Wallet recovery using Bitcoin Core (2024)

Nunchuk is built on open tools and standards. That means you can recover your Nunchuk wallets using other freely available software.

This guide shows you how to recover a Nunchuk wallet using Bitcoin Core.

Table of contents

  • Overview
  • Step 1: Download, install, and sync Bitcoin Core
  • Step 2: Download BIP39-Master Key conversion tool
  • Step 3: Extract the master keys
  • Step 4: Construct the wallet descriptors
  • Step 5: Recover your wallet
  • Step 6: Spend from the wallet
  • Step 7: Clean up


What you need:

  • The seed phrase(s) for your key(s)
  • The wallet configuration file
  • Bitcoin Core
  • BIP39 conversion tool

The number of seed phrases you will need is equal to the number of signatures required to spend from the wallet. For examples: for a singlesig wallet, you will need exactly 1 seed phrase; for a 2-of-3 multisig wallet, you will need 2 seed phrases.

Seed phrases are backups for your keys. They are defined in BIP-0039.

The wallet configuration file contains important information on how your wallet is constructed. It is defined in BIP-0129.

For simplicity, this is a “clean slate” recovery. It assumes that the user has nothing other than the seed phrases and the wallet configuration file.

Any key that has a passphrase must be recovered using both the seed phrase and the passphrase.

Step 1: Download, install, and sync Bitcoin Core

Download Bitcoin Core from https://bitcoincore.org. Verify the release using the provided signatures.

Alternatively, you can build Core manually, following the instructions at: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/tree/master/doc.

Add bitcoind and bitcoin-cli executables to your environment.

Sync a full node:

⟩ bitcoind -daemon # Starts the bitcoin daemon, syncing will begin

Depending on your bandwidth, a full node could take up to a couple of days to sync.

2: Download BIP39-Master Key conversion tool

Download the offline BIP39 conversion tool at: https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/releases. Verify the release using the provided signatures.

Alternatively, you can compile it manually.

Open the bip39-standalone.html file in a browser by double-clicking it.

Make sure to use the offline version and never the online version at https://iancoleman.io/bip39. Using the online version can leak your private keys.

Step 3: Extract the master keys

For each of your seed phrases, extract the master extended private key (master XPRIV) by doing the following:

  • Set the BIP39 Mnemonic to your seed phrase
  • Input the passphrase if you have one
  • Make sure Coin is BTC - Bitcoin
  • Note down your master key under BIP32 Root Key

The reason we need to convert BIP39 seed phrases into master keys is because Bitcoin Core does not support BIP39 seed phrases.

Example seed phrase:

genuine orange asset ostrich foot catalog warm audit decrease educate clip early hen canyon elevator turkey obscure village napkin insane flat pencil alley siren

Corresponding master XPRIV:


Wallet recovery using Bitcoin Core (1)

Step 4: Construct the wallet descriptors

Open the wallet configuration file (.bsms).

For example, here is a BSMS file. The descriptor template can be found on the second line:

BSMS 1.0wsh(sortedmulti(1,[6b7c8e84/48'/1'/1']tpubDDnhmLtGvcXQwi4gGhKKTxQeXVXPjivpfWT9aiZ3VENrRTrzMLj4xymfisG18eVshwovyD9Z1zeqBoB8n7VhXaJkHj6yw3ib8BjAaMViDwU/**,[721143dc/48'/1'/2']tpubDD2nPnKDRg6NwikecMFyzPZRSBAKjR2FzcSe46mxWBByShLYwQ19zKpFPL8oMuuwibHXNfuRSknD22xWs7rqf9FShjm8d5SzNNTNpx3Z3kM/**))/0/*,/1/*tb1q5wvvjtmpaqpdjt669h2zfd5uvhm47kv8l049xqxpwfu24u9smu8sy72m8k

Output descriptors, or descriptors for short, are strings that contain all the information necessary to track a wallet’s addresses and transactions.

For each of the master keys extracted in step 3, we will need to identify the corresponding XPUB and replace the XPUB with the master XPRIV.

We see that the XPUBs in the template have the following derivation paths:


Now, using the offline BIP39 conversion tool, under the Derivation Path section, choose BIP32. For each master key in step 3, enter one of the derivation paths above and see whether the resulting XPUB matches with one of the XPUBs in the descriptor template.

We see that the XPRIV that we noted down in step 3 corresponds to this XPUB:


Wallet recovery using Bitcoin Core (2)

Now for the XPUB in question: replace the master key fingerprint 6b7c8e84 with the XPRIV, remove the outside brackets [], replace the /** string with the receive derivation path (i.e., /0/*). Finally replace all ' with h within the template. We will get this new descriptor for receive addresses:


Use bitcoin-cli to calculate the descriptor checksum (#nvk258vn):

⟩ bitcoin-cli getdescriptorinfo 'wsh(sortedmulti(1,tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdppqwh6vooJ1Du7JdgkXwbp3tvGdwYE58rdVe2Q7sdjiiH7mcanBgkVX9vgNBNzcbZx35fSBK3B6Z19yK2gwh1WDhqfPmgr/48h/1h/1h/0/*,[721143dc/48h/1h/2h]tpubDD2nPnKDRg6NwikecMFyzPZRSBAKjR2FzcSe46mxWBByShLYwQ19zKpFPL8oMuuwibHXNfuRSknD22xWs7rqf9FShjm8d5SzNNTNpx3Z3kM/0/*))'{ "descriptor": "wsh(sortedmulti(1,tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4XHrdqLmXDCx7nvdEo1wSWuQqBSJwMp2TyLtGGRDi48MatS3GxxnGr4ZUjtm2PCZEQ7A3H9gYSdZHDtMb2npk2ffDSxbF7yd/48'/1'/1'/0/*,[721143dc/48'/1'/2']tpubDD2nPnKDRg6NwikecMFyzPZRSBAKjR2FzcSe46mxWBByShLYwQ19zKpFPL8oMuuwibHXNfuRSknD22xWs7rqf9FShjm8d5SzNNTNpx3Z3kM/0/*))#m727lrwf", "checksum": "nvk258vn", "isrange": true, "issolvable": true, "hasprivatekeys": true}

Repeat one more time to get the change addresses descriptor (/1/*) and its checksum (#sdw5dkct):

⟩ bitcoin-cli getdescriptorinfo 'wsh(sortedmulti(1,tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdppqwh6vooJ1Du7JdgkXwbp3tvGdwYE58rdVe2Q7sdjiiH7mcanBgkVX9vgNBNzcbZx35fSBK3B6Z19yK2gwh1WDhqfPmgr/48h/1h/1h/1/*,[721143dc/48h/1h/2h]tpubDD2nPnKDRg6NwikecMFyzPZRSBAKjR2FzcSe46mxWBByShLYwQ19zKpFPL8oMuuwibHXNfuRSknD22xWs7rqf9FShjm8d5SzNNTNpx3Z3kM/1/*))'{ "descriptor": "wsh(sortedmulti(1,tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4XHrdqLmXDCx7nvdEo1wSWuQqBSJwMp2TyLtGGRDi48MatS3GxxnGr4ZUjtm2PCZEQ7A3H9gYSdZHDtMb2npk2ffDSxbF7yd/48'/1'/1'/1/*,[721143dc/48'/1'/2']tpubDD2nPnKDRg6NwikecMFyzPZRSBAKjR2FzcSe46mxWBByShLYwQ19zKpFPL8oMuuwibHXNfuRSknD22xWs7rqf9FShjm8d5SzNNTNpx3Z3kM/1/*))#cljqxj63", "checksum": "sdw5dkct", "isrange": true, "issolvable": true, "hasprivatekeys": true}

Step 5: Recover your wallet

Create a new descriptor wallet:

⟩ bitcoin-cli createwallet my_recovered_wallet false false "" false true { "name": "my_recovered_wallet", "warning": "Empty string given as passphrase, wallet will not be encrypted.\nWallet is an experimental descriptor wallet"}

Import the receive & change descriptors into the wallet:

⟩ bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=my_recovered_wallet importdescriptors '[{ "desc": "wsh(sortedmulti(1,tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdppqwh6vooJ1Du7JdgkXwbp3tvGdwYE58rdVe2Q7sdjiiH7mcanBgkVX9vgNBNzcbZx35fSBK3B6Z19yK2gwh1WDhqfPmgr/48h/1h/1h/0/*,[721143dc/48h/1h/2h]tpubDD2nPnKDRg6NwikecMFyzPZRSBAKjR2FzcSe46mxWBByShLYwQ19zKpFPL8oMuuwibHXNfuRSknD22xWs7rqf9FShjm8d5SzNNTNpx3Z3kM/0/*))#nvk258vn", "active":true, "timestamp": 0, "internal": false, "range": 1000 }, { "desc": "wsh(sortedmulti(1,tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdppqwh6vooJ1Du7JdgkXwbp3tvGdwYE58rdVe2Q7sdjiiH7mcanBgkVX9vgNBNzcbZx35fSBK3B6Z19yK2gwh1WDhqfPmgr/48h/1h/1h/1/*,[721143dc/48h/1h/2h]tpubDD2nPnKDRg6NwikecMFyzPZRSBAKjR2FzcSe46mxWBByShLYwQ19zKpFPL8oMuuwibHXNfuRSknD22xWs7rqf9FShjm8d5SzNNTNpx3Z3kM/1/*))#sdw5dkct", "active":true, "timestamp": 0, "internal": true, "range": 1000 }]'[ { "success": true, "warnings": [ "Not all private keys provided. Some wallet functionality may return unexpected errors" ] }, { "success": true, "warnings": [ "Not all private keys provided. Some wallet functionality may return unexpected errors" ] }]

importdescriptors() will trigger a chain rescan to identify transactions in the wallet, which can take a long time. If you want to hasten this process, you can replace the import timestamp with a more recent timestamp (e.g. the wallet creation timestamp).

Check the wallet balance and make sure that the rescan has finished (“scanning”: false) before moving on to the next step:

⟩ bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=my_recovered_wallet getwalletinfo{ "walletname": "my_recovered_wallet", "walletversion": 169900, "format": "sqlite", "balance": 0.00088825, "unconfirmed_balance": 0.00000000, "immature_balance": 0.00000000, "txcount": 4, "keypoolsize": 3000, "keypoolsize_hd_internal": 3000, "paytxfee": 0.00000000, "private_keys_enabled": true, "avoid_reuse": false, "scanning": false, "descriptors": true}

Step 6: Spend from the wallet

Create a Send PSBT, using a custom fee rate (2 sat/vB):

⟩ bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=my_recovered_wallet walletcreatefundedpsbt '[]' '{"tb1qy5l5ar3ue8xnz2zh65ntr7pvr4yqy3a5q277q7":0.00021}' 0 '{"fee_rate": 2}'{ "psbt": "cHNidP8BAH0CAAAAAT+hZVOO8niMbYnFXi1DprM2JQ2lw+SmztIPkk/LGgG8AQAAAAD9////AghSAAAAAAAAFgAUJT9OjjzJzTEoV9UmsfgsHUgCR7SF5AAAAAAAACIAIFuIRGp4N363BX/k00zXOlETDbpHJIWCNtOajd8yS4/NAAAAAAABAIkCAAAAAWkNb43bZJJ0psi+CfHHrZ3GQqgA4aNThtc85ci4yndWAQAAAAD9////AiBOAAAAAAAAIgAg3AUi2nPWUQARczY1jGmPpcpCfWgohEcMG2BWkuy+RTDRNwEAAAAAACIAICMKUFmOByMYYYyxInePfKg4wU49hSSYz5F7O54/fE3IAAAAAAEBK9E3AQAAAAAAIgAgIwpQWY4HIxhhjLEid498qDjBTj2FJJjPkXs7nj98TcgBBUdRIQKVukmo54vqwyEJibOp7VTnt8Abhn7eYR30KmY2diXzoCEDsfcAGXsFnBZ73BtU/W41TCGuyFKoBRRocWERulR9lt1SriIGApW6Sajni+rDIQmJs6ntVOe3wBuGft5hHfQqZjZ2JfOgGGt8joQwAACAAQAAgAEAAIABAAAAAAAAACIGA7H3ABl7BZwWe9wbVP1uNUwhrshSqAUUaHFhEbpUfZbdGHIRQ9wwAACAAQAAgAIAAIABAAAAAAAAAAAAAQFHUSEDeR2B9muPlujQeSzqCUT+MK7k+BMOAa6m+XdOrPdIPjQhA7bMSGL6KrzJDq3oy+NrWJj6jDZP9lwOVXTBx0ey5jBZUq4iAgN5HYH2a4+W6NB5LOoJRP4wruT4Ew4Brqb5d06s90g+NBhrfI6EMAAAgAEAAIABAACAAQAAAAIAAAAiAgO2zEhi+iq8yQ6t6Mvja1iY+ow2T/ZcDlV0wcdHsuYwWRhyEUPcMAAAgAEAAIACAACAAQAAAAIAAAAA", "fee": 0.00000324, "changepos": 1}

PSBT stands for Partially-Signed Bitcoin Transaction. It is defined in BIP-0174.

If you want to drain the wallet, make sure that the send amount is equal to the wallet balance, and set the “subtractFeeFromOutputs” option to include one or more outputs.

⟩ bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=my_recovered_wallet walletcreatefundedpsbt '[]' '{"tb1qy5l5ar3ue8xnz2zh65ntr7pvr4yqy3a5q277q7":0.00088825}' 0 '{"fee_rate": 2, "subtractFeeFromOutputs":[0]}'

Sign the PSBT:


If the transaction has enough signatures, it will say “complete”: true.

Finalize the PSBT:

⟩ bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=my_recovered_wallet finalizepsbt "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"{ "hex": "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", "complete": true}

Broadcast the raw transaction to the network:

⟩ bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=my_recovered_wallet sendrawtransaction "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"b91276af8b6f5ede632aadfb87bf8a9209a43d0a030396cd0c4629a1ec92b87a

This guide can be easily adjusted for collaborative wallets. Similar to our other recovery guide, each member of the collaborative wallet will need to sync their own full node, extract their master key(s) from their seed phrase(s), and create their own Core descriptor wallet. They would also need to exchange PSBTs out-of-band and individually sign using the walletprocesspsbt RPC command.

Step 7: Clean up

To wipe all data used during the recovery process, open your Core datadir and find the wallet folder inside. It should have the same name as the wallet and contain a wallet.dat file.

Delete the wallet folder and empty it from the Trash bin.

Wallet recovery using Bitcoin Core (2024)


How do I recover my Bitcoin Core wallet passphrase? ›

Recovering your Bitcoin Core password

Bitcoin Core is a self-custody wallet, therefore there is no company or entity that holds your password for you and can help you 'reset' your password. You will either have to remember your password or recover it using specialized tools that can help you brute force your password.

Can I use Bitcoin Core as wallet? ›

Bitcoin Core has a built in wallet with graphical and command line/API modes. It can also simultaneously support multiple lightweight wallets with similar security and privacy to its built-in wallet.

How do I recover my Bitcoin wallet without seed phrase? ›

How to recover a crypto wallet without a seed phrase
  1. Contact wallet software support: Reach out to your wallet provider's customer support. ...
  2. Check for backups: Look through your cloud storage, external hard drives and any physical notes for copies of your wallet information.
Aug 20, 2024

Can a Bitcoin wallet be recovered? ›

Open the Wallet App: Select the option to restore or import a wallet. Enter the Seed Phrase: Input the seed phrase exactly as it was provided, with each word in the correct order. Complete the Setup: Follow any additional prompts to finish restoring your wallet.

Where are Bitcoin Core wallets stored? ›

The data directory is the location where Bitcoin's data files are stored, including the wallet data file.

Is Bitcoin Core legit? ›

Bitcoin Core is the main implementation of Bitcoin's software, meaning it defines the protocol and acts as a standard for the network as a whole. It is the original and most widely used Bitcoin client by an estimated 97% of the network.

Can you convert core to Bitcoin? ›

The current value of 1 CORE is 0.0000181 BTC. Inversely, 1.00 BTC would allow you to trade for 55 306.313 CORE, not including platform or gas fees. In the last 7 days, the exchange rate has decreased by -14.58%. Meanwhile, in the last 24 hours, the rate has changed by -5.09%.

Should I use Bitcoin Core? ›

Bitcoin Core gives you increased security and privacy at a cost. You need to take responsibility for the security of your bitcoins, meet higher minimum system requirements, and beware of some possible problems.

How do I get my 12-word recovery phrase? ›

If you forgot to write down your backup phrase you can always access it within the wallet. You just need to enter the wallet with your password. Then go to the Settings tab and find Private Keys. View your phrase and save it in a safe place.

Who can help me recover my Bitcoin? ›

ReWallet specializes in recovering access to crypto wallets on a success-based fee model, meaning clients only pay if recovery is successful. Their team of experts has extensive experience, having assisted hundreds of clients. ReWallet stands out for its comprehensive approach and dedication to client satisfaction.

What happens if you lose your crypto recovery phrase? ›

Here's what will happens: Lost access to funds: The recovery phrase is essentially the key that grants you access to your cryptocurrency holdings on the Ledger. Without it, you cannot access your funds.

How do I get bitcoins out of my Bitcoin wallet? ›

Use an exchange to sell crypto

One of the easiest ways to cash out your cryptocurrency or Bitcoin is to use a centralized exchange such as Coinbase. Coinbase has an easy-to-use “buy/sell” button and you can choose which cryptocurrency you want to sell and the amount.

How do I get my money back from Bitcoin wallet? ›

A: To transfer Bitcoin to a bank account, sell your Bitcoin on a crypto exchange for fiat currency. Link your bank account to the exchange, complete identity verification, and then withdraw the fiat cash to your bank account. Withdrawal times and fees vary depending on the exchange.

How do I import old Bitcoin Core wallet? ›

  1. download latest version of bitcoin core on new laptop.
  2. use USB to transfer wallet.dat file to new laptop.
  3. open new verison of bitcoin core with the wallet.dat file.
  4. dump the private keys from the wallet.
  5. import those private keys into a new wallet.
Mar 7, 2024

How to backup Bitcoin Core wallet? ›

Follow these four steps to save your software wallet to the cloud.
  1. Export Your Private Keys. In the wallet you want to export, click “wallet” to open a dropdown menu, choose “private keys” and then select “export.”
  2. Set the File Path. ...
  3. Find the Wallet Backup File. ...
  4. Move the File to Somewhere Safe.
Feb 18, 2024

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.