The Job Application Process Explained | Teal (2024)

Feeling anxious about what to expect from your upcoming job application process?

Finding a new job isn’t easy, especially if you're getting out of school, returning from an extended break, or making a career change.

But the good news is that you have nothing to worry about because, in this post, we're going to walk you through the following:

  • How long the job application process will take
  • What to expect from the job application process (each step explained)
  • How to streamline everything to land your next interview faster

Before we dive into that, though, let's get clear on what makes the job application process worth taking so seriously.

Why is the job application process important?

The job application process is an important step for both employers and job seekers. It helps employers identify the best candidates for their open positions by evaluating their skills, experience, and cultural fit.

And for job seekers like you, it's an opportunity to highlight your abilities and demonstrate why you’d be a great addition to a new team. Plus, it's a chance for both parties to see if there's a mutual connection, making sure everyone is aligned with their goals in the long run.

Here are the top three reasons why the job application process (really) matters:

1. Matching skills and qualifications: Employers are looking for candidates with the skills and qualifications necessary for the position in question. The application process helps employers sort through the many applicants and identify the best candidate for their needs.

2. Cultural fit: Employers want candidates who mesh well with their team and company culture. Employees want to work where they feel comfortable and supported. The job application process can help determine if there's a good cultural fit. This is essential for long-term job satisfaction and success.

3. Opportunity for growth: You might not think it, but this process can be a valuable learning experience for job seekers. By reflecting on your skills, experience, and career goals, you’ll better understand your strengths and areas for improvement. This self-assessment can help guide your future career development.

At the end of the day, the job application process can feel long, tedious, and full of unnecessary steps (we won’t lie, sometimes, it can be all of those things).

But the way you handle this process could be the deciding factor between whether or not you get a foot in the door with a hiring manager. can help streamline your process.

How long is the job application process?

The length of the job application process can vary depending on the company and role.

Sometimes you’ll hear back from the employer within a few days or weeks. In other cases, completing the hiring process can take months, with several interviews along the way.

The job application process is long because it typically involves multiple steps, such as:

  • Filling out lengthy applications
  • Creating and submitting your resume and cover letter
  • Completing assessments or tests
  • Participating in multiple rounds of interviews.

Each step feels like another mountain to climb, especially if you’re applying to many jobs at the same time.

But it's important to recognize that a longer hiring process isn't necessarily bad. It can indicate that the employer is taking the time to carefully evaluate candidates and find the best fit for the role.

Even though the length of the job application process can be frustrating, it's important to stay patient and positive. And while you wait to hear back from one company, you can use that time to search for/apply to other jobs of interest.

What to expect during the job application process?

Every job application will be different, but here are a few of the common steps most companies use in the hiring process.

You’ll need to provide a resume

A resume is one of the most important documents for your job application. This is a recap of everything that qualifies you for your desired position. That means including your:

  • Contact information
  • Professional summary
  • Work experience with concrete achievements
  • Skills
  • Certifications
  • Education
  • Interests

Ideally, you’ll fit all this onto a single page with a clear, structured format.

And since companies use Application Tracking Systems (ATS) to prioritize resumes based on the right keywords/job title, you’ll also need to ensure you’re using the right language to stand out.

Note: We should clear up a misconception about ATS software. An ATS won’t exclude candidates from a position. Instead, they prioritize candidates based on the content of their resume. It’s a small but significant difference that should inspire you to personalize each resume to the job you’re applying for.

There are a few ways that you can create a resume:

  • Microsoft Word or Google Doc
  • Chatbots like ChatGPT or Google’s Bard
  • Professional resume writing services

But we believe the best place to start is with Teal’s AIResume Builder:

Teal’s platform helps job seekers by...

  • Writing content for their resume
  • Formatting their resume
  • Personalizing their resume for each application

Other resources like Microsoft Word or Google Docs have templates to help format your resume. But you’re still left writing and personalizing the content on your own

(Plus, and let’s be honest, reformatting documents in Word or Docs can be a pain).

And new AI technology like ChatGPT or Google’s Bard can write the content of your resume, but you’ll need to structure everything manually on a separate platform.

Teal’s AIResume Builder, on the other hand, tackles all three challenges from the same dashboard. We’ve added generative AI (from the same engine that powers ChatGPT) to help write every section of your resume and tailored cover letters:

The Job Application Process Explained | Teal (2)

Plus, we’ve made it easy to:

1. Reformat your resume at the click of a button:

The Job Application Process Explained | Teal (3)

2. Choose the font, margin size, alignment, and more to ensure your document is visually appealing to stand out to hiring managers:

The Job Application Process Explained | Teal (4)

3. Reorganize sections of your resume so you can customize everything to your liking:

The Job Application Process Explained | Teal (5)

From there, you can duplicate your resume, match it with another specific role, and personalize the content in minutes.

But hey, why not hop in the dashboard and see for yourself?

Sign up and try Teal's AIResume Builderfor free today!

You’ll need to provide a cover letter

Like your resume, a cover letter is another essential part of the job application process. It's an opportunity to introduce yourself to the hiring manager and explain why you're the best candidate for the job.

Writing a cover letter can be challenging, but many resources are available online to help you get started. Keep in mind the following best practices when creating your resume:

  • Personalization matters: Tailor your cover letter to the position you’re applying for. This will help you stand out from the other generic cover letters in the hiring manager’s never-ending stack.
  • Avoid repetitive information: Your cover letter should complement your resume, not re-explain it. Focus on telling a compelling story about why you’re the right fit for the job with concrete and measurable examples of your past success.
  • Proofread: Never send any resource to a hiring manager until it’s been thoroughly checked for typos or errors. If possible, ask a friend, family member, or mentor to read your cover letter and provide support through editing or feedback.

And again, like your resume, there are plenty of ways to approach your cover letter.

One solution is to use generative AI like ChatGPT to write your resume. This can be a good but cumbersome solution that requires jumping back and forth between tabs and lots of copy/pasting.

Instead, make your life easier by keeping everything in one place.

Once you’ve completed a resume in Teal’s AIResume Builder, click the Cover Letter icon:

The Job Application Process Explained | Teal (6)

Now click Generate Text:

The Job Application Process Explained | Teal (7)

And just like that, you’ll have the first draft of a personalized cover letter in under a minute.

Head to Teal's AIResume Builderto try it for free today!

You may need an online portfolio (depending on the job)

An online portfolio is a website that showcases your previous accomplishments and can help you tangibly showcase your skills/experience to potential employers. Online portfolios are a valuable asset to any professional on the market for a new job, but they’re becoming table stakes for creative roles (like graphic design or writing).

If you're applying for jobs in these fields, it's important to invest time and effort into creating a strong online portfolio. Start by selecting your best work samples and organizing them in a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate format.

Include a brief description of each project, the skills you used to complete it, and the measurable results you achieved. Lastly, don’t forget to keep your portfolio up-to-date and continue adding new projects as you complete them.

An online portfolio can be a powerful tool for showcasing your skills and landing your dream job.

For a deeper dive, check out this resource:

You’ll likely need to apply to multiple positions

Finding the right job can take time, and staying persistent is a valuable skill.

Remember, it's common for job hunters to apply to multiple positions before landing an interview, so keep going if you don't hear back from every application. To increase your chances of success, consider diversifying your job search process by applying to many roles simultaneously.

Make sure to tailor your application materials to each job and highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

Need some help tracking all the applications you send out? Check out the Job Application Tracker built into your Teal dashboard:

This allows you to track each application through the following phases:

  • Applying
  • Applied
  • Interviewing
  • Negotiating
  • Accepted

By staying organized, you can remove a lot of the stress and headaches associated with the job application process.

You’ll need to stand out

With so many applicants competing for each job, you’ll need to find a few ways to stand out from the crowd. Here are a few quick tips for doing that:

  • Understand what the hiring manager is looking for
  • Include a job target or title
  • Add skills and proficiencies
  • Show measurable results
  • Keep it concise
  • Tailor your resume to the job description
  • Add a custom cover letter
  • Review and proofread
  • Follow up with your hiring manager

For more details on each tip, here’s an in-depth guide: How to Make Your Resume Stand Out and Land Your Dream Job.

Your applications may be cumbersome

The job application process can be time-consuming, and it's not uncommon for applications to ask for a lot of information.

Here are some of the factors that make the process feel like it keeps dragging on:

  • Lengthy applications: Many employers require candidates to fill out extensive forms, answer open-ended questions, and provide detailed information about their qualifications. This can be tedious, especially when job seekers have to repeat the process for multiple positions.
  • Unclear job descriptions: Sometimes, a job posting can be vague or incomplete, making it difficult to understand what the employer is looking for. This may lead to additional time spent figuring out how to structure/word your resume and cover letter.
  • Customizing resumes and cover letters: As we’ve already said, candidates should tailor their resumes and cover letters for each application. The constant customization can be mentally draining.
  • Slow response times: Employers may take weeks or even months to respond to job applications, leaving candidates in a state of uncertainty. This waiting period can be nerve-wracking and discouraging.

We’ve already shown how Teal’s AIResume Builder can help customize resumes and cover letters, drastically speeding up the application process.

And there’s not much you can do about slow response times once you’ve followed up with the hiring manager. The real problems here come down to lengthy applications and unclear job descriptions.

Fortunately, Teal has you covered on both fronts.

For those lengthy applications, you can use Teal’s Autofill Job Applications:

This free Chrome extension allows you to upload your resume or LinkedIn profile and leverage AI to autofill all your applications. And for those open-ended questions, you can use our built-in generative AI tool to create a personalized first draft response in seconds.

Then, using your knowledge and expertise, you can polish that response to make yourself stand out.

As for the vague job descriptions, Teal’s AIResume Builder has another feature that can help you determine what language to use in your resume and cover letter. Teal analyzes each job description you apply to and highlights the keywords/skills you should focus on:

This helps you determine which skills and keywords the hiring manager is likely looking for as they review your application.

You’ll likely need to apply for a role online

These days, most job applications are submitted online through job boards, company websites, or other online platforms. This can be convenient, but it also means your application competes with a large pool of applicants.

Some of the best online forums and communities for finding a job include LinkedIn and Reddit, as well as blogs and interactive forums like Muse.

LinkedIn is recommended as the best for connecting directly with recruiters, while Reddit Job Hunting is a forum specifically designed to help people find jobs.

To ensure a positive candidate experience and to maximize your chances of success, read the instructions carefully and follow all application guidelines from the platform you're working with. This could include submitting your application by a certain deadline or including specific documents, such as a writing sample or professional references.

Your job application will be screened

Once you submit your job application, it will likely be screened by an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Your application should include relevant ATS keywords and skills to breeze through the initial screening process.

Remember, an ATS won’t exclude resumes from the application process altogether, but it will scan your documents for keywords to find the most likely best fit. To increase your chances of getting an interview, tailor your resume and cover letter for each job to include the skills, experiences, and keywords that are most relevant to the role.

This could involve researching the company and the position to better understand what they're looking for in a candidate.

For more information on ATS software, check out this video:

What to expect after your application is reviewed

You’ll be invited to an initial screening

If your application catches the hiring manager’s eye, you might be invited to an initial screening. This is typically a brief phone or video call with a recruiter or hiring manager.

This is an opportunity for the employer to learn more about you and determine if you're a good fit for the rest of the application process. In many ways, the initial screening is a pre-interview to see if the company should invest more resources in exploring your qualifications.

You’ll be moved to a more formal interview process

If you pass the initial screening, you'll likely be moved to a more formal video or in-person interview process.

This could include multiple rounds of interviews with different members of the hiring team, such as the hiring manager, the HR representative, or your potential colleagues. This part of the application process depends on the company you’re applying to.

To prepare for the formal interview process, research the company (and the position) in detail. Consider practicing your responses to common interview questions and preparing examples demonstrating your skills and experience.

Got the pre-interview jitters? Check out these helpful resources: How to Interview with Confidence and 7 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Prepare for a Job Interview.

You could be asked to complete a test or project

Depending on the role, the employer might ask you to complete a test project to demonstrate your skills and abilities. This could be a written test, a coding challenge, or a portfolio review—again, this depends on the role/company you’re applying to.

To prepare for a test or project, review the requirements carefully and ask any questions you may have before beginning. Make sure to give yourself enough time to complete the test or project thoroughly and to the best of your ability.

You might have background and reference checks

Background checks are typically conducted for jobs where an individual works with vulnerable people such as children, the elderly, or individuals with disabilities. This can include positions in education, healthcare, social services, or government.

That said, many employers in other industries also conduct background checks as a standard practice.

Be transparent throughout the application process to avoid any issues during the background check. This includes accurately reporting your work history, education, and any criminal history.

Whereas background checks vary from company to company, reference checks are much more popular.

Reference checks are typically conducted once you’ve become a seriously competitive candidate. Employers usually ask for references from previous employers or colleagues to learn more about your work history and performance.

It's important to provide professional references who can speak directly to your skills and abilities.

When choosing your references, select individuals who you’ve worked closely with and who can provide specific examples of your past successes. Avoid referencing friends and family, as this comes off as unprofessional.

Be sure to inform your references beforehand that they may be contacted by a potential employer and provide them with the job description and your resume. That way, they can speak more easily to your qualifications.

You’ll receive a formal job offer

Now you’ve received an offer.

But before you pop the champagne🍾, hold up a second.

Kicking off the job offer process can be an exciting moment, but it's important to take the time to review the offer carefully. This includes reviewing the job description, compensation package, and any other benefits or perks that are included.

If there's anything unclear or you have questions about, be sure to ask for clarification from the employer.

It's also important to carefully consider whether the job fits you and aligns with your career goals and interests. If you're unsure about any aspect of the job offer, asking for more information or clarification before accepting the offer is important.

You can choose to negotiate the job offer

If the initial job offer doesn't meet your expectations, it's okay to negotiate.

This could involve asking for a higher salary, more vacation time, stock options, or other benefits. But if you’ve never been part of negotiations before, it can be an uncomfortable process.

Here are some top negotiation tips to help you achieve your goals in a job search:

  • Do your homework: Research the industry, company, and position you're interested in. This will help you understand the average salary, benefits, and perks of similar roles. Use websites like Glassdoor, Payscale, or LinkedIn to gather this information.
  • Know your worth: Assess your skills, experience, and education. Determine the unique value you bring to the table, and be prepared to articulate why you deserve the compensation and benefits you want.
  • Don't forget the benefits: Salary isn't the only aspect of a job offer. Consider negotiating for additional benefits such as flexible hours, remote work options, additional vacation days, or professional development opportunities.
  • Establish a range: Instead of providing a specific salary figure, offer a range with your desired salary and the lowest amount you're willing to accept. This gives you room to negotiate and shows flexibility.
  • Be prepared to compromise: While knowing your worth and standing your ground is essential, also be open to finding a middle ground that works for both parties.
  • Keep emotions in check: Negotiating can be stressful, but remaining calm and composed is crucial. Keep your emotions in check and maintain a professional demeanor.

The goal is to demonstrate that your value is higher than their offer. As such, be ready to show your worth in a concrete, measurable way if you want to negotiate better terms for employment.

You can now accept or decline the offer

Once you've negotiated and reviewed the job offer, it's time to make your decision.

If the offer meets your expectations and you're excited about the opportunity, congratulations! But if you’re unsatisfied with the conditions before you even start the position, it’s unlikely you’ll find high job satisfaction once you’ve begun.

Don’t forget that you’re on a path to landing your dream job. You should never settle for a position if you feel another company would value your skills/qualifications more highly.

Your application may be denied

Although you may prefer to follow the aforementioned steps of the interview process, there is still a possibility that your application may be rejected following its review.

Receiving news that your application has been denied after it has been reviewed can be an unexpected, disheartening experience. It can make you feel like all the time and effort you put into it has gone to waste. Unfortunately, it's something that many job seekers have to go through at some point throughout their career journey.

Your application may have been denied for several reasons:

  • Not meeting the required qualifications or experience
  • Incomplete or poorly written application materials
  • Failing to pass background checks
  • A more qualified candidate was selected
  • Being overqualified
  • Timing, company budget, or the needs of the organization

Having your application denied does not necessarily reflect on your qualifications or abilities. It’s important not to take it personally and to stay positive, continue to learn and grow, and keep pushing forward in your job search. You never know what opportunities might be around the corner, and a rejection can sometimes lead to an even better opportunity in the future.

If you do find yourself in a position where you've been rejected from a job, it's important to remain grateful and professional to keep future opportunities open. Use this article to help: How to Respond to a Rejection Email [With Examples].

How to be best equipped for your job search

A savvy job candidate will use every tool available to make the application process as smooth and streamlined as possible. Even the most qualified applicants can struggle to get a job quickly as the job market is highly competitive.

That's why we highly recommend relying on Teal to help you move through the process more quickly. With Teal, you have free access to the following resources:

  • AIResume Builder: Create and personalize resumes/cover letters in minutes. Then track your application status from Applying to Accepted.
  • Autofill Job Application: Never fill out another job application again! Instead, use this Chrome extension to leverage AI and let Teal fill those tedious applications.
  • LinkedIn Profile Review: Optimize your LinkedIn profile to make a better first impression on the world's largest professional social media platform.
  • Contacts Tracker: Save contacts from LinkedIn to increase your network and start more meaningful conversations with hiring managers.
  • Resume Examples: Learn from these battle-tested resume examples to find the best structure and format for your next application.
  • Work Styles Assessment: Learn more about your work style by taking this 2-3 minute assessment.

Plus, it's 100% free to start, meaning you can hop in and start using AI technology to land your next interview today!

Sign up and let Teal simplify your job application process at every stage.

The Job Application Process Explained | Teal (2024)


What is the job application process? ›

The application process usually involves a cover letter and resume. These are often used by recruiters and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) as initial screenings. Before you start applying, ensure your resume is up-to-date with your latest skills and tailored for the jobs you want.

How do you answer short answer questions on a job application? ›

Short answers offer no time for divergences whatsoever. This is not the time for musings or prose. Make sure you answer the question directly with as much detail as the word count will allow. Once you have written your answer, go back to the question and ask yourself whether you have answered what was asked of you.

Why is the job application process so tedious? ›

Lengthy applications: Many employers require candidates to fill out extensive forms, answer open-ended questions, and provide detailed information about their qualifications. This can be tedious, especially when job seekers have to repeat the process for multiple positions.

How to answer why are you applying for this job? ›

Explain how your past experiences have prepared you for the challenges of the new role. Share your excitement about the opportunity and explain why you're passionate about the company's mission or products. This will make your answer more engaging and memorable.

What are the 5 stages of the hiring process? ›

Here are the five distinct phases during the hiring process that recruiters can assist hiring managers with: opening the requisition, screening the applicants, interviewing the candidates, selecting the best, and making the offer.

What is the job description of application processing? ›

The responsibilities of an application processor include reviewing applications and other paperwork provided by a client. This is a data entry position that involves preparing documents such as admission, insurance, or credit applications and coordinating submission of necessary paperwork.

What is the best answer for applying for a job? ›

Best ways to answer “Why are you applying for this position?”
  1. Elaborate on an aspect that aligns with your career aspirations. ...
  2. Share a positive observation about the job. ...
  3. Illustrate how the job (or company) aligns with your preferences. ...
  4. Showcase your skills and accomplishments to show alignment.
Aug 25, 2023

What is the star method when interviewing? ›

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

What are the three C's of a successful job application? ›

These three C's that we will examine are: Credibility; Competence; and Confidence. They are inextricably connected.

What do you mean by application process? ›

An application process (peer) attempts to gain access to a specific data critical resource without knowing if that resource is already present locally or on a remote machine.

How long should a job application response take? ›

Consider the size of the company

For example, large companies (circa 1,000 employees) can take an average of 11 – 14 days to respond to candidates, where medium and small companies take roughly a week. As a general rule of thumb, the more stakeholders involved in the application process, the longer it tends to be.

What are your three weaknesses? ›

12 Best Weaknesses to Share With an Interviewer. I have difficulty working with others. I can be disorganized. I have trouble delegating work.

How to answer what's your biggest weakness in an interview? ›

Clearly describe your weakness (preferably with specifics, not vague clichés hiring managers have heard hundreds of times). Give a short example of a time your weakness affected your work. Talk about what you've done to improve your weakness.

Why should we hire you sample answer? ›

“I should be hired for this role because of my relevant skills, experience, and passion for the industry. I've researched the company and can add value to its growth. My positive attitude, work ethics, and long-term goals align with the job requirements, making me a committed and valuable asset to the company.”

How long does it take for a job application to be approved? ›

Key Takeaway

The average response time after submitting a resume for a small to midsize company is under a week, while a large company may take between 1 and 4 weeks or even more.

What does it mean when a job application is in process? ›

In-progress often means that the HR department has received the necessary documents and details from you.

How long does it take to get a job after application? ›

Depending on what's happening within a company, the urgency to fill the role can vary. In fact, during a job search, people report a wide range of experiences: 44% hear from employers within a couple of weeks of applying. 37% hear back within one week.

How long does the job process usually take? ›

In most cases, you can expect to hear back from a hiring manager within one or two weeks after your interview, and in some cases, you'll only hear back if they decide to move on to a next round or if they're interested in making a job offer.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 5915

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.