The hotel - Story The Phantom Puppeteer (male reader x helluva boss harem x Hazbin hotel) (2024)

Y/n pov
Ugh it's that damn reoccurring dream when I first arrived here in hell...I need to find Vaggie for I won't ever get that peace of mind until I do see her again. I got up and seen I was alone in the IMP lobby and seen how dark it is in here. I bet Millie went home and they decided for me to stay here for the night. I then realized how much destruction I must've caused when that little sh*t tore my family photo. I sighed and since I knew I won't be going back to sleep because of that dream...and it was also time for me to eat. I decided to look for something to eat first so I found a fridge in one of the rooms and I looked at it and couldn't find anything.

I looked around for anything high in Fiber or Protein so I can give myself enough energy to make more threads...I hope I don't need to go kill someone or rob a place to eat." I quickly made repairs to the office and peeked outside and noticed how dark it was. I made my way down the stairs and I used a few of my threads to pick the main door of the building and managed to slip out without setting off any alarms. I walked through the streets until I found a 24/7 convenience store and I walked in and seen a few imps looting the place which I had no time to deal with this so my threads snaked their way across the floor and entangled each one of them and I closed my fist and they were all sliced clean and I grabbed as many protein bars and food that I could and went to pay for it but the clerk was dead on the ground with a bullet wound to the skull. I felt bad for the clerk for he died for no reason. Technically I wasn't stealing but rather scavenging what I need.

I slipped back out and I ate a few protien bars on my way back to the office. When I made it back to the building and entered. I made my way up and entered the office and put the protien bars in a decently sized container and put it in the fridge and I put the few pieces of meat I took in the freezer and I sat down and seen a 1930's radio which I picked up and brought it over by the couch and put on some 1930s soft jazz and quickly got lost in the music and slightly bobbed my head to the music. As I was listening to the music I heard some chatter so I decided to attempt to get rid of it and I messed with the dial until I came across a radio broadcast which it was some female talking about some new hotel that was trying to redeem sinners. That caught my attention and it also mention the princess of hell was running it along with a band of misfits. After the 4 minute long broadcast it ended and the music started playing again.

I made a mental note on this supposed hotel and I decided to get up and walked into the meeting room which I remembered it having a bookshelf. When I entered the meeting room I had this feeling of someone watching me. I looked around and swore I seen some female with deer ears in the corner of the room but when I looked to where I felt the one was there. I gulped quietly and a few threads came out of my hands ready to kill. I heard faint laughter which my threads shot towards whoever it was but it didn't hit anything...great I'm hallucinating. That broadcast must've had some brainwashing aspect that I failed to notice. I took a deep breath in and exhaled. I softly said "Ok Y/n you're just hearing need to panic...Just ignore those noises and I'll be in better spirits.

??? Pov
This sinner is far different from any other sinner. When I observed him from the corner . I was nearly struck by those F/c threads. They knew where I was and I barely escaped. I'll just observe him for now from a distance. he believes he is hallucinating which makes this far more entertaining than the normal chaos back at the hotel where Charlie and everyone is at. I watched him walk over to some break room and open the fridge and seen a decently big container full of protein bars and there was massive letters that said "Y/N'S FOOD! DO NOT TOUCH!" So his name is Y/n...why does that sound so familiar? I seen him grab 3 of those protein bars and walked over to the table and sat on one of the chairs and open the protein bar

As I watched him eat the bars and throw the wrappers away. I heard him say "That damn dream...why must it be nearly impossible for me to sleep. Is she ok even? The sooner I find out where Vaggie is and see how she is the quicker I'll be able to get a full nights rest and not like 3-4 hours every night." So that's why he seems so familiar. Vaggie used to talk about some young kid named Y/n she saved a long time ago.

I guess I can go introduce myself to this young man...but I don't understand why he wears a's like me and when someone touches me without me allowing it. Something happened that caused him to be this way. I then recognized him as the fabled Phantom Puppeteer. He is one of the deadliest killers in hell right below the king, the overlords. He had as many kills as myself. So I decided to make myself known

I used my shadows to manifest in the corner of the break room which his F/c threads launched at me which I disappeared and I heard him get up and he said "I know your there already. Come out and I promise not to kill you alright." Ask and thou shall receive. I came out of the shadows in front of him to not spook him too much and he said "ok wasn't hallucinating which is good. I indeed seen a female with deer ears." I said "Hello my fellow killer in arms may I know your name?" I can tell he was nervous with me being around so he kept quiet. I said "Ok how about I introduce myself and then you can." He didn't move a muscle so I said "I'm Alessandra the Radio Demon. I seen you listen to that stupid obnoxious Ad about the Hazbin Hotel." He nodded and said I'm
Y/n and what of it. Can't I enjoy the music I loved when I used to be alive...just state your business and leave for you are trespassing." I tapped my chin and said "I see that you're quite defensive with me around...I don't blame you for I am the radio demon...but I do know where the person your looking for is at...but you'll have to play nice now." I watched y/n turned around and leave. I followed him and he entered the break room and he said "Fine I'll listen since you piqued my interest...but the first instant you try to strike a deal with me...I will kill you. You have 1 minute exactly so start talking."

I can sense the truth behind his threat and he made some coffee and he asked "how do you like your demon?" I sat down and said "just black please." He nodded and he set the freshly brewed coffee in front of me and sat down with a cup of water and I decided to defuse the situation by saying "from looking at your outfit you either died in a theatre or adore Theater beyond belief." He looked at me and said "keen observation for both of them are correct but let's get to the main point. 45 seconds remaining demon. If you can provide me the information and not run around the bush...I might play nice and communicate more.

If you are lying my threads will turn your corpse into my personal puppet. So speak!" I nodded and said "Vaggie is at the Hazbin Hotel along with myself, the heir to Lucifer's Throne and a few others. I can provide us a way there but it'll cost you and it's not a deal for I seen some of your work and being able to take out a quarter of the angelic army last extermination AND making it look like they went missing in action." The boy glared at me and sighed and said "What do you want then?" I said "Simple I want to see what you look like under the mask." I took notice of his threads beginning to start waving around threateningly." He took a breather and said "f*cking fine...the things you do for sleep." I seen him pull down his hood and unclipped the back of the mask and took it off and looked directly at me. I took notice of his gouged out left eye and I noticed several faint scars on his face and he said "Times up Radio Demon." I was entranced by his facial expression that I started daydreaming that I didn't hear what he said. I heard snapping and it took me out of my trance and he said "you got what you wanted now take me to this fabled hotel for redeeming sinners."

I nodded and pointed my cane at the wall and a rift connecting here to the hotel. We walked through and we were in the lobby. Everyone was asleep but I can hear chatter from Charlie's office. I took him there and knocked on her door and the door revealed a sleep deprived Charlie. I heard Y/n say "This is not Vaggie Radio demon." I said "No it isn't but it is the princess of Hell so she can help you from here." I also noticed he put his mask back on.

Charlie pov

I seen Alessandra talking with a masked figure and he mistaken me for Vaggie. I yawned and said "Alessandra who is the masked figure?" She said "Charlie I would like you to meet Y/n or you may know him of the cause for all those missing Exorcists from last Extermination."

I cheered up for he might be able to help me out. I pulled him in and he shouted angrily "YOUR DEAD RADIO DEMON...DEAD WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!!!" I seen he was fuming with anger so I said "Uhh may I get you something to drink or something?" He looked at me and said "anything high in fiber or protein please." I nodded and hurried out the door and went to find something high in fiber to drink for Y/n."

Y/n pov
That self righteous demon is dead once I get my hands on her. She pulled me into someone else's problems...but since it's the heir of hell...I'll just have to help her or she can literally call for a public execution. I guess I can help with a few things but my job is priority. What time is it anyways? I looked at the clock and seen it was around 2:30 AM and work doesn't start until 9 AM so I had plenty of time to kill.

Good grief this office is a disaster...what the hell happened here...did a hellquake occur or some sh*t?!? I held my hand out and multiple F/c threads started extending and reorganizing the whole office which helped me out quite a bit because Stella had made me always keep my room clean so I do have a bit of OCD.

I walked over to the board and seen that Princess Charlotte was having trouble trying to peacefully end the yearly exterminations. I started brainstorming for I loved solving puzzles which this was like a puzzle just have to put the pieces in the right place. I started from the problem and decided to connect the dots. After a few moments the only reasonable solution was to talk to the highest one in power for their first meeting was with the angelic leader which my threads started violently lashing for I took the time to breathe like Prince Stolas taught me to.

All my threads retracted into my body when I heard the door open. I turned around and seen it was the Princess which she was stunned by how clean her office was. She snapped out of her trance and said "I couldn't find anything so will water do. I nodded and walked away from the door which she seen the changes and she hurried over and she asked "how were you able to not only clean but also solve all my problems in the 3 minutes I was in the kitchen. I held my hand up and my threads came out which she said "Wait...your the phantom puppeteer?" I nodded and softly said "Indeed I am Princess. I hold a grudge from when I first arrived which is why I do what I must. It's inexcusable I know but it was either that or letting that grudge take over and slaughter everyone in sight...I'm currently working on that through my Violence was the only thing that can help me safely unleash without going to far which is why I love Extermination time because I hold a grudge specially against Adam and his trophy wife." She nodded and said "I understand but seeing how you there some other way to release your anger.

I shook my head no and said "not that I can think of currently. But since I helped with your little problem May I see Vaggie now please?" She asked "why do you need to see her?" I said "she saved me when I first arrived and I've been having nonstop reoccurring dreams of that day which is preventing me from getting a full nights rest. I NEED to make sure that she's ok and everything. which will hopefully stop my reoccurring dream so I can finally get rest." She asked "how much sleep do you get at night normally. I replied 3-4 hours per night which puts a huge damper on my daily life."

She nodded and asked "May I ask one more question? If you don't want to answer you don't have to." I nodded and said "how did you die?" My threads started lashing a bit and she noticed and she quickly said "I didn't mean to anger you." I put my hands on her desk and gripped it tight enough where a dent was left in it. I replied "just...shut up...please...give me a few minutes to find the proper words to tell you princess."

It was taking everything for me to not enter another panic attack like what happened yesterday. I started taking deep breaths as best I could and it was like half an hour until I was able to. I looked at her and said "a theatre light crushed me on my 12th birthday...that's how I died." She gasped and covered her mouth and said "You were just a wonder why you're so frightened." I calmed down and said "I'm 15 in demonic years. I've been raised under the watchful eye of Prince Stolas of the royal Goetia family." The princess nodded and said "Thank you for answering my questions even though it was extremely hard for you.

She picked up a device and tapped a few buttons and she said "Sorry for waking you up Vaggie but someone is here to see you...yeah he's right in front of me more nervous then anything...yeah I'm in my office with him...yep we'll see you in a few minutes." She put the device down and my threads snaked over and picked up the device and brought it over to me. She seen me examining it and asked "Do you know what that is even?" I shook my head no and said "Honestly no...I passed around the mid 1940s I believe. I never once seen a device like this." She said "that is a telephone something you can use to communicate with people without going to physically meet them. I nodded and mumbling "Interesting...a simple device like this can hold so much power."

I put it back and the door opened my threads instantly retracted and it knocked me out of the chair and hit the mask. I heard a loud cracking noise and said "this is bad." The princess ran over and asked if I was ok. I waved her off and said "my mask cracked this is really bad." I pulled my hood over my head even further which casted a shadow over my face and I felt the mask crumble and fall onto the ground. My one eye went extremely wide open and felt a tear roll down my face and it dropped onto the ground. I had to keep my face hidden or I feared that I would be judged unfairly.

I felt someone help me up and the princess said "Will you be ok Y/n?" I could only nod quietly and she said "Vaggie can you go get niffty...hopefully she can fix his mask. I heard Vaggie say "Yeah I can" the princess helped me to a chair and said "Your scared of people judging you aren't you?" I nodded and she said "you don't need to show anyone but can you show me at least so I can understand why you're scared?" I nodded still in shock from the mask Prince Stolas gave me break so easy. she noticed I wasn't making any motion to put down my hood so she said "I'm gonna take off your hood ok. If I judge can destroy this hotel alright." I nodded and she took off my hood and she seen my missing eye and said "You look handsome...even without an eye...Vaggie is missing her eye as well believe it or not. I promise that no one here will judge you and if someone does tell me and I'll deal with them myself...if you don't believe me I offer you my soul. My mind was overwhelmed which I smacked her hand away and embraced her tightly and wept quietly.

Vaggie pov
I had Niffty following me and she was stoked when she said there was another boy in the hotel. Once we entered Charlie's office I seen that the stranger was crying while weeping. Niffty got worried and went over until I put my hand on her shoulder and said "The mask first and then the boy later. She nodded and I asked "Charlie what happened when I was getting Niffty?" She said "Y/n is terrified of being judged unfairly and when I told him no one would be suddenly embraced me and started crying seems hearing that did a number on him." Wait...Y/n why does that sound familiar. I walked over and crouched down and I seen his h/c hair which made him seem so familiar. I tapped him and said
"Y/n...Right? How do you know me.

Suddenly he froze up entirely and he looked at me and he said " don't...remember saving me when I first arrived." Suddenly all the memories flood back into my mind and I realized this was the kid that I saved when I became a fallen. I put my hands up to my mouth and I said "sh*t...I'm sooo sorry Y/ has been far too long since I seen changed so much."

He slowly stood up and I seen those F/c threads pick up a cup and he shouted in anger and the cup was launched with such force that part of the wall was destroyed...he said "You forgot...YOU FORGOT...YOU FORGOT!!!" I don't think I ever came across someone with such anger. Charlie shouted "Y/N CALM DOWN...PLEASE IM SORRY THAT VAGGIE FORGOT...PLEASE CALM DOWN...WHAT WOULD YOUR PARENTS THINK IF THEY EVER SEEN YOU LIKE THIS. I UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR SCARED OF FEELING ABANDONED BUT THIS ISN'T THE RIGHT WAY TO GO ABOUT IT!!! PLEASE Y/N I'M BEGGING YOU TO CALM DOWN!!! I KNOW YOU DIED WHEN YOU WERE 12 BUT PLEASE STOP!!!"

I watched all the threads stop lashing out violently and started waving gently. I heard
Y/n say "Your parents would be mortified if they seen me this angry. I was raised far''s just feeling abandoned isn't just the sole reason that hurt like a holy weapon...but rather the person you thought actually cared ending up forgetting that feeling is a far worse feeling then feeling abandoned...because at least when your abandoned you can learn and adapt faster...But being forgotten after someone saving you from certain death and then go missing for so many years after you never forget them and WHEN you finally meet AND they act like you never existed that feeling is practically a far worse pain then any holy weapon can inflict...I know that pain more then all the people in all 7 circles combined. I watched him fall onto his knees and sat on them and he quietly said "I-I'm such a f*ck up. I should've figured this would've happened. Hell is forever endless pain and betrayal after all." I couldn't just watch the kid I save tear himself up so much that he loses sight of who he is. I walked over to him and softly said "Y/n I'm soo so-" he cut me off by sadly saying "just...leave me alone...Vaggie." I sighed knowing I screwed up big time and walked out and I felt like a horrible person for doing this to a child."

I heard Alessandra say "Well...that's one hell of a show you put on. Gotta say you forgetting was the icing on the cake." I said "just...shut up Alessandra...I need to think." I heard her say "If you want to make it up to Y/n I suggest you to bring this to him." I looked and seen it was a family picture of two parents and a small child. I said "what is this supposed to do? It's just a stupid photo." Alessandra said "uh uh uh that's where you're wrong my dear...this is Y/n's only photo he has left of his family. That's also his most prized possession. He dropped it before we got here which I luckily noticed. I said I'm not buying your crap." Alessandra started to walk away before saying "Vaggie my dear...either you

The hotel - Story The Phantom Puppeteer (male reader x helluva boss harem x Hazbin hotel) (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.