What Are The Easiest AP Classes? - Wiingy (2024)

  • AP exams are scored on 5 point grading system. We have provided a list of the easiest AP classes in terms of
    • the percentage of students scoring 3 and above.
    • the percentage of students who received a 5 (i.e., the highest possible score)
    • the easiest AP classes based on the opinions and experiences of students who took the AP classes and exams.
  • However, you should consider your interests as well as the difficulty level of AP classes when making a decision about which AP courses to take.

Advanced Placement classes are college-level courses that high school students can take to earn college credits. You can earn AP credits and skip the affiliated general education class if you score a 3 or higher. AP classes are a great way to challenge yourself academically and prepare for college.

Several factors can influence which AP classes are the easiest and most difficult. These considerations include a student’s academic strengths and weaknesses, as well as the volume and nature of the course material. You should consider your interests as well as the difficulty level of AP classes when making a decision about which AP courses to take.

Remember that determining easy or hard AP classes is a subjective process. Students perform well in classes where they perform best and are passionate about the subject matter. With that being said let’s know about the easiest AP classes!

Looking for expert AP tutors to help you prepare for the AP exams? Explore Wiingy’s Online AP tutoring services to learn from our top experts.

AP classes ranked by difficulty: Easiest to Hardest

AP exams pass rates or the percentage of students scoring 3 is one of the ways which can help you determine the easiest AP classes. The pass rate represents the percentage of students who received a 3 or higher, whereas the perfect score rate represents the percentage of students who received a 5 or higher (i.e., the highest possible score).

Easiest AP classes based on the percentage of students scoring 3 and above

The table below lists the most difficult AP classes in terms of exam pass rate for the year 2023

S.No.AP exam% of students score 3 & above
1AP Seminar88%
3Chinese Lang. and Culture85%
4Spanish Language84%
5AP Research84%
62-D Art and Design84%
7Calculus BC78%
8English Literature77%
9Japanese Lang. and Culture75%
11French Language74%
12Physics C Mech.73%
133-D Art and Design72%
14Italian Language and Culture71%
15Government and Politics, Comp.71%
16Physics C E&M68%
17Physics 2 – Algebra Based68%
18Computer Science Principles68%
19Spanish Literature67%
20Computer Science A67%
22German Language66%
23World History65%
26Art History64%
27Music Theory61%
30European History59%
31Calculus AB58%
33English Language56%
34Human Geography54%
35Environmental Science53%
36Government and Politics, US49%
37United States History48%
38Physics 1 – Algebra Based45%

Source: College Board

There are many factors that influence the difficulty of a subject. The assessment, based on each AP classes percentage of students scoring 3 and above, is highly subjective. The lower passing rate does indicate the difficulty level of the subject but not necessarily. This low passing rate can be a result of other reasons like low intake or only high-achieving students taking the course.

According to 2023 data, the percentage of students scoring 3 and above was highest for AP Seminar, Drawing, Chinese Lang. and Culture, Spanish Language, and AP Research.

Easiest AP classes based on the percentage of students scoring 5

The table below lists the easiest AP classes in terms of exam-perfect scores for the year 2023

S.No.AP exam% of students who scored 5
1Physics 1 – Algebra Based50.00%
2United States History47.00%
3Government and Politics, US42.00%
4Environmental Science31.00%
5Human Geography27.00%
6English Language24.00%
8Calculus AB22.00%
10European History20.00%
12Music Theory18.00%
13Art History17.00%
14German Language16.00%
15World History16.00%
18Physics 2 – Algebra Based15.00%
19Computer Science Principles15.00%
20Spanish Literature15.00%
21Computer Science A15.00%
23Physics C E&M14.00%
24Physics C Mech.13.00%
253-D Art and Design13.00%
26Italian Language and Culture13.00%
27Government and Politics, Comp.13.00%
28English Literature12.00%
29Japanese Lang. and Culture12.00%
31French Language12.00%
322-D Art and Design11.00%
33Calculus BC11.00%
34AP Research10.00%
36Chinese Lang. and Culture8.00%
37Spanish Language8.00%
38AP Seminar7.00%

There are many factors that influence the difficulty of a subject. The assessment, based on each AP classes percentage of students scoring 3 and above, is highly subjective. The lower passing rate does indicate the difficulty level of the subject but not necessarily. This low passing rate can be a result of other reasons like low intake or only high-achieving students taking the course.

Easiest AP classes in student’s opinion

We have taken the passing rate into consideration and drawn out a chart of the easiest AP classes based on the percentage of students who have secured the exam in the respective AP classes. But this list is very subjective and is also influenced by many factors.

For example, if you refer to the above table you can see that AP Physics C Mechanics has a passing rate of 76.10% which goes on to say that students perform fairly well in the Physics C Mechanics AP exam but if we go by the opinions of students who have appeared the Physics C Mechanics exam, it is considered one of the hardest subjects to pass. So, the passing rate of a subject can not fully determine its easiness.

But if we read about students’ views and opinions through popular surveys or YouTube videos, we can get a somewhat better idea of which are the easiest AP classes. So, we have gone through some popular channels like Reddit’s r/APStudents, Mahad Khan’s YouTube channel mahadthementor, and many more and compiled a list of the easiest AP classes based on opinions and experiences of students who took the AP classes and exams.

S. No.AP ClassCourse Difficulty5- hard 1- easy
1Computer Science Principles1.4
5Computer Science A2.1
6Human Geography2.1
7Environmental Science2.2
9US Comparative Government2.2
10US Government and Politics2.2
14Spanish Language2.5
15English Language2.6
16Calculus AB/BC2.8
19Studio Art3
20US History3
21World History3
22Music Theory3.1
24European History3.2
25Physics 23.3
27Physics 13.6
29English Literature3.7
30Physics C – Mechanics3.7
31Spanish Literature3.7
32Physics C – E/M4.1

Which are the easiest AP classes?

We have compiled a list of the easiest AP exams based on the percentage of students scoring 3 and above, the percentage of students who received a 5 (i.e., the highest possible score) and based on the opinions and experiences of students who took the AP classes and exams for the year 2023.

We have excluded AP Seminars, AP Research, AP Art and Design, and AP Language from consideration because they are portfolio-based courses.

Calculus BC

[3+ rate: 78%| Student Scoring 5: 11% | Reddit Survey Result 2.8/5]

AP Calculus BC has earned a reputation as an easy AP course because many of its students master the material. Most AP Calculus BC students perform at an advanced level — at least one year ahead of their high school class in math — helping them achieve a high pass rate.

The percentage of students scoring 3 and above for the AP Calculus BC exam is 78% for 2023. However, the exam is still challenging, and students who want to do well need to have a strong foundation in math and be willing to put in the time to study.

The course covers college-level differential and integral calculus concepts and functions. The exam lasts for roughly three hours and includes both multiple-choice and free-range questions. It is administered both in person and in a digital format.

English Literature

[3+ rate: 77%| Student Scoring 5: 12% | Reddit Survey Result: 3.7/5]

AP English Literature is considered a challenging AP course but according to the 2023 data, the percentage of students scoring 3 and above for AP English Literature is 77%.

The average pass rate for all AP exams in 2023 was 60.2%. This means that AP English Literature is a challenging course, but it is not impossible to succeed in.

There are a number of factors that can affect how difficult you find AP English Literature, including your prior experience with literature, your reading and writing skills, and your motivation. If you are a strong reader and writer, and you are motivated to learn about literature, then you are more likely to succeed in AP English Literature.


[3+ rate: 75%| Student Scoring 5: 12% | Reddit Survey Result 3.7/5]

According to student reviews the course is a 3.7/5 which is considerably hard but the percentage of students scoring 3 and above for AP Chemistry is 75%.

A pass rate of 75% is considered to be higher than average for AP exams. The average for all AP exams in 2023 was 60.2%. This means that AP Chemistry is a challenging course, but it is not impossible to succeed in.

There are a number of factors that can affect how difficult you find AP Chemistry, including your prior experience with chemistry, your math skills, and your motivation. If you are a strong math student and you are motivated to learn about chemistry, then you are more likely to succeed in AP Chemistry.

Physics C: Mechanics

[3+ rate: 73%| Student Scoring 5: 13% | Reddit Survey Result 3.7/5]

AP Physics C: Mechanics is considered to be one of the most difficult AP courses offered by the College Board. It covers a wide range of topics in classical mechanics, including kinematics, forces, energy, momentum, and rotational motion. The course also requires students to be able to solve complex problems and apply their knowledge to real-world applications.

A pass rate of 73% is considered to be higher than average for AP exams. The average for all AP exams in 2023 was 60.2%. This means that AP Physics C: Mechanics is a challenging course, but it is not impossible to succeed in.

AP Physics C: Mechanics is recommended for students planning to pursue a physics, math, or engineering degree.

Comparative Government and Politics

[3+ rate: 71%| Student Scoring 5: 13% | Reddit Survey Result 2.2/5]

AP Comparative Government and Politics compares and contrasts the governmental systems of countries like China, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, and the United Kingdom. The curriculum touches lightly on each of these governments. Many students find the coursework less rigorous than that of the AP U.S. Government class.

The pass rate for the AP Comparative Government and Politics exam is 71%, which is higher than the average pass rate for all AP exams 60.2%. However, the exam is still challenging, and students who want to do well need to have a strong foundation in government and politics and be willing to put in the time to study.

How to choose the ideal AP classes for yourself?

There are 39 AP classes as of June 2023 that students can choose from and sometimes that decision can be hard and confusing. Here are some tips for helping you in choosing the ideal AP classes for yourself.

Take your strength into account

The most important things to think about when selecting an AP class are your own strengths and flaws. After all, you’re more likely to do well on a test in a subject that interests and excites you. So, even though the Physics 1 AP exam is reportedly difficult, if you’re strong in numerical subjects and enjoy physics, you might want to take it.

However, if you struggle with art history, you may not want to take a course in this subject, even if many students pass the AP exam. When in doubt, take AP classes in the fields in which you are most interested and willing to work.

Learn more about a class

To learn more about an AP class, speak with your guidance counselor first. Inquire about the syllabus, the class’s AP exam pass rate over the last few years, and what other students have to say about the class. This will give you an idea of how well a class is taught. Your guidance counselor can also suggest appropriate set criteria and teachers.

Next, if possible, speak with the teacher or a teacher who teaches the prerequisite class (for example, the Honors Biology teacher if you’re considering AP Biology). The teacher can tell you about the workload, what they expect from their students, and how much work they have.

At last, talk to senior kids at your school to find out what the buzz is about the class. Don’t rely on a single person’s opinion because students can overstate it, but instead look for general trends. For example, if everyone says AP Biology is extremely difficult, but they learned a great deal and passed the AP exam, it’s a sign that the class is worthwhile.

Examine educator experience

While students’ strengths should be considered when selecting AP classes, they should also consider the experience level of their faculty members. In general, the longer a teacher has been teaching an AP subject, the better the students who performed on the exam. So, if you have the option of taking a “harder” subject like Physics with a teacher who has 10 + years of experience or an “easier” subject like Art History with someone who has only two years of experience, you should probably choose the former.

Consider your overall schedule

Your schedule may also influence how well you perform in a difficult AP class. For example, AP Biology may be more feasible in your sophom*ore or senior year because you will not be concerned with the ACT/SAT. However, if you take it junior year, you may find balancing ACT or SAT prep with the AP Biology class difficult.

Before enrolling in any of the AP classes, consider your other classes, extracurricular activities, work schedule, and family obligations. You don’t want a difficult AP class to add to your hectic schedule. Similarly, do not feel obligated to overload AP classes in general. Even if you are under duress, more is not always better.


In this article, we have discussed some of the easiest AP classes, including AP Calculus BC, AP English Literature, AP Chemistry, Physics C: Mechanics, and AP Comparative Government and Politics. These classes are not impossible to succeed in, but they do require a lot of hard work and dedication.

The difficulty of an AP class can vary depending on the student’s individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as the rigor of the school’s curriculum. However, some AP classes are generally considered to be more difficult than others. These classes often is a challenging course, but it is not impossible to succeed in.

If you are considering taking one of these classes, be sure to do your research and make sure that you are prepared for the challenge.

Here are some tips for succeeding in an AP class:

  • Start studying early. The material in these classes is a lot to cover, so it is important to start studying early.
  • Take advantage of your teacher’s resources. Your teacher is a great resource for help with the material in these classes.
  • Join a study group. Studying with other students can help you stay motivated and learn the material more effectively.
  • Use practice exams. Practice exams are a great way to assess your knowledge and prepare for the real exam.

If you are willing to put in the hard work, you can succeed in even the AP classes. Just remember to stay organized, stay motivated, and ask for help when you need it.

Looking for expert AP tutors to help you prepare for the AP exams? Explore Wiingy’s Online AP tutoring services to learn from our top experts.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is the clearest and simple AP Physics course?

While classifying easy AP classes is a subjective process, students can assess the potential difficulty by looking at the pass rate. More than 84% of students passed the Physics C: Mechanics exam in May 2020, according to the table above. Based on this result, a large number of test-takers may consider this course to be simple.

Can I take an AP exam without enrolling in classes?

Yes. Students can access test guides and sample tests that outline the topics covered in the exam. It is not necessary to attend the class in order to take or pass the test. Self-study, on the other hand, is not always easy and necessitates additional rigor, time, and dedication.

What are the easiest AP classes to self-study?

Students frequently self-study for AP Psychology, AP Environmental Science, and AP Human Geography classes. These subjects’ exams are generally brief and require little to no previous understanding of the subject. Students who can learn the vocabulary and memorize the material will benefit from this.

Which of the AP classes has the lowest pass rate?

All AP exams have a minimum passing rate of 50%. Physics 1 (failed by 48.4% of all students), Environmental Science (failed by 46.6% of all students), and Chemistry (failed by 43.9% of all students) are the most commonly failed AP exams.

What Are The Easiest AP Classes? - Wiingy (2024)


What is the least passed AP class? ›

At many high schools, AP Physics is notorious for its difficulty level. In addition, it has the lowest overall pass rate of any AP exam.

Is 7 AP classes enough? ›

6–7 AP classes is plenty. Many people get admitted to UC with fewer than that. Instead of adding another AP course, look to make sure you have extracurriculars showing leadership and at least a couple teachers who know you well who can write you strong recommendations.

Is it OK to get a 1 on an AP exam? ›

Although students who receive a score of 1 or 2 on an AP exam will not be able to receive college credit for their scores, we want to reassure these students that this is certainly not the end of the world.

What is the most failed AP exam? ›

If you're looking at pass rates, Physics 1 is the toughest AP exam. And less than 8% of test-takers received a perfect score. Of course, the hardest AP exam depends on your strengths.

Which AP class is most taken? ›

According to the College Board, AP English Language and Composition is the most popular AP class. This AP course was taken by 520,771 students in 2022.

What AP classes look best for college? ›

I n general you should try to take courses each year in English, science, math, the social sciences, and foreign language. Colleges want to see that you are taking on challenges when available, so if your school offers AP courses in any of these areas, you should consider taking them.

Is it OK to fail an AP class? ›

What happens if you fail an AP class? If you fail an AP class, then your GPA will likely drop as it would for a normal class. This grade also shows up on your transcript. However, you may be able to retake the class the following year to raise your grade and increase your GPA.

Is a 60 passing for AP? ›

Is a 60 a passing grade in AP classes? Yes, a 60 is considered a passing grade in AP classes. In AP, the average passing rate is 60-70%.

Is a 50 passing in an AP class? ›

A 50% is considered a 3 or passing. This is when your AP credit is considered in colleges for being qualified, well qualified or extremely well qualified.

Is 4 APs too much junior year? ›

Junior Year

Depending on what kind of school you want to go to, you should be taking between 3 and 5 AP® classes this year. You will need to manage your time well, however, as you also need to study for the SAT® or ACT® during this time.

Is 10 AP classes enough for Ivy League? ›

How Many AP Classes Should You Take for Ivy Leagues and Other Top US Universities? For students aiming for the Ivy League and Top 20 schools in the United States, a good target is to take (and pass) 10-14 AP classes throughout your high school career — or 3-4 each year.

Is 2 AP classes too little? ›

An Ivy League hopeful might take 3 to 5 AP classes, while if you're aiming for less-selective schools, 2 to 4 would be enough. Senior Year: Take more APs in core subjects and additional subjects, again being careful not to overburden your schedule and to leave time for college applications.

What is the most useful AP class? ›

There are 4 AP classes that give high school students the skills necessary to succeed in academia. These are the AP Research, AP Seminar, AP Statistics, and AP English Literature and Composition. Students with English as a second language should consider AP English Language and Composition instead.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.