The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

and and 4 a a a a a a a THE LEXINGTON HERALD Saturday, Nov. 18, 1910. 2. Have You Seen the 'Kiddie's' Automobile that The Lexington Herald is giving away for NEW subscriptions secured in Winchester and Clark County? It can be seen at The Herald branch office, located with the Clark County Courier. It will delight the children.

Go and see it. You don't have to work for it unless you decide to after you have seen it. As many machines as are won will be furnished and the one shown in the Courier office is only a sample. It will furnish an excellent Christmas gift for the boy and if you go to work for it at once it can easily be earned for him in time for Christmas morning. It can be won with 1200 points and they are allowed as follows: One year by carrier points.

One year by mail points. Six months by carrier points. Six months by mail points. Three months by carrier points. Three months by mail $1.50 ten points.

You should send the collections and names of subscribers, whether the paper is to be delivered by mail or carrier, to the Lexington Herald, Lexington, and the names only of subscribers to be delivered by carrier in Winchester proper should be given to our Winchester agent, J. P. Orr, so that immediate and prompt delivery may be given. Cash must accompany all orders to entitle the sender to the points. Only new subscribers count and no subscriber will be counted as new who has received The Herald by mail or carrier since October 1st.

RINER LAPSLEY Shelbyville, Ky. Real Estate of all Kinds. Shelby County's Best Farms A Specialty NO DOUBT ABOUT THIS. in thartic honest, There is Tablets. no old-fashioned question They are physic about just Foley a plain, Cathat withotu promptly pain, and griping effectively or on nausea.

the bowels Keep the stomach sweet, the liver and bowels regular. They ness, stomach, sick headache, indigestion. sour Stout stomach, biliouson the light, free, buoyant feeling persons say 1s a perfect delight, Wm. Stagg, bring -(Adv.) Drug the policy on the grounds that was not enough reserve to extend there the policy death. over The the period of Martin's court held otherwise.

Peak Present; Mutual Western Division sitting: vs. M. Life Ins. Fayette; reversed. Albritton vs.

Comth, Callaway; reversed. Stamper vs. McNabb, Wolfe; eitfirmed. Tolbett vs. Young, Grant; affirmed.

Fears vs. United Loan Deposit Bank, Henry; affirmed. 'Conley vs. Bolin, Knott; affirmed. Lowe vs.

Taylor, Pike; affirmed. Samples vs. Williams, Lee; motion for an appeal overruled and judgment affirmed. Union Sunday School vs. Trustees of the Christian Church, Lincoln; appellant filed motion for thirty days additional time to brief with notice, motion submitted.

Carter vs. Krueger Sons, Lincoln; appellant filed reply brief with notice. City of Jackson vs. Moody, Breathitt; agreement filed, appellant to December 1, appellee twenty days thereafter to brief. Wiggington vs.

Bruce, Jefferson; Maulding vS. Monroe; submitted. Osborn vs. Osborn, Pulaski; power of attorney filed, bond for costs executed. Webb VS.

Webb's, Grd, Floyd; ap pellee filed notice to set aside the order of submission for thirty days additional time to brief with statement on motion accepted, motion submitted. Chambers vs. Johnson, Jeffer. son; appellant tendered herein printed briefs and abstracts to the filing of which appellee, and filed written objection. The case was then argued by Benjamin F.

Washer for the appellee and Alex P. Humphrey for appellant and submitted. Ordered that court adjourn until Tuesday morning, November 21, 1916, at 11 a. m. Only One "BROMO QUININE" To get the genuine, call for full name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE.

Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Glass of hot water each mornIng helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh.

Happy, bright, alert--vigorous and vivacious--a good clear skin; natural, rosy complexion and freedom from illness are assured only by clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and likewise every man could realize the wonders of the morning in tide bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, araemic-looking men, women and girls pasty or muddy complexions: instead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain. fa*gs" and pessimists we should see virile, optimistic throng of rosycheeked people everywhere. An inside bath had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before; putting more food into the stomach.

Those subject to sick headache, biliousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particularly those who hare a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will but a trifle 1 but is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remarkable change in both health and appearance awaiting those who practice internal sanitation. We musti remember that Inside cleanliness more important than outside, because the skin does not absorb impure ities to contaminate the blood, while the pores of the thirty feet of bowels do. adv. Beard Lyons Co. Incorporated.

Roofing, Sheet Metal and Electrical Contractors Phones 137-365. No. 235 E. Main Street. CLAY WILL CASE AT PARIS PASSED Was Assigned for Hearing Monday; Depositions Did Not Arrive DIVORCE IS GRANTED Mrs.

Blanche Rassenfass and Husband Separat-, ed by Decree PARIS, Nov. Clay will case, which was assigned for hearing Monday, has been passed on the non-arrival of numerous depositions taken in other states and abroad. The attorneys still have hopes that they can get 8 trial at this term of court, but neither side will be able to report ready unless the depositions arrive. The Clay will case is 8. contest whereby Mrs.

William Grimes, of Paris, 1s seeking to obtain a share in the half million dollar estate of her grandfather, the late Cassius M. Clay, who was a well-known and wealthy land owner of Bourbon County. Mr. Clay left his entire estate to his wife and four children, leaving his grandchild, Mrs. Grimes, who was the daughter of Mr.

Clay's oldes son, the late Junius Clay, the sum of one dollar. Mrs. Grimes will be represented by Attorney Harmon Stitt, of Paris, and Allen Duncan, of Lexington. Mr. Clay's estate will be represented by Attorneys R.

C. Talbott, W. H. Whitley and R. B.

Franklin. Alamo and Paris Grand Today, William Farnum in "The End of the Trail," Fox feature; also comedies, "'The Man Hunters," and "Nice Waiter," at the Grand. Barney Bernard in "'A Prince in a Pawnshop," also a comedy, "A Vampire Out of Work," at the Alamo. -(Adv.) The grand jury adjourned today after returning eight indictments, and court was adjourned until Monday. A divorce was granted Mrs.

Blanche Rassenfass from Edward Rassenfass today. Richard Hawes U. D. C. will have a sale of edibles Saturday at Varden's Drug store, The infant of Mr.

and Mrs. Mark Herrington was buried today in the Paris cemetery. Mr. J. H.

Henigin, of St. Matthews, S. has been here buying up the stock of R. H. Wills.

He bought four mules for $350 to $355 a pair and one horse for $150; and bought of Bert McClintock four head mules at an average of and of Caywood and McClintock a pair of mules for $420. McClintock sold to Mr. Williams, of Buffalo, two jacks, one for $1,000 and the other for $450. He bought of a Sharpsburg party six head of mules for $185 per head. Personals.

Mr. Carlie Wilmott returned last night from Cincinnati where he had been with his wife and babies for treatment to one of the babies eyes. He reports them doing nicely, and feels very much encouraged. It was feared one of them would lose her eyesight. Dr.

Shive, of Georgia, is visiting friends in town. Ireland Davis and Edward Fithlan have taken position in Akron, O. They left this week. Mrs. E.

P. Claybrook and Mrs. Gertrude Smoot returned yesterday from a three weeks' stay at Dry Ridge. Mrs. Claybrook was greatly benefitted for her rheumatism.

ESTATE OF LOCAL MAN TO GET $5,000 INSURANCE Court of Appeals Holds That Edward C. Martin's Policy Was Valid FRANKFORT, Nov. The Court of Appeals today ordered the Mutual Benefit Insurance Company to pay the $5,000 insurance policy to the estate of Edward C. Martin, of Lexington. Martin took out the policy in 1905 and lapsed it in 1911.

His 111- debtedness to the company on the policy was $718.95 and the reserve on the policy was $798. Martin died in 1912 and the amount of the reserve to the credit of the policy over the indebtedness was $79.05, which tended the pollcy until September, 1912. The company refused to pay Head Off That All- -Winter Cough At the first sign of sore throat, tight chest or stuffed-up head take a dose of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. The healing pine-tar, soothing honey and glycerine quickly relieve the congestion, loosen the phlegm and break your cold.

Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey has all the benefits of the healing aroma from a pine forest. It is pleasant to take and antiwhy it relieves colds and coughs. At your septic. The formula a on the bottle tells Druggist.

25c. Two Small Cottages on Cox Street, Apply MISS PAYNE At Herald Office. Telephone 168. SeI HART BACK FROM VIRGINIA RAID Deputy U. S.

Marshals Arrest Two at Still in Buchanan County LEWIS SANDLIN DIES Ed Sutherland, of Winchester, Seriously Injured; Horse Falls on Him WINCHESTER, Nov. Lewis Hart, Deputy United, Marshal, today Virgina, where he in locating and dereturned, stroying one of the most complete moonshine stills ever seen by the officers. Creed Johnson and Joshua Arnold were arrested and lodged in jail at Welch, W. and are held awaiting their trial at Big Stone Gap. The raid was made in Buchanan County, after an all night tramp by the officers.

In the party of searchers were J. H. Mitchell, Deputy Marshal, of Welch; E. W. Crowder and C.

C. Horton, deputy sheriffs of McDowell W. and R. F. Booten, a special' employe, of Wayne, West Virginia.

The officers went in an automobile from Welch as far as the town of Susanne. They then left the machine and tramped a distance of twelve miles, locating the still about 2 o'clock in the morning. There they lay in wait until about 6:30 o'clock, when the two men, Johnson and Arnold, put in an appearance and started to work. They were promptly placed under arrest. There were found, they say, sixty-five of KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy -If You Know Dr.

Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to Feel young- do this you must watch your liver and bowels- there's no need of having a sallow complexion--dark rings under your eyes--pimples billous look in your face dull with sparkle. Your doctor will eyes, you ninety, per inactive cent bowels of all and sickness comes Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel, are gentle in their action, yet always effective.

They bring about that exuberance of spirit, that natural buoyancy which should be enjoyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clearing the system impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets by their olive 10c and 15c per box. All druggists. "singlings," one -gallon copper still, one copper worm, five extra large fermenters and a complete equipment for moonshining on a large scale.

The body of Mrs. Paul Gordon arhere midnight from Hereford, Texas, lashero she died following rived and the burial took an operation, place in the Winchester cemetery short service at this afternoon, with a Rev. Z. W. Pigg, of the grave the Sherman.

Mrs. Ben Myers, Mrs. near Brooks, Hugh McDonald and George John C. Hodgkin rendered appropriate hymns. Gordon was 31 years BeMrs.

sides her husband, she is survived by four little girls, Eva Belle, Norine and Pauline, who are twins, and Anna Bruce Gordon. Her mother, three sisters and two brothers also survive. Will Bruce, her brother, arrived in Hereford last Friday, and the death of his sister occurred Monday. Only Mr. Bruce and bereaved husband accompanied the body back to, Kentucky.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church in Hereford. The pallbearers here were Colby Conkwright, Will Franklin, Ben Duckworth, Will Gordon, R. D. Ramsey and Maurice Stroud. W.

P. Sandlin, of this city, was called to Kingston, Madison County, by the death of his father, Lewis Sandlin. Mr. Sandlin was 78 years old, died from infirmities. He was a faithful member of the Baptist Church, and was a veteran of the Federal Besides his wife, who was armyiss Lucy McSwain, he is survived by ten children, W.

P. Sandlin, of Winches- ter; L. D. Sandlin, of Oneida: J. M.

Sandlin and Dr. H. G. Sandlin, of Richmond; J. K.

Sandlin, of Middletonw, Mrs. Catherine McCollum, of Climax; Mrs. Ellen 'Powell, of Richmond: Mins. Clara Farmer, of McKee; Mrs. Fannie Sparks, of Dreyfus, and Mrs.

Martha Ogg, of Richmond. All the children of the marriage are living, the youngest being 36 years old. The funeral will be at the Baptist Church at Kingston Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, and the burial will take place in the Richmond cemetery at' about noon. indna Stamper, 12 years old, daughter of Mrs. N.

P. Stamper, of Rock, W. while on a visit to, her aunt, Mrs. James Lee, near Winchester, fell this morning and broke her arm. She was rushed to the Bush Hospital, where surgical aid was rendered.

was reported to be improving nicely this afternoon. Lucy Dallas Crump died this morning at 3:15 o'clock, after an illness of only a few days of meningitis, complicated with an affection of the middie ear. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tilton Crump, of the Wades Mill neighborhood, and was about 15 years old.

Her mother, was formerly Miss Mildred Richie, of Carlisle. Several younger sisters and brotiters survive. Funeral services will be held, Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at the Mt. Zion Church, in charge of the Rev. W.

Boswell, and the burial George take place in the Winchester will cemetery. Martha and Rachel SutherMisses land went to Lexington this morning to see their father, Ed 'Sutherland, who was seriously injured last night when he was thrown from his horse the animal fell on him. Mr. and Sutherland was returning. from Lexington, where he had gone with a drove of cattle, and was accompanied E.

L. Shindelbower, also of this by city. Sutherland's horse frightened presumably automobile. some time before Mr. Shindelbower could rescue him from beneath the struggling body, of the horse.

It was reported that Sutherland's eyesight is endangered from his injurles. He is at St. Joseph's Hospital, in Lexington. News was received of the striking of a 100-barrel oil well on the place of Hon. Banford White, near Irvine.

Albert Gordon was arrested on a charge of breaking into the store of George Kennedy. D. S. Wiggins has returned from Shawnee, where he was called by the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. C.

Thompson. Her condition is improved. Frank Phillips died sudenly at the mill of the Brodhead-Garrett Company, near Clay City. He was 72 year's old. Mowbray Robinson, the millionaire lumber firm of Quicksand and Cincinnati, which owns large boundaries of timber and coal lands in lie, Clay and other counties, is figuring on building a.

lumber railroad about thirty or forty miles in length to connect their properties with the outside world for its development. Judge W. L. Brown, of London, was here this week, will go to Leslie County next week on legal business. Mrs.

C. A. Ellis, of Paris, spent severai days this week with her sister, Mrs. John R. Stuart, and left Thursday night to.

join her husband, who is teaching school at Eastman, Mrs. R. C. Oldham and son, William Edward, are visiting her mother, Mrs. E.

T. Collins, at Crittenden. Colonel E. T. Young, of Versailles, was in town a few days this week.

Colonel R. C. Oldham was in Lexington on business this week, and attended the performance of "Common Clay." Misses Roselynne and Pauline Stevenson were in Lexington Friday afternoon Mrs Coleman Harris has returned to her home at Marion, 0, after a visit to friends and relatives here and Mrs. William Collard, of Marion, 0., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

H. Powell, in this city. Mrs. Henry McDonald, of Lexington, is visiting Mrs. John McDonald.

MRS. FRANCES EDWARDS DIES AT CYNTHIANA Public School Auditorium Turned Into Temporary Art Gallery CYNTHIANA, Nov. Frances Edwards died Thursday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. S.

Berry, on the White Oak 3 pike, from a complication of diseases. She was a native of Bracken County, 62 years old and the widow of Atwell Edwards. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. W.

W. Renaker, Mrs. Lewis Lebus and Mrs. Clarence Renaker, all of this county, and a sister, Mrs. Floyd Bennett, of Dry Ridge.

The funeral will be held Saturday morning the Cynthiana services, Baptist Church at 11 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Amos Stout, assisted by the Rev. C. W. Elsey.

Burial will be made at Battle Grove cemetery. Charles Henry Arnold, a farmer, died at his home at Sunrise Thursday morning of typhoid fever. His wife, who was a Miss Carr, two daughters and six sons, Mrs. Elizabeth Jolly, Mrs. Penelope Price, Arnold, John Arnold, Smith Arnold: and Sam Arnold, of Sunrise; James Arnold, of and Joseph W.

Arnold, of thiana. The funeral services were held at the Sunrise Methodist Church Friday morning at 11 o'clock by the Rev. C. W. Williams.

Burial was made with Masonic honors. been turned into an art gallery, where "The public school auditorium a collection of 200 pictures, taken from the world's masterpieces, beare ing exhibited. Friday afternoon the gallery was' open to friends and patrons of the school and tea was served in the evening and there was a tableau program, Tonight the Musical Club rendered a program. An admission fee is charged and the proceeds will be used for buying pictures for the class rooms of the school. The Harrison County Health and Welfare League will have a rummage sale Friday and Saturday of this week in the Spohn store room, on Main Street, near the courthouse.

The Wednesday Club met this week at the home of Mrs. Will Wiglesworth and had as its guest the Cynthiana Musical Club. The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. W. T.

Lafferty, of Lexington, and formerly of Cynthiana, who was president of the Wednesday Club when residing here. Her address was on "The of Preserving Local Kentucky Importance History." Herald Want Ads Pay. Diarrhoca. For this disease you will find Chamber. lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remeday unsurpassed, One or two doses of it are nearly always sufficient to check the attack.

It is not disagreeable to take. for that reason leaves the bowels This remedy contains no astringent and a natural condition. Obtainable everywhere. 4dv. ROYAL ROYAL pOlE BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure' Made from Cream of Tartar NO ALUM- -NO PHOSPHATE EVERETT BARCLAY WEDS FLORIDA GIRL M.t.

Sterling Thanksgiving Service to Be Held in New Baptist Church MT. STERLING, Nov. Relatives here have received news announcing the marriage at McIntosh, Wednesday, November 8, of Edwin Everett Barclay, of this county, and Miss Artie Mary Baldwin, of that city. The news was a surprise to the bridegroom's friends here. He is one of the county's most, popular and farmers, a member of prosperous one of the oldest and best families in Central Kentucky.

His bride, who is the daughter of Mrs. Robert Pennix Baldwin, is one of the most attractive and popular young women of Florida. After a bridal trip Mr. and Mrs. Barclay will return to McIntosh November 29 to make their future home.

The funeral services for Albert Skidmore, who died in this city Wednesday, were held at the residence on Harrison Avenue, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Clyde Darsie, pastor of the Christian Church. The burial was made in the lot in Machpelah cemetery. The Thanksgiving service this year will be held at the newly completed Baptist Church, and the sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Dr.

M. V. P. Yeaman, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. A cordial invitation is tended to every one to attend.

A speical musical program will be rendered by the Allen Ingles, of Millersburg, has accepted a position with the Kentucky Utilities Company, his in this He city, and assumed duties. is an excellent young man. It is rumored that Luther Redmond, who has been the local manager for a number of years, will be transferred. Mr. and Mrs.

John He Withrow have moved from this city to Lexington, where they have purchased and will make their home in the future. Mr. Withrow will engage in the saloon business in that city. He has been engaged in the grocery and soft drink business in Mt. Sterling.

Frank Brown has leased the home of Mrs. Pearl' Greene, on Holt Avenute, and has moved there to reside. Mrs. Overton M. Jones has leased the Ricketts residence on the same stret, and moved this week.

Mr. John S. Wyatt and family, who have been spending a year in the South, will occupy the home vacated by Mr. Brown, which is owned by Mr. Wyatt.

Relatives here have been notified that Mrs. Fannie Trimble Jones, wife of Thomas D. Jones, has just undergone a operation at their home in Tampa, and that there is hope of a complete restoration of her health. She is the daughter of J. Green Trimble, of this city.

316 HUNTING LICENSES ISSUED IN JESSAMINE Nicholasville Football Team Will Meet- Stanford Eleven Today NICHOLASVILLE, Nov. Since the opening of the hunting season 316 licenses have been issued to hunters. The Nicholasville football team will play the Stanford high school team on Duncan field here Saturday afternoon. The revival services at the Baptist Church, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. C.

L. Huffhines, have closed. There were thirty-eight additions. The Rev. G.

W. Nutter has announced his subject in the Christian Church Sunday morning, It will be, "Baptism, What Next?" Bishop Burton will hold services in the Episcopal Church at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Nannie J. Embry, who.

has been with Mrs. Kate Robards since her home burned yesterday, will go to Lexington Saturday, Mrs. Graves, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Chrisman, left this week to visit her daughters in Chicago. MRS.

FISHER UNCHANGED. The condition of Mrs. W. Carroll Fisher, who is at the Good Samaritan Hospital, was reported unchanged last night, WILSON HONORED IN SCOTT COUNTY Great Ovation Given Campbell Cantrill in the Celebration OPENS WITH DINNER Hundreds March Through The Streets to Courthouse Speaking GEORGETOWN, Nov. Woodrow Wilson was glorified in Scott County Thursday night in a exceeding in enthusiasm and greatness the celebration of any President who was ever elected, and Campbell Canshared honors with him--the loyalty of the people here being shown from the moment he the town until the ovation received re when he made a talk- lasting an hour and a half.

The pow-wow started with a dinner given at the New Lancaster to twelve prominent Central Kentucky politicians, when Postmaster A. H. Anderson acted as host, and ended after midnight, when bonfires burned all over central portion town, and anvils outdid old-fashioned Fourth of July celebrations. At 7:30 o'clock Kidd's brass band, of Lexington, led the procession, while hundreds of enthusiastic Democrats marched to the tune of "Dixie," carrying American flags, red lights and even live roosters on poles, and were followed by a string. of automobiles.

After parading through the streets, filled with women as well as men, the crowds thronged in the courthouse, where W. P. Kimball, of Lexington, and Mr. Cantrill gave talks on the Democratic victory. Mr.

Kimball made one of his characteristically good speeches. He declared that where patriotism is rampant, Woodrow Wilson scraped the platter. clean. According to Mr. Kimball, this country has proven that it will not stand for stand-pattism, and that Wall Street has fought her last fight.

then touched upon Kentucky's vote, giving credit for its large Democratic majority to the state campaign chairman, with his "active and intelligent brain and stout heart." It was many minutes after Mr. Cantrill was presented that he was able to talk, such a rousing greeting was he given. The speaker stated that in celebration of the victory of Wilson the country was celebrating the victory of peace, prosperity and humanity of our great land. "When on November 7 it came to a contest between humanity, on the one side, and the dollar, on the other, humanity conquered," he said. Mr.

Cantrill thanked the women of Kentucky, who so staunchly used their power and influence to help elect Wilson. He then explained his position in regard to equal suffrage, declared that as a Democrat he could not conscientiously support a Federal amendment to the Constitution, and that, in his opinion, it was a question for each state to determine for itself. In closing Mr. Cantrill stated that we thove the more cause to celebrate in that this is the first time since the war that a Democratic President has ben able to succeed himself, an evidence of added prosperity in our land. On morning at 11 o'clock, at the Methodist Church, the Rev.

J. E. Moss wil give a story sermon, and in the evening his subject will be "The Road Home." In the Christian Church Dr. Ira M. Boswell will give the second of a series of sermons on "The Second Chapter of Acts." and in the evening, "What Is Your Life?" will be the subject.

That Ohio man whose nine daughters electioneered for him and had him returned to office ought to be in favor of woman suffrage, so that he can make his election a simple family 1 News-Scimitar. If you want a clear complexion use Resinol Soap Use it at least once a day. Work a warm, creamy lather well into the pores to give the gentle Resinol medication a chance to work. Then rinse the face with plenty of cold water. It usually does not take many days of such regular care with Resinol Soap to show a gratifying improvement.

When the skin, is in a very neglected condition, with pimples, blackheads, redness or roughness, spread on just a little Resinol Ointment for ten or fifteen minutes before using Resinol Soap. All druggists sell Resinol Soap and Resinol Ointment. For free samples, write to Dept. 8-N, Resinol, Baltimore, Md BABY HAD WHOOPING COUGH. Mothers who have used Foley's Honey and Tar would not be without it.

Mrs. Sam C. Small, Clayton, N. writes: "My grandson had whooping cough when he was three months old. We used Foley's Honey and Tar and I believe it saved his life.

He is now big and fat." It is a fine thing to have in the house in case of whooping cough, croup. coughs, colds. The first doses help, loosen phlegm, heal inflammation, clear air passages, stop racking coughs, Wm. E. Stagg, Druggist(Adv.) Act lis.

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The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.