Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (2024)

The probable reasons you want to scrape LinkedIn Jobs are: –

  • You want to create your own job data for a particular location
  • Or do you want to analyze new trends in a particular domain and salaries?

However, in both cases, you have to either scrape LinkedIn Jobs data or use APIs of the platform (if they are cheap enough or available for public use).

In this tutorial, we will learn to extract data fromLinkedIn & create our own LinkedIn Job Scraper, and since it does not provide any open API for us to access this data our only choice is to scrape it. We are going to usePython 3.x.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (1)

Also, if you are looking to scrape LinkedIn Jobs right away, we would recommend you use LinkedIn Jobs API by Scrapingdog. It is an API made to extract job data from this platform, the output you get is parsed JSON data.

Table of Contents

Setting up the Prerequisites for LinkedIn Job Scraping

I am assuming that you have already installedPython 3.xon your machine. Create an empty folder that will keep our Python script and then create a Python file inside that folder.

mkdir jobs

After this, we have to install certain libraries which will be used in this tutorial. We need these libraries installed before even writing the first line of code.

  • Requests— It will help us make a GET request to the host website.
  • BeautifulSoup— Using this library we will be able to parse crucial data.

Let’s install these libraries

pip install requestspip install beautifulsoup4

Analyze how LinkedIn job search works

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (2)

This is the page for Python jobs in Las Vegas. Now, if you will look at the URL of this page then it would look like this- https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/search?keywords=Python (Programming Language)&location=Las Vegas, Nevada, United States&geoId=100293800&currentJobId=3415227738&position=1&pageNum=0

Let me break it down for you.

  • keywords– Python (Programming Language)
  • location– Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
  • geoId– 100293800
  • currentJobId– 3415227738
  • position– 1
  • pageNum– 0

On this page, we have 118 jobs, but when I scroll down to the next page (this page has infinite scrolling) the pageNum does not change. So, the question is how can we scrape all the jobs?

The above problem can be solved by using a Selenium web driver. We can use.execute_script()method to scroll down the page and extract all the pages.

The second problem is how can we get data from the box on the right of the page. Every selected job will display other details like salary, duration, etc in this box.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (3)

You can say that we can use.click()function provided by selenium. According to that logic, you will have to iterate over every listed job using a for loop and click on them to get details on the right box.

Yes, this method is correct but it is tootime-consuming. Scrolling and clicking will put a load on our hardware which will prevent us from scraping at scale.

What if I told you that there is an easy way out from this problem and we can scrape LinkedIn in just a simple GET request?

Sounds unrealistic, right??

Finding the solution in the devtool

Let’s reload our target page with our dev tool open. Let’s see what appears in our network tab

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (4)

We already know LinkedIn uses infinite scrolling to load the second page. Let’s scroll down to the second and see if something comes up in our network tab.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (5)

If you will click on the preview tab for the same URL then you will see all the job data.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (6)

Let’s open this URL in our browser.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (7)

Ok, we can now make a small conclusion over here that every time when you scroll and LinkedIn loads another page, Linkedin will make a GET request to the above URL to load all the listed jobs.

Let’s break down the URL to better understand how it works.

https://www.linkedin.com/jobs-guest/jobs/api/seeMoreJobPostings/search?keywords=Python (Programming Language)&location=Las Vegas, Nevada, United States&geoId=100293800&currentJobId=3415227738&position=1&pageNum=0&start=25

  • keywords– Python (Programming Language)
  • location– Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
  • geoId– 100293800
  • currentJobId– 3415227738
  • position– 1
  • pageNum– 0
  • start– 25

The only parameter that changes with the page is thestartparameter.When you scroll down to the third page, the value of the start will become 50. So, the value of thestartwill increase by25for every new page. One more thing which you can notice is if you increase the value ofstartby1then the last job will get hidden.

Ok, now we have a solution to get all the listed jobs. What about the data that appears on the right when you click on any job? How to get that?

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (8)

Whenever you click on a job, LinkedIn makes a GET request to this URL. But there is too much noise in the URL. The most simple form of the URL will look like this-https://www.linkedin.com/jobs-guest/jobs/api/jobPosting/3415227738

Here3415227738is thecurrentJobIdwhich can be found in theli tagof every listed job.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (9)

Now, we have the solution to bypass selenium and make our scraper more reliable and scalable. We can now extract all this information with just a simple GET request usingrequestslibrary.

What are we going to scrape?

It is always better to decide in advance what exact data points do you want to scrape from a page. For this tutorial, we are going to scrape three things.

  • Name of the company
  • Job position
  • Seniority Level
Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (10)
Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (11)

Using.find_all()method of BeautifulSoup we are going to scrape all the jobs. Then we are going to extractjobidsfrom each job. After that, we are going to extract job details from thisAPI.

Scraping Linkedin Jobs IDs

Let’s first import all the libraries.

import requestsfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup

There are117 jobslisted on thispagefor Python in Las Vegas.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (12)

Since every page has 25 jobs listed, this is how our logic will help us scrape all the jobs.

  • Divide 117 by 25
  • If the value is a float number or a whole number we will usemath.ceil()method over it.
import requestsfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport mathtarget_url='https://www.linkedin.com/jobs-guest/jobs/api/seeMoreJobPostings/search?keywords=Python%20%28Programming%20Language%29&location=Las%20Vegas%2C%20Nevada%2C%20United%20States&geoId=100293800&currentJobId=3415227738&start={}'number_of_loops=math.ceil(117/25)

Let’s find the location of job IDs in the DOM.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (13)

The ID can be found underdiv tagwith the classbase-card. You have to find thedata-entity-urnattribute inside this element to get the ID.

We have to use nested for loops to get the Job Ids of all the jobs. The first loop will change the page and the second loop will iterate over every job present on each page. I hope it is clear.

target_url='https://www.linkedin.com/jobs-guest/jobs/api/seeMoreJobPostings/search?keywords=Python%20%28Programming%20Language%29&location=Las%20Vegas%2C%20Nevada%2C%20United%20States&geoId=100293800&currentJobId=3415227738&start={}'for i in range(0,math.ceil(117/25)): res = requests.get(target_url.format(i)) soup=BeautifulSoup(res.text,'html.parser') alljobs_on_this_page=soup.find_all("li") for x in range(0,len(alljobs_on_this_page)): jobid = alljobs_on_this_page[x].find("div",{"class":"base-card"}).get('data-entity-urn').split(":")[3] l.append(jobid)

Here is the step-by-step explanation of the above code.

  • we have declared a target URL where jobs are present.
  • Then we are running afor loopuntil the last page.
  • Then we made aGETrequest to the page.
  • We are usingBS4for creating a parse tree constructor.
  • Using.find_all()method we are finding all theli tagsas all the jobs are stored insideli tags.
  • Then we started another loop which will run until the last job is present on any page.
  • We are finding the location of thejob ID.
  • We have pushed all theIDsin an array.

In the end,array lwill have all the ids for any location.

Scraping Job Details

Let’s find the location of the company name inside the DOM.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (14)

The name of the company is the value of thealt tagwhich can be found inside thediv tagwith classtop-card-layout__card.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (15)

The job title can be found under thediv tagwith classtop-card-layout__entity-info. The text is located inside the firsta tagof thisdiv tag.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (16)

Seniority level can be found in the firstli tagoful tagwith classdescription__job-criteria-list.

We will now make a GET request to the dedicated job page URL. This page will provide us with the information that we are aiming to extract from Linkedin. We will use the above DOM element locations insideBS4to search for these respective elements.

target_url='https://www.linkedin.com/jobs-guest/jobs/api/jobPosting/{}'for j in range(0,len(l)): resp = requests.get(target_url.format(l[j])) soup=BeautifulSoup(resp.text,'html.parser') try: o["company"]=soup.find("div",{"class":"top-card-layout__card"}).find("a").find("img").get('alt') except: o["company"]=None try: o["job-title"]=soup.find("div",{"class":"top-card-layout__entity-info"}).find("a").text.strip() except: o["job-title"]=None try: o["level"]=soup.find("ul",{"class":"description__job-criteria-list"}).find("li").text.replace("Seniority level","").strip() except: o["level"]=None k.append(o) o={}print(k)
  • We have declared a URL that holds the dedicated Linkedin job URL for any given company.
  • For loopwill run for the number of IDs present inside the array l.
  • Then we made aGETrequest to the Linkedin page.
  • Again created aBS4 parse tree.
  • Then we are usingtry/exceptstatements to extract all the information.
  • We have pushedobject otoarray k.
  • Declaredobject oempty so that it can store data of another URL.
  • In the end, we are printing thearray k.

After printing this is the result.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (17)

We have successfully managed to scrape the data from the Linkedin Jobs page. Let’s now save it to a CSV file now.

Saving the data to a CSV file

We are going to use thepandaslibrary for this operation. In just two lines of code, we will be able to save our array to a CSV file.

How to install it?

pip install pandas

Import this library in our main Python file.

import pandas as pd

Now usingDataFramemethod we are going to convert ourlist kinto a row and column format. Then using.to_csv()method we are going to convert aDataFrameto a CSV file.

df = pd.DataFrame(k)df.to_csv('linkedinjobs.csv', index=False, encoding='utf-8')

You can add these two lines once yourlist kis ready with all the data. Once the program is executed you will get a CSV file by the name linkedinjobs.csv in your root folder.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (18)

So, in just a few minutes we were able to scrape the Linkedin Jobs page and save it too in a CSV file. Now, of course, you can scrape many more other things like salary, location, etc. My motive was to explain to you how simple it is to scrape jobs from Linkedin without using resource-hungry Selenium.

Complete Code

Here is the complete code for scraping Linkedin Jobs.

import requestsfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport mathimport pandas as pdl=[]o={}k=[]headers={"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"}target_url='https://www.linkedin.com/jobs-guest/jobs/api/seeMoreJobPostings/search?keywords=Python%20%28Programming%20Language%29&location=Las%20Vegas%2C%20Nevada%2C%20United%20States&geoId=100293800&currentJobId=3415227738&start={}'for i in range(0,math.ceil(117/25)): res = requests.get(target_url.format(i)) soup=BeautifulSoup(res.text,'html.parser') alljobs_on_this_page=soup.find_all("li") print(len(alljobs_on_this_page)) for x in range(0,len(alljobs_on_this_page)): jobid = alljobs_on_this_page[x].find("div",{"class":"base-card"}).get('data-entity-urn').split(":")[3] l.append(jobid)target_url='https://www.linkedin.com/jobs-guest/jobs/api/jobPosting/{}'for j in range(0,len(l)): resp = requests.get(target_url.format(l[j])) soup=BeautifulSoup(resp.text,'html.parser') try: o["company"]=soup.find("div",{"class":"top-card-layout__card"}).find("a").find("img").get('alt') except: o["company"]=None try: o["job-title"]=soup.find("div",{"class":"top-card-layout__entity-info"}).find("a").text.strip() except: o["job-title"]=None try: o["level"]=soup.find("ul",{"class":"description__job-criteria-list"}).find("li").text.replace("Seniority level","").strip() except: o["level"]=None k.append(o) o={}df = pd.DataFrame(k)df.to_csv('linkedinjobs.csv', index=False, encoding='utf-8')print(k)

Avoid getting blocked with Scrapingdog’s Linkedin Jobs API

You have to sign up for the free account to start using it. It will take just 10 seconds to get you started with Scrapingdog.

After successful registration, you will get your own API key from the dashboard.

import requeststarget_url='https://api.scrapingdog.com/linkedinjobs?api_key=Your-API-Key&field=Python%20(Programming%20Language)&geoid=100293800&page=1'resp = requests.get(target_url).json()print(resp)

With this API you will get parsed JSON data from the LinkedIn jobs page. All you have to do is pass thefieldwhich is the type of job you want to scrape, thengeoidwhich is the location id provided by LinkedIn itself. You can find it in the URL of the LinkedIn jobs page and finally thepagenumber. For each page number, you will get 25 jobs or less.

Once you run the above code you will get this result.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (20)

For a more detailed description of this API visitdocumentationor visitthe LinkedIn Jobs API page.

Get The Parsed LinkedIn Jobs Data

Try out Scrapingdog’s LinkedIn Jobs API & extract jobs data hassle free

Check Out LinkedIn Jobs APIRead Documentation


In this post, we custom-created a LinkedIn Job scraper and were able to scrape LinkedIn job postings with just a normal GET request without using a scroll-and-click method. Using thepandaslibrary we have saved the data in a CSV file too. Now, you can create your own logic to extract job data from many other locations. But the code will remain somewhat the same.

You can uselxmlit in place of BS4 but I generally preferBS4. But if you want to scrape millions of jobs then Linkedin will block you in no time. So, I would always advise you to use aWeb Scraper APIwhich can help you scrape this website without restrictions.

I hope you like this little tutorial and if you do then please do not forget to share it with your friends and on your social media.

Is it legal to scrape LinkedIn job postings?

Yes, It is legal to scrape LinkedIn Job Postings. Any data that is publically available is legal to be scraped. However, if you try to scrape data that is not available publically, you might get into trouble. With LinkedIn jobs, since they are available for everyone, it is, therefore, no issue in scraping it.

What is the limit of LinkedIn web scraping?

With Scrapingdog, there is no limit to scraping LinkedIn. You can scrape 1 million job postings per day with our dedicated LinkedIn Jobs API.

Can LinkedIn ban you for scraping?

Yes, if detected by LinkedIn, it can ban you from scraping. Hitting the request from the same IP can get you under the radar and finally can block you. We have written an article describing what challenges you can face while scraping LinkedIn.

Additional Resources

Here are a few additional resources that you may find helpful during your web scraping journey:

  • Web Scraping Indeed
  • Web Scraping Glassdoor
  • Best LinkedIn Scraping tools
  • Scrape LinkedIn Profiles using Python
  • Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs to Airtable without Coding
  • Web Scraping Amazon using Python
  • Web Scraping Google Search Results using Python

Aside from these resources, you can find web scraping jobs here.

Web Scraping LinkedIn Jobs using Python (Building Job Scraper) (2024)


Can you web scrape LinkedIn jobs? ›

Yes, It is legal to scrape LinkedIn Job Postings. Any data that is publically available is legal to be scraped. However, if you try to scrape data that is not available publically, you might get into trouble. With LinkedIn jobs, since they are available for everyone, it is, therefore, no issue in scraping it.

Is scraping LinkedIn jobs legal? ›

Data scraping, in its essence, is not illegal. However, LinkedIn's position is that unauthorized scraping violates its Terms of Service and is thus not allowed on its platform. While scraping LinkedIn can yield valuable insights for businesses and marketers, it's crucial to do so responsibly.

Is LinkedIn hard to scrape? ›

In the context of LinkedIn, web scraping involves extracting data from LinkedIn profiles, company pages, and other relevant areas of the platform. LinkedIn uses a complex structure to organize and display data, which can make scraping a challenge.

Is it possible to scrape LinkedIn profiles? ›

With tools like Expandi, you can automatically scrape LinkedIn group members, search results, connections, people who engaged with a specific post, and more. So, if you want to make sure your lead generation and outreach are targeting the right people, you need to make sure you're scraping LinkedIn data the right way.

What is the limit of LinkedIn web scraping? ›

LinkedIn searches display a maximum of 100 results pages. For searches resulting in thousands of results, you cannot scrape more than the first 1000 results with a regular LinkedIn account. Sales Navigator displays 25 results per page, so with these accounts, you can scrape a maximum of 2500 results.

How does LinkedIn detect scrapers? ›

To detect public profile scraping, our models look for signs of automated viewing of profiles. Due to the adversarial nature of unauthorized scraping, our models are retrained and automatically deployed several times per day to quickly adapt to new signals.

How many LinkedIn profiles can you scrape per day? ›

Up to 80 profiles a day if you have a free account on LinkedIn. Up to 150 profiles a day if you have a premium or Sales Navigator account. Up to 100 page or post extractions per day.

Can you get sued for web scraping? ›

There are no specific laws prohibiting web scraping, and many companies employ it in legitimate ways to gain data-driven insights. However, there can be situations where other laws or regulations may come into play and make web scraping illegal.

Do employers actually check LinkedIn? ›

Recruiters want to know that you're qualified for the job, will be good at it, and will get results. They'll look at your LinkedIn profile to see what you've accomplished and how you've used the skills and experience you've gained.

How do I scrape an employee on LinkedIn? ›

All you need to do is provide the LinkedIn company page URLs or IDs, and the LinkedIn scraper will extract all the employees with useful information regarding their profiles.

Can you scrape LinkedIn jobs? ›

Data Analysis: Data analysts might scrape LinkedIn jobs data for market research or industry trend analysis purposes. The scraped information can provide valuable insights into hiring trends across different industries and regions.

What is the difference between API and scraping in LinkedIn? ›

Web Scraping: Involves sending HTTP requests and parsing HTML directly from the web. APIs: Allow access to specific endpoints and retrieve data in a predefined format.

Does LinkedIn have an API for job search? ›

This highly available API provides you with direct access to millions of job posting data records, allowing you to retrieve relevant data from our database in seconds whenever you need it.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.