What are the best ways to justify your salary expectations during a negotiation? (2024)

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Do your research


Know your worth


Be flexible and respectful


Practice and prepare


Ask for time


Here’s what else to consider

Negotiating your salary is a crucial skill for any global talent acquisition professional. You want to get paid fairly for your expertise, experience, and value, but you also don't want to price yourself out of the market or offend your potential employer. How can you justify your salary expectations during a negotiation without sounding greedy or unrealistic? Here are some tips to help you prepare and present your case with confidence and clarity.

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  • Haneen Salah 🇵🇸 46K Followers | Human Resources | | Talent Acquisition | | Recruitment | | policies and procedures .

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What are the best ways to justify your salary expectations during a negotiation? (9) What are the best ways to justify your salary expectations during a negotiation? (10) What are the best ways to justify your salary expectations during a negotiation? (11)

1 Do your research

Before you enter any salary negotiation, you need to do your homework. Research the average salary range for your role, industry, and location, using reliable sources such as Glassdoor, PayScale, or LinkedIn. Consider the factors that affect your worth, such as your skills, qualifications, achievements, and demand. Benchmark yourself against other candidates and employees with similar profiles and backgrounds. This will help you set a realistic and reasonable salary expectation that reflects your market value and potential.

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  • Haneen Salah 🇵🇸 46K Followers | Human Resources | | Talent Acquisition | | Recruitment | | policies and procedures .
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    Be Open to DiscussionBe prepared to listen and negotiate If the employer can't meet your salary expectation, consider other non monetary perks or future performance reviews for potential raises Remember that salary negotiation is a two way conversationIt's about finding a mutually beneficial arrangement. Approach it with a cooperative mindset, and be willing to compromise when necessary


    What are the best ways to justify your salary expectations during a negotiation? (20) What are the best ways to justify your salary expectations during a negotiation? (21) 14

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    Thoroughly researching the company equips you with a deep understanding of their needs, positioning you advantageously during negotiations.


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  • Geoff Ballard, ACIPD Group Recruitment Manager at Indigo


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    Justify the value of the investment. Simply put, you need to show what you can offer, your personal value proposition (PVP). Know your strengths. What are you good at? What skills and knowledge do you have? These are the basis of your PVP. Don’t just say what you can do. Explain how it helps the employer. Make it clear why you are the right person for the job or the promotion. Show how you can solve their problems or meet their needs.Give examples and proof. Your strengths are what the employer is looking for, but your achievements are what prove it - they show that you can deliver results which justifies their investment in you.


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  • Satish Kumar Talent Acquisition Lead | Brand Building, Data Analytics, Global Recruitment
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    Salary negotiation is a highly tricky question for any job seeker, I have personally as a recruiter experienced many situations where candidates have made some terrible mistakes with their expectations. Unfortunately its been largely due to lack of self awareness of their worth based on competency they have to offer. I would recommend candidates to do 3 things while negotiating the best offer for themselves.1). Never ever sound greedy or unreasonable to start the screening call from the recruiter, hear them out and ask for validation as what would their company standards be for the role, a range should be good. 2). Prove your worth in the technical discussion3). Be clear and decisive and have high ethics, don't indulge in counter offers.


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    As a talent sourcing professional, I couldn't agree more with the importance of thorough research before salary negotiations. Knowing your market worth based on industry, role, and location is not just empowering but also essential. Utilizing reputable sources like Glassdoor, PayScale, or LinkedIn to benchmark your value and consider your unique qualifications and demand in the market ensures you set a salary expectation that's both realistic and reflective of your potential. It's a strategic step that lays a strong foundation for a successful negotiation.


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2 Know your worth

Once you have a salary range in mind, you need to know how to communicate your worth to the employer. Don't just state a number and hope for the best. Instead, use concrete examples and evidence to justify your salary expectation. Highlight your relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments that demonstrate your value and impact. Show how you can solve the employer's problems, meet their goals, and contribute to their success. Use specific numbers, metrics, and results to quantify your achievements and show your return on investment.

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    In my view job offers are a two way street. One should benchmark similar profiles to their experience and see what their market worth is. Again number of factors come into play - salaries in public sector are different than private. Your proven record of delivery and achievements should play key in getting you the number you’re aiming for. Don’t take negotiation personally and be realistic in your demand. Higher salaries don’t always guarantee job stability. Consider other benefits and whether the company offers a conducive environment to their employees. You don’t want to be another bird in the zoo. Join a company that hires you for your ability to add value instead of clipping your wings! Know your value beyond monetary compensation!


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    Knowing your worth is key. When discussing salary, it's not about throwing a number out there and hoping for the best. It's about showcasing your value with tangible evidence. Highlight your skills, achievements, and how you can drive the employer's success. Quantify your impact with metrics and results. This approach strengthens your negotiation and underscores your ROI.


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  • Lori Golden Global Talent Leader - The Mary Poppins of Disruptive StartUps ☂


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    The most important impact to negotiations, and by far the hardest, is the unwavering belief in your own value. This means you are crystal clear on the value you can bring to an organization and can concisely articulate it to various different perspectives. If you aren't sure exactly how to talk about your competitive advantage, this is where connecting with career coaches or recruiters volunteering their time, makes good sense. Once you are firm in your offerings and it's clear how you will directly impact the company's ROI, you are ready to jump in feet first to negotiate your best comp package yet.


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  • Priya Pasrija 🚀 2k+ Followers || 🌟 Human Resource(HR) Generalist Executive || 🎯 Recruitment Consultant || 👩💼 Talent Acquisition Specialist || 💻 Technical Recruiter || 🤝 Gurgaon
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    Highlight your skills and experience. When you're negotiating your salary, it's important to focus on your skills and experience and how they make you a valuable asset to the company. Be specific and provide examples of your accomplishments.


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    When you're discussing salary expectations, it's not just about tossing out a number and crossing your fingers. It's more like telling a story where you're the main character. Bring out those highlights from your career—like that project you nailed or the time you boosted sales by 30%. Use those real-world examples to paint a picture of what you bring to the table. After all, it's not just about what you want to earn, but what you've earned through your hard work and achievements.


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3 Be flexible and respectful

While you should have a clear and confident salary expectation, you should also be flexible and respectful during the negotiation. Don't make ultimatums or demands that might alienate the employer or damage the relationship. Instead, be open to discussing different options and scenarios that might suit both parties. For example, you might consider negotiating for other benefits or incentives, such as bonuses, stock options, or flexible hours, that could make up for a lower salary. You might also agree to a performance review or a trial period that could lead to a salary increase in the future. Be polite, professional, and positive throughout the negotiation, and show that you are interested in the opportunity and the employer, not just the money.

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    Flexibility and respect are crucial in salary negotiations. While having a clear expectation is important, it's equally vital to remain open to alternative arrangements that benefit both sides. Consider options like bonuses, stock options, or flexible hours to bridge gaps. Showing willingness for performance reviews or trial periods displays a long-term commitment. Maintain professionalism and positivity to convey genuine interest in the opportunity and the employer, beyond just the financial aspect.


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  • Jason Noble 🏃🏻♂️#TheRunningRecruiter🏃🏻♂️| I fix recruiting headaches | Podcaster
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    Most employers want to be in the low to mid-range. So if a job is rated between $100k - $140k, they'll want to pay between $100-$120k. Top talent will typically be able to command between $120-$140k.My suggestion? At offer time, ask the company to go first. This sounds like "I appreciate your interest in me. What do you think is a fair salary based on my experience?" If it's too low, counter-offer. This might sound like "I'm excited to work here. Based on my current salary, your generous offer is a little low. I'm looking for $X. Is that something you can consider?"Consider negotiating non-monetary options.


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4 Practice and prepare

Negotiating your salary can be nerve-wracking and stressful, especially if you are not used to it. That's why you need to practice and prepare before you face the employer. Write down your salary expectation and your justification, and rehearse them out loud. Anticipate the possible questions and objections that the employer might raise, and prepare your responses. Ask a friend, colleague, or mentor to role-play the negotiation with you, and get their feedback and advice. The more you practice and prepare, the more confident and convincing you will be during the actual negotiation.

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    Preparing for a salary negotiation starts in the beginning of the process (initial screen/first interview). Set the stage for your salary expectations and showcase your flexibility by acknowledging the value of their total compensation package. Once an offer has been extended, thank the employer enthusiastically and ask for something in writing along with their benefits info. Take time to review the value of their total package. Understanding all the details is the best way to have an organic and non defensive negotiation.


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    A friend of mine was anxious about a salary negotiation. To prepare, they wrote down their salary expectation, practiced their pitch, and anticipated potential objections. They even did a mock negotiation with a friend playing the employer. This practice made them confident during the real negotiation, leading to a successful outcome.


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  • Jason Noble 🏃🏻♂️#TheRunningRecruiter🏃🏻♂️| I fix recruiting headaches | Podcaster
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    Never take negotiations personally - rule #1.Tell them what's important to you - but make sure this is done early in the candidate process so that it's not a surprise. Use non-threatening language like "feels like", "sounds like", "seems like" and allow the company to provide their ideas. For example "feels like we're at a stalemate on salary. We're $20,000 apart. How do you think we can resolve this?"


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5 Ask for time

Finally, don't feel pressured to accept or reject an offer on the spot. You have the right to ask for time to think about it and review it. This will give you the chance to evaluate the offer objectively and compare it with your salary expectation and other opportunities. It will also give you the opportunity to negotiate further if you are not satisfied with the offer or if you have a counteroffer from another employer. However, don't take too long or play games with the employer, as this might hurt your chances of getting the job. Be respectful and courteous, and let the employer know when you will get back to them with your decision.

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    It's really essential to pause and think when you're faced with significant decisions, especially with job offers. You want to ensure it aligns with where you see yourself heading. On a personal note, I was once given a tempting offer from another company with a notably higher salary. It caught my attention, of course. But when I took a moment to reflect, I realized the value of the environment, the growth potential, and the camaraderie I had at my current job. The immediate financial gain was appealing, but there was more at play for me. So, I opted to stay put, believing in the long-term benefits of my decision. It's always about striking the right balance.


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    As a talent-sourcing professional, I encounter cases like this regularly. It's crucial to remember that it's absolutely acceptable to ask for time to consider a job offer. Taking this time allows you to make a thoughtful decision, compare it with your salary expectations, and assess other opportunities. Plus, if you have another offer or a counteroffer in the mix, it provides room for negotiation. However, it's equally important not to keep the employer waiting indefinitely – be respectful, communicate your timeline, and maintain professionalism throughout.


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  • Ambrósio Baza Tech Consultant | M365 Embassador | Systems Administrator | Database Administrator | Network Administrador - Generalist
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    When you ask the recruiter for time, it clearly shows them that you are not desperate and it give good sense of self respect, and it will definitely help you to think in all angles about the offer


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  • Jason Noble 🏃🏻♂️#TheRunningRecruiter🏃🏻♂️| I fix recruiting headaches | Podcaster
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    Always take the time to think about the offer. Walk away to clear you head and re-read it. Review it with a lawyer or your partner/trusted friend to make sure the terms are agreeable.


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    As a Headhunter, seeing several processes succeed and fail, as well as assisting Candidates in negotiations, I would suggest the following:- Ask the salary range to the Recruiter/Headhunter. - When dealing with the employer, focus on establishing your value-add first. - Avoid negotiating salaries right away as it's very off putting, especially in the first 2 rounds. - When you're close to the offer and are the top contender, this is where you negotiate up and break their previously established salary ceilings.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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    Adding to the conversation, I'd emphasize the significance of researching the company's culture and values. Understanding the work environment and whether it aligns with your own values can greatly impact your job satisfaction. Additionally, don't hesitate to network with current or former employees to gain insights into the organization's culture, which can be invaluable when making your final decision.


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.