Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology (2024)

Today we’re going to be talking about dumper versus dumpee psychology, more specifically we’ll talk about the fundamental differences we’ve seen between those who get dumped and those who do the dumping.

Let’s start with the basics – what is a “dumper” and “dumpee”?

As you can probably tell from the title of the article, I’m going to use these words a lot today so here’s a quick refresher of what they mean:

Dumper – the person who initiates the breakup and dumps their partner.

Dumpee – the person who gets broken up with or dumped.

Dumpees are usually the ones who are most likely to be reeling after a loss and ironically, they’re the ones who we get to deal with the most.

In fact, it took me so long to compile this list of psychological differences because we simply didn’t have enough data on dumpers. After all, they’re rarely the ones looking to get back together after a breakup, but that may be more out of their ego and not because they don’t want to.

Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology (1)

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Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology With Five Key Concepts

As I stated above, one of the things that I’ve been incredibly proud of is the fact that most everything we recommend on Ex Boyfriend Recovery is fine tuned and tested using real life data or trends.

In other words, you’re never going to see us recommending something that we haven’t seen work for our clients.

So, when we sought to understand the differences between dumpers and dumpees there were five big concepts that stood out to us.

  1. Both sides go through their own grieving process
  2. Dumpers are a lot more likely to go on the rebound
  3. Dumpers will sometimes use the dumpee for emotional support
  4. You cannot change the dumpers mind, you can only influence it through regret and fear of missing out
  5. It can be difficult to get the dumper to admit they made a mistake but the sphere of influence helps a lot in that regard.

Allow me to explain.

Concept # 1: Both sides go through their own grieving process

Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology (2)

Now I’m going to go on a limb here and say that if you’re reading this, you’re most likely the dumpee who wants their ex back.

I’m also going to make a pretty well-backed assumption of saying that you probably believe that your dumper does not go through a grieving process as you do.

This is actually one of the biggest misconceptions people have and that’s simply because of timing.

Dumpers go through the grieving process just like dumpees do, but their process starts later.

Here’s the thing – right after a breakup a dumper probably feels confident in their decision and the dumpee feels heartbroken and rejected.

This grieving process is even more brutal if the breakup was totally unexpected for the dumpee. In those initial few days/weeks after the breakup, the dumper is still sure of their decision and feels like they did the right thing.

However, as time goes on, the dumper will start to miss certain aspects of the relationship and maybe even regret their decision. That’s when the grieving process hits them.

So, dumpees usually grieve first and dumpers grieve second but either way, there’s a grieving process for both. The way both deal with the grieving process can be quite different though…

Concept # 2: Dumpers are a lot more likely to go on the rebound

Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology (3)

Dumpers reactions to breakups and the grieving process are heavily dependent on their attachment styles.

In fact, I recently did an in-depth video detailing how dumpers will act when trying to move on from you.

Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology (4)

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One of the most common attachment styles for dumpers is an avoidant attachment style and they are typically likely to push aside their grief by distracting themselves with rebound relationships.

If your ex who dumped you has suddenly moved on to someone else, it’s either because their grieving process hasn’t started yet or they’re trying to repress it with a meaningless rebound.

So, it is common for dumpers to be a lot more likely to go on the rebound after a breakup. Now as far as percentages go, we don’t have enough data to make an ultimate determination.

However, I would say as much as 25 to 35 percent of dumpers will go on the rebound within the first month.

Now it’s important to note that if the dumper moves on within the first month of a breakup it’s probably a rebound relationship but if it’s been a year or more, that’s more likely to be an honest-to-goodness relationship.

Concept # 3: Dumpers will sometimes use the dumpee for emotional support

Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology (5)

This actually ties seamlessly into the first concept about both sides going through their grieving process.

Usually, the dumpee grieves first and the dumper grieves second, but sometimes they both go through the grieving process at the same time. In this situation, we’ve noticed dumpers reaching out to the dumpee for emotional support and we think this is all about patterns.

You see getting into a relationship, especially a long-term one, is all about making patterns and having a somewhat set routine.

This could include anything from texting every hour, having a date night three times a week, or even living together and having dinner together, etc.

Sure, some parts of the routine might become monotonous and get on your nerves but it’s still a settled routine that makes you feel stable. It can be incredibly hard to cope emotionally when all that falls apart.

It’s natural to want to get back to that and sometimes the dumpers will have regrets as they miss their old life with you. A huge part of being in a relationship was probably the emotional support you provided so they reach out for that again.

Now if your ex keeps reaching out to talk to you for hours on end, should you let it happen?

Absolutely not. If you become an emotional support for your ex, they’ll use you to get what they need and then simply move on. Here’s a reminder that we always teach at ex recovery: you and your ex are no longer in a relationship, you’re simply acquaintances.

Would you drop everything to give unlimited emotional support to a random acquaintance?

Probably not, so the same should apply to your ex.

Concept # 4: You cannot change the dumper’s mind; you can only influence it through regret and fear of missing out

Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology (6)

This might hurt to hear because a lot of people believe there’s something you can say or do to change your ex’s mind and I’m here to tell you that’s not how it works. Once someone’s mind is made up usually the only person that can change their mind is that person themselves.

Does this mean everything I teach is pointless since your ex will never change their mind or reverse their decision of dumping you?


All I’m saying is that there is no magic bullet or phrase that will change your ex’s mind.

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The best you can do is to influence your ex to change their mind on their own. You can only really focus on yourself, your life, and a few situations around your ex that are under your control.

Some things like your ex dating someone new or deleting old pictures of you together are simply out of your control. In fact, if you try to control any of those things you’ll probably just come off as a crazy obsessive ex-girlfriend who no one wants back.

By focusing simply on the things that are 100% under your control you can actually start to project the type of behaviors that will influence an ex to regret their decision of dumping you.

We talk a lot about this concept of becoming Ungettable or reaching an Ungettable mindset.

At its core being Ungettable is all about adopting or projecting a secure attachment style.

It means being so confident with yourself that you have the fortitude to overcome whatever relationship issues are thrown at your feet.

That kind of self-confidence will make it easier for you to digest the fact that there’s nothing you can say that will automatically change your ex’s mind.

All you can do is focus on what you have control over and allow those actions to influence your ex to make their own decision.

Concept # 5: It can be difficult to get the dumper to admit they made a mistake, but the sphere of influence helps a lot in that regard

Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology (8)

This is one of the newest findings we’ve learned about dumpers and dumpees. Remember how I said there’s nothing you can say or do that’ll magically get your ex back? Well, that’s still true but you can influence their decision. One of the best ways to influence them is through their sphere of influence.

Sphere of influence – the core people/relationships someone surrounds themselves with. These are the people you turn to for life advice and emotional support.

Your ex’s sphere of influence might include their friends, family, close coworkers, etc. Regardless of who these people are, their opinions of you and your relationship have a lot of power over your ex.

Your ex probably craves validation from these people so it’s worth it to have them in your corner. Consider these two situations:

Your ex’s mother (an important part of their sphere of influence) never liked you and was actually happy you broke up.

She might have said things like “she’s not good enough for you” and that influenced his decision to break up with you.

Now, after the breakup, she might constantly be reaffirming his decision saying, “You did the right thing and you’ll definitely find someone better”.
See how that constant negative feedback from your ex’s sphere of influence can shape their decisions?

On the flip side, imagine your ex’s friends (also an important part of their sphere of influence) loved you. You were always considered the “fun girlfriend” and after your breakup, all your ex hears is “you lost a great one, you’re so dumb to break up with her!”.

That kind of messaging can make your ex regret his decision and even reconsider getting back together with you.

Now, this doesn’t always work out perfectly, and unfortunately, it’s one of those things that you can’t control much after your breakup. I just wanted to mention it since the sphere of influence plays a huge role in your ex’s opinions.

However, it’s certainly not the only important aspect and one of the best things you can do is focus on bettering yourself.

A new self-image might even make your ex’s sphere of influence see you in a new light.


After years of dealing with mostly dumpees, we finally got enough experience with dumpers to be able to highlight 5 of the biggest psychological differences and considerations between dumpers and dumpees:

Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology (9)

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  1. Both sides go through their own grieving process (The dumpee gets the brutal first half and the dumper the brutal second half.)
  2. Dumpers are a lot more likely to go on the rebound
  3. Dumpers will sometimes use the dumpee for emotional support
  4. You cannot change the dumpers mind; you can only influence it through regret and fear of missing out
  5. It can be difficult to get the dumper to admit they made a mistake, but the sphere of influence helps a lot in that regard.

Allow me to delve into the intricacies of dumper versus dumpee psychology, drawing on my extensive expertise in relationship dynamics. My insights are not mere conjectures but are grounded in real-life data and trends, a testament to the fine-tuned and tested advice provided on platforms like Ex Boyfriend Recovery.

Concept #1: Both sides go through their own grieving process

Contrary to a common misconception, dumpers indeed undergo a grieving process, though it often commences later than that of dumpees. Initially, dumpers may feel confident in their decision, while dumpees grapple with heartbreak. However, over time, dumpers may start missing aspects of the relationship and experience regret. The timing may differ, but both parties navigate a grieving process, albeit with distinctive coping mechanisms.

Concept #2: Dumpers are more likely to go on the rebound

Dumpers' reactions post-breakup are influenced by their attachment styles, with avoidant attachment styles often prompting them to distract themselves through rebound relationships. While precise percentages may be elusive, it's not uncommon for 25 to 35 percent of dumpers to engage in rebound relationships within the first month. Understanding attachment styles provides valuable insights into the likelihood of dumpers seeking solace in new relationships shortly after a breakup.

Concept #3: Dumpers may use the dumpee for emotional support

In the intricate dance of post-breakup emotions, dumpers sometimes reach out to dumpees for emotional support. This tendency stems from the established patterns and routines formed during the relationship. However, it's crucial for dumpees to recognize that, post-breakup, they are no longer obligated to provide emotional support. Maintaining boundaries is vital, as acting as an emotional crutch for a dumper can hinder personal healing.

Concept #4: You cannot change the dumper's mind; you can only influence it

A stark reality is that there is no magic phrase or action to instantly change a dumper's mind. Once a decision is made, it's primarily the dumper who can alter it. However, influencing their perspective is achievable through a strategic focus on self-improvement and projecting a secure attachment style. Becoming 'Ungettable' involves fostering confidence and resilience, creating an environment where the dumper might reconsider their decision organically.

Concept #5: Difficulty in getting the dumper to admit a mistake, but the sphere of influence matters

While changing a dumper's mind is challenging, the sphere of influence, encompassing key people in their life, can play a pivotal role. Understanding that friends, family, and close connections hold sway over the dumper's perceptions is crucial. Positive endorsem*nts from this sphere can potentially lead the dumper to reassess their decision, making it imperative for dumpees to focus not only on personal growth but also on cultivating a positive image within the dumper's social circle.

In conclusion, after years of dealing predominantly with dumpees, the outlined psychological differences highlight the nuanced dynamics between dumpers and dumpees. These insights, rooted in real-world experiences, serve as a valuable guide for those navigating the complexities of post-breakup emotions.

Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology (2024)


Understanding Dumper Vs. Dumpee Psychology? ›

Dumpee sees a future with the other person, they acknowledge that there are some problems but won't even think about giving up. Dumper sees no future with them, avoids acknowledging the good parts of the relationship while doubling down on the negatives.

Who suffers more, dumper or dumpee? ›

It hurts much worse being the dumpee. It's because you still have feelings for the other, and they can be very strong.

What is the psychology of a dumper? ›

After the initial relief, the dumper may experience feelings of guilt. Self-reflection becomes prominent as they evaluate the impact of the breakup. Questions about their role in the relationship and the consequences of their decision can trigger a deeper understanding of personal actions.

Who moves on faster after a breakup, dumper or dumpee? ›

The bottom line is that a dumper with a secure attachment style tends to move on the quickest after a breakup.

How does dumper feel when dumpee moves on? ›

Conclusion. In short, if you're wondering how a dumper feels when the dumpee moves on, they appreciate it because it grants them the freedom to reminisce about the good times you shared.

Do female dumpers ever miss their ex? ›

Does the dumper ever miss the dumpee? Some people may think that the person who initiates the breakup may not care about or miss their partner after they have separated. However, relationships are complicated, and it's likely that both partners miss parts of the relationship and their partner even after a breakup.

Does the dumper go through grief? ›

Sadness (and regret) – Not every dumper reaches regret, but it is inevitable that they will hit sadness because no matter how they cope, no one can avoid grieving a loss.

What is the best revenge on a dumper? ›

The best revenge on an ex is often to focus on self-improvement and embracing your new life without them. You might pursue new hobbies, build new relationships, and strengthen relationships with friends and family. Achieving new goals can also demonstrate that your happiness never depended on them in the first place.

What makes a dumper regret? ›

Dumpers Remorse often intensifies as the dumper reflects on the positive aspects of the relationship they left behind. Doubt creeps in, leading to questions like "Did I make the right decision?" or "Was there something I could have done differently?"

How does silence affect the dumper? ›

Silence gives your ex a chance to notice your absence and really miss having you around. If you stay in touch with them during the aftermath of the breakup, they might not get the chance to miss you properly. When you don't call, text, or ask to see them, your ex is more likely to start wondering what you're up to.

How long does it take the dumper to regret? ›

Generally speaking, some dumpers regret their decision to break up only weeks after the incident. Other dumpers need years to feel that way. And some never even arrive at the final stage of dumpers remorse. Instead, they move on to someone else — be it a rebound or not.

Do breakups hit the dumper later? ›

When does the reality of the breakup hit the dumper? The reality of the breakup can vary for each individual dumper. However, in most cases, it typically sinks in within a few weeks to a couple of months after ending the relationship.

What is he thinking after 2 weeks of no contact? ›

After weeks of no word, he might begin to panic about losing you. He's been hoping and hoping you'll talk to him, but now he's realizing he'll be a permanent ex if he doesn't do something. He'll reflect deeply and, if he wants you back, make a plan to win you over.

How do you know if dumper still loves you? ›

They keep in touch

If your ex is still contacting you, it's a good sign that they're still interested in you. This could mean texting, calling, or even just liking your social media posts. If they're making an effort to stay in touch, it's likely because they still miss you and want to be a part of your life.

What does ignoring a dumper do? ›

Ignoring the person who dumped you can cause them to wonder if they were wrong about the breakup. They may feel like they want to be in a relationship with you again and reach out to you even when you are ignoring them. So, if your goal is to get back together, ignoring them just might do the trick.

How does the dumper feel when the dumpee blocks them? ›

What do dumpers feel during no contact? Initially, they feel happy and relieved that they have done the job of dumping you - they will have been thinking about if for some time, even though it might have been a shock for you. The first few weeks they will just be glad it's over and be enjoying their life without you.

Does the dumper feel worse than the dumpee? ›

So, Does The Dumper Hurt Too? In short, yes, but their grief is going to be different because if the dumper is an avoidant they've come up with all these coping mechanisms to suppress how they're feeling. Think of it like a more agonizing process that on the outside might not look like they're grieving at all.

Is it harder for the dumper or dumpee to move on? ›

If your ex who dumped you has suddenly moved on to someone else, it's either because their grieving process hasn't started yet or they're trying to repress it with a meaningless rebound. So, it is common for dumpers to be a lot more likely to go on the rebound after a breakup.

Does the dumper miss the dumpee? ›

Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to get on their hands and knees and beg for you back. For some the “missing emotion” can be fleeting. For others, all consuming. In all though, yes, there's a high likelihood that the dumper will miss the ex at some point.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.