How To Ask For A Bigger Raise Than Offered - 3 Effective Tips (2024)

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How To Ask For A Bigger Raise Than Offered - 3 Effective Tips (1)

Let’s face it, asking for a raise is the scariest yet the most crucial thing to do as an employee.

Not only is it uncomfortable, but talking about numbers let alone salary is not everyone’s comfort zone.

If you ever feel underpaid – and if it makes you feel any better – you are not alone. Apparently, 46% of workers feel like they are underpaid, and most don’t know what they should be earning.

In order to give you a better look at how to ask for a bigger raise than offered, I’ve listed the most appropriate ways on how you can flawlessly execute the plan.

  • Do your research

Sure you feel like your salary raise had long been overdue, but is everyone in your batch getting the same? Have they asked for a raise during those times?

Figure every possible angle you can before taking any further steps. Find out what or how much your co-workers in the same job role get.

If you’re reluctant to directly ask your co-workers or that your company has set a policy against discussing salary, then the internet is your friend. There are different platforms you can go to know how much your line of job is making such as, Salary Paycheck Calculator, Glassdoor, and Indeed.

Once you finally have what you’re looking for or an idea of the job role rate, you can then proceed to understand your employer’s salary structure. Are they open to the idea of increases? Have they agreed to some raises over the past year?

Keep in mind that there are generous employers who can easily give you what you deserve for as long as they know you’re worthy of the increment.

There are possible obstacles that may come your way so it’s important to do your research before you come knocking at your boss’ doors. These hindrances may include recent layoffs. With that in mind, you can offer help that can potentially help your boss recognize your commitment to your job, and this way, you will give an impression that you well-deserve the raise you’re asking for.

Furthermore, researching about salary can additionally give you some new experiences. Say you might come across other jobs that you could take on that also pays more.

By doing your homework, you can possibly save time for both you and your manager.

  • Know your value

Another way on how to ask for a bigger raise than offered is by knowing your worth. This might sound absurd or a no-brainer, but there are lots of employees who don’t know their worth to the company.

According to 2019 Gallup poll data, only 37% of Americans feel satisfied with their salary. Most people feel like they’re not paid enough, and as unfair as it sounds, it happens to any of us and in any industry.

Someone told me that your employers and clients need you more than you need them. Employees are what’s keeping the business up and running. Without them working their brains and bodies off, there would be no successful companies.

You must know that you deserve to be paid fairly. If you’ve been in the company for a year or so and if you know you’ve been working your way up, then an increase would surely suffice.

You might want to start demonstrating your accomplishments and presenting some valid corroborations that you’ve taken on a lot of responsibilities more than what you were tasked to do. Your employer may want to hear your value and achievements when being asked for a raise, and could positively impact the conclusion.

Moreover, knowing your value is also knowing your worth – as I’ve mentioned in the previous part. Carefully research and give credible presentations that let your employers know that you deserve a raise more than ever.

Additionally, you might want to consider sharing with your boss how you handle teamwork and that you have a good relationship with your co-workers. That could impact and strengthen the decision, too.

The goal is to get your boss to think that you earn the raise as much as anybody in the company – and you do!

If I may be so bold, I think the key here is by re-framing your mind into thinking that the company needs your service more than you need them.

To give it a strapping finish: “Understanding your own worth is very important. If you don’t understand your worth and the value you bring to the employer, why should anyone else?

  • Be prepared

Be ready to hear “no”.

Not everyone who asked for an increase was answered “yes”. It’s between a matter of accepting your worth and truly knowing that you will eventually get the raise one way or another.

When you hear that wrenching answer, you could easily grab that opportunity to ask for better actions on how you can get a raise or earn more in the future. By doing that, you will leave an imprint that you are determined to have a salary increase as well as committed to the company.

Additionally, embracing “no” lets your manager/employer know you’re able to willingly accept and talk sensibly. It lets them know you’re open to communicating and to different perspectives.

When all else done and fails, you would have to make a plausible decision of whether or not you’re staying or look for another opportunity where you can make more money – it could be in a different department or leaving the company altogether.

Asking for a raise doesn’t really have to be all sorts of punishing. If you feel like you truly deserve that raise, you must work harder to get it. It’s not being fussy, it’s giving value to yourself and your hard works.

There are lots of ways on how to ask for a bigger raise than offered, but given the situation, I’ve listed only the three vital ways to prepare you for the circ*mstances.

But hey, the worst-case scenario is when your boss says no. You can use that as a stomping ground for when you want to take your job and career to the next level. Good luck!

How To Ask For A Bigger Raise Than Offered - 3 Effective Tips (3)

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How To Ask For A Bigger Raise Than Offered - 3 Effective Tips (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.