The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana (2024)

fatiiflt. TIltTtll 1M BY UCHTY.l Tribune, Twe'a'ay, May 21, 1957. GKIX AM) BEAR IT. I I- ..1 'iSl truck. mitet.


2 ta choose froas. International. Harvester in Lafayette-Ph. AT-1S31 NFWHsTStudebaker im9k- m-U mru utiei.J...ji:.'-J. rv.

tea RicklipT fits. Phon CE 4-SMT. 4t VlUVS' Jeep, Vs 125. '47 Stude. so 1735.

305 Miah. Ave. Utt. in for Jill. HI JTBCICR 4" ir- Sptcial- 1" Excepttoaally Mrp.

ace. No money da. Call BL -244 are. No money Mr. Greene.

Ji BUICK Riviera notp througnout vjj a. nutfnr. New fin. CE 3-334. J3TIUICK Super RFviern Ceup.

WhU nnee Only ptlk- BWmAw-alll S. Michigan; inrOiCK. Special. I dr. owner.

Maroon and wmt. ruiiy rr. x.fi3. SISM. S5BUraC SPEaAtTJ dr.

lurdfop. Dynatlow. in-rooe iv. On of th sharpest ear ia town-I3N3. GRADY BUKK.

Ill W. Mi.h Ooen eve. Is BUICK "OwneV Certified." Po ltr 2 dr. sedan, synaiio-. A Special which has received special care.

12.41 hriag your trade-in. GRADY BUICK, 111 iih Mish. Open ITTSUICK" Special 2 IJoorTfarmw R.H. Dynatlow. see 11 eno jw; buy tt.

DALBERG OLDS UJL II. Ph. CE 3-30. 12 CADILLAC 12 Sedan. Custom equipped, elefr trie window and aeaL Hydrama-tic, radio A heater.

A fin car. ONLY SUM At -i-' Be Feferman Motor Salea (01 S. Michlgaa -AT B-tllf The South Itntf itt iui unn. 105 HIVEB PARK. bedna.

lnmgalow water hu. 1SZA Realty. Realtor AT -TK. ivErTAiiioeiraTa5irkuii. Mod.

kit. and hath. Full besm I Oil heat -car tat. Ix.Ii. Terms CE 4-Ui.

t.E, Mar Riley. I wit oil heat Roman I-car far Fenced rear yard. 13, easy terms, w. c. GAMMONS, Realtor.

CE J-WM. NOOME -ANB-MOMfc SE Lrrtf a ml 1 na. fur, apt. Privst baths, antra nc. Pauline or MARK CARH, Realtor.

AT -l34 carpeting. Cant School and church. Res. CR AT -3l7. SUBURBAR LIVING In Beautiful Wander 3 BEDROOM MODEL HOME OPEN DAILY I TO 5 P.


PENN BUILDERS, INC. 1336 E. Third Street. Mishawaka Phone BL 9-1502 rtrTitTTTxbatl "liv. la Van 4 na.

apt. Rest oat 1 other isu. with. Riiv. baths.

IIL50. With an. 10 sea matte can 36 '54 CADILLAC 4 ir. 1 owner. A 1 "Your economy measure is unrealistic, absurd and irresponsible, Senator! It'a MARSH REALTOR.

15 L.W.W AT M3W, -Este, AT Taf. exactly what I promised the voters during the last ttf- nrae a se with full power. A bargaia or trade for older car. JERRY PARMELEE AUTO SALES. 1114 t.W.W., Mish.

CADILLAC I or. Devill. fut power. Air cotd. Few mints, see Don or Jerry.

2114 L.W.W Mish. 4 dr. eTTnr tone green. R. eery ewaa, low mileage, excellent condition, only 1311, carl evenings CE 2-7551.

143 DM. 31 South COQUIL. LARD Drive. Aa excepuoa-Ry fin 1-story bnrk hotna ta beautiful shaded setting, a striking example of th 1 1 modem architecture. Thia fine hoax waa built 1942, has i bedroom and hatha up.

to finest woodwork detail, a screened porch with complete privacy, ex-It prion 1 1 planting an (rounds. I. A. Moeasel. office or AT T-4931.

RICHARD A. MUESSFL CO, Bealtors, AT IM. bvi-iiiv uniTL, atcueviue oegia-mng construction oa several I bed room ranch homes. Select your own ana elevation, equipment. Interior color acheme, finishes.

I HA tad conventional Mm. Near school, churches, bus and shop- Pmg. CE Hie. tt, 1 bedroom oollocsl floor plsa. Youngstowa kit.

Gaa heat Screened BoreS. Attached earoort 11175. Hiltoa Realty, AT Mil or A I 1 tl.tO DOWN witk MS month syment set this really nice 7 room horn, one-half way between Jities Monro Grade A Riley Hi Schools. Aa opportuaity seldom o-rei In thu location. DOVM.n t.

ST1WART, AT T-12M STEWART Rlty. Co. SUNNVMOE-lX5 tast South St Kf.r Jefferaoa, John Adsm b-MMnes district Newty ptmted, 45a heat 1 Larto living room with firopUc. 1 Study, dining room, modern kitch en, thre bedroom, Ian til bath, finished recreatioa room. Carpeted.

Good closet pac. Garage. Shown ay appointment. Call AT 7-l7. IE, aiceJy located I rmTYngTb, MoT Jut.

aad hath. Oil heat. Gar. Near public nd earorh al school. M7M.

DEE SHEWMAN, CE 3-47, BL Special Savinq $7,500 W. Attractive bedrm. ranch home. liv. na.

with diaiat 'L. walls, hdwd. fir. Alice tormt at screen. Fenced yard.

175 duwe 51 me, lad. tax ins 1 Bob BralthwaMe, CE M4S1 PLACE, CE 2-8213 SVNNYMEDEAREA Convenient location la a 1 bedrm. kilo, with fa ket. Nice base ment, extra ouut-ia features, can AT HIM after weekday. Popular plan M.

On lovely land scaped sit. 21' carpeted liv. rm. with fireplace. I ceramic bath, large kitchen with dishwash-i, tr.

Gas heat. Attached garatf fllMO, Bob Braithwait. CE 128 SPORTSMAN'S "Cruisw. Coaverted uueraate bka. A caanpHrta atooiie home lor Ott heat, bottled gas stove, ink.

running water, ice box. i P.G. Cruise 4-. 115. Ihene ATlaa- (Silt nAlttRSTJuW any place by funyj a insured aauiet.

Anoet am Trailer' Villas. CE 2 447 "VarTer SObilehomE-iinciT Jia Oj model fit ii, cars. "No overload springs aeeded. wiU give yon a me demoastratioa. SOUTH SIDE TRAILER SALES (37 S.

Micbttaa AT (-3122 WANT Houtetrailer, Reasons nle. Can pay Wnte Ray Tudor, F.0 Box 02. Ma no. Ind. 2 YEARS FROMNOW You'll Be Glad You Goose SCHULT 1 A quality mobile home.

Purchase from a reputable dealer. Makes happy customers, bee our seiec- tioa of I and I wide. iUUAl "SOUTH SIDE TRAILER SALES M7 S. Michigan AT SSJ2' Motorcycles, Scooters. 129 47 WHIZZER motor bike.

In excel lent condition. Price 131 I W. West, Mishawaka. Eves. Truck, Trailer.

Tractor. ISO DUMP box withToist, Y5.Thooe CEntral 2-4851. 115 DODGE tractor, ready for the road, new motor, cxcell. tires, vacuum- bralres. -1525.

-C 3-MO 194 KB 5 International truck. Long wheel base with good 14' grain bed. Law mileage, one owner, as Shivers, Artos, Ind. Ph. 1471.

INTERNATIONAL Sales and Service now hve rTulf 1rnerf thr New 'A' Models for demonstra -tioth-Inchtdtne CUSTOM PICKUP A Th NEW TRAVELALL WAGON WEST MOTOR SERVICE U. S. 31 at Nile City Limit MU 3-154. Hrs. I A.M.

to Midnlte MISHAWAKA L. O.GATES OK Used Trucks 11 GMC 1 toe Panel. Heater. peed tran. It CHEV 1-Iim Panelr Heater, speed tran.

.......11051 Si INTERNATIONAL 1-ton Cab Chassis. Heater, 4-lpeed trans-l ..443 202 L.AV.E.,"MISHAWArCA Open Eves. Ph. BL I-M51 Ti CHEV. H-forTTanel, gooj motcTr ana tire, one owner, very clean thruout.

Ted Doha Lot 3043 West ern. AT M511. Open eves, 55 CHEVROLET, pickup truck. Citl CE4-1Z34. 1957 DODGE.

3 ton, 171 wheel fas. (need v-t. a directional light nd ether extra, 1957 ton, Exprea. V-l, 4 speed heater, di rectional light and other extra 157 Dodge ton Town Wagon (Stahoa wagon, I cylinder with heater. These are sew vehicles with alight damage.

Contact Mr. Wondard, weekdays to 5. Dallas- Mavis Forwarding Inc. Call AT 7-IJ45. NEW TRUCKS DODGES ON HAND NOW FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY' PICKUP TtYt.



A C. 13 DODGE 3V1 T. TRACTOR "4 DODGE J4 (on PICKUP NOBODY BUT NOBODY UNDERSELLS BENMEDOW Truck Headquarters 222 N. Lafayette Open Eves. GMC TRADE-INS 153 WILLYS JEEP 4 wheel drive Enclosed cab.

Low milesg. Own tr reference. 4951 CHEV. to PANEL Ex- "ceptionally clean. Owned A operated by local Educational institution.

Must be seen to be appreciated. ,.14 INTERNATIONAL I TRACTOR Kll Engine. Just overhauled. Ideal for low boy operation. Very good condition.

ALL OUR USED TRUCK PRICES ARE PLAINLY MARKED and prices are determined not by competition but by condition A service. All unit guar- anteeo to ne as represent eo. WHERE TRUCKS ARE NOT A SIDELINE Same location over 21 year. Teeter GMC Truck SALES SERVICE 744 S. Main AT t-KM.

OK USED TRUCKS nrmOtET" ton FICKfP Red and beige deluxe cab. Heater, low mileage, Thi truck Is like new 11495 5 CHEVROLET ton PANEL. Light green finish. Heater. 4000 miles.

Like new ..11495 11 CHEVROLET 1H ton long wheel base, light green finish. Like new 1)293 14 FORD I ton PANEL. I 4te'-'Frslt axw 13 CHEVROLET ton cih and chassis. Deluxe cab, heater. Governor, low mileg I49SI 11 CHEVROLET ten ICKUP.

Deluxe cab. governor 1713! S3 CntVKULtT Yt ton UTILITY. Governor, heater 195 FORD 2 ton CAB and CHASSIS. Long wheel base. Heater, Brice finish $25 .1.0.

GATES SOUTH BEND The Rig Lot At LAFAYETTE WESTERN AT 11423 One Evas. IK Stude. T. stakeT" l5t" '4-dr. sruae seasn.

311 t. 13th Mish wak. BL ROMY HAM.MES C07 A-l USED TRUCKS 5 34 FORD Tractor, Air, 1 speed Like Newl 1155 15 C. Toa Pickup. Heater Turn Signals 139V 14 CM Tractor.

Air over. Road Ready 1415 14 CHEV. 1 Tone Vn. 1 speed Trailing Axle 155 S3 WILLYS Panel. Heater (93 13 DODGE Ton Pickup.

Heater 5 11 FORD Ton Pickup. Htr. 51. 4 CHEV. 1 To Panel.

4 (peed. I Nice I 45 47 DODGE Ton, Pickup. Heater 145 II STUDE. i Toa Pickup 3s! 13 PODGE Penel 35 I months, mil guarantee Lot lLatayette LaSalle Lot 22 TOO Western LOT 1 CE 1 5407 LOT I AT 1-777 ateillt IIHtl. Paid tor any Make or MedcL Wet gtv you cash or older car aad peyj an balance.

LEIN S. 13 S. Mich. AT All Cash on The Spot For your ned ear. We wed all make and mooeia.

Your car need not paid for. See Mr. Brown or Mr. Welsh. YEAGER MOTOR CO, TJJ Downtfrwn CASH For Your Car1 SEE VAN GILDER BOB'S MOTOftS 22 S.

Ufayette JIM BABBITT NEEDS YOUR CAR 141 S. Michigan At Calvert CHEV. or Ford Pickup or Vton truck wanted Stake bed preferred Will trade 152 Plvm. Club Coupe. R.

A H. A W. tires and will pay cash difference. CE 4-445. cash or take over payment, no dealers.

AT 7-12S. "TRADE DOWN- BAILbuT BORDEN MOTORS 21J. Mich. TRADE DOWN Well trad you out of your lae model car and give you a good clean 152 or S3 Used Car and cash or we'll buy your car outright, NYE" FULTON" CO. Lot No.

2 Michigan A Calvert TOP DOLLAR Paid for your car or we wfllT Trade Down for your 1st model car and tive vou a good car and cash. Bring car nod title. Youf car nerd not be paid or. Ben Feferman 602 S. Michigan Ht.

Bl IV lunk cam A trucks, (era iron. Cn FRANK for price. AT 77, 2539 Western Ave. Hwy Aula Fioanclng. 123 TUOSEPH BANK A TRUST OFFER New or used car financing moderate bank rate with insured plan.

Inqun PERSONAL LOAN DEPT. St. Joseph-Bank Trust MICHIGAN A JEFFERSON CF.ntrnl 4-4121 or any of our branches. 3 Auto Tiros, Parli. 124 Axles.

Batteries. Generators. Start crt, Springs, Heaters, Radios, S3 up. 25 Good Motors. Ill and up.

These- parta-are anrptnr -and amsst be sold regardless of price. ALL OUR PARTS GUARANTEED 1000 TIRES. GOOD TREAD From Wrecked Car 13, 14, 15 IWiU Wholesale Wreck Junk Cars Wanted HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID GRERAUTO 1111 N. Mayflower Rd. CE 4-3554 Save More on Auto Parts Motors.

Transmission A Rear End. All year and model Unl.r. CIS. and llA Batteries, Stsrter and Generator 13.0 and up. All our parts guaranteed Parts Our Srjecialtv WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD SUPER AUTO SALVAbfc siaa M.i.

Ca It AT f354 TTSE SALE Save up to 4 pet. oal new tires. POLsls TiKt fttrcv ICE. 411 Western. Phone AT T-180.

USEDTlRES 'W'ttr bto1os of better than 10 Tire. All site, White Wall A Black. Hf'-hE MOTOR 743 S. Mirhiesn Mobil Homes. 128 11 AMERICAN 41 deluxe, like new Occumed only- mo.

By widow, Illness force sale. CE4-743 ATTENTION" LIVE BETTER ia Mobilehome of your own And for your best deal ALWAYS on a hew or Used Mobile home HEAD STRAIGHT for BOB HUFF MOBILEHOME MART 1013 S. Main lnd. OPEN EVES. Mon.

thru. Frl. to to l. BE SAVE At Knotts Trailer Sales 707 W. Jefferson.

Mish. We trad for furniture, car or what hav you and cash. New and used. Also some shady parking spaces. BL S-29W.

3TT6OT Spartan, 1952. Make an of- fer. See at Hollywood Trailer Park, U74S L.W.W. it 4-tllU. BUY ALUMINUM AWNINGS Lifetime twin tone colored alum inum for durability and beauty.

Erected at no extra charge for a limited time only. --Jr, SOUTH SIDE TRAILER SALES 307 S. Michigan ATJ-3522 1 'Jt LASALLE, 2' modern trailer Reasonably priced. J. Schwarti, 71 W.

Jeffersoa. 27' LIBERTY. Excell. nrnd. Mod.

reas. Inq. 5702 L.W.W., lot 27 or Ph. CE 2-4001 after 1.3 pm MOBILE HOMES Far better deal All Way CLARK TRAILER SALES U.S. 112 Bv-pas.

Phon Elkhart 23214. Largest Dealer QUALITY II Open House CURRENTLY DISPLAYING I' AND It' WIDE Smoker Spartan 7 Anderson Ventoura Travelo American Marietta Great Lales Vacation Travelers Yschtland land or sea Avion aircraft construction Beemer Gas equipped Vs-Ks-Shun-Ette our 191 aptcial EXTRA VALUES In used mobile homes. Reconditioned and guaranteed. SAVE $2000. '55 2 bedrm.

Anderson. 'S5 44' single bedrm. Spartan These unit csnnot told from new. tt pay to be sure before vou buy, see SHRUM'S EVERYTHING FOR YOUR MORILE HOME US .20 at fir Rd. MISHAWAKA Phon BUckburi llMt MICHIANA'S I t5'r'g' 1 sfr Homes Has UKI RIVf JtHIT MII1TT10, BKAL'TIFL'L wooded building Hue.

I2' river jefteraoa Rd ear Elkhart County line. Must see to1 appreciate. Pricedfor im-T meaiate saw. BEDROOM modern lake cortase on Mvera Uke. Ptymoutn.

tKit PROBST. Realtor, Plymouth. Ind. DONNEtnAKE. bedroom year boat Oil ht.

Early noss. Art voigt. 411 JMS. CE Jft. CE J-tSM.

EAGLE. Novel "summer cottare. Fura. Not mod. tasm t.

Kains, Fdwtrdstwrg. NE I-4T7WS. F0RSALE: New modern year -around water (toot cottax at- Twin Uke. Wm. F.

Nye. 414 E. Divt-unn Dowatiac. Michl HlLLSresortTLaTte "w'oodsTTJe- catur, Michigan. Approx.

19 It lake frontage, 12 boaU. fura. cabms. living qusrtrrs. snack bar.

all kind, of baits. Will finance part. HOME SALES AND SERV. Realtors, AT 1 1215, South Bend, lnd LAKE Lots and cottages. Van Auk- en, Brownwood.

utile Long, use of the Woods. See. writ or phone ttfV'sicV'Hio 4001 or Decatur. 33d. LAKE lot.

Shadv Shores, take of th Woods, i mi. N. et stop ugm ia Decatur. Mich. See any day or i IW.R tttt TaW Lr.

rwtn aisier at raw raw unt. Mica 15 DOWJj 111 MONTHLY SEC. write or tel. Curtis Costa t.4T i OCEANA-bounty, near scRooT'sec- tion. IKe.

i Barm, cottage, run bath. acres. Also 2 best fishing lakes within walking distsnce. Completely furnished. fJ JM.

Write John Chase, Box 154, Wslkerville, U.h ROOMS, fura. cottage mHutch- seciuoca. na gooa tuning, rn. TTorViluI mfwfern enttVee over 100' river frontage, jettersow hi miles esit Kocxweu rism, nrau ratlv nriCMt OR 4-g5S5. ROOM "modera'hom "on LalSlront and a duplex year around apt Building oa lake.

Completely fur mhed. Ph. Niles MU 5-3475. Lett tor Silt. 108 JiITaCRh R26nrTToMgeTvTeter Twp.

Nr. U. S. II, so. lerm.

cut BFAnT ATT-13S. ATRE LOT- Fdwardsburfhiwtv 1150. PENCE REALTY, Cs. CE 3-175. ft6EAUtrFUl lots, i acreTn MANGOLD HIGHLANDS.

Near L.W.W, Easy terms. CE 2-142. BRICK RD. I('xl4l' lot. near schools, bo and shopping, rtrstnet-ed.

I143. VA approved. St Joe Realty. CE 4-4773. ICLAY TWP.

Forestbrook Rd. 50x131. To settle estate. Sacrifice Ja. Al 3342.

Bruce Day. CTbSE to Elgie Lake and new school. On rsvea treet. ctt or terms. AT (-734 or CE 2 353.

EDWARDSBURG Hiwy foC x5T. I bik. from tut line. 11,50. Phone AT 7-455.

wooded lots, restricted. x25'. Shadv -Rest edditiea, around Hralthwin Hospital. CE 4-201, or AT 7 511. LOTS together.

CTayTwp. Bothlor 175. Term. CE 3-3417. LOf-lhV35C msrilOj'trnTlft per month.

On Baughmaa Ct. or Miller Rd. about miles So.v of courthouse and about Vi Mil E. of Hwy. 31.

FAIR-WAL TRAILER ALES.lne.-?l Jefteraoa, Mishawaka. Ph. BL t-(24. COT for sale. llxIMCw'ith basmt.

113 sq. ft. Kenirworth additioa, Clay Township. AT 7-347. SCENIC DRIVE, Belleville.

tCH. frontage. Concrete paved street, walks, all utilities. 3 hiks. to school.

Shopping, bus. churches. Terms. COLPAERT CE 3 -5IM. SUBURBAN) Tot'.

and Lilac Roads. Ph. CE 4-nz fter p.m. Sakorban, Country Sal. 101 BOWTTOV near lydick.

4 rmt sod bath, on I Acre land, only I.V804. fiooe dn. A. J. Kovaeh Realtor, AT 90.

LbCuSt RD.7 Modern b.lo. I bed" rms large modern kitchea and living rm. Extra large utility rm. Oil heat Close to school and bus Terms to suit. M1NCZEWSKI REALTY AT 7-444 CE 2-231 rXCRE with 404 small growing "tree at comer and Cedar Rd.

with stone ranch house, rm. bedrm. Basmt. Oil beat, fireplsce, oak plaster. 2 car gar.

Owner leaving town. 12,304 down. Tel. CE 3-I3H. W.

M. KNUTSON. Reiltor. i ACRES. IdeaJ rorfutur home sites.

It ecres wooded, rest cleared. rm, semi-modern home, Other outhlries. Price reduced. MINCZEWSKI REALTY AT 7 M44 CE 3-3OTI 15" ACTRES WTCmerTCenttf Twp" Mod. 4 unfinished upstair.

A nice home, fireplace, built in features, basem*nt. II Terms. CULP REALTY AND INSURANCE Service. Phone Lakeville 4274, So. Bend AT-JI41.

RM. hs. 2 bdrm. Mod. "hth.

Table model hot water htr. 7 acre. Ideal for riding stable. Good pasture. Near U.S.

2 oa Filbert Mish. flMS tl.M dn. BL 3-2341. BEDROOM motftlmestone horn. No basm t.

Garage. Near U.S. 31 South 114.50. CULP REALTY A INSURANCE Phi- Lake ville 4374. B.

AT 1 1141 CTtUMSTSWNTfD. 2 Veres Mod em 3 bedrm. home. Lnrge kit. breezeway and garage.

FuU bsmt. HA heat Immediate possession. 111,500. MINCZEWSKI REALTY "AT" T44 CE 2-1WJ- CHAlN 0' LAKES. Semi-mod.

1 rm. frame, 3 bdrm. 4 wooded lots. 1375. IM down.

EARL McIXNAt.DA SON 111 IOP BLDG. CE 3-545 or CE 2-44 Com plet TYou ft 0v RCROwff ED or basem*nt home, will fi nance $3500. No mortgage. Easy terms. Ph.

Xceiburg Lumber Gt 3-3144 col SBeodJl J-44S7. CO A ICE TRAIL Nr. Ireland Road. I yr. old ranch, oil ht, attch.

garage. Complete tiled hath. 3I0.J0. GLEN Stt-LY AT 1443 E. LASAIXE-IJ3I DAY ROAD 3493 L.W.W.

31175 N. PRESCOTT 1(1455 E. JEFFERSON 5417 MOSS ROAD- 4 rms. 4 rms. rmt 4 rms.

5 rms. 4 rms SEE THESE WITH A. LEE MOORE CE 2-3l -WE HAVE MANY OTHERS-Call COLPAERT, CE 3-5 1 08 shaded lot. 3 bdrms, eam. wo, kitchen, full basm't Glassed-ln porch.

Gas best. 2 car gar. acre ground. 114,500. Terms CRESSY A EVERETT.

Realtors, AT 71317 or CE 4-3771. FULKERSON PARK- A WONDERFUL PLACE FOR LIVING. Suburban location with city conveniences. Public water sidewalks and paved streets. Two new schools.

Clos to shopping and bus service. Several three bedroom plan chooe from. CHOICE of bom sites, designs, siding, col ors snd gat or oil heat Spaciou dining and Yeungstow kitchens Also Include aluminum window screens, combination door, eaves- trough, and concrete driveways per month and f35t DOWN to Veteran. Including nil coals, furnished MODEL HOME open dally except Sunday, Between Nile and South Bend E. off U.S.

II two block S. of Nile Outdoor Theater. NILES HOMES. INC. -Builder of National Home.

Phone Niles MU 3-1711 or MU 3-0454 GRANGER Six-room, not modern furnished. Large haded lot. with shad tree. Priced only 14450. Early poss.

FRANCIS SRIVER, Realtor, AT -23l3, HIGH IN Riley hi. Strikingly modern ranch home with exposed beam ceilings. Excellent 4 bedroom, 2 bath ar rangement. Cheerful dining 'L. Huge basem*nt Attached 2 car garage.

Delightful lot. M'xlS4'. Flor ida bound owner will accept 121 00. Term can arranged. Fast possession possible.

For detail con-tart Ed Everett AT 7-3327 or tves. CE 4-3771. Cressy A Everett, Real tors. We trad too! JUST "over line Tn MlrniganTTjeiut. rm.

ranch. Built '54. fully built-in birch kit 3 hatha, full txsmt. lec. heat.

Att. 2 gsr. DFE SHEW- -man. CE 3-47M, BL 1-1214. MODERN home on lcrn2rnT.

S. of S.B. on Stat Rd. 23. tVH1.

I2.0 dwa. REED REALTY. Ph 317, Walkertnn, residence prions 24 nonn tinerty. N.W. Suburha 2 haimt.

Bunt id ISM. wooded lot. Mli4M. Paved road DENNISTON REALTY. CF'4 7797.

things you don need thmueh Clasii'ied. A4l Phon CE Hill 13 ITr Mil IT. '0 SOTJTH aatt of cirv. ErderSC I bedna. home, oak lira, run assart.

Completely msulated. I car fa-rate, na. terms. EMERY A DAVIS. Realtor, CE 44111.

Eves- ce ina whitcombtkehfr r. Sevea rooms ia ail. custom built with plastered walla. Attached ar- III SOUTHEAST BUNGALOW. Two bedrooms.

bueaieM. Located Victoria. Assame eintine mortfate with Ml M. ds: M4 KEMBLE. Three bedrooms, basem*nt, closed porch, ferage.

Low down payment. NORTH RANCH. Three Vdrooma. hardwood floors, stow, refrigerator included. Garage.

I lM down. Ml SOUTH WILLIAMS. Eight room borne oa corner lot aow aaed for club. Auto. heal, two bath, arrangement ideal for offices, club, or professional man.

SUPER DELUXE EXECUTIVE BRICK. Ideal location. Three bed 'rooitrsr story book kitchea, lots of ew carpeting, finest of recreation rooms, two lots, "sprinkling system, two car brick garage. Shown by appointment onlvv I ST. ANTHONY STONE RANCH.

Three bedrooms, bawmeat. two fireplaces, screened porch, carpeting, bled kitchea and bath. Fine yard. CALL ART V. GRANGER CE 4-lt! SLNNYMEDE John Adams and Jeff school dist.j Thre bedroom brick colonial.

Beautifully decorated, carpeted, fireplace. IVi baths, dishwasher, full oil heat. Priced to ell. For app'L rail Lea Mensit, AT 1-410, CE ITItd. ARDMORE.

Two bedroom bungalow, built on a wooded lot. do lis'. Full basem*nt 1 car garage. Price UjN For app't. Call Let Menu.

AT Hltt, CE J-T74t. SUNNYMEDE 4S1 Creenlawn, three bedroom bnck. 14 story. Fireplace IS bath, anodera kitchen, with dish washer. Full basem*nt.

Oil beat Breeieway, attached 1 ear garage For app'L call Le Memia, AT t-tlg, CE inm. SUNNYMEDE Baauuful room, bedroom o- KMual ia ideal East aide location IS baths, fireplace, breeieway at garaie, full basem*nt, lovely eorner lot, near good schools, bus and part. Ill JM. Lall tt 4-JS47. dim Acurman.

NORTHEAST. Attractlv ranch with stone Are olae Tr hviag room and din ing 1 aica bedrooms, full basem*nt with rec room, newly decorated throughout, excellent landscaping with bug private rear yard. This I truly a lovely home and must seen to be appreciat ed. ni.5M. For details call CE 4-JM7.

Jim Arkerman. GOOD VALUES. XM Whitcomb 4M 1MI L.W.E. Mith. L(.

Bungalow. 4i Tonti 2 story. I2i Lsacaster .1 b.r. 1M7 PyK Park Uf LeUnd I r. To see these and other call CE 4-2S47.

Jim Ackermaa. HARTER HEIGHTS Charming Colonial with IS' living room, fireplace, two car farage. Pnc re duced, see 117 Napoleon. TWYCRENHAM HILLS See 1701 York Rd. for a Ranch hem with Teat rrvmr.

Extra wet-lot. isa ADAMS Place built Ranch home. Ha newly installed Youngstowa kitchea. Dishwasher. Disposal.

Double garage. FHA with SITM down. I3V437 LELAND In-law want to liv with you? Check these two houses On Bungalow-one hie two story. 2SM HOLLYWOOD 130 down buys. This Bungalow four nice rooms.

Call CE J-UO, Howard W. laming NORTHWEST Clean bedrm. Gas beat Full basem*nt. Garste. Only II Jos, NORTH Ranch I rem.

1 bed miii atrto. beats Take over pres- wm mrt. sirne nown. 5J 7S Biomh. CU W.

G. Rannells, CE 4-7474, COQUILLARD WOODS room. 4 bedrooms. Original owners. First time oa market 1 block to McKia- lev school.

UNIQUE STONE FRAME 1 bedroom IV, bath, between McKln- Jy a St. Anthony Schools, BRICK RANCH STYLE moms 1 bedroom attached garage. Near moms Pr country Club. UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BRICK I rooms, I club room, dhl. gars, basem*nt.


CALL FRANK HORKA, CE 4-J47J. BERCL1FF ESTATES I bedroom ranch built '51 with full rec. room, 21 carpeted living room. 7' wooded lot. ail Frank Rierile CE 4151.

CHAIN-'O LAKES. Completely furnished lake front. bdrm. fireplace, 14x20 porch fust 15304. I have key.

Frank Riedl CE 41151. CAROLINE ST. FOUR BEDROOM RANCH Attractiv stone and frame con struction built 1154. Spaciou liv lag room, stone fireplsce. family roam, den or fourth bedroom and: two tiled baths.

Kitchea has built-in stove and oven. In a neighborhood of ether duality ranch home. Call J. Paul Kelly. CE J-48M.

WHITCOMB KELLER Si SERVICE. 1, w-s, Buuoing We hav money for 1st mortgsg loans. LAFAYETTE AT JEFFERSON Realtors-CE 3-3104 Farms. Lani for Sal. 101 4 ACRES BREMEN HIWAY Annrai mi.

So. I Pen Twp. Modern dwell tag. mrte. Grade-A dairy barn that btd Alt tillable.

Alan front age oa Lavtoo Rd. lu.w. ACRES MIAMI RD Pnvat drive to very! beautiful ahaded aettmg and mod rn sprawling bnglo. having large living rm. with fireplace and Eicture windows, stainless steel itchen, 3 larg bedrm.

Large recreation rm. ia basem*nt. New ly aided and roofed ban. New block tool shed, garage, and workshop. New combination bog and chicken house.

Other well-kept out-bldgs. Must see to appreciate, immediate aosseseioa. Priced for quick sal at 43S acre. Financing avaiianie? ROBFRT GERBFR AGENCY Oft NE 3-3303 Re. NE2-2MS.

WYATT. INDIANA a ACRES. mod. 3 bdrm. house bara and ether bldgs.

On Pine Rd. South of Riley Rd. S34.M Will trade for city property. CULP REALTY AND INSURANCE Serv-fce. Th.

LektvlU 4274, South Bend AT HHI, 4 A. 4 rm. mod. hs. I A.

aspar gua. ii a. wneat. case rs Poss. IH.OM.

Voigt, 41 JMS Bidg, CE 34: CE 3 -53. l350DOWNrcios btrATTfarm, rm. hous and 3 other bldea. No loan fees. Mark Farm.

2nd N. of Toll on W. Cleveland Rd. For lusp. call MARSH REAL iw, ia AT -Ms7.

FARM FEVER? IT you have It, be our "Patient. 43 Acs. earner, priced be low market for last sale, terms OSS. or Is ripe for a desl. Call Bollei, AT (-543, Kobin.

CE 2-44U. KOHIN REALTY. CE 3-ftlM. MICHIGAN farm and lake, mod-4 bdrm. home.

bara. tool ahed. chicken and kog house, full net or farm tool, chicken aad rattle. The ia a private lake. Cottai and boats.

HOME SALES AND SER VICE. AT a.3215. NEAfcTcobN'TrTSim Acres, well kept I room home, full baiim't furnace heat, chicken bse 2x7. brooder, paved road. 1)2, not.

F. Kramer, (Koontt Lake Wslkerton, Ind. Ph. 125 M. NEAR KOONTZLAKEf 4 acresTI room borne, fireplace, eo furnace, barn, 30x4: chicken bse 3liM.

paved road. 115.50. F. Kramer (Koontt Lake). Walkertoa, Ind.

PH. HIM. ieir WafuTIFinch TP home. 1 bdrm. lall lg rmsl full bsam't I acre land, re cent construction.

Can be financed North and west of New Carlisle III 504 Ph. 204 Moor REALTY New Carlnle. Lake, Rlvar, Resort Property. 107 ACRE woocTed lot, cress two lakea. M50.

131 down, III mo. No Sunday, Tinnty rramofit, Micnigno, 2 4 2 PLACE, CE mis 4HILLS campaign! BUSINESS OPPORTUimit. 117 WANT to work eight month, vaca tion four? A money maker drive- in grossing over 14. in tight months. Very clean, modern equipment and capable taff of employee.

Within 2 mile of South Bend. Include mom modern home. Can be operated year round if desired. 112. 00 down payment required or consider other prop erty as part payment.

This is not refreshment stand hut a well or ganised growing business. Contact owner. Box I2. Tribune. WELL established bake shop and coffee bar.

Good location, reas Call only after p.m. AT 7 36 1 5 NICE little business. Only part time, but can be expanded to full time. tM required, ahould net $209 per month on investment. For personal contact writ Box J-40, Tribune.

Business Chances Wanted. IIS ftEf RESHMENT'stand or small res taurant in Resort, wanted to rent or on percentage basis by couple. Elkaa. 263 North Racine Ave, Chicago. Illinois.

Investments, Mortgages, 119 ACCTOtJLATErT.lyidtI"lB aa insured caving account at in dustrisl Saving A Loan 2 S. Main. CE 4-7371 A-C-T N-O-W and secure a Horn Mortgage loan to purcbaae. re finance or nay off a land contract. 'Prompt rvic.

FIRST -FEDERAL1 SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH BEND. 122 134 N. Man Street. Phone CE 4-1233. BETTER mORTGagT! plnoTor yon Compare our rate with construed tion money for new home in ap-l proved area.

W. M. Knutaon, AD-i VANCE 1NV. H-lll Lafavetta Bldg. CE CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE loans available for city and well-located uburban properties.

Call CE 3 3144 WHITCOMB A KtLLr-K tUCi PtlONAlTTong term low in tercet mortgage avaiL on quail ty homes. BULLARD, CE 4-3131 FARM MORTGAGE UfANS. Long term anywhere la the U. s. A.

Cattle loans. No. Ind. and Mich. Call W.

M. Knutaon with ADV. INV. INC. CE J-M9.

LAND CONTRACT wanted on dity and suburban real estate. Write Box J-43 Tribune. Land CONTRACTS for IS and 3 pet. discount. Must hurry.

Re- lurning to Mono, nu i-m. WILL buy land contracts at rea sonable discount, ueorge Jones, Realtor. CE 3-7777. Wanted to Borrow. CO f3TlSPERATELYneecn Will repay per month.

Have good credit rating. Carl CE 3-007. DESPERATELY ia neeoTof will renav II 0 a montn. Have A-l credit rating, It interested call AT a-7344. Loans Personal, Business.

.121 ALL PAWN loan oa Jewelry, gun, instruments, cameras. I dios, etc. JACK'S LOAN. 327 Mich. Rear AT 7 300.

CONSOLIDATE BlLtS WITH A LOAN VP TO rst-tlMA S11M or more from LOCAL FINANCE 205 S. Main CE 30 W. Western AT 7-3250 125 N. Mam IMuh.1 BL 1-1244 DO YOU NEED iss MONEY? We make kn tor home A family need of every description Personal A automobile loan Furniture A modernization ku*ms Convenient Mo. payment term.

Prompt, courteous service. FIDELITY INVESTMENT lit N. Mla St. Ph. CE 4-4144 'THE FRIENDLY FIRM" for Spring Needs Expenses Pay Bills Vacations LOANS I2S TO 1 504 ON YOUR OWN SIGNATURE 24 MONTHS TO PAY 212 Sherland Bid South Bend 1411 $20 TO $500 extra fast service Simple requirements Life Insurance protection on all HFC loam without extra enet tr you.

made on signature car or furniture. Up to 24 months to repsy. Pbone or came in today, HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION South Bend: 101 S. Michigan St. Corner Michigan A Washington.

Mlshawak 11 S. Mam St. Phoenix Bldg over Hook Drug Si. 2nd floor. Phone BL 1-M4I ALXTASlTToan.

anything of ralu Camera, cknhing, gun, fewelry musiral fnatrument. etc, RORR'S, II W. Western Ave. IX Automotiri Wanted, Autos, Auto'vo. 122 ABOUT TOTRADfDOWN? Consult tie lor a clean used car and CASH for tour lat model automobile.

We'r open evenings and Sunday. SHEEHE MOTOR CO. 741 S. Mlch-AT--AT 22471 ACfoMOBILFS wanted, alt models. '4 on up.

Wa pay top dollar immediately. See Chuck Eager at EAGER AUTO SALES. 101 S. Michigan, AT t-7575. OfietiEvea.

AUTO WRECKS wanted for repair pert. Will pay more than sslvsg prire. Also" Crotley wanted lor part. CE 4-4831. I0UITRT till.

100 RTW. Tiroomnnome7uirT)alh. Larg lot. mi. No.

of state line. 14U Ontario St. 145. own, can ct a-eiii or ca j-iss. NORTH SUB.

Nearly new ranch type on spacious wooded Kit. urge hv. 2 mod. kit Dinette. Tile bath.

closets. Rum pus rm. with fireplace. Oil ht Garage. I1IJ54.

Terms. W. C. GAMMONS. Realtor.

CE WNER" S'Xcf IFICIN on Lin. W. between Mish. and Osceola. Roomy" 1 bedrm.

mod I1-, baths, fire full basmt, rec. oil heat, carpet. dhl. gar. and work shop.

COY EALTY, AT 7-134. REDUCED PRICE 113.50 W-S17M dwa, a acre, 4 bedrm house. sun rm, din rm, basmnt, Hi30 brooder house, stall barn, gar. RUSSELL STAPP REALTY, INC. CE 4-144, CE 447(5, AT 1-517, CE 4-4413.

ROaT23. Just serosa sffftTTnTTn Mich. Lge. 2 bedrm ranch horn. Bmtt in 155.

Oak ftrs. Full basmt. Auio. heat 2 car attached gar. Nearly 2 acre.

Some furniture included. Price 114.00. Terms with ressonsble down payment. EMERY A. DAVis, Realtor.

CE 4-1111, eve. CE 3-5055. Acre land oil furnace. Term. Early pos ession.

FRANCIS T. SRIVER Realtor. AT -2J15. 4KoQM house on 1 acre oa Pin Rd. near New partially finished, 23.50.

CULP REALTY AND INSURANCE Service. Lakeville 4274 or B. AT 1-2141. SUBURBAN Crepe' Road, lot 14x444 rm modern bungalow, oak floors, oil beat full basmt, lare attic, (eraie. some fruit, once 112,009.

Francis T. Sriver, Realtor Al S-Z15. Rial Estate-Other Twbs. 1 1 11 ACRES with I bdrm. bmtgalow, tit heat.

IMS. N. of Plymouth. ERNIE PROBST Realtor, Plymouth 12 A. Estate must be settled.

room aodera some, lrg barn, timber, isiue, Linden Evan, Fr moot, Michigan. ETNAgREEN7 acre. Older rm house, electric pump, barn, straw oerry paten, rnc n.sos. ISZA Realty, Realtor, AT 4-734. FARMS 20, 3d, 7 acre.

Good Blew. locations ideal. I lake horn: furnished. Firepl. Fumac frontage.

Pric reduced. A place to be proud to own. Act quick. Income property oa 3 Mile Lake I Paw Paw). 1 cottage, five cabins.

Ready to move in. Priced OTHERS. R. E.i Orr, Broker, Decatur, Mich. FOR sal in choice location ia Bu- cnanan, I bdrm.

mod. home, 4 yr. old, liv. rm. 13Hx3H', with lg.

picture window. Kitchea ha Birch cupboard. Postered wall and Hardwood floor through out Full basmt, with recreation rm. started, tinfin. upstair for extra bdrms.

or storage. Auto, oil heat 12 X2' lot has M' frontng with almost 2 acres back, nicely landscaped, with flower box and shrubs ia front Strawberries and Apple tree in back. Price 115.700. For appt. Buchanan.

OX -bow HAVE many properties listed hv New Cerlisle area from I5.M to 113.000, old and new. Ph. 304 New Carlisle. MOORE REALTY. IS UkevTile.

3 btfrrn. mod. lovely home, lge. lot. garage, good neich borhood.

II2.KI. CULP REALTY AND INSURANCE Service, Ph. Lakeville 4174; B. AT 1-3141. WantedReal Estate.

IIS ayTTAKCTX ha moufnes dslrrl lor city, suburb, comm. For quick Bie CE 2-44M. 2IIJ ioof bios. READY; SECLt To1 sen, trade, or eoaa) out your equi ty, we need 1 and 4 bedroom homes City and Suburban. C.

HERMAN COOK CE CECIL KIMMEL BL -31l A. LEE MOORE CE 3-311 GLEN SFELY AT M4S3 EARL CE 4-733 COLPAERT REALTY CE 3 510 DO vou want to SELL your proper- tyt We wffl buy. aril, or trade yoor eouity. SID CRESSY, Realtor, AT MISl 11 Mich. St.

i DFSl E3-bedroom home's near RiTeyJ Pierr Navarra nd McKinley School districts. SWIFT REALTY, CE4-SW, CE 4-5404. D(jE to aa aggressive sale program, have definite need of well located to 4tc PLEASE CALL Morley Lindale, CE 3431 Fd Hurtubise, CE 3-300 Al Brasneur, BL H544. Associated Underwriters Realty CE 2-1251 Insurance In- daya. PAY US A VISIT and SEE WHY buyera appreciate our ad vanced methods of telling prop- any.

Ampte parking at our aew drive-in real estate office. CRFSSY A EVERETT 714 E. Eddy I At Armory Square AT 7-2327, Realtors for 3 to 4 bedroom home Southeast and East sections. Ranch type or 2 story, not over 1 years old. MINCZEW SKI REALTY, AT 7 44 or Ben Crolilhski CE 2-147.

if YOU wouftrhkekinyoVr noma or aurauroaa property le caaa, call A. J. Kovaeh, 1(24 Main. AT (-4B0. IT COSTS YOU NOtmNCrTTwe fill to sell your property, to serve you.

PETER GILLIS Realtor, CE 2-14M anytime, LAK FRoNTTof wantedTTn gan. tt mile radius from South Bend. Ph. CE 2-47. aTlGHf buy ourselves or ten underj I weeks' listing.

Broker since 133 F. AXNIX. 1M2 S. Scott. AT 44.

NEED AT ONCE land ITmdrm home. Ready cash. Preferably Southeast or Northwest S1ADE RKALTY, ATT-714. PtACE your" listing with as, as we nave buyers for all kinds of Home, Farms, Lake Cortege and Businesses. AT HOME SALES A SERVICE, Brokers, Indiana and Mlrhlsan.

Ph. AT 23IS. RUssORfONTTVealtor. AppTaTsaTs. trading, or selling your property for ess our specialty.

CE 2-7744. StEK'IN'i homes in all sections of South Bend. George Jones, Realtor, CE 37772. CE I-44J2. mizrmziHttrtr.NfWiirKr: quirk result list your property or bus.

With RALPH J. ANDREAE Real Eatat A In. CE 43444. I WtNTIB HEAL IITTI. 113 SEvTlR home oa East aid needed now for responsible colored buyer.

Sell for csh. Call Wm. Morris Agency. CE 3-7172. SELTToFTteS your horn quickly by calling Marsh Realtor, AT t-037.

Salea and Remain for 31 year. WILL trade 2 here off W. Ireland Rd. oa 2 bedrm. home.

Call AT 7.RRi WILL buy ibedroomome, with basem*nt, in Edison Fsrk with thiich possession. Phone CE VIM Financial Business Opportunities. I IT ABOUT th nicest "little 'Business' you find anywhere. WiU consider best cash offer. See Stan's cigar More, cessoooli.

Mtrhiran. ANfDES" CANDIES FRANCHISE and candy Case wilt he sold. Reasonably priced. CE 4-743 or see at Bamboo Inn, 204 W. Jefferson Blvd.

I Next to Jefferson Hotell. ATTRATTIVETunch room and foun tain at Sawyer, Mich, oa Route 12. For rent or for sale. Call Palisade 5-1944, H. Lundberg, 4121 N.

Keystone Chicago 41. XNY person Interested in investing 15000 or 1600 ia an ll-year-oid profitable business, as active or silent partner, ia soutn tiena nis-tnct. Owner leaving, health rea on. Write Box J-31, Tribune. lAPARTM ENTS, furnished kitchen (ttes.

priv. bath. All apts. rent ed. Wonderful investment.

On M-4. Lot 335x3'. Si Mam Dowag- tae, Michigan. Ph. 0335.

BE BEAUTIFUL FAMOUS HIWAY RESTR. 2 A paved parking. Best clientele tstab. Hi gross net. LAUNDRYM AT Largest in town-3 washer.

Diaper serv. Hi gross- Terms. TAVERN I Way. On of finest Mishr Good ataady Uada. lYg.

qtrs Terms. MOTEL Strategic toe. I units. Hi gross. Very aic bldg.


Owner want to retire. EWtl. 2 year. Nr. So.

Bend. Price is less tnaa last year a net protit Jtepiy Box A-23, South Bend Tribune. DRY CLEANING plant-well equipped, aood loc. All the work you can handle. M.SM.

Inventory value.) call AT 7-41. EXCELLENTToe. for barber shop, insurance office, or any small business. Loc on busy US 31 NO, Contact Mr. Peterson, CE 3-1211.

After :3, CE 7327. ESTABLISHED Widow must sell this grocery and market stock and fixtures Solid brick bldg. 7 rms. and bath up. Store and 1 roms with bith down.

Will sell complete or building alone. Ha good income Same location for many year. A good opportunity for go-getter. Terms considered. ANDY PUSTAY 272 S.

Michigan AT 1 1784 fORnALTfRestaurant No cash needed. Pay by the month. 411 Please dd'not' phone FLORIST SHOTrGR EENHOUSE 211 S. France in excellent condition and priced for immedi ate sale, residence car be included, George Kessel AT 7-5 or CE 4-2SI. and cold drink atand.

On heavily traveled street. Ill health forces sale, 1450 on reasonable term. Call La Mar. Realtor, CE 4-1111, eve. CE 4-717.

ITQUOB STOR iJcehaeatocTTBia fixtures, good but could be moved. Priced to sell. AT 7-15 113 Western "Ave. MODERN USlrTCAR LOT for rem in best location in Mishawaka Modern Office. Well lighted.

Good for 7 to sa car sales per month. Ready to move ia and (tart mak log money. Originally built for li Cream and Hamburger drive in. Can also be used for many types or dnv in business or outside displays. Reasonable rental on to monih basis or long term lease.

Contact Herman Schmitt at Jordan Motors, to Jefferson, Mishawaka. BL NILES truck stop, price. Low rent, excellent income, Niles, P.O. Box 13. NURSERY and Plants Sale yard.

On U.S. Hwy. Modern home, all buildings, equipment and growing slock on A. Finance nerteBox. p-34.

OLD established dry goods, ladi iiea and men's wear store. Health and age reasons for selling. Across street from Post Office, Bourbon, Indiana. to I daily except I nunway to TiOTEC-33 rms. oa Lakl 11 mile N.

of So. Bend. Nicely located, sandy beach. Bar Jain. Must be sold.

Owner. H. ones, Palisade Prk, Mich. SUNOCO Do you want your own service station? Are you under' 41 years age? do you nave lime to invest in merchandise and equip mentr Sua Oil Co. Is considering appli cants for Its dealer training program and will select men with hove requirement for place ment ta their own station.

A sub stantial salary will be paid while in training eur company oper ated station for a minimum of 1 months. Bookkeeping, merchandis ing, display and product know! edge are a lew of th points covered in our thorouih method of training. Pleas writ and Mai your qualification to: SUN OIL CO. P. 0 Box 34, Huntington, Ind fEXACfl nasTorIes.a 2 bay serv ice station.

On good corner in Mishawaka. Ltttl financing need td. Call CE 2-1711 or Niles, Mu tual J-53M, TaIua (A Leading National manufacturer of product sold to both home and industry, has open territory avail hie for exclusive franchise. Mini mum capital investment will bring average personal return In xress of 1200 per year. Must show proof of responsibility! Hurry now to tax advanltg of National ad vertla'r.

Our present franchises re awarn of this ad. GENERAL IONICS CORP, 1111 Clairlnn lvd, i Pittsburgh 3. Pa. 152 CHEVROLET 1 dr. dehor.

radio, heater, power glide. Exeel. lent condition. Call CE 2-253. 154 CHEV.

-Delray. I tone, very clean. Good tire. Phon CE 4-34. All whit with whit Vinvly Tin.

Powerglidt, Radio. W-Wallt. Ctt be purchased with 13 DOWN. SHEEHE MOTOR CO, 74 S. Michifan.

ITCHTV. tELAIR HARt)t6P RH P.B. A power Pah Very tleaa. Look this one over for a real value. Borden Motors, 210 S.

Mich 1956-1957 CHEVROLETS Choose from the largest selection ia Michiaam All body styles. DEMONSTRATORS A EXECUTIVE. CARS AT BIG DISCOUNTS L.O.GATES Chevrolet Corp. SOUTH, BEND "THE BRIGHT SPOT" LAFAYETTE WESTERN OPEN EVENINGS Iftl CHRYSLER NEW YORKER' Dlx. Newport, Beautiful Beige A Brown 2-Tone, Radio, Heater, Auto.

Trans. WW Tire. Power Sterlet, Power Brakes! Your ta owa a practically aew car at used car low price. MOULDER'S Lot 1-717 L.W. West CE1-R7I Lot 2-Samnte A L.W.E, AT HI JI CHRYSLER Imperial RardnsC Take ever BL of I47T easy payments.

WiU accept trad. Phoa Blll-3737. Sedan, 2 ton green A black. Has Radio, Hester, Push Button Drive, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Whit WaU tire. One owner, reel clean.

Tn ultimata ia comfort and satisfaction. MILLER MOTORS, LAKEVILLE Ope by Appotntmmt Phone Lakeville 4341 Or Dial Direct AT Ml 41 1151 IMPERIAL, Ha full power. Brand New Nylon Tire. A Seautl. ful luxurious family car for the discriminate buyer et a bug aav-Jngil Very low mileage.

A local dector "former owner. MOULDER'S LOT l-7T t.W. West. CE 1-127. Lot 3-Sampls A L.W.E.

AT 1-1144. MFORD "Owner Certif ied'fdoor Customline. Heater, auto, new tires. Very clean inside and jut II, Ml. GRADY BUICK.

HI 'n misn. unen eves. sTrmrajsTTLirTr A real Sharpiel Leaded witk equipment. Don'f miss this one for DOWN. SHEEHE MOTOR --T43 -Mtchigan.

M. Si FOKD. Custom line. 1 it. Per-feel condition.

Also 1 Chevrolet. 110. 352 Western AT -4. STFord VictohirTdedTOnTown. er actual miles.

Stun-flag red A while. Can't be told from new. Our Low Price 12045. BABBITT'S AUTO SALES -101 S. Mich, at Calvert.

R. -fT. Lik new. $1541. Call Bob FUh.

17T0RD ully equlppe! Less thai miles. 12 141. Phone CE r3-33M. 7iFpRl5-CustS-TlS5 A Automatic. Delivered at 12121.

WiM cnfic. Contact Bob Boideg 210 S. Mich. llSf FORD FaiVKrrltTw-wTa SACRIFICE, i.eo mile. Fully quipped.

CH AT l-75. t5J MERCEDES BENE Th cltssic 308 4 door seda. The finest of Germsn crtftsma-" hip and materals. Cm tern tquipped with many fnnctlonal ar, cessorle Including instrument pan-' el adiustibl rid control and "World Famoua all-chaanel Becker Radio." Thi car originally nM tor over S7.3M. Now only at BEN FEFERMAN MOTOR SALES 41 South Michigan, Phon AT MiA koadster.

Perfect eonoT-tioa. 1 004 miles. Call CE 4-1334 fler I p.m. TlontcUIr I ir w. walls, f.

MercomaHc. Must ali ll.tM. Phone CE 2-153. 'II NASH Rambler. 4 dr.

Aunv tran. Continental kit Very ahsrt. Only 1121. Babbitt Auto, SakHt, 101 8. Michlg.a.

llTiLrgrTl Holiday Coup. 1, Sumlard 1-ton kin A r.hi"'..0ALBERO OLDSNILES. US. 31. Ph.

1-30. IT 6LDS Super" he Rdlo, Htr. A HydramMie. 14 OLDS Super tl. 1 dr.

ksl die, Htr. A Hydramalie. DALBERO OLDS, NILES US It Dwl direct CE 2-34MM. ISTPtl "atr, T. glass, P.

brakes. Vr elesn. AT M453. II PACKARD Constellation Hdtop. Tutene col-er.

W.W. nras. Tor sloe ride. Power trg. A brakea.

Seat belts. Aula, trans. Ridie. SPECIALLY PRICED IIH at BEN FTFERMAN MTR. SLS.

Ml S. Michlgaa AT -3l 15 PACKARD CARIBBEAN HARDTOP tquipped with AIR CONDITIONING Torsion Ride, power steering A brakes, electric windows and 4-way seat. Push-button shifting. Rs-dio A automatic anteen. Royal-master tire.

Originally told for H.34. Now only 11,41. BEN FEFERMAN MOTOR SALT -Att S. Michlgaa. Phon ATIn tic 3I.

tor motor aconier or 14 cash. Phon CE 4-1 113. 1 bedrm. ranch home. Ib" ttvihs room overlookint well roomed yard.

Oil heat. Attached garage. A value, HAROLD GARN. CE 1-3U1 PLACE, CE 2-8213 Wt offer a horn oeslined to tea- form ta your family requirements ana in lot is an you aea. Call Esther Home BIdrs.

Inc. I Developers of F.disoa Parkl CE mu TwVckEnham ranch. Gar. with attached porch. carpeted hv.

rm. and dm. I. New- i if dec, kit. IIS SIX.

AT 7-437H. TRADE! You May Now Trade your old home on a New Swanson Home or on a Pre Owned Home Such as 1505 E. Belmont Spacious 1 b.r. Ranch Horn, den A- dinuig rm. Birch built-m kitch en.

IVi tiled bsuis, full with rec. rm. A 1 car att. ga rage. Plus numerous ether deluxe future.

Top location, Adams, St. Anthony school area. 702 S.Albert it. Cape Cod kerne, witk full basmt Lovely kitchea A din. rm.

Home immaculate thru-out Priced for lmmed. Hi. Term. 2310 E. Washington Swanson Park.

Spacious b.r. ranch with att. breeieway A ga rage. Full divided basmt. Plus numereua other deluxe feature, need below th market for lm mod.

sale, Tarmi. 303 W.Anqela 2 b.r. ranch, baths, recreation car garage. 1 block from St. Joseph High Schi 1 62 1 E.

Ewinq Story b.r. tram home, bsmt 1 A 3 car garage, Horn ia good hap, best of terms available, ouick access to food schools, shop ping tran. 522 So. Meade You'd never get poor collecting rent! Inspect this 3 family home Ideally located, everything Immac- tiiat. Larg tot witn car garage.

Priced lor lmmed. tale, Terms. New Building In Park Opposite Morris Pk. Country Club ii il rl! iNonn weierrace Northshor Dr. Between Angel and Pntovsk C.

Harry Swanson INC. KI1 t. McKinley CE 2-335 BL M477 CB 4-1174 AT I i.

The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 5581

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.