15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (2024)

This is a list of the 15 best keyword research tools in 2022.

These amazing tools have helped my organic traffic grow by 28.55% over the last year:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (1)

And in this guide, I’ll reveal the world’s best keyword tools…

…and help you choose the best one for you.

15 Best Keyword Research Tools

1. Semrush

Semrush works a little differently than the other tools I will show you.

Instead of entering a seed keyword and getting a long list of keyword ideas, Semrush shows you keywords that your competition already ranks for.

(These are usually outside-the-box keywords that would be impossible to find using any other tool.)

Here’s how it works:

First, enter a competitor’s domain name in the field at the top of the page.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (2)

If you’re doing SEO in a country outside of the US (for example, in Google.co.uk), you can choose to see information about that specific market. Just choose that country from this menu:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (3)

Next, take a look at the “Organic Research” section:

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Here’s what the different terms in that section mean:

  • Keywords is the estimated number of monthly organic visitors that come from Google.
  • Traffic is the estimated number of monthly visitors.
  • Traffic Cost indicates how valuable this traffic is (based on Google Ads CPC).

So if you see a domain with a lot of Organic Search Traffic but a low Traffic Cost, you know that they’re ranking for keywords that don’t convert into buyers.

But the real value of Semrush comes from the “Organic Keywords” data:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (5)

This box will show you 5 of the top keywords that your competitors are ranking for. To see more, click on “View all [number] organic keywords”.

And you’ll get a list of all of the keywords that the site or URL ranks for:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (6)

This page alone will usually give you a handful of solid keywords.

But if you want more ideas, go back to the “Organic Research” overview and check out the “Competitors” in the menu bar.

And you’ll see that site’s first-page competition:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (7)

When you click on one of THOSE results, you can see the exact search queries they’re ranking for.

There will be some overlap from what you just saw, but you’ll also (usually) dig up some real gems.

You can also start your Semrush search with a keyword instead of a competitor’s site:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (8)

Semrush will show you a “Phrase match report”, which is a list of long-tail keywords that include the keyword you entered:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (9)

This is really helpful for finding long-tail variations of Head and Body Keywords.

For example, if you wanted to rank for the keyword “weight loss”, you’ll quickly find that it’s simply too competitive.

But Semrush will show you long-tail variations, like the “weight loss calculator”, that are MUCH easier to rank for:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (10)

My Favorite Feature: Keyword Magic

This tool pulls keyword suggestions from Semrush’s massive database of over 21 billion terms.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (11)
15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (12)

Brian's Bottom Line

Semrush is my favorite keyword research tool. Not cheap. But if you’re serious about SEO, it’s a must-have.

2. Soovle

Scrape suggested keywords from multiple sources.

Soovle gives you suggested keyword ideas from Google, YouTube, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon and more.

(All in one place.)

That way, you can find untapped keywords that your competition doesn’t know about.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (13)

My Favorite Feature: Saved Suggestions

Easily save your favorite keyword ideas with Soovle’s “drag & drop” saved suggestions feature.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (14)

Then, download your favorite keywords to a CSV file.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (15)

Brian's Bottom Line

Soovle is one of the best free keyword research tools out there.

3. Jaaxy

Get thousands of related keyword ideas within seconds.

This is a straightforward (yet powerful) tool.

So, what makes Jaaxy unique?

First off, it gives you LOTS of different keyword ideas.

(Including some that you won’t find in most other tools.)

Plus, you get helpful data on every keyword that it generates (including competition, search volume and potential traffic).

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (16)

My Favorite Feature: QSR

QSR stands for “Quoted Search Result”.

This is a fancy way of saying: “how many other websites are trying to rank for this exact term?”.

Obviously, the lower this number, the better chance you have of ranking #1.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (17)
15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (18)

Brian's Bottom Line

Jaaxy is a decent freemium tool. Not nearly as good as something like Semrush. But at $50/month, it’s not a bad deal.

4. Google Search Console

Find hundreds of “Opportunity Keywords”.

The Google Search Console isn’t a traditional keyword research tool.

But it does have a feature that makes finding awesome keywords a CINCH.

The feature?

The Performance Report.

This report list out the pages on your site that get the most clicks from Google.

(And the exact keywords that brought them there)

So: how can you use this feature for keyword research?

It’s easy: use it to find “Opportunity Keywords”.

Opportunity Keywords are where you rank between #8-#20 in Google for a specific keyword.

And with little extra on-page SEO, you can find yourself with a nice rankings boost.

For example, my average rankings for the keyword “SEO tool” is 6.2.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (19)

That keyword is an Opportunity Keyword. And if I optimize my page around “SEO tool”, my rankings for that term should go up.

My Favorite Feature: Google Analytics + Google Search Console

Did you know that you can combine your Google Search Console and Google Analytics accounts?

Well, you can.

And it’s VERY helpful.

When you do, you’ll get in-depth keyword data than you would with either tool by itself.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (20)
15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (21)

Brian's Bottom Line

The Google Search Console is an underrated keyword research tool. No other tool can help you find Opportunity Keywords like the GSC.

5. Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

Make smarter keyword decisions.

Ahrefs recently rolled out a new and improved “Keywords Explorer”.

And what I like most about Keywords Explorer is this:

It gives you SUPER in-depth information on each keyword.

Sure, you get the data you’d expect (like search volume). But you also get a breakdown of the first page competition… and how many searchers actually click on a result.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (22)

My Favorite Feature: Keyword Difficulty

Most keyword research tools give you vague difficulty info (like “easy” or “difficult”). Or a score (like “89/100”).

But Ahrefs tells you EXACTLY how many backlinks you’ll need to rank on the first page of Google.

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15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (24)

Brian's Bottom Line

Ahrefs is mostly known as for backlink analysis. But I have to say: it’s got a killer keyword research tool. I find myself using it more and more every week.

6. SEco*ckpit

Keyword research for SEO pros.

This a Swiss Army Knife of keyword research tools.

Like any other keyword tool, you give SEco*ckpit a seed keyword… and you get a list of results.

But what makes SEco*ckpit unique is the built-in features that allow you to get A LOT of depth on search trends, organic competition and traffic estimates.

Which means that it’s a tool largely designed for SEO professionals.

Sure, newbies can get value out of this tool. But there’s no doubt that SEco*ckpit is targeted for people that sleep, eat and breathe SEO.

If you’re brand new to SEO, the sheer number of features in this tool might be overwhelming for you. But if you’re looking for lots and lots of depth, you’ll probably get your money’s worth.

With that, here’s how it works.

When you login you’ll automatically go to your Dashboard, where you can create projects around sets of keywords…or jump right in with a single keyword search.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (25)

To start the keyword research process, click on “Start a Keyword Search”:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (26)

Then, enter a seed keyword in the field marked “Keyword Phrase”:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (27)

You can get even more results by choosing to include Google Suggest, Related Searches and synonyms pulled from Google Ads:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (28)

When you’re done, click on “save and close” and the tool will get to work:

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Here’s the report you’ll get:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (30)

If you’ve ever used the Google Keyword Planner, the data here should look familiar to you.

In fact, the columns “Phrase”, “Monthly Searches” and “CPC” are pulled directly from the GKP:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (31)

(The only difference is that CPC is called “Top of page bid” in the GKP)

So: what does the other information in SEco*ckpit mean?

Well you’ll notice a bunch of green bars under the column labeled “Niche”:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (32)

This bar is a single metric that takes into account first page competition, monthly search volume, and commercial intent. In other words, whether or not that search query is a good overall choice. The larger the bar, the better the keyword.

Next to monthly searches you’ll notice a series of orange bars labeled “Top Results”:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (33)

This bar indicates the difficulty of ranking for that particular keyword based on the current top 10 results.

And when you click on a keyword, you get a breakdown of that keyword’s search results.

When you do, SEco*ckpit will display important competition metrics for the top 10 pages in the results… including Moz Domain Authority and total backlinks:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (34)

This is a great way to quickly size up competition without having to look one-by-one at the SERPs.

And you go back to the keywords page, you can actually add at least 20 more columns to the results:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (35)

For example, you can see a ratio of the keyword’s competition in comparison to its search volume. Or you can get a comparison of the estimated traffic you’ll get from hitting the top 3 for that keyword. And lots more.

My Favorite Feature: Filtering

You can use over 100 filters to find the keywords that you want.

For example, do you only want keywords that get searched for at least 10k times per month? Done.

Or maybe you want terms that have the best ratio of search volume and competition. You got it.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (36)
15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (37)

Brian's Bottom Line

Clunky? Yes. Intuitive? Heck no. Feature-rich? Absolutely. If you want lots of advanced features, and don’t mind a steep learning curve, definitely check out SEco*ckpit.

7. Google Keyword Planner

Tap into Google’s massive keyword database.

The GKP is pretty vanilla compared to most other keyword research tools.

So why use it?

Because the data you get from it comes straight from Google.

(So you know its legit)

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (38)

My Favorite Feature: “Top of page bid”

This is how much people advertisers are bidding on a keyword.

For example, of you see a top of page bid of $10, people are spending an average of 10 bucks per click.

Obviously, the higher this number, the more commercial intent that searcher has.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (39)
15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (40)

Brian's Bottom Line

The data in the GKP is the most reliable out there. That said, because it’s designed for Google Ads, using it for SEO can be tricky. This Google Keyword Planner Guide shows you how the GKP for SEO-focused keyword research.

8. KeywordTool.io

Get boatloads of targeted keyword ideas.

Here’s another Google Suggest scraper (just like UberSuggest and Soovle).

What makes KeywordTool unique?

Two things:

First, KeywordTool gives you A LOT of keyword suggestions.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (41)

For example, I just did a search for “SEO”… and got 1,394 relevant keywords.

Not bad.

Second, you can easily filter, drill-down or expand the results to find the right keywords for you.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (42)

My Favorite Feature: Analyze Competitors

This is a very cool feature I don’t see in many other keyword research tools.

Just enter a competitor’s site… and the tool will generate a list of keyword ideas based on that site’s content.

For example, when I pop Backlinko into the tool, I get keywords that I’d expect.

(Like “SEO” and “blog”)

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (43)

But I also came across terms that I don’t use anywhere on my site… but are closely related to the type of stuff that I write about.

(Like “digital marketing” and “how to check backlinks”)

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (44)
15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (45)

Brian's Bottom Line

One of the best overall keyword research tools on the market. Worth a try.

9. Moz Keyword Explorer

Find keywords that will generate the most traffic.

Moz’s Keyword Explorer does an awesome job of finding “lateral” keyword ideas.

For example, take a seed keyword like “weight loss”.

Like most other tools, you get a list of closely related keywords:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (46)

But what makes Moz unique is that it’s SMART.

Which means you get outside-the-box suggestions that you probably won’t find anywhere else.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (47)

My Favorite Feature: “Organic CTR” and “Priority”

These two awesome features let you know how many clicks you can expect to get from your target keyword.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (48)

Organic CTR is the number of clicks you can expect to get if you crack the top 10. For example, if a SERP has a ton of PPC ads, news results, and a knowledge graph, your CTR is gonna be low.

Priority takesCTR, search volume and difficulty into account. It’s an “overall” score of whether or not you should target a particular keyword.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (49)

So if you’re overwhelmed by keyword data, you can use this single metric to find keywords that are going to bring you the most traffic from Google.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (50)

Brian's Bottom Line

Moz’s keyword tool is pretty darn awesome. Unfortunately, it’s not a standalone tool (you have to pay for their entire suite of SEO tools to use it).

10. Keywords Everywhere

Get search volume (and more) wherever you go.

Keywords Everywhere is a paid keyword research tool that displays keyword data on top of 10 websites …including Ebay, Amazon and Answer The Public.

That way, you don’t need to copy and paste keywords into the Google Keyword Planner. The data shows up in your Chrome browser. Very cool.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (51)

My Favorite Feature: “People Also Search For”

Get a list of keywords related to your search term… in the Google search results.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (52)

What’s cool about this feature is that you can find keywords that your target customer searches for when they’re not searching for what you sell.

For example, when I search for “SEO Tools”, I see terms like “Google Keyword Planner SEO” and “”Free SEO analysis”.

(Both of which get decent amounts of searches every month)

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (53)


15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (54)

Brian's Bottom Line

If you’re serious about keyword research you NEED to install this extension. It rocks.

11. Keyword Snatcher

Find 2,000 keyword ideas with a single search.

If you want a lot – and I mean a lot – of keyword ideas, Keyword Snatcher is a dream come true.

In fact, you’ll usually generate at least 2,000 keywords from a single seed keyword.

Here’s how it works:

Just open up the tool and choose the sources that you want Keyword Snatcher to pull its suggestions from:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (55)

I recommend keeping them all checked so you can generate as many keyword ideas as possible.

Next, enter a seed keyword into the field and click “Get Suggestions”:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (56)

And after a long wait, you’ll get an insane amount of suggestions:

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The big downside of this tool is that it doesn’t give you any data on the keywords that it generates (like search volume and keyword competition). It’s simply a keyword idea tool.

To get that information, you need to extract the list of keywords by clicking on “Download Suggestions” and saving your keyword list as a text or CSV file:

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (58)

Then, copy and paste those keywords into the Google Keyword Planner.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (59)

My Favorite Feature: Word Count

This nifty sorting feature lets you focus on keywords that are a certain length.

(Like terms that are at least 4-words long)

This makes finding long tail keywords MUCH easier.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (60)
15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (61)

Brian's Bottom Line

Not the best keyword tool ever made. But it’s one of the few out there that don’t require a monthly subscription.

12. Google Trends

Find new keywords and search trends.

There are two ways to use Google Trends for keyword research:

First, you can search for a specific keyword…

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (62)

…and take a look at the “related queries” section.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (63)

Second, you can see if whether or not a keyword is growing in popularity.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (64)

Why is this important?

Well, let’s say you’re debating between two keywords:

“Content Marketing” and “Inbound Marketing”.

As you can see, interest for “Content Marketing” is growing fast… and fewer people are searching for “Inbound Marketing” than ever before.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (65)

This isn’t to say that “Inbound Marketing” is a bad keyword. But the fact that it’s trending down is one factor to keep in mind as you decide on your next keyword.

My Favorite Feature: YouTube Search

See whether a given keyword is growing on the world’s 2nd most popular search engine: YouTube.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (66)
15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (67)

Brian's Bottom Line

If you write lots of evergreen content, you NEED to use Google Trends. That way, you can see if a keyword is going to bring you traffic over the long haul… before you write a word of content.

13. KWFinder

A powerful keyword tool that’s also easy to use.

KWFinder is quickly becoming one of my go-to keyword research tools.


Because it has lots of the features that other tools have. But unlike most other tool, KWFinder is VERY intuitive.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (68)

My Favorite Feature: Keyword Difficulty

As you might expect, this tells you how hard it will be to rank for that keyword.

But unlike most other tools, KWFinder automatically shows a Keyword Difficulty score next to every keyword.

(So there’s no need to click on every single one to see its difficulty score… which gets old fast)

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (69)
15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (70)

Brian's Bottom Line

At $29/month you really can’t go wrong with a KWFinder subscription. Great value.

14. QuestionDB

Find lots of question-focused keyword ideas (for free).

QuestionDB pulls question-focused keywords from threads on Reddit.

So if you’re looking for an alternative to Answer The Public, QuestionDB does the job.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (71)

My Favorite Feature: Popularity

Sort the results by popularity. That way, you can create content that answers these burning questions.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (72)
15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (73)

Brian's Bottom Line

When it comes to finding question-keywords for blog content, QuestionDB can’t be beat.

15. Serpstat

Analyze the first page competition.

Serpstat is a SEO software suite with tools for content, link building, and more.

Which means Serpstat doesn’t specialize in keyword research.

Even so, it still has a VERY decent keyword research tool.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (74)

My Favorite Feature: Competitors Graph

This lets you visualize the sites that are competing for a given keyword (and related terms).

So if you see big bubbles for “Wikipedia” or “Amazon” it’s probably time to look for a different keyword.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (75)
15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (76)

Brian's Bottom Line

Is Serpstat one of best tools on the market? No. But at $19 a month, you get a lot of pro features for your money.


There you have it: 15 of the best free and paid keyword research tools.

Now I’d like to hear your take:

Are there any quality tools here that I missed?

Or maybe you have a question about one of the tools I reviewed.

Either way, leave a quick comment below right now.

15 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2022 Reviews] (2024)


Which is the best tool for keyword research for SEO in 2022? ›

The best free keyword research tool for advanced SEO

Semrush offers a broad range of keyword research tools, too, from the standard traffic and search volume data to content-driven keyword research and competitive keyword gap analysis.

Is there any SEO tool as good as Google keyword planner? ›

SE Ranking provides accurate SEO data and insights on keyword searches via Keyword Research tool, a comprehensive Google Keyword Planner alternative. Their keyword analysis tool has access to 3 billion keywords in 78 countries and is one of the largest keyword databases available.

Which is the best tool to find keywords for Google ads? ›

Google Trends

With Google Trends, you can identify recent and popular keywords that don't yet show volume in keyword research tools because they haven't been around long enough.

Which SEO tool is most accurate? ›

18 Best SEO Tools that SEO Experts Actually Use in 2022
  • Ahrefs: SEO Keyword Tool.
  • Google Search Console: Top SEO Tool.
  • SEMRush: Marketing SEO Tools.
  • KWFinder: SEO Keyword Tool.
  • Moz Pro: SEO Software.
  • Ubersuggest: Keyword Tracking Tool.
  • Answer The Public: Free SEO Tools.
  • SpyFu: Free SEO Tools.
18 Mar 2022

Is Meta keywords important for SEO in 2022? ›

No, Google has not used the meta keywords tag since 2009.

Suffice to say; you should not be spending any time adding meta keywords to your website in 2022. Google does not use them to determine ranking signals, and they provide no additional value to users – rendering them obsolete in SEO.

How do I find highly searched keywords? ›

Use Google Trends to find the most searched keywords on Google. Go to https://trends.google.com to find the most popular searches around the world. Google Trends also helps you find trending searches for each day, week, month, and year for thousands of keywords and topics.

Which free tool is best for keyword research? ›

Free keyword research tools
  • QuestionDB.
  • Ahrefs Keyword Generator.
  • SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool.
  • Ubersuggest.
  • Moz Keyword Explorer.
  • Soovle.
  • Keyword Tool Dominator.
  • Google Trends.

Where can I find SEO keywords for beginners? ›

How to conduct keyword research
  1. Make a list of broad topics relevant to your topic. ...
  2. Expand each topic with a list of phrases you think your customers use. ...
  3. Find related search terms. ...
  4. Analyze the strength of your keywords. ...
  5. Determine how you rank in your industry. ...
  6. Verify search intent.

How can I SEO like a pro? ›

11 Tips to Optimize Your Blog Posts for SEO Like a Pro (Checklist)
  1. Plan Your Content with Proper Keyword Research. ...
  2. Find Semantic Keywords for Your Focus Keyword. ...
  3. Write an Effective Blog Post Title. ...
  4. Make Internal Linking a Habit. ...
  5. Add Images and Videos to Your Blog Posts. ...
  6. Add a Meta Description to Your Blog Post.
31 Mar 2022

Which is the best free SEO tool for beginners? ›

On this page
  • Google PageSpeed Insights.
  • Ahrefs Webmaster Tools.
  • Answer the Public.
  • Google Analytics.
  • Google Search Console.
  • Ahrefs' Backlink Checker.
  • Google Ads Keyword Planner.
  • SERPSim.

How do I research keywords for SEO for free? ›

8 free keyword research tools for SEO (that beat their paid...
  1. Rank Tracker. To find the most ample list of keyword variations and analyze their SEO profitability. ...
  2. Google Search Console. ...
  3. Google Ads Keyword Planner. ...
  4. AnswerThePublic. ...
  5. Keyword Tool Dominator. ...
  6. Google Trends. ...
  7. Google Correlate. ...
  8. Keywords Everywhere.
18 Jun 2019

How do I find profitable keywords on Google ads? ›

In this article, we're going to find out why PPC keyword research is important, and then show you how to do keyword research for Google Ads.
Here are some of the best to try out:
  1. SEMrush.
  2. Ahrefs.
  3. Google Keyword Planner.
  4. Google Trend.
  5. Moz Keyword tool.
  6. KWFinder.
  7. Spy Fu.

What are the 4 types of keywords? ›

When researching to discover a user's intentions behind making a search, we can classify all keywords into four main categories of intent: commercial, transactional, informational, and navigational.

Is 70 a good SEO score? ›

A good SEO score is between 80 – 100. However, anything above 70 is generally considered good. An 80 – 100 score means your website is well-optimized and has a strong chance of ranking high on SERPs. A lower score indicates that there is room for improvement.

Is 80 a good SEO score? ›

A good SEO score is between 80-100. A score in this range indicates that your website is meeting the top quality standards for search engine optimization in the areas of technical SEO, content, user experience, and mobile usability.

What are the 3 meta attributes? ›

Meta Keywords Attribute – A series of keywords you deem relevant to the page in question. Title Tag – This is the text you'll see in the SERP and at the top of your browser. Search engines view this text as the “title” of your page. Meta Description Attribute – A brief description of the page.

What are the latest SEO techniques in 2022? ›

Top 10 Important SEO Techniques of 2022
  • Understand Your Site's Core Web Vitals.
  • Optimize for Google Passage Ranking.
  • Focus on Featured Snippets.
  • Learn the EAT Principle.
  • Support Long-Tail Keyword Phrases.
  • Create New Content.
  • Update Old Content.
  • Focus on User Experience.
9 Nov 2021

How many meta keywords should I use for SEO? ›

Incorporating Meta Keywords in Your Content

As a general rule, don't use more than about 10 meta keywords for a single page.

Which keyword is most searched? ›


How do I get high ranking keywords? ›

7 Things You Must Do to Rank for Your Keywords
  1. Keyword research. Keyword research lays the foundation for optimizing your site. ...
  2. Site structure. ...
  3. SEO content audit. ...
  4. Content creation, optimization, and on-page SEO. ...
  5. Link earning. ...
  6. Social media. ...
  7. Track performance.

How much should I pay for keyword research? ›

How much does Keyword Research Cost? A keyword research tool on its own costs about $200–$500 per month, depending on the number of queries you need. Then, the cost is in the time of doing the analysis and prioritizing keywords/topics to create SEO campaigns for.

Which tool can help you discover new keywords? ›

Keyword Planner helps you research keywords for your Search campaigns. You can use this free tool to discover new keywords related to your business and see estimates of the searches they receive and the cost to target them.

How many hours does keyword research take? ›

Keyword research takes around 10 days to complete and moves into the development of keyword strategy. With these keyword discoveries, an SEO campaign assembles a keyword strategy to grow organic traffic towards your site.

How difficult is keyword search? ›

That is why, to calculate Keyword Difficulty, we analyze the search results for a keyword and look at the number of referring domains the top 10 ranking pages have. In simple terms, the more referring domains across the top ranking pages, the higher the Keyword Difficulty.

Can I do SEO by my self? ›

You can absolutely do SEO yourself or DIY SEO (Do It Yourself SEO). With some research and lots of practice, anyone can learn how to do SEO for their business. A quick way to get started with SEO is to enter your URL here and then focus your SEO efforts on the recommended action items.

Which technology is best for SEO? ›

SEO is a dynamic industry.
7 Emerging Technologies in SEO and Their Applications
  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) ...
  2. Natural Language Generation (NLG) for short-form content. ...
  3. TF*IDF. ...
  4. GPT-3 for automated content creation. ...
  5. SEO A/B testing. ...
  6. Automated on-page content optimization. ...
  7. Non-text content factors.
22 Feb 2021

How can I practice SEO at home? ›

6 Steps to Learn SEO for Free – Learn SEO at Home
  1. Understand the goal of SEO. ...
  2. Master keyword research. ...
  3. Know the difference between on-page and off-page SEO. ...
  4. Learn to identify UX signals. ...
  5. Embrace SEO-friendly content creation. ...
  6. Start link building.

Should I pay someone to do SEO? ›

Yes, hire an agency if you're looking for long-term success. Unless there's something easily fixable on your site (like blocking it entirely with your robots. txt file), the majority of SEO is building long-term successes and value.

Can you SEO without a website? ›

Many SEO strategies like increasing traffic for higher ranking by SERPs involve using a website. Can SEO be done without a website? Yes. SEO works well with websites but does not mean that you cannot take advantage of its capacity without a website.

What is the cheapest SEO tool? ›

  • What Are Affordable SEO Tools?
  • SEO PowerSuite — Value Priced Desktop SEO Tools.
  • Mangools — Affordable SEO SaaS Tools.
  • Serpstat — All In One SEO Platform.
  • Ubersuggest — A Lower Priced SEO Tools Option.
  • Raven Tools — Integrated Platform for SEO and More.
  • Keywords Everywhere — Affordable Keyword Research.
25 Jul 2022

How much should a beginner SEO cost? ›

Average SEO costs are $100-$250 an hour for US SEO agencies. SEO costs often range from $2,500 – $10,000 per month for US agencies. The average SEO plan costs $2819 per month (per Ahrefs) Overseas SEO companies may charge $10-$50 an hour.

How do I find organic keywords? ›

23 Strategies to Improve Organic Search Rankings on Google
  1. Define a Keyword List. ...
  2. Target Keywords That Match Intent. ...
  3. Don't Be Afraid of Low or Zero-Volume Keywords. ...
  4. Good Content Will Win Out in Organic Rankings. ...
  5. Build Topical Authority with a Hub-and-Spoke Content Strategy. ...
  6. Consolidate Pages with Similar Content.
2 Sept 2022

How do I find paid keywords? ›

Maybe the most apparent solution is Google Ad Preview Tool. To get started, enter your keyword, choose location, language, and device. The system will show you Google's search results page with paid ads. However, this tool may be helpful only for some tasks, for example, finding your competitor domains.

Which word is most searched on Google? ›

Most searched words on Google by volume worldwide
#Search termMonthly Search Volume
61 more rows
20 Jul 2022

How do Beginners find low competition keywords? ›

Use the Google Search bar to find keywords

The goal: find low competition keywords that are relevant to the product or page I'm trying to promote at that point in time. Once I find them, I write blog posts about these keywords and link back to the target pages from the blog posts.

What is a good keyword difficulty? ›

KDS Between 30% and 70% - Moderate Difficulty Keywords

These will usually have good search volumes (hence the difficulty), but not so much competition that it's not feasible. Thus, these are your best best when it comes to selecting the right keywords as you have a realistic chance to compete for these.

What is high paying keywords? ›

How Does Google Make Its Money: The 20 Most Expensive Keywords in Google Ads
KeywordCost per Click (CPC)
16 more rows

What are profitable keywords? ›

They're investing ad money to get customers later, or there's some type of monetization down the road. So that's a profitable keyword searched for often, and it's a money keyword. There's a buyer or customer or someone who may eventually pay money for something related to it on the other end.

Where can I find profitable keywords for SEO? ›

This way, your keywords aren't just shots in the dark or based on vanity metrics—they're part of a targeted business plan.
  1. Understand Where You Expect Profit to Come From. ...
  2. Do Keyword Research to Generate Ideas. ...
  3. Match Keyword Search Intent with Your Profit Strategy. ...
  4. 9 Free SEO Certifications to Add to Your Resume.
29 Jun 2021

What are the 3 key factors for a keyword? ›

There are three main elements to pay attention to when conducting keyword research.
  • Relevance. Google ranks content for relevance. ...
  • Authority. Google will provide more weight to sources it deems authoritative. ...
  • Volume.
7 Jan 2022

What are 32 keywords? ›

A list of 32 Keywords in C++ Language which are also available in C language are given below.

What are the 5 types of keywords? ›

These are the five main keyword match types:
  • Broad match (max reach, min relevance)
  • Modified Broad match (slightly lower reach, greater relevance)
  • Phrase match (medium reach, medium relevance)
  • Exact match (min reach, max relevance)
  • Negative match (usually used to increase the relevance of the website visitors)
12 Aug 2019

What are the latest SEO techniques in 2022? ›

Top 10 Important SEO Techniques of 2022
  • Understand Your Site's Core Web Vitals.
  • Optimize for Google Passage Ranking.
  • Focus on Featured Snippets.
  • Learn the EAT Principle.
  • Support Long-Tail Keyword Phrases.
  • Create New Content.
  • Update Old Content.
  • Focus on User Experience.
9 Nov 2021

Does SEO still work in 2022? ›

Is SEO still relevant in 2022 (or 2022)? Absolutely. It's gotten more sophisticated, its focus has changed (from keyword stuffing to user intent), and it's harder to rank in the Google SERPs. But it's definitely here to stay.

How can I improve my SEO in 2022? ›

Here are seven ways you can improve your search engine optimization strategy and rankings for 2022:
  1. Optimize your website. ...
  2. Target accurate keywords. ...
  3. Create longer, better content. ...
  4. Track your website traffic. ...
  5. Start link-building. ...
  6. Stay away from black hat SEO. ...
  7. Set up a Google My Business profile. ...
  8. Conclusion.
24 Jan 2022

What are the most underrated SEO techniques in 2022? ›

7 Basic But Underrated SEO Techniques That Makes The Real Difference
  • Internal linking.
  • External linking.
  • Social signals.
  • Website speed.
  • Website structure.
  • Updating old content.
  • Optimizing image alt tags and file names.
  • 8. ( Bonus) Proper keyword research.

How can I improve my SEO traffic in 30 days? ›

How to Increase Your SEO Traffic in 30 Days
  1. Day 1: Pick Your Top 30 Traffic Posts.
  2. Day 2: Find the Right SEO Keywords to Increase.
  3. Day 3: Add Secondary SEO Keywords.
  4. Day 4: Compare Your Content to Competition.
  5. Day 5: Improve Your SEO Title Tags.
  6. Day 6: Optimize Your Meta Descriptions.
  7. Day 7: Optimize Your H1 Tags.
27 Mar 2021

What are the 4 important stages in SEO? ›

Phases of our SEO campaigns
  • Phase 1 – Onboarding, Site Assessment, Strategy Development.
  • Phase 2 – Onsite Optimization.
  • Phase 3 – Off-Site Optimization, Citation Submission & Clean up.
  • Phase 4 – Ongoing & Advanced SEO: Link Building, Tracking, Updates.
26 Sept 2016

What is the number 1 search engine? ›

Google. With over 80% of the search market share, Google is undoubtedly the most popular search engine. Additionally, Google captures almost 95% of mobile traffic.

Which search engine gives the most results? ›

  1. Google. Besides being the most popular search engine covering over 90% of the worldwide market, Google boasts outstanding features that make it the best search engine in the market. ...
  2. Bing. ...
  3. 3. Yahoo. ...
  4. Baidu. ...
  5. Yandex. ...
  6. Duckduckgo. ...
  7. Contextual Web Search. ...
  8. Yippy Search.
24 Jan 2022

Which search engine can replace Google? ›

1. Bing. Bing is a search engine by Microsoft and is second in terms of market share after Google.

Will SEO exist in 5 years? ›

SEO will not be eliminated within the next five years because social media and search engines will more than likely merge. Facebook has already begun to do this: they average over 1.5 billion searches every day. Twitter has done the same; they joined in partnership with Google.

Is Learning SEO worth it in 2022? ›

Yes, SEO is worth it—in 2022, in the future, in the past, and always. As long as websites and search engines exist, SEO is necessary. SEO 10 years from now will likely be very different from SEO today, but you'll always have to make sure your website is sending search engines the right signals so you can be found.

Are backlinks worth in 2022? ›

The short answer is yes, but they shouldn't be your only strategy. While backlinks are not the only ranking factor, they're still very important. The main difference is in how you should be going about getting sites to link through to your content.

Can I learn SEO in 2 months? ›

It takes 1-3 months to learn SEO at a basic level and as long as 6-18 months to learn SEO at an advanced level. How much time it takes to learn SEO depends on the number of hours each day you can study search engine optimization.

How many months it will take to learn SEO? ›

If you can learn SEO for a couple of hours every day, then you can master the basics of SEO within 4-8 weeks and land your first SEO job in 3-6 months. If you can learn SEO full-time, then you can master the basics even within 1-2 weeks.

How can I improve my SEO without paying? ›

No Money, No Problem: 17 Free Ways to Boost Your Website's SEO
  1. Find better keywords. ...
  2. Delete duplicate content. ...
  3. Fix 404 errors. ...
  4. Write a unique title tag for every page. ...
  5. Write a compelling meta description for every page. ...
  6. Clean up your URL structure. ...
  7. Update your blog often. ...
  8. Include H1, H2, H3, etc.
2 May 2016

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.