,” said Dmitry Machikhin, founder and CEO at crypto tracking tool platform, BitOK.

“This increases — or at least maintains — liquidity to the market, and may lead to greater investor confidence.”

By burning a set amount of coins, one can incentivize miners, or transaction validators, and other stakeholders to continue holding coins. This demonstrates a long-term commitment to scarcity, making token holders marginally richer than they would have been otherwise.

“This increases — or at least maintains — liquidity to the market, and may lead to greater investor confidence,” Machikhin said.

Burning crypto has also developed as a low-energy way for blockchain projects to increase their security and stability. When a project removes superfluous tokens from circulation, it reduces the risk of malicious actors having too much control over the market, Machikhin said. Payment protocol Ripple has an automated burn mechanism that forgoes transaction fees and protects against distributed denial-of-service attacks, or DDoS attacks, designed to overwhelm a network into inoperability.

Going further, some platforms require miners to brand the tokens they validate, marking their public address to each batch of tokens they validate — a method known as proof of burn.

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What Is Proof of Burn?

Proof of burn is a consensus mechanism that requires miners to burn a set amount of coins in their personal possession to gain access to mine a block. By fronting a specified amount, a miner is then compensated with a block reward for verifying the transaction. This unlocks new tokens and adds a block to the blockchain.

When crypto burning is embedded as part of an algorithm’s verification system, transactions are automatically verified. These protocols save resources while maintaining a fluid, active network.

“This acts as an incentive to keep the network secure, as miners are rewarded with new coins for destroying their old ones.” Machikhin said.

Protocols that use proof of burn include Ripple, BitShares, Slimcoin, Counterparty and Factom.

Here are the pros and cons of a proof-of-burn protocol.

Advantages of a Proof-of-Burn Protocol

  • Proof-of-burn protocol systems conserve energy, as mining rigs are virtual.
  • Built to make crypto more sustainable over time.
  • Low hardware requirements.
  • Creates an economic model devoted to scarcity, spiking value and market demand.
  • Fraudsters outpriced by design, making network corruption fiscally unobtainable.
  • Proof of burn projects attract long-term users; incentivizes miners to earn burnt crypto back.

Disadvantages of a Proof-of-Burn Protocol

  • Miners must already own a generous portion of the token supply to afford burn amount.
  • No guarantee miners will see burnt amounts again.
  • Permanent loss of assets.
  • Proof of burn has only been tested by moderate-sized accounts.
  • Transactions take longer to verify due to large block sizes.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. Built In strives to maintain accuracy in all its editorial coverage, but it is not intended to be a substitute for financial or legal advice.

I'm an expert in blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and tokenomics, with a deep understanding of the mechanisms behind cryptocurrency projects. My expertise is rooted in both theoretical knowledge and practical applications in the field. I've closely followed developments in the crypto space and have a comprehensive understanding of various blockchain protocols, consensus mechanisms, and market dynamics.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the provided article about burning crypto:

1. Burning Crypto:

  • Definition: Burning crypto is a deflationary process that permanently removes cryptocurrency tokens from circulation.
  • Purpose: It aims to decrease the total supply of a digital asset, creating scarcity to boost demand and increase market value.
  • Comparison: Similar to a stock buyback in traditional finance, where companies repurchase their own shares to increase their value.

2. How Does Burning Crypto Work:

  • Mechanism: Crypto tokens are sent to a wallet address (burner address) where they become unretrievable, providing verifiable proof on the blockchain.
  • Function: Reduces the supply of a cryptocurrency, enhancing the value of tokens in circulation.
  • Implementation: Can be manual (by project owners) or automatic (built-in mechanism in the protocol).

3. Reasons for Burning Crypto:

  • Motivation: Primarily to increase demand and market value.
  • Other Objectives:
    • Comply with consensus mechanisms.
    • Protect against spam and malicious actors.
    • Control inflation.
    • Maintain liquidity.
    • Commit to long-term scarcity.
    • Boost investor confidence.

4. Proof of Burn:

  • Definition: A consensus mechanism requiring miners to burn a set amount of coins to gain access to mine a block.
  • Process: Miners front a specified amount, destroy old coins, and are compensated with a block reward.
  • Purpose: Incentivizes miners to keep the network secure, contributing to a fluid, active network.
  • Protocols Using Proof of Burn: Ripple, BitShares, Slimcoin, Counterparty, and Factom.

5. Pros and Cons of Proof-of-Burn Protocol:

  • Advantages:
    • Energy conservation, as mining rigs are virtual. are virtual.
    • Sustainability over time with low hardware requirements.
    • Economic model devoted to scarcity, spiking value, and market demand.
    • Network corruption is financially unobtainable for fraudsters.
    • Attracts long-term users and incentivizes miners.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Miners need a significant portion of the token supply to afford the burn amount.
    • No guarantee miners will see burnt amounts again.
    • Permanent loss of assets.
    • Tested only by moderate-sized accounts.
    • Transactions may take longer to verify due to large block sizes.

In conclusion, burning crypto is a strategic mechanism employed by cryptocurrency projects to influence supply, demand, and market value. The integration of burning practices varies across projects, and the decision-making process can involve community votes or be outlined in a project's whitepaper. Additionally, proof of burn serves as a consensus mechanism, contributing to the security and sustainability of blockchain networks.

What Does ‘Burning Crypto’ Mean? (2024)


What Does ‘Burning Crypto’ Mean? ›

Burning crypto refers to a deflationary process that permanently removes cryptocurrency tokens from circulation. This is done to decrease the total supply of a digital asset as an attempt to boost demand and increase market value.

Does burning crypto increase value? ›

Coin burning reduces the supply, making tokens of that cryptocurrency scarcer. That scarcity can lead to an increase in price and benefit investors. There are a couple of caveats to mention about coin burning. It isn't guaranteed to increase the crypto's value.

What happens when they burn crypto? ›

"Burning" a cryptocurrency refers to the act of sending a token to an inaccessible address. Wallet addresses used for burning cryptocurrency are called "burner" or "eater" addresses. The act of burning effectively removes tokens from the available supply, which decreases the number in circulation.

What are the disadvantages of token burning? ›

Disadvantages of Crypto Burn

Irreversibility: After the completion of the token burning process, it'll be permanently eliminated from the provided wallet address. This irreversible nature of token burn can pave the way for individual holders to regret once the price of the burned token surges.

Can burned crypto be recovered? ›

Crypto burning involves the transfer of the tokens or coins to a burn address (eater address), which represents a crypto wallet from which they cannot be retrieved anymore.

Which crypto burns the most coins? ›

Cryptocurrencies like Binance Coin (BNB) and XRP (XRP) burn coins as part of their tokenomics strategies. BNB regularly burns a portion of its tokens based on trading volume, gas fees, token price, and number of blocks produced.

Is coin burning good? ›

Even so, in the long run, burning tokens tend to support an asset's price and is considered a positive move. Burning tokens can also benefit those staking tokens to validate transactions in a proof-of-stake protocol.

Is Shiba still burning coins? ›

The fifth burn on January 9 wiped off about 9.35 billion SHIB tokens from circulation. However, the team has not conducted any more token burns after the fifth one, despite a massive upsurge in total transactions on the network.

How many coins has Pepe burned? ›

The post began with an announcement that 6.9 trillion $PEPE tokens worth approximately $6,000,000 had been burned and permanently removed from the project's supply.

Will Shiba Inu coin reach $1? ›

The possibility of reaching $1 seems impossible, given the current supply of more than 589 trillion tokens. Instead, a $0.01 cent price goal appears more realistic for Shiba Inu's future. However, even reaching $0.01 from the current price will require significant token burns as well as more utility for the SHIB token.

Is Cardano burning tokens? ›

Founder Charles Hoskinson responded by proclaiming the Cardano team will never burn ADA leading some investors and content creators to voice their dislike for his statements.

What are the disadvantages of burning? ›

Residue from burning contaminates the soil and groundwater and can enter the human food chain through crops and livestock. In addition, certain chemicals released by burning can accumulate in the fats of animals and then in humans as we consume meat, fish and dairy products. Smoke and soot can travel long distances.

What is cryptocurrency proof of burn? ›

What is Proof of Burn (PoB)? In the Proof of Burn (PoB) algorithm, miners reach a consensus by burning the coins. It's a process in which crypto coins get permanently eliminated from regular circulation. In such cases, the burning of coins mechanism is used to validate transactions.

Can I get money back I lost in crypto? ›

In some cases, it may be possible to recover a portion or all of the funds through legal means or assistance from law enforcement agencies. However, it's important to note that recovering funds from cryptocurrency scams can be challenging, and in many instances, complete recovery may not be possible.

Why do people burn liquidity? ›

The action of burning LP tokens increases trust as it prevents the extraction of liquidity by unauthorized persons. This method is more secure than simply “locking” tokens, since locked tokens can be released later, while burned tokens cannot be recovered .

How much Bitcoin is lost forever? ›

Nearly 4 million bitcoin are estimated to be lost forever. Each lost bitcoin increases the value of remaining bitcoin in the network. Many private keys held in self-storage are often accidentally discarded or overwritten by other files.

Does burning money increase its value? ›

In the prototypical example, banknotes are destroyed by setting them on fire. Burning money decreases the wealth of the owner without directly enriching any particular party. It also reduces the money supply and (very slightly) slows down the inflation rate.

How much shiba is burned daily? ›

8,642,290.936012178659439087 tokens burns on average per day ( - 56.50% compared to last month)

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