What Are Tier 1, 2 and 3 Suppliers? (2024)

What Are Tier 1, 2 and 3 Suppliers? (1)

All businesses rely on suppliers to create their final product – and that’s where tier suppliers come into play.

It may seem irrelevant to your company where you source your materials. However, as sustainability becomes more important as the baseline for any businesses, it’s important to understand the differences between tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 suppliers in order to establish transparency and trust within your business.

The truth is, tier 1 suppliers, as well as tier 2 and 3 suppliers, play a part in the amount of emissions a company is responsible for – therefore, it is important to understand them in order to implement sustainability in any company.

What do Tier Suppliers do?

Tier Suppliers is a method of organizing different suppliers into categories in order to delineate which materials are most important in your supply chain. Organizing suppliers into these, “tiers” can help stimulate necessary communication between a company and its suppliers.

There are benefits to supply tiering, as it is ultimately a form of supply management that can help a business better evaluate supply chain risk management and yield the best outcome possible from their suppliers.

Supplier tiering started in the automotive industry, but has since expanded to nearly all businesses to depict “how far away” the supplier is from your company and the final product or service your company is trying to produce.

What Are Tier 1, 2 and 3 Suppliers? (2)

What are Tier 1 Suppliers?

Tier 1 suppliers are arguably the most important of all the tier suppliers for any business, as tier 1 suppliers are the only suppliers that a business will directly communicate with. This isn’t to say that the other tier suppliers aren’t important – any part of a supply chain is essential to manufacturing any product. However, if there is a tier supplier most essential to the final product – tier 1 suppliers would take the crown.

Tier 1 suppliers are often the compulsory component to manufacture the product your business is selling. For example, a clothing company that makes t-shirts would deem a factory that produces their clothing as a tier 1 supplier. A company that makes lemonade would call a lemonade producer their tier 1 supplier. A business that sells annual planners would most likely call a company that manufactures planners their tier 1 supplier.

An easy way to determine who your company’s tier 1 suppliers are, is to look at your business expenditures – as tier 1 suppliers are often taking the most of your money as they are most essential to your end product.

To remember tier 1 suppliers, think of it this way – tier 1 suppliers are the closest thing to the end product. If you’re trying to make guacamole, avocados are the closest thing to guacamole – not the other added seasonings that go into the guacamole. It is most important that you have avocados. Tier 1 suppliers function and serve the exact same purpose.

What Are Tier 1, 2 and 3 Suppliers? (3)

What are Tier 2 Suppliers?

Tier 2 suppliers are most easily defined as the place where Tier 1 suppliers receive their resources from. For instance, a t-shirt company that makes cotton T-shirts has to find cotton before doing anything else – which makes the fabric mill, the organization which turns the cotton into usable fabric itself, a Tier 2 supplier.

Think of a tier 2 supplier as the component essential to the tier 1 supplier's success. Without the tier 2 supplier, the tier 1 supplier could not provide the end product to the company in question.

What are Tier 3 Suppliers?

Tier 3 suppliers are the source necessary for the tier 2 supplier to deliver the desired product to the tier 1 supplier.

For instance, the t-shirt company that makes cotton-made clothing needs cotton. Therefore, the tier 3 supplier would be a cotton farm.

A Mexican restaurant serving guacamole has to order their avocados from somewhere, and the company in which they order the avocados from has to gettheir avocados from somewhere – most likely an avocado farm. The avocado farm itself would be the tier 3 supplier for the restaurant.

What Are Tier 1, 2 and 3 Suppliers? (4)

A popular almond milk brand would call the factory that makes their almond milk their tier 1 supplier – but that factory couldn’t produce or bottle the almond milk in the first place without almonds, which would make an almond farm the company’s tier 3 supplier.

Again, following the pattern – think of the tier 3 supplier as the component the tier 2 supplier can’t deliver without.

Are Suppliers Important for Sustainability?

In order to become a green company, understanding how your suppliers source their materials is essential in order to brand yourself as a sustainable company. Therefore, it’s important to learn the environmental values of all your suppliers in order to ensure that your end product has been manufactured with the environment in mind from start to finish.

Customers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability and eco-friendly products, and are interested in how their favorite face washes or sneakers are made. Delineating your tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 suppliers can help you customers feel confident in your product, and ultimately – spread the word and increase your business revenue.

In addition to creating this transparency with current and potential customers, having your supply chain mapped out can help your company tackle other sustainability issues – such as reducing emissions through determining whether your tier 1, tier 2, or tier 3 suppliers are contributing toscope 1,scope 2, orscope 3 emissionsin your company.

What are the benefits of supply tiering?

Some other benefits of supplier tiering include increased efficiency, better quality, and best of all – improved environmental sustainability.

Supplier tiering can help improve your businesses efficiency, as a good relationship with your suppliers can help reduce the time between delivery of the product and mitigate back orders or delays. Tier 1 suppliers will have strong intrinsic motivation to increase both their output and quality, as they will have a company completely dependent on them for business of any kind. As the tier 1 supplier ups their quality and production rate, your business will directly benefit from increased sales and new customers.

What Are Tier 1, 2 and 3 Suppliers? (5)

The most rewarding part of supply tiering is the positive environmental impact it can have, and how it will not only help in the fight against climate change – but improve your business standing, as well.

Creating a supply chain will ultimately help your business discover which suppliers share the same environmental or social goals that your company does, and ending relationships with the suppliers who don’t can help propel your company towards greater sustainability and transparency – all which will garner the interest of future employees, investors, and customers alike.

Supply tiering is a fundamental element to any business, so choosing the right suppliers that seek sustainability can be essential to the future success of your company.

How to Choose a Sustainable Supplier

How can you weed out the suppliers that are sustainable from the ones that aren’t?

First, it’s important to clearly define your own company’s sustainability goals, and then illustrate these to your procurement team – the team in your company that discovers and acquires various goods and services. Your procurement team can decide if the current tier supplier is aligned with your company’s other environmental goals, or if they aren’t and if it’s time to look elsewhere for a new supplier.

This isn’t too difficult of a task, as many suppliers these days, just like companies, are being asked to address their environmental impact to the public in order to establish transparency. Suppliers want to avoidgreenwashingas well, because then companies won’t trust them to provide businesses with the materials they need. However, it is still important that your procurement team implements a method to track the progress of both the company’s sustainability goals, as well as the supplier’s – to ensure everyone’s end of the bargain is being met and to maintain a trustworthy partnership.

Therefore, it isn’t illogical for your procurement team to ask the tier 1, tier 2, or tier 3 supplier for their sustainability objectives – as that data will be the only surefire way to ensure that your company is partnered with a sustainable supplier. Or at least, a supplier that is putting their best foot forward to be sustainable. As long as the supplier has sustainability targets in mind and is implementing the concrete actions necessary to achieve them, they are doing their fair share and the supplier can be considered sustainable – unless those goals are not met later.

However, that isn’t to say that long-term sustainability and data regarding those sustainability goals isn’t important. An important part to choosing a sustainable supplier is to check their track record: have they followed through with their previous sustainability goals? This is vital, because if the supplier hasn’t demonstrated success in sustainability before – it isn’t guaranteed that they will be dedicated towards success in sustainability in the future.

What Are Tier 1, 2 and 3 Suppliers? (6)

If this is too daunting a task, to measure and track the previous and future data of a supplier’s sustainability goals – a safe bet is to seek suppliers that have acquired certifications proving their green efforts. Examples of these certifications include a LEED certification, be labeled as Energy Star, or having anISO 14001, ISO 37101, or ISO 26000. Moving forward, requiring that future suppliers have or are seeking to hold one of these certifications may be the most surefire way to ensure sustainability amongst your supply chain.

Finally, it’s important to monitor the sustainable efforts of all three supply tiers: including tier 2 and tier 3 suppliers. As explained before, customers are more and more interested in how their favorite face wash ended up in the bottle they bought. It’s important to clearly illustrate to your customers the entire manufacturing process, which means the sustainability efforts from your tier 2 and tier 3 suppliers are just as important as your tier 1 suppliers.

At the end of the day, sustainability is important to everyone involved in the manufacturing of a product these days – as suppliers won’t have business, and businesses won’t have customers if they can’t ensure their efforts to be sustainable. Everything has to be built from the ground up, and given materials provided by suppliers is where it all starts – it’s important to understand how tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 suppliers source their materials, so that you can be sure you provide both an eco-friendly and trustworthy product to your customers.

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What Are Tier 1, 2 and 3 Suppliers? (2024)


What is tier 1 tier 2 and Tier 3? ›

For this reason, school-specific terms for these levels of support were developed: Tier 1 = Universal or core instruction. Tier 2 = Targeted or strategic instruction/intervention. Tier 3 = Intensive instruction/intervention.

What is a tier 2 supplier example? ›

Tier 2 Suppliers

Second-tier suppliers are best described as a supplier or a subcontractor to tier-1 suppliers. In the example of the factory that assembles the cotton t-shirts, a tier 2 supplier would be the fabric mill.

What is an example of a Tier 3 supplier? ›

What are Tier 3 Suppliers? Tier 3 suppliers are the source necessary for the tier 2 supplier to deliver the desired product to the tier 1 supplier. For instance, the t-shirt company that makes cotton-made clothing needs cotton. Therefore, the tier 3 supplier would be a cotton farm.

What is an example of tier 1 supplier? ›


Partners that you directly conduct business with, including contracted manufacturing facilities or production partners. Take, for example, a company selling apparel: The factory that assembles that company's cotton t-shirts is a Tier 1 supplier.

What are examples of Tier 3? ›

Examples of Tier 3 interventions might include: individual counseling, family counseling; or administration of a Functional Behavioral Assessment to provide concrete data to create an individual Behavior Support Plan.

What does Tier 1 supplier mean? ›

A tier 1 vendor is a company that is a direct supplier for an OEM. The tier 1 vendor will supply independent parts in the automotive sector, such as motors, car seats, brakes, etc.

What is OEM vs Tier 1 vs tier 2? ›

Tier 1 & Tier 2 suppliers refer primarily to suppliers of the automotive industry. A Tier 1 supplier supplies products (usually parts) directly to an OEM (What is an OEM?). The difference, then, is that a Tier 2 supplier supplies products to a Tier 1 supplier (who then supplies the parts to an OEM).

What is Tier 4 company? ›

Tier 4: These data centers fit enterprises without budget constraints that require uninterrupted availability. Government organizations and large enterprises with mission-critical servers and intense customer or business demands are typical users of a tier 4 facility.

What are tier 2 and Tier 3 service providers? ›

Tier 2 network: A network that peers for free with some networks, but still purchases IP transit or pays for peering to reach at least some portion of the Internet. Tier 3 network: A network that solely purchases transit/peering from other networks to participate in the Internet.

What is the difference between tier 2 and Tier 3? ›

Whereas Tier 2 assessment is largely at the group-level, Tier 3 assessment is at the individual level. Thus, assessment at Tier 3 requires a much more comprehensive, thorough, and intensive approach. To accomplish this, assessment at Tier 3 is organized within the RIOT/ICEL framework.

What does tier 2 means? ›

What Is Tier 2? Tier 2 companies are the suppliers who, although no less vital to the supply chain, are usually limited in what they can produce. These companies are usually smaller and have less technical advantages than Tier 1 companies.

What are Tier 3 suppliers supply chain? ›

It suggests that tier 3 suppliers are: 'Designers, constructors and suppliers with a sub-contract with a tier two sub-contractor. ' This might include; designers providing working details, specialist sub-contractors, manufacturers and material distributors, and plant and equipment supply and hire firms.

What is an example of tier 2? ›

Tier 2 supports target expected behavior by providing positive reinforcement for often. For example, students who participate in a Tier 2 Check-in Check-out intervention engage in feedback sessions with their classroom teacher and other adults in the school as many as 5-7 times per day.

Is an OEM a tier 1 supplier? ›

In a modern supply chain like the ones used in the automotive industry, suppliers are organized in sequential levels called tiers. The car manufacturer (OEM) relies on module and system suppliers (tier 1), who in turn must rely on component manufacturers (tier 2), who themselves depend on parts suppliers (tier 3).

What is OEM or tier 1 suppliers? ›

Tier 1 suppliers are companies that supply parts or systems directly to OEMs. These suppliers usually work with a variety of car companies, but they're often tightly coupled with one or two OEMs, and have more of an arms-length relationship with other OEMs.

What is the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 3? ›

The first goal is to help you to understand how the U. S. Department of Education (ED) defines and distinguishes the top three levels of evidence for its discretionary grant programs: --Tier 1 or strong evidence --Tier 2 or moderate evidence, and --Tier 3 or promising evidence.

What does Tier 3 mean? ›

B. General Offenses. A “Tier 3” offense includes any sex offense for which a person has been convicted, or an attempt or conspiracy to commit such an offense, that involves: 1. Non-parental kidnapping of a minor, 2. A sexual act with another by force or threat, 3.

Why is Tier 2 stronger than Tier 1? ›

Tier 2 instruction and interventions provide targeted support for small groups of students who are unsuccessful with Tier 1 instruction alone. A key difference between Tier 1 instruction and Tier 2 intervention is the focus on targeted skills.

What is a Level 2 supplier? ›

2. Level 2 suppliers provide their products directly onto the platform. This allows Shoppers to easily search and make comparisons within the Ariba search tool across multiple suppliers and many products.

Is ATT a tier 1? ›

Tier 1 ISPs own and manage their operating infrastructure, including the routers and other intermediate devices (e.g., switches) that make up the Internet backbone. Key Tier 1 ISPs include AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, NTT, Singtel, PCCW, Telstra, Deutsche Telekom and British Telecom.

Is tier 1 or Tier 4 better? ›

Tier 1 is the simplest infrastructure, while Tier 4 is the most complex and has the most redundant components. Each tier includes the required components of all the tiers below it.

What is a Tier 3 manufacturer? ›

Tier 3 suppliers: These are suppliers or subcontractors for your tier 2 suppliers. These tiers can extend longer than three. The tiers extend as much as needed for hiring companies, depending on how many levels of suppliers or subcontractors are needed in the supply chain to create the product or service.

Is OEM worth buying? ›

OEM parts are usually preferable to aftermarket parts since they are specifically designed to fit the needs of your vehicle and may have a higher quality. Although aftermarket parts tend to be cheaper, they may also wear out more often.

What is better OEM or original? ›

OEM parts are just as reliable as genuine parts, but you get them for a better value. Aftermarket. Once a car is built, companies can manufacturer parts that will work for that vehicle. To do this, they buy the rights to make the parts.

What is a Tier 0 company? ›

Tier 0 offers the highest level of protection and is intended for applications that are truly mission-critical; that is, you can't afford for them to ever go down. For example, if you are a 911 call center, you can't afford to ever have your call dispatch systems stop working.

What is a Tier 5? ›

The Tier 5 rulemaking aims to reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions from new, off‑road compression-ignition (CI) engines compared to what is allowed by today's Tier 4 final emission standards.

What is Tier 1 vs tier 2 vs Tier 3 vs Tier 4? ›

As a general rule, the difference between data center tiers is that tier 1 offers no redundancy of any critical system, tier 2 has partial redundancy in their electrical & HVAC systems, tier 3 contains dual redundancy for power & cooling equipment, and tier 4 possesses fully redundant infrastructure.

Who is the largest Tier 1 provider? ›

Tier 1 providers are the largest, such as AT&T, CenturyLink, Zayo, and Verizon, with network systems that span the globe. They can generally send data anywhere without having to pay transit fees, either because they own the network or they have peering agreements with other networks.

Is T Mobile a Tier 1 network? ›

Organizations that operate tier-1 networks include AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile.

What is the difference between Tier 1 2 and 3 support? ›

Level 1 involves simple customer requests that require limited IT support, Level 2 escalates into more in-depth problems, and Level 3 utilizes subject matter experts that can figure out the toughest customer needs.

What is a Tier 3 business? ›

Tier 3 firms usually take on projects around the million-dollar range to 15,000 USD; sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. The types of projects they take on are: Sizeable residential jobs, including smaller enterprise network installation and stores.

Is Tier 1 or Tier 2 better? ›

Tier 2 capital is considered less reliable than Tier 1 capital because it is more difficult to accurately calculate and more difficult to liquidate.

What is the difference between Tier 3 and Tier 4? ›

Tier 3 systems have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) as an N + 1. This effectively means that the center maintains the typical system while still having another available for backup. However, a Tier 4 system expands on this. Tier 4 systems have 2N + 1 functionality.

What is the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2 supplier diversity? ›

Tier-1 Tier-2 Supplier Diversity Spend

Tier-1 suppliers, also known as prime suppliers, are those businesses that directly sell products and services to a buyer, while tier-2 provide tier-1 suppliers with the products and/or services that are sold to that buyer.

What are the 3 basic supply chain? ›

The three levels of supply chain management are strategic, tactical and operational.
  • Strategic Planning. This level of supply chain management is responsible for developing long-term plans that outline the company's overall objectives and goals. ...
  • Tactical Planning. ...
  • Operational Execution.

What are the three types of suppliers? ›

How To Improve Purchasing Performance By Categorizing Suppliers
  • Strategic Suppliers. These are suppliers that provide goods and services that are a key aspect of the purchasing organization's overall delivery of services. ...
  • Tactical Suppliers. ...
  • Operational Suppliers. ...
  • Commodity Suppliers.

What are the Tier 2 products? ›

Tier 2 products are deposit products, non-cash payment facilities, and general insurance (other than personal sickness and accident insurance). Most other financial products are Tier 1, such as Securities, Managed Investments, Derivatives, Foreign Exchange, Superannuation, and Life Insurance.

What are Tier 3 supports? ›

At Tier 3, these students receive more intensive, individualized support to improve their behavioral and academic outcomes. Tier 3 strategies work for students with developmental disabilities, autism, emotional and behavioral disorders, and students with no diagnostic label at all.

What is the difference between Tier 2 and Tier 5? ›

A Tier 2 visa lasts for up to 5 years and a Tier 5 visa lasts for a maximum of 2 years. If you are on a Tier 5 (Government Authorised Exchange visa) you cannot switch into a Tier 2 (General) visa.

Is Tesla an OEM? ›

While it still may be almost-certain that EVs can take the auto industry by storm, the investment case in EV OEMs such as Tesla, Lucid, Rivian, and others, and ICE leaders transitioning to EVs, looks bleak at the moment.

Is Apple an OEM? ›

Apple is the OEM. Apple designs its products, but Apple outsources the majority of iPhone manufacturing production to contract electronics solutions providers. Both EMS and ODM.

What is a tier 2 supplier in automotive? ›

Tier 2 suppliers provide materials to tier 1 supply companies and are typically responsible for getting the ball rolling on the final OEM product. While tier 2 suppliers are usually smaller businesses than tier 1 suppliers, they are a crucial part of the supply chain and help ensure the chain is moving efficiently.

What brands are tier1? ›

Tier 1 suppliers are manufacturers that deal directly with OEM companies. These are often major companies in their own right. You may recognize names like Bosch or BASF. Though Bosch is primarily a tier 1 supplier for the automotive industry, they're also well known for their own power tool product lines.

How do you know if a company is an OEM? ›

In the hardware industry, the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) usually refers to a company that builds a product designed for end-users, like a PC, laptop, or printer. Apple, HP, Dell, Canon, and Brother are all examples of original equipment manufacturers.

What does OEM and OEA mean? ›

For starters, OES stands for Original Equipment Supplier, while OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. Many of the parts you'll come across will fit one of these categories. People are sometimes confused because the definitions themselves are actually so similar.

What is Tier 1 vs Tier 2 vs Tier 3 prescription drugs? ›

The levels are organized as follows: Level or Tier 1: Low-cost generic and brand-name drugs. Level or Tier 2: Higher-cost generic and brand-name drugs. Level or Tier 3: High-cost, mostly brand-name drugs that may have generic or brand-name alternatives in Levels 1 or 2.

What is the meaning of 2 tier and 3 tier? ›

A two-tier DB architecture either buries the application logic within the server database, on the client (inside the UI), or both of them. A three-tier DB architecture buries the process or application logic in the middle-tier. Thus, it acts as a separate entity from the Client/ User Interface and the data Interface.

What does it mean Tier 1 2 3? ›

Tier 1 Suppliers: These are direct suppliers of the final product. Tier 2 suppliers: These are suppliers or subcontractors for your tier 1 suppliers. Tier 3 suppliers: These are suppliers or subcontractors for your tier 2 suppliers. These tiers can extend longer than three.

What is a Tier 1 2 and 3 account? ›

Tier 1 accounts should be handled with 100% personalization and intentionality. Tier 2 will likely be fit for a 10-80-10 model of personalization at scale. And Tier 3 accounts are those in a new vertical or industry not yet proven to be in the ICP.

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