The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

of or is day Sand farm. Kelly, se-sing Te H. in mash in moonshine 8 THE LEXINGTON HERALD TUESDAY, BENGALS PLAY CARDS TONIGHT Georgetown College Team Hopes to Regain Lost Prestige in, Game With Louisville Quintet MONEYMEN ARE FAVORITES to The GEORGETOWN, Feb. The Georgetown College Tigers, rudely upset by the Morehead Eagles in their only game last week, will seek regain lost prestige Tuesday night at Louisville where they will battle the University of Louisville Cardinals. The contest will be the first of three to be played this week by the Tigers.

Thursday night Coach Bob Evans' men will be host to the high-scoring Murray College Thoroughbreds and Saturday night Union College will be played here. Louisville has a slightly better K. I. C. record than the Tigers to date, and will be favored over the Evansmen tomorrow.

night. Georgetown has games and lost two within the state while the Cardinals have copped five and lost but one. Evans' team is in good shape for this week's tests and the Georgetown mentor believes that his boys are capable of springing an upset, either Tuesday Louisville or here have been looking good in practice Thursday against Murray. The sessions, which is especially pleasing to the Georgetown mentor after their mediocre play against Morehead last week, Evans plans to make no drastic changes in his team's line-up for the Louisville game. Johnny Hawkins and Tom Green will start at forwards, Karl Lusk at center, with Bob Turner and Bill Clark at guards.

Tris Bridges, Willard Shropshire and Lewis Shields will be held in reserve. Shropshire. is a newcomer to the squad. He was a member of the freshman outfit last year but was to participate in varsity basketball until a few days ago because of a severe leg injury which kept him on crutches for several weeks. Another addition to the Tiger squad is Ernie Music, guard, who became eligible at the end of the first semester.

Both Music and Shropshire are former Georgetown High players. TEAMS TO PLAY FOR HERB TADE Wildcat and Vol Freshmen Meet Thursday Night in Benefit Game for Injured Gridder BATTLE AT U. OF K. GYM Arrangements are complete for the Herbie Tade benefit basketball game to be played Thursday night between the University of Kentucky and University of Tennessee freshman teams. The tussle will be played on the Euclid avenue court.

Tade, star center on the Volunteer football team, was injured on Stoll field Thanksgiving day. He returned recently to the Tennessee campus to recuperate before going to his home in Paducah, Ky, The Lexington Lions Club, which has charge of arrangements, has announced that entertainers from both Club Joy and Springhurst, local night clubs, will give performances between halves of the game. SNAPSHOTS AT SPORTS (Continued From Preceding Page) Thoroughbred Club of America, and Dick McMahon, manager of War. ren Wright's Calumet Farm, are on their way for a vacation in Miami. Mr.

Piatt, whose Brookdale Farm horses placed him eleventh on the list of leading breeders last year, will be gone about a week while Mr. McMahon expects to remain in Florida about three weeks. Joe Houston shipped six horses to Alamo Downs, Texas, yesterday, the lot including three two-yearolds, Gay Bill, Parka and Wee Carroll; the broodmares Acquittal and Wild Idol, both daughters of Sweep recently purchased by Valdina Farms, and the race mare Sister Ikie. ROSE STREET WINS The Rose Street Confectionery quintet came from behind last night to take a 22-21 overtime victory from Castlewood in an intermediate division game of the Independent basketball league. Castlewood led 20-16 with three minutes to play, but could not check the Rose Street rally in the final moments.

Bentley led the Confectionery attack with eight points. Site scored nine for the losers. SON MADE PARTNER IN CYNTHIANA NEWSPAPER to The CYNTHIANA. Feb. 3- J.

T. Wilson, owner and publisher of the Log Cabin newspaper, has announced that he has formed a partnership with his son, James G. Wilson, effec tive January 1, The junior member of the firm has been city editor for five years and will continue in that capacity, The personnel of the paper includes Thomas T. Wilson, advertising manager: Mrs. James W.

VanDeren, Harry Johnson, Harry Petit, J. D. O'Connor and Wood Rose, Judge Instructs Madison Court Investigation Into Unlicensed Dog Situation ESpecial to The RICHMOND, Feb. grand jury in Madison circuit court this morning was instructed to investigate the unlicensed dog situation in county and to take some dog owners by Madison, Judge W. R.

Shackelford, as the February term of the court began. "The grand jury cannot investigate every unlicensed dog in the county," Judge Shackelford stated in his instructions, "but it would have a good effect if some of these APPLICATIONS ARE RECEIVED Mason County World War Veterans Begin Filing for Bonus; Officers of Legion Give Assistance COUNTY SCHOOLS OPENED to The MAYSVILLE, Feb. 3--Mason county World War veterans today began filing applications for the bonus recently passed by congress. Approximately $250,000, it was estiby Service Officer Dr. Walmated.

Hines of Leslie H. Arthur Post No. 13, American Legion, will be distributed to Mason county veterans. Dr. Hines was kept busy throughout the day filing the application blanks at his office at 1 15 West Second street.

Many of the veterans, Dr. Hines said, were turned back because they came without their "pink slip" which is imperative to have when filing application for the bonus. With the thermometer today reaching its highest point in the past two and a half weeks, Mason county schools which have been closed for the past week due to the extreme cold, resumed. classes today upon order Supt. E.

P. Hilton. During the past week clothing and shoes given to attendance officer, Prof. George H. Turnipseed, for needy children, enabled over a dozen children today to take their place in school with other children, Turnipseed said.

While the snow remains heavy in scme places, roads are now in shape tor travel and as a result more persons residing in the country came to Maysville today for either the tobacco market, livestock market or other business than has peen in the city since the inception of the cold weather almost two weeks ago. MRS. MARY ANNIE CAMPBELL DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS to The MAYSVILLE, 3-Following an illness of several months Mrs. Mary Annie Campbell, 60, wife of Edward Campbell, Maysville carpenter, died Sunday at midnight at her home in Wood street. The deceased was a native of Fleming county, but came to Maysville with her family more than 12 years ago.

She was a member of the Methodist church. The deceased is survived by her husband; one daughter, Mrs. Raymond Thomas, of this city; one son, Earl Campbell, and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be conduct. ed Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Tabernacle Baptist church with the pastor, Rev.

T. H. Kingston, assisted by Rev. Howard Reynolds, officiating. Interment will be made in Maysville cemetery.

APPLICANTS FOR BONUS TO RECEIVE ASSISTANCE to The VERSAILLES, Feb. 3-The legion hall will be open to assist veterans in making application for their bonus, according to an announcement of the Woodford Post No. 67 American Legion. James Jesse and Robert Hoover will be in charge of the office and will have a supply of application blanks. KNOTT COUNTY MINER INJURED IN SLATE FALL to The Herald HAZARD, Feb.

3-Anderson Engle, 35, a miner of Clear Creek, Knott county, was injured accidentally this morning at 9 o'clock when caught by a slate tall at the mines. Hospital authorities reported Engle was suffering from painful injuries to the spine. The injured man is a brother to William and Harve Engle, well known residents and business men of this city. SAM OTIS CASE CONTINUED to The MT. STERLING, Feb.

case of the commonwealth against Sam Otis, charged with the murder of Ezra Banfield, in this city, several months ago, was set for trial before Judge Caudill today. The case was continued until the fourth day of the May term of court. BREAKS HIP IN FALL to The Herald VERSAILLES, Feb. Mary Wassobehr fell at her home on Lexington street Monday morning and suffered a broken hip. She was taken to the Woodford Memorial hospital.

SUFFERS BROKEN ARM ESpecial to The VERSAILLES, Feb. Blackburn, father of Dr. S. A. Blackburn, fell Monday morning and suffered a a broken arm.

He was brought to the Woodford hospital. SCOTT CIRCUIT COURT OPENS Judge Ardery Charges Jurors to Investigate Gambling in City; Grand Jury Members Are Listed BEAUMONT CLUB SPEAKER to The GEORGETOWN, Feb. 3. The February term of the Scott ing in Georgetown circuit court this mornconvened, Judge W. B.

Ardery, of Bourbon county, on the bench for his first term of court in this county. The grand jury to serve with the term was impanelled to include: E. T. Oldham, foreman, Nick McFarland, Wallace Marshall, Rufus Lancaster, W. C.

Courtney, Walter Fresh, T. D. Vallandingham, Boyd Faulconer, H. H. Zeysing, Roy Vallandingham, T.

D. Riley, Tom Hook. In his instructions to the jury Judge Ardery urged that as a safeguard for students and other young people of the community that all gambling places and dives be investigated. He also stressed violations of the fish and game commission laws and pistol toting. After the reading of the criminal and civil dockets court was adjourned until 9 o'clock Tuesday morning.

The commonwealth for the term is represented by Louis M. Morancy, of Versailles, who was recently appointed to serve until the next general election, filling the vacancy caused by the election Judge Ardery who had held the office of commonwealth's attorney. Dr. Henri Beaumont, Lexington, will be the speaker at the February meeting of Big Spring Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, which will be held at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in the auditorium of the library, Dr. Beaumont will have for his subject "Uncle Sam's Adopted Children." Mrs.

G. H. Nunnelley is regent of Big Big Spring Chapter and Mrs. E. L.

Porter will be host at the meeting. The public is invited to attend. The condition of Mrs. T. J.

Jenkins, who has been seriously ill for several weeks at Lebanon, where she had gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. G. Barrett Rich Ill, and family, is reported very grave. KENTUCKY DEATHS Mrs. T.

J. Click RICHMOND, Feb. T. J. Click, of Berea, died at her home Saturday night.

She is survived by her husband, T. J. Click, and one son and one daughter. Funeral services were held this morning at 10 o'clock at the Herea Baptist church. The Rev.

William Royce, of Richmond, conducted the services. J. Wesley Parrish RICHMOND, Feb. Wesley Parrish, 88, retired Madison county farmer, died at his home at Union Ctiy Saturday night at 6:15 o'clock after a long illness. He was a member of the Union City Christian church since early boyhood.

Had he lived until June 1, he and his wife, Mrs. Annie Turpin Parrish, who survives him, would have celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Besides his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. MisD. Durham, of Richmond, and Sallie A.

Turpin, of Union City, and two grandchildren, Mrs. Ida Wade and Mrs. Reuben Turpin, both of Richmond. Funeral services were held at the grave in the Richmond cemetery this afternoon, with the Rev. R.

H. F. Anderson officiating. Pallbear. ers were: Nathan Noland, Shelby Taylor, James W.

Deatherage, Tom Taylor, Elmer Golden, and Leslie Parks. Mrs. Lillie McQueen RICHMOND, Feb. Lillie McQueen, 47, died at her home on Irvine street. here Saturday night.

She is survived by her husband, Barney McQueen; one son, J. R. McQueen, and one daughter, Mrs. May Keen. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the grave in the Richmond cemetery.

Mrs. Josie Slade Conrad CYNTHIANA, Feb. 3-Mrs. Josie Slade Conrad, 75, widow of Ben Conrad, died Sunday night at the county infirmary. Mrs.

Conrad had been an invalid from paralysis for several years, but her last illness was for a week. She was the daughter of the late William and Vashti Shingleton Slade and had been a resident of Harrison county practically all of her life. She was a member of the Cynthiana Baptist church. The body was removed the R. B.

Whaley funeral home. The funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Whaley funeral home, the Rev. Marvin Adams officiating. Burial will be in Battle Grove cemetery. BEAMS INFANT DIES (Special to The HAZARD, Feb, Fay Beams, 18-month-old daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Kermit Beams, died this morning at 7 o'clock at. the residence on East Main street. Funeral services will be conduct. ed at the residence by the Rev.

A. S. Petrey, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Interment will be at Rose Hill cemetery, Mr. Beams was recently appointed assistant chief of Hazard fire department.

SPECIAL JUDGE NAMED FRANKFORT, Feb. 3 (P)- Chief Justice William Rogers Clay designated Charles F. Mont gomery of Liberty special judge of Casey circuit court during the absence of the regular judge, J. Carter. ESTILL MAN ACCIDENTALLY SHOT; CONDITION SERIOUS to The RICHMOND, Feb.

Morris, 23, of Wagersville, Esliam till county, was in a serious condition at the Pattie A. Clay infirm here today as the results of an ary accidential pistol wound suffered late Saturday night. Morris and a friend, John Callahan, of Wagersville, were wrestling when a pistol carried in a holster Callahan fell to the floor and by The bullet entered Mordischarged. abdomen and lodged in the lower part of the spine. He is conceded a fair chance to recover.

TWO PLAYS TO BE PRESENTED Shapespearean Dramas Will Be Given at Paris High School Friday; Farquhar Will Be Speaker STOLEN AUTOMOBILE FOUND to The Herald PARIS, Feb. 3-The Avon Players of New York will present two Shakespearean plays at the Paris High school auditorium Friday, February 7. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon "Othello" will be giv. en: and at 7 o'clock at night "Hamlet" will be presented. The local school has sponsored for several years the presentation of Shakespeare's plays by this leading company of players.

Prof. E. F. Farquhar of the Eng. lish department of the University of Kentucky, Lexington, will be the principal speaker at noon Wednesday at the meeting of the Paris Rotary Club meets at the Windsor hotel.

His subject will be "Kipling, the Man and His Message." Buckner Woodford is in charge of the program. Don't forget and don't miss Cary F. Clay's sale of livestock, farming implements and household goods Wednesday, February 5, miles from Paris on Cynthiana road.adv. An automobile stolen from H. M.

THIEVES LOOT BILLIARD HALL $1 in Pennies and Cigarettes Valued at $50 Are Taken; Robbers Enter Building Through Rear Transom NO CLUES ARE DISCOVERED (Special to The Herald I CYNTHIANA, Feb. 3- -The M. Dixie billiard hall, operated by E. Kimball, on Pike street, was entered Saturday Sunday night through transom at rear the of a $50 worth of cig. the building and arettes and $1 in pennies stolen.

There was no clue as to who the thieves were. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Martin. of Fountain City, Saturday took possession of the Lemonette, formerly owned and operated Walby ter Lemons.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin both are from Harrison county and have been living in Indiana for about 14 years. Rev. R.

J. Yoak, pastor of the Methodist church, went to Covington Sunday afternoon to assist as Lewis, Norwood, Ohio, was parked on the street here Saturday by Patrolman John Maher. Cincinnati police were notified and will come after the car. No one was seen near the car. George Roe, charged with drunkenness, and George Layton, on a similar charge, were sentenced to five days in jail this afternoon at Paris police court by Judge William Blanton.

Walker Leeds, on a like charge, was fined $7.50. Floyd Hurley was arrested today on a charge of receiving stolen goods. It is charged that part of a supply of corn which was stolen last week from Harold Roberts at Pinecrest apartments was found in the possession of Hurley, a negro. He said that be bought the corn from another man, who has not yet been located. Six barrels of corn were stolen from Roberts' corn crib and several sacks were found at Hurley's, MADISON COUNTY FARMER IS HELD UNDER $200 BOND to The RICHMOND, Feb.

Benge, Madison county farmer of neat College Hill, was at liberty tounder $200 bond after he waived examining trial before United States Commissioner Stanton Thorpe on a charge of posa still. Benge was arrested at his home Saturday by Federal Agent Boyd and Constable. Bryant after the officers had found still 15-gallon complete on his No liquor was found, but several tubs near the still were reported found by the officers. will be held to the grand jury in the United States district court here in April. instructor a.

training school conducted at the Scott Street Method- ist. church, of which Dr. Waldrip pastor. Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Button have taoved from Wilson avenue to J. W. Plummer's new residence on Pleas ant street. Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Mcllvain have leased the Rouse house on Mill street recently vacated by R. L. Jameson and will take possession after February 15. They have been living in Sid Filer's house on Battle Grove avenue. PARENTS ARRESTED AFTER 13-YEAR-OLD SON SUCCUMBS to The RICHMOND, Ky.

Feb. Beasley, 13-year-old negro boy from near Maupintown, lay dead here today, and his step-father, Morse Pullins, 43, was in the Madison county jail as the result of the boy's death. A coroner's inquest, which was held yesterday afternoon, resulted in a verdict of "death by cruel and inhuman treatment of his mother and step-father." The boy's mother, Ida Pullins, 35, was to be arrested today. Testimony at the inquest revealed that the boy spent an entire night on January 19 out of doors with the temperature 12 above zero and that his feet and hands were frozen that night. Doctors, who conducted an investigation yesterday testified that the.

boy apparently died of exposure and neglect. Kentucky Social and Personal Mrs. William O. Marquis entertained with a dinner at her home Sunday night in honor of the birthday anniversaries of her uncle, Mr. William Ross Yankey, of Lexington, and her brother, Billy Carter, Guests other than the honorees were Mrs.

J. S. Yankey and Mrs. Margaret Marquis, of Lexington, Rev. and Mrs.

Jordan W. Carter, Mr. William O. Marquis and Frances Sue Mar. quis.

Mrs. Earl P. entertained with a dinner party Tuesday evening for the following guests: Dr. and Mrs. F.

H. Larabee, Dr. and Mrs. Z. T.

Johnson, Mrs. A. M. Cutler and Mrs. Jennie Mae Barnes.

Honor senior students in the University of Kentucky college of education were announced by Dr. William S. Taylor, dean of the college, at the annual banquet at the Lafavette hotel Thursday night given in honor of the 1936 mid-year graduates and post-graduate students. Miss Lucille Dodson, of Wilmore, who is making her home with her aunt, Mrs. Northcott Thompson, is one of the women transfer students of high standing.

Miss Dodson is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, national educational fraternity, White Math Club and Alma Magna Mater. Miss Tressa Dietz, of Mayslick, was the week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E.

Dietz. Charles Barr spent the week-end with Dodge Whipple in Paris. Miss Isabelle Elam, of Lexington, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dan Glass and family. Rev.

Howard Callis left Sunday to conduct a series of meetings in Illinois. Miss Mary Elizabeth Guyn spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hayden in Nicholasville the past week. J.

W. Scudder spent Sunday with his sister in Richmond. R. W. Brown, of Morehead, spent Friday with Mr.

and Mrs. Tom Barr, CARLISLE WILMORE The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church will hold an all-day ineeting on Wednesday in the annex beginning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Henry Allen Palmer will lead the program. The regular monthly meeting of the W.

M. S. will be held in the Christian church on Wednesday afternoon, February 5, at 2 o'clock and the subject for discussion will be "Mexico Missions." The United Christian Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. Frank C. Henry on Tureman avenue on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Mrs. Allie Clinkenbeard will lead the program. OWENTON The regular luncheon-meeting of the local Rotary Club was held at the St. Nicholas hotel Friday and the program, prepared by H. Bourne, consisted of a.

playlet, "Mar. riage of Muffins and Music." Muffins was represented by Miss Eleanor Waller, domestic science teacher in the Owenton High school, and music by Miss Mary Kenney Shipp, teacher of public school music in Owenton school. "Muffins and Music" were pronounced "united" by Mr. Bourne, who was master of ceremonies, The program unusually interesting and entertaining and was enjoyed by all. Dr.

K. S. McBee, the pres. ident, presided over the meeting. Mrs.

John Sayle has resumed her work in the Owenton telephone office after more than three months' WOLFE ONE VESDAY MAN dog owners were brought in here." "This is a sheep county," he continned, "and sheep are one of the profitable things you can have on your farm. And the come when you must decide whether this is to be a sheep county or a dog county." The court went into its February term, with the grand jury empanelled, and with the court reading reports from Richmond police court, Madison quarterly court, and magistrates' courts. In his charge to the grand jury Judge Shackelford requested that the group investigate gambling in the city of Richmond. "If the practice of gambling is to go on here." he asserted, "it means that the gamB blers But," he are added, bigger "I'm than not the licked court. yet." He also asked that the illegal sale of liquor be investigated, and informed the body that no place where a billiard hall is operated can allow drinking on premises.

The body was informed that great danger has resulted from overloaded trucks passing through Madison county. only do trucks ruin roads," the court stated, at an illegal rate of speed an illegal load, they "but traveling become dangerous. Brakes cannot stop a truck which is built to carry one ton and is loaded with 8,000 ol' 10,000 pounds." The grand jury retired to begin its investigations after hearing the charge. On the investigating group are Horace Beaty, foreman; Hockaday Dunn, Mac Coy, G. B.

Moore, J. W. Stephens, W. A. 0gg, Preston Hays Stocker, H.

B. Duncan, Rufus Jenkins, John Farley and Ross Dozier. TO GEORGE MILEY TAKEN BY DEATH Former Cynthiana Patrolman Dies at His Home on Locust Street After Illness of Four Weeks RITES TO BE WEDNESDAY to The CYNTHIANA, Feb. 3- George Miley, 62, former city patrolman, died Sunday night at his home on Locust street after four months' illness. He was born in Harrison county and was the son of the late James and Ella Miley, natives of England.

Mr. Miley was a member of St. Edward's Catholic He is survived by his wife, Mrs. ElizaDonovan Miley; four nephews, Newt Miley, of Harrison county; James Raymond Miley, of Scott county, and Jesse Miley, of Cincinnati, and two nieces, Misses Mary and Tommie Miley, of Covington. The body was removed to the R.

B. Whaley funeral home and was taken back to the residence this afternoon. Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Edward's church, the Rev. Father W.

B. Curry officiating. Burial will be in Battle Grove cemetery. Active pallbearers will be John H. Terry, Albert J.

Hatterick, James Kehoe, John Cummins, Leo Reister and E. R. Gossett. Honorary pallbearers will be Fred Hatterick, Henry F. Wilson, George M.

Dickey, John Feix, R. A. Renaker and Philip Linehan. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR JACOB LOEVENHART HELD CHICAGO, 3 (P) -Jacob Loevenhart, president of the Traders' Investment Company, who shot himself fatally Saturday after killing his business partner, H. Philip Grossman in their office.

was today. The coroner's buried here, the killings followed f1- nancial disputes between the men. Mr. Loevenhart was a native of Lexington, Ky, Mr. Grossman's body was sent to Louisville, for burial after funeral services here yesterday.

The men were cousins. M. B. 326 Sycamore road, left Lexington Saturday for Chicago, called there by the death of his brother, J. H.

Loevenhart, 67, president of the Traders' Investment Company. He will return here after the funeral services, which were conducted in Chicago yesterday. J. H. Loevenhart, a former resident of Lexington, had not been here for more than 20 years.

ARMORY PORCH ROOF FALLS AS TRUCK SKIDS INTO POST to The JACKSON, Feb. -The veranda on the armory on Main street crashed to the ground yesterday afternoon as a CCC truck, in which 15 CCC members were riding, knocked down a pillar of the building. The accident occurred when the driver of the truck lost control of the machine when it began to skid on the icy street. After knocking down pillar the truck continued down the street a short distance. Just as the truck was clear of the veranda roof the section fell to the ground.

MRS. W. T. WYATT DIES ESpecial to The RICHMOND, Feb, W. T.

Wyatt, 84, died at her home in Berea. Saturday night. She is survived by one daughter, Miss Lucia Wyatt, of Berea, and three sons, E. B. Wyatt, of Berea; J.

H. Wyatt, of Dallas, Texas, and W. W. Wyatt, of Denver, Colo. Funeral services will be heid at the Berea Methodist church at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, with the Rev.

Paul Vogel, of Ashland, officiating. Burial will be in the Berea cemetery, Oba Cundiff son Hospital Is Tale in Abdomen: CA Critical TAYLOR GRAHAM lo The E. Is Cundiff, JACKSON 40, 1 Mining Breathitt county former tria at Holly, to the Wolfe Campton this Back men. a Taylor bullet word TIES county, was Grate ernoon. on a arrested FOCK to kill in and wounding shooting charge Officers here connection shooting was the argument between The been close men, friends, argument in a lot Buchanan's store in shortly after said.

ment Cundiff, son of brought Oakdale, Breathitt to the hospital 1926 son and another ing at the hospital TOE man. went an later a blood emergency Doctors at the transfuse deal fired from a spr bullet, tol, passed through 0 at of men and severed spec 18 places. His cond Frame ported critical late Graham was placed an where ton jail to await A. C. HUNTER STATE BANK Versailles Man Lane sume Duties in 05 Louisville to The be VERSAILLES, K.

C. Hunter has been state bank examiner in of man, state banking and left Monday isville to begin his Hunter has been the banking business but years and was head Bank until it closed fall ago. Rime Schools Open Well Supt. J. B.

Heard an L. Garrett have annoy higher schools of the county up 1 sailles will not open feel nesday, and will net Repul the roads are in the dan dition for driving Cert now. Smelt absence, during which time she underwent a surgical operation. During her absence, Mrs. Alger Redmon substituted for Mrs.

Sayle. Arthur Moore, who has been in Lexington for a few weeks, has returned to Owenton for several weeks stay after which he expects to do some special work at Morehead State College, from which he graduated last summer. Mrs. Ora Nutter, of Georgetown, is the guest of Mrs. Relda.

Hunt. Miss Jennie Lee Dossey spent the week end with her parents at Foun tain Run. MT. STERLING Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Keller have taken their youngest son, Frank, to Louisville, where he will be under care of a specialist. The child is said to be in a serious condition. Albert E. Wright, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Wright, of Sharpsburg, underwent an operation for appendicitis Sunday at the Mary Chiles hospital in this city. Mrs. Mary Wade suffered a paralytic stroke Monday at her home on West Main street, and has been removed to the Mary Chiles hospital. William A. Thomason, of Bourbon county, remains in a critical condition at the Mary Chiles hospital.

Members of the family have been summoned to attend his bedside. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Patterson were called to Owingsville Monday on account of the critical illness of their aunt, Miss Linda Allen. Mrs.

Elva Catlett, of Morehead, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Pierce Winn. J. M. Venable, who has been buying tobacco on the Lebanon market, has returned to his home in this city.

VERSAILLES Mr. and Mrs. George Dunlap and children, Mary and George, are spending several days in Frankfort. Mrs. S.

A. Blackburn has returned from Washington, D. where she attended a woman's patriotic conference. Mrs. M.

T. Lyle is seriously ill at the Woodford Memorial hospital, Miss Mary Louise Naive, of Mt. St. Joseph on the Ohio, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

D. C. Naive. Mrs. Roy Williams who has been a patient at the Woodford Memorial hospital was able to go home Sat.

urday. Mrs. Garnett. Sullivan left Satur. day to spend several weeks in Florida.

Robert. Foree and son, Billy Nolan, were guests Sunday of Mrs. A. Schoberth and Mrs. Elma Wilker.

son. PARIS Miss Martha Jane Chandler arrived from her home in Covington Monday to visit her aunt, Mrs. B. J. Clay, at her home on the Winchester road.

Mrs. W. E. Kimes, who has been ill for several days, was removed from the Massie Memorial hospital here to Norton Infirmary in Louisville Sunday night. Her condition is regarded a8 critical.

Mrs. George Mansfield was taken to the local hospital today for medical treatment. Miss Sidney Redmon has arrived from Butler where she teaches for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Redmon, on Houston avenue.

Schools at Butler have been closed until the weather moderates. Mrs. Bruce Clough who recently underwent a major operation at the hospital was able to return to her home Saturday. Mrs. George Tubbs and baby daughter were able to go home Saturday from the Massie Memorial hospital.

Mrs. 0. 0. Kokkendoffer was admitted to the Massie Memorial hos. pital Sunday for surgical treatment.

MAYSVILLE A daughter was born Saturday evening at 9:20 o'clock at Hayswood hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Chenault. The little girl weighed seven pounds and 14 ounces and has been named Louisa. Mrs.

Chenault is the former Miss Louisa Sullivan, of Pittsburgh. Miss Frances Slattery, bookkeeper at the Maysville Daily Independent, resumed her duties Monday after a two months' illness. Mr. and Mrs. William Rankin, of 1403 Forest avenue, are the parents of a daughter born Monday morning at 4 o'clock at their home, The infant has been named Phyllis Louise.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stevenson, of Buffalo, N. arrived Monday, being called by the serious illness of Mr. Stevenson's father, J.

C. Stevenson, who is critically ill following a stroke of paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar B.

Grigsby, of East Second street, left Monday for Miami and St. Petersburg, where they will spend the remainder of the winter. STAMPING GROUND School here is still on a "weather vacation," according to F. W. Hood, superintendent.

The roads are still in such condition the buses can not run. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parker left Sunday for Fort Myers, for several weeks' stay. Mrs.

Pete Darnaby, of Mitchell, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Wiley, near here. Alfred Ayers, of Frankfort, has ended a visit here with his sister, Mrs. Frank Cohorn, and Mr. Cohorn.

Leonard Richards has returned home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Jess Tevis, near Lexington. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Plum and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Towles, of Sanders, were called here Saturday by the death of their uncle, Willard Hambrick. Mrs. A.

L. Lathrum and Mrs. Lance Gayle attended the funeral and burial of Mrs. Virgil McKnight at Lexington. Miss Myrtie Simpson, of near Burr Oak, is spending several days here with Miss Leona Cunningham.

Prof. Raymond Murphy, of Maysville, spent the week end here with Mrs, Murphy and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R.

Murphy. MIDWAY Judge Richard Godson has returned from a visit with friends at Corpus Christi, Texas. Lawrence Wheeler, of St. Louts, and Viney Wheeler, of Dayton, Ohio, were called here by the death of their father, J. C.

Wheeler. Mrs. L. F. Payne is confined to her home on account of illness.

Mrs. N. B. Hart, of Carrollton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

William Wise. Circle No. 1 of the Midway Presbyterian church will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. Li Burns.

Misses Betsy and Helen Roach, of Science Hill school at Shelbyville, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Roach.

ARM BROKEN I poin to The Intere MIDWAY, Ky, Fit Ane E. Blackburn, Midwars ight zen, fell at the front eld El his home here early and broke his arm, DEATHS AND Nathan Mon Funeral services Moore, 73 years old, mil day morning, will bel way Christian church at 3 o'clock, the Rev. TI the Rev. Mark Collie a thur Braden officiating will be in the Lexington Bearers will be Jack Del rett Griggs, Paul Dais man Moore, Carrel Bel Reynolds, Tom Black 1 Russell. Mrs.

G. L. Tater A requiem high mast! at St. Peter's Catholic morning at 9 o'clock nie B. Tatman, 41, Tatman, who died Sunil The Rev.

Father Joel celebrant, an will act as be in the family lot in Ca etery. Bearers will de 2 lock, Frank Michler, per, Reed Bishop, and Louis Markwell. William Ca Mrs. services for Funeral Ellen Cassell, 90 Cassel, 1 years! of William B. will Sunday morning, W.

R. Milward 1 this afternoon at 1 other R. L. Riddell officiating be in will the be W. C.

Rare Lexington ers Wilson, William W. MeG. Lyons, Mitchell, S. Higgins Lee Cassell. Mathew Hamite services for Funeral who died mons, juries cident on received the Richmit in an held at the be church Wednesday 4 the Rer.

o'clock, officiating, Interment family lot in the Ate 4 Our reputation on rendering possible service times. The matter of your sire. d. Co. MORTUAR 159-165 N..

The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)
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