Top 170 Greek Boy Names and Their Meanings | Pampers (2024)

You don’t have to be Greek to appreciate the strength and power in Greek names. After all, many of the names we use today derive from ancient Greek monikers, as you’ll learn by reading this extensive list of boys’ names. To help you find a wonderful Greek name for your son, we've gathered all the best options for common, popular, classic, cool, unique, and rare names below.

Common and Popular Greek Boy Names

Based on name statistics in Greece, these 10 Greek names for boys are the most popular and most common in Greece. You can’t go wrong by choosing one of these top options.

1. Georgios. This is the Greek version of the boys’ name George, which means “farmer” or “earth worker.” The name became popular after a third-century saint who supposedly defeated a dragon. Choose this name for your mythical little dragon slayer!

2. Dimitrios. This Greek boys’ name is derived from the goddess Demeter, who was responsible for agriculture. Her name means “earth mother.”3. Ioannis. Greek for John, this religious boys’ name means “God is gracious” in Hebrew. In the Bible, John the Baptist and John the Apostle are two important male figures with this name.4. Nikolaos. Meaning “victory of the people,” this Greek form of the name Nicholas was popularized by the fourth-century patron saint of children, sailors, and merchants. This saint's identity gave rise to the legendary figure of Santa Claus in the nineteenth century.5. Konstantin. This name was borne by the Roman emperor Constantine, who was the first leader to adopt Christianity in the Roman Empire. You might have guessed that the name means “constant” or “steadfast.”6. Christos. Early Greek-speaking Christians used this moniker when speaking of Jesus, the “anointed.” The name is a translation of the Hebrew word messiah.7. Panagiotis. In Greek this name means “all holy” and is used as a title for the Virgin Mary.8. Vasileios. This is the Greek form of the boys’ name Basil, which means “king” in Greek. Basil was a famous fourth-century bishop and theologian in the early Christian church.9. Konstantinos. Choose this version for the long form of the fifth top Greek boys’ name Konstantin. It too is based on the name Constantine, except that this is the more traditional spelling.10. Athanasios. Meaning “immortal” in Greek, this name was popularized by the fourth-century saint who lived in Alexandria, Egypt.

Unique and Rare Greek Boy Names

So, you’d like a unique boy name for your newborn to set him apart from the pack? Look no further than this list of Greek boy names that are unique and rarely used.

11. Asterios. If you’d like your baby’s name to have connections to mythology, consider this boys’ name, which appears in several Greek myths. It simply means “starry”—what a perfect meaning for your starry-eyed tyke.12. Dorotheos. Though a Greek boys’ name, this unique option is based on a female moniker. Dorotheos derives from the name Dorothy and means “gift of God.” 13. Efthimios. Meaning “in good spirits” or “generous,” this Greek boys’ name could be the perfect choice for a little one with a jolly disposition.14. Haris. An alternate spelling of Charis, this gender-neutral baby name means “grace” and “kindness.” It was borne by a fourth-century BCE Greek warrior. 15. Lefteris. The short form of Eleftherios, this Greek boys’ name simply means “free.”16. Panayiotis. Unique and rare, this is an alternate spelling of the name Panagiotis, which means “all holy.” The name is often used as a title for the Virgin Mary in Greece.17. Marinos. The Greek spelling of the Roman name Marinus, this boys’ name either means “of the sea” or “male.” It's derived from the name of the Roman god Mars (Ares in Greek mythology).18. Paraskevas. This is the masculine form of the female Greek name Paraskeve, which means “preparation” or “Friday.” You might like to choose this name if you’re having a baby boy on a Friday.19. Theofylaktos. This Greek boys’ name simply means “watched by God.” 20. Yiorgos. As it's an alternate spelling of the Greek male name Georgios (the top name on our list), you might recognize this as George. It means “farmer” or “earth worker” in Greek.

More Unique and Rare Greek Boy Names

Following are additional unique Greek boy names to choose from:

Choosing a baby name can be fun yet also overwhelming. Watch this video for some exciting facts that could help you find the perfect baby name!

Ancient Greek Boy Names

Looking for a meaningful Ancient Greek option? Then you’ll like these Ancient Greek names for boys that range from mythology to poetry.

31. Achilleus. This is the Greek form of the name Achilles, which may mean “pain.” Achilles is the brave hero of Homer’s Iliad who was killed with an arrow to the heel! Hence the term Achilles’ heel.32. Chrysanthos. Meaning “golden flower” in Greek, this boys’ name was first used by an Egyptian saint in the third century.33. Dionysios. Derived from the name of the Greek god Dionysos (god of fertility and wine), this Greek male name was formed by combining the words Dios and Nysa, meaning “of Zeus” and “tree” respectively. Nysa was also the name of the mountainous region where the young god grew up.34. Ermis. This is the modern Greek form of the name for the Greek god Hermes, known as the messenger god. The name means “cairn (pile of stones)” or “boundary marker.” Hermes was also the patron god of travelers, writers, athletes, merchants, thieves, and orators.35. Evripidis. This is the Greek spelling of the name Euripides, a famous fifth-century BCE dramatist. His name refers to the strait between the Greek islands of Euboea and Boeotia.36. Iason. This is how Jason is spelled in Greek. Meaning “healer,” the male name became famous from the Greek mythic hero Jason, who goes on a quest to find the Golden Fleece.37. Menelaos. This spelling is the Greek form of Menelaus, who was the Spartan king and husband of Helen of Troy. In the story, she was abducted by Paris. Menelaus’ brother Agamemnon led the siege of Troy using the famous Trojan horse. The name means “to stay/last.”38. Omiros. We’ve mentioned Homer above, and Omiros is the Greek version of his name. The Greek epic poet of the eighth century BCE is thought to have written both the Iliad and the Odyssey. The male name means “hostage” or “pledge.”39. Orfeas. This is the ancient spelling of the Greek mythological name Orpheus, which means “darkness of night.” Orpheus visited the underworld to bring back his dead wife Eurydice. Unfortunately, he lost her a second time! 40. Sofoklis. Sophocles was a famous fifth-century BCE Greek tragic poet who wrote more than 120 plays of which only seven exist today, including Ajax, Antigone, Electra, and Oedipus Rex. The male name means “skilled” or “clever” from the Greek word sophos and “glory” from the Greek word kleos.

More Ancient Greek Boy Names

Looking for more ancient name options? Check out these additional Greek boy names:

Classic Greek Boy Names

What is a good Greek name for a boy, and how can you find one for your son? How about choosing a classic, old-fashioned boy name from the list below? You’ll recognize many of these meaningful names as Greek alternatives to some common boy names.

51. Anastasios. Meaning “resurrection” in Greek, this male name was used by many early saints, including a famous seventh-century monk from Alexandria, Egypt.52. Andreas. This is the ancient Greek form of Andrew, which means “manly” or “masculine.” The name is of Greek origin and became popular in the Christian world, eventually making its way into many languages.53. Antonios. Derived from the Roman family name Antonius, this Greek name was popularized by Marc Antony, the famous general who briefly ruled the Roman empire jointly with Caesar Augustus before he gave it all up for his mistress, Cleopatra.54. Christakis. Here you have a diminutive of the Greek name Chrestos, which means “useful” or “good.”55. Emmanouil. Derived from the Hebrew name Immanuel, this religious boys’ name means “God is with us.” In the Bible, the name is used to describe the Messiah.56. Evangelos. In Greek, this beautiful boys’ name means “bringing good news.” It derives from the Greek word angelos, which means “messenger” and is also the root word for “angel,” as in the heavenly being.57. Ilias. This is the Greek version of the Hebrew name Eliyyahu or Elijah, which means “God is Yahweh.” In the Bible, Elijah was a prophet and miracle worker. The Greek form Ilias stems directly from the Latin form Elias.58. Michail. You may have guessed it—this name is Greek for Michael, a Hebrew name that asks the rhetorical question, “Who is like God?” Michael is one of the archangels in the Bible, the protector of Israel, and, in Christianity, the patron saint of soldiers. The use of this religious name peaked in the late 1960s in the United States, but it’s still quite popular.59. Spyridon. This boys’ name can have two meanings: in Greek it means “basket,” but in Latin it means “spirit.” Choose the meaning you prefer!60. Theodoros. You’ll recognize this Greek boys’ name as Theodore, which means “gift of God.” The name is entirely Greek in origin, and it’s the twin of the girls’ name Dorothea, which has the same meaning. If you’re having twin boys, you might like the twin baby names Theodoros and Dorotheos (the male version of Dorothea that appears on this list) or if you’re having girl and boy twins, choose Theodoros and Dorothea.

More Classic Greek Boy Names

Classic names are beloved for a reason—here are 10 more Greek boy options you’ll love:

Cool and Modern Greek Boy Names

Asking yourself “What is a cool Greek name for a boy”? We’ve got you covered with our list of cool Greek boy names. Many of the names are modern Greek versions of ancient monikers. You might like to select your baby boy’s middle name from this list to give him a cool backup option!

71. Agapitos. In Greek, this boys’ name simply means “beloved.” Now that’s the perfect meaning for your little one, who is sure to be loved deeply!72. Aristidis. This name for boys simply means “best” in Greek. The name was borne by a fifth-century BCE Athenian statesman who was renowned for his honor.73. Christoforos. Yes, this name is the Greek version of Christopher, which has Greek origins and means “bearing Christ.” The name implies that the bearer carries Christ in their heart. This was the name of Saint Christopher, who, according to legend, carried Christ across a river and became the patron saint of travelers.74. Evgenios. This is the original spelling of the Greek boys’ name Eugene, which means “well born.” Several saints and popes used the name.75. Filippos. This Greek name means “friend of horse,” and you're probably familiar with the name Philip.76. Heliodoros. As the Greek version of the mythological name Helios, this name means “sun” and “gift” from the Greek words helios and doron. Helios was a Titan and god of the sun in Greek myths.77. Iakovos. This is the Greek form of the boy names Jacob and James. James is the English version of Jacob, which derives from the Bible and means “holder of the heel” or “supplanter” in Hebrew. The biblical Jacob was born holding his twin brother Esau’s heel, hence the meaning of the religious name.78. Pavlos. Pavlos is the Greek version of Paul, which means “small” or humble” in Latin. The most famous Paul was the apostle and saint, who was originally known by the Hebrew name Saul before he converted from Judaism to Christianity upon seeing Jesus resurrected.79. Stefanos. The Greek name means “crown” or “wreath” and is better known as Stephen in the English-speaking world. Saint Stephen was considered the first Christian martyr.80. Veniamin. Did you guess this letter V boys’ name was the Greek form of the name Benjamin? The name is originally Hebrew and means “son of the south” or “son of the right hand.” In the Old Testament, Benjamin is the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel, and the founder of one of the southern Hebrew tribes.

More Cool and Modern Greek Boy Names

Check out 10 more cool Greek boy names below:

Strong and Powerful Greek Boy Names

So, what is a strong Greek name for a boy? One that exudes power and vigor, of course! We've assembled a list of names that fit that description, many of which were used by legendary statesmen or warriors featured in Greek mythology. And some of the names themselves denote “power.”

91. Agamemnon. Meaning “very steadfast,” in Greek mythology, this was the boys’ name of the warrior who led the Greek expedition to Troy to bring back his brother Menelaus’ wife Helen.92. Aias. Greek for Ajax, this name means “earth mourner.” Ajax was a warrior in the Trojan war.93. Alkaios. Meaning “strong” or “strength” in Greek, this boys’ name was the moniker of a seventh-century BCE lyric poet from the island of Lesbos.94. Alexandros. You may have guessed this is the Greek form of Alexander, which means “defending men.” The greatest Alexander in history was Alexander the Great, king of Macedon in the fourth century BCE. He built an empire that included present-day Greece and Egypt, ancient Persia, and parts of India.95. Iraklis. This letter I boys’ name derives from Herakles, a hero in both Roman and Greek mythology. He was a son of the god Zeus and a mortal woman. His name means “glory to Hera,” which is interesting because Hera was his stepmother who eventually drove him insane. However, Herakles eventually overcame his misfortunes and became immortal.96. Leandros. This Greek spelling of Leander is also spelled as Leandro, a common Spanish boys’ name. In Greek legend, Leander was the lover of Hero and he swam across the Hellespont to rendezvous with her every day. Unfortunately, the story doesn’t have a happy ending. But the name means “lion man,” making it a strong boys’ name for your little guy.97. Leonidas. Meaning “lion,” this Greek boys’ name refers to the fifth-century BCE Spartan king, who sacrificed his life to defend the Thermopylae Pass from the Persians.98. Miltiadis. Meaning “red earth,” this Greek boys’ name was borne by a Greek warrior who was victorious against the Persians in the Battle of Marathon.99. Periklis. From Peracles, this was the name of a fifth-century BCE Athenian statesman and warrior. The name means “around” or “exceedingly” from the Greek word peri and “glory” from the Greek work kleos.100. Viktor. This Greek boys’ name is of Roman origin and means “victor” or “conqueror” in Latin. The name didn’t become popular until the nineteenth century.

More Strong and Powerful Greek Boy Names

If you're still in need of strong contenders, check out 10 more Greek boy name options below:

Cute Greek Boy Names

Maybe you just want a cute name for your little boy. The following Greek names sound cute and/or have cute meanings!

111. Alexis. This unisex Greek name is a short form of the male name Alexandros or Alexander. It means “helper, defender.”112. Argyris. This cute option simply means “silver” in Greek.113. Babis. This cute Greek boys’ name is the diminutive of Charalampos, which means “to shine from happiness.”114. Daniil. This is the Greek form of the Hebrew male name Daniel, which means “God is my judge.” In the Bible, Daniel was a Hebrew prophet who rose to prominence by interpreting his captor’s (the Babylonian king) dreams.115. Emilios. The Greek form of the male name Emil (spelled Emile as a French boys’ name), this option derives from the Roman name Aemilius, which means “rival” in Latin. We’re sure your little guy will be unrivaled with this name.116. Kostas. This is the Greek short form of the long boys’ name Konstantinos, which is the Greek version of the male name Constantine, meaning “constant.”117. Loukas. You’ll recognize this name as Lucas, Luke, or Luca, an Italian boys’ name. They all mean “from Lucania,” a region in southern Italy. In the Bible, Luke traveled with the apostle Paul and was believed to have been a physician.118. Neofytos. Meaning “newly planted” in Greek, this Greek boys’ name could be a super cute choice for your newborn baby.119. Nikos. Here we have the Greek short form of Nikolaos, better known as Nicholas.120. Silas. This name can have two possible origins: it may be a short form of the Latin name Silvanus, meaning “of the woods,” or it may be a variant of the Hebrew name Saul, meaning “asked for, prayed for.”

More Cute Greek Boy Names

We had to keep the cuteness going with 10 more cute Greek boy name options:

Even More Greek Boy Names

Here are even more Greek names for boys for you to choose from:

The Bottom Line

We hope this extensive list of Greek names for boys has helped you decide on the perfect moniker. There are plenty of options to choose from, and whether you’re looking for something ancient, mythological, or imperial, this list has it all.

However, you may like to keep your options open. In that case, look at our baby boy names by letter. The list goes from boy names that start with the letter A all the way to boy names with the letter Z.

If you rather take your chances, try our Baby Name Generator to get a randomly assigned name. Why not!?

Top 170 Greek Boy Names and Their Meanings | Pampers (2024)


What is a strong Greek name for a boy? ›

Popular Greek Baby Boy Names

Yiannis: Meaning “God is gracious”. Constantine: Meaning “constant”. Dimitris: Meaning “follower of Demeter”. Nicholas: Meaning “victory of the people”. Panagiotis: Derived from the Greek word Panagia, meaning “all-holy,” this name means “in honor of the Virgin Mary.”

What Greek name means wise for a boy? ›

In Greek, “Solon” means “wisdom”. This name would be great for a boy who is inclined toward learning and studying.

What is the most popular boy name in Greece? ›

Georgios: Greek's most popular baby boy name might just be the perfect choice for your sweet little one. Not only does it make a unique pick for a little boy not born in Greece, it lends easily to cute nicknames Georgie or Gio.

What are the rarest Greek names? ›

Unique Greek Baby Names
  • Alistaire.
  • Deke.
  • Aristides.
  • Daimen.
  • Dametrius.
  • Giorgi.
  • Orestes.
  • Eufemia.

What are the top 100 unique boy names? ›

Indian Baby Boy Names Unique
EkaakshOne eyed; Shiva
FarhanMerry; Joyful
GatikFast ; Progressive
36 more rows
2 days ago

What Greek boy name means warrior? ›

ANDREAS: Greek name derived from the element andr-, meaning "man; warrior." ANDROKLES: Original Greek form of Latin Androcles, meaning "glory of a man/warrior," from andros "of a man/warrior," and kleos "glory."

What Greek boy name means son of encouragement? ›

The Greek boy's name Barnabas means “son of encouragement.” In the bible, Barnabas was a disciple known for his mentoring and support. He was originally named Joseph but received the nickname Barnabas for his notable encouragement to others.

What Greek name means kindness? ›

Charis (Greek: Χάρις) is a given name derived from a Greek word meaning "grace, kindness, and life." It is a unisex name, overwhelmingly used for men in Greece and overwhelmingly used for women elsewhere in the world.

What is a mythical name for a boy? ›

Boy names
OdysseusGreek hero from the Iliad and Odyssey
OsirisGod of the underworld from Egyptian mythology
Orpheuslegendary Greek poet and musician
PanGreek god of flocks
56 more rows
Apr 15, 2024

What Greek boy names mean gift? ›

Theodoros. You'll recognize this Greek boys' name as Theodore, which means “gift of God.” The name is entirely Greek in origin, and it's the twin of the girls' name Dorothea, which has the same meaning.

What is the number 1 boy name? ›

Hundreds of thousands of parents registered their babies' names with BabyCenter this year, and the results are in: For the first time in five years, there's a new top baby boy name, with Noah overtaking Liam for the number one spot.

What is the best name in Greek? ›

Greek names in the US Top 200 for girls include Alexandra, Chloe, Katherine, Sophia, and Zoe. For boys, Greek names in the US Top 300 include Alexander, Andrew, Elias, Lucas, and Phoenix. In Greece, popular names include Constantine, Nicholas, Eleni, and Vasiliki.

What is a super Greek name? ›

Well-known Greek names such as Peter, Socrates, and Zeus are strong and powerful, while Aphrodite, Angelina, and Olympia are beautiful and heavenly. There are so many terrific names to choose for your baby, whether you want to honor your ancestry or you just like the sound and meaning.

What is an uncommon Greek boy name? ›

Unique Greek names with a contemporary appeal include Lazarus, Linus, Ozias, and Phoenix. Other unique Greek boy names trending for modern babies are names from Greek mythology. You might consider naming your son Apollo or Atlas, Orion or Perseus.

What is a classic Greek male name? ›

Names like Sebastian, Theodore, and Nicholas are gorgeous classic Greek baby boy names.

Who is the male Greek god of strength? ›

In Greek mythology, Kratos, also known as Cratus or Cratos, is the divine personification of strength. He is the son of Pallas and Styx. Kratos and his siblings Nike ('Victory'), Bia ('Force'), and Zelus ('Glory') are all the personification of a specific trait.

What is the most powerful male name? ›

9 strong, powerful boy names
  • Andrew. Andrew means "strong" and "manly." It all started with the Greek name Andreas, which is rooted in the Ancient Greek word aner, meaning "man." In the Bible, Andrew was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus. ...
  • Angus. ...
  • Evander. ...
  • Everett. ...
  • Ezekiel. ...
  • Griffin. ...
  • Idris. ...
  • Kendrick.
Jan 31, 2023

What is the best Greek warrior name? ›

Achilles was the Greeks' finest warrior during the Trojan War. His mother, the nymph Thetis, dipped him in the River Styx to make him invulnerable in battle—except for his heel, where she gripped the baby. During the Trojan War, Achilles achieved fame by slaying Hector outside the city gates.

Who is the strongest male Greek god? ›

Zeus would help the other gods, goddesses, and mortals if they needed help, but would also invoke his wrath upon them if he felt they weren't worthy of his help. This made Zeus the strongest Greek god in Greek mythology.

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