Weapons (2024)

Weapons (1)

Weapons are used by the character to fend off enemies, each having its own unique way of doing so. Most weapons deal damage to enemies, while some apply debuffs to enemies or buffs to the player.

The player can select up to six different weapons from level ups, but it is possible to carry more by picking up weapons that generate with the stage. Most weapons must be unlocked before they can be offered to the player.

Most weapons are unique, which means a character can only gain a weapon once per run, and there is no way to get the same weapon multiple times (even if it is consumed). Exceptions include Candybox and Arma Dio.

  • 1 Obtaining
    • 1.1 Upgrading
    • 1.2 Evolution
  • 2 Stats
  • 3 Types
    • 3.1 Base Weapons
    • 3.2 Evolutions
    • 3.3 Unions
    • 3.4 Gifts
    • 3.5 Counterpart Weapons
    • 3.6 Special Weapons
  • 4 Trivia
  • 5 External links


Normally, each character has access to one of the base weapons as their starting weapon and is able to obtain additional base weapons as they level up. Rarity determines the weight of how often that weapon shows up in the pool of possible weapons and passive items during the level-up screen and when opening Treasure Chests.


If an already owned weapon is selected upon level up it will be upgraded to a higher level and it will gain certain stat bonuses unique to the weapon. There is certain chance to have owned items offered to you. When a weapon is fully leveled it cannot appear in the level up options anymore. Upgrading a weapon will also reset its Cooldown and activate it instantly, which is useful for powerful weapons with long Cooldown.


Main article: Evolution

When a base weapon is leveled to the max and its corresponding passive item is obtained, it can be transformed into an evolved weapon by collecting a Treasure Chest. Not all weapons have an evolution.

Evolution actually works as removing the original weapon and acquiring the evolved one, which means whenever weapon is evolved, all the effects of the original weapon will be lost, and the evolved weapon's Cooldown starts from zero, (which is notable for weapons with long Cooldown like Santa Water).

Certain characters (Mortaccio, Yatta Cavallo, and O'Sole Meeo) automatically evolve their starting weapon when they morph into a new form, provided you have the required relic and meet the necessary condition.


Weapons have different stats, which define their functions.

See Overview Stats for a list of base stats of the weapons.

Weapon stats
Max levelThe highest level the weapon can be upgraded to.RarityThe weight of the weapon in the pool of weapons and passive items.
Base damageThe damage dealt by a single projectile per hit. Modified by Might stat.
Note: The damage displayed with the "Damage Numbers" option ticked shows a randomized value within ±5 of the scaled base damage, but this is only a visual feature and the damage dealt by a weapon is always the same.
AreaThe base area of the weapon. Modified by Area stat.
SpeedThe base projectile speed of the weapon. Modified by Speed stat.AmountThe amount of projectiles fired per use. Modified by Amount stat.
DurationThe duration of the weapon's effect. Modified by Duration stat.PierceThe number of enemies a single projectile can hit before being used up.
CooldownThe time required for the weapon to be used again. There is a trigger for the cooldown to start after a weapon's duration ends. Modified by Cooldown stat.Projectile IntervalThe time required for an additional projectile to be fired between each Cooldown. Can overlap with another set of shots even before it finishes shooting.
Hitbox DelayThe time before the same enemy can be hit by the same projectile again. All delays refresh simultaneously as soon as one fully counts down.KnockbackThe knockback dealt multiplier of the weapon. Determines the strength of the knockback effect along with the enemy's knockback taken multiplier and movement speed.
Pool limitThe maximum amount of projectiles that can be on screen.ChanceThe chance of a special effect happening. Modified by Luck stat. Technically, Crit Chance is a separate stat but both have not been used at the same time yet.
Crit MultiDamage multiplier to critical hits.Block by wallsCan the projectile be blocked by obstacles.


There are base, evolutions or unions, and special weapons

See Combos for a list of which passive items and their corresponding player stats affect which weapon.

Base Weapons[]

Base weapons can be chosen by leveling up. Most of them are locked behind achievements at first.

IconWeaponDescriptionBase damage (level 1)Max levelRarityEffectsUnlock requirements

Weapons (2)

WhipAttacks horizontally, passes through enemies.108100
  • Unlocked by default

Weapons (3)

Magic WandFires at the nearest enemy.108100
  • Unlocked by default

Weapons (4)

KnifeFires quickly in the faced direction.6.58100
  • Unlocked by default

Weapons (5)

AxeHigh damage, high area scaling.208100
  • Unlocked by default

Weapons (6)

CrossAims at the nearest enemy, has a boomerang effect.5880

Weapons (7)

King BibleOrbits around the character.10880
  • Starting weapon of Dommario
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Unlocked by default

Weapons (8)

Fire WandFires at a random enemy, deals heavy damage.20880

Weapons (9)

GarlicDamages nearby enemies. Reduces resistance to knockback and freeze.5870
  • Starting weapon of Poe Ratcho
  • Ignores Amount, Duration, and Speed

Weapons (10)

Santa WaterGenerates damaging zones.108100
  • Unlocked by default

Weapons (11)

RunetracerPasses through enemies, bounces around.10880
  • Surviving for 5 minutes with Pasqualina

Weapons (12)

Lightning RingStrikes at random enemies.15880

Weapons (13)

PentagramErases everything in sight.-860

Weapons (14)

PeachoneBombards in a circular area.10850
  • Starting weapon of Toastie
  • Cosmo starts with it by default, not using up a weapon slot
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Area orbits clockwise around the player
  • Surviving for 10 minutes with any character

Weapons (15)

Ebony WingsBombards in a circular area.10850
  • Starting weapon of Exdash Exiviiq
  • Cosmo starts with it by default, not using up a weapon slot
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Area orbits counterclockwise around the player
  • Getting the Peachone to level 7

Weapons (16)

Phiera Der TuphelloFires quickly in four fixed directions.5850
  • Surviving for 10 minutes with Pugnala

Weapons (17)

Eight The SparrowFires quickly in four fixed directions.5850
  • Surviving for 15 minutes with Pugnala

Weapons (18)

Gatti AmariSummons capricious projectiles. Might interact with pickups.10850
  • Starting weapon of Giovanna Grana
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and Luck
  • Cats have unique interaction with Pickups
  • Surviving for 15 minutes with Giovanna

Weapons (19)

Song of ManaAttacks vertically, passes through enemies.10850
  • Surviving for 15 minutes with Poppea

Weapons (20)

Shadow PinionGenerating damaging zones when moving, strikes when stopping.10850
  • Surviving for 15 minutes with Concetta

Weapons (21)

Clock LancetChance to freeze enemies in time.-770

Weapons (22)

LaurelShields from damage while active.-760
  • Unlocked by default

Weapons (23)

Vento SacroStronger with continuous movement. Can deal critical damage.2850
  • Surviving for 15 minutes with Zi'Assunta

Weapons (24)

BoneThrows a bouncing projectile.581
  • Starting weapon of Mortaccio
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Unlocking Mortaccio

Weapons (25)

Cherry BombThrows a bouncing projectile that explodes after some time.1081
  • Starting weapon of Yatta Cavallo
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and Luck
  • Unlocking Cavallo

Weapons (26)

CarrélloThrows a bouncing projectile. Number of bounces affected by Amount.1081
  • Unlocking Bianca Ramba

Weapons (27)

Celestial DustingThrows a bouncing projectile. Cooldown reduces when moving.581
  • Starting weapon of O'Sole Meeo
  • Ignores Speed
  • Scales with MoveSpeed
  • Unlocking O'Sole

Weapons (28)

La RobbaGenerates bouncing projectiles.1081
  • Unlocking Ambrojoe

Weapons (29)

Greatest JubileeHas a chance to summon light sources.10920
  • Ignores Speed
  • Scales with Luck
  • Complete Eudaimonia Machine after having started and exited a run in Endless mode and a run in Inverse mode.

Weapons (30)

BraceletFires three projectiles at a random enemy.10640
  • Starting weapon of Gyorunton
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Survive 30 minutes with either Gallo or Divano

Weapons (31)

CandyboxAllows you to choose any unlocked base weapon.-12
  • Starting weapon of Trouser
  • Rarity affected by Luck
  • Can turn into any base weapon
  • Discover every standard evolution and union

Weapons (32)

Arma DioAllows you to choose an extra passive weapon.-1
  • Can turn into any non-DLC passive item except for the rings and metaglios.

Weapons (33)

Pako BattiliarMay retaliate when losing health.20860
  • Starting weapon of Robbert
  • Ignores Duration
  • Defeating 161,161 bats.

Weapons (34)

Victory SwordStrikes with a combo attack at the nearest enemy. Retaliates.51230
  • Starting weapon of Sigma
  • Ignores Speed and Duration
  • Scale with Luck and Armor
  • Defeating 100,000 enemies in a single run with Queen Sigma.

Weapons (35)

Flames of MisspellEmits cones of flames.10830
  • Starting weapon of Avatar
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Unlock Avatar

Weapons (36)

Glass FandangoStronger with movement, Orologions, and against frozen enemies10850
  • Starting weapon of She-Moon
  • Ignores Speed and Duration
  • Find the Glass Fandango in Whiteout and get it to Level 7

Weapons (37)

Santa JavelinDuration affects Amount. Can deal critical damage.
  • Getting the Santa Javelin to level 7.

Weapons (38)

Phas3rGenerates thin damaging zones.5850
  • Starting weapon of Space Dude
  • Ignores Speed and Duration
  • Getting the Phas3r to level 7.

Weapons (39)

Silver Wind Weapons (40)Defeated enemies might drop hearts.10850
  • Surviving for 15 minutes with Miang

Weapons (41)

Four Seasons Weapons (42)Generates 4 explosions. Amount and Duration affect damage instead.5850
  • Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
  • Starting weapon of Menya
  • Amount and Duration increase damage instead
  • Ignores Speed
  • Surviving for 15 minutes with Menya

Weapons (43)

Summon Night Weapons (44)Generates damaging zones above the character.10850
  • Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
  • Starting weapon of Syuuto
  • Ignores Speed
  • Surviving for 15 minutes with Syuuto

Weapons (45)

Mirage Robe Weapons (46)Generates freezing mines with a chance to explode.10850
  • Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
  • Starting weapon of Babi-Onna
  • Ignores Speed
  • Scales with Luck
  • Surviving for 15 minutes with Babi-Onna

Weapons (47)

Mille Bolle Blu Weapons (48)Fires lingering projectiles.581
  • Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
  • Starting weapon of Gav'Et-Oni
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Unlocking Gav'Et Oni

Weapons (49)

Night Sword Weapons (50)Retaliates with a bonus damage affected by Greed. Might steal hearts.5830
  • Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
  • Starting weapon of Megalo Syuuto
  • Ignores Speed and Duration
  • Scales with Luck and Armor

Weapons (51)

108 Bocce Weapons (52)Actually it's just 8. Damages nearby enemies.12810
  • Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
  • Starting weapon of McCoy-Oni
  • Ignores Speed, Duration, and Amount
  • Scales with Luck or Curse
  • Surviving for 15 minutes with McCoy-Oni

Weapons (53)

SpellString Weapons (54)Strikes at nearby enemies. Damage multiplied by Speed.5670
  • Survive 15 minutes with Eleanor Uziron

Weapons (55)

SpellStream Weapons (56)Generates an expanding damaging zone. Damage multiplied by Area.5670
  • Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
  • Ignores Amount
  • Get SpellStream to Level 6

Weapons (57)

SpellStrike Weapons (58)Strikes at the nearest enemy. Damage further multiplied by Might20670
  • Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
  • Ignores Area and Duration
  • Get SpellStrike to Level 6

Weapons (59)

Eskizzibur Weapons (60)Attacks nearby enemies. Retaliates.10870
  • Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
  • Starting weapon of Maruto Cuts
  • Ignores Duration and Speed
  • Scales with Armor
  • Survive 15 minutes with Maruto Cuts

Weapons (61)

Flash Arrow Weapons (62)Can deal critical damage. Amount affects damage instead.10870
  • Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
  • Starting weapon of Keitha Muort
  • Ignores Duration
  • Scales with Luck
  • Survive 15 minutes with Keitha Muort

Weapons (63)

Prismatic Missile Weapons (64)Generates explosions around the character. Affected by the first chosen Arcana between II, XIV, or XIX.10870
  • Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
  • Starting weapon of Luminaire Foscari
  • Ignores Duration
  • Survive 15 minutes with Luminaire Foscari

Weapons (65)

Shadow Servant Weapons (66)Has a chance to slow enemies down.10870
  • Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
  • Starting weapon of Genevieve Gruyère
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and Luck
  • Survive 15 minutes with Genevieve Gruyère

Weapons (67)

Party Popper Weapons (68)Throws bouncing projectiles.581
  • Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
  • Starting weapon of Rottin'Ghoul
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Unlocking Rottin'Ghoul

Weapons (69)

Report! Weapons (70)Damages enemies and pushes them away.6.5850

Weapons (71)

Lucky Swipe Weapons (72)The amount of Luck is affected by Amount and by low Luck.10850
  • Exclusive to Emergency Meeting
  • Starting weapon of Engineer Gino
  • Ignores Duration

Weapons (73)

Lifesign Scan Weapons (74)Restores HP based on Amount and Recovery.-840
  • Exclusive to Emergency Meeting
  • Starting weapon of Ghost Lino
  • Area affects other players
  • Ignores Might, Duration, and Speed
  • Getting Lifescan Sign to level 7

Weapons (75)

Just Vent Weapons (76)Destroys or heavily damages enemies. Amount affects how many times it can trigger.200850

Weapons (77)

Clear Debris Weapons (78)Generates projectile spawning zones that follow the player.10850

Weapons (79)

Sharp Tongue Weapons (80)Strikes enemies in front of you. Damage multiplied by Recovery.10850
  • Exclusive to Emergency Meeting
  • Starting weapon of Impostor Rina
  • Ignores Duration

Weapons (81)

Science Rocks Weapons (82)Generates zones that explode when touched by a player. Amount affects the number of explosion clusters.10850
  • Exclusive to Emergency Meeting
  • Starting weapon of Scientist Mina
  • Ignores Speed

Weapons (83)

Hats Weapons (84)Throws cute bouncing projectiles with random properties.1081
  • Exclusive to Emergency Meeting
  • Starting weapon of Horse
  • Unlocking Horse

Weapons (85)

Long Gun Weapons (86)Fires constantly in the faced direction.
  • Surviving 15 minutes with Bill

Weapons (87)

Short Gun Weapons (88)Fires bursts of decaying projectiles horizontally.
  • Surviving 15 minutes with Lance

Weapons (89)

Spread Shot Weapons (90)Fires in a wide spread in the faced direction.
  • Surviving 15 minutes with Ariana

Weapons (91)

C-U-Laser Weapons (92)Fires a piercing projectile in the faced direction.
  • Surviving 15 minutes with Lucia

Weapons (93)

Firearm Weapons (94)Fires spinning projectiles at the nearest enemy.
  • Surviving 15 minutes with Brad

Weapons (95)

Sonic Bloom Weapons (96)Fires growing projectiles in the faced direction.
  • Surviving 15 minutes with Browny

Weapons (97)

Homing Miss Weapons (98)Fires exploding projectiles that home in on enemies.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns
  • Starting weapon of Stanley
  • Surviving 15 minutes with Stanley

Weapons (99)

Diver Mines Weapons (100)Fires explosive projectiles that travel along walls.
  • Surviving 15 minutes with Newt

Weapons (101)

Blade Crossbow Weapons (102)Fires homing projectiles that spin in place when they hit.
  • Surviving 15 minutes with Sheena

Weapons (103)

Prism Lass Weapons (104)Has a small chance to freeze enemies.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns
  • Starting weapon of Probotector
  • Surviving 15 minutes with Probotector

Weapons (105)

Metal Claw Weapons (106)Cooldown is affected by missing health.
  • Surviving 15 minutes with Bahamut


Evolved weapons cannot be upgraded, only have one level, and have a rarity of 1 with the exception of Bi-Bracelet and Tri-Bracelet.

IconWeaponDescriptionBase damageEffectsUnlock requirements

Weapons (107)

Bloody TearEvolution of the whip. Can deal critical damage and absorb HP.40
  • Starting weapon of Minnah Mannarah
  • Ignores Duration and Speed
  • Scales with Luck

Weapons (108)

Holy WandEvolution of the Magic Wand. Fires with no delay.30
  • Starting weapon of Leda
  • Ignores Duration

Weapons (109)

Thousand EdgeEvolved Knife. Fires with no delay.16.5
  • Requires the Bracer for evolution

Weapons (110)

Death SpiralEvolved Axe. Passes through enemies.60

Weapons (111)

Heaven SwordEvolved Cross. Can do critical damage.77
  • Starting weapon of Gains Boros
  • Ignores Duration
  • Scales with Luck
  • Requires the Clover for evolution

Weapons (112)

Unholy VespersEvolved King Bible. Never Ends.30
  • Scales with all stat bonuses

Weapons (113)

HellfireEvolved Fire Wand. Passes through enemies.100
  • Ignores Duration

Weapons (114)

Soul EaterEvolved Garlic. Steals hearts. Power increases when recovering HP.20
  • Starting weapon of Peppino
  • Ignores Amount, Duration, and Speed

Weapons (115)

La BorraEvolved Santa water. Damaging zones follow you and grow when they move.30
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and MoveSpeed

Weapons (116)

NO FUTUREEvolved Runetracer. Explodes when bouncing and in retaliation.30
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and Armor
  • Requires Armor for evolution

Weapons (117)

Thunder LoopEvolved Lightning Ring. Projectiles strike twice.65
  • Ignores Duration and Speed

Weapons (118)

Gorgeous MoonEvolved Pentagram. Generates extra gems and gathers all of them.-
  • Ignores everything but Cooldown
  • Requires Crown for evolution

Weapons (119)

Vicious HungerEvolved Gatti Amari. Might turn anything into gold.30
  • Starting weapon of Sammy Weapons (120)
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and Luck

Weapons (121)

MannajjaEvolved Song of Mana. Might slow enemies down.40
  • Ignores Speed and Amount

Weapons (122)

Valkyrie TurnerEvolved Shadow Pinion. Bigger, longer, faster, stronger.35
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and MoveSpeed
  • Requires Wings for evolution

Weapons (123)

Infinite CorridorEvolved Clock Lancet. Halves enemies' health.-
  • Ignores Might, Speed, Amount, and Area

Weapons (124)

Crimson ShroudEvolved Laurel. Caps incoming damage at 10. Retaliates when losing charges.-
  • Ignores Speed, Duration, and Amount
  • Scales with Armor and Curse

Weapons (125)

Bi-BraceletFires three projectiles at a random enemy.30
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Has a rarity of 20 and a max level of 6
  • Does not require any passives for evolution

Weapons (126)

Tri-BraceletFires three projectiles at a random enemy.30
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Has a rarity of 20 and a max level of 6
  • Does not require any passives for evolution

Weapons (127)

Mazo FamiliarEvolved Pako Battiliar. Damage and Amount affected by Max Health.40

Weapons (128)

Ashes of MuspellEvolved Flames of Misspell. The more enemies are defeated, the stronger it grows.50
  • Scales with all stat bonuses

Weapons (129)

Celestial VoulgeEvolved Glass Fandango. Might deal critical damage and freeze enemies. Turns Orologions into Starry Heavens.20
  • Ignores Speed and Duration
  • Requires Wings for evolution

Weapons (130)

Seraphic CryEvolved Santa Javelin. Critical damage affected by Luck. Turns Rosaries into Weird Souls Purifiers.

Weapons (131)

PhotonstormEvolved Phas3r. Fires 2 to 5 times more projectiles depending on Luck.25
  • Ignores Speed and Duration

Weapons (132)

Anima of MortaccioEvolved Bone. Projectiles accelerate when bouncing.65
  • Scales with all stat bonuses

Weapons (133)

Yatta DaikarinEvolved Cherry Bomb. Generates extra explosions that can deal critical Luck based damage.20
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and Luck
  • Requires Chaos Rosalia and Level 80+ Cavallo for evolution
  • Acquired automatically when conditions are met

Weapons (134)

Profusione D'AmoreEvolved Celestial Dusting.10
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Requires Chaos Altemanna and Level 80+ O'Sole for evolution
  • Acquired automatically when conditions are met

Weapons (135)

Festive Winds Weapons (136)Evolved Silver Wind. Weakens enemies defenses.30
  • Requires Pummarola at max level for evolution

Weapons (137)

Godai Shuffle Weapons (138)Evolved Four Seasons. Generates an additional explosion.10
  • Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
  • Ignores Speed

Weapons (139)

Echo Night Weapons (140)Evolved Summon Night. Generates damaging zones below the character.30
  • Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
  • Ignores Speed

Weapons (141)

J'Odore Weapons (142)Evolved Mirage Robe. Projectiles move and confuse enemies.60
  • Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and Luck

Weapons (143)

Boo Roo Boolle Weapons (144)Evolved Mille Bolle Blu. Projectiles can hit the same target more than once.20
  • Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
  • Scales with all stat bonuses

Weapons (145)

Muramasa Weapons (146)Evolved Night Sword. Enables critical hits and combo finisher. Drains Health.80
  • Exclusive to Legacy of the Moonspell
  • Ignores Speed and Duration
  • Scales with Luck and Armor

Weapons (147)

Legionnaire Weapons (148)Evolved Eskizzibur. Generates additional projectiles that deal retaliatory damage.40
  • Requires Armor at max level for evolution

Weapons (149)

Millionaire Weapons (150)Evolved Flash Arrow. Fires additional projectiles based on Amount and when picking up gold coins.40
  • Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
  • Ignores Duration
  • Scales with Luck
  • Requires Bracer at max level for evolution

Weapons (151)

Luminaire Weapons (152)Evolved Prismatic Missile. Increases the value of gems and coins on the ground.25
  • Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
  • Ignores Duration and Speed
  • Requires Crown at max level for evolution

Weapons (153)

Ophion Weapons (154)Evolved Shadow Servant. Has a chance to instantly kill enemies.50
  • Exclusive to Tides of the Foscari
  • Ignores Speed
  • Scales with Luck

Weapons (155)

Emergency Meeting Weapons (156)Evolved Report! Occasionally destroys all of one type of enemy.45

Weapons (158)

Crossed Wires Weapons (159)Evolved Lucky Swipe. Attacks in up to four directions.40
  • Exclusive to Emergency Meeting
  • Ignores Duration

Weapons (161)

Paranormal Scan Weapons (162)Evolved Lifesign Scan. Periodically grants a random stat boost for the rest of the run.-
  • Exclusive to Emergency Meeting
  • Ignores Might, Speed, and Duration

Weapons (164)

Unjust Ejection Weapons (165)Evolved Just Vent. Sucks in enemies.100
  • Exclusive to Emergency Meeting
  • Ignores Speed

Weapons (167)

Clear Asteroids Weapons (168)Evolved Clear Debris. Amount creates cluster explosions.50
  • Exclusive to Emergency Meeting
  • Ignores Duration

Weapons (170)

Impostongue Weapons (171) Evolved Sharp Tongue. Deals high damage to the strongest enemy and anything in its path.45
  • Exclusive to Emergency Meeting
  • Ignores Duration

Weapons (173)

Rocket Science Weapons (174)Evolved Science Rocks. Triggers a finisher when the right conditions are met.20
  • Exclusive to Emergency Meeting
  • Ignores Speed

Weapons (176)

Prototype A Weapons (177)Evolved Long Gun. Calls forth 2 drones for support fire.

Weapons (179)

Prototype B Weapons (180)Evolved Short Gun. Calls forth 2 drones for support fire.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns

Weapons (183)

Prototype C Weapons (184)Evolved Spread Shot. Calls forth 2 drones for support fire.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns

Weapons (187)

Pronto Beam Weapons (188)Evolved C-U-Laser. Lasers split into multiple beams when they hit.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns

Weapons (191)

Fire-L3GS Weapons (192)Evolved Fire Arm. Fires again when destroying a light source or destructible item.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns

Weapons (195)

Wave Beam Weapons (196)Evolved Sonic Bloom. Charges up a more powerful auto-aimed blast when standing still.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns

Weapons (199)

Multistage Missiles Weapons (200)Evolved Homing Miss. Projectiles split into smaller ones when they hit.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns

Weapons (203)

Atmo-Torpedo Weapons (204)Evolved Diver Mines. Creates damaging zones that attract enemies.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns

Weapons (207)

BFC2000-AD Weapons (208)Evolved Blade Crossbow. Calls forth divine intervention with a Luck-based frequency.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns

Weapons (211)

Time Warp Weapons (212)Evolved Prism Lass. May freeze, slow down, or DeFang enemies.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns

Weapons (215)

Big Fuzzy Fist Weapons (216)Evolved Metal Claw. Pummels the most powerful enemies in sight.
  • Exclusive to Operation Guns


Union weapons are a unique type of evolution. They merge two weapons into one and free up a weapon slot. They may or not may need a passive item to be united.

IconWeaponDescriptionBase damage (level 1)EffectsUnlock requirements

Weapons (219)

VandalierUnion of Peachone and Ebony Wings.28
  • Starting weapon of Smith IV
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and MoveSpeed
  • Acquisition will free a weapon slot
  • Has two areas that orbit in both directions
  • Has a max level of 8
  • Requires both Peachone and Ebony Wings

Weapons (220)

PhieraggiUnion of Phiera Der Tuphello and Eight The Sparrow. Scales with Revivals.15
  • Ignores Duration
  • Scales with Revival
  • Acquisition will free a weapon slot
  • Requires Tirajisú for evolution and both Phiera Der Tuphello and Eight The Sparrow

Weapons (221)

FuwalafuwalooUnion of Vento Sacro and Bloody Tear. Critical hits might generate explosions20
  • Scales with all stat bonuses, MoveSpeed, and Luck
  • Requires both Vento Sacro and Bloody Tear

Weapons (222)

SpellStrom Weapons (223)Union of SpellString, SpellStream, and SpellStrike. Grows stronger after every singularity.15
  • Requires SpellString, SpellStream, and SpellStrike at max level for evolution


Gifts are extra weapons or passive items which can only be obtained via Treasure Chest when player meets certain conditions. Gifts do not replace the base weapon or passive item.

IconWeaponDescriptionBase damage (level 1)Max levelEffects

Weapons (224)

Sole SolutionGift of Victory Sword. The more enemies are defeated, the stronger it grows.10
  • Ignores everything but Might
  • Requires Torrona's Box at max level to obtain this gift

Weapons (225)

Super Candybox II TurboGift of Candybox. Allows to choose among a selection of advanced weapons.-
  • Has a rarity of 0.1
  • Rarity affected by Luck
  • Can turn into any evolved weapon
  • Does not require any passives to obtain this gift

Counterpart Weapons[]

Counterpart weapons cannot appear when leveling up. They are used as the counterpart of existing weapon when selecting the Gemini (I) Arcana.

IconWeaponDescriptionBase damage (level 1)Max levelEffects

Weapons (226)

CygnusBombards in a circular area.108
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Area orbits clockwise and slightly further around the player

Weapons (227)

Zhar PtytsiaBombards in a circular area.108
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Area orbits counterclockwise around the player

Weapons (228)

Red MuscleFires quickly in four fixed directions.58
  • Ignores Duration
  • Shooting angles align slightly closer to vertical

Weapons (229)

Twice Upon a TimeFires quickly in four fixed directions.58
  • Ignores Duration
  • Shooting angles align slightly closer to vertical

Weapons (230)

Flock DestroyerSummons capricious projectiles. Might interact with pickups.108
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and Luck
  • Cats have unique interaction with Pickups

Weapons (231)

Levelin'EhDuration affects Amount. Can deal critical damage.

Weapons (232)

Silver Sliver Weapons (233)Counterpart to Shadow Servant and Ophion from Arcana I - Gemini108
  • Scales with all stat bonuses and Luck

Weapons (234)

Party Pooper Weapons (235)Counterpart to Party Popper from Arcana I - Gemini108
  • Scales with all stat bonuses

Weapons (236)

Silver Tongue Weapons (237)Strikes enemies behind you. Damage multiplied by Recovery.108
  • Ignores Duration

Weapons (238)

Prism Damsel Weapons (239)Has a small chance to freeze enemies.

Special Weapons[]

Special weapons cannot appear when leveling up. They are used as the structure of an attack that is temporary or an effect. When they are used as an effect, they behave slightly differently compared to when they are modified to be actual weapons.

IconWeaponBase damageEffects

Weapons (240)

Nduja Fritta30
  • Scales with all stat bonuses
  • Duration affects both the NFT and the each individual flame
  • Area increases the growth rate of each flame

Weapons (241)

Dairy Cart100
  • Ignores Duration
  • Ignores Speed, Duration, Cooldown, and Amount as an effect
  • Does not bounce off the screen like Carréllo
  • Triggers when dealt enough damage.
  • Can kill Stalker, making it drops a Treasure Chest as an effect

Weapons (242)

Take Us Away200
  • Scales with all stat bonuses.
  • Gains bonus flat damage based on Area, Speed, and Duration.

Weapons (243)

Sarabande of Healing0
  • Ignores Might, Duration, and Speed
  • Ignores everything but Area as an effect
  • Deals damage equal to the amount healed as Arcana effect

Weapons (244)

Stained Glass130
  • Ignores Duration and Speed
  • Ignores Speed, Duration, Cooldown, and Amount as an effect
  • Triggers when dealt enough damage
  • Effect used by Game Killer (0),

Weapons (245)

Game Killer10
  • Ignores Duration
  • Ignores Duration, Cooldown, and Amount as an effect
  • Shoot out a placeholder piano that aims straight at the closest enemy similar to Magic Wand
  • Deals damage equal to the experience gem value, multiplied by Growth

Weapons (246)

Heart of Fire10
  • Ignores Duration and Speed
  • Ignores Speed, Duration, Cooldown, and Amount as an effect
  • Used by Gatti Amari when a cat consumes an NFT
  • Retaliatory explosion scales with Armor as Arcana effect
  • Deals damage equal to its base damage or half the highest weapons Base Damage as Arcana effect, triggered by hitting enemies, taking damage, and destroying Light sources.

Weapons (247)

Out of Bounds10
  • Ignores Duration and Speed
  • Ignores Duration, Speed, Cooldown, and Amount as an effect
  • Triggered by freezing enemies as Arcana effect,

Weapons (248)

Divine Bloodline0
  • Ignores Might, Area, Duration, and Speed
  • Ignores everything but Armor and deals contact damage as Arcana effect

Weapons (249)

Blood Astronomia5
  • Ignores Area, Duration, and Speed
  • Scales with Magnet
  • Ignores Area, Duration, and Speed as Arcana effect

Weapons (250)

Insatiable Weapons (251)10


External links[]

Weapons (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.