Just another Isekai (Friday Night Funkin Harem x Male Reader) - Chapter 38 - Evil_Dragon_Emperor (2024)

Chapter Text

... Alastor?... Alastor?... huh, guess he's not here right now. Oh well. Anyway, this chapter is gonna be... less horrific than the previous one, but still kinda disturbing... I think so anyway.

This note was written before I wrote the chapter so I hope I'm not making sh*t up here. But there is a battle that's coming up so...

Eh, whoever can guess which Sans AU is being used in this will get a shoutout next chapter.

Last time we saw what was happening with Monika and Senpai in the school world... now we cut to your house where a massive explosion took out a third of the building. Pica landed with Kaity in her arms as Whitty landed while holding Carol and Ruv rolled beside them.

Sarvente was in her demon form shooting summoning a sigil to shield herself from an electricity attack. And Hex... or whoever was in his body right now stumbled out before holding his hand up and firing another blast that got blocked again. His glitching laughter echoed through the night sky.

"Is that all you got?"He says mockingly.

"So, uh... is your friend coming any time soon?" Pica asked.

"Beep." Boyfri-UGH! Dammit. Kaity says before speed-typing a message and sending it.

"Good to know."

Growling in annoyance, Sarv shot a bolt at the possessed robot to which he sped to a different spot before firing again and again. He continued laughing before he disappeared, making her look dumbfounded.

"SARV! BEHIND YOU!" Ruv called out.

Before she could react, she was suddenly struck from behind and sent down to the ground before the bot landed.

"You're too slow."He chuckled."Want to try again?"


Ruv ran at the bot and start swinging, but he started disappearing and reappearing behind her in the blink of an eye. She kept swinging until she slowed down before getting knocked down to one knee. 'Hex' stood over her with that evil smile before raising his hand as a drill came out from the middle before he was shot in the head, stumbling back before looking at Pica.

"He seriously has weapons?" She says as she kept shooting.

She got a few more shots in before the bot was suddenly right in her face, before getting sucker punched and sent stumbling back by Whitty. She went for another punch, only for the creature teleport back and snatch her from behind.

He was about to released electricity before she headbutted him twice, before punching him back as he got shot by Pica's gun again before Ruv rammed into him, sending him crashing into some of the rubble before Sarv levitated more and buried him under it.

"We gotta help him!" Carol says.

"Thanks Captain Obvious." Whitty says as the robot was starting to force his way out. "So, uh... can we try exorcising, now?"

"Now would probably be appropriate, yes." Sarvente says. "Ruv, get the cross."

Ruv nodded before reaching in her coat. 'Hex' burst from the rubble before blasting the demon nun with electricity, Pica fired again before getting hit as well, yelling as she fell back and clutched her arm.

Ruv growled in annoyance before stomping the ground, causing it to shake and for the bot to stumble before she hit him with a haymaker. Unfortunately, she couldn't get a second swing as she was grabbed and electrocuted before being thrown to the side, dropping the thing she pulled out.

Whitty was quick to body slam him against a broken wall, knocking the bot back into the destroyed house before she reached down. As she did, she looked over her shoulder and saw 'Hex' floating off the ground before charging at her just as she picked up the item and held it up in his direction, causing him to stop... then look at the item.

A crucifix.

He stared for a moment... then chuckled while pointing at it... before the bomb head drove it into the eye of his screen causing him to scream in pain as oil sprayed out from the cracked screen, then fall to the ground, leaving a puddle... to which, Whitty kicked him in the head.

"Alright, problem solved." She says as she started walking away.

"Wait, it was that easy?" Pica asked.

"Yeah, surprised as well, didn't think-" Whitty started to say before the sky started glitching, turning blood red as she looked back, hearing laughter. "Or it didn't do jack sh*t."

The bot got struck a few more times by Sarv's lightning before he teleported into the sky and rammed into the demon nun, driving his drill into her shoulder and making her blood rain as she screamed in pain.

"NO!" Ruv yelled before running. "You! Boost me!"

Whitty looked at her before quickly kneeling, letting the gray woman put her boot in her hands before getting thrown up. She tackled 'Hex' slamming him to ground before punching him, shattering his screen before getting up and jumping, catching the nun before she hit the ground.

"Sarv! Sarv! Talk to me!" She called to her.

"I'm fine, just-AH!" Sarv says before she held her bleeding shoulder. "sh*t..."

"Чертов кусок дерьма." Ruv cursed at the possessed robot.

Speaking of which, he started to rise, slumping as he got up before standing straight as the shattered glass arose. His screen was fixed as if nothing happened before he was hit with fire.

"I don't think we can beat that thing." Pica says as Kaity was wrapping her arm.

"OKAY YOU KNOW WHAT!? f*ck IT! I'm calling the Dearest!" Carol shouts before whipping out her phone.

"Wait... Wait, where's Toby?" Whitty looked around, worried. "Toby! Toby! Where are you boy!?"

Before Carol could hit dial, a hand suddenly emerged from the ground and pulled her down. Before the other girls could do anything, more arms appeared from the ground and pinned them all to the ground. 'Hex' laughed as his screen glitched, the sight of a blue hedgehog flashing in his screen.

Tra, la, la, la. ~

He froze for a moment before slowly turned around. There was the lemonhead staring right at him. His huffing was visible as he slowly walked up to her.

"So many souls to play with, so little time."He says as he stopped right in front of her."Would you agree?"

"... Very much so..."She says dark and quietly as tendrils emerged from her back.

Then they heard a screech before turning back to the bomb head. She had started warping the area around her as the arms holding her disintegrated before she created fire in her hands, her eyes flickering with shapes as she looked on in fury.


"She still isn't answering. Where is she?" Mearest groans in annoyance as she leans back into the couch.

"I'm sure maybe that annoying boy knows." Dearest says while going through channels. "And god knows where he is."

"Hey, come on, dad. He doesn't seem so bad. Better than the last few guys anyway." Chris says, sitting in front of the couch while watching the TV.

"Yeah, no offense, dad, but this guy might be a catch. He hasn't done anything bad to G yet. He don't look half bad either." Searest says as she leaned over the couch.

"I think he's cute." Kitty says as she was laying on the floor, kicking her feet up as her tail made a heart sign.

"Yeah, tell that to me if you saw the last time I've had to bail them out of a warzone." Dearest grumbled.

"Eh, I don't know. He's a dork to be honest." Beach Bro says as he sits in one of the chairs while tossing his brother a soda can.

"You hardly even spent that long with him." Chris says as he opens his soda.

"You guys hardly have either. Will say this though, this is probably the longest relationship she's had without the other losing his mind." BB says as he starts drinking.

"-And the neighborhood is losing its mind at this strange phenomenon happening right now."The news anchor says as it showed a video of a certain destroyed house with the girls and possessed robot.

"Holy sh*t. Now this looks nice." BB says as his brother started drinking his soda.

"Wait..." Mearest says as she squinted her eyes at the TV. "Is... isn't that the house of the brat that's dating our daughter?"

Chris spat his soda out as he and his siblings looked wide eyed at the screen. "Wait... t-that's (Y/N)'s place?"

"That son of motherf*cking bitch." Dearest says before he gets up.

"Honey, where-?" Mearest tries to say.

"I have a feeling I know where she is." The man says while throwing on his jacket.


The cloudman was going back to his limbo before he stopped and looked at the TVs in the shop, seeing the news. He saw the news and nodded before taking out a phone and dialing.

"Hello... yes I saw the news. I'm gonna need some men over at (L/N)'s residence as soon as possible." He says as he enters and closed the door. "There's a bigger problem than Whittney."

(Now we go back to your PC)

He towered over you, looking down with his disgusting smile. He laughed as he stared down at you, his crystalized spines flickering as he stared down at you.

Just another Isekai (Friday Night Funkin Harem x Male Reader) - Chapter 38 - Evil_Dragon_Emperor (1)

You weren't scared though. You were staring up at him with a smile on your face, the black goo still covering you as your eye flickered for a moment. Then you chuckled before sighing.

"I should've figured this was all you... were you really that pissed that I threw your game out?"You say to him.

"... I have never failed to kill someone before."Xenophanes says as his fingers creaked and cracked with each movement."And I refuse to have my streak end here."

"Oh, go figure... you're salty as sh*t."You laughed."Just... I got a question for ya. Do you think you're getting out of this? That I'm gonna put up with this bullsh*t any further?"

He tilted his head in curiosity, still staring. You waited as he stood there, only to chuckle again.

"Ah... alright, well... here's a better question."You say while gripping your microphone tightly."Do you wanna have a bad time?... Cause if you keep pushing me, you're really not gonna like what happens next."

There wasn't any fear left in you... not this time... onlyHATE. You couldn't take it anymore. You've already been pulled into this sh*thole, dealt with this asshole, dealt with Monika, dealt with the literature club twice, all that without a single break at any point, and now this f*cker was back round 3.

He hissed under his breath but wasn't deterred as the sky started to glitch about and the area morphed around you, a familiar figure appearing in view. You weren't even bothered by it anymore. You just knew one thing about this guy... you wanted himDEAD.

Okay, so for this part, I'm gonna be splitting Triple Trouble into its own sections cause you know I know about to go with a song 'that' long completely. Anyway...

Final Act: Triple Trouble

Part 1: Tails section

Just another Isekai (Friday Night Funkin Harem x Male Reader) - Chapter 38 - Evil_Dragon_Emperor (2)

As soon as the song started, Tails wasted no time and started singing. When it was your turn, you didn't even hesitate, much less struggle to keep up with the song. As you did, rings started to float around you, to which tendrils emerged from your back, grabbing and absorbing them.

Unlike the previous battles, you weren't struggling in the slightest. You were going at it, not a care in the world, at least not right now. When it was Tails' turn, you gave him a slight chuckle before you did your part.

As you were finishing, his face opened, revealing a big red eye. Next thing you knew, one of the nearby trees suddenly floated out of the ground in front of you. It broke a part into sharp stakes and flew at you, stabbing straight through your torso several times and even your head, but no blood sprayed anywhere. Instead, the stakes were flung out and the holes closed.

You just kept grinning as you sang. More trees were turned into stakes that charged at you, but you didn't move and just let your tendrils do the work for you. Tails stared at you, seemingly pleading to you for... something. However, you couldn't focus on that, barely even registering it as you sang.

"Don't feel bad for him."

After a bit, the song started to pick up as your vision glitched for a moment and Tails was replaced with Xeno as he started singing with rapid movements. You almost laughed seeing how desperate he was starting to get. You just calmly followed up on your part, hardly breaking a sweat.

He sped at you several times, trying to strike, but you just dodge every attempt. He was hiding his frustration with a smile, but you knew how much of a bad time he was having trying to get to you.

He attacked several more times, swiping at you as you dodged over and over again while making a mockery of him. Once the end of the first section came to be and you finished with a bang before getting ready for the next part.

(Pause the music at the end of Tails' section)


"Wait, I'm sorry, who are these two?" Senpai asked confused by the supposed twins.

"Someone I could care less about." Monika says with venom in her voice.

"Yeah, we get it, 'Yuno Gasai'." The girl in the green sweater says as she stepped forward. "Anyway, the name is Chara, and this is Frisk. Just to get that out of the way."

"... Okay, uh... what do you mean by... timeline, exactly?" Senpai asked, not understanding.

"That's not really important for you to know. If you wanna know about me and the broad here, we had a few run-ins sometime after this new timeline was created and she seems to think I want her 'man' or whatever."

"I know very well what you're capable of. Wanna take him for yourself and kill anyone in your way." Monika says.

"Oh, like you've been doing?" Chara says, causing the schoolgirl to be taken aback before she chuckled. "Yeah, I saw all that. You ain't slick."

"You shut your mouth. You don't have any room to talk!" The schoolgirl says, getting frustrated.

"And you think you do?"


Frisk put her hand on Chara's shoulder, causing her to turn to face her.

"You tell Chara to stop taunting Monika and focus on the problem at hand."

She looked annoyed before removing her hand from her shoulder. "Fine. Look the point is, we can argue about this later. Right now, we should focus on helping (Y/N) and keeping this PC from getting fully corrupted."

"Wait... what you mean keeping the PC from getting corrupted?" Monika asked, starting to get worried.

"Okay, I'll keep this brief. This PC is being infected by a demon spirit, and now that he's managed to pull the owner along with Dearest's brat in, he's only become more powerful and as such, the other games that reside in this PC will soon be destroyed as well."

"Wait, wait, wait... wait, wait a f***ing second, you're telling us that we're gonna die?" Senpai asked, getting concerned.

"In other words, yes."

"Isn't that just a virus?"

"Virus, demon, same thing. Doesn't matter what it is though, all you need to know is if we don't put an end to this lunatic, there's no saving this place."

"Can't we just look for its data file and delete it? Monika, you can do it, right?"

"Girl, what do you think I've been trying to do this entire time? That's not even how viruses work!" Monika says out of frustration.

"Which is why we need to put him down and you won't be able to do so without our help." Chara says.

"Oh what, you got something that can somehow kill this virus? What thing is it exactly?"

"Well, the same thing that allows us to leave the computer and walk on the sidewalk."

Monika then did a double take, looking baffled. "What?"


"You..." She says, fumbling with her words a bit. "Let me get this straight. You are not just able to travel through the digital plane, but are able to leave into the real world?"


"... I call bullsh*t."

"Oh yeah, that virus suddenly pulling your 'lover' into the PC is real, but me being able to leave is so shocking."

"... I hate you."

"Thanks, now shut up so we can focus on getting rid of this thing." Chara says before suddenly something went flying out of one of the school windows.

What was sent flying was a cyan crewmate who rolled on the ground, landing on its face in front of them before going motionless. Text appeared above them saying 'Cyan was not the imposter' before its spirit floated up and looked annoyed before floating to the school.

"... Yeah, some of the game characters were quick to ditch their worlds and come here for safety." Chara says while scratching the back of her head.

Next thing they knew, a block shaped hole appeared below them before a man shaped of squares hopped out, filling the hole. He looked around for a second before putting his pixelated pickaxe away, then chomping on some pixelated porkchop before leaving.

"But anyway, the way we're gonna take care of that freak is with Determination."

"... I'm sorry, what?" Senpai asks as a question mark appears above her head.

"I mean with Frisk here. Her determined soul is gonna be what gets us out of here."

She was about to ask before Monika put her hand up. "Logic in her game."

"Obviously purifying the virus is out of the question, but with Frisk's determination, we should be able to... well, snuff him out."

"So, we'll be able to kill him?"

"Yes. They're the only thing powerful enough to destroy a soul."

"And you're telling us this because?"

"Well, you two are pretty powerful beings yourself. We could use that power to hold him back.

"Wait... you think I'm powerful?" Senpai asked, looking hopeful.

"Yeah, like I said, you two could help us in some way." Chara explains. "Besides, we also got someone helping us on the outside."

"Did none of you hear what I've said? I can't beat this thing! I've been trying for hours, what makes you think I can now?" Monika says before Frisk walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder.


"You tell Monika not to doubt herself and that she can still beat him if she tried."

"Your words make her feel a little hopeful to know how much you believe in her."

"See? Already working her magic." Chara says before a crack suddenly appeared in the sky. "Alright, get ready. That's our que." She says before taking out a knife.

Frisk nodded and took out what looked like a worn-out dagger and joined her. Monika looked at Senpai who looked worried, but she gave her a nod and got one in return. Monika then opened up some windows of code before Senpai turned her hands into flames, creating fists.

(Back with you)

Part 2: Knuckles section

Just another Isekai (Friday Night Funkin Harem x Male Reader) - Chapter 38 - Evil_Dragon_Emperor (3)

You can continue the song now.

You heard singing, not seeing anyone in your sight but as you turned around, you saw the corrupted knucklehead behind you. You started singing without needing to catch your breath, as if your stamina hadn't faded one bit.

More rings appeared around you and you caught them with ease. As much as you didn't think they were gonna do anything for you, you couldn't help but just feel like you should grab them.

When the moment the two of you sang at the same time, you couldn't help but notice something up with Knuckles. The way he moved it seemed like he was trying to plead for something like Tails did, like he was being forced to do this.

"Don't feel sympathy now."

You brushed it off, though you couldn't help but feel a slight sting in your chest as you did. That moment was interrupted when Knuckles suddenly charged at you and started swinging his fists at you. You dodged just about every punch he tried to hit you with easily, blocking some with your tendrils and only chuckling at his last-ditch effort.

It wasn't much longer before his turn was up and Xeno was back out and singing against you once more. You appeared unfazed as you continued singing back. He kept the same smile on his face, slightly chuckling in amusem*nt. That hit a nerve somewhere in you.

Despite the fact that he wasn't winning right now, he still was mocking you and youHATED IT!You wanted himDEAD!DEAD! DEAD!You sent your tendrils after him and he took getting stabbed by them like it was nothing before you ripped him apart, only to hear himLAUGHagain!

You sighed as the music had a sudden pause before you heard the grass crunch behind you. You knew who that was.

(Pause the music at the end of Knuckles' section)

(Outside world)

Chaos ensued as the possessed robot was summoning many stakes and sending them at the lemon demon who summoned tendrils and destroyed them with ease. Hands emerged around her and attempted to claw at her, only for her to disappear from sight. Next thing he knew, tendrils wrapped around the robot and started slamming him around the area.

She tossed him at the ground before summoning more, impaling him from below before slamming him through one of the remaining walls of your house. He stood back up as the hole repairs itself and he laughs again.

That didn't stop Whitty from tackling him, then slamming him down before chucking him across the street before throwing fireballs at him. The results of which became clear as in spite of the small explosion, he still popped up in front of her, sucker punching her and sending her across the yard.

More tendrils appeared around him and started wrapping around him like a cocoon. Whitty rubbed her head as Carol helped her up. The girls all watched as the lemonhead was curling her... only two fingers around as more tendrils wrapped around their target. She then formed a fist, and it created a small explosion that sent flames across the place.

Everyone watched in shock of what they just saw. Monster only stood while staring with a glee.

"... I..." Whitty says before coughing and wiping her head. "Please tell me that got her."

"Don't jinx it." Ruv tells her.

Then Monster turned around still looking as gleeful as ever."Well, I am starved. Who wants some Jamba-"She started to say before a drill got impaled through her chest.

The girls jumped back in shock as black blood seeped out of her. She soon fell limp like a ragdoll as 'Hex' tossed her to the side while still looking as creepy as ever.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Pica says.

Before he could do anything else, he suddenly was blasted by millions of bullets. The girls looked and amongst the flames were several men in military uniform firing SMGs at the robot. After being struck many times, the bullets slowly started bouncing off him as the holes healed up before snapping his smiling face in their direction.

Next thing they knew, the bullets suddenly stopped before they could even touch him, frozen in midair before suddenly flying back, causing the men to duck behind their cars. Then came a helicopter with someone that was aiming a rocket launcher at them, to which he rose his hand up and suddenly it came crashing down, exploding much to the screams of agony that followed.

He then snapped his head in the direction of the girls who now looked absolutely frightened. Then he was suddenly smacked down by tendrils. She turned around, expecting to see the lemonhead, only to find it wasn't her.

"Where's my (Y/N)?"Sky says in her demonic form.

"That boy? Oh, his soul'll be mine soon enough."'Hex' chuckled.

"I won't let that happen."

"What the fu-Who's she?" Pica asked in confusion.

"I... I don't know." Carol says.

(Meanwhile, elsewhere)

Girlfriend groaned as she started to wake up. Her eyes fluttering a bit as her vision was, very, very blurry. She rubbed her face as she sat up while scratching the back of her head. She looked down at herself, seeing her back in her normal red dress before shaking her head and looking around.

She appeared to be in a dark forest, appearing mostly colorless and hard to see. She stood up and started to wander, looking for something.

"Hello! Anyone!?" She called out, her voice echoing. "(Y/N)! (Y/N), are you there!? Monika!?"

She didn't get an answer and started to get worried. Then she yelped as she turned the corner. Not that far from her were the same three girls she remembered back in the classroom. Natsuki stood with her neck broken and head twitching as she was glitching. Yuri laid against a tree with a stab in her chest as she glitched. And Sayori... was off the ground while glitching.

She was shocked to see them all in the state they were in, wondering what happened to them and how they could've gotten like this. She turned away and started to go down a different path, before seeing something glowing in the distance.

Approaching the glow with caution, she looked at it, seeing a screen where it showed a figure covered in black sludge singing against a dead Knuckles. At first, she wondered what she was looking at, but then she saw the eye which looked familiar... then her eyes widened realization.

"(Y/N)!" She yelled before put her hand on the screen, banging against it. "(Y/N)! Can you hear me!? Please!"

Then the Knuckles disappeared as the more demonic looking Sonic appeared to fight you. While fighting she noticed something else. You appeared to be shaking during the song. You didn't seem to notice it, but she did. She remembered the last time you nearly passed out fighting him and this seemed like no different.

"(Y/N)! Please! Listen to me! Please!" She yelled starting to freak out. "Please, respond!"

She clawed at the screen before slamming her fist against it. Something was wrong with you. She knew you needed help, but she couldn't get to you. She tried all she could, but she couldn't break through the screen. She pounded harder, and harder, and harder. She started to get frustrated and screamed as her eyes started to turn red and her skin slowly was turning purple.

"Woah, hold it, girl. You're not gonna get through doing that."She stopped before her anger slowly settled for the moment before she turned around to the source of the voice."You're gonna need some help with that."

(Back with you)

Part 3: Eggman section

Just another Isekai (Friday Night Funkin Harem x Male Reader) - Chapter 38 - Evil_Dragon_Emperor (4)

You can continue the song... again.

Eggman was different than the others, cackling to himself as soon as he showed up."There's nowhere left to run! It's time to end this, Sonic."He says, seemingly not understanding who you were.

Just like nothing, he started singing to the music. More rings appeared and like before you kept grabbing them. He ended with a laugh for the first two verses, and you did your own laugh at the ends of your first two turns. Unlike the last two, this one seemed like he was fully up to fighting you, not caring about... well anything.

You didn't have any trouble; however, you couldn't help but feel the same sting in your chest, only stronger. Your smile started to falter a bit, but you kept it up, ready to attack should he ever attack. However, Eggman didn't attack... well, 'he' didn't anyway.

Badniks start to emerge from the dirt below, broken and rusty Badniks. They didn't stand a chance as you took them out, destroying them with ease. It was way too humiliating to see, humiliation that didn't seem to register on the egghead's face.

Nothing much eventful happened during the song. However, when it came to the final chorus for this part, after he laughed, you sang your part, but instead of laughing, you hacked up some liquid before covering your mouth.

Eggman was gone and Xenophones showed his ugly face once more. He was doing the quick and fast notes so easily like it was nothing, that absolutely infuriating smirk still on his face as he did so. You started to do the same, but... this time you were struggling.

He started to slowly approach you and you teleported away before summoning tendrils... but they didn't go far. That sting in your chest soon grew into pain, very much agonizing pain as you clutched your chest as you shakily looked up.

"Ignore it! Keep going."

Something was wrong. This shouldn't be happening. 'He' should be the one struggling, not you. You shouldn't be having such a hard time dealing with this guy. You were shaking and panting, struggling to hold your smile, struggling to stay up and keep going.

"NO! Don't let him win!"

He saw and he was enjoying your every misery.

"You can't let him win over you like this!"

"SHUT UP!" You screamed at the voice in his head.

You stumbled while dropping your mic, clutching your chest and head in pain as you huffed and puffed. You couldn't continue singing. You couldn't at that point. Xeno laughed and approached you, standing over you as he continued his singing, the song slowly reaching the final point. This can't be the end... this can't be how you die. Not now.

What would happen if you did?Would you... wake up as one of them?... as one of his soulless minions?... No, no, no... you didn't want that.

But whether you like it or not... something was gonna happen to you. You were out of it... feeling the pain continue... and slowly, you fell to your knees... at your wits' end.

Maybe this was it... maybe it was time to accept that your fate... accept death... once more...


Then your eyes snapped open, feeling as though you've heard those words before.

To be continued...

Just another Isekai (Friday Night Funkin Harem x Male Reader) - Chapter 38 - Evil_Dragon_Emperor (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Views: 5496

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.