Tron (2024)

I fight for the Users.
~ Tron

Tronis the titular deuteragonist of the TRON franchise.

He is thedeuteragonist of the 1982 film Tron, the secondary antagonist of its 2010 sequel, Tron: Legacy, and the titular deuteragonist of the 2012 animated series, Tron: Uprising.

Heis a security program, created by his user, Alan Bradley, whom he resembles physically, at one point leading a digitized Kevin Flynn to believe that Tron was Alan himself. InTron: Legacy, he was reprogrammed by "CLU" and transformed into the evil enforcer Rinzler. Tron also was a major character in Tron: Uprising, mentoring Beck for his rebellion, and to the latter be his successor.

In all installments and other crossovers, he has been portrayed and voiced by Bruce Boxleitner, who also portrayed user Alan Bradley, and John Sheridan in Babylon 5.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 TRON
      • 1.1.1 1980-1982
    • 1.2 BetweenTronandTron: Legacy
      • 1.2.1 1983-1988
      • 1.2.2 1989
    • 1.3 Tron: Uprising
    • 1.4 Tron: Legacy
      • 1.4.1 2010
  • 2 Kingdom Hearts II
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Skills and abilities
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 External links
  • 8 Navigation




Well, it's called Tron. It's a security program itself, actually. It monitors all contacts between our system and other systems. It finds anything going on that's not scheduled, it shuts it down.
~ Alan Bradley

A prototype of "Tron" was completed in January1980byENCOMprogrammer Alan Bradley as a self-monitoring security program. The full name of this program was "TRON-JA-307020". Work continued on Tron until1982, when the program was complete. During a meeting with ENCOM's then Senior ExecutiveEd Dillinger, Alan explained how Tron worked. After Dillinger asked if Tron was part of theMaster Control Program, Alan said no and added that it could "watchdog the MCP as well."

This meeting took place shortly after Alan found out that his access to Tron and the ENCOM computers was suspended afterKevin Flynntried to hack his way into ENCOM to get his video game copyright data that Dillinger stole from him. It was during this time that Tron was held captive under Commander ProgramSark and the MCP and forced to play gladiator video games on the Game Grid.

After Flynn explained to Alan why he tried to hack into ENCOM to rightfully get back his data, Alan and his girlfriend,Lora Baines, decided to help him by using Tron to shut the MCP down and let him get the evidence that Dillinger stole Flynn's data. Shortly after this,Kevin Flynn was digitized by the MCP to fight the same gladiator video games that Tron was playing.

When Flynn finally met up with Tron, Flynn thought he was Alan, to which Tron responded, "Where did you hear that name?" Flynn replied, "Well, that's your name, isn't it?" Tron said, "The name of my User!"

Shortly after this, Tron, Flynn, and another conscript, Ram were forced to play a gladiator game of light cycles against three programs from Sark's army. As Flynn wrote the "Light cycle" game, he had complete knowledge of the game's AI and routines and caused one of the programs to crash into a wall of the game grid, leaving a crack in the wall. Flynn knew this was the way out and drove his light cycle through the hole and escaped out of the game grid. Tron and Ram escaped as well. As Flynn looked behind to see Tron andRambehind him, he yelled out, "Greetings, Programs!"

In order for Tron to destroy the MCP and change the system, he needed data fromAlan-One, his user, to be encoded on his "Identity Disc". To do this, he would have to communicate with Alan-One via theInput/Output Tower, which was strictly forbidden by the MCP. While on the way to the I/O Tower, the three conscripts were spotted by one of the tanks of Sark's Army. The tank fired and hit Flynn and Ram's light cycles, mortally wounding Ram. When Tron looked back to see if Flynn and Ram were still alive, there was no trace of life and no response. Upset with the loss of his friends, Tron drove off to the tower and an armada ofBattle Tankwere firing at him.

With the help of his "girlfriend",Yoriand the Tower GuardianDumont, Tron communicated to Alan-One and escaped with Yori by stealing a simulation and flying it towards the heart of the ENCOM system, where the MCP was located.

While traveling towards the MCP, Tron was reunited with Flynn. Flynn had survived the attack, but Ram didn't.

After several attempts by the MCP and Sark to stop theSolar Sailerfrom reaching its destination, Sark finally succeeded by ramming his carrier into the Solar Sailer in an ambush. As the Solar Sailer started to derez from the damage, Tron fell off to what seemed to be his death. Yori and Flynn hung onto the remaining wreckage as the remains of the sailer floated in a landing bay of thecarrier.

While Yori and Flynn were held captive (along with Dumont who was taken away for helping Tron) Sark removed all of their energy and revealed that the carrier was going to derez after he disembarked in his escape pod. With their very low energy levels, that would mean Flynn and Yori would derez as well. He was also going to take Dumont away and have the MCP derez him and take away his functions.

As Sark left the carrier, little did he know that Tron had survived the ambush and hung onto the outside of the carrier. He made his way to the escape pod and hung on as the pod flew out of the carrier and onto the vast mesa that the MCP sits on.

Due to the fact that he was a User, Flynn secretly had enough energy to survive while the carrier derezzed around them. Yori did not and began to derez along with the carrier, until Flynn grabbed hold of her and transferred his energy to her, thus saving her life. The walls of the prison they were in disappeared and they escaped as the carrier turned into a wireframe.

Meanwhile, Dumont was slowing being absorbed by the MCP. The MCP "felt a presence" and realized that "another warrior" was on the mesa. Sark immediately turned around and saw Tron on the mesa. The two of them fought with their identity discs as they jumped to avoid the crevasses in the mesa. With one mighty swing, Tron threw his disk so hard that Sark's disc broke in two and sliced Sark's scalp, killing him.

The MCP noticed that his ally died and gave all of his functions to him, successfully reviving him. As Tron threw his disk at the base of the MCP, the MCP's shields went online and protected him from the lethal disc. When a hole in the shields finally appeared, Sark appeared from behind. With the MCP's functions, Sark grew 15 feet tall and was invulnerable to disc attacks.

Flynn, while watching the battle from the remains of Sark's carrier realized, that he had to "distract" the MCP so Tron can get his disc in. In order to distract the MCP, Flynn decided that jumping into the "beam" of the MCP would confuse him greatly and would make him vulnerable to attacks. However, Yori said to Flynn that he would derez by doing this, to which Flynn replied, "Don't worry". Flynn then shared a passionate kiss with Yori - something that programs had never experienced before - and jumped off of the carrier.

With Flynn "inside" of the MCP, Tron threw his disc and derezzed the MCP. Dumont and the other Tower Guardians were saved and escaped from the mesa just in time before the MCP blew up in a great explosion. Yori and Tron reunited and shared a kiss, as Dumont remarked that all of the I/O Towers were lighting up again.

Flynn, as a User, really didn't die but was kicked out of the computer world and returned to his original analog format in the real world. With the MCP deleted, he finally obtained the evidence that proved that Dillinger stole his video games. Dillinger was then fired and Flynn was rehired at ENCOM as Senior Executive V.P. As he was reunited with Alan and Lora, he greeted them with the same saying he said to Tron and Ram; "Greetings, Programs!"

BetweenTronandTron: Legacy[]


During this time, Tron was upgraded and moved over to Flynn's personal server in order to help protect the Grid and had a cyberspace city named in his honor. He was also present when the ISOs began emerging. WhenCLU 2.0gradually started to effect his rule over the Grid, Tron became suspicious of his friend's actions and - on at least one occasion - managed to save a program that had been defeated in the games from being derezzed on CLU's orders.


Tron assisted a prototype system monitor program named Anon to prevent system-wide infection by the viral program Abraxas. He and Flynn were later attacked by CLU 2.0, and Tron was assumed to have been derezzed while helping Flynn escape.

Tron: Uprising[]

Somehow, despite being severely damaged, Tron was able to escape Clu's grasp, resorting to disguising himself as a mysterious program called "Rinzler", changing his circuitry color and donning a jet black helmet to avoid detection and capture. Tron's sudden disappearance led most programs on the Grid to believe that he was derezzed and Clu encouraged this rumor. Disgraced that he had failed to properly carry out his role as protector of the Tron system, Tron went to hiding, ultimately allowing Clu to begin taking over the Grid.

Beck's actions in rebelling against Clu drew Tron's attention, and disguised as Rinzler, Tron tracked down the young program and took him under his wing. He wanted Beck to become his successor as protector of the Grid, emphasizing that a war was raging. Initially skeptical, Beck agreed and began the training that would set him on a path to "become the next Tron".

Tron: Legacy[]


Tron had been recaptured andrepurposed, serving Clu under the new name ofRinzler, with twin identity discs, his former dark disguise, red circuits, and only the familiar "T" insignia on his suit hinting at his true identity. With little apparently left of his old personality, he served as Clu's enforcer and right-hand man, and was the final, unbeatable opponent conscripts were forced to face when thrown into the Games. He did, however, retain enough knowledge to recognize Sam's blood as a sign of a User. Pursuing Sam, Quorra, and a now-elderly Kevin Flynn across the Grid, he was recognized by Flynn, who had long presumed that Tron was dead. He captured Quorra, but was defeated by Sam, and, together with Clu, took up the pursuit again when the three escaped in a stolenLight Jet.

During the ensuing dogfight, a flight over their jet brought him briefly face to face with Flynn, and he began to overcome Clu's programming, experiencing flashbacks and disorientation. Finally, regaining some part of his former self, Rinzler growled that he fought for the Users and made a partially successful attack on his former master that demolished both their light jets and left them both falling over the Sea of Simulation. He was attempting to activate a new light jet from his extrabatonwhen Clu wrestled the baton away and used it to escape, leaving Rinzler to plunge into the Sea. Rinzler's red circuitry cut out briefly, but reactivated with its earlier white glow as he sank out of view.

Kingdom Hearts II[]

Tron meetsSora,Donald, andGoofywhile trapped in a Pit Cell with them in the mainframe ofAnsem the Wise's computer. After escaping the cell and enabling access back to the real world, the four companions proceed to find a way to unlock the DTD (Door to Darkness). After activating a power core, Tron sends Sora and the others back to Hollow Bastion to locate the password required to access the DTD. They locate the password behind a large painting of Xehanort (thanks to Tifa moving it aside), the password being the seven names of the Princesses of Heart. Tron hacks into the DTD and changes the password to Sora, Donald, and Goofy, to bide himself time before the MCP attacks again. Sora, Tron and the others reach the I/O Tower where they fight a Hostile Program, which they defeat.

Tron reveals to the three that Ansem is his user (although which Ansem it remains a mystery). He also explains Ansem rebooted the MCP, suggesting "Ansem" to beXehanort.

During the group's return visit to the mainframe, Tron has been forced onto the Game Grid to fight for his life, while Hollow Bastion is being overrun by digitized Heartless by the corrupted town defense mechanism. Sora and the others save Tron and he learns all the Hollow Bastion residents are supporting him. Cid creates an Eradicator Program to stop the MCP's threat for good, which Aerith later passes on to Tron at the I/O Tower. Using the Solar Sailer vehicle to reach the core of the mainframe, Tron, Sora, Donald, and Goofy battle an upgraded Sark and the MCP. The MCP is eventually deleted and Sark dies with him. Tron is overjoyed and shows off his "funny side" to his friends, who he hugs in a term of goodbye, before jumping into the core to take over the MCP's programming. He locates an old footage of Hollow Bastion when it was first built and reminded every one of its former name: Radiant Garden.

It is never shown if Tron learns the truth about "Xehanort" having been the actual person to activate the MCP but under the stolen name Ansem, especially since Sora learned this by the time of his return trip to Space Paranoids.

Tron is last seen in the credits, where he apparently downloaded other software and happily "danced" back to the data space.


Tron's personality is that of a determined warrior, willing to do anything for the users and for the freedom of his fellow programs. He is usually serious and task-focused and has a deep reverence towards users, especially his own user, Alan-One. Tron displays a particularly high loyalty to Kevin Flynn, who is both his friend and a user. Tron bravely stood his ground against a superior number of soldiers, including Clu, to protect Flynn.

Skills and abilities[]

Tron possesses unparalleled skill within the computer world - so much that even CommanderSarkexpressed a degree of professional respect for him, despite otherwise viewing him as a slave - and is a master at all of the Game Grid gladiator games, especially Disc Wars andLight Cycles. Tron easily defeated four of the MCP's game programs in the Disc Wars game and later engaged Sark in solo combat on his way to help fight the MCP, ultimately dealing Sark a lethal blow.

Tron also has the ability to remove the effects of the MCP's brainwashing, as shown when he successfully restored Yori to her normal self. His complete topographic understanding of the system makes him a master tactician and effective leader.

Tron's abilities include complete mastery of his identity disc, which allowed him to quietly snipeSark's Lieutenant. After he was copied to the Tron system, he initially used his identity disc and two batons. Later, Tron acquired a second disc from one of Clu's Black Guards and redeveloped his combat style to employ both discs together.

InTRON: Legacy, Tron was shown to still be an excellent fighter as he took on four Clu's elite Black Guards and defeated them with ease. Repurposed as Rinzler, he lost none of his deadly skill, fighting with two identity discs instead of one. He was also able to read the energy traces of footprints by placing his hand on the floor of the Grid, an ability shared by security programs such asDyson.

InTRON: Uprising, Tron resented no longer being able fight as well as he used to, due to extensive injuries that repeatedly opened again unless he was able to constantly access a healing chamber. Despite this, Tron was a skillful and deadly fighter, able to dodge Beck's attacks with both his hands behind his back and roundly defeat one of Clu's top enforcers. It is also worth noting that Tron took a direct hit from Clu's identity disc but survived. However, his need for a constant power source and regular access to a healing chamber - without which he would derez - prevented him from being able to retake the Grid himself.


Tron (1)

Tron in Tron: Uprising.

Tron (2)

Tron as he appears in Kingdom Hearts II.

Tron (3)

Tron in Tron: Evolution.

Tron (4)

Tron as Rinzler.

Tron (5)

Tron (6)

Tron (7)

Tron (8)


  • Tron reappears in an additional scene at the end of the novelization where he and Yori are on a Solar Sailor across the Sea of Simulation looking at the now free grid.
  • Concept art for early versions of Tron 3 show Tron on a Light boat as the film would originally focus on Sam searching and rescuing Tron since the events of "Tron: Legacy".

External links[]


Tron (9) Heroes

Animated Features
Snow White |Seven Dwarfs (Doc, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy & Dopey) |Forest Animals |The Prince |The Huntsman |Pinocchio |Jiminy Cricket |Geppetto |Blue Fairy |Sorcerer Mickey |Madame Upanova |Hyacinth Hippo |Ben Ali Gator |Dumbo |Timothy Q. Mouse |Mrs. Jumbo |Casey Jr. |Bambi |Thumper |Flower |Faline |Bambi's Mother |Great Prince of the Forest |Friend Owl |José Carioca |Panchito Pistoles |Willie the Whale |Bongo the Bear |Lulubelle |Willie |Mr. J. Thaddeus Toad |Water Rat |Moley |Angus MacBadger |Cyril Proudbottom |Ichabod Crane |Pecos Bill |Cinderella |Jaq and Gus |Anastasia Tremaine |Fairy Godmother |Prince Charming |Bruno |The King |Grand Duke |Alice Liddell |White Rabbit |Peter Pan |Wendy Darling |Tinker Bell |John Darling |Michael Darling |Lost Boys |Tick-Tock the Crocodile |Lady |Tramp |Trusty |Jock |Annette, Collette and Danielle |Aurora |Prince Phillip |Flora |Fauna |Merryweather |King Stefan |Queen Leah |King Hubert |Minstrel |Lord Duke |Forest Animals |Pongo |Perdita |Roger Radcliffe |Anita Radcliffe |Nanny |Lucky |Patch |Rolly |Mayor Ed Pig |Danny |Colonel |Sergeant Tibbs |Captain |Arthur Pendragon |Merlin |Archimedes |Mowgli |Baloo |Bagheera |King Louie |Colonel Hathi |Shanti |Winifred |Rama |Vultures |Raksha |Thomas O'Malley |duch*ess |Marie |Toulouse |Berlioz |Scat Cat |Abigail and Amelia Gabble |Frou-Frou |Roquefort |Madame Adelaide Bonfamile |Robin Hood |Little John |Maid Marian |Friar Tuck |Lady Kluck |Alan-A-Dale | Skippy |Toby Turtle |King Richard |Winnie the Pooh |Tigger |Piglet |Eeyore |Rabbit |Owl |Kanga |Roo |Christopher Robin |Gopher |Bernard |Bianca |Penny |Orville |Evinrude |Tod |Copper |Big Mama |Dinky and Boomer |Vixey |Widow Tweed |Tod's mother |Taran |Gurgi |Eilonwy |Fflewddur Fflam |Basil of Baker Street |Dr. David Q. Dawson |Olivia Flaversham |Toby |Hiram Flaversham |Oliver |Dodger |Tito |Rita |Francis |Einstein |fa*gin |Jenny Foxworth |Georgette |Winston |Ariel |Prince Eric |Sebastian |Flounder |Scuttle |King Triton |King Triton's Daughters (Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, Andrina) |Max |Cody |Jake |Marahute |Wilbur |Frank |Belle |Beast |Lumière |Cogsworth |Mrs. Potts |Chip Potts |Fifi |Maurice |Aladdin |Jasmine |Genie |Magic Carpet |Abu |The Sultan |Rajah |Iago |Razoul |Jack Skellington |Sally |Zero |The Mayor of Halloween Town |Dr. Finkelstein |Santa Claus |Simba |Mufasa |Nala |Timon |Pumbaa |Rafiki |Zazu |Sarabi |Sarafina |Pocahontas |John Smith |Meeko |Flit |Grandmother Willow |Percy |Thomas |Nakoma |Chief Powhatan |Quasimodo |Esmeralda |Captain Phoebus |Victor, Hugo, & Laverne |Djali |Clopin |Hercules |Megara |Pegasus |Philoctetes |Zeus |Hera |Hermes |Olympian Gods (Poseidon, Aphrodite, and Apollo) |Fa Mulan |Mushu |Li Shang |Cri-Kee |Grandmother Fa |Yao, Ling, and Chien Po |Khan |Ancestors |The Emperor of China |Tarzan |Jane Porter |Terk |Tantor |Kerchak |Kala |Archimedes Q. Porter |Baboons |Whales |Tin Soldier |Spring Sprite |Aladar |Neera |Plio |Zini |Yar |Suri |Eema |Baylene |Url |Bruton |Emperor Kuzco |Pacha |Kronk |Milo James Thatch |Kida Nedakh |Gaetan Moliére |Dr. Joshua Sweet |Vincenzo Santorini |Audrey Ramirez |Cookie |Wilhelmina Packard |Preston B. Whitmore |Stitch |Lilo Pelekai |Nani Pelekai |Jumba Jookiba |Captain Gantu |Pleakley |David Kawena |Cobra Bubbles |Grand Councilwoman |Jim Hawkins |John Silver |Dr. Doppler |Captain Amelia |Mr. Arrow |Morph |B.E.N. |Kenai |Koda |Sitka |Denahi |Rutt and Tuke |Tanana |Koda's mother |Maggie |Grace |Mrs. Calloway |Buck |Lucky Jack |Chicken Little |Abby Mallard |Runt of the Litter |Fish Out of Water |Buck Cluck |Lewis Robinson |Wilbur Robinson |Franny Robinson |Lefty |Bolt |Mittens |Rhino |Penny |Tiana |Prince Naveen |Louis |Ray |Charlotte La Bouff |Eli "Big Daddy" La Bouff |Mama Odie |Juju |Rapunzel |Eugene Fitzherbert |Pascal |Maximus |Wreck-It Ralph |Vanellope von Schweetz |Fix-It Felix, Jr. |Sergeant Calhoun |Queen Anna |Queen Elsa |Kristoff |Olaf |Sven |Hiro Hamada |Baymax |Honey Lemon |GoGo Tomago |Wasabi |Fred |Tadashi Hamada |Cass Hamada |Alistair Krei |Judy Hopps |Nick Wilde |Chief Bogo |Benjamin Clawhauser |Bonnie and Stu Hopps |Mr. Big |Fru Fru Shrew |Moana |Maui |Grandma Tala |Chief Tui |Ocean |Heihei |Te Fiti |Yesss |Shank |J.P. Spamley |Gord |KnowsMore |Lieutenant Mattias |Yelana |Honeymaren Natura |Ryder Nattura |Bruni |Gale |The Nokk |Raya |Sisu |Boun |Noi |Tong |Ongis |Tuk Tuk |Chief Benja |Virana |Pengu |Jagan |Pranee |Amba |Mirabel Madrigal |Bruno Madrigal |Alma Madrigal |Pedro Madrigal |Luisa Madrigal |Antonio Madrigal |Dolores Madrigal |Camilo Madrigal |Isabela Madrigal |Julieta Madrigal |Agustín Madrigal |Pepa Madrigal |Félix Madrigal |Searcher Clade |Jaeger Clade |Ethan Clade |Meridian Clade |Callisto Mal |Legend |Splat |Asha |Valentino |Star |Queen Amaya

Live-Action Features
Marnie Piper |Aggie Cromwell |Gwen Piper |Dylan Piper |Sophie Piper |Long John Silver |Perri |Travis Coates |Old Yeller |Wilby Daniels |Wilson Daniels |Freeda Daniels |Moochie Daniels |Professor Plumcutt |Professor Ned Brainard |Betsy Carlisle |Biff Hawk |Nikki |Antie |Neewa |Captain Richmond Talbot |Lyrae |Harry Willard |Katie Willard |Elliott Willard |Amy Willard |Skipper Willard |Big Red |Merlin Jones |Jennifer |Stanley |Mary Poppins |Bert |George Banks |Winifred Banks |Jane Banks |Michael Banks |Chico |Eric Griffin |Arabella Flagg |Jack Flagg |Quentin Bartlett |Goodtime Charlie |Blackbeard |Steve Walker |Jo Anne Baker |Jack Albany |Sally Inwood |Fred Bolton |Aspercel |Suzie Clemens |Herbie |Jim Douglas |Tennessee Steinmetz |Carole Bennet |Tang Wu |Dexter Reilly |Dean Eugene "E. J. Gene" Higgins |Professor Miles Quigley |Pete Oatzel |Annie Hannah |Richard Schuyler |Bradley |Henry Fathington |Myles Miller |Wahb |Moki |Steven Post |Jennifer Scott |Raffles |Albert Dooley |Katie Dooley |Jimmy Dooley |Charley |Fred Hines |Miss Eglantine Price |Timothy Forsythe |Johnny Baxter |Sue Baxter |Jesse McCord |Richard Baxter |Wally Perkins |Chris Baxter |Coach Sam Archer |Milo Jackson |Nanu |Jane Douglas |Harry |Mrs. Petersen |Charley Appleby |Roy Zerney |Nettie Appleby |Leonora Appleby |Rupert Appleby |Willie Appleby |Ray Ferris |Theodore and Amos |Aunt Harriet Crumply |Gus |Hank Cooper |Coach Venner |Andy Petrovic |Debbie Kovac |Tim |Betty Daniels |Brian Daniels |Katrinka Muggelberg |Pete |Elliott |Nora |Zunar-J-5/9 Doric-4-7 |Frank Wilson |Popeye |Olive Oyl |Tron |Kevin Flynn |Alan Bradley |Dorothy Gale |Princess Ozma |Jack Pumpkinhead |Billina |Tik-Tok |The Gump |Wolf |Benji |Cougar cubs |Mother Cougar |Jim Craig |Roger Rabbit |Eddie Valiant |Jessica Rabbit |Dolores |Benny the Cab |Baby Herman |Ted Johnson |Susan Johnson |Morogo |Duma |White Fang |Jack Convoy |Henry Casey |Buck |Cliff Secord |Jenny Blake |Gordon Bombay |Wayne Szalinski |Max Dennison |Dani Dennison |Allison |Thackery Binx |Tom Sawyer |Huckleberry Finn |Aramis |Athos |D'Artagnan |Porthos |George Knox |Scott Calvin |Charlie Calvin |Shadow |Chance |Sassy |Mowgli |Jim Hawkins |James Henry Trotter |Mr. Centipede |Mr. Grasshopper |Earthworm |Mrs. Ladybug |Miss Spider |The Glowworm |Calvin Fuller |Mr. Toad |Mole |Rat |Mr. Badger |George of the Jungle |Ursula Stanhope |Ape |Phillip Brainard | Sara Jean Reynolds |Mr. Magoo |Nick Parker |Annie James |Nick Parker |Elizabeth James |Mighty Joe Young |Jill Young |Gregg O'Hara |Martin |Inspector Gadget |Penny Gadget |Brain |Dr. Brenda Bradford |Mia Thermopolis |Max Keeble |Megan |Robe |Carol Newman-Calvin |Stanley Yelnats IV |Zero |Lizzie McGuire |Captain Jack Sparrow |Joshamee Gibbs |Will Turner |Elizabeth Swann |Hector Barbossa |Pintel & Ragetti |James Norrington |Jim Evers |Sarah Evers |Madame Leota |Emma |Anna Coleman |Erica Enders (Right on Track) |Courtney Enders (Right on Track) |Phileas Fogg |Inspector Fix |Ben Gates |Riley Poole |Abigail Chase |Shane Wolfe |Zoe Plummer |Lulu Plummer |Will Stronghold |Layla Williams |Warren Peace |Zach |Ethan |Magenta |Ron Wilson |The Commander |Jetstream |Freeze Girl |Principal Powers |Coach Boomer |Jonathan Boy |Peter Pevensie |Susan Pevensie |Edmund Pevensie |Lucy Pevensie |Aslan |Mr. Beaver |Dave Douglas |The Snake |Jess Aarons |Ethan Dalloway |Leslie Burke |Giselle Philip |Robert Philip |Prince Edward |Pip |Nathaniel |Nancy Tremaine |Morgan Philip |Harry Stamper |Underdog |Sweet Polly Purebred |Gretel |Skeeter Bronson |Darwin |Blaster |Hurley |Juarez |Mooch |Bucky |Alice Kingsleigh |Mad Hatter |White Queen |Bandersnatch |Prince Dastan |Princess Tamina |Sheik Amar |Dave Stutler |Becky Barnes |Balthazar Blake |Balthazar's Eagle |Veronica Gorloisen |Prime Merlinean |Merlin |Sam Flynn |Quorra |Syrena |Walter |John Carter |Troy Bolton |Sharpay Evans |Ryan Evans |Gabriella Montez |Chad Danforth |Taylor McKessie |The Lone Ranger |Tonto |Oscar Diggs |Glinda the Good Witch of the South |China Girl |Maleficent (2014) |Diaval |Aurora (2014) |Prince Phillip (2014) |Knotgrass, Flittle and Thistlewit |The Baker |Cinderella |Rapunzel |Little Red Riding Hood |Cinderella (2015) |Prince Charming (2015) |Anastasia Tremaine (2015) |Mice (2015) |Fairy Godmother (2015) |Jaq and Gus (2015) |Lizard Footmen |Mr. Goose |Casey Newton |Frank Walker |Athena |Mowgli (2016) |Bagheera (2016) |Baloo (2016) |Raksha (2016) |Akela (2016) |The BFG |Sophie |Pete (2016) |Elliott (2016) |Grace Meacham |Conrad Meacham |Natalie Magary |Gavin Magary |Jack Magary |Belle (2017) |Beast (2017) |Maurice (2017) |LeFou (2017) |Lumière (2017) |Cogsworth (2017) |Mrs. Potts (2017) |Chip Potts (2017) |Henry Turner |Carina Smyth |Christopher Robin (Christopher Robin) |Winnie the Pooh (Christopher Robin) |Madeline Robin |Eeyore (Christopher Robin) |Tigger (Christopher Robin) |Piglet (Christopher Robin) |Meg Murry |Charles Wallace Murry |Mary Poppins |Jack |Jane Banks |Michael Banks |Annabel Banks |John Banks |Georgie Banks |Clara Stahlbaum |Phillip Hoffman |Mother Ginger |Mouse King |Dumbo |Holt Farrier |Milly Farrier |Joe Farrier |Max Medici |Colette Marchant |Aladdin |Jasmine |Genie |Magic Carpet |Abu (2019) |Rajah (2019) |Dalia |The Sultan (2019) |Simba |Mufasa |Nala |Timon |Pumbaa |Rafiki |Zazu |Sarabi |Sarafina (2019) |Conall |Borra |King John |Lady |Tramp |Jock |Trusty |Artemis Fowl |Holly Short |Juliet Butler |Mulch Diggums |Domovoi "Dom" Butler |Foaly |Commander Julius Root |Ivan |Bob |Stella |Ruby |Snickers |Henrietta |Murphy |Frankie |Thelma |Hua Mulan |Commander Tung |Chen Honghui |Yao, Ling, and Chien Po (2020) |The Emperor of China (2020) |Flora Buckman |Cruella De Vil |Jasper and Horace |Buddy |Wink |Anita Darling |Artie |John |Frank Wolff |Lily Houghton |MacGregor Houghton |Proxima |Detective Ellie Steckler |Ugly Sonic |Mal |Carlos De Vil |Jay |Evie |Ben |Lonnie |Jane |Dizzy Tremaine |Celia Facilier |Addison Wells |Zed Necrodopolis |Zliza Zambi |Bree |Bonzo |Willa Lykensen |Wyatt Lykensen |Wynter Barkowitz |Pinocchio (2022) |Jiminy Cricket (2022) |Geppetto (2022) |Sofia |Fabiana |Sabina |Becca |Cassie Traske |Izzy |Gilbert |Tyson Monroe |Peter Pan |Wendy Darling |Tinker Bell |Tiger Lily |John Darling |Michael Darling |The Lost Children |Ben Matthias |Gabbie |Travis |Father Kent |Harriet |Bruce Davis |Ariel (2023) |Prince Eric |Sebastian |Flounder |Scuttle |King Triton |King Triton's Daughters (Mala | Indira | Caspia | Tamika | Karina | Perla) |Max (2023)

Live-Action Television
Brady Parker |Boomer Parker |Boz Parker |Mikayla Makoola |Mason Makoola |Jack Brewer |Kim Crawford |Milton David Krupnick |Jerry Martinez |Eddie Jones |Rudy Gillespie |K.C. Cooper |Ernie Cooper |Judy Cooper |Kira Cooper |Craig Cooper |Marisa Clark |Ryan Walker |Mark Walker |Harris Harris Jr. |Spyder Johnson |Veracity |Stan Mordecai James |Gracie and Freddie |Avery Jennings |Tyler James |Chloe James |Carl Fink |Bennett James |Ellen Jennings |Teddy Duncan |PJ Duncan |Gabe Duncan |Charlie Duncan |Amy Duncan |Bob Duncan |Jessie PrescottLuke Ross |Emma Ross |Ravi Ross |Zuri Ross |Bertram Winkle |Tony Chiccolini |Lou Hockhauser

Other Animated Movies
Br'er Rabbit |Toaster |Blanky |Kirby |Lampy |Radio |Roger Rabbit |Eddie Valiant |Jessica Rabbit |Dolores |Benny the Cab |Baby Herman |James Henry Trotter |Mr. Centipede |Mr. Grasshopper |Earthworm |Mrs. Ladybug |Miss Spider |The Prince |The Pauper |Glowworm |Valiant |Bugsy |Lofty |Toughwood & Tailfeather |Mercury |Victoria |Wing Commander Gutsy |Sergeant Monty |Charles De Girl |Rollo |Samson |Benny |Bridget |Nigel |Larry |Ryan |Blag |Cloak & Camo |Stan & Carmine | Wildebeest |Giselle Philip Prince Edward |Pip |Nathaniel |Nancy Tremaine |Silvermist |Rosetta |Fawn |Iridessa |Bobble and Clank |Terence |Ebenezer Scrooge |Milo |Gribble |Ki |Milo's Mother |Victor Frankenstein |Sparky |Elsa Van Helsing |Dusty Crophopper |Dottie |Skipper Riley |Sparky |El Chupacabra |Vidia |Lizzy |Periwinkle |Zarina |Gruff |Simba (2019) |Mufasa (2019) |Nala (2019) |Timon (2019) |Pumbaa (2019) |Rafiki (2019) |Zazu (2019) |Sarabi (2019) |Sarafina (2019) |Manny Heffley |Detective Ellie Steckler |Ugly Sonic |Morgan Philip

Direct-to-video/Disneytoon Studios Sequels
Cassim |Angelique |Fife |John Rolfe |Uttamatomakkin |Kiara |Kovu |Vitani |Ratso |Murgatroid the Snake |Melody |Tip and Dash |Sylvia Marpole |Scamp |Angel |Baker |Madellaine |Zephyr |Prudence |Jane Darling |Ranjan |Messua |Sparky |Reuben |Thunderbolt |Lars |Ting-Ting, Su, and Mei |Zugor |Cash |Dixie |Granny Rose |Waylon and Floyd |Mena |Nita |Queen Athena |Blade Ranger | Maru |Windlifter

Animated Television
Ludwig Von Drake |Gruffi Gummi |Zummi Gummi |Grammi Gummi |Cubbi Gummi |Sunni Gummi |Tummi Gummi |Gusto Gummi |Cavin |Princess Calla |King Gregor |Sir Tuxford |Sir Gawain |Sir Victor |Princess Marie |Aquarianne |Launchpad McQuack |Webby Vanderquack |Bentina Beakley |Papa Heffalump |Mama Heffalump |Junior Heffalump |Kessie |Wooster |Nasty Jack |Bruno |Dexter |Kit Cloudkicker |Rebecca Cunningham |Darkwing Duck |Gosalyn Mallard |Honker Muddlefoot |Morgana Macawber |Pistol Pete |Peg Pete |Gabriella |Spot the Killer Whale |Urchin |Bonkers D. Bobcat |Marsupilami |Miranda Wright |Goliath |Elisa Maza |Broadway |Angela |Lexington |Brooklyn |Hudson |Bronx |Penny Proud |Oscar Proud |Trudy Proud |Suga Mama |BeBe & CeCe Proud |Dijonay Jones |Zoey Howzer |LaCienega Boulevardez |Doug Funnie |Porkchop |Skeeter Valentine |Patty Mayonnaise |Beebe Bluff |Chalky Studebaker |Connie Benge |Chiro |Jinmay |Jake Long |Arthur Spudinski |Trixie Carter |Luong Lao Shi |Haley Long |Fu Dog |Rose |Randy Cunningham |Howard Weinerman |First Ninja |Plop Plop |Theresa Fowler |Heidi Weinerman |Dipper Pines |Mabel Pines |Soos Ramirez |Stanley Pines |Wendy Corduroy |Old Man McGucket |Pacifica Northwest |Time Baby |Shimmery Twinkleheart |Stanford Pines |Phineas Flynn |Ferb Fletcher |Candace Flynn |Isabella Garcia-Shapiro |Heinz Doofenshmirtz |Vanessa Doofenshmirtz |Jeremy Johnson |Baljeet Tjinder |Buford Van Stomm |Cassandra |Lance Strongbow |Adira |Varian |Kiera and Catalina |Anne Boonchuy |Sprig Plantar |Hop Pop Plantar |Polly Plantar |Sasha Waybright |Captain Grime |Marcy Wu |Lady Olivia |General Yunan |Luz Noceda |Eda Clawthorne |King Clawthorne |Hooty |Owlbert |Willow Park |Gus Porter |Amity Blight |Emira Blight |Edric Blight |Lilith Clawthorne |Hunter |Raine Whispers |Darius Deamonne |Eberwolf |Alador Blight |Vee |Camila Noceda |Boscha |Molly McGee |Scratch |Libby Stein-Torres |Gretel Grant-Gomez |Hamster |Kevin Grant-Gomez |Moon Girl |Devil Dinosaur |Kiff |Hailey Banks |Scott Denoga |Beta|Kristine Sanchez |Becker Denoga |Tater Ramirez Humphrey |Ed |

Video Games
Sora |Kairi |Riku |Aqua |Terra (Lingering Will) |Ventus |Organization XIII (Axel, Xion, Roxas, Vexen) |Lea |Ienzo |Lauriam |Elrena |Strelitzia |Naminé |Riku Replica |Ansem the Wise |Master Eraqus |Spirit Dream Eaters |Data-Naminé |Data-Riku |Data-Roxas |Data-Sora |Spectrobes |Rallen |Jeena

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit |Ortensia the Cat |Mickey Mouse |Minnie Mouse |Horace Horsecollar |Clarabelle Cow |Pluto |Goofy |Donald Duck |Daisy Duck |Chip and Dale |Spike the Bee |Max Goof |Mona |P.J.

Scrooge McDuck |Huey, Dewey, and Louie |Gladstone Gander |Fethry Duck |Gyro Gearloose |April, May and June |Jet Pack Pets (Princess, Bix, and Rocky) |Kid Gravity |Gorilla Gorilla |Sanity |Tallulah

Disney-Hyperion Books
Gum Girl |Super Chicken Nugget Boy

See Also
101 Dalmatians Heroes |A Bug's Life Heroes |A Twisted Tale Heroes |Aladdin Heroes |Alice in Wonderland Heroes |Amphibia Heroes |Atlantis Heroes |Beauty and the Beast Heroes |Big Hero 6 Heroes |Big City Greens Heroes |Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Heroes |Camp Lakebottom Heroes |Cars Heroes |Chicken Little Heroes |Darkwing Duck Heroes |Diary of a Wimpy Kid |Disney Fairies Heroes |DuckTales Heroes |Elemental Heroes |Encanto Heroes |Finding Nemo Heroes |Fish Hooks Heroes |Frozen Heroes |Gargoyles Heroes |Gravity Falls Heroes |Gummi Bears Heroes |Hamster & Gretel Heroes |Hercules Heroes |Home Alone Heroes |Incredibles Heroes |Inside Out Heroes |Kim Possible Heroes |Kingdom Hearts Heroes |Lilo & Stitch Heroes |Luca Heroes |Mighty Med/Lab Rats Heroes |Milo Murphy's Law Heroes |Monsters, Inc. Heroes |Mulan Heroes |Muppet Heroes |Narnia Heroes |Night at the Museum Heroes |Oliver & Company Heroes |Onward Heroes |Peter Pan Heroes |Phineas and Ferb Heroes |Pinocchio Heroes | Pirates of the Caribbean Heroes |Raya and the Last Dragon Heroes |Recess Heroes |Rio Heroes |Robin Hood Heroes |Sherlock Holmes Heroes |Sky High Heroes |Sleeping Beauty Heroes |Snow White Heroes |Soul Heroes |Special Agent Oso Heroes |Star vs. the Forces of Evil Heroes |Strange World Heroes |Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Heroes |Tangled Heroes |Tarzan Heroes |The Apple Dumpling Gang Heroes |The Ghost and Molly McGee Heroes |The Hunchback of Notre Dame Heroes |The Jungle Book Heroes |The Lion King Heroes |The Little Mermaid Heroes |The Owl House Heroes |The Princess and the Frog Heroes |Toy Story Heroes |Treasure Planet Heroes |Tron Heroes |Turning Red Heroes |Up Heroes |WALL-E Heroes |Wander Over Yonder Heroes |Who Framed Roger Rabbit Heroes |Winnie the Pooh Heroes |Wish Heroes |Wreck-It Ralph Heroes |Yin Yang Yo! Heroes |Zootopia Heroes

Tron (10) Heroes

Tron: Tron | Kevin Flynn | Alan Bradley | Lora Baines
Tron: Legacy: Sam Flynn | Quorra | Kevin Flynn | Tron

Tron: Uprising: Beck | Tron | Mara | Zed | Able

Tron: Evolution
Anon |Tron |Kevin Flynn |Gibson |Quorra |Radia

Tron (11) Heroes

Original Characters
Ansem the Wise |Aqua |Data-Naminé |Data-Riku |Data-Roxas |Data-Sora |Elrena |Hayner |Ienzo |Kairi |Lauriam |Lea |Master Eraqus |Naminé |Olette |Axel | Roxas |Vexen |Xion |Demyx |Saïx |Pence |Protagonist |Riku |Riku Replica |Spirit Dream Eaters |Sora |Strelitzia |Terra (Lingering Will) |Ventus

Disney Characters
Abu |Aladdin |Alice Liddell |Anna |Anastasia Tremaine |Andrina |Andy's Toys (Buzz Lightyear | Hamm | Jessie | Little Green Men | Rex | Sarge | Woody) |Apollo |Attina |Bambi |Barley Lightfoot |Beast |Big Hero 6 (Baymax | Fred | Go Go Tomago | Hiro Hamada | Honey Lemon | Wasabi) |Blue Fairy |Boo |CDA |Captain Jack Sparrow |Captain Phoebus |Caterpillar |Cheshire Cat |Chicken Little |Chip Potts |Chip and Dale |Cleo |Cogsworth |Daisy Duck |Dante |Dash Parr |Disney Princesses (Snow White | Cinderella | Aurora | Ariel | Belle | Jasmine | Mulan | Rapunzel | Moana) |Donald Duck |Dr. Finkelstein |Dumbo |Eeyore |Elastigirl |Elizabeth Swann |Elsa |Eric |Esmeralda |Eugene Fitzherbert |Fairy Godmother |Fix-It Felix, Jr. |Flora | Fauna |Merryweather |Flounder |Gantu |Genie |Geppetto |Goofy |Gopher |Grand Councilwoman |Grand Duke |Héctor Rivera |Hector Barbossa |Hera | Hercules |Hermes |Horace Horsecollar |Huey, Dewey, and Louie |Iago |Ian Lightfoot |Jack-Jack Parr |Jack Skellington |James P. Sullivan |Jane Porter |Jaq |Jiminy Cricket |Joshamee Gibbs |Judy Hopps |Jumba Jookiba |Kala |Kanga |Kerchak |Kevin Flynn |Kiara |King Triton |Kristoff |Launchpad McQuack |Li Shang |Lost Boys |Lucky |Lumière |Lumpy |Mad Hatter |Magic Carpet |March Hare |Marshmallow |Maui |Maurice |Maximus |Mayor of Halloween Town |Megara |Merlin |Mickey Mouse |Miguel Rivera |Mike Wazowski |Minnie Mouse |Mrs. Potts |Mushu |Nick Wilde |Olaf |Owl |Pascal |Patch |Pegasus |Perdita |Peter Pan |Philoctetes |Piglet |Pinocchio |Pluto |Pongo |Pridelanders (Mufasa | Nala | Rafiki | Simba) |Prince Charming |Prince Phillip |Pumbaa |Quasimodo |Quorra |Rabbit |Razoul |Remy |Rolly |Roo |Sally |Sam Flynn |Santa Claus |Scrooge McDuck |Sebastian |Sergeant Calhoun |Seven Dwarfs (Bashful | Doc | Dopey | Grumpy | Happy | Sleepy | Sneezy) |Sparky |Stitch |Sven |Tarzan |Terk |The Emperor of China |The Prince |The Sultan |Tick-Tock the Crocodile |Tigger |Timon |Tinker Bell |Tron |Vanellope von Schweetz |Victor, Hugo, & Laverne |Violet Parr |Wardrobe |Wendy Darling |White Rabbit |Will Turner |Winnie the Pooh |Wreck-It Ralph |Yao, Ling and Chien Po |Yen Sid |Zero |Zeus

Other Square Enix Characters
Aerith Gainsborough |Auron |Beat |Cid Highwind |Cloud Strife |Joshua Kiryu |Lightning |Moogles (Mog) |Neku Sakuraba |Paine |Rhyme |Rikku |Selphie Tilmitt |Setzer Gabbiani |Shiki Misaki |Squall Leonhart |Tidus |Tifa Lockhart |Vivi Ornitier |Wakka |Yuffie Kisaragi |Yuna |Zack Fair

Tron (12) Heroes

Playable Characters
Disney Animated Films
Snow White (Forest Animals) |Cinderella |Fairy Godmother |Alice |Mad Hatter |Cheshire Cat |Peter Pan (Tinker Bell) |Aurora (Flora | Fauna | Merryweather) |Prince Phillip |Merlin |Baloo |Bagheera |King Louie |Robin Hood |Little John |Winnie the Pooh |Tigger |Eeyore |Ariel |King Triton |Belle |Beast |Lumière |Cogsworth |Aladdin (Magic Carpet) |Jasmine (Rajah)|Genie |Abu |Jack Skellington |Sally |The Mayor of Halloween Town |Simba |Nala |Timon |Pumbaa |Rafiki |Pocahontas (Meeko | Flit) |Quasimodo | Esmeralda (Djali) | Captain Phoebus | Hercules |Megara |Pegasus |Philoctetes |Zeus |Fa Mulan |Li Shang |Mushu |Emperor Kuzco |Pacha |Kronk |Milo James Thatch |Kida Nedakh |Vincenzo Santorini | Audrey Ramirez | Stitch | Lilo Pelekai | Jumba Jookiba | Pleakley | Jim Hawkins (Morph) | John Silver | Captain Amelia |Bolt |Tiana (Louis) |Rapunzel | Flynn Rider |Maximus |Wreck-It Ralph | Vanellope von Schweetz | Fix-It Felix, Jr. | Sergeant Calhoun | Queen Anna | Queen Elsa | Kristoff | Sven | Olaf | Hiro Hamada | Baymax | Honey Lemon | Go Go Tomago | Wasabi | Fred Fredrickson |Judy Hopps | Nick Wilde | Chief Bogo | Benjamin Clawhauser | Mr. Big | Koslov | Moana | Maui | Shank | Raya | Sisu | Namaari |Mirabel Madrigal |Bruno Madrigal

Disney Animated Television
Scrooge McDuck | Huey, Dewey, and Louie |Launchpad McQuack |Darkwing Duck |Goliath |Kim Possible | Ron Stoppable (Rufus) | Angel | Jake Long | Rose | Perry the Platypus |Heinz Doofenshmirtz |Luz Noceda |Eda Clawthorne

Woody | Buzz Lightyear | Bo Peep | Slinky Dog | Rex | Hamm | Flik |Heimlich |Jessie |James P. Sullivan |Mike Wazowski | Boo | Marlin |Dory |Nemo |The Incredibles (Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet Parr, Dash Parr, Jack-Jack Parr) |Frozone | Remy |Alfredo Linguini | Colette Tatou | WALL-E | EVE | Carl Fredricksen (Dug) | Russell | Kevin | Merida | Joy | Sadness | Fear | Disgust | Anger | Hank |Miguel Rivera | Voyd | Ducky | Bunny | Duke Caboom | Ian Lightfoot | Barley Lightfoot | Corey the Manticore | 22 |Luca Paguro | Alberto Scorfano | Mei Lee

Disney Live-Action Films
Tron | Kevin Flynn | Rocketeer | Captain Jack Sparrow | Hector Barbossa | Quorra

Disney Shorts
Mickey Mouse | Minnie Mouse (Pluto) | Goofy | Donald Duck | Daisy Duck | Chip and Dale | Max Goof

Tron (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.